trt, " " . I think that it would not tn much out of pluce to give u ehor sketch of this greet mtlitery pug-mt that took plece in Toronto on the 11th. so I saw it myself and the part token in It by the 30th regiment. Wellington Bifus. " it was in No. 4 compeny of this fine regiment that I was attached to for this special occasion. It is the best rural regiment in Can. ada being ten companies strong. A fine lot of men and good offieere, one of them being Lieutenant Fred Campbell of Normnnby. who III with one of the maxim guns in South Albee. When the Boer shell hum beside his gun and knocked the spokes out of one of the wheels. he got a Boer table and knocked the legs out of it. made spokes of them, tised the wheel, and by doing this saved the gun, he received his medal With others of the regiment from the hands of its future king. just before march past. The sun-rel sompunies of this regiment assembled at Guelph on Mondav the 7tl.. inst. “here they had this rrgnnent h'Ilelnllird at Guelph on Mondas the Hwy had pumice at wuuuln n diuil going though the different moyemoms re- quired for renew and Tuesday after- noon took the tum for Toronto ond went under can": for the night. Wednesday mommg bat. drill, sher- noon th rebound of the divialoml much pun, Thursday morning . short drill ond runabout to hm the streets {or the Rays] procession. In this every regiment had no dotted apnea. ours was on Yonge St.. the from nah on the we“ lids of the “not and {he not on the out. n 4 pm- interval to hep an “mu clear. A: the Boyd curl-go uppronched etch company gave the Royal "late, the: all I“ over the diNrent regi- ments formed up Mad mnehod buck to camp which took till about 4 at 5 p. m. .3000 long fut ham 8 to 9 hours. Friday morning got up and get ready for the tinU event. everybody II on the " 910mm. up for the :0on Impactth uni "or, ooldicr mated to look his but when he In going to be Inspect- ed " his {more King. Shortly after 10 o. tn. nearly oyory regiment wu m it. pine. the lulnntry and Rifle regl mont- 'ero drum up In line of quarter columns [going the grand stand with the ambulunoe medic-l corp. on the left of the line. the canlry and "tillery In line In the rear. the coyolry on the right and artillery on the le 2 th toys] stand woe erected in the cent n of the grand stmd. on the right of t i, was a sand of honor and the vetetm tot 1886 3nd on the leit the veterans »f 1866. As the Duke and tstaff rode up to the royal stand the royal solute w a given, the: which the Duke passed along the line and impeded the troops, .he man-L past legal: by the cavalry first, artillery next, than the Infantry and mtle regi- ment in cclumn by the right. There could not be it much better place for this grand renew as it was up- on historic ground. Here to our right and to the east of our lines. the oid mud fort. a block house and broken down stockades allowing the site of â€we of the bloody eosd1ietit of 1812-15 where our forefathers fought valinntly and only retired from it by the over- srhehning-toree of the cnemy alter blowing up the powder magazines To our left on the lake or to the west Btandaatnonoiertt on the site culled Fort Toronto or previous to that Fort Bouille, an old French trading post. then 'tlightly to the cut the new Fort, now called Sttnly Bunch: where a great "1ny of the ohieertr end N. c. o. on the tions. The review being oer we no taken right off for a. street. much. it must have been tsfine sight for any one that. In?! elevation enough to see 110C0 "oops marching in column. We get back to camp about 5 p. m. to soon " we get supper orders are to take down the tents and get ready for home we have a tram by 11 p. m., but now we have got to wait till 1.30 a. m. on the 12th out on the cold veldt. but at last the bugle sounded the assembly ond I think " was the most beautiful music we ever heard. The nilway lint: were so busy they took us round by Hamilton and it was daylight when we got to Guelph and the companies were sent to their sevenl beadqunters by a speoinl train. to that ondeth the "rat review in Toronto and a good time we Ind. Editor Durham Review. Ftidny morning last reminded us of whim: a better country, when the face of the earth was covered to the depth of two inches of wow. some were thinking of get- eing their sleight and hells in order but Chile they were thne belting between two "Ptn""", the good old emu put in an ap- ,eennce and meltvd the may: of the snow on of right so Do uleighing, this time yet lot we went to get our potatoes up this week " there ere I. lot ot them to dig yet. There ere quite a number that did noe commence ploughing till this week, but in â€on! then ere quite . large average of flu-chm done. Mr Hail McKinnon. post mater. who quit the Uttt two mambo in Manitoba “but I few day: Mo locking} halo and hearty; be any. than no hundreds of - of wheat out in “not ya in Inni- “It RM Iliflilll,ll)ll()llli) Sir tielii got their mxllury instruc- Prieoville. Yours Truly, B. Tout. Liam. ' a ' A Pricovillo in bard to oompo'te'with in pro- ducing fine looking animals ot oil douonip- lion, and other lhingu on well, Aim the grandest looking people in Ontario can " wuya be produoed " our exhibition in the town, for we are generally English. Irish Scotch. that assemble: " our gathering" in this town. Mid thorn arc no class of people under the inn that can compete with in all manner of appearance and re- spectahihty at: these although at limos we are unity to admit that we deviate to u certain extent front the mica of good be havionr at such gatherings. How. ever taking us all around we are u lot ol Our great “and show wu quite I im66e)i--mor. so than any prgyigpg your. rally unodlttizenn thus Would do nobody harm it we possihly can quitl it. Sunday last turned out tine after the squally weather of the previcus week-nt- fording opportunity to a lergo congregation to assemble in the Presbyterian Church for the celebration of .the Lord's 'upper, whcna hun- uumlmr of commnnlcunte mt down and pnrtwk thereof. The good pmtor preached 11) eseelleut sermon for the oocasiou, there were: eight young men and women jomml the cllprch nt this cunt. munion salmon Then, are now in the newhtrorhood of two hundred communi- 'tbuts' Im t'.e ammunition roll. On Friday the Rev. Mr. Broad "t Cedar- sills preached prernrntorv "rriees. On Sum'n ,' {who last M members purtook rlcramcnb in the macho ilttttgnaste. a very mm! pprm-nzmge of the allelic wanking rennin bat we may say that very few of the wave number that necemrily requir- ed to tctend the uuelic, but we are lorry to no name of the chiel leaders of that noble language absent themselveg trom participating in the noble work interested to them. On Monday the 14th Mr Duel give tt Inclule Ind aramlphono talk and uinging in the P"enb)uliuu church which In will rendered. Mrs Thompion of Woudutock is visuim: ber was Mr Jun-a Thompwo on tho Ham nook farm South lino Glonolg. We are IOI’I'V to he" of the and. of Mrs Juno- Glider. Fnlrbaim Eurommt. Mn Calder was Mina In. MoCuuia of Glrnola aim: to Archie Moo-.5; and In“ boon in fniluttt health for mm. time. A lug. numb“ Iron: this loamy “undead the funeral on Wetland-y the 28rd to Mt. Forest cometary. Moan John McArth'ur Ind N. Mch- nol lot A cont-ct on townlino Amman: and Glam-lg on Saturday last tor s new bridge Approach. John Bluck t1nUhod threshing at his brother-iu-law‘a Mr. Patrick Sulliytn nnd left his outtit than till ttext threshing son-on. The application of W L Dixon eeq. was accepted an teacher in S S No. 10 Glenelg and Egremont for 1901. Mr Dixon being en old and experienced woollen The trustee! thought wisely to give bun the preference. Mien Leeuun the present. teacher intends to no to London Normal schOul " the beginning of the yen. Miss Leeson is A good teaclwr mud well unti- tied to commend the work entrusted to her. We understand Mr McGill does not in. tond to remain in Priceville. Mr McGill is a genuemnn in avery respect. so we no sorry to see him leave, As the winter is npprnttelunp, we hear talk of marriages sometime in future but these events have to he talkeil over a long time before the contracting parties are aware of its occuriencu. It will noun be time for Municipal as- pirants Ut be making themselveq known mun. We do not hear of any changes on either side of ulenelg or Ara-mesh. Mr McFadden of course Will no seeking re- election tor ream of Glenelg. an "tries, which he has filled with much credit to himself and Municipality during the you now drawing to a close. We hear tho mum of Archie nchnig spoken of as Treasurer in the event oi in Eden» retir- ing. in McCuaig " one ot the Ingest un- page? in Gleuelg consequently he is in possession of a large amount of the sure- ties required beards: being capable of dis- charging the duties required in connection with said office satisfactmi'y. It John ucArtlmr. Glen. was in Town to seeing the Duke and Duchess on Fri any. We saw the smiling face of it John Campbell ot the Review staff on show day. What became of Colin this you that he didu't attend our Show. If you gave your boy a pig or " cal and after he had cared for and reared tt you sold it and pocketed the proceeds, don't join the church until you have squared things with that boy. It will We hard work to keep him from plav ing with the cat's tall wtule you are at family worship if you don't. 'FOR SALE-A good young Liecester Ram Apply to George McRae, Lot IO, Con. 5. Glenelg. NOTICE TO CREDITDRS. In the Estate of Thomas Stat art, late of the Township of Gland in the County of Grey, Farmer. accused. otice is hereby given, th all persons N having claims against. he estate of the law Thomas Stothur who died on or about the 19th day April, A. D., 1886, are required Ao so by poet pre- paid, or to deliver to J . Tolford. Bor. icltm for the uhove El te. on or before the 20th day of Wvember, 19ih, their names. midi-ea , and descriptions and a full tum-me t of particulars of their claims and! Batman! the secur- ity if any, held, h them duly eertihed, and that who! t said day the assets of the deceased WI be distributed mung the parties ent' lad thereto having re- gard only tot e clum- of which I than then have ntt ce. Dated this dafof October. 1901. V . P. Tummy, llcitoror the nbove M. '. I South of munch Home We invite your attention to the following lines of goods : W __., __ _ CULTIVATING. I i ilfll tll, u . 00%ltier & 'tgit Egill: rad =; . Elii2illtii L' m;- u tivators, lac an a 0 " " . ELM -""' ' ' q CI'.' 'p rows, Bowlers, like. 1'llt Scotch 'jts11ll'l11"fl , ' lligl Diamond Barrows. u - _ . "H Bi » Wilkinson /hggh, number " ' F 1 to 20, and rep: of all kinds. Shams. tttttt Elsa sly“ P gen no an as“ 5 wo 3 " 13.31an moon Cour N "ls t each piece. Wilkinson Famous Steel Roller made in 'Ja', 2'll'del (2oemrnyshiHji:a1._feeryi_.rtj, Mrt'rfri'5 ON WHE E LS, Chatham and Snowball Wagons Palmerston Buggies. Buggies from Campbell of London. 'p"" I wrmmww. Bell, Doherty, Thomas and Berlinfmakel of PIANO a d ORGAN SEWING MACHINES. IT' A Inge stock of New mug“ and w am: Sewing Nahum! and supplies. o. tiilletK"l"ilolllt . In our stock is a revelation of Beauty and Richness. The prices lower than you will anticipate when you see the goods. We Invite you to Call Lwer Town, Illf MIMI 0f RINGS! -tsertt"r""'"T""'"'T" I “,1“; --r - .2 _.--" - - w :4}; trr. n _ . ». " " " j,r.rJD? r3434†') - /'fessefff -.-csr:rteFira 'real diiiiEeetf.sli. q5:t't “LAM Cr.sT, &iilit ';',2iiit,i I V j . ogilllMBaiilt,5,, I a ’ n . V 'irithh' 133333 333 .r.e.rti.i.e:6:GFa.a.9:s:saa:ss.s., 1901 - " 1901 Those who know, tell us that the show- ing is one of the handsomest that could pos- sibly arranged for, of course you don't expect anything different from this store, for you look here to find the choicest that can be po- cured in whatever we undertake to sell and prices, quality considered, always the lowest. FALL, MILLINERY A . GORDON THE .--------------------" CASH and ONE PRICE er. f'. f. Warlock. illinery trade this fall is more promise ing than ever. We've created a splendid impression in o.ttr Millinery Department. Jeweller 63M i - "tC2ftittrs, NORTHERN BUS y The season for renewals is again with us and we ask our friends lo consider the following offers and oblige us. by making them known to their neighhors. For $1.00 best any free We Will send the REVIEW to Jan. 1, 19,03. wrth copy of Canadian Annual. For $1.75 REVIEW and Weekly Sun Jan, l. 1903 REVIEW and Weekly Mail to Jan. I, 1903. ' Tr" ., eeeeese at i‘ MrlkAh, -re L" , . , , ai2ilitii - !fiq , "gt - Illtlt Eau" ileiF' " 'jeh111'l'l'lll1'l IE u ~ Ch' 4-" I J‘ __ - Address C. A. FLEMING, Prim Owen Sound, Ont. 1llllll(llhll OFFERS. 1jl?lll!,l,.(hrlj1l yoâ€)! Lower Town EV} g JUST OUT! in†HARDWARE SHIRE - . SC A New Map 'iiir""i""7,ii,,ir.,;r.,7.:o,1? ...-.' a of the COUNTY of GREV a l r,'1,l'r,ii.r.,",r, ') _ I ake GE GENERAL HARDWARE LIMIPS d: 2udL2tT'T'CE2EttTts HARDWARE! f We have at present the most complete stock l Graniteware. Tinware, Cement. Paints and tt ware, etc., in this northern country. Lmk establishment and see for yourself. mmaovs EAR N388 A great variety of Lamps and Lanterns in sto determeud to supply.the wants of the mm! I tomer in these lines. A look through our Harness Department wil owners that we carry all that is required in tho Our weekly shipment of Ready-Mixed I and you will be able to secure any shade l An immense shipment of Rocker Chums, Harvi Machines, Clothes Wringers, Tubs, Wash Board ping Bowls just to hand, which we are selling a! ing prices. q 18ti1ilHltjilfi1iii 'rci'i,r; WM. BLACK. OCTOBER 24, 1901 " hum " " in"! en‘s IA' we Lou's w sir of go full line Ull " (MINI hit. AMERICAN I ADIAN CO lacFarlane 0“! Hand 1 and Brae WEEDS Hall and Hanzin Barr ROGER We can y, B tlt N I 1jile MED HE SELLS CHEAP " ig Lower To Lake The I cheaper Undue: " DR Y BOO FOR ' n or him Drunk: 8 JAKE IBM Fittm ---Try Welsl " VII Pl "