West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 19 Dec 1901, p. 5

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w4 #B < 4 »| AHolpfut dueggestions Big 4 â€" In Rooks Bi/bles Atbums TWEEDS & YANS Lamps CROCERIES M odaks MacFarlans & G60. â€" SANTA CLAUS & We osk Inspection of our THBS DECEMBER 19, 1901 _ prRY GOODS, CROCKERY, N0TS & SHOES, &e., We can give you Bargains. We have a full line. A good book is a joy for ever. We can just mention a few :â€" Prayer and Hymn Booksâ€" Our stock never was so large nor so varied, bought from the Publishers for spot cash. We can sell them right. HE SELLS CHEAP !! i we can do in our limited space is to offer a few suggesâ€" tions from our large stock of useful and pretty holiday gifts. Come and see for yourâ€" selves. All we can do i Padded Poets, Daintily bound gilt books, The new Popular Novels, Bound Vols. of Magaâ€" zines, &c., &c. CALL AND SEE HIM. In Celluloid, Plush and Leath er, are wonderfully cheap. Our Library, Hall and Hangâ€" ing Lamps defy competition, See our $1 Vase Lamp, its a beauty. Make a nice present. We have them from $1 up. . H. BE AN ES . sSCoOTT. inds M Of best quality. Druggist & Booksellers. ved at the Big 4 with NUTS, and XMAS PRESENTS of A MES PICTURES, taler‘s Bl06% BOOKS, a Dg or of experiments throughout the provâ€" ince was in evidence. Last week thousands of Ontario farmâ€" ers, their sons, wives and daughters, met at the Royal city to spend a few days among the great agricultural features, somewhat roughly known as the *"Winter Fair‘. The city was crowded, but thanks to organization by council and citizens provision was made in botels or houses for all. Inâ€" teresting sessions of the Experimental Union were beld early in the week, and the work of Prof. Zavitz as Directâ€" Wellington county and Guelph in particular, has long been known as the home of Fat cattle, and they were here in all their loveliness or ugliness just as you view it. Mr. Jas. Leask, otGreenbank carried off the covyeted cups in this department and retains them for good now bhaving taken them twice consecutively. The Poultry Department is an inâ€" creasingly important one, and not onâ€" ly the best breeds ot birds are discovâ€" erable, but the best means of teeding are shown amongst them b#ing the modern cramming machine, whereby the bird, when sated naturally, has morc pumped into him by foot power. The poultry jadging staff has to be inâ€" creased next year as the show this year is an unprecedented success. The Mercury gave faithful reports of the work done, and we think the Inâ€" stitute could not do better another year than make arrangements with the pubâ€" lishers for a wide distribution of their paper during fair week. The exhibit of public men is not the least important. Here is Hon. John Dryden where he ought to be, in the chair, at the Public Meeting. The practical and successfa! Dominion Min. of Agricuitare, Hon. Sydney Fisher, Pres. Mills, of the _ everâ€"growing Guetph ‘‘O A. C," cand> Hon. G, W. Ross, premier of the province were there; and last but not least the Gov. (General, Lord Minto, with other promâ€" inent men from the Maritime provinces and from the United States. What a pity, Major Maude was‘nt there, and he would never again have been guilty of insulting this Agricultural province by limiting the Royal Stay in the Royal city with the best Agricultural College in the world to five short minutes. Tims is too short to tell of hogâ€"killâ€" ing contests, the dairy contests, ‘the sheep exhibits. There is only one thing for our tarming community to do, and that is join the Farmers‘ Institutes, read their bulletins, aitend all their winter meetings and go to Guelph next summer and winter. The following extract is from * Satâ€" urday Night" : "Considerable attention is being direcâ€" ed to the Provincial Winter Fair in (h‘elph. and â€" incidentally the Ontario Agricultural College is being talked about by the city newspapers. Such a large and wellâ€"managed institution should be more in the public eye thau it is. â€" More than anything Ontario is an agricultural country, and has attracted to its classâ€"rooms young men from all over the continent, even as far south as Argentine, deserves to be heard of at cther times than during political contests or a winter fair. Among those who were present at the annual biangquet were Lord Minto. â€" Hon, Sidney Fisher, Dominion Minister of Agriculture, and Hon,. Jobn Dryden, who is head of the provincial department to which the college belongs,. There is no reason why city youtbs should not find profiâ€" table to take a course in this wellâ€"manâ€" aged college, unless we have permanentâ€" ly adopted che idea that when a man once ceases to till the soil both he anp his progeny shall ever afterwards dweil in crowded places,. no matter how unâ€" fitted they may be for anyihing but following the plough and kindred put sunts. NoTICE.â€"All accounts are ready, and any person indebted will confer a favor by calling and settling as soon as possâ€" ible, as I require money. | The Anual Report of the Postmaster General for the year ending June 30, 1901 just issued shows that the gross Postal revenue of the Durham office is $19984.79. . A total of 1367 money orders were issued, the amount of which was $17,430,73. while only 595 were paid amounting to $9761.19. Postal notes paid amounted to $1310.95 while the salary from all sources was less than $100),00. Other accounting offices in this district show up as follows: Revy. Sal. Mt. Forest 3571.00 1166.67 Unistein 423. 69 210.00 Tells, or ought to tell correctly the date to which you are p2 id. Changes and additions have aâ€" gain been made and we ask our friends to examine closely The price of the Review is 1$ a yearin advanceâ€"$1.35 if not so paid. The amount is small to subscribersâ€"to the publishâ€" er, many smalls count up fast. searecs nwa We will send REvIEW Globe to Jan. 1, 1908. Mt. Forest Holstein Dromore Priceville Hanover Flesherton Markdale Ceylon Chatsworth THE LITTLE YELLOW LABEL .00 TKE CEA MWMR FAR. 0 B â€" 10104 Shudadhctadiaurad E i many smalls count up fast. < + _ _ Editor ard o Ramdgt, Proprietor. GUELPH AT ITS BEST PoST OfCE STATISTICS. 221. 60 388. 44 2283.92 1025.76 2006. 63 432.63 702. 68 w. BLACK. 1166. 67 210.00 110.00 200.00 Weekly 431.66 560.00 160.00 763.34 The Sunday School anniversary in connection with the Presbyterian Sabâ€" bath school will be held in the church on Chrissymas eve Dec. 24th when a good time is expected Sleighing is not yery good yet : weather cold and bleak. A number trom town and locality attended the marriage of Mr D Meâ€" Lachlin and Miss Cairns, of Ceylon and report a good uime. _ Miss Cairns was one of Priceville‘s girls some years ago, and alt jom in wisbhing Mro and Mrs MCâ€" Lachiin much bappiness in their new lite The young couple were united by the Rev xir matheson, of this town, assist= ed by the Rev Thom, of Flesherton. The presents were uumerous and costly. Neil mcCaunel and bis mother are away to Arrau County Bruce, this week attendâ€" ing the funeral of ars Donald meCaunel of thas place. xrs McCaunel was Neil‘s anut. Son« or Scotlaud Concert on the evenâ€" ing of the 27th Dec. A good time in Vie w, Onr attempt is small this week, but will vromise a large oue next time. Dornoch. The people of Latona Pres. Church are all abuzz these days. A grand Christmas tree entertainment is to he held on Monday Dec. 23, A good proâ€" gram is in preparation. â€" All are invited, gram is in preparation, . l dPe AYIULCN® The new Church will be ready for opening on the 1st Sabbath of the New Year. Our Sawmill men are making prepar« ations to get in a stock of logs. We wish them success. The Ladies‘ Aid in connection with the Church met on Monday to take steps for purchasing Carpet and Furniâ€" ture for the new Church, â€" Further notâ€" ice will be given for Opening. Mr John McQueen who ha« had a yery severe attack of appendicitis is convalesâ€" cent. Mr and Mrs Ronald MceDonaid gave a post nuptial entertainment on Friday night last, A good many were invited and spent a pleasant time. Miss Maud Reiley is visiting at the Post Office this week. Mr Dan MceKinnon, of Farewell, found a suray man one morning recentâ€" ly, used him kindly and returned him to his friends. Dan Ferguson was to Boothville and caught the squirrel he had up the tree and got a bad bite for his pains. He is out of the squirrtel business now. Mics A. and Mr. Dan McCannel, called on Balsam Valley friends, last week. May knows all about the new cutter, Mr Finley Clark passed through Boothville Sunday last. _ We hear he is mround inspecting some of the new houses built this year. THE MONETARY TIMES ON CEMENT. This substantial journal in a recen issue has the following remarks on our new Cement Industry ** Durham will soon have an important manufacturing establishment. â€" 8o writes our Mr. Thomas Gordon Oliver, I refer to the National Portland Cement Co., which when completed, will be _one of the largest in the Dominion. Eleyen large buildings are now under constraction for this concern. â€" One of them, thekiln hbulding, 143 x 185 feet, another is 50 ft. in beight. * alcre s e oo abale t § rmwis,sr‘ie [ PARAFFINE The marl in Wilder‘s lake is in unlimiâ€" ted quantities, and is said to contain over 90 per cent. of carbonate of lime. There is also sufficient clay in the imâ€" mediate vicinity. _ Other lakes at short distances, controlled by the Company, show immense deposits of marl, and several of the deposits are at or near the surface. The capacity of the mill is to be 1,200 barrels daily, and the company is giving employment to 175 men on construction alone. _ Al the newest and best machinery is being inâ€" troduced in the construction. This large establishment will soon be in full working order. 1t capital is a million dollars." NoT DEaAD,â€"We bad a visit from Mr. 3. L. M. Luke last week looking quite unlike the corpse he was represented to be some time ago. He forgives this rumor however in the light of a malieâ€" ious one that be was going to get married ! No such desperate intention has crossed his mind! This veteran journalist, mentally and physically is still phenomenally active. The printer‘s dollars, where are t hey A dollar here, a dollar there, scattered all over numerous fsmall towns miles and miles apart, How shall they be gathered? Come home; you are wanted. Come in single file that we may send you forth again to do battle for us and vindicate our credit. Ren({or are you c s i m Apa c o io B y V HeoepRarw s VTh ARRie ns T sure you hbhave not one of the printer‘s dollars sticking to the bottom of your trowser pocket? Feel down and see i we are right,â€"Ex ‘Will keep them .b.ohtd{ moisture acid proof. Paraffine Wax is also useft & dozen oth‘:r vtr ;ob::: the house. . Bold everywhere. IMPERIAL OIL CO. On Jellies BOOTHVILLE Priceville. â€" 4 gpe + + U THE DURHAM Glen. for November 1901. IV classâ€"Alfred McKechnie. III classâ€"Willie McKechnie, Agnes S$r I1 classâ€"Madge Morton Ethel Heugoan, Johnnie Newell, Ella Edge, Minnie Vessie. Ir II classâ€"Arthur Ritchie, Neilie Mc Gillivray, Elias Edge. P+II classâ€"Aurilla Dunsmoor, Smith Ewen, Vila McKechnie. Ewen. SrI classâ€"Herbie Dunsmoor, Mable Wismer and Gertie Morton equal, Andy Vessie and George Newell equal. JrI classâ€"Annie Ewen, Roy Wismer, MaAxy McCrocKL®, Teacher. The special Paris correspondent of The Delineator recalls the prophecy of a wellâ€"known Frenchman on the subâ€" ject ouf evolution of dress, that before many years women will be wearing alâ€" together masculine attire. One is unable to understand upon what this theory is based, for the Parisienne of toâ€"day was never more thorough!y femifi'me. having made no concession even for the raindy days. Mrs, Van Vorst‘s letters on dress and gossip in Paris, as well as those of Mrs. Aria on the fashions of London in this magazine, are delightfully original and up to date and well worth reading from month to month. Once upon a time a certain man got mad at the editor and stopped his paper. Next day be sold his wheat four cents below the market price. Then his property was sold for Laxes because he did not read of the saile. Soon after he l was arrested for trespassing on property | because he did not see the notice in the { paper. Later he was heavily fined for: hunting out of season and paid $40 for forged notes that had been advertised for two weeks and the public had been warned not to negotiate them. He then hired a big Irishman, with a foot like a forge hammer, to kick him all the way to the newspaper office, where he paid four years in advance, and had the editor sign an agreement to knock him down and rob him if he ever stopped his paper again. Such is ‘life without a newspaper. Report of U. A Vacancy having occured in the repâ€" resentation of Diyision No, 3 of the Co. of Grey, caused by the resignation «of Geo. Ries, Esq. will be held in the TOWN HALL, DURHAM, MONDAY, DEC. 23, 19801 at 1 o‘clock p. nominating a | said vacancy. Dated this 9th Day of Dec., 1901. QQQQ““‘““‘OQ" P f § JAKE KRESS deacse0ee00000080.08 A PUBLIC MEETING Lower Town Durham The Best Quality cheaper than ever. {ndertaking PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. PUBLIC NOTICE. Jake Kress. FOR Fancy Goods and Notions JNO. A. DARLING, Druggist k p. m. for the purpose of »ra County councilman to fill We will not be undersold in any line we carry. Call and see us and be convinced. Also, 2 â€"â€": ON ; â€"â€" A New Line of the above suitable for Christmas, comprises EBONY SETS, EBONY BRUSHES, CELLULOID SETS, SHAVING SETS, PURSES, _ CHATELAINES, â€" WALLETS, PERFUMES, PERFUME SPRAYS & ATOMIZERS VIOLINS, VIOLIN STRINGS, AND BOWS, &c., &c â€" BUT CALL AND SEE. Christmas Confectionery and Nuts.â€"â€" FURNITURE W,. A. AxprErRrsoXN, Nominating Officer. ARLING‘S RUC STORE No. 2, Bent. and | Q‘Q‘OQQGQQQ“OQQ Q"A Beautiful Selection of BIBLES. concession | 5 r_. "ar _ 1 FRESH DATES, PRUNES, E _AND FIGS . 1 Kippered Herring, Sardines, _ _ and best Fraser Salmon. Being Lots East of 7 and 8 con. 2, old survey in the Township of Normanby, containing 132 acres more or less, On the premises are a first class brick house containing 11 rooms, washâ€"room and pantry, new barn, 64 x 50, 20 foot posts and old barn 50 x 30. Drive house, 32 xâ€" 16. Stables underneath barn for #2 head of cattle and 7 horses, also silo feed room and turnip house. Pig pen 30 x 22, 3 floors high and hen house 12 x 16. 2 never failing springs and 3 wells 30 acres of timber, and first class fenc es and in good cultivation with 15 acres ot fall crop and fall ploughing well a About 3 miles from Durham and con Will give possession March 1st, 1902, Title clear, A pply to H. W. LeEsox, Varney, Nov. 1, 1901. NEW RAISINS AND CURRANTS, Tilsonburg Oatmeal, Milverton Flour, Chopped Wheat, Oats & Peas. CANDIES, XUTS, ORANGES, ETC., ETC. GEO?GS LAW RENCE, B4B%8%88%288188%882e80 8 DONT DONT DONT forget our new fruits are in : Raisins, â€" Currants, Figs, Dates, &e. DONT DOMT Qverything Delivered. DONT ONT use unreliâ€" able Flour. ‘Try "Good Luck." ONT drink anyâ€" thing but New York Coffee. Its the best. ONT fail to call and secure a 50 or 100 lb package Lake Herring. ‘They will be in about the first of the week. (@MT be afraid to call with â€" Butter, Eggs, Lard, Tallow, Dried Apples, Poulâ€" try, &c. ‘ We take tlem, * GROCBRIES : : â€" FLOUR & PEED : GEO. L&WRENCE. Farm For Saloe. PRurn of?. agmsnatinoss o | The Hanover Conveyancer He has a big list of Property for Sale, including the following : Lot 28, Con. 2, W. G. R., Bentinck a splendid imypsoved farm convenient to [;’m ham. Very cheap. Lot 18, con, 14. Bentinck. ntar Louise P. 0, in hands, of a Company, â€" Fine place and must go to some one, 3rd Div. of 7 and ist Div. of 8, con. 1, W. G. R. Bentinck.â€"Malcom Camerâ€" on‘s 100 acres. 3rd Div. of 8.con.1, W. G. R.. Benâ€" tinck.â€"Maleolm Cameron‘s 50 acros. on Garafraxa Road convement to Durâ€" ham. â€" This fifty acres is a snap at price asked. I have a large number of o.her prop erties in town and country and will sel or trade. MONEY TO LOAN at 4 1â€"2 per cent and upaccording to security and terms. INSURANCES COLLECTIONS and CONVEYANCING as well as other Financial business carefully atten* ded to. CAPITAL, Authorized . ... ... $2,000,000 CAPITAL, Paid up........... 1,000,000 RESERVE FUND ........... 600,000 AGENTS in all primcipal poinits in Ontario, â€" Quebec, Manitoba, United States and England. W. F. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID, Manager. A general Banking business transacted Drafts issued and collections made er all points. Deposits received and inserâ€" est allowed «t current rates. SAVINGS BANX _ .uteress allowed on savings bank deposits of $1,00 and upâ€" wards â€" Prompt attention and every facility afforded customers living ata distance. J. G HUTTON, M. D., C. M. Fortunes D. McPHAIL _â€"~ 3rd Div. lot 7. con.1, E. G. R, Glenelg BARRISTER. SsoLICITOR 1N SUPREME COURT NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, ETC. RESIDENCE and OFFICE â€"Old Baxk UPPFER TOWN, DURRAM. Telephone Connection No. 10 OFFICEâ€"Melntyre Bloek, C moany and privaté Funds to Loar on Morlzmg s at lowest rates of interest. Valuation made u, a Competentand careful Valuator, Officeâ€"â€"LOWER 10WN. DURHAK. OFFICE FIRsT DOOR EAST CF the Duroam Pharmacy Calder‘s Block. Residence first door west of the old Post Office, Durham. .. Collections of all kinds] Farms boug promptiy altended to] _ and sold ; OFFICELâ€"â€"McHKenzie‘s Oid Stand Du ~m, Ont. DURKHAM AGENCY, ARTHUR H. JYACK SON sons louked after and Executor‘s and Admirisâ€" trators‘ Accounts prepared and {»uud Burrogate Court Business, Probate of Wilis, Lettere of Adâ€" miustration and Guardianship Obtained, gearâ€" chas wade in Registry Office and Titles reported Collections and Agency promptly attended to Wills, Deeds, Mortgages, Lenses, Agreements &e, correcily prepared, Estates of deceased perâ€" Member College Physicians and Surgeens, Ontario. oFFICE MOURS 9â€"12 4. m. 2â€"4 p. us . Money to Loan at reasonaole rates and on terms to suit borrower. Dr. T. 6: MOLT L. D. C NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, &e, CcONVEYANCER, vALUATCOR, Insurance Agent, .ll Charges Moderate J. P. TELFUORD. DENTPIS BARRIS TER, â€" ECLTCR, NOATRY PUBLIC CONYEYANCER, &C. MAY B5 MADE 3y Dealing With HI H. Mi'lé.r’ G. LEFROY McCAUL. MONEY TO LOAN Head Office, Toronto. arrister, Yotary, Con»â€" veyancer, Qtc., Qtc..... W. S. DAVIDSON. J KELLY, Agent. Licensed Auctioneer f the County of Grey. McPHAIL, Hopeville P. 0 C. RAMAGE Durham. Private Money to Loan, STR Y . {(Over the Bank 39 tr v Lo & #+

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