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Durham Review (1897), 7 Nov 1901, p. 1

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, 1901 OYC &Co.~ M\ t 2M Sareuy Hom®.â€"Mr. W ill Harris, who was lately so alarmingly ill at Pilot Mcound Man., as to have his life despairâ€" ed of, arrived[|home Friday last, looking very well considering the terrible exâ€" perience he passed through. His ‘fathâ€" er returned with him, and needless t~ say the family reunion after an anx. lous week or two, was a yery enjoyable one, and to Will‘s many friends in town his return in gaining health has been most gratifying. Mr. Harris on the way out had an excruciating experience being detained 22 hours in Winnipeg and never a ray of light as to what was taking place at his son‘s sick bed. However he found everything hopeful ; Will, in the residence and and under the immediate care of Dr. Ferguson and his wife, who was a skilled nurse, was recovering. The Dr. and his wife, in the face of gelsimi_sts who declared the patient could not liye half an hour, had stuck to him with heroic remedies, and their efforts were rewarded with Will‘s life and the gratiâ€" tude of his friends. . UEMENT â€" PROGREsSS. â€" The splendid weather of late bas allowed fof great progress at the Cement Works. The vast filling in necessary for the rockâ€" like foundations of the rotaries is com plewed and the octagonal foundations for the great tanks are also ready, Work is well advanced on the founda. tions of the clinker storage and dry grinding buildings also. and the track laying has been progressing favorably. Toâ€"day, Wednesday, it is expected the Grand Trunk authorities will have the trog in place and connection with the works at once established. A car load of machinery for the rotaries is at the station and more of it is on the way. The grading of the track to the lake is about completed and the ironing of it will proceed as long as the weather holds good. The office work is becomâ€" ing thoroughly systematized and before long we expect to have still more exâ€" tensive progress to report. ACCIDENTALLY SHOT.â€"Last week Mr, Campbell Mcelotyre, Mr. Diver and others were out shooting and as the former was enjoying a lunch entirely unseen by Mr. Diver the latter fired at a passing rabbit and some shot got tuto Campbell‘s leg. The incident illusâ€" trates a not uncommon danger even with the most careful hunters. Some of the shot have been removyed and we are glad it was no worse and that no evyil effects seem to be following. Whose boy did it 2 Morning after Hallowe‘enâ€"Fatherâ€"*"* I wish I knew who was round here last night ringing bells, moving gates and disturbing the whole neighborhood." â€" Motherâ€"*" Why dear, what difference would it make if you did know? " Fatherâ€"** All the difâ€" ference in the worldâ€"If it was those ragamuffins from down town theyi should be at once hauled up before the Mayor and fined as a lesson for all timeâ€"but if it was our own boysâ€"Well it was just an innocent practical joke." AN ExCELLENT PHoOTO.â€"The Toronâ€" to Star has our thanks for two very pretty things received lately : the souyâ€" enir number of the Royal visit, which for attractiveness of letterpress and illnustration _ surpasses anything _ we have yet seen and is a very creditable production. The other nice thing is a large photo of the late Walter Massey whose premature death is so sincerely mourned in Toronto and elsewhere. The Toronto Star always does things well. Peas, Try our Drugstore. for Sunday, Dec. 15th, and the Monday following, when the Rey. Mr. Dickic of Orangeville will preach. Further anâ€" nouncements will be made as to the Monday meeting. Anniversary Services have been arranged for in the Presbyterian church of next year for their Fall Show. _ Sevâ€" eral weeks earlier than usual. They hope thus to get better weather and bave engaged the 48th Highlander‘s band again. a. m. Time of service 10.15, Tl;é pastor will preside. Owen Sound Fair Directors have picked on Sep, 16th, 17th and 18th The Quarterly Sacramental Service and Love Feast will be held in the Methodist church Duham, on Sunday, a. m. Time of service 10.15, The We notice by our exchanges that Ploughing Matches are "on." â€" What is the matter with South Grey Instiâ€" tute that it couldn‘t "speed the plough" in this way as of old 2 VOL. Peas. at PARKKER‘s ._â€" NO. 45 doner the beffer 8 :t ho toa. i1._, |... Or. Iâ€"Nellic Hepburn, Retts Darling, The sooner the better, if it be trne that | Ruby Wells, Wilfred Calder, Maggie , the town is likely to suffer in insurance | Saunders and Maggie McNally, eq. rating unless the Fire byâ€"law is enforeâ€"| Intermediate.â€"Annie Ector, John ! ed, and this we bave been assured is the | Billings. s s | case. , Other cases hang on this test | \}t: (a) â€"Gladys Whitmore and, Mert case, and should the byâ€"law be proved | Horace Elvidge, eq, I valid their will be a shaking in seyeral |Jr. (b) â€" Rush Moran, Aggie Marrs and quarters, If not valid it is well that I‘Clara. Lawrence, eq. we known it at once, for this town | *hâ€"*“a__â€"_â€"i needs such a byâ€"law, and it needs perâ€" | TOWN COUNSIL. | \ haps more a total divesting of personal | t k | _animosity when public men deal with, Met on Monday night. All present,| public questions, We want to get on a|A number of accounts were pa.ssed.' higher plane gentlemen. We want to| Objection was raised to one presented pass byâ€"laws and interpret byâ€"laws in | by hotel keeper Hahn for board, etc.,’ the light of public duty with every Isupplied to the unfortunate youug wom-( clause made as far as possible in such a an from Egremont a few weeks ago, way as to commend itself to all men, | Mr. Hahn‘s claim is a perfectly just one and satisfied of this, there should be n ’ ?&RE.Shf;";If:{, eh:ilg é’fi%‘fi'fifizugfit menlys. M":[(‘lhut:el;c:rti.tc: o:'ndemeelll'.itarz?utll:ie; k pla}ceg there by their authority or oo ie nens o maem) sns sage ts moo s en se + » mittee 0 co * s oreuos o he oo oane wig tnt some ’thxeh;efiftai-gml:::ni; "he mt e olution 0 e di m + the costs and annoyance of litigation.‘" | PUNde of Edge Hill REviEws was sever. | i/. mchinnon will appeal and the| 8M"¢ P + qs 1KP"V vexed question of the validity of the | qrq A the byâ€"law will be once for all settled. | ~8r. The sooner the better, if it be trne that | Ruby the town is likely to suffer in insurance ! Saunc rating unless the Fire byâ€"law is enforeâ€"| â€" Inté Calder and the startling results demandâ€" ed by the decision in 15 days fairly takes one‘s breath away. The decision sumâ€" med up the legal aspects of the question and the evidence, and the verdict was pronounced that the building either had E P C 0 o Ee aoond e eE ou the ardor of several places who havel Pt. I been ambitious co have World‘s Fairs. ]{{]:l?ltg The total attendance was only .'Ll)out; Pf' 3 six million people while 16 million Bd | Violeqp even higher were expected. The closing | Florenc _ day was marked by riotous scenes and | Pu } jubilations and as the insurance had **â€"|‘gr 13 pired there was no check. The shows| Arthur nearly all lost money, but the Johnsâ€" | Lavelle. town Flood " people made over $100000. | Jr, TV Those who love ruins will see them this |Harry I week in Buffalo for the process ofi(""s'"e;;’] demolition has begun, the grouuds Peut;:l W having to be left in the park shape they l Fred W were in previously, | â€"Jr. ITJ THt Firr® Byâ€"Law.â€"The décision in ,P?fl," Hu the case of the Town V. McKinnon, reâ€" | OS y UI noncompliance of the latter with thelAmrl'ie t provisions of the Fire Byâ€"Law wasl Wolfe. given on Saturday night by Mayor| Jr. IIâ€" Caldel‘ ME LDOSLUEELTHE PEEVIEE Ascccl c x | MB 0 ce c CroseED IN DEBT.â€"The great Pa.n-f American Show at Baffrilo was closed / on Saturday night at 12 o‘clock by! President Milburn, who touched a hut-[ ton and extinguished at once all the dazzling lights that had given auchl pleasure to thousands during the past summer. . There is a deficit of over $4,â€" l 000,000, and this experience will cool f A cordial invitation.is extended nct only to the ladies of the Presbyterian Church but to all interested in the work of foreign missions. Kmna axp QUEEXN.â€"Loyal subjects eyerywhere will want a good portrait of King Edward VII and his beautiful Consort and one way to get them is to subscribe for the Montreal Star with the ReEvirEw. They are excellant porâ€" traits, They giye also a fine reproducâ€". tion of the famous Gainsboro picture. Call and see them at REvIEW office, A Thauk Offering Meeting of the W. F M. 8. of the Pres. Cburch will be held on Thursday, Noy,. 14, at 3 o‘clock, and will be addressed by â€" Mrso. ~Rev. Morrison, and Mrs. (Rev.) Broad, the latter a returned Missionary from India. | nunl ’ n f ’/; € {/4 M L A4 is J & us 6 "mg Suits,‘ coats, Twil ! _ bes J 57-00! , Or have thin hair, should call on Prof. Dorenwend at the Middaugh House, Durham, on Thursday, Nov. 21, and see his wonderful devices in Toupees and wigs worn on over 65,000 heads. Exâ€" planation and demonstration free. Private apartments at Hotel. Don‘t fail to see his new invention, patented all over the world. LitERARY ~EvenincG. â€"The Young People‘s Society of the Presbyterian Church will hold a literary evening on Morday next, the feature of which will be a debate on ‘"Resolved that arbitraâ€" tion as a means of settling national disâ€" putes is feasible." There, will also be music, instrumental and vo@al, and an essay by one of the members, : Gentlemen Who Are Bald { _The Post Office will be closed on Satâ€" urday, King‘s birthday, except for one hour after arrival of train. The bank will, we suppose also obserye the day, while business will go on as usual, Mr. H. W. Leeson. Varne es his farm for sale in th clear title and many fine makes this a desirable place Coal Oil Lamps and Lanterns at‘ Mr. John Harvey « Varnev, advertisâ€" this issue, A 1e advantages t * 9CC | . Hatlowe‘en passed off with no very ees “"d‘bad lapse on the part of the boysy 48â€" EXâ€"(though the ringing of door bells is a m free. 'reprehensible practice, Amongst those | Do"’t’,'moving: gates on a wheelbarrow, we patented | noticed pastor Farquharson, but we | , hasten to say this was next morning and | eubjectslhe was very kindly placing it whereit | rtrait of , belongedâ€"on Mrs. McIntosh‘s premises. ' masis4f ..3 we regret to learn only this week that by an accident in the mail the bundle of Edge Hill REVIEwS was severâ€" al days late last week. Mr. Hahn‘s claim is a perfectly just one but the council hold themselves not responsible as the girl was not brought or placed there by their authority or any of their officers. Met on Monday night. All present, A number of accounts were passed. Objection was raised to one presented by hotel keeper Hahn for board, etc;, supplied to the unfortunate youug womâ€" an from Egremont a few weeks ago. DURHAM, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7 Jr, Pt. II (b)â€"Vaddie Caldwell, Cathâ€" erine McDougall, Mabe 1 Grasby, Eric Kelly, Hortense Livingstone and Harâ€" ald Aljoe, eq. JIr. Pt. 11 (a) ;~Roy' (}e;.ldcr, Tressa Mcâ€" Kay, Mabel Poyne, Agnes Ramage, Elma Holt. Sr. Pt. IIâ€"Irene Latimer, Andrew Livingstone, Victor Livingstone, Harâ€" per Kress, Reggie Sharpe. Jr. IIâ€"Marion Currie, Bella Ector and Maggie Mitchell. eq,, Bertha Haryey, Ruby Knisley, Brock Grant. Jr. IIIâ€"Robbie Laidlaw, Ella Ector. Ffi?‘e Hunter, John Nadiger, Bessie Telâ€" ord, Sr. I[â€"May Glass, Bertha Downs, Annie fAljoe, Charlie Crawford, Cecil Wolfe. Sr. IIIâ€"Bertha Sparling, Edith Allan Pearl Warner and Mary Ritchie, eq. Fred Wells. Allan Robertson. fH‘r;‘t the 1\}!31_* .Dm;‘"-;l‘_ YÂ¥ Uson, (Ma.l)el; This farm contains 150 acres of Jl'nnd unt and innie cuurr. eq., George! ..; s arnfus g Reid, Duncan McKenzic, Alexl J\ICCOIII‘?!. | with 14 acres of good hardwood hns.lz, Pt. L.â€":Clura Aljoe, Maggie Grant. | good bank barn with lean to it, 40 x 55, Violet Willis and" Edith Grant, eq.: E Good stabling, pig and sheep ven. fine Florence Saunders, Annie Petlty, ‘hen house, 18 x 50, with furnace in it, PUBLI(‘ ScHoou [)EPARTI\[E.\'T. iG()Od brick house and 0l‘(5h:1!‘d, nice Sr. IVâ€"Anme McKay, James Elliot, ispring creek, running past the barn, alâ€" Arthur Knisley, Lily Walker, Willie | so 15 acres of fall wheat. Lavelle. M All the straw can be had atter possesâ€" Jr, IVâ€"Hazel Caldwell, Jewel Littlg, | sion is given, Dec. 15th, 01. Will take g:rlx‘:(?;- ({;:welle. Martha Lawrence, ASS'e!part cash and balance can remain on Sr. IIIâ€"Bertha Sparling, Edith Allan, | P!#%C For further particulars apply to Pearl Warner and Mary Ritchie, eq.,| Cox, Kxarpp, ilzabeth Scott, Jessie Farquharson, Lyal Ireland, Jewel McComb, Pt. II (B)â€" Bertha Wilson, Mabel Hunt and Binnie MeceGirr. eq., George Reid, Duncan McKenzie, Alex McComb,. Pt. I.â€"Clara Aljoe, Maggie Grant, Violet Willis and‘ Edith Grant, eq., Flovrence Saunders, Annie Petlty, PuBuic Scroor Derarturxr. Sr. IVâ€"Anmie McKay, James Elliot, Arthur Knisley, Lily Walker, Willie bevetutenintniihiudvatonctietbatradith uts sn ds 4.3 3 4. $ O § Jr. Leaving Pt. II (a) â€" Jessie Elizabeth Scott, Jessie Faront Honor Roll of Durham Sehool OCTOBER. IPt :7006 2.\ â€"â€" Atblint" ~~uinllh Avinindia ds s cA 4c ifi 5 â€" subscribers to the REVIEW for 1902 a copy of " The Canadian Annual " a flnefy Illustrated Magazine of 32 pages, written up by such writers as Don and Mack of the Toronto Saturday Night,. An advance copy of this Magazine can be seen at our office. We cannot give such a present every year, but we intend to mark the first Christmas of the Century in this way. The Magazine is an ornament to any parlor table, A Gnfl Dorrar‘s : WortH.â€"We b"L" decided to give all paid in advance of a certain waste material incident to Cement Works. Moderate capital is required. We hope to be able to report more of this. NEw INDUSTRY,â€"Mr. Neil McKechâ€" nie is making enquiries into the possie bilities of having an industry establish= ed here to make sewer pipes, etc., out Oils, Paints, and painting material at ParkER‘s Drugstore. _ Rev. Mr. Little and family have now _become settled in the new manse. The building, which is a thing of beauty and a valuable acquisition to the town and the Presbyterian congregation, is also evidence of fhe atility and excellent workmanship of the several tradesmen who have had to do with its construcâ€" ! tion and furnishing.â€"Banner, | Mr. Ehrhardt, bookâ€" National Portland Cem his family, haye moved â€" new residence in Uppe welcome our new usig and trust they may find Canadian home, bealth, prosperity, well, miller, arriyed from England last t week. . She went there from Clarksburg, | 12 years ago, and will be a welcome| guest with her son till Christmas, I moved to town from Toronto. Mr. and Miss Gilmour, Hampden, visited at Mr. J. L. Browne‘s on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Idle, of Clarksburg, visitâ€" ed their daughter Mrs. Blackwell, this week, HicHx ScHoor DEPARTMEXNT Blackwell, mother of Mr. Blackâ€" dt, bookâ€"keeper for the land Cement Co., with e moved into T. Black's‘ in Upper Town. We new uaighbors heartily may find in their first , bealth, bappiness and &P and wife haye m 1 Munro, for l at| _ Which is the desire of one and all. Take the trouble of visiting Prof. Dorâ€" ery lonwend's private show rooms at the ys, | Middaugh House, Durham, on Thursâ€" s a | day, Nov. 21, and see the m any beauti ose | ul inventions in Styles of Human Hair we ‘ Coverings, Wigs, Bangs, Switches, ete., we | and inspect his new patent structure, Known as the George Ries farm, lots 8 and 4 of 9, Concession 6, Bentinck. Vatney, Nov. 1, 1901 ’pantry, new barn, 64 x 50, 20 foot posts and old barn 50 x 30. Drive house, 32 xâ€" ’ 16. Stables underneath barn for 32 head. of cattle and 7 horses, also silo | feed room and turnip house. Pig pes 30 x 22, 3 floors high and hen house 12 x« 16. 2 never failing springs and 3 wells, 30 acres of timber, and first class ferceâ€" es and in good cultivation with 15 acres of fall crop and fall ploughing well on, About 3 miles from Durham and conâ€" yenient to church, school and P. Office. Will give possession March 1st, 1902. Titleclear, Applyto H. W. LerEsox, Prop. | M armare NLi.. ‘% ns CALT BARCLAY & NOBLE. Being Lots East of 7 and 8 con. 2, old survey in the Township of Normanby, containing 132 acres more or less. On the premises are a first class brick house. containing 11 rooms, washâ€"room and S Urney Sroves WOOLLEN and RUBBER and full lines of Horse Blankets., This week we ask attention to our new line of * CUTTERS, ROBES, RUCS | Will you please inform me | through your valued columns, if in tugâ€" | ofâ€"war matches, teams representing the i’cmmties of Bruce and Grey ever conâ€" tested for supremacy ; whether Hruce l’eyer defeated Gtey, and, who at presâ€" | ent, hold the honors. Also, if in any match members of either team were killed, or died from the effect of the mwatch. Who holds the championship of this continent at present. Y ours Very Truly, A " B. C." Grey Boy, La_,gfieg Look Younger vester Drill with steel wire conductors. | _ We have received the following letter |from a valued subscriber in British \Columbia, who, with other Co, Grey { boys, are upholding the honor of their jnative county, We have no recolleeâ€" ‘tion of Grey ever having been beaten much less of any contestant being killâ€" ed, but we would be pleased if any reader could throw light on the quesâ€" tions asked: Winter is approaching and _ those _ needing stoves should not fail toseeours. Also Clare makes. Editor Durham Review. Dear Sir : N EW IMPLEMENT AGENCY utt dLine of Wachll Soods. BARCLAY & NOBLE FARM FOR SALE. THE HONUR OF GREY COUNTY. ecoxoooxmaxxe Farm For Sale. New Westminister, ACVit and see our faâ€" mous Sylâ€" C4 ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO on. 2, old E rmanby, s. On the % k house. om and ot pom] use, 32 xâ€" i for 32 also silo Pig pesâ€" use 12 x« fl 3 wells, iss fercâ€" 15 acres : \vpll nmn EE‘ g Carpet& arsexxnxxns=n SnnnsxnRExpi (= § Fas. Sretand > esns ame m retmncens MLinotleums and .7/00;54 24e to Z%&¢ a srunora : 25c. 30c. 40c¢c. 5oc. Wrapperette Shirt Waists at 5 00. 7 5‘,. J /fi Wrappers at J1.25 tO JI- 75- g DRESS GOODS â€"â€"©~ x SHIRT WAISTS AND WrAppirg TOUR CHANGE IN MILNERY ~â€"==â€" A splendid range of suit ings at all prices from .. Remember the place 7 milic . shauin.‘ M 4 _ _3 ~_~_AHAHCOI WIKh velvets, silks, breasts, quills, chenille, h &c., neat and stylish looking hats at little moneyâ€" E K o tO o ; se During the season many distinct changes in millinery styles take place. We are constantly receiving the very latest ideas in shapes and trimmings and have completly replenâ€" ished our stock in this department, This week we are showing a special table of felt shapes, nicely trimmed with velvets, silks, breasts, quills, chenille, &e., neat and stylish looking hats at little money â€" § G M i. PW 45c a oguare yard, Jas., Sretand EUc. boc. 6Oc. 75¢c. and $1.00 a yard. â€" 40. to $1 A YARD 8 Newest designs and colorings at LAIDLAW‘S O1d Sta nd WHOLE NO. 1233 i?s from aip 3f 4C # y W

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