" . 'es CROSS ©lfrtlllll0llll, n. B. Gonnlck Relates u, Ex- perienc: with Brigat's Dis- eue and Dodd's Kid- ney Pills. Inland III": that Dre-d mum, for Fifteen Yearr-iented by FIVO otttererat "oetoras--Ltusrauty Rescued tron: Dunk by Dodd’e Kidney “no. Middleton, P. E. 1., Dee. 28.-Mr. M. 8. ConuNA, the well-known black- smith, or this place, known all over the Island as the man whom DoddU Kidney Pills, navel from death an by: :ETruLl-a,hu :Wokiéu-i’:;n BEE iiiweit tegummg his case, and is ever ready to supply the tacts. H . . ._N___, "1 mm been a gain: to kidney trouble lor fifteen years before I took Dodd'l Kndney Pills," said Mr. Con- nlck In a recent conversation. "Not at rirrst, I didn't, but when t found it out I was startled, I can tell you. In those days, you know, Bright‘s Disease was incurable. l went to tive different doctors. They could do no Laud. than; my wife and I arent together to one who told us right out there has no use taking my money. I could not be cured. I felt that it was all over." “How did you come to take Dodd's - “Did you know it was Bright's Dil- use, Mr. Connick.?" - g _ - "How did ya Kidpey Pills 'l "Well, one day a customer and I were talking ot the death or a neigh- Bor, and my customer said he was quite sure it he Ind taken nodd‘s Kid- ney Pills he would have been cured. That got me thinking. For the last slx years I mun been forced to hire a. Inn to do my work. Well, I began to "Do you mean to lay that three boxes or Dodd'a Kidney Pill. cured you ot Bright“: Disease of fifteen yeara’ stunting '?" take band's Kidney Piils. and before I had (inlahtvj the third box I was at work again. I can shoe " horse as {from to-day as ever I could in my: e." . "You, sir, that's exactly what I mean. I was an stiff and sure I could not stoop to pick up anything---, oouldn‘t put on my shoes. If my wife was here sho would tell more about Dodd's Kidney Pslls than. I cum" . Mr. Connlck is now l.fty-eight years old, and the picture of health and ltrength. The late visit of the Czar to Paris has filled the Parisian papers with anecdotes. Here is one of tho Cut-'3 former visit: Ono day he drove incognito to the housi- of President Loubet, then Pres- ident ot the Senate. and while his companion went in to announce the visit, he amused himself by putting his head out of the carriage window anti looking at the people who passed. in spite of hia incognito the (air was recognized by u whiatling urchin, who. seeing him sitting alone and at leisure, deemed the occasion appro- priate for n. frientilv chat. Bo he ap- prouchmi, took of! his can, and said cheerfully t "Good-day, air. How in the Em- press Y' The ttar was naturally much as- tonished. but he replied with a smile: "Thanks, young man. The Em- press is quite well and has enjoyed the trip very much."_ _ .. " -irtv, tGy "atwd ttl 1d to hear it,nod- dad a farewell, and went whistling on his way, A .- . .. . “A Little ('old. You Know†will become a. great dang-r if it he ah Iowa-d to reach down from the throat to the lungs. Nip the peril In the bud with Ailen's Lung Balsam. a sure remedy containing no opium. Two Kindred Souls Impingc. nay had Just been introduced, Md. as she looked into his thought- lul blue eyes, the young girl felt that she had at last met a. man of high ideals. "Are you interestod in the eleva- tion of the nmsses. Mr. Mismudge 'l" one asked. after she had worked up to the subjocc by easy conversational stages. a -iriie oui., In narrating tho incident, will that he was mach more embar- rassed than the gamln appeared to he. ' . "Intenscly. Miss Gushlngton." he answered. "I have dedicatedmy life to this great work. I am Just now Interesting myself in circulating a. pamphlet on the subject, which I mall tw pleased to send you." JO 5025333??? Teeth Pain!" tht MinardU Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Softly (who has fallen overboard and bvon dramatically rmyeued)-Dld -rots-aw-tuint when you heard thon Sell, "Man overboard?" Helen tsobbiag)--No-no, (molly. I never once suspected they could have meant rom-Tit Bits. Thought rney Meant a M The Czar and the Gamln. of hand reading by mail. It contains valuable information that will not fail to interest you. Let us send you one of our free booklets explaining our method I)" North American School of Punish, P. O. Box 225, Hamilton, Ont. £1. an. Appendicitis Is the malady ot the day ; it is the most prominent malady in the course of the discussions ot the learned societies. Its causes must be numerous; in any case, the the- ories emitted respecting its appear- ance are manifold. ' . M. Metettnuort, in a recent com- munication to the Paris Academy 1d Medicine, attributed an important part in the development ot appen- dclltls to Intestinal worms, meal-ides and trieoeephmlesr, especially 'the last named, which, by causing ero- sion. ot the intestinal mucous mem- brane, create an easy means of infec- tion by the morbid gums contained in the intestine. _ Northern China is, perhaps, ot all countries in the world, the one in which helmonthlaels is the most wide- ly spread, and in a recent communl- cation presented to the Academy of Medicine In reply to M. Metchnikott'tr communication, M. Mutiguon states that appetrrlitsitirr ls very rare there, even It it is noticed at all. W Among the Celestial: lombrlcoid parasites are found among ninety- nve to ninety-eight per cent. of the children and among seventy-tive per cent. of the adults. Among Europeans the proportion is only twenty-[he per cant. In short, it is very rare to find a Chinese whose digestive tube is not Infested by these parasites. The ascurls lombrlcoldes is the common- est form; trichocephales are also met with. The extreme rarity of appendicitis ---not to any Its nou-existence---among,' a pmple whose digestive tube la in- !estrd with worms, appeared to M. Mutlgnon to be in conflict with the throry of M. Mvtchnikoff. whluh tends to attribute to 1omhriooids an im- portant part in the appearance of uppl‘nlllcltjs. . ' A In spite of the great frequency ot intestinal worms, M. Matignon dur- ing the tour years that he spent in Northern China never met with a single case of appendicitis, either in the Frtnch mlssima or in the hospital at Nantang. Nor did he meet any dur- ing the same period among the little international community ot 120 per- sims who were under his care. Three times only-in the case of a, young Russian girl and of two Ltszarist mit. sionarics--did he observe abdominal pains having a distant resemblance to apptrmliettrar colic, but they ap- peared to be due to the presence of a. toenin in the intestinal tube, tor they were not reproduced after the expul- eion of the parasite. - ,. .1. Hr, considers himself inclined to tarot the theory of the influence of an excessive flesh diet, which has been lucrlmlnated by Keen. of Phila- delphia, In ttw first place, and since by M. Lucas Champrtrtiere, of Paris. Thir; hyp Muesli is strongly supported by what he has (manned in China. The dint of the Chinese in the north, says M. Mntlgnon, is not a flesh diet. bat rather vegetarian. At Pekin and in the country q'try little trtet is eaten, towls and ducks, mut- ton, and "spvciaily pork, being pre- terrvd.. Europeans alone eat beef. Maul is a luxury which only the well to do can afford, and its consump- tion is extremely small. The great majority of the population, who are poor, mostly consume millvt. simply boiled in water; a little rice. ttatr. bug"). swuet potatoes. turnips pre- sorvcd "am saumure," and a. quan- tity of garlic. The Chlnnmnn also cuts a grout deal of maize flour or wheat flour, of which he makes cakes and buns and unleavened dough, Cooked by steam. It is possible that to this diet is due the admirable "liherte du ventre" of the Chinese-to use M. Matignon's expression-and the consequent ab- sence of nppendicitls. It cannot be denied that the preceding observa- tions strongly support the theory which attributes to the stimulat- ing influence of an excessive flesh diet the frequency ot cases of appen- dicitis observed for some years past among civilized nations. " It would appear that compresses of alcohol may he usvd in the treatment of appendicitis. At any rate, M. Filatoft so asserts. He began to use this treatment from the day when alcohol. used as " tonie at the early period ot whitlow, appeared to him to be endowed with trpeeirits pro- perties. Ihis surgeon. in fact, con- siders that it suffices to keep the finger in a small glass of brandy for half an hour, and repeat the bath amoral times a day to put a stop to the pathological preemies on the point of breaking out. 93 dogrves. slightly squeezed. ap-f plied directly on the skin and covered I with flannel. Over all is placed an ', ioe bag, and the compress la changed I awry hour. as soon as the alcohol‘ has evaporated. Opium is 'aiiiiiiiiii,I tered at the same time.. I This conclusion led M. Filatofl to have recourse to the application of compressmal of alcohol In the case of a boy twwlvn years of age. suffering: from nppendieitis, in which he was sent tor in consultation. Here ls his method of procedure: A compress of gauze folded in tour, and wide enough to cover the entire stomach, is thoroughly. steepod in alcohol at At the and of two or three days a very marked improvement was re- Rv5ct? 1',W, rim"; trc?. "in; 'ii',,))")":)':),'; tit?.:' JI :10 A“: in": PRINCE i i or PROFANITY: I do not think that in this cane the curative role should he attribut- ed to the alcohol alone. It has hap- pened to all phyllcianl who are not convinced of the necessity of an op- eration in every case to witness the contraction and cure ot appendicitis under the action of cold compresses and opium, and it would appear that in the case cited the alcohol acted as a. rerrigerant.--aluropetut Edition N. Y. Herald. . W999?†90â€â€œ " ttttttti ONO «om mo - "" "Speaking of the generous use of cuss words," said the old conductor, reminitxsoatly, "I allow, old Bill Ma- glllicuddy was about the command- ing general of the grand army of profanity. Old Blll lived up Troy way, which may account tor his peculiar- ity. Burt that's neither here nor there. ' l corded, and the child completely re- covered a short time afterward. "He used to come down to New York pretty frequently, during the winter; had a married son living ovor in Brooklyn. Bdl used to open up new records every time he tra- vulled over to Brooklyn. He said he (smut blame New ion: people for swearing at Brooklyn; it he lived here he’d sooner take a trip to Philadelphia. than, he would to Brook- lyn. I Cu‘ess that's about right, too, fort I ka- myself what it is trying to find anybody living in Brooklyn. "Why, one Sunday, when I wasotl tho rum. I setlout from my home in 'West Eiglntieth street to we a fellow living in Brooklyn about: some property he wanted to sell. I took the elevated down to Chambers street and walked over to the bridge. Then I rode over on a bridge car, and took another car tor the street where my man lived. I had to change three times, and it took me two hours from the tlme I struck the bridge to tho time I rang the door bell. You can bet I was pretty warm. "I asked the man why he dld'nt live in a. civilized land, and he asked me what was the matter. I told him how long it had taken me to reach him. 'You could have got here in titteeu minutes from the Twenty- third street terry, New York side,’ he said. 'Yoa've circled the city when you could have come in a straight line.' And that's all the satisfac- tion I got. "So, am I say, I don‘t much blame old Bill tor using language when he had to si.%t Bro|1klyn.. I romember the last lime he was down here. He was going back to Troy on my train. He had Jusrt come from Brooklyn, and ho was making the air or the coach so blue it lookod like a smoking car. which it wasn't. In the same car was a ministerial looking chap, who listened ttt horror to Bill‘s talk. "the ministerial fellow stood it for a. while, but finally, after the car started and Bill grow more and more profane. he stepped over to Magilll- cuddy and said. holding out a warn- lnrg rmger, 'Do yen know, my poor friend, Foul are on tho road to hell C." "Bill started out of his seat as if he had been shot. ‘Just my dashed luck.’ he said. 'I Just bought a ticket for Troy.' "--N. Y. Herald. . We offer One Hundred Dolura' Reward for any one of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catnrrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. o. We, the undersigned. have known P. J. Cheney for the last. 15 veers and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and fhtaneitUly able to carry out any oblige- tions made by their firm. \erng (t TRUAX, Wholesale Bracelets. To- lcdo. o. . - - WAanG. Krmuw & MARVIN, Wholosde Druggists. 'i'oledo. o. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act- ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur- face of the syytem. Testimonials sent free. Pr_i_ec_:75_9 Per, boggy. Solg by all drastic“. Willing to 1'rs It. "But can .aott support a. wife?" asked the old gentleman. "Well," replied the cautious man, â€one never knows what he can do until he tries. I once knew a man who thought he could afford a. cam- era. and he went bmke on the Inet. dental expenses. I knew another who thought he could afford a few horses, and they put him Into bank- ruptcy. Now, I think I can afford a wife but lt won't do to be dead mm about it until I have tried."- Chteago Post. 502000!" for tho TEETH 250 The Kider's Wit. Three Foung students wished to have a little amusement at hts ex- pense. One saluted him as Father Abraham. "You are wrong," said the second, "this is old Father Isaac." "Nay, said the third, "you are both mistaken. he is old Father Jacob." Eyeing the would-be wits, the Elder gravely replied: "I am neither old Father Abraham, nor old Father Isaac, nor old Father Jacob; but I am Saul the son of Khan. "can? his father’s asses. and lot-U have ound three of them." At the First Sign of a cramp or other Pain in the bowels take Perry Davla' Painkiller in hat water. sweetened and you have mastered the ditnettity. There is but one Painkiller, Perry Davis'. 25 and 500. , t9atan--Are there ? Why, over there Ln that side room I have a. bunch of socletty tolks playing an endless gum? of progressive euchre. -Baltiutore World. Punishing Hm Eclnctlc. New Arrival-And there are worse tortures yet? _ _ -- 'I-ivljll's' -Atiiiiff tsiiL tsrer" the best. Ward’s Llnlment Cures Golds, etc. MW'S THIS ? a; " V Ar . I 1 p t , I ' V In A iitl'iii ONTARIO Stop the we Blight It is asad thing to see tine fruit trees spoiled by the blight. You can always tell them from the rest. They never do well afterwards but stay small and sickly. . It is worse to see a blight strike children. Good health is the natural right of children. But some of them don't get their rights. While the rest grow big and strong one stays small and weak. " They seem to be making tt lot ot fuss over this girl who travelled 2,500 miles to marry," she remarked. " Isn’t it unusual ?" he asked. "It may be unusual, but there In naming extraordinary about it," she answered. " Why, I know girls who would travel twice as far tor the same purpose, if assured of success at the end of the Journey." Scott's Emulsion can stop that blight. There is no reason why such achild should stay small. Scott's Emulsion is a medicine with lots of strength in it-the kind of strength that makes things grow. Scott's Emulsion makes children grow, makes them eat, makes them sleep, makes them play. Give the weak child a chance. Scott's Emulsion will fiffi"ilrfiitv1iate, it catch up _ with the rest. “I ask you tor bread," exclaimed the mendicant bitterly, “and you give me hygienic bread 1" My conscience smote me at this. 'Poor fellow!" said I. "ru see if I can't find yam a stone." A a - - Never, td my dying day, shall I tor- get the look ot gratitude he gave -An Interesting tale, well told, I: "Love's Exile," Lm- nmv story, whose opening chapters will appear in Sat- urday's Times. me MIttard'ig Liniment Cures Garget In thymy, f I l MO ARCHIVES TORONTO - mnard's Liniment Cures Distemper. Send us your name and address on the below request, and we will take pleasure in sending you free of any charge this SOLID ARIZONA SILVER SUGAR SHN-L. You don't have to buy anything. The gift is unconditional. It is a bid for your ever- lasting friendship and good will, and if you do nat read this advertisement through and answer it at once, it will be a loss to yourself and a disappointment to us. With the sugar Shell we will send you 5 packages of Standard Electine Remedies. which we wish you to sell, if you can, at 25 cents each. Then return our monev, and we will give you absolutely free a Butter Knife and Pickle Fork, same pattern as ytrcr Sugar Shell, and also a Set of 6 Full-Size Soiii Arizona Silver Teaspoons. If you tail to sell our Medicines, return them to us and retain the Sugar Shell as a gift. it being free in any event. Our Solid Arizona Silver Premiums are fast superseding Staring Silver for Tableware. They always look as well, and wear better; they are the same beautiful metal all the way through and are guaranteed for 50 years. There is nothing c!se like them except Sterling Silver, and nothing "just as ood." Now, please don't throw this paper down and say to yourself, "I'11 write to those Electine people to.crorrow." This is not an Oppor- 7 ’ tunity to put off and g"""""""'""""""'""-"""""'", forget. lust te, and 'li REQUEST FOR SUGAR SHELL AND MEDICINES. t return the attathated G ' Electine Hodlclne a... Limited. Toronto. on. g uest to-da ' is tihtrtmpEthtirt_bymanCSrhddr ' r ... tf," have t?) do. The t Paekaied EietiniRemedies. t'det"rsft'eaafthg12te2Eet , Y madmanm the money. tr9thetdeataasdirtetha' [unto ceiv lor . Sugar Shell and Medi- g tttserie . W".Knifc and m Fork, an: " Sugar Ethel! cand 0 cines will then be t'af,t/2,hslr, William segg't,'ts1, tm', an" to "il the iiaiiciir, pmptly mailed, M. l “my“: gift from you. paid. Remember even N 1 MB. Goods, you at least have . an Eegant Sugar Shea. owWMWMHM I worth 7 5 (,e,riu,',i. _ I mplymakipg the PL . " A -- "mmmmtvmwwt, Lots of Them Willing. DEAR ELECTINE MEDICINE CO., Limited. TORONTO. Ontario rly making the mon. 6 " PLEASE mm: van "VERW' pumu Sincerely yours, AirGao---audiaaue-.e.eeeest. I 4 _--------.-.---. This picture represents the Trade Mark of Scott', Emulsion and is on the wrapper of every bottle. Send for free sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, TORONTO CANADA Soc and 51. all druggists. Bread. a Ship Wkly,» man, f Solid Arm deSanr Shel; and Six 25-rent t Package; of Mac Remedies. Iagree to make an and effort to sell the Medi- dnumnd return you the money. E)tt1theyetdeestand'ate that Inn to receive {of this mice I ‘Butter Knife and MI: Fork. an. a Sugar Shelf, and also Str Full-Site Solid Arizona Simer Tasman. ll I hit to all the Medicine, dh Iwfiteet-ttttorms within!) hnwmdnSagu Sheila: gift from you. "iiGiiiU Tfiipe nut, P. U _--------------" FRUIT rm to: BALB-A2N1r or m --- ttnet, In the Ngu- Ponincull. " - __"-- L... “an“... an two mil. tWE 0F 'i DRINK a , = . l l 'T' A r " Vi [tl , m 'g " " . " ‘1Ԡ- u , c' u ' io, I aa _ II ‘ " Ihsd ‘ " r, ht r Vb We want the ur- [tl vices of men, women ' rp., r " ,9 and children towel-k © . 1, N» ‘ for us,wholeonpan ' c' 'r-P, L, 'cs, tmte-knitbettt men's I), liiiti8 _ och 3nd other ar- ' " Ihsd ‘ tt r Iclos It their own “ - homes. We supply yum and material, and pay for o.†work " sent in. For-further particulars address. The People’s Knitting Syndlom, (Lin-Hod), Toronto. Ont. f'fuldi ""iGrs uUll WW-e-'---, but in the Pam Penman. a iijifi1'gith111t'l moat“) mil. l, taut-#3136 of which I. In fruit. â€who; unlit-coo pander iarTitinotaot9to, I) m to "it par- ll. mu 'idseshdt4 teret, W.ree TIN at? '"'""'""e"ji"iiiiliir BREAK THEM quyolllllliil,lh,,r,f,Ft:tf'st For sale by ntl tir" emu dealers. d yum 'tir? - / 'RtWss' 'tui" “F GS::,,! AND THE tysiihiiiiiik inning IF ANY MEMBER OF YOUR FAMILY DRINKS. thumb!- liquor can be removed permanent] by 1/1le Tum-u Sun-r!- Prescription 2'ifh1f, in ood or drink. Failure impossible. Free umpir. testimonial price lent sealed. Write SAMAI’JA REMEDY td " Jam: street. Toronto. Ont. IMllADAlMll - -.e""re -.e-e--" P. o, box (I. When WORK AT HOME. are vastly superior to tho ordln a,†Woodenwu'o artietiem for demonic use. Ili0llltffffio FIBREWHKE _ .(s. 'ilv,ih',.id TURKEYS WANTED We will pay you 9 cents per pound tor Plucked Turtrttys, In," ore-ell Iota. We troy all kindp. “Poultry. We pay freight and send check or money order as soon a we receive the Poultry. TRY THEM. BAIUEI. L. LEWIS & co., Counts-Ion Morohunti. London, Ont. Io MEDICIN ES. i *9 Shett mid Six 25-cent not dint to all the Medl- Lt,", In to gain In; I u hell, an [an to M'. Medicine, trShett an gift from you. 'ii'iiriii"""""""""""""" I sae-cc-c-csc-si --eoe' fl'), CUBED NO HOOPS. N0 JOINTS. NO SEAMS, NO LEAKS. SECRET†The two 3 that. Mewu natal and pt Ellie and co the“ dun lower and I dead. they a Intelligent u ot 'sueiiyt.s. , Meek some.- or utmuhln of recognim F! TIE high nocml part they public hum pen- that their saddle the tutnou “from an o to when The [not]: ole. of L01 Mt tea 1 e: are el certain cla â€in some. prominence the "biuts,' toe may et; our ol unfurlun larlly by lt was in wh tttpu'" so p u conn- In! In Purim. b of injury i rupuuhlblt! reckuuhng. Wu. A number Hallway} and weak with (men Into Wuau club. Tin-y every and nouuug Int to mu ot the 1'ire' a; a.) appear.- which " Un' tatuntrut lor I arms human in when: an poison. , mud of I in)“ â€(hit-(ad has new Old " .rtmiablt in ducal ails is, w h but (so deatre lit-m was tou I [mun that nu mil-cont out the: would ad u an in In a done it: depress; altered allâ€! haul i.x chm-kn Whitv, tenant evening .her' II)?" the m The in! tl ed h h m- me I Iliad deep od u ment are q the m [slim tat, I] Btbsn 'll'la mu But w one a by 9' mam arrrn [will very to rclll qu qu the m vateisi ttJ,' 3 e t alarm gaunt aver) .th-‘f We ll HEP!“- Th only 7 on. nun " ll " lull tl Irt wt Th' a n1 un W