West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 5 Dec 1901, p. 5

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Y £» fiig 4 ** Fancey Bed Comforters, 6Ux(Z inches, â€" each..... Flannclette Blankets, large size, per pair...... ... Women‘s heayy Wool Shawls each $1.35 3.00 3.50 Men‘s Cardigan Jackets each Moen‘s neek Scarfs from Women‘s Cardigan Rubbers, pr. Misses‘ Cardigan Rubbers, pr. Child‘s Cardigan Rubbers, pr. A few weeks and Xmas of 1901 will be a thing of the past, but what a busy auxious _ time. The knowing ones are already buying their Christmas presents thus picking up the prettiest things. Christmas Juggestions Travellers and visitors tell us we have the prettiest goods noith of ‘Toronto and wonder at us keepâ€" ing such a display. We appreciate their kind reâ€" marks, but they don‘t know as well as we that the people ot Durham know a good thing when they see it as well as those who live in the cities. Women Floor Oil Cloth 2 ya wide, PE yard...... .¢«,.ixker.e««* New Raisings, Currants, Peels & Syrup. Lamps froM .... .. .. .++ en ++ +9 Floor Oil Cloth, 1 yd wide, per up. Men‘s Heavy Ruabbers and Socks. It would take a whole page to enumerate the many useful and pretty articles we have. Come and see for vourself. w. H. BEAN TWEEDS & YARNS CGROGERIES we ask Inspection of our TERS Early Shopping Insures: Better Selection, Better Attention, Greater Satisfaction. DECEMBER 5, 1901 S$. sCOTT. MacFariane & Go. We can give varc HE SELLS CHEAP !! prRY GOODS, CROCKERY, JOTS & SHOES, &e., Of best quality. Druggist & Booksellers. s Black Overgaiters ? vd wide, per caler‘s BidX 50c. & $1 a pr. 1 10 +) *) On Sunday evening Dec. 1st, a song service was held by the C. E. Society of this charch which is still in a flourishâ€" ing condition. Atter the usual opening service and responsive reading, a cl;uamtte, " His Child "‘ by the Misses snac and Messrs Isaac and Coleridge, Solo, by Miss Jean Renwick, also quar. by +Misses Jean Renwick and Sarah Isaac, and Messrs J. Wilson and W. Isaac sang ** Drifting with the tide " An essay by Geo. Lothian on " Giving Thanks " who introduced his subject by citing the trials of early pioneers, the puritans ot early days and their manner of thanksgiving. Drew comparison beâ€" tween theirs and ours, not sufficient gratitude : had we a famine it would wake us up to a more thankful spirit in future years. Spoke on the wonderâ€" ful gifts of God, in the rain and t.he sunshine, the sprouting of the grain, and the warmth of summer to the proper ripening. Each day sEould be one of Thanksgiving. In the six references to the miracle of the loaves and fishes, the tnanks given were always mentioned. Paul in his shipwreck in the midst of exciteâ€" ment took time to give thanks. Day of Thanksgiving should be more aniversally observed. Ingratitude was one of the basest sins. The fruit of our lips should be praise to God It was a very good paper, and well handled. A male quartette, * Thou shalit rest at eye" Messrs Coleridge, Ramage, Isaac and Wilson, and ** When the mists have cleared away *‘ by Misses Beott and E. and 8. Isaac and Messrs Isaac and Coleridge were then rendered. An essay by Rev. Mr. Campbell oni books that we should read. _A pressing subject in this locality in view ot the large public library recently establishâ€" ed here. Books ot Geology commendâ€" ed, as tracing the footsteps of the Creator in the formation of the earth and His wonderful loye in laying up a \ a store for future use of mankind in the shape of coal and other minerals. Some works of fiction conaemmed some so called religious ones even some of them imparts no yvigor to the mind, bas on the other hand a debilitating effect, from the perusal of worthless publication flooding the land. Out otf a collection select the best to advance your interest or calling. _A great many in their printiug in their binding and even in their title, are made to sell: such works as the Pilgrim‘s Proâ€" gress develop a substantial religâ€" ion, while Sheldon and some others are superficial. Aimless, desultory rambâ€" ling from book to book was a loss of time. Study bography of great men nothing has so much tended to greatâ€" ness and to moulding ot after lite as this. Avoye all, quoting the words of a famous author, * an ounce of love is worth a pound of knowledge, giving your attention and love to the best of books the Bible wherein is contained the story of Christ‘s redeeming love. The meeting closed with a doxology and benediction by Mr Jas. Snell, who in company with Miss Ida Lester led the meceting. ' SONG SERVICE AT AMOS CHURCH. A large audience turned out, isany being there from a distance. A merry Xmas. time is promised for the Sunday School : preparations are now in progress. _ Many bid good bye and wished safe journey to Danny Ferguson who with his wite leaves toâ€" da.yT for New Mexico, to benefit her health. The mother country has accepted another contingent from}Canada. It is to consist of 800 mounted troops for service in South Africa and is to be under command of Col, T. D. B. Evans C. B., a Canadian of experience. The term of service is to be 12 mos, or tili the termination of war, age from 20 to 40, not to be under 5 feet 5 inches, nor weigh more than 185 lbs, chest measurement not less than 34 inches, medically fit other wise, and able to ride and shoot. There will be no trouble in raising 600 Canadians : 6000 could be raised. The trouble will come in Africa where no doubt some British leaders will still be inclined to look askance at ** Colonâ€" is " and fail to give thein fall swing. â€"Mr. Arch. Campbell has again been selected by the Liberals of W est York as the candidate to fill the vaâ€" cancy in that constitueney. . Mr. Campâ€" bell it will be remembered made a valiant though iosing fight with the late Hon. Clarke Wallace. ~.The police census of _ Toronto makes its population about 17000 largâ€" ee than that of the census, â€"A contingent of Canadian Statesâ€" men would not befa bad thing to send to South Africa to guide the counsels of those conducting the war. We would hate to spare him, but could Sir Wilfrid Laurier and _ a few of his cabinet, with Sir Chas. Tupper and an Australian or two be sent out it is cerâ€" tain they would do more to end the war than twice the number of redâ€"tape Downiag street officials, with their nettv jealousies and favoritisms. petty jJealousies and favoritisms. CARETAKER WaxTSDâ€"For the Durâ€" ham Cemetery. â€" Apply at once to J. P. TE:u.rorp, Secy., Durham Cemetery Co. Dated Dec. 14th 1901. MARRIED. Coreâ€"McIxtyrREâ€"Orn Saturday, Nov. ©Oth, at the manse, Durham, by the Rev. Wm. Farqubarson, Mr. Arch. Cole, of Flint, Mich. U, S. A., to Miss Minnie McIntyre, of Glenelg. ANOTHER CONTINGENT «â€"â€"~~â€"â€"â€"~â€"@ § 4 â€"_â€"â€"â€" ~ d The following officers were elected by Grey County Old Boys at the organizaâ€" tion meeting on Menday evening : Hon Viceâ€"Presidentsâ€"W. J. McFarâ€" land, Henry Grabam, J. H. MceKnight, Dr, Gerald Baill, Thorpe Wright, Rev. Alex Gilray. Presidentâ€"Sey mour Corley. Vicaâ€"Presidentsâ€" North Grey, Jackâ€" son L. Little; East Grey, Jas. A. Ellis; South Grey, F. 8. Mearns. Secretaryâ€"C,. W, Chadwick. Treasurerâ€"Jas. McBride. Historianâ€"Jas. A. Tucker. Ditrector of Ceremoniesâ€"Lieut. Hildâ€" yard Rorke. Executive Committeeâ€"Owen Sound., Fred Boardman; Meatord, A. W. Law ; Durham, Jas. Robinson ; Thornbury, Arthur Farewell; Keppel, Peter Ruchâ€" erford; Sarawak, W \‘V Arnott; Derby, Jas. C. Allan; Sullivan, Mr Kirkpatrick; Bentinck, Mr. Pepper; Normanby, Mr. Laidlaw; Holland, %V Harrison Miller ; (Glenelg, F. Grabham; Egremont, J. H. Tucker; St. Vincent, Harold Carnahan ; Euphrasia, A R Fawcett; Artemesia, J. T. Clark ; Collingwood, Dr. Lougheed ; Osprey, Jas Whitson ; Proton, H. Graâ€" ham; â€" Sydenham, J. Wells Fraser. Some three hundred and fifty names have been emrolled. About 350 Members in Toronto.â€"NMr. Seymour Corley elected President. Tur Quick Dorrar.â€"This is what the publisher likes, Reader, if you. label is slow please oblige us at the very first opportunity by a remittance or better still a call. Money left at Darâ€" ling‘s Drug store will be duly credited, There are a number who haye overlookâ€" ed this little matter. Notice to Creditors. NJ OTICE IS HEREBY GiV EN pursuâ€" LN ant to R. 8.40. 1897, Cap. 129, Sec. 88 and amending acts, that all persons hayâ€" ing claims against the Estate of the said James Gun, who died on or about the Twenty third day of October, A. D. 1901, are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to J. P. Telford, of the Town of Durham, Solicitor for the Executors on or before the Hon President â€" D. Creighton, exâ€"M 7th Day of December, A D. 1901. their names, addreases, and descriptions and full statements and particulars of their claim and the nature of the securâ€" ity (if any) held by them duly verified, and that after the said date the execuâ€" tors will proceed to distribute the a«sets of the Estate of the Deceased among the parties entitled thereto haying regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. Solicitor for the Executors, Dated this 12th day of November A. D« APPLICATIONS WANTED In the Surrogate Court of the County of Grey. In the matter of the Estate of James (iun, late of the Town of Durham in the County of Grey, Physician, Deceased. The undersigned will receive appliâ€" catisns up to noon of Thursday the 12th day of December next, for the office of Treasurer of the Towunshin of Glenelg. Applications must be in the proper hand writing of the applicant and must give the name of two or more responâ€" sible persons agreeing to become bound with the applicant in a sum of money ofnot less than Trwelve Thousand Dollars ($12000) for the due performance of the duties of the said office in the event of application being accepted. J. 8. BLACK, Clerk, Tp. Glenelg, Pomona P. 0. NDated this 19th day of Noveaber, 1901. Dated this 19th day To Officers and Members of L, 0. L., No. 632, Aliow me to thank you and through you, the Loyal Orange Associâ€" ation for the prompt receipt on Monday November 25 of the total insurance of $1000 on the life of my late husband, Wim. Alexander. Also for the able and kindly way in which the executive has perforlnet{ their duties in an hour of sorrow, and more especially to Messrs John Williams and J, P. Telford for the pains they were at in completing the death claims for the beneficiary, . I wish for your noble order much success and continued grosperity in their grand work of providing for the widow and orphan in their hour of need. Gentlemen, CARO OF THANKS. THE GREY OLD BOYS 1901. Mrs, WX. ALEXANDER. : Durham Decmber 3rd. 1901. J. P. TELFORD. unyamrecmeneorvintnamne nencirenvvenbarithicamstecm: THE DURHAM REVIEW [The subject of the following poem was a sister of Mrs Arch, McLean and of Mr. Wm, Irvine, both of Bentinck, The poem reached us some time ago, but we regret owing to a mistake in filing its publication has been delayâ€" ed.â€"Ed.] How shall our feeble tongue express The thoughts that cluster round ‘ A Godly mother‘s memory ? Oh where shall words be found | To utter all to God we owe, | Because in love, He blessed us so. How can we adequately tell The value of her prayers, To him who hears, her hopes were breathed, TLife‘s burdens and its cares. With patience, meekness, faith unâ€" moved, 1 She pleaded oft for those she loved. | Her confidence was firmly placed | In Christ‘s atoning death, ‘ Exalted, magnified His name, | Until her latest breath. | A legacy this of worth untold, | Tis more to me than worlds of gold, | _ God‘s will is best and he saw fit \ To try her with the rod, ‘ But trial only seemed to bring l Her soul more near to God. ‘ She suffered, struggled, yearned for | | Home, \ Till Jesus gently whispered "Come" ! She passed to that fair world above, | Where all is peace and joy, Where songs of praise, eternally, Ten thousand tongues employ. ‘ And when, some day, TIl join her there, TI‘ll praise God for a mother‘s prayer 1 J. 8; Js. { Live Stock Market Toronto. The holiday and the bad weather have servedl to depress the trade for the week of the Toronto Cattle Market. There was only a poor trade of a very draggy and lifeless character toâ€"day. . Export cattle, though in fair demand, did not offer at all. Butchers‘ cattle also were in rather better EHdemand, but the offerings were of such a poor quality as to render trading very slow and at low prices, Feeders haye slackened off for the winter, as all the distilleries are fully supplied and farmers are looking for teeders very keenly. _A few offers, however and are bought at fair figures. Stockers have not changed much of late, and are selling about steady. Sheep are of the dullest animals on the murket for a couple of weeks. â€" Lambs are firmer, with prospects of still better marhet next week. . Hogs showed no change toâ€"day, _ Market reâ€" ceipts were 55 loads, which included 727 cattle, 725 sheep, 1,285 hogs and 20 calves. Fell asleep in Jesus Dec, 11th, 1900 = Though dead, she yet speaketh," Export Cattleâ€"There was no offerings toâ€"day, although the demand is sull good. They would sell at about $4.50 to $4.75 per ewt. and perhaps a little more for particular choice cattle. Butchers‘ Cattleâ€"Were in good deâ€" mand toâ€"day, but the quality of the offerâ€" ings was yery poor. _ Prices nre about steady at $4 to $4.40 for picked lots, $3.05 to $3.90 for chorce and $3 to $3.65 for common to fair animals. Feedersâ€"The demand has fallen off greatly and offerings are less plentiful, Steers sell at $3.50 per ewt and bulls at $2.50 to $3. Stockersâ€"The demand is steady, and prices show little yariation. They sell at §3 to $3.40 tor heayy animals and $2 to $3 for light, Sheepâ€"There is no demand at present for expcrt. Export ewes sell at $2,75 to $3 per ews., bucks at 82 to 2.50 per cwt. and culls at $2 to §3 each. Courrctor‘s NoticE.â€"I will be at the Knapp House on Friday, Dec. 13th, 1901, to meet all parties not having paid their taxes this year. As the Treasurer is resigning all must heepalidlhy that ' 1 111 a 5 B0 0 n a oo e C (i\’uy‘{()nf‘n(lfizxte closing of the books,. Dec. 2, 1901. Tnos. McGirR, Collector for ward No, 1, Glenelg, Tax NoTICE All town taxes are required to be paid to the Treasurer on or before the 12th inst, to saye cost of collection, By Order of the Council. W, A. ANDERSON, CLERK, INO. A. DARLING, Proggist 0 t 3 fl Ciiv Goa? We will not be undersold in any line we carry. Call avd see us and be convinced. Also, a Beautiful Selection o.l- BIBLES. A New Line of the above suitable for Christmas, comprises EBONY SETS. EBONY BRUSHES, CELLULOID SETS, SHAVING SETS, PURSES, CHATELAINES, | WALLETS, PERFUMES, PERFUME SPRAYS & ATOMIZERS VIOLINS, VIOLIN STRINGS, AND BOWS, &e., &c BUT CALL AND SEE. MOTHER Christmas Confectionery and Nuts~ ARLING‘S RUC STORE reenock, Scotland. foods and Notions | o ONTARIO $ QUCK TAPIGOG @ ‘Q“‘“““OQ““" A ow Qrocsery ° NFW NORX OOE Â¥ U 1%% 2%%%%%e%8%e%e%e0 00 Nothing Stale. Everything New and upâ€"toâ€"date and he cordially invites a trial. Cask or Garmers‘ QDroduce,. Our attractions are on low prices. Iu the course of aseason many disâ€" tinct changes take place. This season such a fashion change is more noticeâ€" able than ever before. For that reason we are showing a special display of Winter Millinery, many new and novel effects aud chic creations from our own workroom:* That is bringing an inâ€" creased measure of glory to this store as the MILLINERY ART CENTRE OF DURKHAN So much is expected of this store in millinery matters that each new event is bound to surpass all previous efforts, but there 1s nothing so satisfying as a personal visit. Come any day this week and see how well we have interâ€" preted Dame Fashion‘s, Fancies and Decrees, â€" Special prices in Winter Millinery for the rest of the season. The undersigned has opened out in his new building in Lower Town, (next door to C. McKinnon) full lines of FLOUR, FEED, NEW WNE MLUNERY FALL INTO LXE GEO. LAWRENCE. TORONTO GROCERIES, &e. MISS DIGK Lot 28, Con. 2, W. G. R., Bentinck a splendid impsoved farm convenient to Durham. Very cheap. Lot 18, con, 14. Bentinck. near Louise P. 0, In hands, of a Company,. _ Fine place and must go to some oue. _ S8rd Div. of 7 and ist Div. of 8, con. 1, W. G. R. Bentinck.â€"Malcom Camerâ€" on‘s 100 acres. The Hanover Conveyancer He has a big list of Property for Sale, including the following : 3rd Div. of 8. con. i. W. G. R.. Benâ€" tinck.â€"Maleolm Cameron‘s 50 acres. on Garafraxa Road convement to Duwâ€" ham. â€" This fifty acres is a snap at price asked. I have a large number of oiher prop erties in town and country and will selâ€" or trade. MONEY TO LOAN at4 1â€"2 per cent and upaccorsing to security and terms. INSURANCES COLLECTIONS angd CONVEYANCING as weli as other Financial business carefully atten> ded to. Fortunes CAPITAL, Authorized . ... ... $2,000,000 CAPITAL, Paid up........... 1,000,000 RESERVE FUND ........... 600,000 AGENTS in all prmcipal points .n Ontario, Quebec, Mamtoba, United States and England. W. F. COWAN, President. _ * GEO. P. REID, Manager. A general Banking business transacted Drafts issued and collections made on all points. Deposits received and jnterâ€" est allowed «t current rates. ‘ SAVINGS BANk _ .uterest allowed on savings bank deposits of $1,00 and upâ€" wards Prompt attention and every facility afforded customers living at a J.G HUTTON, M. D., C. M 3rd Div. lot 7. con.1, E. G. R, Glenelg D. McPFHAIL _â€"~ 9â€"12 4. m. 2â€"4 p. m . RESIDENCE and OFFICE â€"Old Bank UPPE& TOWN, DURHAM. Telephone Connection No. 10 OFFICE FIRgsT DOOR EAST CF the Duroam Pharmacy Calder‘s Block. â€" Residence first door west of the old Post Office, Durham. DURHMHAM AGENCY. ARTHUR H. JACKSON Collections of all kinds promptly attended to OFFICE.â€"â€"McKenzie‘s Old Stand Du ~~m, Ont. BARRiS TER, €CLii7CFR NOoATRY PUBLIC â€" CONYEYANCER, aC Officeâ€"â€"LOWER TOWN, DURH AM. Company and private Funds to Loan on Mortgages at lowest rates of interest, Valuation made by a competent and careful Valuator, OFFICEâ€"Melntyre Bloek, BARRISTER. SOLICITOR IN SUPREME COURT NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, ETC. Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. OFFICE MHOURS uced id 2 B cnerlimimetanpene 1 trators‘ Accounts prepared and rnfied Burrogate Court Business, Probate of Wills, Lettere of Adâ€" minstration and Guardianship Obtained. gearâ€" chas wade in Registry Office and Titles reported Collections and Agency promptly attended to Wills, Deeds, Mortgages, Leases, Agreements #&e, correctly prepuo?i. Estates of decensed Per- soms looked after and Exofuwf'l unc} flAdm nisâ€" DENTISTRY. DPr. T. G. HOLT L. D. S. CONVEYANCER, vALUATOR, Insurance Agent, arrister, [Yotery, Gon»â€" u) veyancer, Otc., Atc..... Money to Loan at reasonasole rates and on terms to suit borrower. All Charges Moderate MAY BE MADE 3y Dealing With H. H. Miller, u. P. TELFUORD. Head Office, Toronto. NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, &c MONEY TO LOAN W. S. DAVIDSON. . LEFROY McCAUL Licensed Auctioneer 1 the County of Grey. D. MePHAIL, Hopeville P. 0O C. RAMAGE Durham. J KELLY, Agent. Private Money to Loan, t(Over the Bank Farms boug and sold * . R t â€" p 1 2 A h Prommcs.. d *«) t B & tek & t

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