Led "k w," a? c' -4." I31 'N " . a la MMMMMMM __-_-___':-,",., Shewell agsirri __-'.', J/zewell d diamahan par/mm, Ont. 't rl-ref-x, oit,,..1etnr,xtetxsse-s/w1sx-i4eitnroht'a'i'm atmwasa we Min ialery 51'? smac-wng'wawwawwvmvwwww N); We have a large and will sell at take weeks. Made by the' This week it is our sad duty to chronicle the death of Miss Kate Staples. wropese.d. peacefully away lttttt Thursday night after an illness of _. m--'......, -nA Ski, Illa. ABB.'.""""-".? e. n a few months. Sometime ago she' looked to be the most robust of girls, bat evidently she was not as strong as she looked and although the deceade had suffered a long illness of two or three months it was not thought by‘ most people that her end was so near. She was the eldest of nine of a family, l tour girls and three boys remaining. their youngeu sister Exam: being tmr- ied munch. All are at home ex- cept Mrs H Deon. who is new by. 31."? the "iiiitl1ep'kt"l1ti l'lltdl'llllil4; mad at the home inâ€: TiiGihiitettg.e?g ---- "mt Best made brass Iron and Diners, common cnalrs, bedsteads and wash- stands. Extension Tnbles $5.00 to $18.00. ' Sideboards $7. 50 to $30 Parlor suits $18 to (i) 5 5 »1 I'ndertaking attended to day or night at Smau deliver our goods in town or country. Call ' benefit and save money. Merry Xmas and Happy , Offerings----" Of Great Interest in Our important millinery novelties, a must go at half price and less. These goods and are ot the latest styles that w season. They have reached the time be sold, 33 Landies' trimmed Ready-to-s styles, that were market at 32.50 to 87 price and less, no two alike. Your ch and Walking Hats at 25 cents each, also Feathers, Wings, Breasts, etc. All mu: is your chance to buy a good Hat for litt We have about 30 garments left, chiefly between lengths not three quarters nor yet can they be called “Short Jackets," fashion approves the styles, and which ever you choose may be reckoned as strictly within the present vogue. Here are the details ..--wotnen's Jack- ets made in Germany, of Beaver, Curl and Freize cloths box semi and tight fitting back, fancy and plain silk and serge, lined. bishop and bell sleeves. collars of velvet and plain, some Jackets fiinished with strappings and silk stitching, others, collars, cuffs and around bottom of coat silk stitching: well finished, smart dressy garments in Black and colors all are going at a great discount. $3.75- to $10 common chairs, ls and wash- brass bcds from For the Next 30 days. have a large tstock. of furniture on hand sell at reduced prices for the next four Made by the best manufacturers. EDGE HILL. ik Lenahan WOMEN'S JaCKETS CASH and ONE PRICE $25.00 bed J%tahatt tDurham, thu. 'i, A large stock of fancy Rock- ii. ers. A big discount on Par- lor Tables, Easels, Jardinere , Stands, Hall Cabinets, Pic- tures and Music Racks. ry novelties, and trimmed hats less. These are high class styles that we have had this bed the time limit and must ed Ready-to-wear Hats, latest L 32.50 to t37.50 each at half :. Your choice oi 35 Sailor nts each, also 253 Fancy Birds, etc. All must be sold. Now od Hat for little money. Guaranteed for ro yrs. The best bea spring made is the Cable run†enrinor- w11 not Coil " spring, w11 sag or frame twist Mattresses to $5.50. We sell the "Victor" the best made. Lounges from $4.50 to $7.50. Couches from 86. 50 to $19.00. night at small profits. We ntry. Call and see for your "l and Hannv New Year to all. 1 ' 'Why do we mourn derarted friends, I Or shake " death's tt arms ‘Tis but the voice that Jesus sends To call them to his Arms. " , Mr Alex Jopp came home last Satur- . day to spend his Xmas holidays. "Iv; on, _t..-r. .-. I A number from around here “tepid- _ed the Xmas use " Zion on Tummy Might. _ - - - . _ I-a-‘I-bn- Mréégrge A Staples left last Thurs- day for North Bay, where he has sec- ured a situation. _ _ . “Mr D McGilhvmy and sister M Cassie. of Brace, spent Xmas " Mr McFayden’a. ...,,.... Mrs Jno Weir visited her daughter Mrs W Davis. who is very ill ttt pree- out. Mignnieqnd 'ortock. i'b"iNrtitg'i'fd , Mantles .50 "ttt i';, I A couple more days and the y our 1901 will be no more. The big who-l of time has once more revolved tint brought no to see the close of another year and the beginning of a new veer. Tho grout clock of the universe will nuke the inneral knell of the dying you: before another copy of the REVIEW will tind its way to) our homes, remembering us that we are another year older, another year nearer our Jouruey's end and that number year has passed with all its joys and sorrows. Thousands who are this New Year‘s day enjoying the blessing of health and htrongth will be laid low before it closes, l reminding us that our days and years “Ye only as a tale that has been told. Those of us that have long ago passed the merid- an of life will look backward With a. sol. emn sigh when we consider the many I years that we have been and now that I they are fast creeping up to the allotted l time, but let us no to the graveyards on t 7 at. “nun! F. a x y, tis).;,),, 'ii/ {a E“? years tum. “u .u... ---_ -___ they are fast. creeping up to the allotted time, but let us no to the graveyards on this New Sear'e morn and we can point out a mound here and there of tbose who were in the prime of youth at the begin- ninu (7f the (lying year yointing us to the fact that the angel at death is no respeeter of persons. The closing of the old and beginning of the new year gives a. lwofvhl c.xperieuce. looms home joy and ghul- ness nronud a. festive hoard to anotlmr. sorrow and sadness round a vacant. chair. In one it may be a father in another a l uwther gone. Or it may a living mother . h, li.‘..-'....L FUIXUW nun nun-nu... . "_-- In one it may he a father in mother a mother gone. Or it may a living lnulher is eherishiug the garments or belongings of n lunch loyeu clnld. This reminds tts of the tact that our days are passing " swine-r than a Weaver's shuttle." and now before we Inner. it, we whh the Review, fannly and stat? and the hun. dredsol renders a happy und prosperous New Ygur. {The gum! whines are return- ed hea"rtily.--Ed. "r'r:i,l.,, .3 7 , " The S. of S. concert one of the heet' ever held here. The large crowds pre- venting our admittance inside we could only hear at intervals the beautiful strains of the pipes as played by Prof. Hector McDonald, for the pibrueh of eachern mor always catches the ear of the highlander when played on suitable occasions such as this Dr Hutton was chairman and no doubt did justice to the details. He had quite n time keeping‘ some of the natives at the doors in order and explained the word .' order " as '. dun do bheil, but it was hard to those that were cold and shivering to "Dun their bial," us their teeth were chattering tr gether and it was impossible to keep their mouths shut, some were fainting inside lrom heat, outside they were almost faint- ing tron) cold and we suggest to the iicoteluneu if they continue to bring such able talent they must provide a larger hull _ A ~»»--l "..n...hr left ulna tawny ...-_, ._-V_V _ V ,7 so as nut to have scare-1 turned away Agus mnr siu mos. m nun Vu)v_y -._-_.__,,, 7 - V _ ot the good things provided by the Lathes' ( and then of the exuelieut programme pre- l pared in the main part ot the church l which consisted ol singing. vocal, by an efficient choir of homo talent winch was . bard to excel in larger places than l'rice- ' Ville and a couple ot solos by the Misses 1 Emma. McLean and Annie James which I could not he surynssed in excellence in I any part of the Country. Instrumental music by McDonald bros., two of the tint-st , looking, specimens oi humanity that could be produced in Ontario, their continued weight being 500 lbs and as they stood behind the pulpit some remarks were linude of what poWerful preachers they l would be ii [educated for that position. The Xmas tree was something to be ad- mired although it yteldtdits fruit against nature's decree. ltecitations by the youngsters were well rendered and a special one by Mr Alex Cameron of Tor- onto and Miss Dalby elueutiuuust, of Tor- onto, who usye at intervals splendid reci- tattoos. Miss {McLeod and Miss James presided at the organ. Rev Mr Matlieson in the chair. As we saw the deputy Editor of the REVIEW there Mr John Campbell We will not say any more know- ing that he was taking notes and that he will dojustice unless his' attendance was fixed on the Xmas tree or on some other subjects more natural to draw the atten- Lion oi the youthful eye. However wal know John will do what is right. Meeting closed in due form. } The six weeks old son of Mr and Mrs . Peter Muir. Artemesia. was buried on i claturday sftora short illness.‘ Also infant ' of Dan McLean. blacksmith of this town.‘ g buried on Sunday availing last, both in the cemetery in this place. a Mr McDougall. organizer for the Sons of Scotland attended church here on Sun- daylsst and isa real type of the Scotch- man as be can speak the gpehc. At the last regular meeting of A. o. U. W. lodge 140 in this Town the iollowing ' ofheerts was ouetedt--P M, G Arrow smith; M. W; John McDonald; Record a er,W G Watson J Foreman.Wm Watson A n 1\:_-_ . Tum-nun"- Jot At. line may “gum. w-_-._,_, - W. lodge 140 In this Town the iollowing ofheers wane oseted:--P M, a Arrow- sunith l M. W; John McDonald; Record- er, W G Watson ; Foreman, Wm Watson; Financier, Dr Dixon ; Treasurer. Jot: Anssum; Overseer. Joe Turner; Guide, John McPhall; I S ly., G Vanse; Out- side watchman. a Tudor ; Representative to Grand Lodge, Geo Arrowsmith ', Alter- nate. T A M Ferguson. mate. Office ARTHUR GUN. a..speeisiattentitqestoDis-ot Women and Children. THE . DURHAM REVIEW Prieeville. DR. use. S. BURT. uri,tgat,tttpa1aeittN'g1e1te HOURS PHYSICIAN a Bumnox, our Mohehlln's Store, aswmgg m BAR, muons a new _ - newsman-a 'v' ONTARIO ARCHIVES . TORONTO tgf) I ,geciou1in--orehturd-Nuptitos. . On Christmas Day at 1 o'elock two o l our well-known and popular young people united their fortunes in metri- mony. and we hasten to extend to Miss Orchard-that was-and to Mr. Arthur McClocklin our hearty congratulations. It was " quiet wedding, and the cere- mony was performed by Rev. Wray R. Smith. assisted by an old friend of the bride, Rev. B. Irvine, who all unexpec- tedly dropped in a few hours before. The groom was supported by M r. David Smith. The bride Wore "costume otsteergray silk and wool goods, with grey silk trimmings the only ornament. being a handsome brooch of "livenes and bril- liatits, the gift ot the bridegroom. The bridesniaid, a tmed and true friend of the bride, was Miss Lewis, of Mt. Forest. She wore navy blue with while silk and appleque trimmings. [Immediately after. the ceremony the cnmpuny partook of a sumptuous din Her tu, the bride’s humu. Though the wedding was quite unote ‘ tentations, the bride received some I elegant' presents their elegance beingi matched by their' usefulness. A yoryi handsome 8-day parlor clock was the! gift. of the "rideiy,totuu's mother Midi sister. The rrridegroout's fellow work- men in the Furniture factory presented the young couple with an elegant side- hoard. Ott the invitation of Mr. and [ Mrs. Mchocklin innumher of the Fat- 1'113. L'Avv-IIKuI-I- .- .-.-.-.- __ _ -- __ _ wry employees with lady ftietulsv1spent, a few sociable hours in the new house, where un the afternoon and evening of Friduvs Mrs McL'locklut will be. pleased 10 receive friends. Editorial joy again to Mr. and Mrs. McUlocklin. Ladies and Gentlemen I cordially thunk you for your support in the past, and I respect- fully solicit your voteand influence on my behalf foe the reeveship for 1902. Down.“ MCQUEEN. Lungs AND GENTLEMES. ondtally thanking you for past, support I "ispectf9lly solicit. your, vote and iufiuence for the council of 1932. DAY“) McPs'TYrtE. at) of the TOWNSHIP OF EGREMONT. ‘ The Annual: entertainuieut of the Methodist tVS. here took place on Fri- day evening. A pretty (llll'isulms tree was laden with confections for the children. whose singing during the evening was a pleasing feature. The choir also rendered etticient service and with the pupils free, a sum of $22.65 Wt s realized. ' I -- du.. “’1 a Iran-14;“. Rev. Mr. Smith was made, hy the Junior League, the vecipienf nf a. valu- able tanghlvlr rmmnder and on Monday evening tlie symm- "i%V,ruept;tseutt.tfi, the pastor and his zuniahle wife with a handsome couch. . On Friday evening Mr Carson wag presented as retiring leader of the choir With a pair of gold rimmed glasses. Lose SERVICE Mrmsrss,---"Hecotu- mended for Decoration" is the heading in the Toronto Mad and Empire of Sat- urday, December 28. which containsthc names of those of the Militia force to he 1 given the Decoration and Medal under provisions of the Royal warrant dated _ May 18, 1899. Among the list of Lieut- emtnts is the name of R Torry, Sl Reg- iment. who is also recommended for a long service medal. None but those who have served 20 years orover are entitled to one. Lt Torry not only Bet" ved the time required for the medal but also attended the. Toronto Military School for five months and holds 2nd class grade B and A certitieates. We heartily congratulate our neighbor on i these merited distinctions, LADIES AND CrENTLtsMKN, TO THE ELECTORS BARGLAY 81 NOBLE. mam IN METHOD!ST tuRCLES. This week we as our new line of CUTTERS-y ROBES, RUGS WOOLLEN and RUBBER am full lines of Horse Blankets. yummy &oves and see (l L our far mous Syl- vester Drill with, steel wire conductors. TIEW IMPLEMENT AGENCY ---" v.9 Winter is approaching and those needing stoves should not fail to see ours. Also Clare makes. In†gStae of WW†-reerYYep, J. w. WALLS. as, atten ticn to '7, ' _ M“ I _ .3.) _ " _. a: r CUTTERS them. SLEIGHS Masse -Hatrits Bob we! us. any"... -e- wui1i"i"iilf GREAgM SEPARBLA‘I'QR FIRE INSURANCE l b .5 mmnu-rs’lnsurancca spucia ty in es'. Pro'n-xgtly attended to A cuuple of first c 'jij'i'ijiji" WITH US! lift IMiflllflllf 810W Now is the time to select your presents 1iassey-Hatan't' Bob Sld I -._ From the Canada Carriage Co., Splendid choice. Splendid value. Flour......... ..........". Oatmeal................... Wheat..................... Pena........................ Barley..................... oats...........--- Limbs Dressed Hogs, pot cwt Hogs, Live weight..... Butter. fresh roll per lb Butter. Tub............. Hides. per owt.......... Culhkim, pol lb........ Shoopcktnu............... Tntiowrsnd-tdtrertt' Lard, pot Ib............. at.-....---. Beet, jar qmt....-..... ft? assay-474 thnporium DURHAM MARKETS. Jituuied to. Farmers'im'ura'""'" “Mn--." 7 0 ot first class second hand Home Powers for' uh cheap. JOHN LIVINGSTON 33-1. ce'as1Fiiauctkt"'sts%'l I. i. (liflllliill. ,....-..-. Lout" on COO-OI...- am: eighs. strong, 'i'it,'.ir22' g " " " " " 8 oo 10 00 14 " 16 s,3tarris V -" n tto 72 42 " " 16 serviceable of Brockville. JANUARY 2, 1902 HARDWARE "W, t , I Me _vrj?,l., at“? laugh 2m L_ Best in the market Learn the lesson of Tr; Economy, buy at t', Hardware Store, “In value and low price a firmly joined, where f: tteuttnent is assured all and when on article is a worthv mu duty in beat Natal t; win y. use Powers for sale A few very handsome “1 ding Presents M: stock at reduced price Now ttt the time to buy le Plated Hokey " never before he alto a nice line of Stikes Seton: Nickle Steel 1 Saw. There is n to equal them. If you require a (law Axe be sure and tit' 333 Axe We have a large vumlre1 Min Seeders and N Choppers. Our Harness Depanmcnt worthy of inspect" 5 Gallons Coal Oil, . BLACK: a tair prim Come and SN x Cut ever hm u Meat les ing the IS