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Durham Review (1897), 21 Nov 1901, p. 4

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f® P. S8.â€"Ef yo doant get a budget next week it will be case we heah so much bout Rochester and de No‘thâ€"West that we habn‘t time to write em up. Stwayed or stolen,â€"a‘sc‘ibe fo‘ Bunes san who used to be so wegulah. ted fiends in dis town las week. _ Some ob ouah young people attended de z‘assion Play and wepo‘t a good time Sorry to heakl dat Mh Dave Brown is sick in Priceville. Dave will miss his venison this yeah, So you will please fo‘gibe us, Some gals came heah de oder night, ** Come ‘Enry do play wid use." Some gals am wea‘wing a vewy b‘oad smile since A. McLellan came ‘ome fom de west last week. £ Mr C. C, McFaydeon returned after a week‘s visit with friends in Normanby. Miss Jean Cairns of Ceylon was the anest of Miss Mary McFayden over Sanâ€" day. Mr* Brigham of Allan Park passed through our burg last week. Mr. Hawthorne, of Walkerton, yvisited relatives around here lately. Rer, F. H. Farr, of Atwood, visited at the parental home a couple of days lately. Mr Will Ritchie Jr. is engaged as teachâ€" er for S, 8. N. 5, tor the coming year. We wish him success as be is a general favorite with all, Master Archie Duffield, of Bunessan, visited his annot Mrs, Jos. Firth last Sunâ€" day, XÂ¥r, Albert Davis and Rob McFadden returned home trom the West where they spent the last three mounths, Looking hale and hearty. Mr, Alex, MceDonald of town visited friends on the avenue a short time ago. Johnie Conkey is home from the lower settliements after spending some months with some old farmer of that place, Mr. Jas. Atkinson purchased a fine new organ last week from Mr. Barclay of your town. The trustees of 8 S No. 3 have engaged Miss May liobson ot Zion for 1902, and Miss McCracken we believe Las the school at Louise for the coming year. We wish success to both. Allan McLean is in a critical condition for the la«t week or two (Allan Bun) we hope to hear of him getting better soon. Mr. Will MeFadden and sister Miss M. of the lob Roy, visited friends on the avenge one day last week. Mrs. Arch Burnett and son Wm. visited at Mr. George Aljoe‘s ons day lately. A number from aroumd here atttended the meetings at Zion last week. Mrs. Sparling of town and a Mr Sparlâ€" ing of Michigan, visited at W. J, Firth‘s one day recently, The many friends of Alexander McPherâ€" son will be pleased to hear that he bas greatly improved in health the last cougle of months and is able to be about now. We hope to hear of his complete recovyery, Mrs Dr Hatton, of Durham, visited with her sister Miss Wright for a fow days last week. Mrs Hutton is a lady who is always welcomed to her former residence by ber numerous friends in and around Priceville. Pleased to hear that Mr. Joseph Firth is able to be around again after a slight attack of la grippe, Messts Jobn McArthur, commssioner and Dr Atkigson, were in Toronto, last week and took in Jessie McLachlin‘s grand zsoncert. Lots of sales tlis fall on account of scarcity of feed. Mrs Rev, Matheson is confined to her bed. We hope sooun to hear ot her speedy recovery. to school Leing sfrain of ker carrying the contagious Diptheria into the school. Miss Leeson could finish onut her year as she had a Dr‘s certificate but it may be just as well for her to do as she has done. Mss Leeson was well Itked by the childâ€" ren and it was with much regret that they were deprived of the privilege of her finish ing her term, and we may vouch for the ratepayers of No 1lo, in sympathizing with hber and all the family in the sad loss they have experienced in the death of a beloved daughter and sister and grandaughter and neice. The winter has come and bas the apâ€" rnneo to continue for we bave bad it ind ot rough for the past week. Slieighs are in nse the last two or three days but sleighing is not yery good. Mr A. MeLeod hbas his chopper in runâ€" ning order and has also the saw will fitâ€" ted up to do first clases work Mr. W, L. Dizron is finishing out Miss Leeson‘s term as teacher in 8, 8. No, 10, They made a settiemwent with Miss Leesoa on account of some uot sending clnldren Dr LIxon is busy attending to other arlments that burmmanity is heir to and will be found always ready and obliging to attend whenever called upon day or night. U# James Atkinson is always busy exâ€" tracting teeth and putting in new ones. The ladies say he pulls teeth with ease. Collector Arrowswith of ward No, 2, Glenelg, was in town on Friday last receivinog taxes, He says this is his 21st, year as ccliector, So hbe ought to know the people well by this time. Deah Editab, We hasn‘c lost our A temperance lodge has been formed in this town lately with about twenty memâ€" bers to commence with,. All the young people should unite with this Society so as to show good examples to the older ones to follow in case of theirnot being fit to show one to the young. Glenelg Centan. EDGE HILL. PRICEVILLE. and son Jim wisiâ€" mem‘wy yet, The seven wonders of the Middle Ages were : The Coliseum of Rome ; the Catacombs, Alexandria: the Great Wall of China; Stonehenge: the Leaning Tower of Pisa; the Porcelain Tower of Nankin; and the Mosque of Str S&phia. at Constantinople. Seven Wonders of the World.â€"There have been different objects classed as the Seven Wonders of the World at difâ€" ferent periods of the world‘s history. the seven wonders of antiquity were: The Pyramids of Egypt, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. the Tomb of Mausolos the Temple of Diana 2t Epheâ€" sus, the Colossus of Rhodes, the Statue of Zeus (Jupiter ) by Phidias, the Pharos of Egypt,or else the Palace of Cyrus ceâ€" mented with gold. These have been strung together in the following lines which can be committed to memory without much difficalty: The pyramids first which in Egypt were laid: Nezt Babylon‘s garden, for Amptis made; Then Mausolos tomb of affection and guilt; Fourth the Temple of Dian,in Ephesus built, The Colossus of Rhodes, cast in brass,to the sun Sizth, Tupiter,s statue, by Phidias done; The Pharos of Egy pt, last wonder of old. Or the palce of Cyrus, cementid with gold. Mr Sam Todd was as Boothville on Sunday. We are always well pleased to sse him around the corner, We are sorry to write that John McQueen is dowh at present with an attack of inflamation but is improving under Dr Sneath‘s skillfal care Mrs Donald McFarlane spent Sunday at her brother‘s John McQueen. We are very sorry to record this week the death of Mtrs \W m Aldcorn Swinton Park who died on Sunday Nov. 10th, of qunsy. She took sick on Thursday Oct 81 and despite of all that kind bands and loving hearts and skill of physicans and nurse could do they could not stay the hand of death. Mr Aldcorn was away on a business trip on the lakes and left home on Wednesday the day before his wife took siek and alâ€" though several letters were written to him informing him of his wife‘s illpess he did not recerve any of them until Saturday he resorved a telegram, and making all haste home he did not arrive till Sunday night. He did not know the sadness that awaited him till he came home, Much sympathy is felt for Mr Aldcorn and family in their sora bereavement. Mra AlJ3coro was beloved by all who knew her and her unexpectâ€" ed death cast a gloom upon the congreâ€" gation assembled in the church. She leaves a kusband and four children hber father three sisters and two brothers to mourn her death. The community at large sympathises with Mr Black‘s family. W and F we hear are talking of going into the cement business. What is wanted.? Who shot the sheep? Whodid Tom driye bhome Sunday night? How far did the young man go out of the way for fear of meeting his mother? Who put the breast sollar on the wrong end of the horse? Our teacher 13 making ready for a Public Examination and entertainment near the close of the term. A meeting will be held tonight to arrange. Dugald McCannell bought of Colin MceMillan, Dromore a set of good harâ€" ness. D can draw anything with two ends on. Square timber will catch it this winter. D McCannel and Neil McQueen went to Dundalk to boot themselves. J Campbell is getting ready to build a kitchen. He was out seeing about cement last Saturday and says it is worth waiting for. Mr W Riley and Mr John Stodhart, of Priceville attended service at 8. P. Mrs James Marsball is visiting her parents this week. Mrs, Kinsman and her daughter Ida were yisiting the McDrarmid fanuly Glenelg, last Sunday. The good weather we expecs$ is past onee more : heavy rain last night and 1 guess we may look for snow next. One year ago Wednesday snow fell atout one and a half foot and drifted the sideromds nearly full it wens away for a week or so then winter set in. We wounder where captain R, and Dunk was heading for Sunday last and if R, got the black fever and why Duuk don‘t go sonth nuw.? Mr Jack Jones while crossing the bush the other morning noticed the track of two bears in the fallen enow. Accompanied by his brother Mr. George Jones they tracked it and about 2 o‘clock suceeeded in geiting four treed in Mr. Jones bush havyâ€" ing ouly one rifle their ammunition ran out bafore having succeeded in capturing any of their enemiee. Then Mr. George Jones started for Markdale several miles distant secured more ammunition and soon returned where they had the four bears treed. Soon several men from Launriston arriv:d 01 the scene who had tracked the m»nsters from there and beâ€" fore 5 p m. they succeeded in killing the four, We congratulate our boys on their bravery in facing the lour bears with one rifle and ridding the counstry of four danâ€" gerous animals Some of our boys attended the Pomona dance last weok and report an excellent time. Winter is fast approaching and houseâ€" wive: are busy engaged in plucking their geese and turkeys for market, and Mr. Jack frost is making his asual visits. Mr Tom Sullivan sr., who hes been sick for seyeral weeks wo are pleased to report is able to be around again. BOOTHVILLE. IRISH LAKE. i South of Middaugh House Bell, Doherty, Thomas and Berlin‘maxkes of PIANO and ORGAN SEWING MAC%INFB] A large stock of New Raymond and W ams Sewing Machines and supplies. f C. McKINNON. ON WHEELS, Chatham and Snowball Wagons Palmerston Buggies. Buggies trom Campbell of London. CULTIVATING, hh C Â¥, -‘.-,;):, ~» ~ conlter & Scott, Dulls in . oepamant it e S ultivators, Dise and Spade Har Siagâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€" 4 . * rows, Scufflers, Etc. Also Scotch ‘gh l"‘} ' ns Diamond Harrows. Moane m e â€" o14 / en * Wilkinson Ploughs, number 1 to 20, and repairs of all kinds. Shares, Soleplates, Etce. Not genuine unless the words *‘ WirkIinsor Prover Conraxy‘‘is cast on each piece. Wilkinson Famous Steel Rolier made in three sections. We invite your attention to the following lines of goods : Qverything for farmers / CVE VE VE V WVz Vz Vz Offeringse»â€" Of GCreat Interest in Millinery & Mantles C For the Next 30 Days. l In our stock is a revelation of Beauty and Richness. The prices lower than you will anticipate when you see the goods. We Invite you to Call THE SHOWING OF RINGS wer Town, A. GORDON We have about 30 garments left, chiefly between lengths not three quarters nor yet can they be called ‘‘Short Jackets," fashion approves the styles, and which ever you choose may be reckoned as strictly within the present vogue. Here are the details :â€"Women‘s Jackâ€" ets made in Germany, of Beaver, Curl and Ereize cloths box semi and tight fitting back, fancy and plein silk and serge, lined, bishop and bell sleeves, collars of velvet and plain, some Jackets fiinished with strappings and silk stitching, others, collars, cuffs and around bottom of coat silk stitching ; well finished, smart dressy garments in Black and colors all are going at a great discount. Our important millinery novelties, andtrimmed hats must go at half price and less. These are high class goods and are of the latest styles that we have had this season. They have reached the time limit and must be sold, 33 Landies‘ trimmed Readyâ€"toâ€"wear Hats, latest styles, that were market at $2.50 to $7.50 each at half price and less, no two alike. Your choice of 35 Sailor and Walking Hats at 25 cents each, also 253 Fancy Birds, Feathers, Wings, Breasts, etc. All must be sold. Now is your chance to buy a good Hat for little morey, THE CASH and ONE PRICE WOMEN‘S JACKETS . 4A Hlorlock. TORONTO Jeweller RrEviEw and Weekly Sun Jan. 1, 1903 Rrvirw and Weekly Mail to Jan. 1, 1903 The season for renewals is again with us and we ask our friends to consider the following offers and oblige us by making them known to their neighbors, For $1.00 We will send the REvirw to Jan. 1, 1903, with copy of Canadian Annual. If you want a thorough Business Education or a thorough shorthand Education. You only get an Educatiou once and you should get the best. _ Students admitted at any time. Full particulars free, TTEICC For 8$1.75 Address C. A. FLEMING, Prin. ATTRACTIVE QFFRRS. Owen Sound, Ont. Lower Town Ei 3 â€" sustour! § A New Map Z NEW HARDWARE STORE I. E. SItGNER CANADIAN CARRIAGE C0. HARDWARE MISCELLANEOUS WEATHER STRIPS NOVEMBER 21, 1901 LAMPS & LANTERNS COFFEE MILLS GLOVES & MITTS STOVE POLISH cOwW CHAINS Gups Wiinges $225, Chum‘p $1.60. Horse W heel b arr ow s $2.25, Washing Machines $3.75. Clothes Wrinrars &0 oL Fill up the crack around yours Doors and Windows wit_h some of our Weather Strips, our shock elsewhere, If you require a Lamp any descripton or a L A nice line of Coffee Mills and Marion Harland Coffee Pots just to hand, In Fall and Winter Mitts we lead. Our stock of lined and unlined Mitts and Gloves is something extra. We are in it with Stove Polish and Stove Pipe Varnish, Oneapplication of our BEST Stove Pipe Varnish will last a season, Did you see the cow ? The Chain that holds it in the window will hold any animal you own, « BLACK. sure e and inspect before buying of Big Men‘s Wool Unde from ®c. up Men‘s Heavy Tojp ® * _ Cardigan Ja ®» All Wool Sy §#1.00. Mrs Potts Sad 1: for a sett 0 Don‘t forget : pair of good Wi a full line of 8t shoes. Woman W oman §$5,00, $6.00, : All Wool Flannel ##« * _ Grex F and $1.30 ea« Woman‘s and Misi Un a neir Men‘s Wool Mitt 50c a pair. Men‘s Wool Mitts Boys ** +* Flannel Blankets GROCER! White Counterp TWEEDS We osk i1 dranda PBaby‘s Couy Carrs C oug h What abs presents ? | to be planni see our stock MacFarla We can NOVENB ‘not RBRatsa HE SELLS CHEAP !! repar DRY OO BOOTS & i Of best Druggist t $ ed mi littljg for th An a poun take, vet ve eve 10 bottle )OT1 f iStet Oy ua

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