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Durham Review (1897), 31 Oct 1901, p. 1

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lt-mat I) e &C0. 1901 mun! to p afar: " 'ro y I” an the up?" ' thr, _-tttq may "no r12: E] m. to " is d " VOL. XXIII. Noo_.4_4 " nil LY., US! oy' THE mosrrtrns.-rtee. Alex- I _mder Stewart, of Durham Wu "It. l tt Donald Anderoron'cAlex. Means" B. and Wm. Hope's [all week. Mr - art H K) years old and tsn. In“! In the mimicry c, yes”. " in tt ”"9“ hepreached in tuotaiotr.ehoqtoe' the htrm of Domld mm» m M lived on the 3rd con. Bid. Baum“ for the Bapti-t com al years. ulvnyl walkimt {to- D.” tomend to hum-wedded.» At that time there was not even I that on the tmestoguide the ".me forest between Durham and “I. Mr. Santa" tinduttr it my to p . round by 121mm». The old gondo- man is slightly deal. but hi. Vidal le not dimmed, and " voice 30 um an in . Auk! Ian no. .. _tShtt,T,'dttl'l,( ft'd,% tho Tttt sd Grey and "iiiired-TujGikrit- " any in that section. A depuution 5 similar purpcw from Nornmnhy up twet weeks ago. Our advice in :tm- it. Now Ibo-BI be tuatt, '. P. C. Park. Hamilton. specialist Vin-M at the Eye. Ear. Nose. and ml. will arrive in town on Friday mm. Nov. 8. 'amd will remain till day morning. the lith Nov. He can outotited at " rooms above Menu. is hum Ntore m at his mother's " " MENT Runm'nu 1| of Bum V. Br-uw m Du: worship Mayor l not. The question , parties. Mr. al men t " " n . "moving gun. a. wife one of that Bk. If. he Big More. xvrnthor of but week an: farmer:- who had root. to ml in atore. " “a duo n tow" It “I " he witness "(it St "IDA y mu and mud“! mm build"! the defettt th wttt' Page Much; m Durham " stein. in showing an I well asnorted stock ods, Clothing. new. ‘k Show. Crockery wire. that cannot M rwrtr his M Rh imy urn Hutu! sum " uni WI t is tmt rkn at Durham xt with com- vVoekly G loin '. Mr mp1. u. tt " :nlder on Sat- was discussed " S. Hume! the town W hn SI ha Ttse suit of ms. McKin- “nan! hang!- ot er In!" twain til '. He cm e McFur mother) running IP54 " icture xtl All asihte tend " iward unis May h tee " year obson wall iven crt w n tr " "(If will he ht " tll be o but Friday three: young lads, Thou. B. Stinmn. urged Mt yuan and a few mambo and Robert and George Lindsay About. tho name - went out nhooting And in coming boulevards in the worm In: they pulled through Ir. David Wat-ow: orchard. Here Stimon took his rifle by the muzzle and attempted to knock an apple from a tree with the butt end. the {and folly of the affair ly- ing in the fact that the Run was at ttauf-rock. nod loaded. It was discharg- ednnd the hull passed into his right nlxlmnen tearing throuirtt_ttte huwels and lodging in the hip. TtiiGtiir% TGU given. Mr. Watson, Mr. Hugh Riddell and others were soon on hand' and the i boy was taken to the home of hin dis-E tracted pnrents. and medical aid amu-g nmned. Dr. Smith of Dornoch and Dr. I a...“ Malian of Durham were soon procured. i We hut examination of the wound, as large of the au- am American stlver dollar. with intes- )taken lines protrudimt. left no hope. He was i supple mad:- as may ms possible, hut he died 3 m t in Saturday morning. , The boy is an only son of Mr. and Mrs T. Slinson, who. but Decembé moved from S. Bonlinck to the Mt-Domld farm near Welherk. The 'tthc" " cast. it gloom over the ootnmanity and intense sympathy is felt for the parents and and sitter thus 90 suddenly bereft of their son and lumber. We ettend our nem- Welheck. gloom over the sympnthy is fe and sister thue Cash or Trade Also paid for dre poultry Mr. and fins. John McKelvey have lately had very sad news indeed from New Ontario. A child of 153MB“. Aged 25 years trot added and died as the result Angus. their other son. lost a. yearnld boy from irtfbunation. We sympathize deeply with the surrowing We want live C kens 30d dtteks which we will the highest pric LOST Ac.ars.-The Widow of the late John Jack Jr., it may be remembered. sued the Canadian Foresters some months ago for insurance on her hus- band's life. which the order ciaimed had been forfeited. She lost the case And an appeal she then made to the Divisio- nal Court he! decided "bout 10 days ago in the same way. The judgment, in the appeal was given hr Mr Justice Fergu' son and Mr. Justice Meredith. In the question of Us and Shoes our motto is not "Low eap" but "how good"'. “y e aim at bu ing only the best and our increased ade in that line shows us that our orts are apprecia- ted. If you are t already a (listonier we invite you t call and examine our yto'k. We at satit,tied that, we can make it wort your trouble. . H. Bnowx. Holstein, n " a rents unpathy 1'0 n‘VU I - u-r_.._h you n lone way towand eucceus. When che Family Hot-dd and Weekly Star, of Montreal, with their reputation for doing things right. unnounces to the public that they see issuing portraits of the Kingnnd Queen to their subscribers, the public will be .3th that their picture is the he". obtainable. and will bait for it. The public will not be dis-minted. either. The Funny Her- ald's portraits of the King nod Queen nee each 18 x N inches. iind ere truly a beauuful pair. They have also a third picture of the “Duchess of Dev- onshire." in ten rich colour-9.23 x 28in- choc. which is regarded as a perfect gem. All they. ping"? we to be given free to “WWW-.-“ v ald's portrait.? of t Queen are ”h 18! a truly a healthful pair. a third New” of the " onshire,1' in ten rich 0 cheer, which is regarded . _L.--n- an tt To have a good reputation in Lucille-I - _---.. “In... "rl) T. B. STlNSON SHOT lll)illllilll Will”. m W the itil tttttit ll avers with theffBeview Atow I] SO ll highest prices price for 110ng Holstein DURHAM, THURSDAY, ocitiBiiiii"irrjiii01. or 1n 3 We present our readers with a cut of the late. Dr. thm from photograph taken a few years ago and odd some supplementary notes not, included or ( m t in time for last week's not ice. l The funeral took place on Friday lust {and was very largely attended and markedly representative in character. lnmldltinn to the local medical men ‘Dr's. Jamieson, Hutton and Mahan, :there were present of his profession _ Senator Landerkin and Dr Mearns,Htut. , over; Dr. Jones, Mt. Forest ', Dr. Smith. l Dotnoch and Dr. Brown. Holstein. I From Hanover, we noticed also Mr. 11. I H. Miller. from Priceville, Mr. Neil Mc- QKinnon and Mr. John Nichol, and tor i miles around the town representatives , of families to whom he has ministered 4hr many veurs and who . valued his friendshipus much as his pvofessiontu lskill Were present. Rev. Mr. Furqiiharscn conducted tliel services at. the house and drew many l useful lessons from the occasion com-1 mon to immunity, and more especially} from the life of the deceased, so in, tensely and benevolently i,1e17cte'l had been, doting with the fitting eu- ' logiiun .. Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord. yen saith the spirit and l l their works do follow them." The aged. land venerable Rev. Alex Stewart led in L' pathetic prayer and Hey. Mr McGreg- ‘or closed the house service with prayer. t The pail bearers were: Messrs Char-1 (ter Smith, Wm. Smith. Geo. Turnbull, I p ll. McFarlane, sr., Thus. Lauder, so, land Jno. Cameron. He now sleeps mi the new cemetery for the securing of i which he was one of the warmest work- i in: and beside his boy, vVillie, who was fthe Brat to be interred there. l In addition to his work tor Education. gthe Public Library. the church, &c. l which we referred to but week. he took inlso a warm interest in the Horticuitur.. ial Society, was Chairman of the Board 'of Health for many years and did much '; in his official capacity for the sanita- r tion of the town. He had charge of the 1 ofricial instruments for observations for the weather bureau. and took " great interest in tneterorology and all this in- terest with his practice. his reading and ‘his classes of latin scholars from time I to time goes to show what an intensely lle way; " beneficiary Inmnlwr oi the \Vorknwn Yiociety and an honorary member and l amp Physician of the 1 Sous of Scotland. who sent m beautiful i anchm-for the coft1n and at their lasti meeting passed a resolution of appreci. i, ation and condolence. Others who ox- 1 pressed appreciation in the languagei of flowers were Dr. and Mrs Jamieson. i Mr, and Mrs Laidlaw, Mrs J. H. and) J. A. Hunter. members of his Bible: lclass, the Public School tstaff, Mr & Mr l i A. 8. Hunter and family. The Dr's own I Homily, including his grandson Mr (J. A. ', .McKonzie duo had an approprinte (101.11 l,otrerintr. White gr/tttttgt" and irons were the preva. ling flowers. i A MEIORIAL sEsucoN.--0n Sundavi morning Rev. Mr. Famuhuson preach“ ed from Heb. 11 t ar, 40, hrinfing out the , good wort done , the old worthier mentioned in the C npter. the motives. which actunted than, and their inthe ence on all who followed them. ire! broadened on the pine of plume:- nt l . 'A- - -_-.. - n a.” I ml ence on - "uv -v--_,..,, -___ - broadened on. the value of pioneer work i in all countnee of men who Were the landmarks of history, men who stamped their character on their own age ind whose faith and works lived long after them, yet whose work without ours we: not perfect " God having provided some better thing for us, that IN without us should hot he made perfect, The strong men of the ages had their weaknesset hut there was still the (“wand in the rough._ In closin he reterred to the long public service a? Dr Gun, who was second to none in all that we: connected with the beet in- terests of the town and church. Enthuslntic in his profession he was looked up to u the beloved tT/el',',',',: iHia heart took on inter-ttt t e govern- ment of the town and especially in the T education of the young. About40 years a member, over 90 years an elder of the church. and for almost the whole time I ateaCher of the Bible class, his faith was tive spirit has gone THE LATE DR. GUN. tit ilhitrittt) . Wmwros---rtyt--At the "muse, Dur- I ham. on Tuesday, the 29th, Oct. by ' the Rev. Wm. Farquhm sun. hit" \Vm. l Mighwn, to Miss Mary E. Riehl, both of Bentinck. shown by his works. In the roll of ',t'S,'e/i"htg,te,ttl"vtlr thinning out to- wards the rent. only 5 or 6 names Were now ahead of his. He touched upon his marked integrity, hie resolute purpose to do the ri ht, and though his strong mind ,'d'h'il4 opposition more. times. there wan still the respect, for his Integrity. The examine of his religious hh, was very yulunh o t " regu nrity In the Home of God. his cure for the young. the simplicity of his faith which clung to the old reulitieu and held to abiding pritteipiert till bis dying hour. were all worthy of emulation. The heroic element was present but he had not lived out all his pur ' god it would be well for un if we grew inspira- tion from his life and Work. " that they without us should not, he made perfect." ABERDEP‘N. --Epitw opal Service next Sunday at 3 o'clock at Aberdeen. LIFE or LORD RommTtr.--We buye seen the prospectus of this timely book new being handled hr Miss Nettie Brown who has taken the. agency for this district. with the view of strength- ening her health by outdoor exercise. It is superhlv illustrated. printed on fine paper and contnlue n full narrative, of the life and deeds of the hero of South Africa. It is itvst such a hook as most people would enjov having on their shelves or on their parlor table, and cheap tho as subscription hooks go. Miss Brown has four others to suit all tastes. and we hespeuk for her the interest of all lovers of good books. On Thursday evening. Nay. 7th (siev- enth), there will be a Stereopticon lecture in the Baptist church, given hy Roy. T. J. Bennett. of the Herkimer St. Baptist church Hamilton. The sub‘ ject will he " Vacation Experience " it deu-rihcs n trip down the St. Lawrence --Montgomery F'atts--shruuteof SLAune through Annapolis Talley-Au experi- ence caught in a quick-sand and tide coming in etc. - _ . .. 2 Fa y Flower Pots for 2.5 Ms. at The Big ' are. - Thénlécture is given under Kim‘s of the 'Young People's Silver collection at the door. "-sU, "e, - _ _ BORN. Moser-h, Durham, on Thursday, 2t, to Mr. mu! Mes. Hurry Bartlet. I inn. WA'rr--1n Durham, on Sunday. the 27, the wife of Mr. John Watt. a son. Known an! the George ies farm, lots 8 and 5 of 9, Concesdo ft, Bentlnck. This farm contains 50 acres of land with 14 acres of goo hardwood hush, good hank barn wit lean to it, 40 x 55. Good smhling, pig and sheep nen. fine hen house. 18 x ' ' with furnace in it. Good brick ho e and orchard, nice spring creek, r ning past the Irarn. " so 15 acres of ll wheat. All the str can he had alter posses- sion is given Dee. 15th. 01. Will take part cash nd balance can remain on place. F' further particulars apply to / Cos, Krupp. BARCLAY tl NOBLE. This week we ask attention to our new line of WOOLLEN and RUBBER and full lines of Home Blankets. om. OUTTERS. ROBES, RUGS Surruty &oves and see L our tts. . mous Syl- vester Drill with steel wire conductors. :: _/ttel 2; find! ' of War-MI! "A a 'iitset1t.jjji8lt FARM FOR SALE. AA' Winter is approaching and those needin stoves should not fag to see burs. Also Clare NEW IMPLEMENT AGENCY makes. ML 1 do? Pd _ 'ifl"fiffirT..'ffRi." 0m. MARRIED 13:21:) the nus Society, lX,lgJglllilll= ')t,Cjir',i,7,i'iij,',',1'l','jf)r1'i""'l g - As. .Yre/and. ty'ii'kxxseszirxx:iisx:irgxxxxxxxx 3mg}; C," -r"ti) I; 'r; 72? it" 3,? "s"; .3? firsttTflTi‘TtJflTflTflTfl u 'uuiru.ytsu1ridlti4 LJ'kJ‘L‘IJ tu.rL.rtLul'Ld 17fi1ifi1'fifi'fi1'fi‘Irffi'fr'r1"fi‘aff‘1'r‘1ffi1‘ _t.f,jit 'pl 2 2ls. ii,l,)iii, 1'll _i,1ail,i. E ijijjij" {6" $175 ii 'ijit, gm} Illll© IND lllllll??liltl /-(> ll, lil, Wrapperette Shirt Waists at 500, Ttie. Jig 5:5 EH -------Ncwcst designs um] coloring" at m g; Carpets _ Fil $250. 300. 400. 500. 60c. 75c. and li 5.; $1.00 a yard. Sl . "s'"'""""""-"'"'-"'"""""'"""'"""'"".'""'";"; WW” . iii £moleums and floor ae, from 5%: 2% {a 2150 a aquare yard, 'iiii, M " " As,,. 'retand 1% F ' -u .h' sV'vrrt)lic' r,r a c, ih .733. F. _ t a I "n: 4. . V _r-.vF-,9'-r.'t',ti'",A,'r',e l f f ;" .'. rar ," V; C _ y . . MI MIME ill MlllIIERY 'sHD:tss Wrappers at 61.26 to -Jiis-, E DRESS GOODS _-ac-----") iilj,i; ORDERED -""' l BOOT“: ‘CLOTHING l g, A splendid range of suit ings at ail prices from.. IS OUR SPECIALTY. We carry the finest range in Town. It consists of TWEEDS, WORSTEOS, CHEVIOTS. WHIP-CORDS ranging in price from During the season may distinct changes in millinery styles take place. We are constantly receiving the very latest ideas in shapes and trimmings and have completly replen- ished our Mock in this department. _ This week we are showing a special table of felt shapes. nicely trimmed with ve1veta, silks, breasts, quills. chenille, ac., neat and stylish looking hats at little tnouey-- $12.00 to $24.00 dlbaadala in OW " Romlmbor the pluc- NEW YORKjCOFFEE, juttohand, perlb..... JAPAN TIM, four grades, per1b..soc, 15c, 20c, YOUNG HYSON. per m......., ...... ...... INDIAN BLACK, per Ib...........-- CEYLON GREEN, per lb...... ...... .... ....., Pull lines ot the Best Canned Goods. popular gash Ettore N is the proper time to buy your FALL CLOTHING as .ve have some New Arrivals in Single and Double Breasted Suits rangin in price from $6.00 to 1stsGhr1iii Inspection invited at THE POPULAR CASH STORE. FA'ir':A:'iF,f 40c. T0 $1 A YARD ‘95 Ar 'rms0Githot. WHOLE NO. 1232 LAI DLAW‘S Old Stand MEN'S FINE , 14 l VA --C,aiter or 1rssced--reCa,. lat pri:e,m2.25, N_0W $1.75 LADIES' KrDloxFORDs. and TRILBY, regular mic? $1. 50, now only ttN groceries 'fllrcKeehttie. fil‘hmt‘fiiâ€"N-ws irCn?tfifdhipxttr, we, rasma-t counter. itiiti'itt,t) Me 25c 45¢ 15¢ ted' go

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