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Durham Review (1897), 19 Dec 1901, p. 4

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§ * in\ 1 sn se abe afe ol en ce obe afe ol ob obe ofe ofe ee ofe ofe cb ofe ofeabe oi shecie oge 38 : SHEWELL & LENAHAN Offeringsa&â€" Of QGreat Interest in A#AA â€"11: Millinery & Mantles > For the Next 30 Days. & imcumruiy>»c{ailyâ€"c{ur,c{iyr, p:\ 2 NC uBP yc s ubp ©} NU ABP ©2 ul NB > l WSp VX N PA rb&éxm&éw‘& CR BA AL Sun dausg .l« reviyvai meetings which were baing held in the church bere closed last week, Mrs Thos Hutton, visited at Mr T. H. Lawrence‘s last week. A woodâ€"bee was held last Wednesday, the lith at ur George Welch‘s about 20 cords of wood were ent. ur Wm Simpton avd family are visliting around here at present. xt Gibson Grierson, of Langdon N. D,, yisited around here a few days last week,. vr meCulloch, sr., is quite ill at present. There is not much hope of recovery. wr Alex. Grierson is down with typboid fever. _ Miss Sims attended the wedding of her sister at Owen Sound on Thursday last. We have a large stock of ININIIIIC UH 160°° and will sell at reduced prices for the next four weeks. Made by the best manufacturers. $17.00 «sic‘s. $15.00 " $14.00 /‘ $13.00 * $12.00 /‘ §s10.50 * 53.]0. to DIVG Diners, common chairs, bedsteads and washâ€" Undertaking atten: deliver our goods in benefit and save money. Sideboat Parlor suits $18 to $55â€" est ma Showoll & LORQKAR Duram, Om % h d t ie ol ie ce ie alp e olp ol ie ie ofe ofi ols afp o o i is ies ce $€ n and of @1 1058 Our important millinery must go at half price and le goods and are of the latest st season. They have reach be sold, 33 Landies‘ trimme styles, that were market at price and less, no two alike,. and Walking Hats at 25 cent Our important millinery novelties, and trimmed hats must go at half price and less. These are high class goods and are of the latest styles that we have had this season. They have reached the time limit and must be sold, 33 Landies‘ trimmed Readyâ€"toâ€"wear Hats, latest styles, that were market at $2.50 to $7.50 each at half price and less, no two alike,. Your choice of 35 Sailor and Walking Hats at 25 cents each, also 253 Fancy Birds, Feathers, Wings, Breasts, etc. _ All must be sold. _ Now is your chance to buy a good Hat for little money, We have about 30 garments left, chiefly between lengths not three quarters nor yet can they be called Short Jackets," fashion approves the styles, and which ever you choose may be reckoned as strictly within the present vogue. Here are the details :â€"Women‘s Jackâ€" ets made in Germany, of Beaver, Curl and Freize cloths hbox semi and tight fitting back, fancy and plain silk and serge, lined, bishop and bell sleeves, collars of velvet and plain, some Jackets fiinished with strappings and silk stitching, others; collars, cufis and around bottom of coat silk stitching ; well finished, smart dressy garments in Maatâ€" and enlors all are «oing at a creat discount. is ouun Wtmd umss s asas sc aloerannnesa azasss uen‘ ARemeneeeis n en t ) Mr and Mrs Jas. Donelly on h st. twins, a son and a ade brass bed 1011 * 1 3.00. GULS aking attended to day or night at smalil : goods in town or country. Call & save money. â€" Merry Xmas and Happy VICKERS WOMEN‘S JACKETS on . $14.00 CASH anrd ONE PRICE ies $ DE $13.00 $12.50 $12.00 $10.00 £9.50 $£25.00 o to $30 ds from $10 0O stock of furniture on hand *) t3 or night at small profits. We auntry. Call and see for your Guaranteed for 1o yrs. The best bed spring made is the " Cable Coil" spring, will not sag or frame twist. Mattresses from $2.50 to $5,.50â€" We sell the " Victor " the best made. Lounges from $4.50 to ©$7.50. Couches from $6.50 to $19.00. A large stock of fancy Rockâ€" ers,. A big discount on Parâ€" lor Tables, Easels, Jardinere Stands, Hall Cabinets, Picâ€" tures and Music Racks. Cutting wocd and practising for the annual school entertainment at Boothville on the 2oth of Dec. is the order of the day around here now. Mr Farqubar McKinnon is engaged with John E Ferguson cutting wood logs. It is reported that they blocked 25 cords of 22 inch woed in three days, If there is auy one who don‘s believe it just ask Farqubar. Miss Mary J Ferguson visited at the parental home Sunday, Mr aad Mrs Jobhn Ferguson visited at the Park a few days last week, Mr Fling and Mr Ferguson are enâ€" gaged cutting wood for Mr Williams of Boothville, and Mr â€"â€"â€"â€" and Mr Leo are cutting cordwood for Joe Philips of Maple Park, and the tea agent is cutting wood at home. Mr Dan McKechnie visited at the oriock. ; New Year to all. Maple Park. parental home a few days last week Es ame es C Miss Sarah Frook of this place seriously ill at present, but we hope beair of her speedy recovery. We are pleased to hear t McQueen of Boothville, who of late, is improving, What we would like to know. _ If Jack and Neil got wet Sunday amight. â€" If A C enjoyed the party. If A enjoyed himself at Willow Grove, It Dan thought Jack didn‘t know who was at the door. Dear Editor,â€"It is some time eince there has been a budget from here, but we will try and inform you of some of the latest bappenings, Nice sleighing in our town and the people are making good use of it, But Friday‘s beayy and steady rain chauged things a little and gave mother earth a mouthful, «ad we may now look for a «teady winter. Miss Annie Morrison returned to the old bhome after a vacation im Toronto and other points for several weeks, Miss Jessie A Mcelums is in the employ of Miss Alice O‘Neil, Globe hotel, Ceylon. Scotch Town is noted for its good beâ€" haviour as the peulteutinry is empty ol | criminals, but we may say that there has been avother victim arrived at the Scoteh Town Asylum, and no donbt urder the training of Supervisor John J Blaek hbe will be properly bandled as well as being well treated. Miss Stone‘s smiles are sweet at prosent any way you take them. Success Moggie. _ Mr RJ Black bas returned home from the neigbborhood of Hamilton and Brantâ€" ford, where he spent the last couple of morths with his brothers Archie and Joe, hotelkeepers of that neighborhood. He was accompanied home by an old frieud Jas Dotherty. Mr Dan Mclnnis and gang are timber ing in Osprey Township for Mr N Mceloâ€" tyre of your town. Mr Alex McMillen has erected a fine horse stable. Angus Morrison has done likewise, while pretty Dan has reshingled his horse stable. Angus Mclunis is busy making improveâ€" ments by building and plastering. Angie is a hbhustler and the rascal is worth watching. Those bighland youths from our burg who «ttended the pie and box social at TIrish Lake school house on â€" Thursday evening of last week, report a good anda sociable time, and speak in praise of N iss Sullivan‘s training of the little tolks. John McArthur of Priceville ably filled the chair and auctioned until ho got hoarse, when Jim Henry of Markdale was called on to fill the vacaney. _ We heard someâ€" body say they conld not understand why more of the young ladies did not bring p1es, Mr Ronald McDonald, from Greenland, Mich., with his nieee Flora MeDonald, aiso his sister ars MeDonald from â€"â€"â€"â€" are on a visit to the old homestead on the 6h Pomona. Did Morice get the worth of his money at the pie socia‘!, or did the boys help him Does Lauchie Dunbar go to Saugeen Valley or is it just a report ? ar Sbeperd of Pomona, we are infoomed lost a valuable horse recently. We think from an ocsasional pat from Jolhn A mentillan that he is likely to be n candidate at the coming election. . xr memillan is well and favorably kaown, and if a candidate is likely to be near the front on election night. Mies O‘Brian, teacher at Pomona, is likely to leave that section at the closing of the year 1901. ‘Qq Now ur Editor our budget is somewhat long this week but we can‘t afford to bother you very often so you will bear with us for this vime,. Wishing you and steff and the many readers of the Review a Mmerry Christmas and a Happy New Yéear. _ [xany Happy returns from Editor Â¥eatr. and Staff In loving remembrance of Robert A. Marshall, who died Dec. 2, 1901, aged 34 yrs. We have to mourn the death of one We did our best to save, Beloved on earth, regretted, gone, Remembered in the grave. Oh ! not lost, but gone before us ; Let him never be forgot ; Sweet the memories that come o‘er us, In our hearts they perish not. Our light troubles for a moment, Are not worthy to compare, With the beauty of our Jesus And the glory we shall share, Ask of my dear husband, Robert, If its well to trust the Lord, He will answer quickly saying, Joy of joys it does afford. Strong young men and fair young woinen : Creatures of the living God. Are you trusting in Jehovah ? Are you walking ‘neath his rod ? Joy in life and trust in Jesus, P eace in death it surely gives, Greatest joy beyond expression, In the place where Jesus lives. Coodâ€"bye husband, how we miss you, None but God, alone can tell, Â¥et if taithful, we shall meet you, In a better landâ€"farewell, THE sCcOTCH TOWN. In RMemaortanm. that Mr Jobn ) has been ill TORONTO If Jack 18 to REVIEW Less than a week ago, there was a general clamor throughout the counâ€" try for water. Friday the 18t: inst. howeyer, set matters aright as an abundance of water now prevails everyâ€" where. Messrs Brohman, Bruder and Co., finished deepening seyeral wells in this locality and departed on Thursday 12th in the direction of Neustadt. Miss Kate Finnigan is spending a few weeks near Durkam, the guest of her sister Mrs Thos Russell. Mezses Baetz and O‘Reilly have re turned from Q. 8. where they lmyeI been serving as jurors. The latter beâ€" iag on the grand jury, expresses him-‘ seif as well pleased, with the condition and management of our county institu=. tions. In making their presentment to his houor judge Creasor, they referred gt0 so often before by preceeding grand juries, that of the erection of a house of refuge for the poor of our county. They were not unanimous in recom» ‘ mending the same, two of their number being opposed to it. Ed " Ryan " he who administer the whereâ€"with to slake the thirst of the patrons of the Searborough House in Havover, spent a couple of days visitâ€" ing friends around his old home last week. Ed says Hanover is all right. Miss O‘Donnell, of Arthur, has been engaged by the trustees of Separate S. 3. No. 5, Normanby to succeed Miss ‘P Madigan as teacher for 1902. The opening years of the century are l witnessing the departure of a great many of Normanby‘s old land marks. Some are crossing the bouudary line between time and eternity, while others are content with crossing the internaâ€" wonal boundary line. Of the former one has recently crossed to the other shore, and although vot in our immediâ€" ate vicinity, yet we feel that we are not trespassing on a brothers ground, when we revort the death of Mr Neil McPhee who was buried on Friday 13th inst., and bad seen the ups and downs of 102 years. Heliyed with his son Archâ€" ie on lot 51 con 8 Normanby. Among those pioneers who have crossed to the other side of the internatianal boundary we mention one : Mr Thos Duignan who Geparted hbence on Monday morning, accompanied by his daughtkor Clara for Niagara Falls, N. Y. Mr Duignan has seen the snows of over 70 winters come and go, and about 40 of these were Norâ€" manby winters. For 38 years he has been the genial and oblicing Post maeter at Nenagb, and his locks and beard have grown snowâ€"white around those corners, ie has been a very prominent man in all pubiis matters, and was well _ known, within a radins of many miles being for many years a travelling agent for the Irish Canadian, when published by the late Paddy Boyle. His departure from among us also leayes vacaot a municipal offics which he has filled satisfactorily for a great many years that of Tp. anditor. However his family \ on growing up soon realized the necessity of a wider field of labor, than was afforded by the manuflactoring establishments in Nenagh, and are at present, mostly all \lucuted in and around Niagara, whither the veteran post master has gone to live with his family, The old corner for years known to many, as Daignan‘s P. O. will seem unlike itself without the kindly salute of the old man to the passing wayâ€" farer, but such is life. A host of well wishes accompany him to his new home for future happiness and prosperity. Saturday, 7th inst, Br 65, C. M,. B. A., Ayton held their annual meeting for elecâ€" tion of officers for 1902. The folfowing were the officers clected: Chancellor, M E Murray ; Pres., i. Lynett; 1st Vice Pres., . Doyle ; 2nd vice Pres. J Hickey ; Rec. Sec , J Diebolt ; Assist. Sec., J J Lyneit; Fin. Sec,. D J Lvnch ; Treas., J Kenna ; Ma«rshall, P Doyle ; Guard, F Diemert ;@ Trustees, W Kenna and C. Ryan. monday 16th our municipal fathers conâ€" yened for the last time for 1901, to wind the affairs of the year, Ere they again assemble at their respective corners they must bear the brunt of another election and haye their good and bad points disâ€" eussed pro and con by the ratepayers. Will they all return again? or will a new year bring new faces? We cannot read the future, No ; tis time alone will prove. Live Stock Market Toronto. The market was a repetition of the market yesterday, with prices well mainâ€" tained and business active. The demaad for export cattle continnes good, and prices are steady. Good cattle are worth from 4} to 5e, per pound, and for extra choice 5ic was several times paid. Light shippers ar eworth from 4} to 42c per pound. Everything sold. Dntaher eattle was firm. and sold well Butcher cattle was firm, and sold well up to 5¢ for Christmas stuff, and ten to fifteen cents was paid in a few instances for fancy lots, Stockers and feeders are dull and not wanted. Calves and wnlch cows are unchanged. There were 17 losds of cattle came in, which were en route for shipment to England, and were not counted in the receipts, Hogs toâ€"day are unchanged. to Exhibitions in 1901, will be kept for serâ€" vice at lot 26, con. 4, N. D, R. %entinck. Dam and Sire were both prize winners, Terms: $1.00. lb Thoroughbred Berkshire Boar, Long BRacon Type, bred by T, A. Cox, a prize winner at the Industrial and Buffalo The best price for ** singers * is 6e per : thick fat and light bogs are worth 5$ 5%0 + BOAR FOR SERVICE. RURAL PLAIN. )er RosE®RT Brirrox, Prop. Allan Park, P, O CUTTERS ‘them. SLEIGHS Masseyâ€"Harris Bob Sleig ts, SPP"°A*"" . ue MAGNET CREAWM sEPARATOR FIRE INSURANCOE _ _ . sugiwve RVSK®" Cc TInsnrance a Specialty in best XMAS N 2 WEEKS ! 060000000 0000804 wPD980808800® UFW RLROWARE S10Rt BeGGCSECOOCCEOOOC 380000 DRBOC ; T. E. SEIGNER Dealer in STOVES FU RNACES, TINâ€" WARE HARDWARE, PA INTS, OILS, &o,, begs to announce to the public of Durham and vicinity that he will in a few weeks open out business in the above lines on Mill St., just cast of Macâ€" \ Farlane‘s Drug Store and hopes to merit a share of public paâ€" { ! tronage. P‘;o'n:ptly attended to couple of first C 02G6°050080000000240000000000® FIOUP ... 206000 se se se ++® OAHNARL ... .ce se es eaa 6k ++® WDERb....sccerrer saasrrass PeRAS...... .ccrcrerccrrsrrer4s BArIl@Â¥ ... cce ce en e 666 kk® ORbS...... cce se rrressrr4ek+4 LBMUMBDS.....crrcsasrsessrres Dressed Hogs, per ewt Hogs, Live weight..... Butter, fresh roll per 1b Butter, Tub.............. Beer, NK CWb.s.s.c .6k WO .i.sisevastesib¢reres Calfskins, per lb........ Sheepskin$..............« Tallow rendered per lb Lard, per I1b...... ... POATKGCY8... ... k60 k66 666044 Potatoes, per bag....... BERAIHL. . s sessccrressesieses SDOT MB». .00 ce eee see ces ees ISOGB.., cce cce en e w e e e en + Hides, per ewt....... POV s+res s+ Now is the time to select your presents BURHAM MARKETS. â€"_ M oecntetiivc From the Canada Carriage Co., Splendid choice. Splendid value. ;1)-'â€" afitténded to. > Farmers 1noupei®" (IJ7 (000.0.0 e of first class second hand Horse Powers for sal cheap. JOHN LIVINGSTONE. â€"_ _ _ LLnpnnmnnnniinermntim 1. t SIEANER Yfassey Harris Bob Sleighs, C mp orium 12 12 8 oo 10 00 5 00 6 10 1 lo 1 50 14 14 16 00 25 i) 55 48 8 50 & 60 15 15 16 5 00 strong, 1 lo â€"MKWarrts 66 40 DECEMBER 19, 1901 HARDWARE serviwable of BrockVi"e * I wish all the readers ot this advertisement a Merry Christmas. GHRISIMIS PRESENTS Any person looking for a Christmas present, will find in our estabâ€" lishment many useful articles, such as :â€" Skates, Onse Carvers, Manicure Setts, Fancy Scissors,: Silver Tea Setts, Jewelry Cases, Tem Dishes, Ring Holders, Silver Trays, Berry Spoons, Pic Knives, Butter Dishes, Pickle Jars, Fancy Lamps, Decorated Tea Pots, Marion Harland Coffee Pots, Bread Boards, Knives and _ Forks, Razors, Meat Cutters, Coffee Mills, and other articles too to mention. 5 Gallons Coal Oil, 90c. W. BLACKâ€": Best in the market. in best Mutal Society. Powers for sal and "< at fair prices. Come and see ts o dug | Bibte TWE GROL Atba s\ VQ °° M od SA ) DECE We c HI £7 772

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