West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 24 Oct 1901, p. 5

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iver Oil .eases hetgt. ARE SHIRE a ore ds filllfil, CNT "a: public " to a, m- mm s. am. of unce to Durh- that to week. nea- i. all!“ NER merit 1llig ' . p n, N Th' ll W ll' C) J1 I W. H. BEAN TWEEDS d YARNS GROCERIES (6) We ask Insneclion tl um ms S. SCOTT. A..-.. -- lacFarlane 81 (h. Drum! & Booksellers. AMERICAN AND CAN- ADIAN COAL OIL. Hall and Library Hanzing, Banqaet, 359, Hand or Stand and Bracket. l JAKE KREBS t M$>3W HE SELLS CHEAP I I Woot Under-shirts and Drawn-s from MK. up to .111) each. Heavy Top Shit-u from 31.“) up. l'anlignn Jackets " 't.U) & 't.iio. All Wool Sue-Mon Red & Blue-- Lower Town Durban jake Krrtiiiii, (ai]ji))ii) The Best Quality cheaper than ever Urdu-taking 93011?er Annual!) IO. FOR In lu-nt quality. ' Fur (‘nporineu nt “All. $4.50 " 90m. ”.51). 'T.00 and 89.00, I Flannel Red and White 250 yd Hwy FUnnet20e a yd. across}: ll, 1901 it is the best in the umrket. Fittings ot all kinds --Try the Genuine Welsh Chimney- u-rpunen. largo ', At eateh. . l Mines Blanch W tt of 3 iron“. M m when ynu Hum. a Winter Show. as we_ can; u ts ssc A pair. ' Site a pair. Iruns. nickle plated. 81 starve Undervestsa'lk Mid Mhr. ml). DDS, CROCKERY. X SHOES, he., FURNITURE M II Gibos. hand-m large size. 81 a pair n. Inrare nlze 81.00 Mule Skin on Bargams. We” BIOCK AND lamp of -nme to a large of speci- xh:es. in " M "fe “Reading " was Miss Robson‘s subject. and as it was followed by a free discus- sion, Mist, R. had evidently amused thought. General results showed defective teaching of the a ijecl. and she instance" certain points to attend to, quality not. qunmity should lmthe object. Svldum right for the teacher m read for imitalinn. by judicious qua-s- tioning the pupil or elass can he led In see where sire». emphasis. etc.. should he placed. Mists B. ProfCtt pointed out the im- portance of Geography. In "mulling ir wt. should aim to "how how mun is af- fected hy his gutgruphical pmulinn, and how that In turn aireeted his cmnnwr- cial surroundings. In. adaptability for developing the mind. uwnmry and imnginutiun won't- well hruughtnm. and the analytic method. In shun-t lawns. Was Minn pu mrthmi " lent-hing. An rhurmur and My lat were red. letter day in the We ot tr. Grey "when. The Annual Convention came Imam! and trt of the over loo teachers in the riding availed them. selves of its privileges. and left their yuung charges rejoicing with two extra holidavn. Wedneedny evening. for. _ turmtely. the weather looked attractive, ‘nnd whnul wag dietninsed till Monday, but Thursmty was wintry, it lvmttghl our fhst snow. and during the Hun days _ the Fume conditions prevailed. and it‘ hug Men balmy ever since. The teach. _ en: and the weather man were at. wtri, I tum-e evidently, though Mr. Graham insists the teachers had Imthtug to do with it. Thundhy. p. m. Mr. Firth disco-"d " Lesson Help. " and pointed out a tendency they had to make teacher: and pupils bury, and parents grumlnh-n at the extra burden. he noon. News Filth and John A. (im- ham were appointed Attditoru. Imp. Campbell and the Principals of graded orttooU were to handle the question duvet. Mel-re Thomson. Sharp. Me. Dowdd and Mines McKenzie and leCenm-l Were voted n nominating eo-mittee. while " Rowlulionu " were lent to lean Brown. Allan. Firth and Misses Davey end Lick. Mr. MeIGclr.. em. on .. History " wanted better text hooks. (an uld-fmhioned cry}. more oral tetaettintr. biography. cause and effect, etc. The paper elicited a profttahh' dire-ion. developing the mind. uwnmry and inmginuliun won't- well hruughtnm. and the analytic method. In shun-t lawns. Was All” pu "mum " lent-hing. An interesting discussion followed. Miss Mutt Gordon lnul an uhle, carefully prepared paper otf."Cotttpos- itlon, don't-led mtently and with ehnractvrGtic. animation. Laugunge iliun, do“!!! chumrto-risl ie oreoared the insp. Campbell at the request of Vice. Preu. Min McKenzie took the chair. and hi. experiencr and executive ability made the work go on smoothly. The meeting mu opened in the [mud way with a fair attendance for a first fore. A pathetic interest was amused to tttrd that their Pmident Mr. Don. Cur. rie was tumble to be present. he.ireuw in Muskoka in lean-h of health. At a later t'taqre a warm resolution of nym- pathy was paused and breathing wishes tor his reeovery and usefulness. prepared the way for cotupoittion, select the best pupil to give example. Pictures, folluwed by simple twieutjtic talks. were useful in developing lung- name. In writ ten work che appropriately pointed out the necessity of a clear Tiew of .. the Paragraph." The ('m'rrc. Rev. wrny R. Smith made some very pertinent remain. and Mr. H. H. Bur- geas brought the has to light that the IO Cmnmnndmentt' are no longer taught in our schools. a defect which the Association tried to remedy by passing th nullution urging the authorities to have salable “New pueed in all school). Mr. Harrison. the mutant bore during the Model term. too: an “the part in IbcdiscostnImdhad a mousta- fol paper on " Cultivation of tho Im- gginsmon in Human.” The creative faulty should bedeveloped lanolin, mum... ate. It dealt with Mutual tum s "bind imagination wan I Inch»; tor. Re and“ We. Friday A. M. The day was opened by Mr. Niven on " Morals in Pull-lie Schools." Dim-rent Vier of monk were held according to environment, and the school had often to supply she lock of morals which should have been taught at home. He showed hits method of dealing with school vices, swearing, lying. stalling. etc" and in general he pointed outthere mun be high Ideal: not simply [dean ploced before pupils. - .. ..., ,A__‘,__m__n "W lingo. In written “1'th che appropriately 'i Mr. D. Mt-(iurmick. Auctioneer, will pointed ottl the "ecessiily of " cleat' l svll by public auction rm Wednesday view of I. the Paragraph." The “WW“ l, UN. 30th inst. the stock and implements (inn of mislukc-s ot all kinds should le of Mrs. N. McDonald. lot 19, con 4,B. D. an roughly alone, and should Ire always i It.. Glenelg. Sale at 1 o'cloek. 14 mos. on the mmgin. now-r on the body of crediton approved joint noree, 6per the paper. Miss G. answered several i cent " for cash. questions very clearly in the discussion t Mr. Lewis C. Smith. lot 3 of t, Con. l, which foiloxxrd. E G R, Glenelg, near Dornoch. is selling FridayA. M. l Farm Stock and Implements 12 mos. The day WM opened by Mr. Niven on l credit. on apprmred Joint notem 7 pet' " Morals in Public schools." Different cent. discount for cash " face of Note. View: of moral. were held according to Sums of 86 and under, rash. Sale " envaronmcnt. and the school had often one o'clock sharp. Friday. Nov. I. m auoolv .be Inch of moral. waif!) “can MACKAY. Auctioneer. "If [HMS GIMME. WWI (light. The Divmicta of the Province having travellittg libraries. IL was asked thnt this lnmn be extended to the Chuauties. It was decided that English Hialory subsequent lo 1763 was onough for the Entrmme Exmu. Pros.~Jus. H. Rowe. Murkdnle. Vice Pres-Miss McLeod. Prieeville. Secy 'i'reas.--Thos Allan, Durham, Mmmm ing Commit tee,--MessrsGrahaut, Firth. Tltotvpson and Misses Davey and Lick. Amongst Visitors present Were Revds Farquhnrsuu and Smith, who took an, tit the tlitsturviions and Messrs gown Dixon. McArthur. Milk. Irwin and Haumgv. old teachers. who had thei: any. 1huvstees (ii-MIL and Wolf and possibly others, Notes. The QIIHHDD Drawer wns fairly used and the Inupectnr shed light on trevrrnl knottv points The Min. of Education wu- requested to raise the proportion " nmrku given for mmnurimhun and the prescri'wd work for Entrance. We salary of Secy Allan was inure-mu] from 810 to 815. Next tueeting to le held in Fleshers ton decided after a very close vote with Hanover. a. to the origin of mum-s. ete.. that bespoke laborious march on hits part. For instance the townships of Tiny, Tay and Flos, were the names of pet dogs owned by the wife of one of the only tlignntnries. The paper is worth pre- “crying. . Interest in the proceedings nest-r thugged till the close of the session. Several of the teachers viewed the hmmrsn being made all tht. Cement. prom can Worky. Mr. Rowe. Marktlale. dim". with the " Mvtrit- System" Before taking up the tom-hing of it with u chum he ex- plained Its mlvnnlugvu. and showed the melh of opinion in its favor hy the number of countries Ming it. It was only a question of time before it would take the plow of our int ricott- compound rules. With the chum he then showed the simplicity of traching it and itsutil- ity who" taught. Mr. Burgess, n. A. of Owen Sound. (loll. Inst., has nunin put the mureia. tion in his debt by " most inlerosting paper on the " Municipal system of On- tario." It hm: been donut-cl mrexcellent that. the Association has ot.derrl it to be printed in pamphlet form. Beginning with the settlement of Ontm ionfter the American Revolution he ttaced the crude beginning of political (“Visions up to our present, ohhornte and con- yenient system. The iltntt councils \v-ro appointed by Governors, Justin-h of the Peace. and even by the Anglican clergy. These powers wen- nfterwards trunn- ferred to a Board of Police but it was not till 1842 that it council was olected " the people. From that time data our plenum Municipal layman. Huh-d A great. deal of tnteratetiutt information This was very successful. The star perforttitT was uudoulrtedly [humid Mr- Gregot whose tine unassuming manner. splendid voice and good taste in Relev- lions and remlvring hm made him very highly llmughl of. Miss Whelpley, it, non-d not he said Was excellent in her "vstrumvutals and nccotnpauyittq, Will White the comedian. was eviden- tly nu: at him hast, though some of his pieres were loudly encored, Receipts $51.01). SEALED TENDERS mum to the hamster General, will be received " 0mm. until Noon, on FRIDAY, 22nd NOVEMBER, 1901. for the Couvey. wee of His amen)": Mails, on . propmed Cotttmes for tour yum, 6 times per week each way. between DURHAM and Claudia) Fume Railway Station, FLEBHEBTON), from the In January next. Printed Notices containing further mmmn " to conditions of pmpoued Contact my be men and Bulk 'iiiiUurGaererbttteyf,.e the PM 0000:! of Durban. Ceylon, Wk, Bumm- mould “"19on "tttemrtofbsetttspeetor n Tomnm. tot" orrrCA ”Hanan "iiGhiosritatrr BMW“ och“. Mtty Octobol'. MOL um m "mu.- real: neat-awry to conduct experiments showing that the amount. shunt 811.00, wan: within the reach of mmt tstudents. He outlined swam! chomirnl laws and themnes and gave a Int-id order for taking up the non-Ine- tallic elements, discussed equations, Weight and volume and cop.rrstte. suhjects. Friday, p. In. Mr. Rowe. Markdule. dealt. with the O'dicets tlu next yenrun- C MAIL CONTRACT. SALE REGISTER. " Systmn." Before taking up 11ng of it with a class he ex- tty udvunlugeu, and showed the of opinion in its favor by the of countries using it. It was AI'I'IL'B 1.115!th THE CONCERT Superintendent the up GENERAL NOTES It is rveommended that all factories should he fitted up so as to make either cheese or button Cheese should he held three weeks at a temperatur" of 60 to unsure proper cur m1. Seliuus complaints continue to mum of clu".sv Irving shipped much too green. Puckngeu hum are still nude of thh. That in order to maintain high. prices, there mmt hes continuous sup- ply of (meat. butter. and an the flow of milk is Imagining now. it is "qu urgent that, the quantity should be kept up mo nnch m- puusihla. and to divest the milk from the cheese to this article is the only way to krep up the supply. Butter should be shipped fresh week- to (-omumnd the best price. I am, Gentlemen. Yours truly. J, STANLEY COOK tradq at. the Toronto Cattle Marl.“ to- day wins very dull, new}; uunblo to pick up alter the pour basins» of (ha earner para _ ol the week. The demand In mmy clwou was weak. and there was a praspoitt1erau1sre ot pour grade can”. whim served node. prawn the market. Export. cattle :uffmml umstlv. the (luumud being extremely weak Ptie..s tureordmgly tell on about. Me per cwl on all grades. Buwhrrn' can!) wen uu excepuun. Sheep nud lamb. wuu steady and ulnclmnued. Eyelylhin.‘ Was sold, and t,lte prospect are for continued Mendy tra de. Hugs again declined. The run war heavy and the beitwleetions now bring July $6 pow m". Lou, an“ M $5.75 That. the outlet for ttheere is limited, and everything depend. on the quality to induce: a large comumpthm. 3rd. That the con-mnptinn of cheese in is not inereastng, but diminishing‘whila' tho cumnmptlon of finest cremnory but. ter is rapidly growling. That fodder chevao hurts the run- sumptiun, thus dunmiahing the gran goods and lowering its price. 4th. That. the price of butter in high er "" an average all the year round than cheese. for the‘fiueut qualities. 5th That the manufacture of butter is morn profitable than chew. not only in comparative price. but in Hunt the hum Mock and the land are better sus- mined. To Dairymon of Canada. GENTLEMEN, Atugenrrnl meeting of thts adsoci- Minn held on the 10th inst” " was re- turlved to issue a. circular tn the Dairy- nwn "r ()mmds. strongly udvising them to turn their attention to butter more generally. and to discontinue the man- ufacture of cheese entirely other In No- vember. for the following remun- . llttel 38888 I (hee llattfig. Tdere were-75 ' received. Mdcll in- ciudeu 808 cattle. 1.527 sheep. 1,937 Imus and 20 only”. . Export Uattle--Wero in little demand. and the ufferlugs were largely, onlv ut.di- um Tue highest we; were around 64,50 per cwt, wlnle the choicest anuuuls would Luretvutaddiffitntlty m selling ID " 1'.5. 'Jutchera' Cattle-Tue delutml C. good (mule was strong. and odd pinked lot were higher. nailing up to 84.60; choice Ian-male sun at. $8.50 to " Feeding Catde--Triule In Impu- mg in Lhi~ class as the weight. of the ofte, 45 in- menuw. Good feeder,, wen. Bolling wrong- h (0-day. about-keeps bringing " I cows. Steers sold M. $8.40 to 88.75, wit" 93.70 tor some inferior uuimals. stockertr--'lhere was a hit comm. ionly for stood animals, but the oirerittps won largely of ttttttter gradeu. selling " " 50 to $8 per cm. A few heuior ones sold around 03.25 to 33.60 per owt. ttocmr--At Rowland Avenue, Toronto, on Oct. 19, to Mr. and Mn. Inc. B. Rocks. tt son. Gvs--in Durham. on Oct. 28rd, J." Gun. M. D., and 67 you". 7 moo. 1aartrom--rn Normgnby. on Oct. 2lind, Aibt M. Lesson. aged m years. DURHAM REVIEW sheep-Were "eady selling at 8trto 88.15 per ewt tor 'export 9mm. " to $2.50 Per cm; In bucks and " to 98 one!) " eulhr Ev: rythiug wan mid only. Lambs-Were steady and everything Watt cleaned up at prim" ringing from 83.25 to 88.65 per ttwt. Hoget1Yeto again other. The run “a heavy. The but selection: now null at " per ewt, while lights bring M." par on. Live Stock Market MONTREAL. Oct. 15, 1901. Toronto. BORN. of cheese and butter much too thin wood Servant-y Clans: Grocery Store. Cash or ftarmoru' produce. l 0mm 1mm -- - ' M” W5 Sham But, w ttwt............ Tallow rendered par lb Hid". per ttnrt...,...... Calfskin», pair lb........ igtt-1amc.....-...... Hay Pot-loos. pct bun"... Lad. porib.............. Drona] Hogs, per out Hogs. Liv. weight"... Elmer. {rub roll pot lb Ont. Lamu......... ............ Butter, Tab.............. Peas 1unur.....---. Nothing Stale. Everything New and up-to-date and he cordially invites a trial. Flour......... .....'....... The undersigned has opened out in his new building in Lower Town, (next door to C. McKinnon) full lines of Wheat..................... DURHAM MARKETS FLOUR, FEED, fill. INN) llNE ---' GEO. LAWRENCE. GR0CERIES, &e N"‘E:1}"-§E 'ltr,!.?,,'!:-,.,',,::,,?)), 0 00 " " 18 " 4O " no 45 " " 14 " " 62 a. P. TELFORD. mu. . Comm IUWM normal-ac. Mila- MONEY To LO“? one. our Gnut'o mm git-Edi] 'i{13.;m;éd farm' doiivUitm" to album. err cheap. orr1c2r--arunt Block. SIS " [Our I The Hanover Conveyancer He his n big list of Property for tute, including the following: Du, ham . Very cheap. 64 acres nem- Allan Park on Durham Road. Splendid building; good land. will sell cheap or trade. ' C Lot 18. com t6, Bentlnck. neanInuioe P. O. In hands. of a. Company. Fine place and must go to same one. 3rd DIV. lot T. eon.t, E. G. tt, 01011013 an Gamfrnxu Road convenient to Dul- has.a This tifty acres is a soup at price as ce . Comm It IOWA-c- - h y n c Lot T, con. 8, Nomanby. the 'Pee' farm, belong to n. company. 3nd is offer- ed " low titrures. BARRISTIR. 8 CLH'IOR, noarnv w-uc 'etoarrarraroare. ac. ofmMr-----Lomut TOWN. DUIH‘I. I have a large number of other prop- erties in town 5nd country and will sell or trade. J. G BUTTON. M. D., C.1E SAVINGS [All -atem‘ 'tttowed on tuning. hank depot“. of trt. m and up- ward- Prompt nttentiuu 2. ". ovary faeilitr "orditd customer. living up dutaneo. J KELLY, Agent. A gene“! yanking Madam tun-acted Dram issued and collection. and. on All points. Dopu-iu received and inter- est allowed " van-em at“. MONEY TO LOAN at41-2 - coat and up'acoording to security and terms. ' INSURANCES COLLECTIOQ‘ I” CONVEVANCING as well u other fig-glen! bun-Inca BIMU“, Imu- AGENTS in all prune-incl puma. m Ontario. Quebec. Island». United States nod England. CAPITAL. Authorised. . . . . . Jam” CAPITAL. Paid up... . . ... . . . Mat,000 RESERVE FUND . . . . . . . . “All! D. McPHAILJ , Collections of all kind: Farm. boa M promptly attended to and you, (llllli)llli) BANK OF mm OFFICEuMoKNleo'. om Blind Du "m, Ont. Couoctiom and Annoy promptly AM to ge; mu. moi. lag, we .eor p . m deed-d r- :om lookAod 1tlitit,'.ttr2,t, and std-rh- mtorl' coon We» Pay! my». Conn Basilio... Phttiuo of Wil I. I‘m " Ad. mi-ton and (in-Minn»| '. ”Mu-ad. $3.0!- ohu can in Bout-cu my“. rm. . "gm.“ OFFICE h'IHST DOOR EAST CF the Durnam Pharmacy Onlder‘s Bloom. Residence tiret door to“ of the old Post ott1ce, Durham. ARTHUR H. JACKSON P" t) m Fortunes pot‘zsLCon. 2, W: G. It., B9nelryw OFFICE .0033 9-t9t. I. 9--4 p.-. RESIDENCE and OFFteE--otd has UPPER TOWN. DOWN. Tolophono Connectlon No. " Barrister, gm:- , Gon- 903611.005 “0, 'g'dy.! [any to new amul- an ' u on m: to an Dom. All CW Mod-cut. NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, he, CONVEYANCEH, VALUATOI. Maurine. Agent. DURHAM AGENCY. llwaber Coll... Play-Solon: god Barman. Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. S. do! to. DENTISTRY. G. LEFROY McCAUL. E S. DAVIDSON. Head Office, Toronto: w. P. cow“. Mom. GEO. P. sun. lance. m mm In! Licensed Auctioneer foe the County of Grey. D. lcPHAIL. Hopevillo P. 0 C. BAIAGI Durham. Private Mo- to Loan. H..Mille-' m .4. “an“ humor. 5%;

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