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Durham Review (1897), 26 Dec 1901, p. 1

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i hool ® ) er and under the auspices of the Public Library, shouid have drawn a larger audience, but the abundance of enterâ€" , tainments, school closing exercises, and similar attractions that night and shortâ€" ly before undoubtedly injured it. He critised several works and described how to know which were and were not novels, usinglillustrations. The first English novel was Robinson Crusoe written in 1719. We should always read a book a little beyond us, he said, instead of below our mental grasp. Novels should be‘ read in a criticising spirit, not passively. Owing to the large amount of fiction read in our hbrary, it is a pity a larger audience was not! present especially the young people, to | whom fiction should be given in doses. excellence of their performance beâ€" tokened pamstaking preparation, _ A feature of the evening was the presenâ€" tation of a number of scereopticon views by Mr. C. Ramage, who grve explanaâ€" torvy readings or remarks. Dr. Jamieâ€" son, M. P. P., occupred the chair, SPLEXNDOID LEctuR®E.â€"Prof. Alexandâ€" er, of Toronto University, lectured to. a _ small audience in the Town | Hall on Friday eyening on " The Novel, ‘ its crigin and use." The topic, though having in it nothing yulgarly sensation-’ #t,. it the nds Of SHEMK 3 Fimrmizs L.« u... ZAaNXD or HorE.â€"Tharsday eyening a very fair audience honored the first public entertainment of the vigorous Band of Hope, organized and led by Miss Stewart Mrs, Calder, Miss A. Gun, Mrs. Atlan, Mrs, Nichol, Mrs. Latimer, and Misses Margaret Gun and Maggie Hunter. The entertainment consisted of songs, choruses, etc., by the whole body or part of them and the zeal and | ve piaced in position right away to make room for the five other« which are expected to follow about one a aweek. It is 70 feet long, 6 feet in diâ€" ameter, and even in its stripped condiâ€" tion weighs 26 tons. It would make a famous sho oting gallery, yet the ¢ompany are taking no pains to prevent anyone "hooking" it some of these dark nights. A smoke stack, which would look big if the rotary were not there is also on the ground, and still the founâ€" dation«s go on. now unio; be placed ParTiExcrR PuEase, Patroxs.â€"This to the large number who have renewed for the Revirw during the past 10 days and whose label may not be ailtered for a week or two. The Annual has gone with every renewal and is giving great satisfaction. We are rushed with job work at present and issuing earlier than usual this week. Next week we will likely be a day later than nsual and ask the indulgence of our readers till we get this crush adjusted. | A RoTtary. â€"The big rotary that came last week on two big flat cars is ’ now unloaded at the grounds and must | soxs or SCOTLAND,â€"At the last regâ€" ular meeting this body eiected its offiâ€" cers for 1802 These are : Chief, Robert Morice ; Chieftain, Johnn Allan ; Marâ€" shall, C. McDougall ; Standard Bearer, «Jno. D. Clark ; Secy, Jas. Allan, Finâ€" Sec and Treas.. C, Ramage, _ Guards Hugh MacKay and John H. Hunter, | Past Chief, R. J. 8. Dewar. The (’amp‘ has decided on haying another of its | famous concerts about January ’.’Sth.' of which more later. | It takes Lock Elvidge‘s team to get into a good ‘"hidey" place. They movâ€" ed off from the station Monday last and no small stir had Lock to make eer he found them. After looking all over town and west into Bentinck he found thein in a rough spot north of the factory, Lock them up in tuture, 4‘ Have you seen our Christmas Suppleâ€" ment,the "Canadian Anual"? Given aâ€" way Free to Cash in adyance subscribâ€" ers. _ Going fast. MAacFarrax®‘s JeweruEry Srork® Just fancy a $10 ring for $5 a $5 for $2.5M at MacFarraxE‘s JeEewrEruERy, SToREâ€"the chance will not occur again Sale closes Jany. 1st. It talas Tanl Wikuintnents qpemies uns s ana i Examine your label and bave it put to read ** Dec,. ‘02 " and get our big Christmas Supplement the Canadian Annual. Just fancy a $10 ring for $5, a $5 for $2.50 at MacFarDLiNE‘s J EWELLERY STOREâ€"the chance will not occur again Sale closes Jany. 1st Driving horse. Harness and ( sale cheap. If you are thinking of giving a Xmas present see Gordon‘s stock. The Big Store is selling a line of silk Velvets, good colors, at 50c. a yd. worth $1.00 a ¢d. VOL. XXIII NO. 52 »MD LECTuRE.â€"Prof, Alexandâ€" ronto University, lectured to l audience in â€" the Town ‘riday eyening on The Novel, and use." The topic, though it nothing yulgarly sensationâ€" hands of such a famous lecturâ€" Bargains in Clothing at Grant‘ fPEB. SHOES Â¥ which were and were not aglillustrations. _ The first vel was Robinson Crusoe 1719. _ We should always a little beyond us, he said, below our mental grasp. ild be" read in a criticising issively. Owing to the large Womans Pebble Bal Childs Pebble Bals .. 1 lb. Boxes of Cal raisins. Graham Wheat. uts 4* e Ing rotary that vo big flat cars is grounds and must m right away to five others which . McGowax. in doses, fo Cali ‘utter for &E‘(_‘._t RusHtED.â€"This is the only name we can think of to apply to »ur position this week. Egremont Financial Stateâ€" ment was issued from this office on Monday, Glenelg Statement is in proâ€" LovyELYy WIxDows.â€" Our Window Dressers are surpassing themselves this year in attractive displays of holiday | goods, As we write Tuesday, p. m. ' there is a lively business being done and ,' merchants are cheerfully bending to the | task of supplying all as quickly as possâ€" f ible. That they will be tizred before‘ Christmas dawns is a certainty, But we were telking windowsâ€"Uome and[ see them. | Durbham Lodge 198 A, 0. U. W. elecâ€" tion cf officers, P. M. W. John Smith ; M. W, Jas D Munro ; Foreman, John Firth ; Overseer, Geo, Hughes ; Financiâ€" er, C. L. Grant ; Receiver, David BSmith ; Recorder, Thos. Allan ; Guide, AleX. B.unie; In, W., A. McKinuon ; 0. W., T. G. Holt ; Auditors, Alex Firth and John Munro; Repressntative to Grand Lodge, Bro Brigham ; Alternate C, L. Grant. is to appear amongst others Mr. McGregor who won golden opinio Durcham recently. Their hall is b to be crowded should the weather £ Pricevilie Sons of Scotuland on evening have another of their 1 certs on hand, at which some fin is IU ADDGZF unuÂ¥ret melsmlo n alarge order from England came last week and they were already full. Mi. Caton and his staff are making it "go" Monre MHerErorps. â€"Mr. John Clark, Jr.. Aberdeen, visited Webb‘s Herd, near Lucknow, a ftew weeks ago and bought a very promising vyoung bull, We congratulate Mr. Clark on the enâ€" terprize he shows in keeping improved stock,. Inspector of Registry Offices, Mr. ' Donald Guthrie, Guelph, looked over Mr. T, Lauder‘s establishment here and } found everytning in tirst class shape and | expressed himself as highly pleased und’ was amazed at their magnitude. | FURNITURE.â€"The factory here is so | rushed with orders that only Christmas I and New Years day can the men get off, ‘ A large order from England came lasti week and they were already full. Mi. | Caton and his staff are making it "on" _| for a drive behind his spa.r;nking team which pleasure we had reluctantly to forego. for Mr H. H. Miller, Hanover, passed through town eastward on Monday and gaye us a most fascinating invitation he ANNUAL MEETINGâ€"The annuoal meeting of the Durham Horticultural Society will be held in the Public Library rooms at 8 p m on Wednesday. January 8, 190%. A tull attendance of members is requested. ThHos, Browx, Secy. | Mr H. H. Miller, Hanover, passedj C wicede ie sls‘ 1 p. _ . €~ Jtfi .. «neepageo. | The Christmas season is again with us, red | h a m | Â¥ % £ | Diveh sympathy is felt for Mr. and | kindly feelings wher " man to man the war‘ Mrs. Chas. Lawrence in the loss very Z 7 suddenly of a sweet little child. _ more of brothers than at any other season. Highest cash price paid for any quanâ€" | hnmanity from this widely acknowledged bu | tity good wheat at | + * > : Tax Preopur‘s Mirs. _ | _ its message of: P.eace and Good w1l.l finding an [ "TREsH LAKE Fisit.â€"Fishing season| _ many hearts, is incalculable, This feature of ( being prolonged this year fine herting | â€" abone is worth more than all the boasted phils etc., can always be had at Miles Wll_l, feriglist son‘s freezer in South Durham. Prices materialists. rght. o § loae 1 , In kecping with the prevailing spirit on this 7, 11 h EBE â€"Congratnitfions . eve we wish to our thousands of readers, to a Mr. Dan Edge on securing the Treasurâ€" i * 4 ership of Glenelg in succession to hil" scnbers, those we dun and those we don’t, to 0o uncle, Mr. James Edge. The township ; _ . * . i a has secured a capable offiser in Mr.’ in the Advertlmng and Job work hnes- to one Edge. 1 All subscribers to the Review for‘ 1902 will receiye free a copy of The! Canadian Annual." _ See page 8. | Much sympathy is felt for Mr. und! Mrs. Chas. Lawrence in the loss very suddenly of a sweet little child. Varney Methodist Chi Christmas night at 8. A special Meeting of Ben will be held on Saturday 2 28, Merry Christmas and *° CAVOAEV UHC WwEsLLEP LtLÂ¥OP, odge 198 A. 0. U. W. elecâ€" ‘t‘s, P. M. W. John Smith ; D Munro ; Foreman, John _ of Registry Offices, Mr.|_ Miss Amy Meredith is home from the thrie, Guelph, looked over | LOndon Normal School ler‘s establishment here and | _ Miss Kate Fitzâ€"gerald, London, is a thing in tirst class shape and |guest of Miss Sara Vollett, inself e highly pleased and‘ Mr. Boundy preached in the Methoâ€" at t,l;le"' ;uagmtulde. & | dst chnreh Sunday evening. E. â€" t here is s0 4 C urder;eth:(t: ((:r:{y (fhnsuma l Miss Maggie McKenzie will take ars day can the men get off, fchnrge of Muleck school for 1902 ther of their fine conâ€" which some fine talent Methodist Christmas tree, ; â€" Receiver, David Thos, Altan ; Guide, t others Mr. Don golden opiniors in ting of Ben Nevis Camp Saturday evening Dec. all is bound Friday i Mr, Hunt, Sr. is this week entertainâ€" ing a daughterâ€"inâ€"law, Mrs. Wm. Hunt, of Delta, COclorado. Two children acâ€" company her and they will spend the winter here. Mr. Wm. Coleridge, Owen Sound, drove to Yeovil at the beginning of the wwas 1. Lice! s L Mr. Arch McLellan, who came | from Bottineau, N. D. some weeks leaves this week for a two week‘s to Bad Axe, Flint, and other plac Michigan. Dr, and Mrs. Watson. Georgetown, spent Christmas with the latter‘s parâ€" ents, Mr. and Mrs, Glass. Mrs, Watson remains for a week, Mr. Chas. C. Donaghy, formerly of Durham, but of late years in Mt Forest, is off to South Africa, haying enlilted‘ in the second Mounted Rifles, " Miss McKay, who has been for some | time with her sister Mrs. Kepkey, left ' for her home in Port Eigin last week,. * |__Miss Nettie Brown for two days, and | Miss Mary Marshall since Friday have | given us yaluable office assistance in a “ rushed week,. Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Horsburg are spending Christmas with Mrs. Horse burg‘s parents, Mr, and Mrs. Rawn, south ot Holstein. DURHAM, T ms sister Mrs Sparling. Miss Helen M. Burgess, of Roct is spending a month or two wi sister at Elm Bank, Peel Co., Ont | _ _Mr. Arch. Park, Colorado, { a holiday at home and may [ a month or two. | _ Rev. Mr. Orr, Mono Mills, has ed a call from Holstein and F; ; congregations, Rey. Mr. and Mrs. Boundy and childâ€" ren, of Travers City, Mich., are visiting his sister Mrs Sparling Mr. McCurdy ment works, is s idays in Detroit Icnnrge of Muleck school for 1902. 3 |\ _ Mr. Joe Collinson has got a situation [ in Clinton, and leaves next Friday. I | _ Mr. Walter Park, student at McGill, fMontreal, is home for the holidays, \ Mr. P. w. Stanhope, Secy of the ‘Cement Co., was in town last week. | Miss McDonald, Toronto, i the holidays with her sister M Campbell. Mr Layton Clty' b[ich. LC there, uy q100 io 1 e Sm Sv0RECACTiITy;â€"â€"aith all its memories will have died before next issue. and the New Year with all its suggestiveness will have dawned we draw still further from our good feelings by extending to all our friends our best wishes for a PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. As the Old Year, the first of the its memories will have died before Year With a1Il ito ormreanoaneuri icb ns McCurdy head mason at S, is spending Christmas holâ€" CA risimas, _ ]. 907. n left Monday for Rapia to visit a daughter residing . Burgess, of Rochester, a Happy New Year to all 2200070 MLIMS, Nas receivâ€" MHolstein and Fairbairn Colorado, is spending and may remain for or two with her THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1901. HAFPY CHRISTMAS ‘onto, is spending sister Mrs, N. wW. eace and SGood U the Ceâ€" in ) Jr, (B ‘S. Barclay, Sr. Iâ€"Nellie Hepburn, Willie rence, Ruby Wells, Maud B Maggie Lauder, Intermediateâ€"Mabel Latimer, Billings. Jr. (A) â€" Merl Whitmore, G Whitmore and Ruth Moran aweq. Jr. (B)â€" Clara Lawrence, Flo )n is again with us, redolent of all "man to man the war‘ld o ver" are at any other season. ‘The gain to idely acknowledged birthday with d Good will finding an echo in so lable, This feature of Christianity an all the boasted philanthropy of Mr. Ehrhardt, bookâ€"keeper for the ’Cement Co. is at his post again. Fop two weeks he has been at the head office adjusting books, &¢., and now has them all in Durham and is arranging to have a tireproof cement vauit, conâ€" structed for their safe keeping, Rev. Thos, Farr,â€"Attwood, is leaving there for Wallaceburg, Ont. Before leaying he was presented by his late congregatiou with a fur overcoal as a mark of their esteem. Mr. Farr is around home for a few days this week, We congratulate him on his promotion, ter. Home for the Christmas holidays &re :â€" Ferguson Grant, Georgetown ; Allie Grant, Flesherton ; Julia Weir, Cedatville ; John McCaul, Toronto : Maggie McCaul, Toronto ; Dora Davidâ€" son, 0. Sonnd ; Louie Davidson, Mich, Mrs. Jno, A. Cameron, Bottineau, N. D., is home to spend a coupleof months with friends in Glenelg and Bentinck, Messrs. Arch. and John Beaton of Glenâ€" elg Centrie are brothers of hers and Mrs, McGillivray of Rocky Saugeen is a S1$â€" fae Mre, Lewis, Mt Forest. is few days with Mss Orcha ber through a very inte casion,. More next week. of the 20th century, with Aggie Marrs aeq. C. Ramage, Qublisher. Revic HYew Year, 1002. . bookâ€"keeper for the at his post again. For has been at the head very interesiing his Christmas 0 all our subâ€" 0 our patrons one and all a Florence Gladys spending a do to h?’p ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO our readers. Z4A _ {v 2. 0 I HoKechnic. on ieepreammagny acataegran t# © Christmas | Tils L § 7. & d J MieKHechnie. C C denareneatl . COomenencere . Seekene . Aadenkire â€" ARKERETE Ladies‘ and Misses‘ sizes. If you have some elderly person to think of, a pair of Felt x Shoes or Slippers would givye much pleasure. Or any lady d would appreciate a pretty dress or suit length. We have Black | % and Golored at all prices. E [ ) GLOVES, made by Fowne, the oldest and best manu E Recturer in the world, at $1, or other makes at 7T5c. yo want something more favecy we can show you the Stock Collars, made of colored silk, prettily trimmed sertion, lace etc., for 25 cts and up. C â€" REDY HANDEERCHIRES at al1 nuincs lezeJeColeColeColeColeele ce celav‘e ure hcelane in o =ole =e ns o es a vo jaee weele s ojas oler ojas en ce PBring along your Fow! this week a down afrer Amas. Wanted J U d . WHOLE NO. 1240 %: ;%@EEEEE&W&&&EH e cohcohcols ol colcolecelicelae axe/axefens P sizes at right prices. A pair of good boots such as are made by the Ames Holden Co. would be a very nise Christmas present for your friend : made in all shapes and =â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"XXXXKâ€"â€"â€".â€".._ â€"Everything at the lowest prices consistent with 1 Ib Lemon Peel.... .... 1 !b Orange Pecl........ . i ib Citron Peel.:;...;.;., 1 1b Shelled Walnuts..... % 1b ; * Almonds. ... .. 6 ibe fine PMG$..... ...« .... * lbe Prunes..;.........}, 3 lb package Dates........ ~MMWMMiESscrtion, lace etc., for 25 cts and up. _ â€" _ PANCY HANDKERCHIREFS at all prices. SILK DRAPES, gold ombroidered at 75¢ and $1.00, CHRISTMAS BAKING. â€"â€" You must have good fresh materials it you would « baking. FRESH VALENCIA RAISINS, FRESH CURRANTs NEW PEELSâ€"Lemon. Orange and Citron, NEW NUTSâ€"Walnuts, Almonds, Peanuts, Filberts. PRESSED MINCE MEAT, CANNED PUMPKIN, O AND LEMONS just in. CHRISTMAS will soon be here, and we are rea. you? ‘The eleinents of usefulness in gifts is con prominence every year. Our goods unite the pre with wood quality and reasonable prices. Can y« thing shat would be more appreciated than Furs. ASTRACHAN FUR JACKETS at $22.50, $25 CAPERINES all one Fur or Combinations, fr« FUR CAPS tor Men and Women. IMITATION FUR GAUN TLETS, Black and ‘ : Groceries : : Remember the place THE POPULAR CASH STORE AMES HOLDEN‘S BOOTS. 1246 pairs to choose from. THE POPULAR CASH STORE. Jas,. STretand Christmas ! Fur or Combinations, from §5 up )e here, and we are read y for it, Are efulness in gifts is coming more into Our goods unite the pretty and useful ona ble prices. _ Can you think of anyâ€" reotand. Havye you renewed for the Revi And got your Annual ? Its a d; LAIDLAW‘S Old Stand and Gray, Men‘s high} ‘quality. â€" , ORANGES 00 to $40.00 do successfu! e Review ? Its a daisy, [ &

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