West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 12 Dec 1901, p. 8

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On Thursday, Thanksgiving, a very successful box social and concert was given in sep. S. S. No. 5, by the teachâ€" er Miss 'IPeresa Madigan. A vyery creditable programme was arranged composed otP school talent, and several from Mt. Forest also took an active part in making it a suceess The boxes realized all the way from 35¢. to $1.90 anu totalled up about $11.00, with door receipts about $8.50. All went heme feeling well peased with the | SNutertainment secing any one go away hungry. Later years found, the population rapidly increasing, the township‘s reâ€" sources developing, and soon the settlers realized the necessity, of hayâ€" ing a muuicipal council to transact the business of Normanby. In casting around for suitable men the partner ot the lately deceased was one of the first chosen to represent Normanby‘s settlers at a municipal board, a position which he filled for many years. She leaves to mourn her loss 5 children and 17 grandâ€"children. Six grandâ€"sons carriâ€" ed her remains to its last resting place and as the Rev. P. S. Owens pronouncâ€" ed the words ‘* dust to dust‘‘ mother earth again received the remains of a trail body, which had served a taithâ€" fal long life here below and had aliâ€" ways been a kind mother an imdulgent grandâ€"mother and a benevolent friend. A very large funeral passed through here on Saturday Nov. 30th en route for St. Peter‘s church, Ayton, thence to the R. C. cemetery in that place. The remains that were borne in the hearse, was that of Catherine Morris an aged woman of 88 yeaas. She with her husband Patrick Morris, who predeceased her about 16 or 17 years, were among the pioneers of Normanvoy, and may safely be counted as among the earliest. From those further adâ€" vanced along life‘s pathway than myâ€" selt the writer often heard, that their shanty afforded shelter and nourishâ€" ment to many a hungry and weary wayâ€"farer tramping through the bush, as it was then called, and though their supply was often very scant yet their hearts were filled with that sense of kospitality which prevented them from secing any one go away hungry. Later years found, the population . rapidly increasing, the township‘s reâ€" $26, each and a promise to do Bétté;; satisfied the inspector, and the defendâ€" ants appeared satisfied also. Messers W. J. O‘Reilley and Geo. Baetz, are summoned to appear at the County court house on Dec. 10th, to answer the roll eall as jurors. License Insp. Harris, trom Durham, was in Ayton, on Nov. 19th, pulling some of the hotel keepers in Ayton and Neustadt over the coals for their laxity in observiny the License law. About Mr William Russell, of Durham, called at the home of M. E. Murray, on Sundayv, Nov. 17. Mr William Lynett, blacksmith, from Durham, was in our midst last week attending the faneral of his grandâ€" mother. Mr Editor : we regret that the Plain has been neglected recently so far as representations in your column is conâ€" cerned. Events are daily transpiring here as well as elsewhere, which are worthy of publicity, and we will again endeavor to get down a few items, and hope if they do not prove interesting to any of your readers, they will at least not be offensive. The Institute following the good beâ€" ginning made last year intends to have a Seed Fair early in March next, of which due notice will be giyen. The meetings at Ayton, Haaover and Elmwood will be addressed by the two latter gentleman on much the same subjects with a little varation at Hanâ€" over and Elmwood. GuELprH Fatr Srock Snow. A larger number of Institutes than ever have affiliaced with the fat stock show at Guelph which gives free admisâ€" sion to the show three times a day to to members of Institutes. Many from this part went down on Tuesday mornâ€" ing and are now no doubt enjoying a feast of fat things literally ané figuraâ€" tively. Mr. Drummond, at Dromore, in the afternoon, will speak on * The Selection and care of Dairy Cattle," and in the evening will give " Notes on chijcken feeding." Mr. Orr, at Dromore, will speak on ** The More Prominent Diseases of Fruit Trees and Remedies," and will also speak in the evening. Mre, Colin Campbell, Goderich, speaks in the afternoon on * Household Eecon- omics, in the evening on Home Influâ€" ence," at both Durham and Holstein, Mr. Myers, Kossuth, in Durham, has for afternoon * Different varieties of Poultry and their qualities" and in the eyening tell " How to utilize every foot of land on the farm." At Holstein in the afternoon he will give his experiâ€" ence in Rape growing. Mr. Caston, Craighurst, will at{Durâ€" ham speak on the "Value of Succulent Food in Fattening and for Dairy cattle " and " The Land we Live in " for an eveâ€" ning subject. At Holstein * On the Best Varieties of Orchard Fruit," and how to grow them " and in the eyening " Horticulture on the Farm." Datek or MEETINGs. Durham and Holstein, Jan. 18 and 20. Dromore, Ayton, Hanoyer, Elmwood, on Feb. 6, 7, 8, and 10th respectively. The preliminary meeting to make arrangements for the winter farmers‘ gatherings was held on Thursday last, and the attendance betokened much interest. ainment. ARMERS â€"INSTITUTE DREGIORS ME RURAL PLAIN. x oY Wnthateiiytiit i aivichs hi 4 A cA 2l 1+ i +1 improved. ‘Of theseâ€"and please note thisâ€"1,757 came from 1,205 places in Ontario and _outside the city of Toronto. D Ten years ago the Hospital carried a heavy burden of debt. The building and its furnishings cost $150,000 and of this $20,000 was paid by the corporaâ€" tion of Toronto and $60.000 by its citiâ€" zens. Year by year the dobt bas been reduced and it is now down to $13.000. To clear the indebtedness this ap~1 IF ETBTDT CETTD â€" CORRULIUU® tion of the corporation is increased by from $4,000 to $6,000 donated by citiâ€" zens of Toronto for the maintenance of all patients, to say nothing of the $4,000 contributed yearly by Toronto people, the founders of maintained and named cots in the building. During its lifetime the Hospital has handled 8,000 indoor patients and of these 4,000 were cured, and 2. 700 woars on College street. It costs about $34,000 per year, or a dollar per patient, per day, to mainâ€" tain the Hospital. The Government of the province gives about $7,000 a year, or rearly eighteen cents per head, in other words, per patient per day. This amount is all expended in maintenance. The corporation of the City of Toronto does even more. It gives $7,500 per year or eighteen cents per head per day, and this too goes towards the maintenance, not only of Toronto patients, but for every patient in the Hospital, no matter from what part of the province the little one may come from. Yes, and this contribuâ€" aw uo) o en mgsy on 38 u4 F yes, from every spot in the Province of Ontario. $ So when you siveâ€"be your giving large or smallâ€"it goes for the benefit of every child of the province that is admitted and treated. This statement is made because occasional reference is made tq the Mospital as a Toronto institution for Toronto patients, whereas every sick child in Ontario has the same rights and privileges as those who live \vit}}‘in“the shadow of the great red pile While the institution is located in Toronto its work is essentially proâ€" vincial. It admits not only children from the city of Toronto but from every city, town, village and hamlet, An institution that requires about $34,000 a year for maintenance, an inâ€" stitution that depends for support on the goodness of the generous people of the Province of Ontario, must needs have considerable faith in the love, affection and generosity of the people. m bnindudithidbtciniiiatydrt. Audsiicetivetaitheitard d dith. . d .1 1 ie i d divca din t Now, do you see that, to be fortunate, you had getter come early and be served early. Start the ball rolling any minute after 12,01 a. m., ThursJay, Dec. 12ih and see how rapidly you can get into a happy Christmas mood. M Yours for tusiness, C. RAMAGE. Publisher Here is the opportunity we present. We want you to get this handsome periodâ€" ical Free and as early as possible. It has cost as money to procure it, whilst it is yours for absolutely nothing. You intend to pay your subscription, Why not pay it BEFORE DEC. 31, 1901, and get our premium thrown in ? This is our proposition. All subscribers who are paid up a year in advance at this date. or who will pay up their subscriptions by the above date, will receive the Durham Reyiew‘s issue of the Canadian Annual on or before Christmas week. EDITION LIMITED. We baye guessed that most of our subscrib~ commmmmmmmmmmencemmmemmmemmmmmmemmmemmmmmemmmes . CYS Will rSDPONG @t ODCC to this iDVit&tiON. hy o Llep OS t n ue c No V & i pdvd in the publication of which we have been interested for some time. _ This is a handsome magazine of 44 pages, each 10 by 13 inches in size, printed on book paper and with a striking cover in colors. The contents of the book are origâ€" imal stories, humor, sketches, pictures and poetry, besides much statistical matâ€" ter, the Fish and Game Laws of the Dominion, &c. The type and presswork show to advantage the work of the writers and artists who have collaborated in ns‘Eroductnon. It is an ornament in any home,. What The Hog:tal for Sick Children on College Street, Toronto, Has Done and Is Doing for the Little Sufferers of the Province of Ontario. and a few lines will.tell you how you may be one of the forâ€" tunate ones who receive it. ‘The year is fast closing on us and as publisher of one of the best local papers in the district, we are anxious to mark the 1st Christmas of the Century and to stait 1902 with our subscription list as far as possible cleaned up, sorted out and put to rights generally. That means a paid up list to be sure. It means happiness for us and a handsome premium for you in the shape of , THE CHARITY OF ALL CHARITIES, erovosccounlitin cimer Loh d usls Review Orrice, Dec. 9th, 1901. "Ohe Durham Review" " DURHAM REVIEW" SUBSCRIBERS PAE CARE OF THE SICK CHILDREN * Ohe C’ama;dian Annual * CHRISTMAS MacgazIn® EP RELRECERERE | Has been prepared for the Readers of , and 2,700 were If every reader would send but a dollar what a grand fund would be raised in a few weeks of time. Let cvery one who can spare a dollar, send it to Douglas Davidson, the Secretaryâ€" Treasurer of the Hospital, or to J. Ross Robertson. the Chairman of the Trust. And please send it in at onceo. for even the best of us are prone to forget our best intentions. It would only weary the reader to go on with more story. This year a giant effort is being made to clear away the debt. Every dollar of this dcbt handiâ€" caps the Trustees. Every dollar sent in helps to lighten the load that i being carried. Fancy a great family of nearly one hundred and fifty sick children. You who have had perhaps one or two sick little ones at your own home, therefore know something of the work, but when you visit Toronto drop in and see what they are doing to win back little ones from the grave. If all could pay there would be no need to appeal for money, but cighty per cent. of the work is free work for the children of those who cannot atâ€" ford to pay. True, it is, that some have to payâ€" yes, all who can afford it are expecied to payâ€"but those who cannot pay an can produce the certificate of a clerryâ€" man or known ratepayer of the p;>o vince to the effect that they are too poor to pay, can have maintenance and treatment free of charge. __A hundred and twenty children nor dayâ€"yes, in some months a hundred and fortyâ€"once it was a hundred an\ fiftyâ€"all these to look after and care for. Thirty nurses continvaly at work. A halfâ€"dozen maids wit: brooms and dusters; cooks and table maids to prepare the food and serve it, clerks in the office who work liko beavers, typewriters who tap the keys of their machines for hours a day, anâ€" swering sheaves of letters, preparin~ accounts, watching every doins in th» immense building on Colloge strest. that never closes night or dayâ€"all th year roundâ€"a hive of two hundred people, small and large, a little town doing what it can for God‘s sufferin f little ones. peal is made. Hospital work cannot be carried on without money. Inteorcst on mortgages has to be paid. An army of workers has to live. Nurses, dome tics, officials are all human. Tho. earn their wages whether they live in or out of the Hospital. C. RAMAGE, Publisher, Durnar Rearew & Caxnapran Axnvar ME J r//lu.’ijo THE DURHAMK REvIEw TORONTO Another Shipment cf the famous " Granby " Rubbers just received at J. H, Browx‘s, Holstein. BORN. McGILLIvÂ¥RAYâ€"In Bentinck, on Nov, the wife of D. McGillivary at, Bruce, of a daughter. The chairman of Roads and Bridges of Dufferin County was paid $5.25 on acâ€" count of some union work, and the counâ€" cil adjourned. A motion by Messrs Harness and Ries authorizing the Warden and Clerk to pre pare a memorial to the Legislature asking for the amendment of the Municipal Act so that county councils shall be composed of senior counciliors of towns and reeves of townships and villages, was lost on the following divison : Yeasâ€"Doyle, Gordon Harness, Preston, Pringle, Ries, and Shute. Naysâ€"Agoew, Allen, McArthur, McColman, McDonald, McKinnon, Schenk. Watson and the Wardenâ€"9. Byâ€"law 607 to appoint arbitrator instead of Mr MeDona‘!d was passed, the name of Mr John Brown, Durham, being substitutâ€" ed. Messrs Agnew and Ries moyed in amendment that Mr C, R. Sing be apâ€" pointed, but the motion was lost, altkough the members were equally divided, the Warden rualing that the previous resolution appointing Mr Brown had been carried. Mr MeColman‘s report of Communicaâ€" tions aud Memorials, recommending that the request of the county of Norfolk for asâ€" sistance in memorializing the Legislature with reference to cattle guards at railway crossings, be granted by the Warden and Clerk signing the memorial ; also that the resignation of Mr MeDonald as arbitrator in the matter of lands between Owen S. and Sydenham be accepted, and auother appointed, The report was adopted. Mr McKinnon‘s report of Roads and Bridges, recommending payment of a batch of accounts, was presented and adopted. Mr Schenk presented report of Printing committee, recommending payment of acâ€" counts from J. H. Little, J. H. Rutherâ€" ford, T. Blackstock, M. Flynn, and Mcâ€" Callum & Pratt ; also that the chairman secure tenders for county printing, and report at January session. Tue report was adopted. I Byâ€"law 605 for the appointment of Rey, Jas. Ardill as Collegiate Institute trustee in succession to Rev. Dr. Waits, was put through its final stages and passed. On motion of Messrs Harness aud Doyle a committee was appointed consisting of Messrs Preston, Gordon, Agnew, McKinâ€" non and the mover to obtain all possible ‘ information both as to cost and size ot building required and the most suitable quantity of land for the purpose of a House of Refuge, as the same appears to be reâ€" quired in view of the recent amendments to the Criminal Code. The committee is to report at Jannary session. Council adjourned unta ( EFrinay Evexinc. ’ An account from Mr Gordon for $17.25 | for weighing coal and measuring wood was presented. ' | On motion of NMessrs McDonald and Shute the account of $10 for engrossing and framing resolution of condolence to Mrs. Williscroft, ordered at the June session, was passed, i The report of Judicial Audit which had | been discussed at the previous meeting was passed on motion of Messrs McDonâ€" ald and McArthur, and councail adjourned. Frinay Morxinc. Mr McKinnou presented report of Road and Bridge committee dealing with acâ€" counts, mostuiy of commissioners for oyerâ€" seeing work. The report was adopted. Accounts were presented from Mesers. Doyle for 8$ and Gordon for $9, and reâ€" ferred. a byâ€"law setting forth certain roads as county roads, destunating the roads to be aesumed and censtructed as county road«, and report at January session with a view to passing said byâ€"law if satisfactory, Mr. Allen presented report ot Judicial Audit, which was considered in committee and discussed at some length without any action beiug taken. Committee rose and council adjourned, This question was discussed very fully, seveinl of tho member o1 council speaking several times, and occupying nearly the whole evening session without result. Un motion of Messrs McDonald and Watson 1 committee was appointed comâ€" posed ofi Messrs Agnew, Allen, Gordon, McArihus, Preston and the mover, to draft â€"10 Messrs. Allen and McKirnon made the third ineffectnal effort on this question by moving that the council meet on the Monday preceding the Januuary session to equalize the assessment. The division on this motion was as follews : Yeasâ€" Agnew, Harness, MceArthur, McColman, McKiwnon and the Wardenâ€"6 Naysâ€" Allen, Doyte, Gordon, McDonald, Preston Pringle, Schenk, Shute, Ries and Watson Messrs Alleo and Schenk moved in aâ€" mendment that a committee consisting of Mesers Gordon, McDonald, Preston, Pringle and the moyer, be appointed to equalize the assessment of the county rate and report at Jauuary session. This motion was also lost un the following division : Yeasâ€"Allen, McArthur, Mc. Donald, Preston, Pripgle, Schenk, Watson â€"7. Naysâ€"Agnew, Doyle, Gordon, Harâ€" ness, McColman, McKinnon, Ries, Shute and the Wardenâ€"9. A motion by Messrs Shute and Harness to appoint valuators for the county was lost on the following division. Yeasâ€" Aznew, Doyle, Harness, Ries, Shuteâ€"6. Naysâ€"Allen, MeArthur, MceColwan, Meâ€" Donald, MeceKinuon, Preston, Pringle, Schenk, Watson and the Wardenâ€"10. WEepxrspary Evexnmnc. At this session all the members were present, and likewise At each ftollowing weeting. ‘The report of Mr N. W. Campâ€" bell, echool iuspector tor South Grey, was presented ; also accounts from Clnrstie Bros., C. MeKinuon, G. Watson, Jos. Pringle, G. Harper and J. McLaughlin, Concluded next week THuUrspay AFTERNOoXN. CcoUNnTY CoUNCIL. 13th. V _ WHEELS, Chatham an iPBk. Palmerston Buggies. Buggies ftrom Campbell of L%ndsozow Bell, Doherty, Thomas and Berlin‘ms SEWING MACHINES. _ Alarge stock of £ CLANO and OrgAr ams Sewing Machines and supplies. 1 w Raymond and W South of Middaugh House Wilkinson Ploughs, number o *C wesâ€"miliss 1 to 20, and repairs of all kinds. Shares, Solleplat%s, Eccd 1“’1‘93 genuine unless the words *‘ WiukINsox Prove »» each piece. _ Wilkinson Famous Steel Rolier :.g: '{,:'th“m ai' |c“|ci on CULTIVATING, Coulter & Scott Drills an Caltivators, Dise and Spade Har rows, Scuffiers, Ete. Also Seotch Diamond Harrows. We invite your attention to the following lines of goods : Qverything for farmers / g Barrister, Durham. -E' fl heseorenrrrnet fLL k# _ It will be mailed express n E prepaid, to any address, on M E receipt of price, $5: or on apâ€" plication from any responsiâ€" Q': fl ble party, will be sent fortinâ€" M E spection. _ A call solicited EeX E from Trustees in and near the E town. fi Dated Durham June 17 ‘01 «$ Aa J. P. TEpForp EyA A New Map If you want a thorough Business Education or a thorough shorthand Education You only get an Educatiou once and you should get the best. _ Students admitted at any time. _ Full particulars free. 1 * _ At very considerable exâ€" E k) pense. the undersigned has x prepared aznd had Lithoâ€" E % graphed a complete map of the County of Grey, showing E E Towns, Villages, Churches, fl E Rural Schools, Riyers and Streams, &c. The map is in E E size about 5 by 6 feet, is well E E Lithographed, and shows the E fl Townships in distinctive colâ€" (a%e CX oprs, Nonfmnuflusyss cut e s o ce e e n n % JUST OUT ! |ece A reference to County Council Minutes will show that a mnjoritg of the present Council will have not ing to do with the equalization of County Assessment at present but that the (‘-{lrunces for a House of Refuge are good. We are indebted to Sun and Advertiser for these minutes. and Plain Fronts,-éwitches of all iong hair in every length and shade, &e. ._ LADIES, my goods are"recognized as the Standard of Perfection and their use Protects the head and produces a younger expression to the face. Gentlemen, are you Bald ? I invite you to my Show Rooms to demonstrate the complete success of my ART COVERINGS in Wigs and Toupees, worn on over 55,000 heads. MIDDAUGH HOUSE, Durham, THURSDAY, DEC. 19. Call Early _ On this WINTER VISIT of 1901 J I am prepared to show a f larger variety of New York Li London and Paris Styles n wEenos & _ than ever offered to the public before, Pss‘ ~4q40UPEE 5, .6 //\ I shall bave Ladies‘ and Gentlemen‘s 4 WIGS, TOUPEES, BANGS, Wary They are light in weight, strong and most natural in a;;g';ravuce _and a proâ€" tection to the head ‘against Colds, Draughts, Catarrh, Neuralgia, &c., and give a younger and handsomer expression to the face. ________ __ _ _ /'/; of the COUNTY of GREY &3 Address PLEASE REMEMBER DAY AND DATEâ€"THURSDAY, DEC. 19. . A. FLEMING, Prin. Owen Sound, Cnt. YOVU Prof. DORENWEND On account of a great number being disappointed in not seeing ma on my last yisit I will again be at OF TORONTO, ISs COMING. ’ | Staff and Equipment. | The School is equipped for full Junior Leaving [[ | and Matriculation work, under the following Staff | of Competent Teachers for that Department : { THOS. ALLAXN, Principal. | MR. MORRISON, B. A., (Specialist), Asst. Prin i MISS LICK, B. A., Classics and Moderns. h | Intending Students should enter at beginning a of term, or as soon after as possible. 1 FEES : $1.00 per month 1| Wm. Johnston, _ C. L. Grant, Charms and will h â€"â€" McKiINNON. Lower Town feet in a canyon of the Fraser river, A rock=â€"slide had carried away the hridie. and singularly part of the shde saved the rear of the train by pinning it in a cut, thus saving Conductor and Brakesman. Engineer and Fireman went to instant death and one shudders to think of the possibility of a full passenger train meetâ€" ing a like fate. A C. P. R. Freight train plunged 360 Bracelets, Durham School Lowep T. Broaches, stock cf Chains, Pins A. GORDoOn i1arms and Novelties, will be glad to have you inspect them. DECEMBER 12, Chairman own, Necklaces § atter ns E’we//wy J(’W(-‘"pr Rings, large M im es %4 Now just ta old Al« Scotlar V O Quit out las who others themsJ If yo presen Do ; bhest cl The the hul of Mr the no fourt] Buy nuts, | Holst nesd: when Just : SCaAl in the est Cel FTORI may 1 know. that p people COUl s sSunili this w O neithe th expet tiser Sale « N« 1) al> The | Satu Chri thas ren« the W1 ter us dr t Ainn There NO W3 G

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