VOL. XXIV. NO. 1 Addiltmal Locals on Page J. Macrhtrhsne's Laxative Grip Tablets prevents the Grip-use the"v--25c abox. TAXES.~AII taxes must. he paid to Hugh McKay at the Midduugh House on or Mint-e Jan. 14th inst. Mr. Geo. Morton gut part tom " try coming in con roller at the cement works. Ommo last Week " was the name of chaplain l den from the list of Ben I Ottirerrc MErosrMmrrvsst.--A meeting of the Remind; Reform Association will be held at McUnlhnh'u sachool house, Mu- lock. on Saturday Jan. ll, all 2 p. m. THUS. CLARK. PRES. Fun-mu LAKE Ftatt being prolonged this etc.. Can always he h sun’s freezer in Smith right. Unrr's Cough Cw to cure eolds--at More. Councillor Gullu'ie invested last week in Upper Town property. buying the old Orange Hall site. A good residence built, there would be adrunment to the town. We hope he has such a scheme in view. ANNUAL MEErmo-- of the Durham Hortil be held in the Public p m on Wednesday. full Mundane. of me ANNUAL Mrmrvso--The annual me ting of tho Durham Hortieultural Society will be held in tho Public Library rooms at 8 p m on Wednesday. January 8. 1902. full Mundane. of members is requested. Tans. BROWN. Secy. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. M. P.Cnmphell, Nulock, had the pleasure during the holidays. of entertaining their son, B. B, Campbell. Cleveland, and Miss Bessie of Autherstburg. where she has been teaching. PIE Socn L.---The members of Orange Lndgo at Vat ney have a pie-social plan- ned for Friday, Jany. 10. A good prngraumne in arranged and n. good time expected. Admission 10 and 15c. Ladies bringing mes free. Come one, (jume all. Dortsocn.---The opening of the Dor- noch chm-ch taken place on Snndux, next. Rev. R. P. Mackay, of Ton-unto. will preach at: 10.210 a. In. and 7.30 p. m. lbw. Jun. Little. Chatsworth, will preach in the afternoon at, 3. On Mon- day. a social entertainment will be held. Admission 25c. The best and cheapest N-cur Flaws in Durham at The People’s Store. Upper :llll tl','t'stue :luu ".I'\Il<»v ...‘. v.†Um hum? Watattvst, wishes. A lenm' Guriv.-The young people of tlw Presbyterian: church met. an; the Manse on Tuesday evening and present- ed Rev. Mr. and Min. Farquharson with a. lmmlmnw study chair and sideboard as n max-l; of their esteem and apprecia- tion and a slight acknowledgment of faithful and loving service. May they long: be spared to enjoy them. Mr. Norman McIntyre is contest- ing the Mayoralty against Mr Calder. Mr McIntyre is an enterprising citi- zen, has council experience and is worthy of any position the town can give him, yet in the present contest We regret his candidature. We are not claiming for Mr. Calder one iota We regret his candidature. "c fl" w a wwwngu Plum“ an“ â€P†__V I not claiming for Mr. Calder one iota new conned would instal a lighting) of ability, shrewdness pr capacity system. He had no intention of run-; that is not Possessed by his opponent, hing this year and wanted Mr. Calder: but his election will it seems to ll? be Il to retire with him, stating that it ye) violation of a claim of srra.titede, l his belief, that "the town was tired of which Mr. Calder is not clannmg, both ofthem." l but which this town owes to itself Mr. Mekinnon as County Com. gave} and to him to admit; We are correct alwiefaeeoant of County council doings; in saying that Mr. Calder more than romising to use his indaemw to navel any other mun, we may .“lmost say, t Klll'ld'1' refunded money it had paidi was the only man. who m .th.e early: to build bridges in other towns, while! part of the year when. smtp!?".' was being denied aid itself. He warned! rife, held an unwavering faith P the them that it would not alwaysbe pOS-i iutegrity of the Cement fp. His on.? lsible to keep Durham‘s rate as low as) voice did not do v,verything, bllt.lt I at present. He then drifted into Gli) did a grea.t deal to confirm for Bum-3‘ l business especially his actions and atti-i the great industry we are all proud 0.. ' tude on the Fire by-law. , Fitting rewy.d for this constancy wo'uld i A new and powertal voice was heard have been his return by a.cclamaPPr, when Mr Allan was called to the plat- but unfortunately other Issues have form. His nomination was the result clouded the claim. .T.hese are our of a joke and very strongly he de- views, be they worth little or much and nounced the spirit o" joking in running we trust it 1.S needless to say that Mr. elections when' the best men should be . 's11 ested . Calder has rt,'.ee,1,ieertdt,tlh't"U'1t1l'es'i' rc (chosen seriously. He was glty d e,1e,c),tr,S",1l1e, 'doll/ manv others i to liud Mayor Calder could show the “L“ ".,' LBW“: t,e,vitrr to tike sides l town a success finaneially, but there w ll onestly re zainst Mr, d this year fine herring q he bud at Miles Wil- Smith Durham. Prices m-e is fully guaranteed tt MacFm'lane’s Drug week inadvertently, nanlain C. C. MCFuy- of Ben Nevis Cam pet havin McIntyre -Fishinss nut of his hand contact with a 5153; , l ml to season i Trustees :--N. 3C Rumage. E. ' Wm. Johnston, l thur. S I'. Sam DURHA Mayor.--' Caldd Intyre. Mr.Avderwn was tinned in the chair and called on 'r a Mayor fret. Messrs. J. Livingsto, , J. H. Brown. and others raised tlt point that We have dealt with severe 9311.33 to the l crushing out of schoo .discuasions byl the more absorbing "grainy "otusiir- ing and it was deci . to give the trustees preference oter the council: men. Mr. Calder entered. hto a review of the work cf the pasttyear, touching on the present excelle standing of the town, and of the hen 7 y growth it had evidenced during l P' year. As he predicted before taki ofBeelast year, the council had to .rrow money in August, but as the printed statement showed the, economy and judicious ex- penditure the iet),i,.nc', the town to- l day was much better t an a yea; ago. 3 lie touched on the,work he [ma done in assisting to establish the cement in-- dustry, and claimed there was good prospects that 1002 would see other in- dustries launched. He Jaistitied the plt-CIOSUE by-law, thought the immun- .. . ' ,, Lam“- A;nnnnn minhf ha l . . , , It may not be possible to agree with! Mr. John McKmno l :1//ivc';tetu'hie'/ tiring? :23:1“m‘:‘13 l iamstord visited his br, _i1euyt"'cuP." I aw '_davortavolastweek. lot town affairs, and has been a most i day or two tst week I capable town official. Mr. an" .IPY, Wm. ( Mr. Laidlaw tollowed and pointed I?orest visited. the for I out a. serious infraction ot the law in a few days this week. l not having,' the statements out in timel Miss Annie Natt lto enable rate-payers to digest the;homelast week to St I year's transactions. The statute, l Mar , who is ver ill I which he read provides that they ' .'" . ', y f I should be out by the 24th. ot'Deeennber. l Miss Baird, 1Vinnit i Ile, attacked the Health by-law, claim- l ing friends in those 1 ing the scavenging: as at present done I days in town last wee '/t"y' of the town t'au'liisrease mightbe in part attnbutable to that move, even though inadequately curried out as yet. The time would come when a sewer- age system would have to replace cessr pools and present mm} (120 He advo- cated the street “gum; tthe town' at an early date flftM KI MOOSE This unfortunate muddle, embittered now by personalities, is the result of failure by past councils to enforce the by-law. Mr. McKinnon as County Com. gave [ a brief account of County council doings l gromising to use his hrdaenee to have ' nrham refunded money it had paid l to build bridges in other towns, while l being denied aid itself. Ho warned i them that it would not always be pos- i, sible to keep Durham‘s Pte, as low as Returning to Mr. Laidlaw, he wasl pleased to see Mayor Calder a convert 1 to a sewerage proposal and hoped the' new eoancil would instal a lighting system. He had no intention of run- ning this year and wanted Mr. Calder to retire with him, stating that it was his belief, that "the town was tired of both of them." MI AMONG IHESE Mill S 'ontituiett on Page or. iiiririiiif,' THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1902. ik/riie i the line south. cil ‘act-l Six prominent residents of Lucknow I - _ n . ‘Ir_,_,|_._ iwieh. . 3 Mr. Herb. Ball ia' the guest of friends ' in town. _ Misc Cain, from Toronto, is visiting friends in town and Allan Park. Mr. Fred Anderson, Hamilton. spent the Christmas holidays at home. Mr. and Mrs. J no. A. Black and family. are holidaying with Chesley relatives. Mr. Findlay Graham, is spending his holidays with his sister Mrs. Calder. Mr. Huh. Burnet is home for the Christmas holidays from Detroit. Mr. Pat Darcey. of Guelph. spent from Xmas till Monday at his home in town. Miss Maggie Derby. teacher was vis- iting her uncle Mr. Harry Burnet last week. Mr. Frank Harris. Toronto, came home for Chtistmas and stayed till Sut- urday. Messrs Rout McGowan and Alex. Inler are spending the holid ay ire; at home. i Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Williamson, Mt l Forest visited the formev's parents for l n few days this week. 2 Miss Annie Natt, of Guelph. value ihomelast week m see her sick sister l Mary, who is very ill. l Miss Baird, winnipeg, who is visit- ting friends in these pm ts spent a. few Mr. Lyle Ireland. is waiting friends in Wroxetee. and elsewhere during the holidays, Mr Chas Ryan preached in Tees water Sunday to a. huge and appreciative cun- gregatinn. Mr. Layton tu on duty again after spending Xmas with his-slaughter" at, Rapid City. M r. John nIéKmnon. feather, Will- iamsford visited his brother Chas. for a. day or two last week. Pleased to see Mr. Ino. McQueen, i Boot,hville, able to be out, to town again 1 after a soyere attack of appendicitis. l, Miss Cassie Burnet is visiting with! 1101- uncle Mr. Ed. Burnet and Intends": returning home in a few days to Mus-Ii Koka. 'i Mrs. C. linumge. visited from Satur day to Monday at Mr. W. L. Dixon's, N. Egremont. and at her parents on Mr. Jabez Banks, of North Bay, came to town Christmas eve to spend a. month l or two among friends here. Although in his 80th year the old gentlemen is still vigorous mentally and physrcallv. Rev. J. B. Campbell. brother of the; Dromore pastor. occupied both his; pulpits on Sabbath last and took the) devotional part at the Durham Pres- byterian evening service. His many friends were pleased to see him so vigorous after a very nevere illness. l Messrs, Angus and Archie McCor- ', mack from Muscatine. Iowa, whet e, they lare engaged on the Chicago and Mil.. waukee Railway, 73 miles of a. cut-off on the Kansas City Line, are visiting at 1 the Rocky. The former is general fore- man on the construction and the latter foreman in the blacksmith and car shops We all wish them a pleasant hohday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Alex. McCormack. Jottoe. ii, visiting friends in Nor- i133: 9x. Mc. season EH lllllljlil Wil (lll(hlllr:'i,j,li'- ' Overshndowing Ml of course iy the l great cement works. and though only 'une building is completed yet the exem- Imalice of that and the extent of thef - .Mions for the immense buildings t 1 1 machinery required, (or the whole pl t. T have cost away up in the thousandqof idollurs. ' Following our usual practice, we give a brief record of the chief building oper- minus oPthe past year. one of the mom active foMuzmy ywus. though likely. to be far-eclipsed by this year of 1902. mh' I; I, A large addition has heen mader,'to the Furniture Factory. giving about 5000 feet more Boot spare, and it eden Vet none too Urge for the fast; growing business being done. J. w. Crawford, " '3-titovy mick , 3n- ear douhhe house t cost about $3.00. Also an addition to his former resit‘ylce and other improvements cost, a put, V Samuel McCracken. 2-stuxy I house with kitchen attached :eostz. 81800. A. C. Wolfe. star on otnce and Kit- Chen t cast. almut Bg': 1 Alex. McLachlan. 2-stouy brick Manse with kitchen attached costing at jean _ Wésley Williams. 1bstory buck use- cost about 81000. Jae, Fulklrislbam, 2story brick Ase: cost. about. 8 * . , Edward Walsh, lh story brick editing about (tooo. i: Georg McDonald, " story brick frust- ing about. 81000. 'F Donald Campbell, 2 'he,T Driedâ€: cot- tfly with kitchen attache cost about Wm. Guthrie. frame addition Ia! re- pairs to house. frame would coat 00. Neil Mckechnie, addition to house, brick veneer. also brick veneer to old house tost about '1000. ' Ed siiisii, 2 story hrick residenq'i'. cost about 81800. _ George Hinds. brick house with base- ment, cost about, $700. ' Con. Knapp. large tcick :stable. cem- ent floor. cost about 83000. sf Thos. Black, overhauled the old Dal- glish property making two conunodious residences at a cost of 8700 or 8800. Rom. McFarlane, Sr., remodelled his waggon shop into a residence at a. cost of several hundred dollars. . Many other minor improvements have been made. such as roofing. small sheds, &c., but enough Inu. been Pmtttti- erated to show that on; good town is putting on a. new garb with rite new century. andthe acfivitf'if l' ' is an earnest of '"ilr arm-4m {bargain the coming years. We hope the enterprise shown will in due time bring mumble- rewards. Jackson‘s Block I)lllllllllil GOING MIMI). TORONTO Womamber the place A McCABE. on 0mm and '.,kit- Upper Town . is the a' Mick ‘g'pul mgsgggammms iiiii5iiiEiiiiEiiiirxxxo8fi ii gf 2fappy and Bresper- ii cue J/aa) Year to all the i'si readers of this advertise- iii mené. Egflflflflflflflï¬ï¬‚ï¬ï¬‚flflflï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬‚ï¬EEEEE 'iisfmonsr other lines 'ii-Iii),.),::, YP. 7111‘: Jlfé an: Aâ€: 'rl T'.: Hit qWiiTte.frs mm Christmas ! A pair of good boots such as are made by the Ames Holden Co. would be a very nice Christmas present for your friend: made in all shapes and sizes at right prices. Buy good, tresh, clean groceries ; none of {mast cheap trashy groceries handled at this store. The prices quoted below .are for first class goods. -...,~:. 3lbsSeleetedRaisins............................25 eta. - We begin the New Year prepared to do our part to make it both happy and prosperous for you. At this store we sell goods in their season and so we are going to sell at clearing prices our stock of winter goods while there is enough winter weather ahead that you may get the benefit of them this season. 'tring along your fowl this weak as A down a/ror In“. AMES HOLDEN’S BOOTS. 1246 pairs to choose from. Some that we intend to clear out are :--Men's, Ladies', and Children's Underwear, Ladies' Wrapperette Skirts, Waisls and Wrappers, large stock of Wrapperette, several pieces of Paris Waist Cloth, Fur Jackets, Caperinos and Caps, Men's Overcoat, and Clothing, and many other lines of Jeasonat7e goods. . " Remember the place 1 lb Lemon Peel .... 1;lb Orange Peel ..... 1 lb Citron Peel.... .. 1 lb Shelled Walnuts 1 lb $t Almonds 6 lbs fine Figs. ...... 3 lbs Prunes.... ..... 3 lb package Dates.. ur', nted : ', Groceries ', : " THE POPULAR CASH STORE. THE POPULAR CASH STORE. Ars, $retand (E , MrsReehatit. I. good Roll Butter, Tallow, Lard, Dried Apples and fowl. Christmas I XXXXX 9e/and. XXXXX EXXE Wool Blanket: Rood site. . . . Flunnelelle Blankets. . . . . . . . Flannel Sheeting LAI DLAW'S Old Stand CHAS BAHAGE: Pam?“ B"ift.'d??ii'ifit'.f.1iifi,?g'ti 19%4‘35 a: Mo price will to . L.. GRANT.‘ an PUBLIBIII 25 eta. 25 eta. 20 eta. 20 a: i25 as. 85 can: 35 eta. 25 eta. 25 eta. 25 eta. 31.10 .ht H15 34' {if