West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 31 Oct 1901, p. 8

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3.2. EF 11 'as The weather for the past week has been Just tine and the farmers are biting the manage of it getting up their roots. There will be a meeting of thtt tson-- gttt? of the Presbyterian church, oluein. the the purpose of detsidintt . arftoritninisteroeiuroetdar the 4th Wedding bells will be ringing next week. aiveattterr. Ilk- Md',',",',': has returned from the city I she has been for the put in weeks visiting friends. The Honda may closed on sands!!!" Ieyteet. Rrtety L-‘uw’ "m'"'"' __v_, season. smoothecmm Co. - ed they have made over famo1m Inner. Them are but! building the ttty""'"""? tot-Andrew Alf-rod Bot-hum of New Lowell was -rhttt otdt'aerqetrt+ here for . away: has vast. Medallion made their In: titiiii'iatayttterymti1t.r. -iirTii. a, mom lt um hirthigd at of t,tttqSu12tt1, guards, Mr. M. in becoming quite a. (later in sheep and urine; "i; In in J. B. Hunt visited Maud!“ Rival-view the fore part of Ms week. _ ' "s'iiqsgsi-ase1rt4uautst4u4sirsifuits 4u1p4eitu3sttse3sttst84ntstt 'it' i)r'6sgrtsiFsbiir66si)rtr4lr6i)riFsiF6siFiebsiyiF tiFitr, g Other (Departmen tr. All in short order-No two alike ; and she also knows that our Dressmakers are here ON THE SPOT to make it up for her in a few days. Dress she goes to the Big Store, and sees the LARGEST ASSORTMENT NEWEST STYLES LATEST DESIGNS We are selling off a few odd pieces of Dress Goods this week as follows : HOLSTEIN ta, Jiksr &ore ta, J2hir (ttore 6 yard ends, Fancy Figured Poplins, Black Regular 31.50 per yard, now only .1 yard ends, Fancy Blister Effects, Black Regular $1.75 per yard, now only New Stock WALL PAPER, 3 ct. Rolls and up. New FURS for Men and Women, New OVERCOATS & JACKETS. New BED ROOM DISHES, $3.50 per set. ANY DAY EXCEPT SATURDAYS. It?! f if 3tunter, f of. flatter. Fowl Wanted For Cash or Trade. Dry Picked and Crops empty. Rev. C. H. Lesson and Miss Grant Left Tuesday morning last for Indiana. Mr. Richard Hannah. of Holstein. is " present visiting at Mr. Wm. Grants Miss Father Wiikinson is home from New York on a visit for a month or so. Mrs Wat, McCulmon. It. and her daughter Tom are visiting Flesherton friends for a. few days last week. Mr. Wm. Mat-ohm, who has been {cry poorly of late is improving slow- y. Mr. and In In. Mgr-ha.“ were visiting at Mr. Wm. Muslim’s on Sunday lagt. Mr. R. J. Eden and Mr. Jamel Gor- don isvidting Dundulk Manda for 1 day or swam week. _ W. _ lbunurlynnhhod his emu-semi gluing tho Ounce Hull whittttaddit-ltto its appellation. ' luster Rob Gadd is with; the Caldwell In: taking npthoir turnips. Mr. and!“ Wm, Clark were the no“ at It. and In Wm. MoCalmon on My lat. Look out for Tom or he will roll you down the dope. Mn R. J. Eden is visiting momma:- ai home for . couple of days thin week. Mr. Wm. Bryant has assumed horses again. He doesn’t need to take anybody’s dust now. The success we have achieved is due to the fact that we have sold the peocle THE BEST GOODS at the lowest prices. To-day when a Lady wants a real nice stylish THE SLATER SHOE... y ARNEY. $1 $1 Comm; HoMe.--Mr. Wm. Harris " improving so rapidly that his physician thinks he may be able to come home this week. His mother was rejoiced to have a. card from Wsll himself on Tues- day. written in bed, quite renaming. We congratulate the family that, the anxious Lime is over. Mr. Robertaon and children. trout we banaulan PM“! womu CO 8008.0 or Kincardine were yisiung his sister Mrs. Em: t”; Amif‘canl heads. irhel Guern- A. Browning "few days um week. Sevg u tame SM! n (mg em m the early part of the test that they will Amongst the 1ieet hunters who leave doubtleau be able to win first prize in for Parry Sound are: Messrs J. A. I the butter pitotit test, bat asnnc cow is Hunter, (Jun. Knapp and T. u. Holt. , now quite out of the race they would Mrs. Jnu. Kenton and Miss Robina l probably be, o.yTtaken by 8ome t.4 the G Dr ' were V itin Mr ttlun' _breerls it the test were emtintwd Ill"",',' 1'otutn'tt, u ‘f . " . g . . " n few weeks longer. The Brown Wus. 1'senton and other trietuits in [Win Swiss cow, Hope at Wmucsota, has been Sunday. I very sick during: the week and it was Mrs. David Rubcrwun. Mrs. Fox, Mrs I feared that she would not recover. but J. Rowland. Mrs. McuNamara, and Mrs. I she is now mucll better; Hencasc is Itiueuger. ttil ot Walkerlou. were in ', glue first in the history at the 1ktii'.vrhit.t Town usc Friday. l, it. has began neceswxy to resort tomedi. l emu, which goes to show that the cows Mr. and Mrs. Jus. Gun, of Bright, and have been both eaivtully and skiilfully Me Arthur M,...-K.-nzi.- urandson of the 1 fed and handled. For this week Mrs. Dawn! Rubcruuu. Mrs. Fox, Mrs J. Rowland. Mrs. MtuNaruara, and Mrs. RiLu-uger. nil of Walkerum. were in Town hut. Fridau'. Mr. and Mrs. Jus. Gun, of Bright, and Mr. Arthur Mackenzie grandson of the late Dt. Gun were attending his funeral on Friday last. . Mr. Lincoln Hutton, barrister, Bolton, brother of Dr. “mum. of this town. has been nominated Ivy the Reformers of Caldwell as their candidate at, the coming election. Mr. John McKinnon, sun. of Sullivan, came over Flinn) lust to visithis daugh- ter Mus. Jno. A. Black and returned Saturday talking with him [I'm wife who had made at two weeks' visit; Rev. D. L. Calupbcll, Drotuurc. re- turned last. week front Toronto. where he had been in attendance on his brother. during it critical operation. The operation is so far successful, but he " not, yet, out of danger. Mr. Jim. Ehrhardt, lrook-keepet for the National Portland (lament Co , has moved to town and will, in A. week (vi-so, take up his residence with wife and toteasui-law. in the front pint of Mr, Thus. Black's renovated Dalglish build. ing in Upper Town. we welcome the new comers to our good town. 0n the death of the son of Mr. and Mrs Jas. leCracken, Glenelg. We the oftieerg and members of L. O. L. No. 119, Glenelg. take this our earli- est "E'fl,',1e,'ffg of conveying Lo Bro. Jae. cGraeken and to the members of the family our heartfelt sympathy m your recent and bereavement. We doubt not but this and event has come as a. heavy blow to your hearts and thrown a. dark shadow ecu-om: the path of life, but amid all that is sad and sorrowful it should be a cause of pride and utinfuction to know that he has rune to that heavenly home where part- ng will heno more and we earnestly prey that in this dark hour you mo‘y re- oelve comfort and consolation tom Rim who is the source of all help. They loved him. a. they loved tum, But 'h'ffl/ll,"Mhl more Mr. Cohoe and family hare moved in- to the new house lately transformed by Mr. M. KIPSS out of his tin-shop and will he a snug companion residence to the Span-ling one alongside. Mrs. Uohoe returned this week from a visit to a. sick sister. Means Art Percy and Ed. Yule. Miss Percy and Miss Jonas were the guests of Miss Jessie Hunter on Sunday. Miss Jean Cairns and Belle McLactw lan of Flesherwn Station were the guests of Mrs Bean on Tuesday. And Be ha sweetly called him To yonder shining than. The Idea ete- were opened; a 23nd. vKoice aid come . And mth farewell unepoken. lie calmly entered home. Signed on behalf of the Lodge, a. A. LAWRENCE W. M. "Par. Imam. Dist. M. Mrs. McAlpm. late of Thesmlon. daughter of Mrs. McRae, is a guest of her mother for a few weeks. Mines Ewart, Sweet and Sinclair visited Mt. Fomt friends on Sunday. Mr. Dan Diver, the explorer of the Cement. Company In in town this week. Mr. Willett Porter. of New York, is on a vinit to his mother. Mr. Jae. \Varmington in nursing a. sprained hand for . few days. Min Jeanie Johnston ll completing Mr. F. Gnnt’l term in Lawns. school. Mrs. Carran, of Owen Bound and Mrs. Wtsrd Shallow Lake, visited friends in town hut week. Miss Dean, of Stanford. 18 on a. visit to her mother In. Sutherland. The Misses Manny. of Oman Bound, Villtetll few days with Mic. McIntosh Int. week. An editor in a. nearby town naked for proposals from the march-mu of the town to furnish him a pair of noon. a Make! of potatoes ind fire yards of culi- co, cppygnct my awards}! . to. Atyr low. Mia Knte McDougal left for Williams- ford on Monday. Mrs. John Keys in in Omngeville visiting a. sick sister, Mr.gno. Munroe Wu in Toronto for a tow don but week. Mina Kate Anderson left for Hamil- ton Saturdny morning. Gi $5385. - Be my: , this is the way they do business with him when they' want " worth of job work. o Mm Lydia Swallow. Toronw. in visit- ing in town. Pal-noun lontlon. CONDOLENCE THE DURHAM REVIEW a-.. Committee. Beauty of Norval of the Holstein herd is the best cow beating Mary Marshall T by live cents. Below is the net profit of each herd for week ending Oct. 8th: Jerseys 37.58 Shorthorns $5.95 Holsteins 7.58 Brown Swiss 5,85 Ayrshircs 6.97 Red Pulled 5.63 Guernseys 6.66 Polled Jerseys 4.93 l Fr Canadians6.38 Dutch Belted 3.95 The Model Dairy is now goingalong on the lines that were laid down when the warm weather came to It end. Tho Jersey and Holstein, are making the best showing, more especially as they are holding well together, while the Guernseys ate week after week dropping more and more apart. They are now holding tourth place with the French Canadians in fairly good fifth, and that With one miniature cow that has never earned or eaten nearly as much as the average at the herd. When they were brought into the Dairy they were a new element in the list and were considered much of a curiosity. but they have very well established their claim to good dairy qualities. They areof course something of nor. thorn animal and sulfered more from midsummer heat than some others did as did also the Ayrshires which had not all been been imported long enough to become fully aeolimated. It, is prob- able that the Canadian Shortherns will makeup a total thatis larger in proportion to the others than was ex- pected. The standing of the herds for the week ending October l5th is as follows, --Jerssevs,8'7.09; Holsteins, 87.31 Ayrehires, $7.02; Guernseys. 89.83; French Canadians, 86.01; Red Polls, $5.75; Polled Jersesu, $53.36; Short- horns, $5 38; Brown Swiss, $5.18; Dutch Belted. 8i.01. l Hopeville. Adam Scarlett is home from Little Current and he thinks that this part of Ontario is just as good as there. W. W. Hall, who has sold out has gone to Saul: Ste:Marie. partly to see friends and to look " the country. Law! Law! has: been the order of the day here lately. Two ot our neighors had a heavy suit in the divi- sion court " Dundalk, lust week, over the covenants in a. farm lease not being fttlf1lled by the tenant, the lease. it is alleged. had been tampered with and the covenant not kept. The tenant got off with peying a small amount of damages and some costs. The superior ',',"'i2g powers of the Holstein ere now Whitest. end tor the week ending - lat, tmmd ihattrttttelUt intttetttutteri p ttest, beating tbeJerseys by ten cents and the hrgtt'p, 5y 47 tMttttB, However, retgl'tg l, the Guern- seys. still rots her lend " best cow in the born, but her compenion, Cassi- again. who has been torn it? deal of t 0 time her closat rival, been of her teed and an? 36 cents behind her 1 for the week. n unusual record has i been made during the week by the Polled Jersey Ora. She has been un- able to properly digest her feed, pre- sumably the ensilage, and has been sick and ieverish. At one milking she gave 8 lbs milk, 2.50 tlf cent fat; the following militia? 51 . 6.40 r cent fat; the third in lking. 1.6 lg 16.20 per cent fat. This is by tar the high- est batter fat test yet made by any of the cows. The standing of the herds tor the week ins follows: Holstelns $7.56 Shorthorns 85.82 Jerseys 7.46 Brown Swiss 5.81 I Guernseys 7.09 French Canadian 5.44 Ayrshires 6.84 Polied Jerseys 5.24 Red Polled5.92 Dutch Belted 1.07 For the week ending October g some I notable changes have taken place. i The Holstein herd made a. gain over; last week as they are keeping uptheir l fiow of milk exceedingly well, bat the i J ersoys also made a decided spurt and ', tied blacks and whites tor first place. l The Ayrshirer are back again to third j Kline. with the Guernseys fourth. ‘ iext come the French Canadians and the Shorthorns which are both doing) good work and may yet succeml in l passing the Guernseys before the close ofthe test. In such a case, all tive of the Canadian herds Would be ahead ot', tho tive American herds. The Guern- Hl'Vs Ulllilllllfd such " long [will in ill“ early part of the test that tin-y will doubtless be able to win lint prize lll tlu. bttttew pi'ofi' test, but as lllli‘ can" is ttttW Huiiv, out of tln- I'ilt't' the-v wotthl Some time ago I mentioned the miecheyioue tricks indulged in by some young men here and how a strong protest was effectual in putting an end to them. It eeenze things hue e,'",',':',?',']?,',',',',',':",',,',,':"",,:':',? Sen- " night dietarbeneee heve taken piece " the New Englend ohm!) where Mr. 5tgts when Oun- ieinu were on before equine le- grega- of Dundelk millet the hon. two at them from our neighborhood. but the hiring of inner: end the can or luv wage dome! in putting e .etop to ss1sdlrtgtoothosaitts hue been 'fl2?'fl'rlllft,rl'l'l"lol'td will mud to “:0 good animations my}; 2t troy ng property we re - ions services and on Sundny too, is making benenth gentlemenly young men, such.“ all Wm: to have here. Mr. Kenning we understand, advised tor peace and tar trust in the boys. Pun-American loch! Duty Notes. I 351 mi 93 r l “at Cal! ”aspect/ally 8otieited. l :are now engaged and are kept buss Milling the inereassing orders. The l ladies of Durham and vicinity will tiny l in our stock the Lumen leading fashion ii 'iiiiiarirnd at very risksonaold jpnces i, MISS Ill i . I“ k Inc can. mum and. hal, beats Vassar u a anal. Hugh's. Will upo‘u a higiklo ,now an' 'ts uncle look. to' 'int ji-t bofo' u truth. The present unsung-mum. have pur- chased more than four-fifths of the en- tire subscribed capital. and with in.. vroased facilities of mnnufuctuu- and added Btvw.citu strewn h, the permanent. m'1u'CN?" of this tirm is established beyond adoubt. They report the ptotrpeeti exceedingly bright for lmsmm next. your a have number of onions having been already booked in advance for their luau-sling umchinerv. Their blacksmith shop. which was re- renllv destroyed by fle. has been entire- ly rebuilt and enlarged. and is now c'..'/gef,'g' with modern um] mun-dale lmw inery in every detail. MISS DICKS Millinery Business with Miss De Lyon in charge as trim- mer has been mos: satistacmry this sea- son. The. popularity of goods we have turned out has canted such 3 dommd as to compel us to increase our staff of, employees. pleased to ity of one industries, SHRWELL dl Lllliillhlii Ive are pleased to be In a position to announce that The Noxon Co.. Ltd.. Ingersoll. have completed armnxements whereby they will he ennlnlud to “antel- ially increase the nunufncum- of their well Known and popular line of 1gricult- ural implements. increased Facilities of lanufmture Added Financial Strength. Der vote once a mun who [and u fun. 'e wentod Moder fn'm. the owncll oh de wanted ia'm worked fo' him, 'c 'ired nu oder an m' mm der be “may no A'chy un' Johnny. Wit we would like to kno' ..--'ow many mo' Sunny: Kind: W'ite am goin' to spend do any 'o upended " Sunday ob de 13th. inn. , Who told yo' Bum scribe dat do Kennedy My; want “my. day “mm It do "Comm" no Sunday. Inna} “in Hunk C. Boston VII-it‘d Ur sin- tah that» Mu Benton on Sunday Int. Mb. Allan Cameron halt (one to do 800. 8om' on. will min Allan. 'ne0URhAlil REVIEW SI'00 The Montreal Daily Herald "' King Bind VII. . nah it the $Nmtteat combination can - made lt any Cum-1h- bound. to! we at l-munl .. in muting the "and" TMr ht this diam. The Ns'; “on“ to: 'ftti hh‘r steal fit. " . M tun. new "233m... Litrcrat i'd'jr,'iitl'st1.1 Tanrvh. n (a now u m! Ian-i y m . n daydvhghl! “I otthemruM.mi% _. uum; and 1Wbee to .03" d 'teqathr b- tervst .to l?" tters n. can“! '-tti. av nN' " camp! and veil-bk. T-l'i MSW“ PORTRAIT h the best out P "ite'ted “5 “It“. Ind will ”he a -- ._.‘ua.:-u tn ttte Udh of my “my. ttin - “""'ih.V th - m. and “Home“ the “ ,irraterreat mm mm. .c. P,5 mrhrwiqe of The lien“ a. In“ \Ve furl FR-IM Iillllll© All. FOR $l.75 Jill IOXON COMPANY. The public of Durham and S. Grey are informed that the businéas heretofore carried on by]. A. Shewell will now be carried on in the new premises in the McIntyre block next the Bank under the tinn name of Shewell & Lenahau. Old customers are cordially invited to call and see us in our new store where we hope to make the acquaintance of manv new friends. SIX PRACTICAL tits " SHEWELL & LENAHAN. MaMMd WW View: " The Reina h I}... uemtir M our - In .etfFitt. sut? hear of ( C, RAMAGE, thnt. nur readers will he of the renewed Dumper- unada‘u mast important ALI. A RTISTS & mutt, ‘eedingly a large Alrtmdy L: vest ing I The mos! wadnhh- paper in 'l, ”I!“ I thee dtsrs is The Slur. tt is Humid“ I imt in its new departments. "l .1 ml“ "srGe.ieo.t and erttevtnittincr edit,,, ‘4; h u. " Md“!!! malnngenwul " n ".rrtt" kmil‘l 9tlntts movmg. Jurst HUM n tr Mahatma to new truheriher, a mu! 1|th portraitot the King primefl It 'titte.exAitytthe M style of mm qeaphr. Tia?! it the most ENNIS? “VII . M thar is " new 'lttghde uuul {luxury lsL. my and allot at the with?!“ Pt ttMead [ha hr M, the priw d thm lb. I. . y”. A copy d the 'He- I.“ to m. Nujmy the lihpmud up Want from! 'iii-C',',',.,',.?,'? M Till) CAN READ, WRITE, WORK, --_e_ - - """'"-0. 'te". "ll-4’. tgee, 'glhrf, Ltu'N,eytl',' te. 31 mm... the ".tri'at'l'i' mike A“ to January 1. In: 01.”. An “It! d m of our "will!" any!“ bombs. wife din-gm with .95 other "rtteeiattr. She not. tttiM' hm II‘ II. writes thingi- torat. buds-Mothers writeandk “Moth-noun]. she new!” m‘dthewwthebeslof ber “I". M he m him on all 000' _-a-ee-tttSoto poems withod hill. 5. than .aoeethitttrsthttn a 'ttteye ,, Uri!“ time thinp. ttsa. Angus Owner pay ex Ki ctmit1ehtaomried-estt'trotutt't '4l.t'dd',tldltf2' Meeoe' 'ld, am" We! In claim and u," the Came to t'ltrtted, lot MacFarlane Mk, Dornoch, LN ta, .731; (ttore octbnn 81, 1001 With I”. stain and less when your eyes are care we cue for eyes. " there ll my discomfort eyes. come to us soon for Imitation and advice. PORTRAIT 01' THr HEIFER an“ tTgiisthere's an ex- food and leather SLATER SHOE POLISH to toe pre tot .e. can In! a will pk-% enMert. Double wearresults Save your Shoes! Between leather FOR SALE A pre"ghe um pf Bent " CRIN E] E " - , I L pe ‘1 ter u. my aha til oth. win of t I In)“ nu no a evil. Day lake at it hold wl it- m pk the: but the: iat Find LYN the bus- pr: Wt hm hm Vet" Perie tom hen the W ea - The well t ior Vim Vin! Dr pro! - for in." haw pun hm 'orn to - 'o-d foli " err for In on ho ll of or M " u

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