ARY 2, 1902 kn you TOR 'e have a large n tl, Raisin Seeders and A " Choppers. _':,':,' lil " Harness t _', r p, oar, l worthy of i .. x All) STONE._ , 'IS Bria Gallons Coal Ott, GIG-Gm " mes ai-rises-ttlil-lil' n EWAR " presents W e w r Mural Society. Ts for sale mire a Ch sure and tree 1rke 1:.1m150me ' cscnts left tht reduced prim me to buy Nia- i Hokey 53“ before heard dr me and no here heap fair pried. aern lCCO A" here he“; me Steel X C1“ re is nothing ll of True uv at the rthy one. "t prices are where hit assured to of Hokey where '5‘! 3: IBM 3’15" ti d5 " Clearing Ju, of Chin a JANUARY ft, Big 4r_; Walling you a ( 3terrpy ffrew MacFarlane t Go. - To you all, we wish a Happy and prosper- ous New Year. W. H. BEAN TWEEDSMARNS We have a lot of .odd Cups and Saucers, Ornaments and dishes which we want tc, clear out. Saturday next we “in fill ore of our windows with them and you can have you choice for 2:c. Don miss this chance. gRogERllifii, " ' "iiiid'ihitisgg,ofdrY' 1 We can give you Bargains. [ -r-'crrr',' We Qi tqefiilll tl (llll Iiltl S. SCOTT . HE SELLS CHEAP l l --pcccaaut - 't FOR Druggist & Booksellers. Lower TowLDllfha'“ of-Kgs? quality. q -9, is,..,-,,,---.-,:----.'-" ake Kresg. bright and your. FURNITURE 'Pnoli'leZ (Mel's 3W "ii'Fiiriimat IO. a: . Ir Cr", s g ham t Men’- All Wool Tweed Suits worth 86.50 tor 81.0) at The People’n W,‘ Upper Town. ', A DAY 1,vrrt.--As we announced in a former issue. the Review ism day late this week. Once again it happy New Ye m to all. . Fon t',Arar.--Two second hand parlor stoves. Can he seen at Parrot's tin shop. Will be sold cheap. i NOT smrrAvsED.-The call extended to Rev. Mr. Crr by Holstein and Fair- lmirn congregations was not, sustained In} Preahytery on Tuesday last. C. 0. F.--The brethren of 0. o. Fores- ters here. on Fiiday last, presented their Fin. Beer., Mr. Jas. Hepburn, with a cosy easy locking chair, a table I and a fountain pen as a mark of their a ppreeint1on of his services to the Order Mr. Hepburn was taken completely by I surprise hut replied ie1ieitousdy and a. pleasant time was spent. l A MIX Um-The hurry of last, week was responsible tor the omission of two lines in out brief notice of Insp. Guth- rie's visit to the Registry office which read rather curiously. The expression . amazed at their magnitude " Idem-ed to the Cement works which he visited, i l and not to the operations of our' I vesrisgtrav. as the (limited Inies left the . amazed at their magmluuc leu’rrru to the Cement works which he visited, i and not to the operations of our‘ rcgiatrur. as the unntted lilies left the types to say. . l WEEK or PRAYER.'AS in former years arrangements have been made for Union religious serum-s during the first week of the New Year beginning with the evening of Jan. 6th. The meetings will begin promptly at 8 p. m. The singing will be taken charge of by the choir of the church in which the meet- ing is heid.' and they will he assisted by the members of other chili-i. Arrangements for the various guiwr- ings have been made as follows.: Mon. day evening in the Baptist church, topic .. Christ's Kingdom†Rev. Mr. Smith, Tuesday evening, Methodist church. "The. Holy Spirit." Rev. Mr. Farquhars Ion. Wednesdav, Presbyterian Chureh s Y""" lU um “.115.un ‘.--_, - id rather curiously. The expression ELECTORS: MUST CHOOSE. l animal at their magnitude " ieferred (‘ontnturd fr t the Cement works. which he visited, 1 10m Jtrs page. a not to the operations of our i Was more that was worthy ol'attention. , ziatmiu as the. omitted lilies left the A town should be. strong tn?rally 95 pas to say. ' l well, any securing tutwality was worthy at any eouneil's boss efforts. WEEK oy Prtavrr.rt.---As in tovmerl He particularly pointed oat that our aim-s arrangements have been made for town was disgraced above other towns tl mun vcligious set't'ICeB during the first by violations of the liquor law, strim- c eel: of the New Year beginning with gers, “WUPCWM to judge having de- l m evening of Jan. 6th. The uieetings claretl it amongst the worst in Western 6 ill begin promptly at 8 p. m. The Ontsri.?. He .a.lso .eondtmle1. We l n in will be taken char of be the counctl tor inactiVity in not proyidiryt _ g. g . . ff - better heating aedomodation for the I hmr of the church in which the ineet- Town Hall. He was vigorously ttp- I ig is bend, and they will he assisted plauded ity" his rousing speech. ' the members of other ch W‘- When the mayors got through it was urangements for the various gmiwr- nearing 11. Mr Grant, Secy, of the ngs have been made as follows.: Mon. board of Trustees made a lucid state- lay evening in church,topie merit of school affairs which more _. Christ's Kingdom†Rev. Mr. Smith, should have heard. The :BUald's re- Tuesday evening, Methodist church. is,iy1eist,ey,,.,tt,t nod grants to Model "The. Holy Spirit." Rev. Mr. Fnrquhnr- Sehool, eor.1,tim1ttPn classes, &0., ate non. Wednesday Presbyterian Church Yew jyye1yel'i,t and our tseho? "The word" Kev 'si,' Newton Thurs- eyidontlvoneot the best managed In- . " . .. . " stitutions in the town. day, Baptist Church: ."lvo"'hef.'. ad- The councilman got xievera word in drvssesliy all the ministers. Friday, and Mr McIntyre being absent from Methodist Church "Personal Consecra- town he Was not heard from. The tion" addresses by all the ministers. contest lies between the present mayor FIRE BstroAoE.--The, annual Meeting and M.r Melntyre, both have , large ‘of the Durham Fire Brigade was held stake m town, bo.t? have merits, and in the Town Hall on December 27, 1901, the town will decide on Monday. when nearly all the members were pres- EGREMONT. ent. After the minutes of the. last an- A contest, here all round. Here are nual meeting, the following omeers were the men l re-elected for the year1W)2:~R'1‘orry, Reeve. chief: J Havltottle, Lieutt A McDonald. Don McQueen, Jas Swanston. engineer; y, hgoikle. le"?','," 'y,',rl',l','..T Council. b, Ilose. if") li',.':,":-",:,.,", Mfg“??? David,.1?y McFadden, t mem'm ttth't? we 0 , ',',, Us? JY" ' W Walls, ll F, Mlckleborougli, Clla man Hose Reel No 2; Clitt Elvidgv, Robb, Ddneanilanter, John McAi'thur 'tforeman Hook and Ladder Cc; Fred Jas Durant, John Gardiner. .. , --e â€â€˜ -. N -FF-r= tr. an “Id tinny warliors Additional Locals l Tomty, l hief. \Mcssrs Walls and Rom), V'ARSEY -The Uhl'lshllzts nee gatht r- .enu‘e and south is dout ing was at pronounced success, the w s" . , church being crowded to the door Mid (JLPNELL standing: r mm at a. premium. Two , Ileeye. large] treesf ,lwet'e decorated With Thos Meh adden, Jas presents for the children of the Sabbath Council, School and mine of the older. ones and l Thos Davis, Geo E pretty festooning and mottes were fine Melnuis, J A McMillan attractions The chairman, Mr. Chas. van. Raumge, had a very long program plac- Another men: came ed in his lmnds. but the responses came tyo r‘pdoubtables may so readily that nil was rendered though :l‘l'u‘mon nnd the "as?†rat a. lute hour. The home, choir and ul?,.,":,,",':','?)'],',,')')'), shit children's choruses, furnished very are oat to till. They pleasing music. Addresses, with an some of the others too attractive and earnest ling about them hustler and Patrick St were deliyered by Rev. H. Caldwell an a, large vote in No. P.. old Vataiey boy now at Burford, and NORMALV Rev. b'. Irvin, (a brother of Mrs. Roht. 1%th Pettigrew) lately returned from the far Rob Moriee W J ty West. Willie McCrie, Percy Aldred. ' Comm Ethel :Morrison. Ella Carson Minnie . Cornish. F amny Gran-thy. Archie Gray, I Att; 506mg, Sch Maggie Aldred, David Morrison, Vic- . . toria Cornish. Ethel Pettigrew, Harry i,ii1j,ii,ii,ii.liii'i..,'iii,i.i Aldmd gave good recitation', trig: My we“), w.ill be the y, 1'tii Js, ZBEW ready for. buildings, rotary machinery placed and today Dec. 31 the second rotary on the ground. Before next New Year's eve Ihis town will have more reason than over to be. proud of the National Portland Cement Co., and the Mg "statrlishtnent found- i,dh, Durham: Reeve. Don McQueen, J as Swanston. Council. David McIntyre, Wm McFadden, J W Walls, ll E Mickleborough, Chas Robb, Duncan Hunter, John McArthur, Jas Durant, John Gardiner. I)“: um:.~-.-, 'e - Mr Swanston is an old time wurhurse and it he sueeeeds in defeating Me- Queen it would be his greatest. Victory. It is by no means certain, however. m... T,hrvstrttrtrtt is tired of its present “Mu A. .-v ï¬n, Queen it would be his greatest Victory. It is by no means certain. however. that Egreniont is tired of its present able reeve. McIntyre and Meli'adden should be sate intheir northern strong- hold. Miekleboi'o is a strong new man and may make it interesting for the other two members ot the old council Messrs Walls and Robb. but the whole, l centre and south is doubttul. Thos Davis, Geo E d Mcquis, J A McMillan, van. Another reeve contest between the two rcdoubtubles makes an interesting situation and the result must be close. The retirement ot Neil McCannel um kes at vacancy which two new men are out to till. They may displace some of the others too for John A is a I hustler and Patrick Sullivan will take a. large vote in No. P.. NORMANBY. ReeVe Rob Marlee. W J O'Reilly. I Council. . mom. Koenig, Schreiber,Gardiner. GLENELG. Reeve. Thos McFadden, J as Staples. Council. 1’ Shaw, G Wright, M Sinclmr, u Prue, J A Cooper, D Wilson, J as Bowl- er, W El Ellis. DUNDALK. Old council try aoclamation. NOTES. . Arch. B. Home! the only old council- I lor standing t His shoulders are broad. Conn. Guthrie is stepping up to the 7_ level. uncommon that Mr. Spu- _ id not stand. Thad: bound to be two owne- on an We. khan-d from N. Wad. M3090 of then we no incensed _ id n That’- the trust That-050' in. atwaltby was boss efforts. oat that our TI e, other towns the _ J law, strim- can e having de- bein rst in Western sum ndemned the oft not providing 1N5 union for the ma rigorously 39- ttl peeeh. wh . Ian ;hroug h It was I Stacy2 of the pic 4 lucid state- Co _ which more q he :Boaxd's re- m' am: to Model fm asses, &o., are IT t our school is on t managed in- to never a word in * absent. from l 1rd from. The apresem mayor c] 1 have a large we merits, and I Monday. NT. and. Here are , 1 . l Swanston. n. l In McFadden, J Lleborough, Chas ', John MeArthur, diner. 'ld Lime ourhorse in defeating Mo. greatest. vxctory. chain, howaver. ___l " “a nlmcpnf. E Arrewsnmt'u, I Ian. Patrick Sulli THE BUREAU N11TElt all}: M Sinclair, D D Wilson. Jas Bowl- between the WttE Thole was a very brisk trade to.dsy for l the few cattle which were on the Toronto cattle mmket. Everynhing sold well, there being a. demand for much more than the supply. There were 17 cmloadu in all. hut. M these only 8 Were on the market. the balance having been bought. before arriv- ing here. The oifeiiugs were oulv of an ordinary quality. Receipts were 17 loads i which included 108 cattle. 417 sheep and lambs. 400 hogs and 10 calves. - .'. . . . _|;..I.e .Ang.‘,n IEIHDB. MN IlllHn I%bFe -v v", Butchers‘ ciiuu--Sold at. slight. advance l, picked lots bringing " to $4.45 per cwt. l Common to chance sell at $3 to " per cwt. , Feeders and stoekeriv-- Were quiet. 1 Prices are " tio to $3.75 for short-keep feeders and t8 to $3.35 for medium. Heavy smokers brmg t8 to 03.50 and light _ ones 82.lio to $3 per cwt. l al.nnn.__\\'p_re steadv. selling well. It " suiep---Were steady. selling well. u. so 1 to $3.25 per cm. Lttmbs---Wera firmer, selling at. " M tis 4.25. ITogs-- Were steady. selling at $4.90 for chalce and $6 for lights and fat. "U tutu “1..."... ___ I with a wis'll) for a happy and prosperous l New Year to Ed., Staff, and yotly many 1 readers. I Mr. Abie Jones of Owen Sound, spent Christmas with his grandfather and uncle and his many friend. who are _t__> .- mr"uru mm lhnkingr so well and glad to healthy. “vulva-y. Miss McKee, also of Owen Sound ac- l ( companies) by Mr. Jas. Laughton, ar- l rived at the home of the latter's mother i on Chrietmus and spent the evening and next day there. We had the pleasure oi'listening to music from the hands and voice of the gifted young lady. We are pleased to state that I “in John Laughton is recovering nice- ly trom his recent indisposition. 3 Mr. John Snell was again elected by l ace. to the position ot trustee who to-l gather with his confreres. Messrs. l Wm. Watson and Wm. Moore receivw ed a hearty vote of thanks from the‘ rate-payers present, thus belying the statement hitherto expressed of theI position being a thankless one. Thai school. its appliances and grounds with a their approval, together with the teach- I er, Mr. Jae cder"idge's assistance and. _ oversight, are such as to merit the , diploma with its accompanying t5.oo ,' given by the Dept. and Insp. tor beingi _ up-to-datc in its appliances ahd'panitary l l arrangements. ‘" ar. - -‘ Au-I-nfhn' We are pleased, to preface aur -- .. . _--. ....A nun: an t*i"'"'"'"'" l - Mr. and Mrs Wm. Ramage togethcr| NEW nnzusuu u-.- witl: Mr. Geo. ef/fell fit, '/j'ii'ii,iiii/ CURRANTS . . dtl Fat Stock an on try o 1 21tffel)t, In addition to. the sights, 3 FRESH DATES. PRUNES. they had the pleasurelotgn t,T.t1eent.1l"t i AND FIGS d ' amnion witht e ‘ov. en. , . . . we J"iTil the civic addressand rec/89" Kippered Herring, sardlnes tion. . ', and best Fraser Salmon. Mr. Geo. Dixon, of Igepvigrtlh, 13‘ -- ---r--- home on a short visit to t e o iome- _ C/ANDIEg INUTS, ORANGES, l h as a trput and far mqre o , P. t 1.lill)r'lle'iiiiiui “leased to meet thh‘ - Eli/LIES; __-_--" W “ll. Uw. '___V, . home on a short; visit to the’old stead, healthy as a trput. and far jovial. Allure pleased to mee him. Mr. Thos. Bothwell, an em man in, ohupsh ftfe1e. his being; Fancy Goods and Notions Live Stock Market. Toron u t. Known as the George Rios farm, lots 8 and l of 9, Concession 6. Bantinck. . . - "A "'m " Und moi A. DARLING, Druggist 8 and g or v. munch.-- _- This farm contains 150 acres of land with 14 acres of good iiUiiwoodOutty good bank barn with lean tn It. 40 x 66, Good stamina. pig 5nd sheep Den. fine hen house. 18 x tio, with furnace in it. Good brick house ind orchard. nice spring creek, running post the ham. gt .0 15 were: of MI when». _ Anthem-aw can tthtP"4MTffi 1 Iion in given. Dee. Mth, 01. Wi take [not call “than“ an rennin on nine. For tut-tho: particula- apply to WE T North Egremont. We w carry. but-e. see him rooking so w Also, a -----H " A New Line of the above suitable for Christmas, comprises EBONY SETS, EBONY BRUSHES. CELLULOID SETS, SHAVING SETS, p." Am“! AY\VEQ wkTtTt'rs %.fiab""""'"'" - . EBONY SETS, EBONY BRUSHES, CELLULOID SETS, SHAVING SETS, P URSES, CH ATELAINES, WALLETS, PERFUMES. PERFUME SPRAYS & ATOMIZERS VIOLINS, VIOLIN STRINGS. AND Bows, &c., &c BUT CALL AND SEE. Christmas IE". who: ""FT'"" .._-,,, t, are such as to merit the' with its accompanying 35.00 V the Dept. and Insp. tor being: .. “Aka-drawn “an FOR SALE- TORONTO will not be undersold in any line we f. Call and see us and be convinced. ARLING’S Illlll STORE :ll,!,t,i!,liili,l! Beautiful Selection Com Run. Confectionery and Nuts.----- items 1 it ‘0 IO " id 1p Jé Headquarters :1â€: For Lake 'i/s, HERRING 5x : ' alillllllflfl : : erg NEW RAISINS AND ' CURRANTS as. 3. FRESH DATES. Ir1EmJiji,s,: WE 't APE 'i, T ilsonburg Oatmeal, Milverton Flour, Chopped Wheat, Oats & Peas We have them in 100 and 50 1b pkgs. " g2.25 and $4.53 re- spectivsly. If you want a pkg now is the time to get it as future prospects are not rosy, Being Lots East of T and 8 con. 2, old survey in the Township of Nonnnnhy.‘ containing 132 acres more or lees. On the premises ere a. first class brick house, containing 11 rooms. wash-room and pantry. new born, 64 x tio, mfoot posts ism! old born 60 x so. Drive house. 32 w. 16. Stables underneath barn for 32 head of cattle and 7 horses. also silo teed room nod turnip house. Pig pen 33:22. "oo" high and hen house 12xl 16. 2 - toiling springs and 3 wells mum of timber, and bet class [cue ss sad in good cultivates: with 15 - - - " "----‘-‘-- In.“ A at BI BLES. II nun III “M _.-"--"-'" at tall crop and fait mashing well o About 3 mile. from than and con Will “we pone-lion lurch lot. M rm. chit. Applyto M. W. LIIOI. Dunn. Nrarnon Timon ' man : : aux-gating Delivered. GEO. LAWRENCE. ------ii-iara--iiariiaiirr' Mir,?? Noe. I, ml. “W .2 aim The Hanover Conveyance: Be In. n big lint of Property tor Sale. including the (oiiowing: lat M, COD. 2. mo. In Bett.tnttr a Blood“ imkaoved fun-m convenient. to minim. ' cry chap. hotttt, con. It munch. our Denice P. O. In hands, of a Oompnuy. Fine place and must go to some one. and Div. of? and in Div. of tk con. t, w. G. B. iieiiiiiiitr.--aaieoen Comor- ont 100 nem- i, 8rd Div. of tr. con. l. W. G. I. new _tiiiisii.----ttrtrn thirnerrott's Mt net-es. ‘; 3rd Die, lot T. con.i. E. G. ll, Gieneia Inn (iarnfruxa Road convenient to Dul- l ham. This tifty acres is a snap at price tasked. i I have a large number of minn- prop jrties in town and country Mid will all lot trade. MONEY TO LOAN nt41-2 per com and up'ncccrding to security and arms. ‘iNSURANCES COLLECTIONS and CONVEYANCING " we" on other l, Financial business carefully atten- _ don to. l :'iillllllillflil BANK (if EMMA D Fortunes AGENTS in all principal pomug m Ontario. Quebec, Mmulolm. United Slate: and England. V, (i--- A general Banking business Drafts issued and collectior all points. Dopnsils receiver est allowed ‘t vlzrrem mm. in II In: lit hing“ H. H. Miller, DURHAM AGENCY. rumba Collogo Physicians and Burns“, Ohmic. OFFICE HOI'BS tr-us m. 2--4 rm. RESI DENCI and OFFICE -Atld BI UI’VWB TOWN . DURHAM. Tolephono Connection No. 10 OFFICE FleT DOOR EAST OF the. Durmuu Pharmacy Hulda“: Block. Restdence first dour we“ of the old Post. Oftieer, Durham. an]. Head Office, Toronto. ARTHUR H. JACKSON Collection: of all Py?d Farms bong pr omplly attend c N. . OFFICE-- Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. ttttttse-MAD"" 1mm. um cotMotiot" and Agency promptly Wins. vocal. “2:34“. Iâ€, “.mructly prop . lit-um on long looked use: sad Enfuwrl n "-“- ------ An: ' DENTISTRY. CONVEYANCER . VALUATOR. Insurance Agent. Compuly um pI'IVII- r u... - u... - Homage- " low-It rm Munro-t. Vain“. m by acompoumuul “in! Vdumr. mm IOUl'u IIWI .1.-er. Me-_-" tnwn’ Amount. wowed mud Court Balms-I from of Win mun-ago! “at! (banana-hip “A-.. .. - A, W. F. COWAN. Preside'nt GEO. P. REID. Hugger. iriiGiifLu itt ""G'dG iiFiiiriiniitt borrower. orrrrrcB---Me1rutt" Block. tiooer an an malaria. oo6.gq886" m ova-nun a â€0.7.7 Pull-IO S 33.55 -ntereart allowod on bank deposits of 't.00 and up- Prompt ultention and - 'ttrordird customers living at: NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, " arristor, gate: , (you pagansâ€, em, gee"... - to Jey1tteeeelttt.t" aARms‘rER. .. p. Tuscan. Hula-u... W._MVeee"" rd and collections mad. OI Deposits received and - " "crrertr mm. E l DAVIDSON, J KELLY, Agent. MONEY Licensed Auctioneer the County of Grey. . IOPHML. Ilupoville l? C. RA'AGE Durha- PHAIL.’ LEFROY McCAUL. :JOUG cOUVIVAICII. ac. LOWER TOWN. DURHII. Molt-aw. Old Stand On . “In. Out. Private M one! to and â€99259" lm. prop-ted and 1ylrl burrow . mom ofWil Jana" at Ad ii2 Gnudtunhip obtained. - may on“ and T10" "For†id; " P|""‘I"'I __-__'" pg, Iâ€, we!“ lit-um of (1000.“ IN 'eetutor" and Ad. uh rod and mm tiurroet. I re nan 000d tt,uto,000 l 400.4100 Modest.“ -()ld Bunk WINK]. Durham to tmndod if I (8en U Cl K!