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Durham Review (1897), 28 Nov 1901, p. 4

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‘lz Mil) inery }‘.‘ 14 Offeringseâ€"&â€"â€" Of Great Interest in Qverything for farmers / We the foll In our stock is a revelation of Beauty and Richness. Tl SHOWING 0F RNGS Wilkinson ON WHEELS, â€" Chatham and Snowball Wagon® Palmerston Buggies. Buggies trom qampbell of London. Coulter The prices lower than you will anticipate when you see the goods. We Invite you to Call Bell, Doherty, Thomas and Berlin‘maxes of PIANO and ORGAN SEWING MACE{iI NESi' A large stock of New Raymond and W ams Sewing Machines and supplies. C. McKINNON. South of Middaugh House Lwer Town, CULTIVATING, ilter & Scott Drills an Caltivators, Dise and Spade Har rows, Sceufflers, Ete. Also Seotch Diamond Harrows. Ikinson Ploughs, number 1 to 20, and repairs of all kinds. Shares, Soleplates, Etce. Not gennine unless the words ‘* WILKINSON Provenx {Compaxy‘‘is cast on each piece. Wilkinson Famous Steel Rolier made in three sections. Our important millinery novelties, and trimmed hats must go at half price and less. These are high class goods and are of the latest styles that we have had this season. They have reached the time limit and must be sold, 33 Landies‘ trimmed Readyâ€"toâ€"wear Hats, latest styles, that were market at $250 to $7.530 each at half price and less, no two alike, Your choice of 35 Sailor and Walking Hats at 25 cents each, also 253 Fancy Birds, Feathers, Wings, Breasts, etc. All must be sold. _ Now is yvour chance to buy a good Hat for little money, We have about 30 garments left, chiefly between lengths not three quarters nor yet can they be called ‘Short Jackets," fashion approves the styles, and which ever you choose may be reckoned as strictly within the present vogue. Here are the details :â€"Women‘s Jackâ€" ets made in Germany, of Beaver, Curl and Freize cloths box semi and tight fitting back, fancy and plain silk and serge, lined, bishop and bell sleeves, collars of velvet and plain, some Jackets fiinished with strappings and silk stitching, others, collars, cuffs and around bottom of coat silk stitching ; well finished, smart dressy garments in Black and colors all are going at a great discount. A. GORDON invite your attention to owing lines of goods : For the Next 30 Days. wWOMEN‘S JACKETS CASH and ONE PRICE Jeweller rorvem misness court f s 9 f : +C 5y If you want a thorough Business Education or a thorough shorthand Education. You only get an Educatiou once and you showld get the best. Students admitted at any time. Full particulars free. The season forrrenewnls is again with us and we ask our friends to consider the following offers and oblige us byâ€" making them known to their neighbore For $1.00 We will send the REvIEW to Jan. 1, 1903. with copy of Canadian Annual. For 8$1.75 REvirw and Weekly Sun Jan. REvIEW and Weekly Mail to Jan. ortlocH. Address Mantles C. A. FLEMING, Prin. Owen Sound, Ont. ATRACIIVE OFERS. Lower Town 1, 1808 Winter is now surely upon us and tho chime of sleigh bells are to be heard as they fiy along the road. Qcite a rnumber from our town spent a very pleasant evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs Wim. Brown last week. Mr. P. Sterne is now settled in his new bhouse. He says it is a better one than the old one. We are sorry this week to report the illness of Mr. J. Laughton, who has been laid up tor the past few days with bronchitis, but under the skillful treatment of Dr. Sneath we hope he will soon be around again. Mr. W. J. Hay, who has been workâ€" ing all sammer in the vicinity of Galt returned home Saturday looking well. The home of Mr. Wm. Long last Wednesday, 20th inst., was the scene of a large gathering, the occasion heâ€" ing the marriage of Miss Bella Brodie, niece of Mr. Long‘s, to Mr. Ben Mcâ€" Kenzie, of this line. At a few minutes after 6 o‘clock these two were brought face to face with the Rey. Mr. Campâ€" bell, whe very soon made them man and wite. Afterall had wished them joy and happiness they all sat down to a bountiful table. The bride was the recipient of many beautiful and costly presents. A step in the right direction :â€" Droâ€" more is to have a Public Library, the most of the books are here and the committee is losing no time in getting them in shape for giving out. In a few days it will be ready tor all memâ€" bers to receive books and all who are not already members should not lose any time until they are. . Just think for $1 per family, you can have all the reading you can do, of the vyery best books, for one year. The library will be kept in the store, J. M. Findlay ‘ Librarian. Open every day. Mrs Taylor,. who has been visiting friends in Hepworth and (Grandville returned home on Saturday. Mr. Will Dansmore and his aister Clara returned to their home in Hamilton, after spending a month‘s visit with relat, ives and friends around Edge Hill. Mr. Thos, Greenwood purchased a thorâ€" oughbred sow from Mr. H. Brigham last week, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ritchie visited triends in Arthur and while there Mr. R. purchased a valuable horse from Joseph Brown at Riverston. He is negotiating with Mr. H. Brigham for a thoroughbred cow and calf. J. W. Firtbh, Edgse Hill lost a valuable mare last week. Cause unknown. Mrs. Garbett of Bouma«ville, was visitâ€" iog her uncle Mr. Jos. Firth, Sr. Edge Hill, accompanied by her sisterâ€"inâ€"law Mrs. John Firth of town This community regret to hear of the death of Mrs. Geo. Anderson so long a resâ€" pected resident in our neighborhood. She leaves to mourn her demise, husband, son and three daugkters, «s well as her brothers, John and Adam Weir and a s1@â€" ter Mrs. Robimson, of Kan«as,. Miss Grazse Greenwood who has been quite ill, we are pleased to notice is recoyâ€" ering, Mr. Jas. Staples is out again for the Reeveship and meeting with encourageâ€" ment. Miss Vina Gadd left on Thursday last for Hamilton, accompanied by Miss Ester Wilkinson who has been visiting the parental home for the past few weeks, Mrs John Petty we are sorry to say is very poorly. Hope she may soon recover tirom kber recent illness. The Varney Sunday School is preparâ€" ing for a Xwas. intertaintment, so you may look forward to a good time. Varâ€" ney can do it. Mrs D Allan had a wood bee on Tuesâ€" day last cutting woed. Miss Nellie Gadd intends leaying on Thorsday for Toronto whero she has secured a situation. z Mr and Mrs C Gadd were the guests of Mr and Mrs James Eden on Sunday last. Mrs T Allan called on Mrs John Carâ€" son lately. Mr and Mrs W McCalmon were visitâ€" Mr;James Eden‘s a week ago. The Dromore choir together with their frends and others had a yery pleasant cuting at the hospitable home of xr and mis Wm Brown‘s one night lasst week, when a company of about forty young people gathered tegether and spent a nigbt in mirth and songs and fmendly chat. The time passed all to quickly on wings of such pleasure, as is to be had bere. The company after partaking of a sumptuous supper and baving passed a vote of thanks for hospitality skown and embodying a desire for their future prosâ€" perity and happiness dispersed to their houses bighly eatisfied with their annual outing to this Meocca of music, at the hour of 3 in the morning. The meeting was partly a farewell to airs Martis and her daugbter menad who are shortly leaying for their home in B. C. xr W. Ramage and aiss Agnes Renwick, organist, for Dromore ohoir were unavoidâ€" ably absent. Auld Lang Syne brought to a close a meeting far more enjoyable and not attended with that weariness and probavle injury to morals, attendant upon the old time dance. Long may the partiâ€" cipants hye and long liye the King. DIED. McIxxis â€"In Glenelg, on Monday, Noy. 2th. only son of Mrs and Mrs« P. McInnis, aged, 5 mos, ANDERSON â€" In Glenelg, on Sunday, Nov. 24, Mrs. Geo. Anderson. Mi1chHToxâ€"MILIGAN.â€"At the Rectory, Durham, by the Rev. Rural Dean Ryâ€" an on Wed. 20th. inst. Mr. Thomas Mighton and Miss Mary Milligan, both of Bentinck. THE DURHAM REVIEW BROWNIES AT BROWN‘S Dromore. EDGE HILL. vYARNEY. MARRIED. TORONTO â€"Col. Lyneh , who personally fough . with the Boers was last week elected . M. P. for Galway by a yote of 1247 to his opponent‘s 473. If he atter:gts to take his seat he will be arrested as a traitor. Truly British complacency to disloyal utterances and actions by its own people is going to be severely testâ€" ed. â€"Here we have Mr. John Redmoud M. P. in Canada, giving utterance to sentiments which would not be toleratâ€" ed in any other civilized country. } Fancy some of his confreres publicly | thanking God for British reverses! â€"Dr. Barr has been sgain' selected by the Conservatives of Dufferin 28 their Candidate at the coming election. HorEL RUuLEs.â€"A Toronto hostelry has cards tacked up for the information and conyenience of its guests and visitâ€" ors which are by no means common. The perusal of thein is bound to prodâ€" uce sound sleep and a good appetite : "Board 50c. per square foos, meals exâ€" tra. at 7. Guests are trequested not to speak to the dumb waiter. (Guests wishing to get up without be. ing called can have selfâ€"raising flour for supper. Guests are requested not to play any games more exciting than Old Maid af ter 7 p.m.. so as not to disturb the night clerk‘s slumbers. Guests wishing to do a little driving can find a hammer on the stand. Not responsible for diamonds, bicyâ€" cles, orother valuables kept under pilâ€" lows. They should be deposited in the safe. If the room gets too warm open the window and see the fire escape. If you‘re fond of athletics and like good jumping, lift the mattress and see the bed spring. Breakfast at 5, dinnerat 6, supper Baseballists desiring a little practic can tind a pitcher on the stand. If the ln.mp goes out, take a feather out of the pillow, that‘s light enough for any room. If ybu’re troubled with nightmare you‘ll find a halter on the bedâ€"post, _ Married men without baggage are reâ€" quested to leave their wives with the proprietor for security. _ In case of fire you can find the tire esâ€" cape half a mile from the house. _Dont worry about paying your bill; the house is supported by its fourdat«â€" ons." The Christmas number of the Deline« ator is about the first of the special Christmas issues. It is a beauty. The cover is a most artistic production showing a beautifully gowned woman standing gracefully in a brilliantly lightâ€" ed saion. Two charming love stories, one by Cyrus Townsend Brady, plenty of advice regarding Christmas Gifts, timely pointers on Cookery, Winter« time care of Plants, all the fashions of the day interpreted into simple languâ€" aze, can be found in the â€" Christmas number of the Delineator. 1t is a spleâ€" ndid magazina, satisfactory inside and out. â€" There is no magazine for women at present published that is more prac» tical iu all its pages, As a Xmas gift itâ€" self, it bears its awn recommendation. The most readable paper in Toronto these days is The Star. It is enterprisâ€" ing in its news departments, and indeâ€" pendent and entertaining editorially. in iits business management It is always keeping things moving. Just now it is offering free to new subscribers a magâ€" nificent portrait of the King printed in nine colors in the finest style of lithoâ€" graphy. The offer is the most liberal of any pnger. The Daily Star is sent to new subscribers until January Ist, 1901, and also a cg{py of the magnificent picâ€" ture of the King for $1.50, the price of the paper alone for a year. A copy of the picture was sent to His Majesty the Kil:s. and an acknowledgment from the Lord Chamberlain expresses his appreâ€" ciation of its cleverness, and says the or Portmit was seen hy His Majestyâ€"the atter an unusual honor.â€" The Star with portrait of the King._the Review, and Canadian Annual to January 1. 1903, all Staff and Equipment. The School is equipped for full Junior Leaving and Matriculation work, under the following Staff of Competent Teachers for that Department : THOS. ALLAN, Principal, MR. MORRISON, B. A., (Specialist), Asst. Prin. MISS LICK, B. A., Classics and Moderns. Intending Students should enter at beginning of term, or as soon after as possible. FEES® : $1.00 per month Wm. Johnston, Chairman Durham School Anyone sending a sketch and deleflKflon may qnleklÂ¥ ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communicaâ€" PORTRAIT OF THE KING. C. L. Grant, Secretary NEW HARDWARE STORE £©00000000000000060000¢ 00 D¢. C T. E. SEIGNER Dealer in STOVES FURNACES, TINâ€" WARE HARDWARE, PA INTS, OILS, &c,, begs to announce to the public of Durham and vicinity that he will in a few weeks open out business in the above lines on Mill St., just east of Macâ€" } Farlane‘s Drug Store and hopes to merit of the COUNTY of GREY t3 1. E. SIHEANtR New Map $# cANADAN CARRIAGE 60. Show Rooms West of Middeaugh HMHouse, Lambton St. cook1 BROCKVILLE. dNQ. LIVINGSTONE HARDW ARE CcOwW CHAINS STOVE POLISH GLOVES & MITTS COFFEE MILLS LAMPS & LANTERNS WEATHER STRIPS MISCELLANEOUS Did you see the cow ? The Chain that holds it in the window will hold any animal you own, We are in it with Stove Polish and Stove Pipe Varnish,. Oneapplication of our BEST Stove Pipe Varnish will last a season. In Fall and Winter Mitts we lead. Our stock of lined and unlined Mitts and Gloves is something A nice line of Coffee Mills and Marion Harland Coffee Pots just to hand, If you require a Lamp of any descripton or a Lanâ€" tern be sure and inspect our shock before buying elsewhere, Fill up the crack around yours Doors and Windows with some of our Weather Strips. W heel barrow s $2.25, Washing Machines $3.75. Clothes Wringers $2.95. Churns, $1.60, Horse Covers, 50 cts. Coal tX BLACK. No ditan Baby‘s Mo Moer Wo Mis Carrs Ct W om Fl Lamps up. Men‘s H NOVE A1 Wha present 10 be see ou TW CGRO Mack in ol CA 26563 ‘ Y & 4% °C 4 a HE SEL CHE We 2l 1 ¢

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