West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 5 Dec 1901, p. 8

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Mr. Preston presented report No. 1 of Finance committee recommended the payâ€" meat of a number of minor accounts. It The county treasorer addressed the council with reference to the adoption of a county seal. a draft of which he presentâ€" ed. The matter was referred to the Fiâ€" nance committee. ing documents were read by the clerk,aâ€" mong them being report of the Children‘s Aid Society, grving a very excellent report of its work for the year; a letter from the secretary of the board of Education, Owen Sound. aequainting the council that & vaâ€" cancy bad occurred at the board through the removal of Rev. Dr. Waits from the county. Report of Mr. Andrew Grier, Public School Inspector for East Grey; letter of resignation of Mr. Thos. Gordon as Public School Inspector for West Grey; application of Mr.H. H. Burgess, a memâ€" ber of the Collegiate teaching staff. to be appointed inspector in the room of Mr. Gordon: report of Dr. Middleboro, gaol surgeon, of the condition of the inmates, etc., account for bridge on townl‘ne of Owen Sound and Sydenbham, $191.25 and 161 73; a number of accounts were preâ€" sented for bridge repairs, which were seyâ€" erally referred to the Road and Bridge committeo for report. B ts se c ce e ies aip ie o oys ts is ies es oys ies ts Ae s aiys is is alys igs ies oys oys ie s oys ts alys alyo is alys alye iys ies oys is ks iess is ts is is is oys oys is algs aige se ts oys oi aige ie oys aige e ie afteoits oys se es ie ie ofes oys on ofts Ap oips se op i se ol eR The County Council met at the Court house at 7 o‘clock on Monday night, Mr G. A. Brown, warden of the county, oc. eupied the chair. The members present were Messrs. Agnew, Allan, Brown, Dogle, Gordon, MceArtbur, MeColman, Harness, McKinnon, Preston, Pringle, Ries, Schenk, Sbute and Watson, The County of Grey Poaltry Association asked the council to reconsider their action in June last respecting a grant. A long list of accounts were presented among which were the following; M. B. Flynu, $9.95; James Gilehrist, Chatsâ€" worth, $3.60; St. Vincent council for clearâ€" ing jam at bridge on townline of Sydenâ€" bam and St. Vincent, §2; MacKay & Sampson, $29; J. H. Little, $18.44; M. B. Flynn, $9.76; Duancan Turner, $398.20; John P. Telford, $5. for map of county. All the accounts were referred to the variâ€" ous committes to be dealt with. TUESDAY AFTERNOON. Council met at 2 o‘clock, all the memâ€" bers being present. A uumber of interestâ€" nation as arbitrator under byâ€"law Gol. This too was sent to the Memorials comâ€" mittee. Mr JSames Gillespie of Berkeley comâ€" plained of the cutting down of his account as deputy returning officer in the byeâ€" election. A copy of the resolation from the Sydenâ€" ham couneil protesting against the attachâ€" meut of certain lands, now a part of O. Sound, was presented, and referred to the Memorials committee. A resolution from the Owen Sound council, asking that the same lands be not detached, was also referred to the same committee. Warden Brown addressed the council at some length, referting to the various matters which have transpired since the the adjournment of the council last June, and emphasizing the need for a house of refuge, He also dealt with the matter of equalization of the assessment, and referred to the advancing years and sonsequent infirmity of Mr Thos. Gordon schooi inspector for North Grey, who would in all probabrility resign, Mr. Brown suggesting that the council shoyuld deal gencrously with him because of his long and faithfal service. Among the communications were the following ; The county council of Norâ€" folk memorialized the council for assisâ€" tance in the matter of cattle guards at railroad erossings and to secure governâ€" ment assistance in regulating the same. The report of the Grey Farmer‘s Instiâ€" tute was referred to the finance committee, Mr John MoDounald tendered his resigâ€" Just a few words to tell you that we were down in the city buying up a nice assortment of SPECIAL BARGAINS, and we offer them at these prices quoted below. We could not commence to buy as cheap unless we bought in large quantities. Our sales are growing every day. We want you to be here early this week and secure a few of these Special Bargains. They wont last long. The early bird gets the best assortment, too. 4 Chimes and String Bells, all prices, 50¢. Chopping Axes, Axe Handles, Cow Chains, Leather Halters, Coal Oilâ€" coUuNTty coUuNCIL. l tcveactanay SURCKG L S Pn es aasiaart: => c RSpere ty Ns NmWt‘ MWRTRBRRATY â€".. o Men‘s Fine Wool Shirts and Drawers, Regular price $1.50 per Shirt, Our Bargain price 75¢. for the Shirt and Pants together. Men‘s Pure Wonl Heavy Tweed Pants, the §$1.5 sort, We bought 50 pairs to sell at $1.25. Men‘s Heavy Frieze Pea Jackets, Storm Collar, the real thing to work in, $5.00. Men‘s and Boys Sweaters 50c to $1.00. Men‘s Heavy One Buckle Rubbers, Regular $1.25, Sale price $1.00 a pair. Sit :â€" The main building of the Gravenhurst Free Hospital for Conâ€" sumptives is nearly completed and only a small amount of money has been received for furnishings. gy the rate appeals are coming in we must double the number of beds without delay. Certainly this free hospital is the counâ€" t:y‘s most pressing need. Nearl{ egery mail brings distressing requests for help from clergymen, mission workers and from the consumptive poor. _ A poor widow wants to be cured for the sake of her little boy ; a laborer‘s wife pleads for her young daughter, her boy and ber 2 year old baby ; a father with a large family of little children wants to to be cured for his family‘s sake ; a mechanic and his wife are toâ€"day conâ€" sumptives and unless help comes soon six children will be orphans and homeâ€" less ; a {oung herorc girl, strugglini to earn a living for her mother and herâ€" self, is nowaconsumg:.ivemd destitute; a youngz man giying his life to support an invalid mother and sister finds himâ€" self a victim of this terrible scourge. These are ocly a few of the heartâ€"breakâ€" ing appeals for help. We are depenâ€" dent absolutely upon the generosity of benevolent peg&le to provide for these sufferers. e ask the substanâ€" tial assistance of your readers in this hour of need. Yours truly, WarTtEurR Jaxes Browx, Secretary, National Sanitarium Association, 157 Bay St., Torouto. N. B. :; Subscriptions, money orders, cheques, etc., for this urgent charity may be sent to The National Trust Company, Limited, Treasurer, 2 IKing Sti., East, Toronto ; to Mr. wWalter James Brown, or to the Editor of this On motion of Mr. MeDonald, a comâ€" mittee compesed of Messrs. Gordon, Mc Arthur. Preston Allan, Aguew and the movyer was appointed to draft a byâ€"law the roads to be assumed and constructed as ceunty roads ard report to the council at the January sessions, with a view to paseâ€" img said byâ€"law, if satisfactory, Mr, Allan presented report of Judictal audit, and on his motien council went in to committee on the report, Mr. Pringle in the chair. The council sat again Thursday atterâ€" noon re Judicial audit. also contained the county treasurer‘s anâ€" ual stationery account of supplies to ofâ€" ficials of the Co., which amounts to $76. 13. An effort was made to seeure a grant of $50 for the poultry assoctation, but the council declined to yote it. WEDNESDAY MORNING. Council resumed at lo o‘clock; a large number of accounts for building bridges and making repairs were seyerally referrâ€" ed to the Road and Bridgo committee. Mr,. Thos. Gordon‘s resignation as Pubâ€" lc School Inspector was accepted. and a grant of $500 was made to Mr. Gordon. Mr. H. H. Burgess was appointed under byâ€"law to be inspector of schools in West Grey in the roorm of Mr. Gordon,. Council adjourned at 12.15 till 7 o‘clock wEDNESDAY EVEXNINCG. At the evening session a very interestâ€" ing discussion took place on Mr. Schenk‘s motion. to appoint valuators to value the county tor assessment purposes. The question was very fully discussed. nearly evyery member speaking one. two. three and eyen four times. Two or three aâ€" mendments were made. Messrs. McDonâ€" ald, MceArthur, Pringle, Preston and Agâ€" new were opposed to aypointing valuatâ€" ors; whila others thouglt the only way to get a fair yaluation was to get expert appâ€" raisers from outside the county to make a valuation. Reports were presented from the Fiâ€" nance, Co, Property and Education comâ€" mittees and seyerally adopted by council. ofi oge ofi ofe sfe obo afe e ofi ofe ofe abe aje ofe ofe afe ofe ofe abe obe obe ala ofe ol ofe afe ofe afe obe ofe afe ale ale ale oo ofe afe ofe obe se ote se ape ce oge ofe eje ote obs ho oteote obe stt The Gravenhurst Free Hospital For ousumptives. Editor of the "Durham Review". Ki The BIG GTORE THE BIG STORE 1400 lbs Setected Raisins in 28 tb Boxes at S112 a Rox. () Dear Friend:â€" Having heard of your decision to take up your abode in another part of our land. We could not think of allowing you to go without showing you in some way that there are warm sympathetic hearts left behind which will ever wish you well. Long has been your associaâ€" tion around the home of your childhood. You will be missed as a kindâ€"hearted citiâ€" zen of our neighborhood. You and your {amily will be much missed from your accustomed place in the house of God. We therefore ask you to accept this chair and table as mementoes of friendâ€" ship and regard. We the members of Latouna W. E. M.S. on learning of your departure from among us, take this opportunity of expressing our esteem to you and your family and calling to remembrance your readiness to take your full share in the work of the society, also your faithful and earnest work in the congregation, your steady adberence to church attendance and ycur enthusiastic support ol all that tended to advance God‘s causo, and while deeply regretting the sundering of our neighborly social ties we eurnestly pray for you God‘s richest blessings for the future, We would therefore ask you to accept this purse as a token of respect and goodâ€" Mrs. Graham on belalf of the W F M S read an address and, at the conclusion, a handsome chair and table were presented to Mrs Smith by Mrs @ Ledingham. Mrs Smith very feelingly and appropriately replied. Then an address was read to Mr Smith by Mr H R Riddell and a well filled purse was presented by Mr D Mcâ€" Arthur, xr Smith in a few well chosen words thanked them one and all heartily for their interest and kindness to him. Short speeches were then indulged in the tenor of which was regret at their deparâ€" ture, and well wishes for their prosperity in their new home in Valetta, Kent Co, After singing a few bymns a sumptuous lunch was partaken of when all despersed wishing the family God speed and prosperity, â€" Below we append the adâ€" dresses : On Saturday evening last a namber of the neighbors and church associates of Mr and Mrs Lewis C. Smith to the number of 100 assembled at their home to wish them health and prosperity in their new home they have chosen. Rev, Mr Grabâ€" am filled the position of chairman, avd explained the object of their visit. Miss Mapggie Shewell leaves to day Monday, for Chesley, to master the dressâ€" making art. Miss Claras M. McDonald, of Durham, for the last couple of weeks has been visitâ€" ing in the neighborhood. Miss Georgie Ogden, of Ottawa, is a welcome guest at the home of Dr. and Mrs Swmith. Mr and Mrs E. P. Lawrence on Wedâ€" nesday of last week moyed to their new home adjacent to their mill, We wish them long life and prosperity therein. On Friday eveniog last Rev. Mr and Mrs Grabam entertained the members of the managing committes and their partâ€" pers (those who had) to a suwmptuous tea, To say they spent an enjoyable evening would be to put it mildly as both their host and hostess are unexcelled as enterâ€" tainers, All departed at late hour with thankful hearts to Mr and Mrs Graham for the kind interest taken in them. Goodâ€"bye to Mr, and Mrs Lewis Smith. Signed on behalf of W. F. M. 8. Mrs. W. Graham, Mrs Geo. Ledingham, Mrs, (Dr.) Suuth, Mrs, Wm. Smith, Helen Cranston. ApprEssE3 Axp PrEsENTATION. 100 Odd CuYs without Saucers, 40¢. a doz. 20 Porcelain Tea Drawâ€" ers, 10c each, Bed Room Sets complete, $1,50 Stoneware, Crocks, Funnels, Bed Pans, Chambers, etc., etc. J. A. HUNTEBER, THE Dornoch. TORONTO $2.50 Shoe« Reduced to $1.50 $2.00 Boots Reduced to $1.25, &c. BARGINS IN DISHES Another big Slaughteration of Ladies‘ Fine Shoes, Regufiar sizes, We cut these grices in order to make room for New Goods, which we expect in a short time. We cannot give exact figures here for the many different lines, bat you know now when we advertise a Boot sale we mean business and the bargains are real live bargains. Our prayer is that success may be yours in your new home you have chosen, and | that God‘s richest blessing may desoand ‘ upon you and yours. Messrs Archie and John Calder, of Souris, Man., returned home last Mon day looking hale and hearty. The home of Mrs. Neil Calder was rhe scene of a %leasant event last Tuesday evening Nov. 22nd., where a birthâ€"day dinner was given for Miss Alice Watson, also a party in the evenâ€" ing in honor of Miss Baird, of Winniâ€" peg, neice of Mrs. Calder. The eyenâ€" Mr. Harry Falconer has been seriousâ€" ly under the weather of late but is on the road to recovery under the skilfal treatment of Dr. Sneath of Dromore. Miss Sarah Hargrave of Swinton Park, is yvisiting around the Corners at present. Miss Mary Gordon of your town has been engaged by School Board ftor the Miss Maggie Hewitt, of Welbeck, was the guest of Mr and Mrs Wm Legâ€" ate, on Sunday last. year 1902. Miss Sims, spent Thanksgiviug at her home in Owen Sound. Miss McLaughlin who has been abâ€" sent for several years in Muskoka is visiting her sister Mrs Livingstone and intends to remain all winter. We are sorry to hear that Mr. Marâ€" shall Johnstone is ill with la grippe. Mr And. Derby, of Hampden, was out this way last week and bought quite a number of caitle. Miss Sarah Hopkins, left last week to spend the winter with Clinton friends. Miss Adeline Ray, was on the sick list last week, but is now quite recoverâ€" ed. Don‘t forget the Pieâ€"Social and Concert in Irish Lake school house on Dec. 12th. Every body imvited, and ladies don‘t forâ€" get to bring a pie and «pend a pleasant evening as it is free. Mr Malcolm Wilson is drawing wood for Mr GeorgeJones. M. is a hustler. Some of our lads and lassies attended the Pomona party and enjoyed a pleasant evening. Mr George Black spent a few day with his parents, returning to Tororto on Monâ€" day. Mr Ranold McDonald is spenling his holidays with his father Mr Angus Mcâ€" Donald, accompanied by his nerse Miss McDonald,. Mr Donald McRae has been laid up{i with a stiff neck. We hope he will soor | be able to be around again. | Mr. Jno Richardson, of Paisley, is visiting friends arouni here at present. Sincee the snow is remaining a good many of the woodâ€"men are drawing out wood and logs from our big bush known as* the MeCollath and Young‘s, while others are busy cutting and preparing for the teamsters. Mr Dunk McRace returned bhome Saturâ€" day after spending a year in the seryice of Mr Jack McVicar. will from your neighbors and church sociates. FAREWELL CORNERS. Signed, Wm. Grabam, pastor, Hugh R. Riddell, sec. Donald A, Smith. IRISH LAKE. VICKERS J. A. HUNTER, American ard Canadian, Glass, Putty, Oils, Crossâ€"Cut Saws, &e. ASs= Norman McGillivray purchased a new cutrer last week now girls send in your orders for the first drive. Eome of our boys attended a woodâ€" bee at McArthur‘s on the 4th one day last week. Mr. Charles Arnett leaves Tuesday morning for Muskoka where he intends spendiug the winter in the lumber uin'w""l" se eaee & & » Miss Millie McGillivary has returned to her home after spendiug a few months in town. A number of the Saugeen Valley people attended church at the centre on Sunday last to hear Rev. Mr. Mc Gregor‘s farewell sermon and all are sorry to see him go. Now Mr. Editor and public you have no idea what thrilling events take giace in this beautifual valley along the ugeen. The Edge Hill, Glenelg Centre, Sceotchtown, and Bunessan correspondâ€" ents have often tried to tell you someâ€" thing adout the wonderful beings in this vicinity but they‘re not in it. Mr. Fred Noble and family hbave left our neighborhood to make their home in Bentinck. Dear Editor:â€"As nobody else seems to think it worth while telling the pubâ€" lic about the great events that happen in this part of the country, I think I will write a few items. ing was chiefly spentin music, games and a little tripping of the light fanâ€" tastic till the wee sma‘ honrs when a vote of thanks was tendered to the host and hostess for the good time spent, after which all returned to their homes well pleased with the evening‘s amuseâ€" ment. and Plain Fronts, Switches of all long hair in every lengtbv and shade, &c. LADIES, my goods are recognized as the Standard of Perfection and their use Protects the head and produces a younger expression to the face. Gentlemen, are you Bald ? I invite you to my Show Rooms to demonstrate the complete success of my ART COVERINGS in Wigs and Toupees, worn on over 55,000 heads. They are light in weight, strong and most natural in ap&earance. and a proâ€" tection to the head against Colds, Draughts, Catarrh, euralgia,#&e., and give a younger and handsomer expression to the face. n tn £15, 124 4 io o7 o h O ; on "Par insl NallrAi in appearanice, and i proâ€" n to the head against Colds, Draughts, Catarrh, &emlgi&,:&c., and a younger and handsomer expression to the face. PLEASE REMEMBER DAY AND DATEâ€"THURSDAY, DEC. 19. SAUGEEN VALLEY. Hair QGoods Prof. DORENWEND: WEno$ EE s Tillson‘s Oat Meal MIDDAUGH HOUSE, Durham, THURSDAY, DEC. 19. _ Call Early _ On this WINTER VISIT of 1901 On account of a great number being disappointed in not seeing me on my last yisit I will again be at OF TORONTO, IS COMING. than ever offered to the public before, I shall have Ladies‘ and Gentlemen‘s WIGS, TOUPEES, BANGS, Wavy I am prepared to show a larger variety of New York London and Paris Styles FRECEC PPRPLSS This edition is published especially for towns, villages and rural Gistricts in Western Ontario. i th t It gives all the news up to ONE OCLOCK each _ day, including Foreign, Canadian. American, District, Local and Sporting. It contains eight to twelve pages five days a week, and sixteen pages on Saturday. Halfâ€"tone and other illustraâ€" tions of important doings and gromtnent people appear every ay. worth the price. Subscrintions time. Addressâ€" Two o‘Clock Edition, Saturday edition received at any «/line amnng 46 wA f Final No _ All taxes not p »‘clock on Thursd ‘Igor, will be ha eollector with 3 « «every instance. ‘TAXES Town o Driying horse, Harn« sale cheap. glight token of the which sheis held ter a very pleasan the company sep: wishes of all prese Farqubharson and may long be spar« mess and joys « that the years to them, in the best golden honeymoo by ¢ the in s «uh han VOL. the th« 110( prc deg thi D+ the R ing th maueri Aid availe have during + town made a le who will sincer ture, Rev Mr. C of the Scripture Mis sermons wer eal thought an feeling." Mockey Skate bod y ) VC ible ant ced â€"arrang class watch mal anteeâ€"we will 1 Ha: his . H Calendars for 1 ParKEr‘s DrU Woopn,â€"Our Subs who haxe promised would oblige us by d. possible. inst. _ Clerk V officer in chargy« nominations ar Y% County Council No No. 3, of this County Durham Town Hall For SaLsE. â€"A and single harness will exchange for «aMlice. Y ou can save big watch now at Mac Store. _A guarant All must be sold by It pays to buy th rubbers,. When yo you get the best, _ N imncluding the fam Wny M _ Its not too soon <nte. See MacFa: Teas,â€"Black from l5cts a 1b All subscribers 1 1902 will receive f Canadian Annual." wear at J, H. Bnov SBirst quality goods guaranteed to give Last Novtics®.â€"A «d4ue me must be set After that date, co Just fancy a $10 $250 at MacFar BTroREâ€"the chance« BSale closes Janyv. 1s anover j ntleman Men‘s 1 Buckle The Big Store, ( Bargpains in Blar Barclay & Noble, The Empress & «only at The Big 8 Sacrifice Sale of Jewellery, at stor Faruax®s. 3 & Rey, Mi the twe charge it next V Buy vour heas uding the lanm« second quality, 1 Bu Much it Clerk W. A 1‘ Womans P Childs Peb 1 Ib. Box raisins. Graham W T nterestin Xd Mater 1902 hall "@Ts SVTOR OUn my me A W M H

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