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Durham Review (1897), 19 Dec 1901, p. 1

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ork rles arly for C W o| en s n# LY V n 47# O11 oR (Gas.â€"Perhaps both, probably neither, but as we pointed out before expert opinion thinks this district is above some of these pcwers. On the strength of this Mr Layton has bought the Limin property and toâ€"day, Wedâ€" nesday, informs us he expects the charâ€" ter, and the new company just formed wili at once take the necessary steps to get to work. Nothing too good for Durham We cannot say more this Couxty Court.â€"The O. S. Adver tiser has the following in reference to the dispute over the lans between Messis J. M. Hunter and W. Guthrie; *«*Nonâ€"Jury Cases.â€"Hunter, v, Guthrieâ€" An action brough. by the Plaintiff for a Declaration that the defendant is not enâ€" titled to use a certain lane lying between their properties in the Town of Durham and for an injunction restraining thedeâ€" fendant from so doing, and for trespass. The detendent counterclaimed for tres. pass. Judgment was entered tor the plaintiff for the Declaration and the Inâ€" junction, and for the defendant for 20 cents damage for trespass. No costs were allowed to either party. MacKay & Sampson and W. J. Hatton for piff; Lucas, Wright & McArdle for deft. DiE» Ix Arnmrica.â€"â€"The subject of the WrEpxEspay CHRISTMAS. â€" Adverâ€" tisers and correspondents will please be a day earlier for next week. A Wedâ€" nesday Christmas is better enjoyed when the paper is out on Tuesday. Just a day earlier please. Just fancy a $10 ring for $5, a $5 for $250 at MAcFaARLANE‘s JEwELLERY SToOREâ€"the chance will not occur agam Sale closes Jany. 1st SCaARCELY.â€"We notice a news item in the Chesley Enterprise that the largâ€" est Cement factory in the province is in coutse of erection in Owen Sound. It may be second or sixteenth for all we know, but it is mot first. Durham has that proud preâ€"eminence and if Chesley people will run an excursion here next summer as other points are planning for this will be made clear. Quite a number of accounts were sent out last week. We heartily thank those who responded prn'mptly. Will the others do so at once and give us and themselves a "MErrRYy CHRISTMAs"? The Dundalk Herald has passed from the hands of Mr. T. H. Blacklock to that of Mr J. R. Mcintyre. We welcome the newâ€"comer to the fraternity of the fourth estate. Now then Mt. Forest Confederate just take 20 odd years off that 80 years old Alex, Marshall who recently left for Scotland, from this part. Lucas, Wright & McArdle for deft. DiEn» Ix Arrica.â€"â€"The subject of the following clipping from an old country paper was a cousin of Mr, Neil McLean, Muall Corners, Bentinek. â€""Dr MacQuarâ€" rie, sou of Mr Lachlan MacQuarrie, late factor and merchant in Tiree, died re. cently in Africa. The deceased was a most promising young medical man, and would have made his mark in life had he lived. Before going to Africa he vpractised in the Isle of Man. Another Buy your Xmas groceries, candies nuts, bonâ€"bons, etc., atâ€"J. H. Brown‘s. Holstein. he lived. Before going to Africa he practised in the Isle of Man. Another brother, Duncan, died some years ago in Africa. Much sympathy is expressâ€" ed for his brother, Mr. Murdo MacQuarâ€" rie, merchant, and the other members of the family." The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal is this season recerying a larger number of new subscribers than ever before. Their three beautifal premium pictures are generally regardâ€" ed as alone worth far more than the year‘s subscription price (one dollar), and it is no wonder that thousands of new subscribers, it is said. are renewing months ahead, just to get these great pictures,. The publishers are at their wics‘ end endeavouring to catch up with tne mailing of pictures and are appealing to subscribers not to become anxious, as they positively guarantee that every subscriber for 1902, new or renewal, will recerve the pictures. Join the ReviEw club at once. _ Only $1,75 for Star, pictures, Review & Canadian Annnal. If you are thinking of giving a Xmas present see Gordon‘s stock. VOL. XXIII. NO. 51 The Shortest Day : Saturday December 21st. Christmas Day next Wednesday. Do your shopping early and get the best choice. All quiat ! Is it the calm befor a storm ? A wriâ€" ter in the Chronicle suggests Jas, A. Hunter for Mayor. A good man : its time he was somewhere. There‘s bound to be a full council next year any. way and we hope our good men wont shirk publie duty. Durham is at the turning of the ways and a strong council for 1902 will send our town away ahead. _ Mayor Calder affirms there is a good prosâ€" pect of a vehicle industry employing 60 or 70 hands coming our way : every reason why they should. Pull together, Durham ; no sectional feeling now, rivals only in excellence of public service. ~ AUH subscribers to the REvIEW â€"for 1902 will receive free a copy of * The Canvadian Annual." _ See page 8. PEB. SHO € on 7 ~Aae Womans Pebble Bal.......... 80c. Childs Pebble Bals............ 70c. 1 Ib. Boxes of California seeded raisins. Graham W heat. C. L. GRANT . ©080 s ELECTIONS Dorxock CHURCKH OPENING. â€" The Presbyterian Church will be opened on Sunday Jan. 5, with appropriate servâ€" ices,. Rev. McKay of Waodstock is ex. pected to be present, Should the weathâ€" er be favorable, Rey, Mr, Grabam and his congregation will have a large crowd with them, The Hamilton Spectator says; ‘"Don‘t write it *Xmas‘. Have respect enough for the Saviour to write His name in full." The hint is a timely one, for the contraction, although a common one is in execrable taste. STARTLING.â€"A world sensation ocâ€" curred this week by the extraordinary feat accomplished by Marconi, in sendâ€" ing by wireless telegraphy, signals from a station in Cornwalh Englonlto Newâ€" foundland, 1700 miles, Ships can now signal to each other 100 miles apart and before they are in sight. _ Wonders never cease! Meaforga is planning for a Fuarniture Factory, and a byâ€"law is hb "cre the people for a loan of $15000. . M«eaford‘s debt is $88,482. } Driying horse, Harness and Cutter for sale cheap. Jeweler Gordon was busy for several days last week installing three large and beautiful show cases in his estabâ€" lishment. They were made by a Toronâ€" to firm, are fine pieces of workmanship adding greatly to the appearance of the store, and seem to be models of conâ€" venience. We congratulate him on his enterprise. The Mail and Empire without aiming at anything pretentious has issued a unique Christmas Supplement, the aim of which is to look at Canada on broad National lines, The Christmas story is told in Eleven different languages, all spoken in Canada, and includes the curious characters used in the Cree Indian language, Russian, Galician, etc. The rest of it is devoted to general Christmas matter. COrExMEXT.â€"Casarload after carload . of pine lumber, scantlings, etc, continue to arrive at the works. The foundation for the large powerâ€"house is completed, done within 5 days of receipt of the plans, a clever piece of work. A splenâ€" did floor is now laid (cement of course) in the Machine shop and excavations Daxarrous DyNaAmtrTE.â€"James Ewâ€" en son of Mr. Robt, Ewen, Bentinck, while handling 20 yr. old dynamite caps or fuses, thought to be perfectly harmâ€" less now, met with a seyere accident. One of them exploded and tore off parts of three fingers and lacerated the hand generally. and concrete work for more foundaâ€" tions are still going on. The magnitude of our works will make some other boasted establishments look like toys. Hundreds of thousands of tons of stone have been removyed. by generation after generation, from the Pyramids, to build and rebuild modern Cairo, This constant â€" mutilation is most clearly shown in the case of the second Pyraâ€" mid of Gizeh, of which an illustration is given in the January _ Delineator, with numerous others of Egypt and its historic wonders, in an extremely inâ€" teresting article by the evangelist Ira D. Sankey, the first of two papers deâ€" seribing his trip through Egypt and Examine your label and bave it put to read * Dec,. ‘02 " and get our big Christmas Supplement the Canadian Annual. C 7 0 _ THk Proprer‘s MiGrs. The Big Store is selling a line of silk Velvets, good colors, at 50c. a yd. worth $1.00 a ya. > Rocky SavGrErx.â€"Come and have a good time at the Christmas Tree to be held in Burns‘ Church, KRocky Saugeen, on Thursday evening next, 19th. inst. It has been arranged to have Mr. R. Dezell with "Edison‘s Grand Concert phonogrape" by which you will be able to hear Sankey sing, Talmage speak and selections from musical instru ments. .A good program â€" provided. Plenty of candies. Come one, come all. seribing his Palertine. Graxp JUury PRESENTMENT.â€" Mr. W. L Dixon, Egremont, had the honâ€" or of being appointed foreman of the Grand Jury at the recent Co. Court. There was a clear criminal docket, flattering to our county. The jury, in line with their duty visited County institutions and praised the Institute and hospital, but found much to conâ€" demm in the jail where they found a dying consumptive in close proximity with other prisoners,. As their predeâ€" cessors have done, they ohjected strongâ€" ly to placing indigents among jail birds, this of course showing necessity of a Ho. of Refuge. Nine of the jurors urgâ€" ed immediate action. Highest cash price paid for *f quanâ€" tity good wheat at _ s e Came to the premises of the underâ€" signed Lot 1, con. 17, one Lamb. Ownâ€" er will please prove property and pay expenses, Bargains in Clothing at Grant‘s, LAMB ESTRAY. KoBt. AITEKEEN R. McGowax. â€" DURHAM, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1901. thd _ Varney Entertainment is fixed for next Wednesday evening consequently \Christmas wlll be held that day. A ‘fine tree, program, ete. We have to thank the management for a kind inâ€" â€"vitation to fill the chair. Dox‘t roRGET,.â€"The Lecture in Town Hall, Friday evyening, Dec. 20. Prof. Alexander of Toronto Universigy, under the Auspices of the Public Library. MacFarraxr®‘s JewrecueEry Sror®. Just fancy a $10 ring for $5 a $5 for $2.50 at MAcFARLANE‘s JEwELLERY SToREâ€"the chance will not occur again Fale closes Jany. 1st. It pays to buy the best to be had in rubbere. When you buy " Granby * you get the best. We have a full stock, including the famous " Snag Proof." No second quality, heavy rubbers sold. J, H. Browx, Holstein. AxxivErsary SErvicEs.â€"On Monâ€" day evening, the closing feature of the Presbyterian Anniversary services took place. There was a fair attendance and a pleasing programme was carried out, notwithstanding the disappointment caused by the absence of Rev. R. W. Dickie on whom the commuttee had relied. Rev, Mr. Farquharson was in the chair and gave a fine opening address, dealing with the organized forces that help along chuch work,. Rev, Mr. Smith spoke most interes.| tingly on music and the part it had, played in the Christian religion, thel advent of its great teacher being introâ€" l duced by a " skyâ€"full " of music, and | it being the only religion that encouragâ€" . ed musical worship. | Have you seen our Christmas Suppleâ€" ment, the ‘"Canadian Anual"? Given aâ€" way Free to Cash in adyvance subscribâ€" ers. â€" Going fast. Full stock of fresh Xmas groceries. confectionery, etc., atâ€"J. H. Brown‘s Holstein. NEew BripoGr.â€"As will be seen by _!he Byâ€"law in this issue, the Council have taken steps to secure a new bridge on Lambton Street. This may not be a popular move but it is a very necessary one, and we hope to see the town carry the byâ€"law unamiously. Rev, Mr. Ryan spoke admiringly of the church, and noted that in many things a uniformity of externals beâ€" tokened a time coming when all would be able to worship together, and faceâ€" tiously pointed out that when that time came, the fine church they were in could be easily adaptea to espiscopal requirements, â€" Hedwelt on the sanctity that should characterize the use of the Hoise of God, citing our Saviour‘s exâ€" ample, whose second coming. . Mr. Ryan thinks by the signs of the times can not be long delayed. The choir in the opinion of many excelled itself in excellence of performâ€" ance and taste in selections, and Miss B. Mclvenzie won golden opinions for ber skill in accompanying. The feature of the eyening however was the singing of Prof, Tandy, Conserâ€" vatory of Music, Toronto, who though eyidertly suffering from a recent cold, yet delighted his audience who were generous in their applause. Mr. Tandy‘s rendering of the * Lost Chord " the Land 0 ‘ the Leal," and a short closing piece was particularly good, and as an interpreter of sacred or sentimental song he has few equals. A hearty vote of thanks to all helpers was given, and the meeting closed by " God save the King " and the beneâ€" diction by Rev. Mr. Ryan,. Our stock of goods suitable for Xmas presents includes toys and dolls in f;rv.lt, variety, picture books, story 10o0ks, fancy china and opalware, vases, fancy baskets and bamboo work, purâ€" ses, gloves, mitts and gauntlets for men, women and children, ladies‘ and childâ€" ren‘s silk ties, silk, h‘dk‘fs., fancy emâ€" broidered and lace edge h‘dk‘fs., fancy wool shawls, children‘s caps, toques, boas and ruffs, men‘s ties, scarfs and muffiers, ladies‘ kid gloves, in fact we have so many things that it is 1impos:â€" sible to enumerate them and everything marked at our wellâ€"known close prices. We invite you to inspect our stock beâ€" fore making your Xmas purchases. J. H. Browx, Holstein, Teas,â€"Black, Japan and Green. Tea from l5cts a lb. At PARKER‘s. Late assistant to the Rogsl London Ophthalmic Hospital, Enfiland, and the Golden Square Nose and Throat Hospital. ». SPECIALIST EYE, EAR, THROAT & NOSE, \inparntete es e la t 5 a C EXCLUSIVELY. «<G¢ Will be at the Middaugh House, Durham, the first Wednesday of each month from 2 p. m. till 6 p. m. on Tuesday Dec. 31. Note:â€"First Wednesday in Jnnusfisbeing New Year‘s day Dr. Burt will be here for first visit PEYsICIAN & SURGEON, Office over McLachlan‘s Store, 18 to 10 A. M. &@» Special attention given to Diseases of Women and Children. ARTHUR GUN, DR GEO. S. BURT. HOURS W *3 | _ Rev. Mr. Newton moved his furniture to town last week, into Mr. R. MacFarâ€" ‘lane’s new residence. Mrs, Newton is lexpected in a few days. Mr. Newton occupied the Baptist pulpit on Sunday. | Mr. Thos. Gadd, Jr., of Birtle, Man. gaye us a call last week. He came Ihome in time for his mother‘s funeral ‘and returus West on Dec. 26. *"Tom" | has become a typical western, full of energy and push and is fast making. his lmark "out west". He intends to have | three creameries in operation next sumâ€" ! mer. * > _ Rev. R. W, Dickie, Orangeville, | preached the Anniyersary sermons in |\the Presbyterian Church, on Sunday \Mast. Heis an able young man with a ' career before him, is sermons showing | considerable thought, and is exceedingly |\ happy in illustration. While he has | a fine delhvery and fine pulpit presence, his manner is a trifle theatrical. The Citizens of Hanover are making arrangements to entertain D. Kuechtel Esqr. at a Grand Banquet on Friday evening Dec. 20th, The Hon. G. W. Ross, Premierof the rroy. of Ontario, ard other prominent speakers are inâ€" vited. It is just one year since their large factory was burnt to the ground, and for a few months after, the citizâ€" ens of Hanover anxiously waited to see what the Knechtel firm would do. Fortunately for the town they decided to build on the old site, and there stands completed toâ€"day the most up to date furniture factory in the Dominâ€" ion. The Banquet is giyen to honor Mr. Knechtel and to celebrate the opening of the new factory. BA This week we as att our new line of WOOLLEN and RUBBER and full lines of Horse Blankets. CUTTERS, ROBES, RUCS 3urney Sroves and see CALL 3: & mous Sylâ€" vester Drill with , steel wire conductors. Winter is approaching and those _ needing stoves should not fail to seeours. Also Clare makes. NEW IMPLEMENT AGENCY Futt Line of Vaxwott LSoods. RGLAY & NOBLE, BMOLMN & NOE jan ention â€" to Ni yY " 24 nIf S ilk * Kakgae en en i m e raeae h m e e td wle mm e ot e t uh e te ols ut MX T t P Ned e 4 poopronerenmnent entibutit t paeananaean neaenrar im 4B es H/L4 4 TORONTO 3B ie h hnA . CHRISTMAS will soun be here, and we are ready for it, Are you? The eleiments of usefulness in gifts is coming more into prominence every year. Our goods unite the pretty and useful with good quality and reasonable prices. Can you think of anyâ€" ihing that would be more appreciated than Fuars. _ ASTRACHAN FUR JACKETS at $22.50, $25.00 to $40.00 CAPERINES all one Fur or Combinations, from $5 up. FUR CAPS tor Men and Women. IMITATION FUR GAUNTLETS, Black and Gray, Men‘s Ladies‘ and Misses‘ sizes. â€"Everything at the lowest prices consistent xX X X X â€"«â€"â€"â€"â€" Buy good tresh clean groceries, none cheap trashy groceries handled at this st« prices quoted below are for first class goods. If you want something more faney we can show you the daintiest Stock Collars, made of colored silk, prettily trimmed with insertion, lace etc., for 25 ets and up. FANCY HANDKERCHIEFS at all prices. SILK DRAPES, gold ombroidered at 75c and $1.00. CHRISTMAS BAKING. â€"â€" You must have good fresh materials if you would do successfu 1 baking. o in d ie c i on c n s P s us ae aaa ue n ns 2 RBring alongy your Jow! If you have some elderly person to think of, a pair of Fel, Shoes or Slippers would giye much pleasure. Or any lady would appreciate a pretty dress or suit length. We have Black and Colored at all prices. w . NTEE®® ""A pair of good boots such as are made by the Ames Holden Co. would be a very nice Christmas present for your, made in all shapes and sizes at right prices. Christmas | FRESH VALENCIA RAISINS, FRESH CURRANTS. NEW PEELSâ€"Lemon. Orange and Citron, NEW NUTSâ€"Walnnts, Almonds, Peanuts, Filberts. PRESSED MINCE MEAT, CANNED PUMPKIN, ORANGES AND LEMONS just in. > KID GLOVES, made by Fowne, the oldest and best manuâ€" facturer in the world, at $1, or other makes at 7T5e. 1 1b Lemon Poeel ..... 1 1b Orange Peel .... . 1 1b Citron Peel.... .. 1 1b Shelled Wallnuts Cb =(«* Almords . 5 lbs fine Figs..... ... 3 1bs Prunes........â€" 3 lb package Dates... 3 lbs Selected Raisins...... * 9 0 9 Remember the place 64 ‘ Groceries ! : THE POPULAR CASH STORE. THE POPULAR CASH STORE. 1B azs. Sretand. }E good Roll Butter, Tallow, Lard, «L4 Dried Apples and fowl. rour Fow! this woek as the price will be down afrer AXmas. mevsy <Ta AMES HOLDEN‘S BOOTS. 18 To In o8 id in# Sas, Sretand Christmas ! XXXXX I. WoKechnic. Â¥. e we ne n n ue n e eooane io o Wool Blankets, good size Flannelette Blankets.... Flannel Sheeting WHOLE NO. 1239 LAIDLAWSâ€"O1d Stand ies, none of those at this store. ‘The with hbigh quality.â€" 25 ets. 3D cts. 30 ets. 20 cts. 20 Cts 20 cts. 25 cets. 25 cts. 20 cts. 20 cts. af BE alp oit: % ar Ji€ 1

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