West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 31 Oct 1901, p. 3

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I! at is the ROWN Rliii Gil, ' 44. "ii." Compte'? U happy-Ui, N10 u.. " Tgear nkey C, ever Since (losing the est Tailoa WISH ot an item had M tWest hint!“ l 7iGUAe "eb-, man“! Gee 5.703. 3.0 I5 = - n with)" tat it Since :cived ED ft j ent- " ,,ed, of?! from r it's 1mi- ia't an“! Hen Key and! Met) st" " mt. m1 I: " WIN n W In MH, Mn ha w by don't (boy has?" ey [ct Bouill- Tam No mm. no ttre. Bhlvom ht a! no " tho broken " you can 11.” Then ME; “Idler Edwln br " ' " n8 'o u mac gut-ml hat you II m. do not ' nine your u n the mute. trer'q hand Mn; up on rout the It! man! you, ou your w No reason Vc 15 um '" the battle of Antletum or an ambulance with and he wont dutritrut and Goon! Smart. tt Ctsr1stuat man In um , ..n through the alley. Open the "Oh." you say. "it In locked!" in not lath-3d. It has never been i. No burglar would be taunted m there to eteal anything Only Ken chair sand: “run-t the door. ' it back. Go In. Strike 5 match. hook. Bolt-tune. nnd no. Bee 31.1er awhile. Be careful now you any. Do not utter any In- to not utter any Implant. If you your life. What B tttnt red nun e wall? lt to the mm of n mur- . hand. Look at than two eyes , up out of the “rim nnd out the strut! In the corner. eomtne rd you, and us they come near your light [on out. Strike nu- match. Ah. this in n MM. not he» beautlful children presented Imam. Tttig little one never anall- t never wlll smile. A flower than; l awfully barren beach. o Ben- Shenherd. told that little one ln Shep Son "Oh." you any. "they In t and therefore they do no: ur "mpathy.'" Are they o much more need they your Christian poor. God helps I” W at I]! h work. WM ix nature an " tth " Hove him like a. hr looming out of the _ ling hem, and the friend, and they too Point-his 4mm! nu going down, and I t turn, for I never a," could not talk with " habits " you t the rich: way. I t don't you give up y become . Harman? jun how he locum counter, n he repiit on. Mr. I should I tracts tor now? bleed“; to dea "Wadi. and tracts." We w. null. "wall are you diltributlnt tract: for now? There are 3,000 men bleeding to death. Bind up their wounds, and then distribute the trans." We want more common sense in Christian work. taking the bread ot this we in one hand and the bread ot the next lite in the other bend. No such mam work as that dam he thm (“M-7 lion mun who, during the civil war. went into a hospital with tracts, and. coming to the bed of o man whose [on had been amputnted. gave him a tract on the sin of dancing! . I could give you the history in a minute or one of the best friends t ever had. Outside of my own family I never had a better friend. He wel- comed me to my home at the west. He was ot splendid personal appear- ance, but he had an ardor ot soul and a warmth of affection that made me imitated. It took menu to get there. I went In. I saw 1 are”. fully dream the bed. I gave hl seized it convulsive "Oh. how glad I 1 down there.'" I l mu, but can't get After aw " Slmdzly lN'l'r.I{N.\ I'IUVAI, LESSON Ntt. l ,o, EMIH‘ZIK 3, “NH. kl and at) his h) shows oeter tat her a" " umhl rmim: Mr ll fully dressed, lyinc rm :09 of d. I gave him mp hand. and he it convulsively and NC: how glad I am to... m Bit " m HP! What are hy wish Mott Mo I shouid like to be a Chris- I have me so tar “tray I back!" So the time went on. hue the any of aickneel came. mmoned to his sick bed. I . It took me but a few mo- get there. 1 ma.- surprised as a. I slaw him in his orddnnry :ablllty. '9lr.r' to m the In I In not cm O h In wr, you used to new m't you help me new? L got out of bed. tor it c, and I went to her and rms around her neck, and "her, 1 will do better, 19: help. I can't do thin knelt and prayed. Thu tl went to the Lord who that done by the Chris: as 1 am to” ml an I sat down. N ha Tnlxmga. M w my miAtttt H mu .5 been dead twenty don't want you to t of my mind or that ms. but. sir. she as: ight. and she said. sh you would do bet- u would do better.' l 11mg M .L'M‘ubnlld J'tutr- I). "r'irut Josispir Htfll'Ct- his brothren and intro- to Pharaoh, who weloom- -.4| blld" J:vii'Itlt give offi- lti In any who proved mun of activity, energy The" Joseph introduced .0 the king. Here Joseph noblcness of " chur- A bring ashamed of his tt mam " personal appur- ardor of soul and n that made me her. I In? men loans and samb- m who will not I won't reform." ems are then in a there are tive gedy: A y a home; W o have him a mu: far bett I'tt heart, 'ryrri' at “path” db ,efth thre " but no ttow RA the curmi hunt " W I {athnr's noel a good while? tiveuty-tltel 1 left his tath ltor HI kl could do , but I to hem be m ll) My on rt gun. will property 30 mile w arewe ttttl Plum in l, his full: Ir mg mm tro; N t't'6 we]; won tin-y th 10s 1'OIV ant' Tlt ' 'Tb"" neck' Ital The ll tt', In I7 h. Jam!) bl/tttting his sons. Chnp-i tern slviii, xlis. TAG time was ap- proaching when Jue,ot) knew he must die; he ha uivk and nearly hiind. Jo- ueph took his two son". Mannswh and Ephraim. to his father. who bimsml them. 'In this some we "and but notice the ptruphetic adop- tion of Ephraim and hluuassch. an " mvn sons nnd hmds of tribas. and the giving of the chief bloat-rim: to Eph- rnim. the 3mmgm‘." Ephraim be- "aut'., tho hunting trib , "wit to Jstdait. Jim lvforo hie cit-nth Jurott prophe- 'rieat cont't'rrtinpt his sons and pro- nmxm-zd Winnings upon thuln. 6. Jatib's dvntll um! burial. xlix, 39 to 50: ll. Jacob was 147 .VNU" of "1:0 “hi-ti hr dim}. Before his «hath ho srte'urtttt " solemn pledge from Jump!) that hr, would not bury him in Mum (leii. L"o-ltit, and intrr it» chttrgvrl thmn to bury him in the cave whm-r- Abraham and lunac wow harm]. Tiiesv iuHtructions wow all ctttlulls rmrivd out. h. Jan-(.1) hlsm tern slviii, xlis. munching- when J “I at Js ttt l IO. it? father did command--.) though this is not recorded viso- whcro, it was undoubtedly trim. They had probably ask”! their la- thor to help them In their trouble. Jacob must have advised timiu to humble themselves before their bro- tlwr. and obtain a fresh nesuronco of his forgiveness. l7. Forgive, etc. - These words WPN' Wondc-rfully well chosen. and were upon-in in a Why to appeal in the mint forcible manner to Jon'ph’l pioty and filial nitration. They can: themselves wholly on his mercy. Jest-pin wrntt-How touching! "Ho wrpt out of sympathy with their (loop HoTrow of many years which nothing but forgiveneu and reconciliation could a.tioviate."--Pr- laubet. 18. Poll duevn--'rltas' mum and agaln do, we see the tulnltitent or Jumpll’g dreams in a remarkable manner. xxull. 5-8. 19 In the place of God-l have Jumping dreams in a remarkable manner. xxuil. 5-8. 19 In the place of God-l have forgiven you and the manor is now between you and God. l mu not your Judge to punish you. 20. Yo meant evil (R. 1.y--And what they did WM Just :m wicked as though the results had lwon 1li.q.. astrous. They intended it for Mil. and (ind judges according to thr motive which prompts the not. God meant it tor good IR. T.)-Ajod uret- ruied their wickedness and made it work out good. 22. Dwelt in Egyptrallc continued in Egypt until the time of his death, which was fifty-four years after tho death of his father. His mther'e house --hlt the dowendants of Jacob re- mained in Egypt 1tt years after the death of Joseph. An hundred and ten yeartr-He was treventrtrt years old when he camp, to Egypt, thirteen years were spent in slavery and prison and righty years on the throne: for it is probable that he retained his high office to the close rMaincd of his lite 23. Upon Joseph‘s knees mlucath by him, nr undi than: his sons and their t tinned to acknowledga h nrtth, or head of the tnn as he Iived.--Ctttrkr'. 2A. Will mm]; Visit .rnt unbounded tmouritrertrte in _ made to 1114 ancestors. T throne had not Iwc-anr-d h from tho true God. up "full :msurnnc" of faith. out-OT/th you have It of tl ly The history of Joan)! in thv Bible reveals tin lih- was an m ('ntiui our wa might rum-t of on 1leveloped so oarly in l Ono thing is certain, luui not boon “irked t have perttocutted theh. ther an thr'y dbl-4311 und seiiinx him into " meant it tot. mil, but lo this day."- Iuvnph'a (-uffln k, r th uni. win-n Gtrlt FnrHllu “var “Will. Curry his bury tlon in tit" Int though this would b0 hundred yours ttrter. Nothing p.135 so wol to “WI. "With lost lits him. " n .h ststrlt that will result such an "snmpl me an object Ito cmxthmully , "No, sir,“ esviuinted the loud-voiced urnmmvr in the smoker, "I'rn proud to my that no nunse in the coun- try has more men puahlng Its Mae ct genus than ours." “What do you twit 1'" asked a curi- can on". "Batty earrlattes." n tl m, 6."?! MR by 'oUin- tem portions of ." .. Imam he cnihtthno I as "my M , th ll" Hm I‘ PR anon bruins with the that): tl " ash m livel t It It Would I whm hr Wtl bls Irretltri'rt Would prm God should I. turn his U Proud Drummer TI him my bu on" lid (WWI w on“ hundrvu 1 HUI-MIN (In all during his estimate tho , such a family of dm‘nticm tr m before their , you-Joseph l e in the prom" rs. Tho Egypt nted hiw anecti lint will l h." Hrln; re mar." mfnrtabh ivnn by C m y n PH I. V --They wen ' his dine» hildron can lit IS 'tell r Huh n pn." Em P tu'r than AT me muss m mm was E The, Indicate taarnester-" he "can I [ Line Show. Alteration. l (Notes From t'holro.) l The line of heart la naturally an i important line in the study or thel hand. Love. or the attraction of the l reset from natural can“. play- one i ot the moat prominent put- in the I drums ot lite, and an in the nature, I so in the hand. The line of the heart in that line which run: across the up- l per" portion of the hand, at the heme of the Mount- of Jupiter, Saturn. the l Butt and Mercury. It should be deep, clear and well-colored. " may rival from three lznfnrtant nutrition: as fol- , town: the middle of the Mount yi Jupiter, between the first and tree- and fingers. and from the centre of l the Mount of f9atttrn. When it rim-v. from the centre of Jupiter. it sv,ixtosi the higher-t typo sst love. the pride: and worship of the heart’s ideal. The 1 man with flu/:11 a formation is firm! strong and reliable in hie affections. 1 lie is all well ambitious that the ww ', man of his choice shall be grent.l noble and famoue. Such a man with never marry beneath his station. and will have far less love affairs: than the man with the line from Saturn. When the line rises from the Mount of Jupiter, and even from the finger jlteelf. it denotes the excess of ail the foregoing qunlities. it given the blind enthusiast, the man so carried away by his pride that he can nee no faults nor failings in that being whom he so (levutediy worehipn. Alas. such people are the. sufferers in the world of affection. When their idols full. as idols will soutviiuuvs, the. shock to their pride in s» great that they rarely, if mer. tH'CovPr from its effects. Tho line rising between the first nml when” fingers! given a rain! but tin-pnr nature in mat, tern of lore. Such irtcrtridurtltrs'Pr'at to rat between th" Motility given by Jupiter mznl the pnminnnte ar- 'toy qiren ivy Saturn. 'llwy urt- quieter ann mort' mhduml in their passions. With the heart line tinting from Saturn. the (whim-t will haw- thorn passion in his attachments and will lw moh- ur less s,4rirehatul perhaps it little joalous. When tlw line of lmnrt is much fruit-\l by n m line of 1toart crowd ot litt it tells of in und so (m. but of no I Hons. A line at hrart Saturn. when chainec shown an utter mute apposite sex. When hr lino denotes grout viry don. When pale and hr Ject is indirtcrent. WI on the hand and thua line of head. tho ham- intetfere with the hood. Breaks in _ disappointment, in l that! are under . brought ttbout by the sun through 1 Mercury through in A very turnrnrkaltlo ice whether the lit momma high or lr: The first in the shows the happiest I must bring Ctet Fellow Cupilve of Miss Is an Earnest Mlssl M In know Slum- returning to thtd.r zxntiw {land tlr,' tdtlkas limo 1mm iomtni at Kortvim. Albania, viltrrro Hwy _.lttsvtx iueun opswtl in exau- l, grill-u! work, iiiiivpvmir'ui of 9 any loan] or minions. A ,rviiool int nuihn gw,irirr has been mun-ted by than uni is the ouiy {Christian school tor giris in all g Albania. No more than forty pupili ‘cun attend tho institution. owing IL", Its limited rmurocu. There are Venom any vacancies. Mn. runw- efforts are to aid, tr countryw- men pay-loan: M 119.} u "ink-Ill. It! Ii] WIS. TSILKA’S CAREER. INT. but deem love. hm bet ween 2teE W n hi Mr ral tl xt MF m best. bright violent I Itrottr' When Hm trr, ride, tl My an: IN " tur ma. the sut en 10w dow w ”le Ellen been u s Irks bee It as rar 1ple In g A}. I -h-aeaeaeaeaetrwtiioY- lightly; 'resting LY tum ttt It their " 3 THE MARKETS (ii' Hay [Twp] 810 to $12 to' ‘9 per tc FINN?» RH .12 per tun tor loom. Dressed " 87.50 to " Potatoes-pri- rnngod from out? tn TOc per hag. 'Nrtttptr-t%vt'riii lots huh! nt L'.", to 300. per bag. Apphms--Detlrt'rirs fairly large; de, mam and. at s: to $3.50 Mr tall and " to $4.25 for winter vtsrietiere. Poultry-Deir""' large. but in many mutant!" the quality was poor, mrpertallr tnrkoyi. many of which haul been killed hororr. they were tit, Inv- lng' no tat, and mine ot them limit flush. Turkeys of poor quality so]. at 90.. wlth thott of lwlter (mall!) at ttt to r..'.e. pm‘ lb. (Thickono sul- Hui: B " H " 1trr Homo mm are minded brawn chilly od mindln new; an smallpm cum“) mun been r0- port!“ to Dr. Brynn front Lochiet Touumlxip in (W "guru". 1troeevittv Honora in Manitoulin Ieland. King.- vule in Essex. and KornlL near the Smut. The situation at man b now wetl under eoatrol. , . . I urn-nu r a. nu n' "orliet. Toronto Lis lo IO her. ea M Perth. 01th fr. Mum)’ "ti mm: hold out on rm I" Brads! reel _q' on 'l'rndc "" rts nph rt all-Ir»! in 00mm: a of R. ll. Dull & M " Stock Market outwith-red narrow- ther make a we- Ir their own bud» lives. but his no hope ot r !mnlu-ln at " tite sing” Markets bushels Irod hauls '. 400 Wh- um buthelu ', ooo bach- at .11 tes :1. " to " Tf an all mum I 7.00 has} 94M m! u r tuttte from Ot nd8T of oat" tr (I urnlp tt luv. MrTt l-U' OTTT-S 0751-: 0 691-8 I) ht in I" k our!“ to to 0 38‘ " " PETE-T” reeoT- por It [If m

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