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Durham Review (1897), 17 Oct 1901, p. 4

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Dromore, held a very'sncecssfnl meet- ing on Wednesday afternoon ot u" week in the Church when after devo- tional exercises conducted by Miss Liz- zie Laughton, who tiatf the chair as well, and a solo by is Jean Ren- wick ably and sweetly "nderetiAh. Jennie Dow of Bonn Mission. China. delivered an entertaining and instruc- tive address to about 40 ladies of the Congregation. The learned speaker who was s clsssmate of Mrs Rev. D. L. Campbell spoke very qihly for an hour after which n vote of thanks was ten- dered the stator. and on excellent lunch parts en of furnished by the la- dies. The collection taken at the meeting amounted to 818. 75. The Ladies' Auxilary of Amoy (2&5:ng an and In John lemma) of the Rocky all“! on Bonus“ mew. one day In: msok, while on their way to visit Proton games. Thoy also took in tho Plicevxllo “I. In. Joe tirth and little niece Icy Spizul wan vit'uim: the louner‘s parents " I couple ot my; In» Work. an All": Bed and In Will IrthndJeu Sand-pd pleasantly with: InloJI [new]. . couple of auto mu. . . - -- -- Cam]. an John Benton not! as: of Berkley. ,inttod Glennlg ( the hurt pan of [at week. xi"; Belle ”Mu. ts" been whiting the for the on week reu on Sunsny last, accm Willie Seth. " In“: U‘QIJI It Alun Bali left " Toronto lest week to when {Honda end else Miss Sue Kennedy who left In the same place sud who in. tends to remain than ior the winter' Both M than yonng perop? will he very much missed trom wound here as they In" general fawn-mes. -- . ' --- n.'... and Threshing u almost out of date now. Our former! are busily engaged in sec Minx their potatoes. Mrs. T. McCall. and son. Bruce. ac- companied by Miss Polly Camel! lett for their hoaxes in Pittsburgh after 3 riding a few weeks with Mrs. Mal. '8lirllll'h. Mrs John Simpson 3 nt 1 few duys with her brother. Mr 'lgi'lldl MeRae. Mr Angus McDonald accompanied by his sister [is Mary loit for Orange- ville on Monday where he intends to spend . law fhe with his sister aver- wnrdn leaving brBudbury while Mary will remain in Ornngeville. We have no doubt but what they will be greatly uni-ed incur burgh. Mrs aiu/a/aid, is spending a few days with her anm, Mrs M. Campbell. Mr: Tom Sullivan and daughter, Ii: Kate left on Monday to visit friends in Detroit. _ What we would like to know l lf the three that went out driving Sun- day evening succeeded in finding the scoot? take one at a time next. Jack, and never mind shooting. If Norman still watches for the mail day yet? What nukes White so and these days? If Klondyke found the sheltered side of the house Saturday evening. The venue! he. become more settled. l Throobing is completed and ploughing now u in" swing. Mr Geo. Lamb and fondly have this week for their new home at the Boo. and Mr Rabat Bndley (the anon!) from non Mun-Io mono in no one and takers “on. ‘We welcome It B, and my and tettot they my become good 1;“th nod eitiuno. In John Duncan hoe leased hie (no: for 3 an: of thee yum. to Mr Kirk, ot Holland " John end tnmilr intend moving in o ebon time to Toronto. Such in lilo olwoye noon body on the move. W. reg!“ to “noun“ that It William i, Watts . tome: resident of hsge nd a pruning young mu of about 25 your: dial u Own Sound. Int Sunday. wall when! lent. It Chum Boyle ma mail, mtl mo" in- to their tine new residence this week when they will enjoy contort. lit! Patti! ban boon ”Jagged fer "other yuriq our school a an ndnnoo in may. Si. in w. understand giving and” ammo u I minor. ni- Annie. Livingstone in visiting “no and Inet weak with Mood: n Abortion. the year 19te. gtntirttt -r,&s., and trrarrderaimted “can _ 'eye. lite Winn“ nailing I luv m1 seam Comm foe s. B. No. 8, (Handy, " {in 'm in gtstintt Tom» but weak. trm' tits.. "at; , -iiUiJ; John Bulk!) Inn returned from suicide. and vii: p to tri" Sound for to prion" "teau' n o o. S. C. I. we saggy": Benton nud sister .355 San ”luau. of Aberdeen, who hing the neConnicIr. family week returned to hot home last, accompanied by Inter autumn. "nine LAKE. Jiriii?rllllli"'iah GLASCOT'I'. “Mien " the O. B. C. I. o Dimer. come hon. hon week, and will remain for s -H-----" au, “a {cable scribe in Bt",,'; the pen. mug. tnd and.» - In" Eyl,it,rt, w W '_' mum than!!! I”? -aisotdirttta pro- a. Sun. M. B, , Cam" hiemh, son, Bruce. pc- Nearly every one mound hon no busy “king in their root: now. Mr. \Viil Mchckeu made Minn“ the present of a. new top Inggy last week, Chas. H. Mau, duo. Frrth, Geo. Staples In, and Richard Barker Ill left lust Thumlay morning for Toronto, to meet the Duke sud Duchess of You. A number from moan-l bore attended Mgzkdnlo Fair, sud report a very enjcy- able day although it was somewhat damp. We know now how Will Firth can go down the avenue so quiet. It: tint new buggy tht. be purchased front Chas. Mc. Kiuuon that. does it. Mr. C. (J. McFayden rammed last nook after visiting friends in Owen Sound. and taking in the Show while than. A number of the young people atugded the Jubilee concert but Monday night, and report 1 good time. Rnnl rim}; or Balsam Wluy ean't much the Glenelu Canal) now. It dont mntter bow many " wordts they use. Miss Mary Mchcken visited fnends in l Hollteln be! week. l The book peddle! was seen passing through our burg In: week. . Mr. Home Edge pnrcbued a new organ la-t Week. Mu-ie lawn- next. Mrs Wm Moment: In. " " present viuting tnendn in Guelph. Mr T1303. and Deva Davis be“ rented the Allen farm for the owning meson. A number from around lmo attended the pie social " Humor. Hill Inst Friday _ night. - Miss M. Bax-grave is expected home from Orillia. Hope to see her soon. Swinton Park Scribe is not dead yet, ploughing is the order ot the day. We believe Miss Eva Booth had a large quilting bee last Friday. Miss A. Hardy amended it and whileremm- ing home very near beprened with a bad aeeident-Be eaten: Dan. A. Dorr's raising came off last Fri- day, o. Ostrander and J. McNaulty were_eaptaiptt, Jack .hati.nt.r the [may weights and Oscar the light weights, Oscar won by a score of two. A;very enjoyable time was spent at night with B. McDonald " the violin and A. Richardson as floor manager. How they went through. While Dick and Niel were talking totwo young ladies after Endeavour Sunday evening the gray horse from Boothville drove up. bat went around the block alone. We believe Dick Paulow went after his binder Prioeville show day. - We wonder It Leslie 'itl' his mail st S. P. Post Dulce yet? e wonder if Nd; goes out ot his way tor a short" cut yet _ Mr. Sun Kinnell had his two body guards on Dundalk show day. - We believe Ronald McDonald is away for some more plums. '. We wonder how Archie got aldng coming home with four in a buggy. A notch too late Bob. HUTTON HILL PIE AND BOX SOCIAL. A vera' successful Pie and Box Social was hel in Hutton Hill school house on the evening of Friday Oct lllb. Them were "pie-urs" representatives from the town of Durham and from Edge Hill, Alum Park, Aberdeen, Huwpdrn and Hanover, - By-lhe time for commencement the school was packed to the doors. although an closely titrmttyyd in t.he lest of‘good Gture And prevailed. Mr. John A. Graham was called to the chair. and by precept. and example helped on the fun of the evening at the same tune nmmtaming all the order necessary to the occasion. Mr. Bautuel [angrill was appuiuwd auetioneer. He id well in selling those excellent pies. many of them " such exorbitant prices. Such success was his that he may yet take out his page" as s licensed auctioneer. Ex- ce em. music was given by Mutton Hill String Band which was frequently encoded. The talented young ladies " Button Hill rendered duling the even- ing several well-chosen selections. Mr. Ed. McCloclilin sang several comic songs which were perticulurly well received. No entertainment " complete. around here without Ed’s vouce and preeence. A fence (Sports on at Lark) wu curled oat by three young men exceedingly well. Splendid recita- tions were also given by seven] of our 'ttttit' A play entitled “Hun- on uh” mu netted by three Econ“ ladies and four gentlemen. whic was the leading event of the evening. The meeting was brought to a close by the choir singing: " (innd-Mght" after which all beam y ioined in sing- ing 'God Save the King.', The proceeds of the; etenintt unnamed to 828. ta, Jiliby 'oi,, palm-duct s" iTiiiiaTilai-eat “all. . “new!“ 1egi'.iiiiFaiiitirureyt 'r%ahirtt0irri, Th. suigfssu' EDGE BILL. “and by” Swinton Park. '3'de FOR SALE AT Bit-36657 order atihts 93‘; 2t? kt' s'tgmttrtsttnaimghnttttstr avcryéhing for farmers! We invite 1your attention to the following ines of goods l OULTIVA TING. Conlter & Scott Drills an Cultivators. Dim and Srade Bur mm. Seaman, Eta. A no Scotch DinrrimgrBarri"rt'. Wilkinson 11t1g1e,, number 1 to 20, Old of all kinds. Show». 601W, Etc. trot genuine unlu- the words " Wm each m. Wilkinson Foam ION WHEELS, Chatham and Snowball Wagons Puma-non 13mins. 8mm twin thaqtte11 at In“. Bell. Dmhertv. Thoma mi Berlin mum of PIANO and ORGAN N SEWING, lACEIN&. A It o no“ of I “a _ “new“ [whines and onppliol. _ t.tt .r 'r'?" . t" , _ 9 , G. gamma. Illli SHOWING 0f RINGS! In our stock is a rev elation of Beauty and Richness. The pricey lower than on will anticipate when you see the goods. We Invite you to Call Lwer Town, teeseseeeea‘gaaaaaaaaag 1901- . 1901 FALL, MILLINERY M "siiii,i1,'riii'.iv),s,'J,e," . We’ve created a sp endid Impression in our Millinery . Department. Those who know, tell us that the show- ing is one of the handsomest that could pos- sibly arranged for, of course you don't expect anything different from this store, for you look here to find the choicest that can be pr o- cured in whatever we undertake to sell and prices, quality considered, always the lowest. THE DURHAM REVIEW A. GORDQN; CASH and ONE PRICE illinery trade this fall is more promis- -.. ' --e- -1.-.‘ a TG' a"a, " Wilma“ P1400“ Gneratnr'%tsatstut Wilklnson Famous Steel Roller made in has mom. Jeweller I 'fllortoeh. 'elllillllli?lllli1.o1lilli If you want a thorough Business Education or a thorough shorthand Education. You only get an Education once and you should get the best. Students admitted at. any time. Full particulars free. Ulcnelg. Sept. 23rd For Union B, B. No. lo, lenelg and Egremont for ma Ap nation. will he received by the and sued to Octo- her Mth. Appliennta tproduce at.» intactory testimonials . pply per-anally or by letter to any of e undersigned: l McDonald . True ' Stet-Tran W Address Teacher Wanted. C. A. FLEMING, Prin. Owen Sound, Ont. '. 'it9Bll1F3C,3FF % W20“ Pficeville MQJJUHN WINGST GE The undersigned has now the Agency in Durham for this famous firm's well-known Agricultural Machinery, which includes bo- sides Harvesting Machinery of all kinds f uil lines of PLOUGHS. HARROWS, DBILLS, SCUFFLERS SSOVES STOVES STOVES HARDWAEE STORE HARDWARE! I 01m " 'rr NW“: Just to hand In immune alignment of GRANITE and TIXWARI We tue selling Copper and Tin Boilers very cheap. Eg=.PtSSEtPTrtslm= If See our stock of Paper, Galvagtiaatd Ima and Wooden Wash Tttlo, also Cont“. an“ and Fine Wash Bonds. If your-ite-thire “Immune, take a look through “(HARM DEPARTIENT. Whips, Rugs and Lap The Htudwarestoreisitendqunrte" for everything in the 1 watt line and you thould get our prices before purchn cloaks: you require a wedding present, take 1 look through our show use: W. BLACKS Silverware is not to beeswalled um Rubben in abundant At the old stand West of the Middaugh House Fire Insurance in good companies. Rates low Have you seen or tried the Magnet Churn tllla?if-fltjlf)iE 'r] WM. iii1l,t4r1lf, READY FOR THE WINTER , STOVES {grows OCTOBER w, 1901 -m I. I. MEIER STOV ES @NEW tun All " ?Uruv Whit: Don'I - of tl ”all lit hoes. Van-nit eo'. ty mun my: I M comp ll Ill Mt nedy I)" w t " be for the can." "I WEE I Iak pr hon-l -tord ROBE M P. Cum Ba! We can In P with I T thst m4 strip ol trust" Mas ft 'M " Mh " Lower Gino M If: fl " The The tlt N SY tt " DRY G BOON Ofbe "' ru " pr The chea 51 " D

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