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Durham Review (1897), 7 Nov 1901, p. 2

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&4 Earl Roberts, who entered on his seventicth year September 30th, mow nearly (ils a wholo page of the British Muscum catalogue, says the Lomion Chronicle The literature resociated with his nams and fame has naturally received an impetus from the South African war. No less than 30 editions of his "Fortyâ€" one Years is India" are noted. His ouly other work is "The Rise of Welâ€" lingtoa," but ie has contributed inâ€" Aftor reminding Mr. Kent of the article and hbis affidavit, the newsâ€" paper man asked him point blank: "Hare you lost any time from your regular work since you wore ioil ne was pormanentiy cured. Notwithstanding this, there were many who could not believe that a man with one foot in the grave as Mr. Kont was could get a lasting of Mr. K permanen coulkdl not elso were . baving say and this w dorsed by statement. withe lehed Karl Roberts as an Author The following sworn statement was given by Mr, Kent in order to amibstantiate the almost incredible wtatement mads by the paper in its account of the casse : Sworn Statement, Feb. 16th, 1895.) 1, George Henry kKent, resident at 114 Cambridge street, Oitawa, and employed as a printer in the Britisnh _ American â€" Bank Note Printing Company, in the said city of Oitawa, do solemnly deâ€" clare that I congider it a duty to mysclil and to my fellowâ€"men generally to mako a declaration as to the efiiciency of Dodd‘s Kidâ€" ney Pills. A man named George H. Kent had been cured of Bright‘s Disease after the doectora had given him up to die, and tho Frés Press reporter, after g most thorough investigation, pub lan«@l the whole story in detail, givâ€" Ing cradit to Dodd‘s Kidney Pills for the most miraculous cure. Some ssran years ago the Free Press published a graphic account of a remarkable caso here in Ottawa. A Promimenot Ottawa Man Confirms Under Oath Every Statement Made by This Paper in the Original Story Published Nearly Seven Years Ago. 1895 THE QOTTAWA FREE PRESS SUSTAINED. ng a new and saw a case in w! timony . of that had by Dodd‘s to take t The Greatest Case in the History of Modern cine is Completed by Another Sworn Statement. 1. That I found them in my terâ€" rible case of Bright‘s biscase, from which I suffered for almost | one year, of the greatest medical value. I can say confidently u.ndl assiure anyone interested, or a sulierer, that I positively owe my lfe and present excellent health to the results brought about by their use. I was taken sick and | confined to my bed on December @8th, 1893, and was successfully treated for La Grippe, then Pleuâ€" risy, followed by Kidney Troubles, and latterly Bright‘s Disease. 1 lost the use of all my limbs, my entire bely became swollen to a terrible size, and my skin became as hard as and gimilar to leather, the pores all having closed up, and 1 srffored the most agonizing pain. 1 was subjoct to periodical spells of utter prostration and inâ€" sensibility, to a state of absolute coma. I was also a victim of danâ€" gerous convulsions, in which my Iacial exprossion and other musâ€" cles would become severely conâ€" tortel and tense, 2. My regular physician attend-' «l1 to me, and, though medical consultations were held over my case by two city doctors, nothâ€" ing could be done. My case grew gradually worse, and latterly I was given up as hopeless. _ My wife, friends and neighbors were certain from what they saw and were toll by the visicing doctors that 1 would dio in a very short time. en in 1895 Dodd‘s K in 1895 stated most posi odd‘s Kidney Pills and no ere entitlel to the cred saved the dying man‘s Is was most emphaticall by Mr. Kent in his # ent. The Free Press also t qualification that the Kent was an absolute 1) CHAS My wile was casually read i newpaper about this time ual ent mililtcation that the nt was an absolute one. And while Mr. make a sworn state futizre, he stated th M Th ress make this solemn deâ€" consci>ntiously beâ€" same to be true, and of the ACT RESPECTâ€" A JUDICIAL OATHS. before me, at the City in the County of Carleâ€" 16th day of February, ADDITIONAL EVIDENCE, Commissioner, etc. s in the article pubâ€" ated most positively rey Pills and nothing wl to the credit of e dying man‘s life, )st emphatically enâ€" kent in his sworn Free Press also said , ition that the cure is an absolute and And while Mr. Kent } a sworn statement | , he stated that he | G. H. KENT A. BLANCHET, Commissioner, etc s in the article pu _ to 408 Gilmour t address a Free n him. Mr. Kent of the P ( From the Ottawa Free Preas.) t e interâ€" he lapse how Mr. the P es trO(lluSctln;F (topt}m memoir of G;:lâ€"' Wanted Some Help. sral Sir H. C. Rawlinson and to r. PÂ¥ Wilkinson‘s "From Cromwell to Welâ€" Are you the rqan who us'ed to lington." His stirring carcer has Write articles on How to Live on lnspired a number of essays in bioâ€" Ten Dollars a Week? asked the graphy. _ ‘There is "Roberts of Preâ€" ©¥ller of the pale gentleman with the toria," also "Roberts of Kandahar." bu.lglng brow: His "Life and Deeds" are chronicled I am he," teplied the pale gentleâ€" by one writer ; a second depicts him @22, > s "‘In War," while a third, widflng s Ygfl}; ?;)lém"; 12e Sica us one to be thorough, t t ousan ar W4, i. 100 °Oe‘ pessonts him bo _ Cottage for Five Hundred Dollary y‘ » $020D0MNT for the TEETH 25¢ To Dold‘s Kidnoy Pills is due all the credit for having rescued and reâ€" stored this dying man, and that after all hope had been abandoned and the cold waters of the river of death were lapping his feet. A Notary Public in and for Ontario. Nothing could be more convincing than this plain declaration made by Mr. Kent, and the Free Press is pleased to be able to present such a complete and emphatic confirmaâ€" tion of our article of 1895. The Kent case must, therefore, go on record as the most wonderful cure ever heard of in this city or province. Every detail of which has been careâ€" fully substantiated by sworn eviâ€" dence. The Kent ( on record as ever heard of Every detail . Nothing . than this j Mr. Kent, pleased to a complete tion of our (Sg1L)»â€" € gd.) A. W. FRASER, "If it would do you any good I have no objections," answered Mr. Kent. ‘"The Free Press was certainly well within the truth in every statement they published about my case." Mr. Kent, at the request of the Free Press, has given the following sworn statement : sSWORN STATEMENT, OCT. 3, 1901. I, GEORGE HENRY KENT, reâ€" slident at 408 (Gilmour street, in the City of Ottawa, and employâ€" ed as a printer at the American Bank Note Company in the said City of Ottawa, do solemuly deâ€" clare : "Would you be willing in order to confirm our story published in 1895 to make quother sworn statement?" asked the scribe, cured of Bright‘s Disease by Dodd‘s Kidney Piils in 1895 ? «* Not a minute," answered Mr. Kent promptly. "Have you since had the slightest #ymptoms of your old kidney trouâ€" bie or anything like it ?" * Not the slightest," he said. * You are sutvre that Dodd‘s Kidney Pills and nothing else saved your life and restored you to your present good health ?" "Absolutely sure. Why, my wife and I are so grateful to Dodd‘s Kidney Pills that we have christened our little girl, born in December, of 1896, by the name of ‘Dodds." This shows you better than anything I can tell you to what we attribute my recovyâ€" ery. 1 owe my life to Dodd‘s Kidney Pills." to be true and is of the same fc it made under oa of "The Canad 1893." Declared befori of Ottawa, in Carleton, this 2 cording to directions that has not been cured, and I know posiâ€" lively of my own personal knowâ€" ledge of several extreme cases where Dodd‘s Kidney Pills have effected satisfactory â€" and perâ€" manent cures. And I make this solemn declaraâ€" tion, conscientiously believiag it to be true and knowing that it is of the same force and effect as t made under oath and by virtue of ‘"‘The COnruls KelAanan \&at Cad ber 6. That I have recommended Dodd‘s Kidney Pills to many peoâ€" ple in this city and elsewhere, who having heard of my wonderâ€" ful escape from death by their use have called on me or written to me inquiring about them ; and having followed many of these cases closely, I know of no case where they have been used acâ€" 1896 by the name 2. _ That in the declaration I set forth that I believe that I was absolutely and permanentâ€" ly cured by Dodd‘s Kidney Pills after the doctors had given me up to die. j 3. That I am now absolutely cerâ€" tain that Dodd‘s Kidnsy Pitls and nothing else saved my life, and I hereby unhesitatingly reafâ€" firm every statement made in my declaration made before Mr. Blanâ€" chet, on February 16th, 1895. 4. That I bavenever since that t.on regarding my recovery from Bright‘s Discease by the use of Dodd‘s Kidney Pills and setting forth the facts of my case and its cure. 1. That on February 16th, 1895, I, George Henry Kent, then resident at 114 Cambridge street, Otta wa, did appear _ before Charles A. Blanchet, Commissionâ€" er. etc., and before him on that date did make a soléemn declaraâ€" ton, 1901 make this solemn declaraâ€" onscientiously believiag it true and knowing that it ie same force and effect as > under oath and by virtue e Canada Evidence Act. clore me at the City in the County of is 3rd day of Octoâ€" G. H. KENT solemn declaraâ€" ly believiag it rowing that it of "Dodds." recommended to many peoâ€" Minard‘s Linimount Cures theria. The Queen of England has just had her hand read. Not for the first time, however. "I was told so many useful and interesting things," she was lreard to remark, "not only about myself, but about everything. It alâ€" ways gives nme new courage and deâ€" termination for my daily dutics, and pleasures also, to have my hand lookâ€" ed at by a good palmist," Queen Alexâ€" andra, as is well known, is one of the busiest and best living women in England, Palmistry is now recognized as a useful and interesting science. There are epecialists in all the larger cities on this side of tha Atlantic, as well as in EBurope and other foreign counâ€" trice, who are consulted regularly in the same way as one seeks the advice A a lawyer or physician. One adâ€" vantage that palmistry has over the above professions is in the very modâ€" erateo charges made for the valuable information often obtained from the readings, 1 But more illustrious than all theso examples is that of Peter the Great. One day the foundar of the Russian Empire, the great and terrible Peter, was dining at the house of Prince Menshikoff. Ho noticed one of.the serving maids _ particularly, and, though she was not handsome, she caught the fancy of Peter. Her name, the prizes tol1 the C‘zar, was Martha. She hadl been a servant in the house of a Lutheran minister of Marienâ€" burg. and whon that city was capâ€" tured by the troops of Russia she had been taken prisoner by General Bauer, who had passed her over to the prines, whyw> serf she was. The prince politely made a prosent of her to the Czar, who eventually married her, renamed her Catherine, and ghe reigned after him as Catherine IL, Empress of all the Russias. iwe on account of ‘his eccentricities. Day, however, admired the girl‘a courage, and settled a dowry of $2,500 upon her, at the same time deciding to remain a bachelor. Thomas Day, the author of tho famons book, "Sanford and Merton," selected two girls, one from a poorâ€" houge an<d one from! a foundling asyâ€" lum. and took them into his house as domestics. He proposed to both of them in turn. One rejected his suft, The other promissl to marry him, but subsequently withdrew her promâ€" Sir Gervaise Clifton, whose hisâ€" tory of Jamaica is one of the finest books ol its kind in existence, marâ€" ried no leass than seven times, and each time sclected his lady from among his domestic servants. _ Tha seventh Lady Clifton outlived her lord, but the other aix he buried in a family mausoleum which cost $250.â€" low ‘her to enter his employ. This she did, and for a short time held the position of cook in 8r Henry‘s houseâ€" hold, Then his love for her overcame all conventionalities, and ho made her Lady Parkes. L Sir Honry Parkes, Premier of New South Walts, is anothor example. One night when diniag at a friend‘s house he wase struck by th» appearance of a servant girl who waited upon the table, and persuaded the host to alâ€" the money he had, which amounted to $700, and sho went to England and became a domestic in the famâ€" lly of a clergyman. Five years later Cobbett returned to England and married her. Men have been acting that way almost from time immemorial. For ingtance, there was William Cobâ€" bott, the great writer and the "libâ€" ’erator of the English press," as he is frequently called. He was only 21 yearse of age, when, walking out in the streets of Halifar, Nova Scotia, one morning he chanced to see a buxâ€" om Wervant girl busily engaged in washing the family linen. The girl, though only 13 years of age, was pretty, so Cobbett spoke to her, learned her name, and the same evening called upon her parents and wald he would like to marry their daughter. This is probably the orâ€" igin of the expression, "This is so sudden," which blushing maidens have made use of ever since. The parâ€" ents of the girl informed the young man that they had no objection to him as a sonâ€"inâ€"law, but that he would have to wait until their daughter was of a marriageable age. A_coordingl_v._ Cobbett gave the girl all When a man is in lore he seldom stops to consider whether or not the Mr#. Grundys of his set will apâ€" provre of his selection or not. If the woman is willing he straightaway hiee him to a minister or a magisâ€" trate and the twain are made one. :mnmfl-fi-t-i-m«ofii $ {4QLQ piGp i f fp4 ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORoNTO Useful and Interesting. Blue Eyes RKeenest Queen Alexandra. D Diphâ€" iW CeRmote "Der moral: VYon Hans Anderson‘s fairy tales is, don‘t look at der pretty maid vyen she schmildt."â€"Dawson Dally News. ened ‘im mit her regular _ s rather bekoming to ‘er. Der miner hadt a plaidt of and as the cholly vaitress sa Irish stew bevor ‘im gave ‘im ; schmile. "Aber, dis was too much f¢ sowerdough, undt his nerves way, and he got so oxcited he der muligatawney, undt vas go hug der pretty maid. Aber nich ander guest tookt der madd« handts undt mit ‘is zwei strong tosdt der oxcited sowerdough der vindow, undt landet ‘im i street out. SOZODONT Tooth Powder 25¢ Miner Hugs der Pretty Waitress Aber Nichtâ€"1s Our Gertossedt. An exciting experience of a sourâ€" dough miner in a Grand Forks regâ€" taurant a few days ago has just been forwarded to the News through the kindness of one of its admirers at the Forks, and the story is given in full as follows : "Ein oldt sowherdough miner vyon Gohdt Hildt stepht in a restaurant bei der Forks one day last veek to have a equair. Mr. Knowsltâ€"fill)v",“tâ€"l;:-&‘ the Panama Canal. Miss Wunderâ€"Why do they have that deep crease in the new panama hats you‘ men are wearing ? "I saw you sitting in a car last night when there were several ladies standing," &he said rather friglidly. "Yes, he replied, ‘"but my _ wife was there, you know, and the ladiex who stood were all young and good looking.‘ Having been one of those who stood, sic permitted him to lead her away to a corner where they could bo alone.â€"Chicago Recordâ€"Herald. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other discases put together, and until the last few yeare was supposed to be incurable. For a rreal many years doctors proâ€" nounced 1t a local disease, and prescribed local remedies,and by constanily failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven Catarrh to be a constituâ€" tional disease and therefore requires constituâ€" tional treatment. â€" Hall‘s Catarrh Cure, manuâ€" factured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the onlr constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the biood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address _ F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by drufgis(n. 15¢. Hall‘s Family Pills are the best. __I don‘t think that we will ever _get temperance in this country, either by drastic prohibitory laws or by charging high prices for the right to aell drink. 1 believe that the Canadians are the finest race of peoâ€" ple on the earth, and I believe that they could be the most temperate poople if the treating habit was abolished. Why should a man who wants one drink take five, and then have the atretcher company called in for him ? When you know that it doas so much harm why do you perâ€" mist in the senseless habit? If you cannot managse to avoid it in the clubs, and you cannot manage â€" to avoid it in the saloons, eut them both out and be sober and let your light whine. What sort of a man are you at home? Does# your light shine before your wife and children. I love to seo the little children running out to meet the father when he comes home, but when I see a man tacking-‘ along tho midewalk home I â€" don‘t msee the children out to meet Jnhu.' Now Don‘t Ask U Minard‘s Liniment Cures Colds Rev. A. H. Baltdwin on Treating T wiatris. * w¢ Rranatietatethiatr Pibtccwd ‘inddk i I got no relie{ from anything till 1 tried your MINARD‘3S HONEY BAL/â€" SAM. Two bottles gave relief and six bottles made a complete cure. I would heartily recommend it to anyâ€" one @auffering from throat or lung trouble. _ J. F. VANBUSKIRK. Dear Sirsâ€"I was for seven years a sufferer from Bronchial trouble, and would be so hoarse at times that I could searcely spzak above a whisper, * es Ns o ns 2w L ® â€"Scottish Paper Swearing at the Cow. Rer. Mr. Bâ€"â€"â€", passing Deacon Râ€"â€"â€"‘@ premises one evening, was greatly borrified at hearing that pioug official swearing in the most accomplished manner at his cow, which had just kicked his milk pail into the middle of next week. Obâ€" serving his minister looking over the fence at him, the deacon said, apoloâ€" getically : "I am really afraid, Mr. Bâ€"â€", I shall never be able to enjoy religion as long as I keep that cow." These wonderf{ful cases are the taik of the town as fall of the parties are Another is the case of a girl ten years of age, whose home is at 350 Lyon street, this city, and who is Raid to have been cured of Bright‘s Disease, by Dodd‘s Kidney Pills after four physgicians had given her less than 24 hours to live. well known. The papers are substantiating their accounts of this particular case by Sworn statements made by Mr. Kent in which he sets forth a most reâ€" markable and thrilling etory. a Mr. Kent, who is said to have been cured of Bright‘s Disease by Dodd‘s Kidney Pills, after having ibeen given ug-l;y e@everal prominent physicians. One of the cases which has made great sensation this week is that Ottawa, Oct. 18, (Specialyâ€"The city papers are just now publishing startling statements as to the cure of several very bad cases of Bright‘s Digease by Dodd‘s Kidney Pills. That the matter hae taken hold of the city is best evidenced by the fact that the papers are giving columns of space to a full detailed account of these miraculous cures. Fredericton. OTTAWA CITIZENS AMAZED. charming â€" vaitress AT DER FORKS. Allâ€"Around Diplomat. dt vas going to Aber nicht. Ein er madder in rei strong arms That Again nerves gave represents of soup, sat dat velkomâ€" schmile, for der anoder _ thrw in der upset , etc. WIVES _ _ :: motHERs & ged far ahiana._.. j° ©2?°P should aiâ€" ways be used for children uetging. It soothes the child, softens the gums, cures wind colic and is the best remedy for diarrho a, Twenty. five cents a boitle. FRUIT FARM FOR SALEâ€"ONE or THE finest in the M?ur_. Penineula, â€" at Winona, 10 miles from amilton on two rail. ways, 130 acres in all, 35 of which is in fruit, mostly peaches. Will be sold in one parce! or divided into lots of 15 to 2) acres to suit pup. chasers. This is a decidod bargain _ Address &uuh&n Carpenter, P. 0. box 409, Winona 120 Cmmz gs......, “/'ANTED» PARTIES To po KNITTING for us at home. We furnish Hvurn and machine. Easy work. Good pay, and knitâ€" ters also wanted. Send stamp for particulars to Standard Hose Co., Dept. 2, Toronto, Ont. iAednathe is uht c Cl dn ied in cpitin err t C h railwaw anuiags 2 "Iq AHeG: 10 ‘acres fruit ; railway, postoffice. blacksmith shop, basket factory and school, half mile ; will sell in whole or in part on easy terms. Geo. K. Fisher, Freeman, Ont. An English gentleman who has the reputation of being a tvery bad shot, recontly invited some of his friends to dine with him. MBefore dinner he showed them a target painted on the barn door, with a bullet in the buil‘sâ€"eye. ‘This he claimed to have shot at 1,000 yards‘ distance. As nobody believed him, he offered to bat the price of &n oyster supper on it. > On one of his guests accepting the wager, he produced two witnesses whese veracity could not be quesâ€" tioned to prove his assertion. As they both said that ‘he had done what he claimed he won the boet. At dinner the loser OI the wager asked how his host Cad managed to fire such an excellent shot. The host answered : " I shot the bullet at the door at a distance of 1,000 yards, ind then I painted the target round it." Mm.h Wlnglgw_'{ ‘S.qq'hlr.:; Minard‘s Liniment â€" Cures in Cows. $3.95 For the week ending October 8th some notable changes have taken place. The Holstein herd made a gain over last woek, as they are keeping up their flow of milk exâ€" ceedingly well, ut the Jeraeys also made a decided epurt and tied the blacke and whites for first place. The Ayrahiros are back again to third place, with the Guerng>ys fcurth. Next coms the Frenchâ€"Caâ€" nadiane and the Shorthorns which are both doing good work, and may yet succeed in passing the Guernâ€" weys before the close of the test. In such a case, all five of the Canaâ€" _dian herds would be ahead of the Tive American herds. _ The Guernâ€" weys obtained such a long lead in the early part of the tesat that they will doubtless be able to win firet prize in the butter profit test, but as one cow is now quite out of the race they would probably be overtaken by some of the other breede if the test were cortinued. for a few woeks longer. The Brown Swiss cow, Hope of Minnasota, has been very aick during the week, and it was feared that she would not Trecover, but ahe is now much betâ€" ter. Her case is the first in the history ol tho Gairy that it has been necessary to resort to mediâ€" cine, which goos to show that the cows have been both carefully and @killfully fed and handled. For this week Beauty of Norval, of the Holâ€" atein herd, is the best cow, beating Marshall by five cants. Below is the net profit of each herd for the week ending October 8th: Jerseys, $7.058; Holeteins, $7.58 ; Ayrshiros, $6.97 ; Guerneeys, $6.66 ; Fronch Canadians, $6.38 ; shorthOrns, $5.95 ; Brown Swiss, $5.85 ; Red Polled, $5.63 ; Pollâ€" 24]) n.Ieraf-ys. $1.93 ; Dutch Bifltcd,l TA FARMsS $3 PER Minard‘s Liniment Cures The etanding of the herds for the week is as follows: Holsteins, $7.56 ; Jerseys, $7.46; Guernseys, $7.09; Ayrshires, $6.84; Red Polied, $5.92; #horthorns, $5.82; Brown Swiss, $5.81; French Canadian, $5.44 ; Pollâ€" ed Jerseys, $5.24; Dutch Belted, $4.07. 5T DPRIEY bstrteP Pb ictnad sc "c2d lington, all cultivated ; 7 Panâ€"American Model Dairy Notes on Recent Results in Test. _ The @uperior staying powers of the Holsteins are now becomng maniâ€" fest, and {for the week ending Octoâ€" ber 1st they stand first on the list in the butter profit test, beating the Jerseys by ten cents and the Guernâ€" seys by fortyâ€"seven cents. However, Mary Marshall, of the Guernseys, still retaing her lead as best cow in the barn, but her companion, Cassiopcla, who hae bsen for a good deal of the time her closest rival, has been off her. feed and drops thirtyâ€"six cents behind her for the woeek. An unâ€" usual record has been made during the week by the Polied Jersey Ora. She has been unable to properly diâ€" geet her feed, presumably the ensilâ€" age, and has been sick and feverish. :}'t one milking she gave 8 lbs. milk, ;-50 p.o. fat; the following milking, : lbe., 6.40 p.c. fat ; the third milkâ€" ng, 1.6 lby., 16.20 p«. fat. _ This is by far the highest butter fat test yet made by any of the cow#. _ How HMe Scored a Bullseye. SALE â€" 20 CATTLE FOR PROFIT. sy paymeats. Catalogt »n{ & Co., Richmond, \gn‘ \ F ANY MEuBrr or Yo {i‘w‘uwtf for liquor can be n?n%!efim.{’fimso Fl ving 7-’-'.‘6.'-2‘."."&&7..".;?. oo¢= or t}r{nk. lf‘ammot im pstimonia ce sent se OD \t!t, price sent so ACRES,_ _ NEAR BUr Iuradet a "mm! 9 2 ACRE AND tPp rup should a! 1 MAPIA Pre«c,i, ;/ "Mancntly by ‘as Samarie l’rc-orlpuon locmtry in â€"_Failure impossible. Free sam ple, rice sent sealed. Write BAIIARU m 18 Jordu'mt.‘l‘mh Can, Distem.â€" uarze antiva oaci _z o+ 1 AREFEUCI AND Â¥Y _ effective system for collecting debts in Canuda, United Scates and Kurope, withous using offensive methods to your debtors ; re mittance on day of collection guarantoed ; reasonable charges ; call, write or phone Main 2927, and _one of our representatives will call on you. The International Mercantile Agoncy, %l-ll.l ‘:nfldlnc. corner Yonge and King sts.. ‘oron Drop a card for their fashion pamphlet, samples of cleth and measurement forms. \" E. Will make clothes TO ORDER for EYVERY MAN in Canada at LOWER PRICKS thas any other firm, and DELIVER at your NEAR EST EXPRESS STATION, Let us have your price, state how put up, check sent as soon as we receive the honey. Samugl L. Lewis & 60. Honey Wanted HEAD OFFICKE, TOROXTO. Authorized Capital â€" $1,500,000 The policies of this company emâ€" brace every good feature of Life I®â€" surance contracts, and guarantee the highest benefits in regard to loans, cash surrenders, and extended insurâ€" ance. * Good agents wanted in this distriot, Hon. Jno. Dryden, â€" Geo. B. Woods. CGROWN TAILORING 60. The Continental Life Insurance Company .‘ TORONTO .: Canada‘s Largest Tailors Scott‘s Emulsion makes children grow, makes them eat, makes them sleep, makes them play,. Give the weak child a chance. Scott‘s Emulsion will @make it catch up C with the rest. Scott‘s Emulsion can stop that blight. There is no reason why such a child should stay small. Scott‘s Emulsion is a medicine with lots of strength in itâ€"the kind of strength that makes things grow. It is worse to see a blight strike children. Good health is the natural right of children, But some of them don‘t get their rights While the rest grow big and strong one stays small and weak. It is a sad thing to see fine fruit trees spoiled by the Blighc You can always tell them from the rest. They never do well afterwards but stay small and sickly. i HAVE THE MOST PERFECT BREADRIXKA eeeed c n cn T 1 COLLECTING AGENCIES, CoLLECTING aA 7 Wellington Street West CGommission Merchants LONDCOCN President. General Manager. OU AP6 highly ags. ... 24 . 00000 with ~" ""?a-:."a"n"".,'g,*.;w, d by mo for an Blight This picture represents the Trade Mark of Scott‘s Emulsion and is on the wrapper of every bottle. Send for free sample. "X sCoTT & Bowxr, ! TORONTO CANADA 5oc and $1. all druggists. NO. 45, 1901. SISTERS _ BROTHERS Tvith tha: ©uch for © fiay. Are : uxo'n )'Ou & "‘Come wit are cheerfu **Come wit never befo: and he me intrc tempera gering ¢ Agair clat] whom yo 1¢ who W weh vour J Im, come said : band with ViJ€ Lbeen « she 1 tend batt thie city who are then tw« power of readin= < ba« vor doubif me and Christiar with me inderer effe ©ur ennf an 0 vyou tered dates say : ation eMoie wom : suade and yea l would hav ‘They _ ma cannot be like our h the door 1\ tempt to ¢ land the theological young men riculum be the minis: he able of that wnd Frea shore ing meas mig! 004 t _ jaughs, somelimes it destroys door of 1} raglios of heaven an confluent s nor pas it is the « the entire wlary bo: ocean into and rivers arive, but of deeling Sometimes ne Imperia!, « sive is the m ‘M and «~ found in the & the front gate 1 n Washington, Oct, â€" course TD)y, Talmage « to gladness and opens . ®xpectancy. ‘Texis . "Come un ur n U the en "Come!" W 1\ M h n Go nt elation NC 1y

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