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Durham Review (1897), 17 Oct 1901, p. 5

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Incher Wanted boon Cotttu.Tv"iq emu: . lad. in thrmt Mqtioettr. ICE 41,4, my I MINES comm WEN SOUND. not PIANO and ORGAN tot New Raymond and W 1532‘ mars J ck. London , Snowball 'Wagons eséei tE3ETTiElll .EMING. Prin Sound. Ont. ~10. knelg and Ap 'teations will i to Octo- peodoee Int- . pply WM! e. undersigned: Lower Town McDrmld My area" Ptieev in. at lars ', t,,,dliii the i‘ SH EEP DIP! u ill GE . tMileflegllgXFiNgl g JUST tWT'. il l New Map a: ii of the COUNTY oi GREY rgj The undersigne! Durham for thi Agricultural Ma sides Harvesting lines of PLOUGHS. HARROWS, a DRILLS, SCUFFLERS g #tjeltifif-uill?ile " HARDWARE]! I SSOVES STOVES STOVES GRANITE ds T? WARE Just to hand an immense shipment of GRANITE and ttttWARE, We are selling Copper and Tin Boilers very chap. See our stock of Paper, Galvanized Iron and Wooden - M also Crystal, Brass and Fine Wash Bonds. If you require anything in the harness line, tnke I m 2rra's'- our HARNESS DEPARTMENT. Wimp. ”a Rubbers in abundance. you mum cues l where. 3 Hardware Store i ware line and yt elsewhere At the old stand Wt Fire Insurance in 8 Have you seen ' BEWARE STORE N WINGSTEDNEW WM. -liiLl,Pfi1tf, RI r a wedding present, take I look “I” - M w. BLACKS Silverware is not to heap-nu! In! stand West ' ned has now the Agency in this famous firm's weiriaiomi Machinery, which includes be. .119 Machinery of all kinds full tith' FOR THE WINTER ismvss STOVBS eat est of the Middtugh Home. ood companies Rite low. tried the bland Chm? snou ua iijia illlllllllllllili Ill OCTOBER w, 1001 _ et for everything in the te; our prices hem pamhum‘ I. I. (Ili STOV ES T. R. SEIGNE3 "is', ‘wmmmwvg Dealer in 370ml? FURNACES. 1e'dt.i,,i' Jake Kress. O PAINTS. ous, at}. Lower Town Durham t oi public of and vicinity will in A few tie above mm on Bt., just cut ot Fulani PM I ou,e-otsmuie LTI, announce mine“ "Vrtrtterr,---e.eeee_ 85.0). $0 on. 36.50. 87.00 and 8tt.00. All Wool Flannel Red and White 26eyd '. .. Grey Flannel 20c a yd. Funnel Blankets. Urge size. 81 a pair White Uottnterp'tnes, large size 81.0) and $1.20 each. Woman's and Misses Black Wool M ins 2he. a pair. Men's Wool Mina. Mule Skin Fucml. hues MK a pair. Jen's Wool Mitts 250 n pair. luys .. .. atc. u pair. [rs Potty and irons. nickle plated, 81 for a sect. of 3 irons Dnn’l forget, us when ynu want u. air of good Winter Shoes as we carry full line of Sterling Bros. hand-mule mick, who has tnkena short holiday for matrimonial purposes. will soon he. giuthe survey of the Bruce Peninsula section, horn Wiartou to 'Nirermors, and Mr. Clergu" has assured it Winrton deputation that the entlre road from Mentord to Sudhury will be constructed next year. The surveying suit! expect to he engaged on the section between Owen Humid and Wiarton in October The Manitoulin Island section will proh- ubly be located during November. The mute between Sudhury and Little Cur- rent is not only all located. but a large portion is completed. and more or less cunetruttton work is going on along that portion of the line. WEEDS if YARNS RUGERIES We can give you Bargains. l "ollagtt per I havqu "pr-nu Carried. 'l‘lmmpvon - that the applie have Thoma“ gent hat of w trtble for hurdle wee-k to consular means of urging the umpanv to mlupt the soulhmn route, ' way of that village. Mr. McCor, nick, who has tnkena short holiday ur matrimonial purposes. will soon be. :iuAhe survey of the Bruce Peninsula Lower Town Durham It The Beat Quality cheaper than ever. Undopcalling PROMPTLY ANN")!!! IO. Carried. Boyd-Thompson-r/Nat Robert Qliver bo pol $15.0u, apeciul gram " lots 27 28.88.11. R., u etartWd " Mr. Mail in: tureordauee WIN! resolution oi Aug tr Pd " --Corried. ' Muir-Oils-Tut W. H. Thurston be “an! M fol own : Coluetoru Rolls sup- plied through the Municrpal Wtrrld, 06.65 . iulsertveiug Yotora' "" and Court of Re: uswn.__94.‘25 ', printing rand notices. 8oe. . SCOTT. The Mnnicipql Council"! the Town. Jnip of Attemeua met in the town In" Fleshcrlunuu Saturday. Octal-or 4. 1901: Th. melubvl'l I" pun-mm ; the verve in the chair. The minutes of last meeting twad um! troniirmed. (iimnn -Thottron--Tiutt John Wo I be will 91.90 tor gram] supplied us can: tified Ly Wm. Shaw. "Vernon --Carrusd. 'rnompstru---Bovd --TGt R. P. Ls 1..) mi.) " 6o for grinning grader mfg: FOR . H. BEAN We ask WWW“ tl om M DRY GOOIB, CROCKERY, BOOTS & SHOES. Ae. ' Of best quality. " Thompson-Boyd-Thu the Rue“ in "ly amoiglul to In." the fences re- th lied mnpumn --Critriott --ht amendment, the application of M. Richsrdmn to Thomas blunders placed on the indi- list of this township be kid on the for further eomsideration.-Lmrt. Cauucil adjourned. " "l {rain East “not in the town plot Ingema an! churc- tho mama to the lofty owners lbsrein. may having properly notitiest and have refused to rly, -ctarried. "ul-- Gibson-.... Thu the matter of mmiou ot Haber! 011th in rebr. to opening up of concession 12, Iota ml 28, he hid over for further cumul- on.-jttrriad. my , u 551%.? I‘cl Artemesla Council. 9.. 'or- Drunucn, "Inc-- ...- u....n_..__ V1“ . T was united in marriage to Mr T. P Jones of Duluth. At 12 o'clock. noon, everything was in readiness for the eventful hour, and although the day was shower " space of beautiful sunshine was 2'iriiU', when the many happy guests took their places on the lawn before the lovel evergreen arch. As the wedding march peeled fort h. there appeared the gramm- men. groom. twidemitisid, little maid ot honor curving the ring. and the bride leaning on her futhel'e arm. Aethe happy g,'."3tl7 took their place under the arch. v W Graham stopped for- ward. and in a xhort hat beautiful ser- vice conunmnmted the happy union. The bride were a lovely costume and looked charming. She received from assembled guest- umny costly and "Refill pee-cots. The groom. though at comparative stronger to many of the Ef,'.'"' left than 'iittriroaoittnio-tt lm. he wedding portvleft in the utter. anaemia chow." of rice and good “in! to take the tmin for thecitv and m tltr of ”to. Beat Will!“ em. ”in”. mayo!!!“ - unnu- ml in every country and in every [ml-lin- ment. and he will be sorely missvd by the Owing» order. of which he was the head fm fourteen years. Though he was a hard lighter there m-e mum who will remember him with unkimlm-m, while there are thousands who enjoyed his pet-mum frieudshi , who will numru his death as that of a iii-other. A very pl't'lly wedding took place n: the magnum-rm vesidenee of M r. Alex. Gunn, Vancouver. H. c. nu Oct. l, at half punt “we“ p. m. in which the uni- tructiug parties ware Mr. Alex. Mr- Kiumm merchant " Wellington B. C. and Miss Sum Stewan cimlghtm- of the lute Hector Stewart of Dornoch. Ont, Mills E. Cook and Mr. McCullmn both of Vancouver perfurmed the duties " Midwinuid and urmnmumn. The bride Win lumutifuilv “tired in cream poplin trimmed with satin and lace and wore bridal mun l while the bridesmaid wure a pale blue milk trimmed with "retutt satin and lace. Rev. Mr. Beth rash)? of Knox Church tied the nuptial not, Mter which con- gmtulntiunn. etc. were givrn. A sun-p- tuoua supprr WM tserved in Mrs. Guun's tastefully "ranged dining-room. After a number of thllB enjoyment the cabs arrival. and utter driving through the principal streets of the city. conveyed the guests to their several homes. Mr. and Mrs. McKinnon will take up their residence In Wellington, B. C.. accompanied by the good wishes of their siuutrtfrietids. A very pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. Duncan Campbell. Bentinck, 1vtyrn his slaughter Mal-jun anything. You can't cluul, the ladder of success by treading on other people's cm m. Keepoit the cums anddun't knock You‘re not the only one. There are others and they have brains as well as you anxle gets stuck on a Knockers Dull't he one. ' Irthere is any chance to boom him Mess. boom it. Don't pull a hug {me and look nu though you huda sour slom‘ itch. Ho'd up Your he;ui.roil-i look for the holler thing. Hide your hum- mer and speak well of others. no malter how am ll you may really know you..- sell to he. When n sitaugellrops in. jolly him. Tell him thie is the gl'wllvsl town on earth, and it is. Don’t (list’liur. age him Ivy spewing ill of your neigh- lmrs. Lead him to helieVe he has at last sttutck a town where white people live. Don't knock. Helpyoursertalas,r by becoming popular and push your friends along with you. Be a good fel- low and soon you will have a prom shim) f"llowing vou. No mam ever helped himself by knocking other people down In character or husmcss. No man ever got rich Ivy trying to make others believe he WM the only man in town that knew The Proton Junie” ls apparently in l trouble. by drains unlawfully or nujus made, That. u if all repurls be In They hue than trying: to gentle up also one " the emu. township hue and on t 8rd con. east of (Endurville and now a m: in our Village. 500. Ilse tome can! bayou. Adan Scarlett. has Current, on business A report is rife here that W. W. has sold the 'tt here to James H. S P I. for a big _ ce. Contractor Gleuhter has fittiU" brick work of a home for In _ Dtimmlo. mar Yeowil, avd us um “hen the best of satisfaction. Thus. CanteIou and brother of It. took I: drove cf “mm from new, 500, also come mule. They are We are u Donald hm and hurting hope that th to be around u bottrteimtOaby b, y. -- “N - A lama crowd attended the P Show which took place last FINA ing to the beautiful day the fair success. and also the concert fart-w unmet we no new heving. Mr. Joottph Cempboll moved into his new hone. Thur-any Inst. The young people intend to spend a plenum: evening with him Boon. Mr Dmid McIntyre had a bee one night has: week and had his kitchen lathed. While hitching on to the tank " Mr Donald McDonald tt barn Mr Archie F'erv, uuou'u bum took fright and became an. mun-unble the wheel of the waggnn plus- tnit over Mud” Albert Panrwu‘. tout lunviuu him unable to put. " hrot nude-r him. Durham, October Balsam vuley. Tho people of thin vicinity and enjoying non-d health in weather we are mm mm". Miss Katie an Mack-N-ite-r hurting the tin“ the old around tt.rtrtl J ON my-UU-rua.. ------q- HYIENEAL iii; 9f _Booth ville. od' rw-uuull ully we II" Wttrt 1 also the Concert favored well my to hear ot Mr John Me iug tho_ttsisforume of fallim Hopevllle. all] ransom). of Hnnulon. is Mend: around here. iet"Lh"i',ii'itt it d; to I spine of his back man will soon l, us [than a trip to Ltttlr, fury McDonald attend- ttt Bootlnnlle one day Mr nud_ Mrs FIN! "unity are ah well health und the Wet I7 1901. now an expert ' If Ih as usual the arri lay. " m1 Pricevllle _uujna!ly " Hall the nuiel oo al h, IN MEN’S Boon CAr.r--Dougah1 Me- Lean. Men's boots kip, Dougald Me- Lean Woman’s boots. Dungald Me- McLean. Rag carpet. Miss Mephail, Mrs Thos Ferguson. Plain tiannel, Mia- Mair, Min McLean. Woollen blankets, Mrs John McLean. Mrs A Muir. Woollen yarn doublonnd twist. Min Muir. Woollen single Ind mm Mia Muir, Min McPhnil. Men'uocks Mid. Adana, Mn John McMillnn. Woollen mocking. MI- McPhull. Men's mint. Mi- MoPhail, Mim Mo- tgithgitl'i Patchwork. - Adult, Mb hail. Quilt, lat cabin. Mn tt HAND Boaptr--Mrts W Heads, Mrs TCook. Table bouquet, Mrs Thea Cook. Collection house plums, Miss sens, tl Watson, W J Adams. Top onions, J Brodie. Black seed. D Mc- Cormack, D McLean. Pnnni P Mair, D McMillen. Comm mfg. H Watson. D McCormack. Mort horn, J Nichol. A Muir. Long table, A Mair, D McLean. Pumpkin, common yellow, J Brodie. Other variety Jas Brodie. I) McCormack. Squash W J Adams, J Brodie. Celery. WJ Adams J Mephail. Citrons, C Tryon, Donald McLean. Water melons, J Nichol. D Harrow. Tomatoes. W Meade, ll Wat- son. Cucumbers ickling. D McLean. p McCormick.“ gape, I1Aecormfek, FRUIT APPLES. NORTHERN SPV-W Wesson. J Brodie. King Tompkins, J Brodie. Winter apples other variety, J Brodie, W Menus. 8now, J Nichol. J Brodie. Colbert, J Brodie. A Muir. Fall ap- ples, other variety, A Muir, J Brodie. Collection ot apples, J Brodie, A Muir. Crab apples large, Robert OliverJD McCormack. Grub apples medium, Robert Oliver, W Meade Pears. J Brodie, J Eekhardt. Grapes. D Me- Cormeck. J Nicol DAIRY AND OTHER PRODUCE. Honey IN CAnur--H Watson. Roll butter, W Moulds, A Muir, D Harrow. Tub butter, W J Adams. J McPhail. Thou Cook. Maple molasses. W J Adams, " McPhail. Maple sugar w J McPhail. Hen was. C W Rat- ledge's specie], D McMillan. POULTRY Burr cocms--Herb Watson. Brown leghorn, Thar Cook, W J Adams. Ducks, Herb Watson. Turkeys, John Faskhardt. Geese. W Meade. John Mchail J Brodie. Winter: radish. red, J Brodie. Collection vegetables, J Brodie. Danish sehesian sugar been. D McCormack, A Muir. “I Eckhnrdt. at of A story is told of a man mum-d Moon who wad presented with a dnughu‘r by his wife. This was a. new Moon. The old Moon. was 80 uven-ome with joy that he went off and got drunk. and (but was " full Moon. When he Le. came solror he had 25 cent-s left. That was the hut quarter. But when his m.ot.her-ittl?w met him at the door with a 'ite/ue, there was a total e- clipso of the oon with several slurs visible. guess What she mud. and who wi the correct answer In this oth cunnpunied hy.$l. will receive ll vtu1ce for once Year.-iton Ad, A young lady was walking down Louisa Btreet on Monday evening when she- slipned on a Gnana skin and int., mediately mat, down will: a resounding thud. As she sttawk the walk an ex- clamation escaped her lips. consisting of two words, the [mt one of which was .. it." Any of unr readers whr: can guess what she said, and who will send The following parody. espetiully the fourth verse. will he upprecmted by those who have hee" " through " the Normal Schoul and to the larger num- ber who have nut. but who intend going. it will give an aurieipatory relish. n is the work of a young lady and appear- ed " fvw unssiuns mm In " College Jum- nal of lhr Ottawa lj'ul'uI-u mus-..” m mm (tlil “HUM Wltet, mm Ulhiwn‘s glory Tocotsto is in the shade». Out choice. was warty um No one hare blunden-ul. Honur the cuumry mum! Honoe [he schuol We've h Hunm the "tatt Pettowttra, All ye one huudied. Emma um- lmd Mun Theilg‘s nut In umkt Their's nut. to Warm Iheiv'e to stay hum Down to lhvir Norm Went the our hum] All of them wi"a//eti.' Plunged through the Language Alta Right lhmugh mummies: puns Reeled frqu the "en'nus stroke, Fur dituun. they window-(l : Then they mum- lmek they all” All the one hundred. Sin-uightwny the rules were made; Wag there " gill disnnyed 'f No, though the gentlemen thnught Some um- hwl hlundered t Rode the one hundred. Strangers to Huh! of them. Summers to left of them, Shauna-rs in from. of them. 1'vowded mmumlcered: Manned at Lv gum; and "ell. Boldly they Strode. and-wel Int n the hail of lure. lulu the rmun. pellmtell. Walked the otte hundred. Stood all Win! hands in air. Slum] they. the dark and fair ”Hiding their pvncilw their, While at the Impe‘t's "ll- Rude ' tew wsduns nun In A ()ullvgc of the Ottawa Literary Soda Half a mile, halt a. mile. Half a mile- onward. All on the U. P. R. Rude the um- hundred Fm-wnrd the 'totuluctor, sped, .. Change at Smith's Falls." h lull} Ily, Capital MANUFACTURE fir (h ttht Mgt FLO w ERS not but who intend going. It aurieipatory relish. it a young Indy and appear- ruml receive the Ad Aylun Advance. mind I /ve fuuud reply, t why. f and on fade iety he will " Bottts--Tlttr* wan no (“that dentin. to. day prion being study at “so p.’ g“ for choice will)“. and I.” lite w - m in: cm. tomr-Nure' dull, 05.3mm being hoary Ind dean“ only tair. Prico- m uuohnngea at " to88.N per cm foe ex- port "qrM, a .0 38.50 pet or: for but. and " to .8 each to: culls. Ltunbe-Tlt. dull mark“ and hm "- onipu resulted in u dock-o of Met to so: proud. Primnv-now at " to I"! " Stocken~ otheinen you bony. but the undecirlbk quality kept prim low. [mm-ml was fair. but u M", and ot tho oturiuet' I". light m VII dull. Milch Poe-Ther were on" s In. goml milclu-n In. Pneu- nngod from”! to Mo. V F-tere-rt- were no clump. in prioe. The (10an continue: mom and some heavier animals are caning III. Steers [mug 88.80 to ”.65 Por cit. Export Cattle-De-d was only hit and prices were low been. of tlo poor quuulitipu. A few ohms. “mush “do ob tered and sold at " per Git. Butchers' turtle--Aaaia then WU tar too much poor uni and [new n-Inunod u, geulordly'i choline, Some good Inim- nln were oibeod Ind sold quickly u good prion. Trade " the \Vsutrrn Cultlr Market to- day um: duller than it Gd lawn foe a long tune. The primary chum Wm the bosi. mnu holhluy. which vaulted in an.“ initiation of bovine. Priced managed to rennin lurly “only. hnwovor. no unnee- nhle Joell-non hem. elected. Tm were huge recoiptu of stocks". but many of them were light; pvim war. randy. Sheep weredull Ind 3 gm many left over. Limbo were very dull nud- "dined Me to 500 per cm. Hogs "mum newly. “though receipts um lune. Then were So We r-ved u th. nu- ket. which included 8%! calla 1.”? rheup. 1.563 hon and 40 NV“. t. The funeral will he in. tu. We extend our he! caved ones. e will Wish much joy to t S. Stewart nnd Mr A a far west. Thu! doo . up on the old. v hen: "nu-mg meeting lth 'he Women's For- . Society at Dornoch. Wu held last Monday nfternoon. Oct 7. The tiny was all that could he desired and the women gathered togethel with intern-u- interest. The meeting was con- ducted try the Prem Mos. Grahaut. Mine Jennie M. Dow. M. D.. returned minion- ury from Honnn want pceeent and gave l the very thrilling glory of their nin1-‘ Vellum; escape during the Boxer up- l rising in China. Miss Dow is n cieir) forceful speaker. but in no way egotistic. 1 hnvmg It desire to spent of other, gnodneee Mher than her own. Her wddreneel on sabbath and Hondnx Were much nppreclnled. The Thanh) eeitats collection on Hondny amounted to aver l 84t. Thin genie well for thewomen‘ in View of eir extra expenee incurred I in building the new church. It is gratifying to any mun- to have so: many ens-nan. women workers. 1 m--------------- Live Stock lute-t I Toronto. 1 tdrKetmie um of John 1mg mom of 21 came so ago Ill wnh typhoid m Tundny morning of vent west on our of the In: and so soon death of lighting the New with ou-ctvlem- Gas has 'Taylor of Chntswort h. eived the eottttact of It'ttrtce. The "lumen-n it is expected that the " place in Den-Huber; Iy {Hun nur Iw‘ghhor- m- waving. M, [1min " a fa rm nrar Chatham ing in a mmnh or two. Mr Smith well in In: (rent wrath Icw him 0 "eitrttuors and friends. taken place on SAN-nth w. Mr Graham of this and Rev. J J Patterson Adams. tie: any, tilttanqy, human. Quilt anv other kind. Berlin wool work not. ir, Miss Adams. Ber- ' Mr. W Mada. Min uh other kind. Mm D ent's shirt. Min Ad- an. Miss Adam, Mrs het work, cotton, Mn an. Crochet work in hail. Fnmsy knitting McPhail. Mrs H Wat- aiming in wool, Miss Adams. Tuning in WePloil, Mrs Cook. 'ton, Miss Muir, Miss patchwork, Miss Ad- Cook. Embroidery in a, Miss McPhnil. thu- l Manda. Miss Adams. Adams. Miss McPhnil. IBN()( H -TiGriiiiiGiia-. ilrrriErTll Qt???) , Reasons' :1!qu Having " REVIEW Lard. 'eric............ Bum..................... Cclhkinu. pot tb........ Ntow undead par lb was)... pour: Hop. Lin weight"... Botanhuhnllpalh 3m. “hum “suw‘umsssd Hid... yet an...“ Nothing Sale. Everyman: New and lip-Mae nod ho 'toedially invites: aw. ' AND l ear , dun The ttndmsitttta1 has opened oat in his new building in lower Town. (next door toc. McKinnon) Milton-ct DURHAM MARKETS. o t (70er E 'ttloman E I,ikes , Sood Our icings are fresh. Ask for the Real Featherstrip Cocoanut. “vac-hr no Am Cu! Ar. Bali; ng powder or gamma-3' Produce. GEO. LAWRENCE. Irs? lg r. tBurnett. t) Grocery Store. It is a question of ingredients. If they are not good it is impossible to make it. GROCEWW, Jae good SEWER glam? NEVER FAIL. " 14 " " " " " " " " " do ion-I OFFIC} PM! null-V i law O FF w Black . Old Pa cat-TE. h.oon- Iona loot Mr CM B Go!“ "all. l “vi n ward facil i! distal A Ret Drum All pd mst All SAVI AG 09m Blue CAPI CA " RE.% SI INTI Dr

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