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Durham Review (1897), 31 Oct 1901, p. 5

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1eyytt"' IChest. f.ll Fl! 4b'6'ib6'0q 50-00-0005 I mm mm Is. scarf: ERS 3L0re 31, 1901 Ids Of [GM " \RDWARE fr1LS, at" lnnouncc tq of Durh- tv that " Drug 1160. II public I!" mine- " - l4 10331:)! STOVES TIN Mill tteau " N illitt 'dir ll lh' M 00-? Hall an Haniri an W. H. BEAN TWEEDS d YARNS GROCERIES AMERICAN AND CAN- ADIAN COAL OIL. MacFaI-lane tilt. it) t ask Imam at on! In: WW“, Hanging. an uet, anse, Hand or Stand and Bracket. A... .... --, Hall and Library n Wool L'ndershirts and Drawn: from tiOc. up to 'l.00 each. s "Hwy Top Shirt, from '1.00 up. Paulina" "vkrts It 'l.00 I 31.50. MI Wool Swenwrs Red & Blue- i,jijlii HE SELLS CHEAP I l ' J A K E K RESS t 0$u$sssw - tll " Lower Town Durban! jake Kress. Oruggist & Booksellers DRY GOODS, CROCKERY. PM! yrs & SHOES. ae., Jinn-st quality. The Best Quality cheaper than ever Undertaking PROMPTLY AWENDID IO. FOR manna 31, 1901 9 long ureve Undone-sh . cw. and 50:. rub. a Fur vapor-inn '" "tlo, II). soon. ”.50. 87.0) and Itnannrl Red and White Grey Planned Sth. n rd. Bluukvln. large sup. 8] nummrmnm. lartee NZ! marke _‘1 ry Welsh 1 give you Bargains. Mitts Irv-panes J) each. .4 us when you “mm. at Winter Shuts as: We may Sta-ling Bros. hand-made Mil FURNITURE mm [BUS 13s. oi all kinds / the Genuine h Chimney--. the best in the ll-o " a Black Wo iruni Mule Nk t pair. nickle plated AND alirt Block tit' and Drawn s '1 a pair l2? 3|."I 34.50 mm " " $1 l I' my: to buy only the at in rubber lloohvnn. “Gantry R rev-"are 'w- l kuowledated to he the t undo in Can- i min. We have a full PW stock "(these i celvltratsut rubbers i all lines. " you lhave never Warn t m. try them thin i ymr and he mnvi ed that they un- lhv I hest, J. ll Rqu "Mann. The Rxwtw will he sent to new Sub. merihem to the and of "m for 8Loo, and this inrludn a full my ot tho Canadian Annual. Let your mighhor know. A muting of the "tudrpendernti' of ('o-nno Bruce wu held at (ll-min womb ly. There were, so punch! and they pasted resolution: which the (‘hesh-y Enterpxue any! Are wholly intvndrd lo assist. Mr. Hugh Cturk, the opposition candidate. These rules shunld he absolved in dressing poultry for English market“: Chickens must be plump and fat. sum-- ed 36 hours before killing: must be Med in month; plucked perfectly elem. and dry: leave unly two inches of fea;hers nn neck from head down: leave head and feet. on. and dn not draw thtuu, Take. great run nut to tear them while t plucking. for turn hirds are "usnleuhle fur Old 1htttntry markets. Dun-h. geese and turkerdvetmed and treated mine as the chickens. Fuwlu must be per- fectly cool hefure pan-king. Hy follow- ing the "hove mutt "rtitttts you will have a prime Mid fur the English mmket and realize " wwd price for young ttt spring birds h Pms t.Ntt Pansxx‘r.xrmx --A pie sot-L nl at Lalnnn school nu Friday evening In! Wis used as an occasion to present to Ferguson Grant. the teacher. (who in lenvirg to take up the practice of dentistry.) an npprecintiye address, which we give below. The Concert part part Wits ably contributed to by Messrs Ed McClucklin. F'. Ryan. Jan. A. Hun- tor and w. 8. Davidson, the. latter nc. time also as Auctioneer at the disposing of the pies. A pleasant evening wan upent. Here in the address: .. Den! Teneher, We your pupils of N. B. NW. 3 Bantinrk and Glenda. on the eve "t your departure from among us. take the opportunity of showing our appreh- tion of your worth both as a citizen and a teacher. During the three years that, you have been our teacher, you have ever guverned u.- firmly and kindly, and and have used your utmost endeavors to advance us both intellectually and morally. Every one run see the result of Tour work in the marked unmove- morally. Every one mu m the result of Tour work in the marked itnproye- men? in the tschool-room um] its sur- roundings, but to ml Alone. is klmwn the full amount of your earnest lulu". therefore we wish yun to accept. this watch-chain no t slight. testimonial of our regard. knowing that, while we have now the Borrow of losing a true friend and a faithful tam-her. we will have the joy In future uflearning of you as an honored and esteemed womb" of the ptufessiuu to which you are now turning your efforts." Signed in behalf of school My Hazel bargalvel. wiliie Bell, Vern Graham. date of sale Funnels and others getting sale hills printed at this office will receive a free notice in the DURHAM REVILW up to A REPURTER'H h'xPr:ttrryste..- -Orre of l Dakota‘s modest young newspaper men went out to report a party the other evening where the home had recently been Messed with a lmhy says the Park River News. Accompanied " his best [ gill he met the hostess at. the door. and _ “tor the usual sellout ions he naked utter the new baby's health. The Indy, who was quite deaf, and suffering with In grippc. thought. he was atsking “hon", her cold. and told him that though she usually had one: every winter this was the worst one she ever had: it kept her awake nights and confined her to her bed. Then noticing that the scribe wan getting pnle and nervous, she mid she could tell by his looks that he was going ‘w have one inst like hers. and asked I him to go in and sit down. The paper was out an usual the next week, but the loud editor hm stopped enquiring about babies. Moms“ Ue -hlr. Rudolph Kunold. son:of the well-known genial Profes- sor. has lately been placed in it ”upon. silile position as "Hunger of the Phoe- nix Mutual Life Inuurnttce Co., of Utah. A circulul to their policy hold- ers announcing tlw change has the following notice of him '.-- '. Mr. Kanold has been a long time resident of this city and . former employee of the Com- pany And is thefetore funniiur with its plums and its general policy. He will he found In earnest worker, prompt and cm Icons in his attention to the Interest of the policy holder: of the Company, 3nd we solicit for him the confldenmr and 'mpport of our patrons until he man have earned both for himself. Make all remittances for premium: payable to the order of Rudolph Kon- otd. Hunger.” We conmtulate Mr. Eiusandrsor"r Andhh wlte (me It. - no”) 'uartmttrreotitbr the can” row-ed In him. " t urn-in; Additional Locals. ttte IN t Indian mm t "I. try them this, A woe-m issue of the Cmnhnmk Her ani ed that they ”“1". ald, B.(’...mulains ml account of the I. " Rows. Holstein. meeting of the Kootenay Presluylnry tte lmuud the Christmas undo! most mun-sling rirr'mmlmrcvs tet space M the Inugnzinw They met Ivy tpecittl iuvimnun in the ‘linn, The Cerro-ttrw- home of Mr and Mrs. M. Molnm-s, (well "ricstovv of tho Muvh...“ known in Pricssvilleaud "mu- it) and ll " w I ERNIE. an " narrative Al 10W KS, "LYN IV, hummer. HIS" 1 VP?“ R They met by tpecittl invitation in t home or Mr und Mrs. M. Mclmurs, (w known in Pricovilleaud mew it) a! eujoyedovertiowitw, lumpimlity. T paperwys “Theil beautiful home w thrown upen‘nnd the nrruugvumnt the tables in the spa-1m“ dimng mm the deconu inm and the differ m: mun provided, 'mowed carcfnl ,n'qmrnm and pefltte" taste. Ewry mvmlwr the Prvsbylrry in erndnuu- at , Summm THE IrAuass,--Render, 'did yum-war we Niagara Falls? You did. Welt mtlm Put teett there lust. Thurs. day ntternoon you merely saw motor tumbling down. On that, (My. Mrs. Tuylnr. " school tetuther. a widow, "srtf 43, Went. through the. mpids fur a mile nlmve the falls. and want. over the falls ---in a barrel '.--aud was tinhed out. of the water and whisked out the barrel. and. unrortunuely, sh! Wm: alive. She did it to "sake munvy she says, will probab- ly luau umtrimnny nut.uf it, and her deed Will likely induce utln-r fools to follow her example. Md. H.(l..mulnins an meeting of the Koott undo! most tntemmtin They met Ivy medal i home of Mr and Mrs. y known in l’rix-uvillo: and t'efiuetl tussle. Every member of the Presbytery in ultelniniu‘t- at! Illt‘ convention was plewnl. "Iso MN. Form we. ef Peniluoke. (MIL. the elilels of Knox church of 1'rnnlrrook, with their wives, nod the wives of Messrs. Gordon atsd Follnne." The reptcMr, over. wljoununem was made to the church for business. me! a similar gathering in line evening wit- nessed the baptism of the child of Mr. and Mrs. Mclnnes. An incident, “u- Unique in the experience of all present. ,, says the papet. four of the clergyman but“): part In the. service. After parts ing of refreshments and an hour or two spent in social intercourse, the Preshvtery. by two of its members. warmly thanked the hosts for their hos- pitality and in reply Mr. ML-lnnes .. ex- pressing his pleasure in being prin- leged to entertain the visit ing ministers. and hoped that the Prinytery would meet ttt the neur future when he would be pleased to entertain all present uguin. In the meantime any " ho Were panning through tlrattisrook and remaining for a time would please make his house their home." .. Saturday Night" is to he congmtuln- ted on having a most. disgraceful exhi- bition suppressed in Toronto. At a re- cent lynching in Texas. u dialmlically (Interpreting man caught with a phono- graph the dying yelN and curses of at negro hut-hing at the stake with MI the horrible mn-onmling. The fellow made a tour of the States and had It going in Toronto when a veptesenrarive of thei paper referred to notified the nolice and Ccowtt Attorney Curry caused the per- lornmnce to he at once stopped and seized the cylinders. Here is an ex- tmct from last. Week's account of it l . "There ii no question that the recmd is authentic. For pure honor the thing was beyond words. The yells and cursed of the Inoh. the 'uu't.ltttt.'4 and pleas for mercy of the slowly-roasted negro, conhiuetl in a. hahel so lilood~ cnrdling as to he comparahle to nothing eholt of " glimpse into hell itself. It is inconceivahle how law-abiding (fanadi' i an: retaining the least vestige of self. respect could listen to m hideous a thing without having their. gorge rise and being betrayed into nu attack on' the ntnchiue and its operator. That such nu attraction could play to hit; business in the heart of at city that imitate; of its echools and churches. and that is regarded us being a. center of culture in the Dominion. suggests some very unpleasant teflectiour. To what extent are the people of this country serious in denouncing the deeds of Southern motw, ieeing that in an en- lightened Canadian coy. hundreds can find pleasure in fioeking to see and hear Wilt“ purports to he at true.to-iife re- production ot one of the most. awful _ excesses of mob triul on record? " The mum P"per tells at a narrow as“ rape trout serious t'ottst'nttettuer4 of their mu Hugh Mrlmws who was knocked sum-less while tiring nu uld gun. He prceived u srrinus wound below the right eye. but will Penn-0r. Mr. Lewis C. Smith, lot, 3 of 4, Cum. 1. E U ll, Glenelg, nem- Dornm-h. is selling Farm Stock and Implements. 12 mus. credit on approved joint hates. 7 pm- ceut discount for cash " fave of Note. Sums of $5 mid under. I‘m-1h. Hale at one o'clock sharp. Friday. Nov. l. “mm MACKAY, Auctioneer. SEALED TEN!” General. will bet FRIDAY. 22nd y auw of His Male for four yam. 6 1 DURHAM Ind C rrasHsnhos), MAIL CUNTRACL Unique Presbytery $teetlnir SALE REGISTER. A mum. LINDSA Y, F' ICE DEPARTM EST, CONTENT Baum. " October. 1901. TENDERb' [um-emu to the . “an...“ ill be n-w ed at Ottawa until Noon, on 22nd NOV IMBER. IN1, for the convey- s mummy b' Malls, on a [maimed Coutmet m, 6 ti cs per week each way. between Ind C wliun Punk- Railway Haitian, WON) from the lst January next, I sot T eontainintt further iutonmstion Itiot ot xmxm-d Contact may be new " a of Tender may be obtained " the 99 f Durham. Ceylon, Prieeviue, Butter. , e once of the Post OMee Inspector n BRUTAHZINH THE FALLtr,---Reruter, 'did Ninuum Falls? You did. mu were there lust Thurs- " you merely saw water Nu. On that. (My. Mrs F7, superintendent THE DURHAM REVIEW I‘UUIII Postmaster I I A RAB" oru,nrm.--Loval lady teaches should tike warning by the following and not make mull promises that. they might find trouble in tu1fillittuc---"rite Moosoinin World tells of a pretty school l nun-n1. who teach” the young idea in a l rural district not. more than n hundred _ miles from Moosomin recently made ( the offer to kiss the first pupil who arrived at the school next "outing--- in an incentive to punctuality. Un go- ing to the school the following morning she found six voting men sitting on the fence where they moaned all rught,three v,cicol [rush-cs standing in the porch. " ml a couple of elderly farmers behind a desk in the school. they having crawl- ed through " window. And each one declared he wan the first and wanted the teacher to fulftl her promise. But . the World omits saying who got the kiss. Toronto. the Toronto Live Stock Market to-day was characterized by the same. dall,liatlmttr trading as has prevailed throughout the In»! two weeks. As usual. there was bat hula demand for export cattle and the quality at the offeriugs was no better than ithna been all Week. Lambs continued at about yellerday'u prices. being Ila-bl. to resoVer the decline. Sheep won sumdy There ll only a prospoct for tt Mandy market st but for sheep Ind Jami % next week. Hogs remained unolnnged. Re- ceipt-i wow TI loads including 1.0."e, mule. 1,129 shes-p. 2,000 hogs and '39 cub as. Export. cattle-Were dull sud muggy. Sula-i heme ucnrce and at low rigor“. Them Were bat low sales of choies. aniar. lln‘ and they seldom brought mine thou " 30 per cwt. Butcheru' Cattle-Were nlow in "sihne and declined about Me per cm. Picked loo would not bring mo" than 84: M per cwt. Thore were very offering. titoekars--Wort' m pour demand and the offuling were of inferwr quality. Prices were unchanged. Nilvll Cow.--)- were oul.v a few offering and an the demand was strong tinny sold well, wound " and 047. There worn no tirat-ehtats milchun. tsiep--Ve"r steady and everything was clawed up " " to " M per cm for export ewes. " to .160 per ewt for bucks and " to " etch toe oulis, Luube--Werts unchangmi at yeawrdny's decline. Trade Wu hm and everything Was mold txt 83 to $8.40 per curt. Pros. pects are nbom steady. - Hogs-rVero unchanged It M." nor cwt for iight and as per cm for choice. There was a bears' run 2,ooobeiug reeeie. Feeders-Were new: unchanged price-u. l 03.75 to M per owt ll " M to ' “75 per esvt, Hogs- ewt for li There wm ed. Live Stock Market Were steady, selling tirmly at pnceu. Short-keeps beine not owl; and medium grades coo _------. m poor demand md of infcrwr quslity. KW few good with L 9:5ng Aua) Grocer y Stare. Cash or ftarmora' produce. The undersigned has opened out in his new building in Lower Town, (next door toc. McKinnon) full lines ot FLOUR. Shorts..................... Turk-..-.....-.. Pontoon. per bun"... Bum. -............. Hid", per cwt.......... Calfskin, per lb........ Sbaopskms............... Tullow rendered peril) Lad. porlb.............. Beef, per ttwt............ Nothing Stale. Everything New ahd up-to-date and he cordially invites a trial. Dre-nod Hop. per cwt Hogs. Live weight..... Butter, (rub roll per lb Better, Tub.............. otttg........................ Lambs..................... Eggs............ Pi........................ Bttrleg...... Inoue......... Wheat............... DURHAM MARKETS. @391 --' GEO. LAWRENCE. ttgt"t ' E! GROCERIIE. te l 40 90 26 75 65 40 l2 l4 l4 18 90 62 45 14 14 18 12 l" 8rd Die, lot T. con.l. E. G. I. Glonelg on Gnmfmxa Road convenient, to Dut. Ite',;, This titty acres in a snap at price as; . The Hanover Conveyanccr He bu a big list of Property for Sale. including the following: Lot a. Con. 2. W. G. It., “lam a gttfd ingu'oved farm convenient. to ttt hum. ery cheap. 64 are: near Allan Park on Dun-hum Road. Splendid buildings. good land. will sell cheap or trnde. Lot Mr, con, l4. Bontlnck. mgr Louise P. O, In hands. of A Company. Fine place and must go to some one. I have a barge numhm- of other prop- erties in town and country and will sell l"' trade. \MONEY To LOAN ata 1-2 p..- can! and up’nccording to “our“, and terms. Lot T, con. 8, Normanby. the ‘Fee farm. belong to a (-mnpany. and icon" ed at low fiquves. Fortunes CAPITAL. Authorized. . . . . . $2.01).” CAPITAL. Paidnp........... 1.000.000 RESERVE FUND ... .... “All! AGENTS in all prim-ind pom" on Ontario. Quebec. Manitoba. United States and Englnnd. W. F. COWAI. President. 630. P. REID, luster. A general Banking business transacted Drafts issued and collections made on all points. Deposits received and inter- est allowed at run-em mm. SAVINGS BMts -nuws‘ Minum savings hank deposits of a: ",1t mu‘ wards Prompt nth-min: o,d e facilitt Rfforded cuutonu t., hung distance. J. G HUTTON. M.D., C. once. over aunt'- atom. nova-‘1' “RRICT'R. ”UCIYOR IN CUPRI.‘ m. NOTARY Pam. ”CHI”... no. D. MoPHAIL.) -aifoirirriiiVtiriiiti ham. OFrtCE--Mite mee a: More 5.. and. " an l rd]; -irurGiii' Pharmacy Culder'l Block. Remdem-e tlest door we“ of the old Post OMre, Durham. f) O FFlchMoK'qxh‘s Old Show Du "a. On. ' otBee-----L0WV TOWN. 9mm. Concetta:- sad Amy promptly aw to 'ahi.e,ti,'e,t, ' "'tlilr,ttah"2 'hd,'dr.rt,'e c.oor y . I a - sons Ionian 3.1:.“ EmI'OJ'I and SAC-El:- truon' coon: an um Court Bull-on 'rate', “'61va 18t mimhdon rat autumn ,1 ' ”sauna. so“. _ Collectiorur of all kind: Farm. boa ht promptly attended to and S2'f ARTHUR H. JACKSON RESI DENCE and OFFICE-Old Bulk UPPFN TOWN. DURHAM. Telephone Connection No. " chi; Bide T J tt.rjiiiriid DURHAM AGENCY. arristor, gear , Gou- “gamut, an, 'ipd.e'. [one] to Lou: “mum m ', Howl»: Collage “and.” M ill-goon: Ontario. OFFICI IOUlI o-us. I. 1-4 p... NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, &c, CONVEVANCER. VALUATOI. Insurance Agent. All C‘haxgo- Mod-tut. Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. S. a. P. TELFORD. BARRICTI'R. 8 CLHTOR, noun" range communal. ac. Corn-u DE l)) TISTRY. FFICE FiHs'CpooR EA1to.rr G. LEFBOY McCAUL. MONEY 'eo LOAN m Imam m Fl. H.,tlfmlel Head Office, Toronto. E l DAVIDSON. Licensed Auctioneer fot the County of Grey. D. lcPI‘lAIL. Hopeville P. 0 C. BAIAGI Durham. J KELLY, Agent. PM!“ Mono! to Lou. gown); Bank .l'ti't I ottU l a] " r0 at .

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