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Durham Review (1897), 9 Jan 1902, p. 2

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3%! 5.5L if! S0ilim.,ti'i or: 'lol b'm h Valve: “chewing and and kit-king up his it con m-emlugly wholly sensibilities, can run Phys magma mouth Cass I: On 1150an owauiun Utho attempt- ed to show: uu- kapuinuister, oe- cnuae the you: mun, not. min; www- ed to Lit Lawn at the piano out ot respect ioe the mam”. happened to strike a io.tse Date. Otho but down at the piano and trim! to play the aria himself. but, not tuning touched a piano tor tid- teen or more years, he produced only diesununtcs. That put him into a retrial: rage. Seizing a bronze statue be began to bomber the sounding board and keys, and utter wrecking th, . lurpsm ism! hammer continued the work or destruction with china. vases. spiltoous. picture frames, tirearms, chairs. mouthing within reach. When the phylum; arrived on the scene he was touring the stringsof the Instrument with his teeth. Au Audteuee of One. "h tew days later he ordered a grand vocal concert, at which he do- Wed to be, the so:e attendant, after the manner ot his Insane brother Ludwig. A Irigh-pricuxt prima doom: Woo engaged and the throneroom prepared lor the entertainment, but at tho appointed hour Otlto went to bed, and it wouldn't have been cute to disturb him. When he awoke he asked whether the singer had received the barrel of gum he left tor her on his writing dose, and the lac-key unswuing in the negative (contrary to induction.» Otho or- dered his curs L0 be out off. We had to show him a inr of up.” out from a freshly killcU pig and properly, trhnmeu iloiore he uu.eteu down. ' a musician, commanding him to play! the aria upon the puma. As the! professor know the piece by heart; he acquitted himself with honors, and Otm was highly pleased. I 6, 't Wm send [or you again,‘ ho said ' when he uhm.s.s~ed the kapeiluoeieter. ,3 Otho sat down in the piano and z "When His htaPtsty had Cuties' the kapelluwiester congratulated him on his musical an: and perfect execution, but Otho mun seem to hear him. He stood in the centre of the room lost in thought, occasionally wiping his eyes and cheek with the tlat of his hand. Theta he turned upon the I never saw the score or book." Then he stepped back a few paces. struck a stagcy attitude and sang, . A Heavenly Being is Approaching,' tho song which remained a lavorlte with him (war since then. A CI-Ize to Sing. "When the craze to sing first awed his majesty." said anotherin- mate of Castle Furatenried, “he or- dered the leader of the orchestra to his room. and, romember, no one had heard him utter an articulate sound tor years before. Yet he said to the professor, somewhat slowly, per- haps, but pronouncing each word accurately: “I attended Haievy's 'Guiuo and Giusrea' last night, and think the music enchanting. Whole arias stuck to my memory. though It is fifteen years since King Otho was retired from the world because ot his mental aberration. At times he was violently insane; all the Qtmo he was in a state of the snout deplorable animalism. He re- cognized none of those about him, and was so incoherent in his utter- ances as to be absolutely unintelli- gible. But ot late he has given evi- dences of returning reason. a fact that Is attributed to the soothing influence of music. "Music hath charm. to soothe the savage Meant." says Shakespeare, and In the case ot Bavaria's mad ruler the declaration has received striking proof. Possessing a voice of re- markable quality. ho has devoted himself of late to the study of operas that pleased his fancy, and has succeeded in rendering some of tho parts in a truly artistic man- The mad monarch of Bavaria, King 0tho, in a man of many moods. That ho in permitted to remain ”on the throne and exercise the prerogatives belonging to his sta- tion, although to a certain extent bid in restraint by the parliament and mini-try. is somewhat nun-prim Inc. and has placed his kingdom in a nomewhat anomalous position among tho nations of continental Europe. To be sure. he has been immured In the Castle Furstenried for many years, yet he is to-day looked upon by his people as their ruler ttdlivno right. 2t 511 tt hi' w of hand reading by mail. It contains valuable information that will not fail to interest you. _ North American School of Palm h, Let us send you one of our free booklets explaining our method isiutracslonoy Otho or- s to be cut off. We had a pnir of up.” out from “In! pig and properly re he qu.eteu down. ' o.ecassiott Uthu attempt- nil] up P. O. Box 225, Hamilton, Ont. r' du‘oi am a I “running: )1 how a per- oirl of finer x uharp cur --tlty Proteus _". finer per- matte; like 1. ' is liable Candi“ right article-tho, soothing, helpful Rankine? that was used in your tarm. ily bm'ore you were born. There is but one Pumkiller. Perry Davis'. No. upright dealer offers substitutes. C.ciupiictivtun'. r tlismeres n'um thor" win bn him by except while all over Europe thrones were shaking and the populace, awakened from 113 long s'oey, was shouting in the streets that. it means to be mas- tor of lts own drstinies in future. For the lust nttecn years 0tho has held tho Bavarian scvptre, bat domm't know at his olvvntion. He Is sur- rounded by royal mag,tMctenee. The wan- ot his hand commands servants irtnt:mrtrtrtn, and no one dares refuse him an: tltlr: of "tmouMy." That “:31": all. A. swarm of courtiers are at the 'o cl: my] call of this Icing in [mum‘s realm, princes and dukes and owns nail bu- ms by the score bow and acmpu 'onhore him.. Yr". want) Otllo succumbs to. the u! [m service, swears allegiance to him, and the priest at the altar calls down upon tins "tathar of the peo- ple" the Altuighty‘s grace and bene- diction. If a sentence of death is im- pused In Bavaria the miserable wrvtch, standing without the pale of #-ciety and with "tte loot on the gal- lows, addresses his petition tor par- don to a lunatic." OHM) is now in his titty-tourth your. H?” wag trrrn f'tt April 27th, 1848, Their language accords with the policy the Bavarian court has pur- sued cvrr since it allowed the mad Ludwig to be succeeded by the mad- der Utno. Think of it, 0tho'a portrait adorns the coins of the realm, and in his name the courts pronouncq judgment. The Joung recruit, draft- On unolhur wonsinn OHIO informed the doctors that "the animal within him was quite harmless unless it be mused L0 ungo-r." ups physicians are said to regard the king as a mere animal, even though in their reports they cull mm "majesty” and speak of his mad pranks as "all-highest psy- 01139 mtunicstationa." otho's behavior toward his physi- cians has also undergone a marked change of late. After regarding the Aesoulaps as air for twelve or thir- teen years, never deig'nlng to greet them by word or look, or. to answer anv question they put to him, he has now thrown all some or his puzzling; apathy and occasionally listens to what they have to say with a show of understanding. A week or so ago he took one of the insanity experts aside and asked hint why the dragon gnawing at his Vitals was not killed. “If you doit slay him he will soon attack my heart, and then all will be over," he cried. ' "Your Majesty is mistaken," re- plied the physician, "it's a kidney disease that is troubling you." Thereupon the king dealt him a. blow in the lace. "Bluckheuxi," he thundered, "have you no eyes? The Dragon is Plululy Visible in my chest; I gunmen, him in yonder mirror.” With that he stepped bef?re the 1ookittg-gitusns, regarded it or Some time, and than kicked it into and blrcareena. tie that When he had quieted down the poor maniac was placed in bed and after awhile fell asleep. Awakening toward evening he called tor his mother, the late Queen Marie, and caused a. purple mantle to be thrown around his shoulders "that Her Ma.. jesty might not perceive his negli- gee." Thea, he sat up in bed, keep- ing both eyes fastened upon the door tor two long hours, and when, after waiting in vain, he at lestgave up hope, he buried his faceln the pil- lows Ind cried bitterly. In vnln did the physlolnn endeavor to persuade the king that it was all a. mistake and that the audi- ence sought toe Would soon be grant- ed. 0tho worked himself up into a. towering paeslon and smashed thlngs until the trtraitjaplret and exhaus- tion put an end to his rnvlnga. The incident related probably gave rise to the report in a sensational Paris weekly-namely, taut King Otho had entirely recovered and was preparing to assume the reins of Government. "tho he is again trying to avoid me," retorted 0tho, angrily; "what a cowardly thintr-to be deadly afraid of the sight of one's successor. For I am his successor," he cried, wildly, stamping his foot-N am Bavaria's future king. Ludwig better look out. " ho persists in humiliating me I Ishall bury his carcass in a dung heap instead of rearing a monument for him in Walhalla." " {also note the leader of the or- chestra at Castle Furstenreid had to resign his position and return to Munich. where the Government now employs him in one ot the royal theatres. Some Weeks ago he rang the bell early in the morning and demanded to see his brother, King Ludwig. The servant took the message to the phy- sician on duty, and the medical man had ts hard time explaining to 0tho that His Majesty couldn’t be seen. tyard the l)ruggist “EYES you the A Violent Spa-m. blto Sicxumbs to. the " musical and mental which he is suffering nothing to remember " Swan’s song. _.,, " C in; u L, . ",iF",ftt.uiirt"i','i,a"'i L w; P wt,: ';")a'aittf:,W.,"t 'ii(,ir.fsfi'ji,?i' J ').ilttjti?s"iijah"i'j': "tr,' If?” in” ,. ly 1.7.. " , t' , _.. TP . 'iti ‘n CVs' 'd young inch" di tiiiriaGirr"? ',Its Most Admirable Form Binds to ! Duty. I (Seaforth Expositor.) ' ! "Eager to fight the battles of the g country; sixty-one more men start for the front." Such is the heading in _ a Toronto paper, in its report of the dopzirture from that city of those who hid enlisLeJ tor the South Airl- crin service. It is quite Dossible that some of those who enlisted did so from a patriotic desire to "tight the battles ot the country," but the probability is that many were in- duced to take the step more for a. desire for change and tor the ex- citement which such a lite affords than tor pure patriotism. It is also wrong to assume. or to cultivate the sentiment. that those who do enlist are braver than others who do not do so. We heard of one young man who enlisted against the protesta- tions and tears of a wife ot six months, who will be left unprotected ‘ and penniless. and of another who. leaves an invalided mother entirely nnprovlded for. Donbtless there are many other slinilar oases. Hen who‘ enlist under such oironmstonces do not do a brave out, as it is a libel on the term to can such conduct brav- ery. These young men and all others similarly oirenmstanoed wonid have displayed true bravery had t5! de- nied themselves tor the hen t or those depending upon than and whose natural protectors tho: are. Mods who llhit", thou over:- w duties and tilt the bottles of A 3AqAitt, MHMKhHrI to Wing'iigi -tiixfir," Wli'olesale Dmggilts. To- e o. . WALDING. KXNNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druaziats, Toledo, o. Hairs Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act, in; directly upon the blood and mucous sur- face of the syptem. Testimonials sent free. Price~75c per bottle. Bold lagoon druggisu. Hall's Family Pills are the st. We offer One Hundred Dollars' Reward for any case of Cum-tn that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. o. We, the undersigned. have known F. J. Cheney for the last " voars and believe him perfectly honorable In all buniness transactions and tintxitoituly able to carry out any obliga- glgnn 1119ch by theirflrgn. Patti Still a Singer. . Patti has lost none of her popu- larity in London, and if one may judge by the encomiums of the critics she has lost none of the art that gave her worldwide fame. One ad- mirer writes of her on the occasion of a recent appearance at a concert given for charity: "Her matchless rendering of the well-known songs held the vast audience as in a spell, and at; the conclusion of 'Home, Sweet Home,' there followed one. or those extraordinary demonstrations of almost uncontrolled enthusiasm which Mme. Patti's voice always pro- vokes. Again and again the diva re- turned to acknowledge the ovation she received, but it was not until she had sung- 'comin' Thro the Rye’ that her admirers were content. Mme. Patti was looking radiant, and In her given dress sparkling with jewels s e seemed to have become younger than ever."' _,,._.V- “a“ " “mu-unn- ""J. "There,' exclaimed 1he lmpudent bridegroom, ‘she said obey all right that tlme.' "I galloped through the rest of the service, pronounced the pair man and wife in a. twinkling, and was able to repress a burst of laughter Just long enough to enable me to shut the vestry door behind me before I let it otrt."-N. Y. Tribune. " I was getting weary of this non- sense, so I rapqed out the words very suddenly and sharply, 'love, honor and obey,' at the sauna time shooting out my index finger at'the girl. This seemed to startle her, and with equal rapidity she began to repeat, 'love, honor and-' . "Just hero the bridegroom gave her a. sharp dig in the ribs with a huge forefinger, and the girl emitted a. pained "Oh." But, determined not to be interrupted in what she had in- tended to say, she finished her own rendition of the vow without a. sec- ond’s pause and e) reunited 'ber.' .l "11...-.. ' ,7, I . _ _ A " I looked at the bridegroom to see if he had any suggestion to make. The irreverent fellow actually guns me a. wink. ‘Try her once more, sir.’ he said. 1Phe third time's the beat. She only wants coaxing.‘ "The bride shot him an indignant look and exclaimed tartly: Wit say the same thing over a hundred times and not a syllable more! "She only shook her head. " Thorne, now,' said I coaxingly. ‘I will repeat the words again and you say them after me.' _ ' " I did so, and the bride murmured " 'You must say, “obey" clearly,’ I announced, 'ar I cannot go on.' “The bride hung her head, but a stubborn look came over her face. and I could seethat it would take.- a lot of Persuasion to make her change has n- “A love, Ming!" iriil b2; did not have the courage to refuse utterly to take it. Inteed, she tried to slur the sentence. when It name he:- turn to repeat the words after me, and she said to have, honor and bay.’ leaving oat the 'o,' in the hope that I would not notice the omission. Bat I did notice the omission and steamed. men pmmme' 'to lore, iuiiioriiiiii obey' their 305. The bride in thla game wanted to escape the vow, but a had. L‘__A, A- -- -__i9e - --u-- "a; s "It was In my early day- In the ministry. and I was marrying a young- farmer to a country [use in a. backwoods church. About that time the women of Amerba. were Juet be- ginning to kick against the clause in our man-Iago servjce which makes that I foe hot 16375353; "it'Cii'i.' TmAmcldegt arose In thu “I: "000606q.0006-qqoo6 "I remember," said an old clergy- man the other day, "that I was suddenly hard put to it to decide who- ther I should roar with laughter at a. solemn service in the houae ot God or whether I should be very angry. The upshot was that I had much hard work to keep a sunk-ht countenance 61.1.... 7 1-; ' ' __ Pus' In mo t sum “om.” tf"'""""---, " 'Will '/2i saw-i , ABOUT BRAVERY. “about Cure: Diphtheria. MW'S THIS ? ““Ix'uR" w,- 1' vi an Qi: 't'/2r:iiiri'iiWt'itRftiet%tf my “Obey" t' I app]! - the ONTARIO ARCHIVES . TORONTO Delay storms. Opium-laden "medl- vines" may check coughlng. but the cold stays. Do not trifle; when you bgm to cough take Allen‘s Lung Bal- sam. free from opium. full ot henna: power. Hgvo Friendl In Both Places. no Btrd--hmmma, do society peo- Pit, en}: no to heaven , ot them.-UNmt Topics. __ The 1psiitenar-trher don't have to, Ellgbeth. gar-[tug " In not upentcd MIMI-Hum th Bpoartr-oh, in. " . must have been, because I heard the referee ten- lng the men to take their cox-non. Pugs-They any the prize ntrhtr wym't on the square, Even when a girl has money in her own name. she is anxious to change it. A' woman who will not be managed insists on managing others. Minard's Llnlment Cures Garget In Cows. "My own dearest," she cried, path. slonutely, "why, I would marry you if you were worth no more than a million '."-Tom unseen, in January Smart Set. . The girl mt his side never waver- ed, but firm, and resolute, her voioe betraying thr, great love and deter- mination that animated her In spite ot this terrible blow, she rushed to her discomeolate lover and threw her arms round his neck. Love's Baerifiee. "I shall have to give you up l" It was in the year IBM, and as he spoke the youthful scion ot a. once noble house buried his face in. his hands and groaned aloud. "Yes," he said. "my darling“. much as I love you. I cannot subject you to all the pri- vatlone that a marriage in my pre- sent circumstances would entail on my wife. Three weeks ago I was rich and prosperous. the head ot a large syndicate that my father had bequeathed to me, and on the most familiar and intimate terms with the Emperor. Nothing, it seemed, stood in the way of my continued sucoeu Suddenly, however, another syndi- cate loomed above me, and I was quickly overshadowed. And now, at.. ter having been obliged to sell out, I find that all my earthly passes- lslons amount only to the paltry sum ot eight mllllunus and a halt." Where Thev Missed It. How strange it is that Alexander the Great was never called "Fighting Meek." or Julius Caesar "Scrappy; Jule," or George Washington "Gory George," or Napoleon "Battle Nap." The proprietors of MINARD’S LING MENTI inform us that their sales the past year still entitle their prepara- tion to be considered the BEST and FIRST in the hearts of their coun- trymen, l ' , . C Must-db when“: Gure! Golds. em. Why buy imitations ot doubtful merit when the Genuime can be pur- chased as easily 't "Martha, you are a. Christian ser. ence believer ?" "Ot course, Jonas." "Well, Martha, don't clean hoatee.-. just sit out In the yard while I'm down town, and give all the rooms absent treatmeat.--Chioago Record- Herald. "A neighbor at mine, Mrs. Boyer, got me to. try them. I did so to please her, bat continued their use became they were curing me." "And you ascribe your present health and strength to Dodd's Kidney Pills P' "I certainly do. It it hadn't been for Dodd's Kidney Pills I would be in my grave at this minute," said Mr. Wideman emphatically. Tearing Dow" signals dom, not "How" did ion coin} G%uiirimrii, Fi.dn.ey Pills?" Mr. Wideman was I was In bed five months. My legs were twisted out of shape. the toes pointing lnwarda. Well, nothing the doctor could do did me the least good. My teeth broke off trom the mercury he gave me, that was all." With this exception. and with the detect due to the breaking ot " teeth from taking mercury medicines. Mr. Wideman is as well an ever he who in his life. '1 never heard of anything like the way Dodd'e Kidney Pills worked in nu case," said he. “They drove the Rheumatism clean out ot my system. You know work was slack in the earthenware works, and I took a chance to work in the harvest field. I got soaked several times with rain and that brought no ia,' viii-RE: tack ot. Rheumatism I ever heard of. In. Wideman has at!" to use a. stick when he walks. as the disease has left him with one leg shorter my) the other. --H -'-e""e'_..9r'%. vuu v- WW. He mu fairly matched from a mis- erable death by Dodd's Kidney Pills. tUtd he ha. been one ot the greatest “maiden or Dodd's Kidney Pills in Called: ever since. Mnard'a Liniment Cures Distemper, it! my Into the newspapere a few weeks ago, I. etlll a. subject ot Inter- est here He wtit be remembered a; the ma Who was so {rightfully crip- pied with rheumatism. being twisted ante contorted out ot shape. - A. tr.. Widen“. of Dunn-eon. Ont., Interviewed In 'oronto- I he Mon. “(melon Case or Rheumatism on Reseora-.. A lalvlng Monument. to the Power at Uodd'e “may Plu- TorontO. Den. 81.--ahe wonderful gape ot.A: N. Widemun. which found The Clay Potter who Escaped Being Crippled for Lit., by Almost a miracle. Pin 'l he” to Your Memory. $155 WIDEMAN TALKS. i: ' park“ *7 , I we , ' $9 BAY y D mr, V LN f”. 1mSh IW, a. ' ',V" f_ r tF'(i'i17s,itijT,t,Nr'. Ai Ci4/t'isi': U. . MI: 'r 5kWji7,1 ivy?" ractlcul Application. if 'tttdt, "IVES 'til/tat ' “'1'.“ . U! You“ I 'iihhtt?lritit,') ho 'Jl2Vde'dg, DRINKS. omens wwtwuamflr 81mins q . A'fglrtfarat we.“ BROTHERS an. Winslow: scanning a p abould al. won be used for chlldnn mm. It soothes the ohiM, .oftona the 2mm. cum wind colic ad is the but remedy to: din-rm a. Twenty- tire cents a homo. I' etc. Home or foreign {uncured and ex- Elolted. Booklet on {menu rec. The Patent xchange and Invea ment Company, Putin: Building. Toronto, Ont, CASE FOR REAL ESTATE OR BUN, nesm no matter where it in. Bend descri tion and cull price tnd get our plan for 'ir/lt In: out; buyers. Patent. 'gitgte. and Invest,- ment company, Toronto. Gan 3. PATENTS. CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS fptc. “39'99 or town procured and or Broadtau haé advanced In price, while great and chlnchllla. are a bit engager. _ 7 7 Same or mink tall bindirttrte are still used to cleverly outllne lace collars and the like. Frogs as ta fastening glve quite the Russian look. If more tur be liked, iirt' if tirot the finest real chinchilla. or real baby lamb (brondtall). Mink and cable tails are the beat hat decoraflon_ln _t_l_1e phgpe pt tur. Plain. round muttie am; this sane-t investment. For dress and carriage wear fur coat sleeves are flowing, but tor the street they are gathered into some 50:} of a cunt bishop fashion. Ultra fur garments are combined with embroidered materials in the shgpe ot girdle: and collars. AI Noted After I book It the Var-Iona Showing. Douttie-brettttted effect. are gen- eral. Though many of the freak-shaped coat skirts have made their appear- ance. it in late to predict etont blouses, and the dainty Jacket with the dip back and front will be most worn. i f'fllldi “an” The oil-eprnying in then followed by the caustic alkali solution, applied in the name manner» The oil it intended to kill and destroy the scale and in- Ieete that infect the treel-a result achieved in trom three. to eight min- utel. The caustic alkali solution serve- the purpose of neutralizing the oil after the desired end he- been at- tained. for without such neutraliza- tion the oil would destroy the tibre and foliage ot the tree. The oil and alkali, it is round. form a. paste ot ?SycE1tt1tytt.ttty?thitqr 8; TIBS The “butane“ which are lined in the proceu by which the treel are freed ot .0810 comprise essentially any mineral oil, can-tic alkali and water. The mineral oil is sprayed gpon the trees by means of a PPI?: A MW Experience in run- ba the Plague. The" is probably no more dendiy pest known to fruit-growers than the scale which infects many ot the tittettt orchards ot Csiitornia. Innumerehie attests hsve been made to rid the trees of their destroyers. but the unc- cees which has been attained has not always been noteworthy, uys the Scientific American. Mr. Isaac M. Clark, a trait-grower ot Lompoc, Cal., has invented a. process which seems to be all that can be claimed tor. it. RIGHT BOYS AND GIRLS CAN MAKE I money after school; samples. ouUtt and "than“: sent for 6e passage. Star Supply , P. p. Box 459, Woodstock. Fits,; (,,!l,Ulik 5,40% tii, c = WE’VE 'lablt' BBE a v: v My 71“ ",rtltitiit"brd' mpnrrm I P2Fr"rut'2 '39th ii'iiih111llffi b" RUBIN E58 CHAN C Ks. MD m CANADIAN h ll a heft “I. by nit that on“ 1|qu SAN JOSE SCALE. FUR FACTS. PAI‘ENTS. " ANY umn or YOUR FAXILY DRINKS. the taateror luau-cu ho mod permanent? by EL'igte, 1ettlftteretit 'ret"bqyr' act-ct. [in 5m tgl at "my who to the ordin "y, I Veal-unto ”this. for damn-“c use. i - llil0ljltffrNy fllWilllhltli 'rW'r'bj9' YOUNG WOMAN-AGED 21~JUST CAME into We! 'u,0tn--wtta"s moor- Nomad with honest. intelligent man. who would unwed-m l good wife. Box 2.533. Toronto.0nt. ' an.» m on. n ruin-uh. at trie1E,.Flllu.l"llAJJllWihtoPllett.',', mit. llt'?i,lf,2a',Pthh', of which in in In". Mayne-aha. W Ibo-outline paw-o] or dividodhtolouotuto macro- tc ttuit, pu- cIIIlII'I. “found-dd“ bargain “as. 'aeee amount. P. o. box we. Winn - __ '-'__-e_- V‘I‘iv -n-ll‘ ww DAVan" A have you . laying occupation for the. winter! We' will put,I "“1211: way LI' was good ;wee|n " canary tn 'll,',',",',,,')', l handsome cum furniuhed free; our side-lino helps our sale-men splendidly ; write and Ef, [arms and particulars. Chm Brothers, ‘ompnny. N urserymen. Colborne. Ont.; established " years. We will pay you 9 cent- per pound tor Fucked Turkeys, large or "all lot... We buy ell kind- of Poultry. We pay nelght and send check or honey order n ”on u we recelve the Poultrv. SAMUEL L. LEWIS & co., Connie-Ion Merchants, London. On. TURKEYS WANTED "‘25: BESI mm“ gig; WE‘RERS P3919931 -ror3,ai9uc--4yr4 or m TRY THEM. Illflfi'"i""""fiiCi'rl"- hl atu re :0" l s --- HEIRS?!“ _,COFUVER on. 'itrttttnttmRtsMTEMruteMi0Bk ingpowu'. "(item's mil dttes not mm. baby.“ needs thcunul- sion. ttwillshowanetfect Ifyouwll put from one- iourthh itttlfateaqtootthtl 1ntsahy'sttottkthreeot'iour ttrmsadttyyouwilisooetsee "tadiedimpeovement. For -dti1drershxtrtt halfto a WI. according to aggduolvedin their milk, I you so desire, will very mummy!“ nourish- ISSUE NO. 2. 1902. Bathesartdehlidrertrteed 1mqter$itod,mretretmrmedio ail. "terdoetotthbe on that MM“: ,mtetg.ruTtterrteed I little help to get thetrdlgestive madttneetdihtgpextiteriy. if? Iggyggppqon mm FANTED- mtIOV/NE, Tomato, Cumin oeteettothtqtootother KO HOOPS. NO JOINTS NO SEAMS. NO LEAKS. £0. PAW It mm on MIN to her ll “team! cnhln " notched dio- ha never n lens. t% Jacki: life and .1er I Jack." Tin-Ir tot-mat he: wan ctr [In ”he! Blue: compleu rhymwe ea! who of colon n youm Inch . The I: Input my been so took ve yum! pt would ll preside! any bol cumu- by 11 There In his "Are She [a compost honest” "But I (are ya cake, l: cot-cum "That to do t Ilhk (In it. much a "Aux Jack get to ling a you "in! "U I clot-d! unwel- may“. -s," ty, "but gm a learned hoohk l mu V "Dre "hurt, She ti that ed '"ritai the su do lat the wl take t She rd ”in: " 1001 of tally u eyes. In tam. uulimrl a man dressed the Get amm- a mat kn 'double you " his dam Any mm earned low Y1 fne III! qtoet N new lea " 3 ample night i char. ll 01 _ after lloua d all owe She l netm “I no " Co Cd. wit al can" "Nor Chow I druid "Neit She 3 trees. "Not thetiou Itited- 'mu, over . I." pr " W ha [anther always "Yes ; with u "me - a," “News not gel dtsily In "Thai a ten“ or 1 I Mugged you cl; things l" handy. Helm I Whigs ' tie thin "You "Ally c She {I darken: at earl rum a "Only You-'6 he U 0" Ion he

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