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Durham Review (1897), 9 Jan 1902, p. 8

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500 YARDS Mil, REG. f, I, I l0 NR g. lil. This store never did as large a Xmas trade. Every person seem- ed to be in the best of humor--- sales people, customers and all. Our store was crowded everyday, but no mistakes occurred. We ser- ved every customer quickly and agreeably. It took a great amount of night work to have our stock placed in order for each day's busi- ness but we managed it. Did you see our show windows? Of course you did. They were all right, were they not? One customer, a stran- ger from the States, said he looked up and down the streets and deer. ded The Big Store had the best windows and of course would have the best goods. G-ood stores always have good windows. They go hand in hand. You must judge a store by its windows just as you judge a man by his face. ( ga, of 2'eyiuove, Soods Wishes its many patrons a Happy and a prosperous New Year. We should he thankful for the splendid year we have enjoyed-4901 Men's one buckle, heavy rubbers, reg 81.26 for $1. Men's heavy bush rubbers, reg 81 for 75 cts. Men's 2 buckle, fleece lined, rubbers, snag proof, " 200 dozen Oranges at G cents per dozen TEi fEii SWRE After our Xmas rush we find many small lots of goods left over. These have got to go to make room for new goods. We cannot tell you about them all, but here are a few: WE fiR) STIWE 28 lbs RAISINS for $1 SPECIAL SALE OF RUBBERS l A, Bed Comforters, Large assortment. Wool Blankets, Large Size, Pure White Wool Blankets, reg. $3.50 a pr.-2 prs. for $5.00. Bed Spreads at $1 each, worth8r.2 5. F in Floor Matts from me. up to $3 each. $1.25 Pure Axminster Carpets, new Several ends of 60c. Carpets go at 2 5c. ayd. . Carpets, yd. wide, Red and Green at 2 5c. Elder D. MeGregor of the Letter Day Saints anreh is holding meeting: here and visiting friends. Beaumont in the Eeplin church last 1 Sunday and em party in the non future. Mrs Allen Cameron and Mrs Craig we are sorry to any are not very well at present. Hope they will soon be better again. Mr Dougald McNab is also on the sick list. Hope it is nothing serious. Some of the future eoanerllors called on us last week. Too bad they ean't all be in office as they are all fine men Miss Ida Davis and Miss Maud Me- Gillivray spent their holidays at their respeetive homes. Somebody heard that somebody said that some of the Valley boys took in a party at the Rocky last week. The girls of the Rocky would be apt to think the days of knighthood were not over yet. It is our painful dutv to announce the death of Mrs John Collinson, Dec. 29th, after a. lone Illness. She was laid to rest. on New Years day in the Rocky cemetery. Mr. Graham oftieiated at the house and grave. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved family in their hour ot trouble. The. funeral was very largely attended, the largest we have seen for some tune. Mr and Mrs Neil McArthur, of Dak- ota, are spending the winter at Neily, old home on the 4th. Mr Dan MncLem has purohmd a new can“. Wonder who will enjoy the rides? Will Davis and Norman McGilvray are cutting wood too, but they think of cords not girls. Mrs Hugh MacLean and son. from Newdale, were visiting the MacLeun family for the past. Week. . Mr James Smith has been hid up for the past week. Quite a number from bone attended the church opening " Domoch Died Mu W. B. McDonald of Dundalk, forme of this village on the morning of the 28rd. She was buried in Maple Grove cemetery on Tuesday the Mth. Mrs Mc- Donald wee e daughter of, the late Welter Dean. and was married two yeers Mo, end leaves to mourn her departure her buthend one child of n for months old. The lunerel we: largely “tended the Rev Mr Bnehennen otfuatimt. Mr Robert Ewen jr. has purcbosed s binder at the Stiuoon sale. Commissioner MacLeun bought a span of colts. Messrs Joe Allen and Dick Davis are qhtting wood at Mr Archie Beaton'e. Joe always makes it a point to work where there are lots of girls. Mrs Chas Arnott and son Tom visit- ed friends in Proton last Saturday. D. C. HeAriile and I. W. McArdle. sons of MI and Mrs Joseph MoArdlo. spam their Chtiltmu he". Xmas and New Year's are now over and we have been so busy we hadnt time to give you the news from this community for some time. We hope 1902 will prove to be a most prosperous year to the editor and readers of this valuable paper. We heard wedding bells in the dis- tance last week. Congratulations. Mr, and Mrs. Isaac have returned from a visit to friends in Galt. We are glad to see them in our midst again. The Annuwl church meeting is to be held in Amos church Jan. 9th Wednes. day night. Harry Stem has been on the sick list for " few days with tonsilitis, but is at, work again. Mr Peter and James Hay had a little Party New Year's night, and. quite a Ively time was spent. Jacky Jack Morton spent a few weeks with his mother. Jack is the boy of the day and is a General among the other boys. Helms returned to duty again. We wish Jack future success in his Jocky business. Rout. Taylor is home from college, looking hale and hearty. Mrs Christoe, of Toronto, is her mother Mrs Patton. Miss Mary Renton of Durham. is the quest of her cousin, MISS Ella Benton. The Misses Renwick have returned from N ingnm Falls. Both look hearty. Mr. J. M. Findlay has had a. busy hol, day season. We notice Jim still goes east. He must he on very friendly terms with Uncle Sam. Christmas is over again and every one seemed to spend an enjoyable time. Lots of spon- and festivals. The boys of on: burg spent. a jolly day at a game of Hockey. It was quite a notwhle game as there were people participated in it from Mt. Forest, Owen Sound, Flesherton and the United States. Miss Ben". Lothian is visiting her cousin Miss Bose Gimnell, of Ayr. at. present. George Lothian has returned from a. trip to Galt, Ayr, Dumfries, and other pin-es. A few of Mr. and Mrs. Renton's friends spent the New Years evening at their home. A very enjoyable time was Hrent., , Christmas day a small party spent the evening dancing at Bay’s home. Some of our sports went on a hunting expedition during the holidays. but the game did'nt suffer any. 'iN18, . _ THE DURHAM REVIEW From an Ocenuional Correspondent. SAUGEEN VALLEY. MULL CORNER’S I ”a" _ a ati?iriiuihtislt, ,3 , a IF. “I“: (A h iC: (rriirri"/h'i be M, Ith' w " 1.2-." WV" A I HOPEVILLB. Dromoro. Us. visiting ONTARIO ARCHIVES . TORONTO Mr Noble Wilson j r lost some colts on Sunday evening. He drove over to Mr Joseph Ferris hunting them bat re- turned to James Ferris and found them " the beaver meadow. :5 mi. Mr T Broughton visitedgfrieiiii'i; at Boothvtlle Sunday. Mr and Mrs WT tMeKetshniebisited at Mr George Haw's lately. Mr Neil McKenzie has purchased a fine hortselately. Miss Mary Chislett left " Toronto last week. She will be imissed bv many of the young peopletiimantt here especially by L.’ c.". i ',Q We believe Me Dick Parslow leaves for Orillia next week. 8mm of the fairsex will miss hun. g We 1) elieve Latter Day Saints had a very successful concert. The building was filled right to the door. Swinton Park frehestra supplied the music. It you want to hear music come to S. P. Gen De Wet has retreated from South Africa. to the Moody farm in Swamp College, Proton, as that place is more attractive then the high veldt and (holding the fort with a small com- man . Mr George flaw has invented a saw- ing machine. You know George has made a job of this one. Come and see it will you ? I wonder how George ieels after be- ing south Xmas. We believe Mr John Hardy and his mother are visiuing in Osprey " present. Allof the Swinton Park beg took in the Prieevirle Scotch Concert. It was one of the best they ever were at. There were two highland dancers there who were a credit to the land and Mrs Coutts Bain also. Big Hector didn't forget to make the bagpipes howl. You know the Scotch are never behind. The people around here are excited, an election close at hand. The most of the feasts of Xmas and New Year's are over and the dances have begun. A very enjoyable time was spent " Mr Sam Kinnell's, New Year's eve. Many guests were pres- ent. N McKenzie and L Watson took In Mr Walter Ferguson's dance New Year's eve. They tripped the light fantastic till the wee sma' hours in the morning. It Was one of the best they ever were at. Mdre Home KniittersWanted After long experience, we have been able to prouuce an Automatic Machine by which all kind: of seamless knit- ting is now done by our Family Machine, thereby enabling anyone ot ordinary intelligence to quickly learn to do the work from the Jrystruetioq, Guide.‘All ye rqui‘re Je, an: H '-- A- I---‘ An- a an , run The great demand now Is tor Bicycle stocmngs. wooe- men's Socks. and Motormen'ts Mittens, and as we are un- able to supply the demand, have taken this method or ad- vertising tor more help. The lame export trade to thg _North-vyest_ Territories. We wish to secure the services of famine: to do knitting for us in their homes. Our method In the same as adopted In England. We are the Introducera or this plan 1nd the largest knitting concern in Canada. After long experience, we have been able to produce an Antnmatlc Machine by which all king}: ot. scqmless 533n- woric lrom Cue ulnuuuuvn um“.-. .--. v... -n. you use the machine according to directions. The Machine being made expressly for this purpose, and the operation so simple, it cannot possibly make a mistake in its work. The “cat demand now is tor, Bicycle Stockings. Wood- The large export trade to the North-west Territories. British Columbia. and the British Colonies, furnishes an un- limited demand for our goods. and. with the combined co- operation of the many families we are employing, together with the large amount of knitting we are able to turn out, ry which we save rents. insurance. interest on capital, etc.. (names us to underseil any manufacturers at this class of gamma and we have sale for su'the knitting we can have turne out. 'Thnrn is a Lam Demand by the Trade for thll elm of wow-k, oor wot ken- can amend upon it year utter year. rvw‘ 'f van "wash with us (whole or spare time) We will Fron vn'I mman with work as long as you do it gauntle- Mv-Hv - "a and return " promptly. We entrust our work- ers Mm largo: quantities of valuable yum. and u we give “1:15 In )uvpvnuvu w ..._ The machine can be operated by any one of a. family. and at our prices on)! tttah','.' family should be able to sustain themselves comfort; Ir, and in time be I. source or inhmentfent, comfort: _ - .. - " .4 _“‘_ lurncu Unk- The price we pay for fttttahed bierete.trtoc)tirttrs ls $10.00 per hundred, or at the rate of 1Be per pair; woodmen'a socks, " and motormen'l mittens. 12e a pair. All other wng in pgoportlontto tie., " .. " ' n " at anv m... n'ter you commence. and hue done an r..',,',,.','" of work naval to the put-chug price. and with to 6"trt"t"tttto. wn '1"ka luck machine and refund the "MM" mold tor same. utter deducting cost of our ex- rrf" or)". - - " t AL - ' - m . Our plan is to send out each machine to beginners with a sock or stocking partially knitted. and remaining in the machine ready to be continued, and also enough yarn to knit one pair of sundae socks or stockings and a. simple and complete Instruc on Guide. showing ow the work is to he done. When the samples have been finished and returned to us satisfactory. we send a quantity of yarn. which you knit and return likewise when finished. We prepay charges on all work one way. and our workers pay return charges. The work. as we have stated. is simple and raany done. the machine having a capacity of ten thou- sand stitches a minute. We have many persons now in our emnloy who can knit from twenty-five to thirty pairs ot locks or stockings a day, and where the time of a family is devoted to the work, you can readily see that $15.00 or 890.00 oer week can be easily earned. We furnish our workers all the materials. yarn. ete.. free. and everything that is necessary for the work. We are form-hing the machines only for the exclusive use of "me- itrrt'rtttgt to take emplOyment with us. who must. in n-Mr to become a member. send us this Contract Order F's-m. emperlv ruined by them, andat least oneqoodrefer- ence. and remittance tuieordintrtr. to give us the necessary ”Wren-e that the quantities of valuable yarn we may send “we "we to time will not be wasted or misappropriated. a... cvmu-eeta are mutual. and this confidence must be ear t-H'shed if we are to succeed. We guarantee fair dealing no nmmpt cement for work. so do not ask us to deviate ”we our terms. as we cannot make a distinction with one P'"' not another: besides. we are t1otng an extensive hust- r'""'. and "we? he_sov_erned_ Ar business principles. " "an "i,ri,GmiGr"a"'iiiiisiCdr {in "iiiiiiitUik"iiCtis, ind poli- Huolv will not tos nnld to any other. than those who will some to m, knitting for us. - . ., ”aching waist-011 mum tt unannou- derful than 1 WM: mull-0.1M as durable, and MW mod. Ji,. id',.t,di"GiiGitiii4i" If 'iiiarstrf."'hiii; Grirtrit Edi-“$634 benefited ennui iFgio%iirt {Kiwi-Kidd bake money at .1 tri'h lama quantities of valuable yarn. and as we give: home. tliO CONNECTION WITH ANY OTHER COMPANY. swmmu PARK: &Ntr'aike, fija BUR' METHOD OF DOING BUSINESS To Work at Thelr Homes THE Under the Direction of HOME MONEY Tl1elii-le,iiP3lec!:li,? CO (ht w We want efew more workers In this _ is" 3 locality. at once. and In orderto secure h' 3., your tie-operation without the delay of g. Ill' Ilt correspondence. we herewith explain Iti'C,il,8.l our full plan In this advertisement. _ Fr, The work Is simple, and the Machine Ls, le easily operated, and with the Guide, requires no teacher. If you wish to Join our staff of Workers let us hear from you promptly with the contract, order form, and re- mittence, as a guarantee, and we will send machine and outfit to begin work at once. To Work at Thelr Homes 2gll1lllBEtt. Under the Dlrectlon of A Fall In 30 Millie: EiiiI 1411‘; . . a ’3 'MMI The cuscow mourn co. . .i'lfllll-l' " IELlllllA 31., Toronto, , - 'l8il'i?s', ' To rm terse Ihntrttttta--ttttttd Wages {445% Easily Earned. W t Ietli I FE We want efew more workers In this - I I iil if“ r,' looellty, at once, and In orderto more ' -', IS g; - r' your ttitAtmtratlon without the delay of , t' al I , r r Iilli' correspondence. we herewith explain ttli,lglllll o, L Bll our full plan In this edvertieement. ' w, Trm1l, p, fll The work is simple, end the Machine "R(i'illri,) '.jilll le easily operated, and with the Guide, a, B. Mill , requires no teacher. If you wish to 'lBllIllllE join our stuff of Workers let us hear from you fit? , - promptly with the Contract, order form. and re- , . Ta f mlttenoe, as a guarantee. and we will send 1:3}, machine and outfit to begin work at once. {u k' my: (, CULT! VA TING. rCoulter d: 5303: Dri ls an ' ()ultivmua. n it ade Bar 1 rows, set1itleris, Etc. Also Scotch Diamond Barrows. urns Sewing Machines and supplies. South of Middaugh House W -in%GiJiiitGiieli to; Farmers'Insurauoea spociulty in beat Metal Society. A couple ot first; class ""'t,t'l hand Home Powers for sale 0 cap. everything for farmers f CUTTERS From tho Cumin Carriage Uo., of Brockville. Come and see them. Splendid choice. Splendid nine. . muiiiiiiijnjiuiiei st ”3&qu k FIRE INSURANCE f __ -- We invite your attention to the following lines of goods : 1.7ilkimmn Ploughs, number 1 to 20, and repairs of all kinds. Shares, &rlepltites, Ete. Not . geuume unless the words " memson Phonon COIPANY"II out on each piece. Wilkinson Famous Steel Roller nude in three sections , I WH E E LS, Chatham and Snow Palmerston Buggies. Buggies from Campbell of London. SLEIGHS Massey-Harris Bob Sleigho, strong. serviceable nudist fair prices. Bell, Doherty, Thomas and Berlinfmukos of PIANO Ind ORGAN SEWING MACHINESL A large stock of New Raymond and W JOHN LIVINGSTONE. 'lfflussey-3tu:rri,s 6mporium . GLASGOW WOMEN to,, 3? Helm She, Tannin Ou- terennnn-Expnu coupe-lea. Banks. or I'm-ease Bun:- In. Ion-u. If ‘you wish to examine the machine and see the ma- teris before undertaking the work, you can do so by sending $8.00 as a guarantee ot good faith. end to defray expense afNhipping, and we will send everything to your nearest expreu company, leaving a balance of twelve dollars to pay the agent and 25 centl tor the return charges on_ttu' money, to u. A . count ...q0..q....-e..-........... ............ ........... mucmne. u " Jun " hat we represent it to be, and will posi- tively do everything we claim tor it, or refund th? money. Each mchine. securely packed with an outfit. is n! 'iil tor work, thoroughly tested, and a seal; or stocking iurtUlly knitted before boxing and shipping. Should ya; de -"itts to ensure with us. it will be necessary to stud an (Hun. (‘nn- tract Order Form, properly signed by you, and et hm: mu good reference. together with the remittano. Cr"" ~r_i‘nt'l:‘. upon receipt or which we will forward machine and cum: ready to commence. Respectfully you“). Be sure to ule thlI form when spending your remit- tance tor the machine and outfit, which you must rm In end hove owned by at least one good reference tn the rover place. Tent ott and return to no. end ueo lute ere how much time you can devote to the work; also how you will: to be paid, weekly, monthly. or no you send In the work. Send your remittance by Express, Money Order. Ree"- tered Latter. or PoatAytttcit Money Order, and we will promptly forward Immune. outfit. Ind simple guide for flow; the, ttore., TM! in the .beot offer eyer made for tht V We are oo'trequontly and unnecessarily asked " one can learn to knit without a. teacher. We say. Yes; it require. no teacher; Any perion ot ordinary intelligence who can read the Instruction Guide can learn to knit at once. -------iV IroItM----..--.. 8l5,90 (to!!! Congo: Order Form. ........ .... ........qq..s............ ............ ........... reterencel u to our honesty and Integrity. we must atttt you to do the same. In order that we any know with whom we are dealing. We have, In as brief 1 manner as possible. eadeavorel to show vou what our work Is. and we simply say as to the ',ey?.int, it ta PY, what Ff.' represent it to ye, gm! will posi- n 1. understood and agreed that any time after I have done an amount or work equal to the purchase price. :15, and qrtatt to discontinue, that the Ola-cow Woolen Co. will at. m tho machine and outfit, and after deducting their expense. refund me the amount paid for ammo. and" or head at family (It poulble) must alga here: Neareat Expres- Otflco " " .... ...... ..... For reference I nun. tho following person: To the GIL-sow Woolen Co., 87 Melinda irCrdrGii.' Genttemem-r Gain-e to do the work as described tn this advertisement. ma enclole $15 to pay tor one Autmuc Knitting Machine. together with material, instructions. and everything nous-try for the work. the sum to be an: to_rmp by Express. CHARGEQ PREPAID. County .. ........ o... IOI'IOIIIOIOOO out... 0.... 000-0. 0-10.... 0... q............. .00... it}; Ea C. MCKINNON. w: . JANUARY 9. 1902 ..............atreet so... coco-u so.“ ................. it on.“ ................. .................. Lower Town .u-a....-..ouo" 81.75 wt us AN starry." of iva of “Add story " of new Family 30 be it um swim Their _ Queen. Drum many 'l ("M nun-k Het ot' secured As um ready I cplendl plums. (km. T) Kat-lid Thus. I “dim boxes 1 even" Cutter Thus defe the: u Ill the w the n " M unit: " OVNII Sun sum hm hm: dm it Nod ttt vmul in tet ION firtdl is " tott " in an are the frw t i m wit wit (an Ant I " mm wit "l" Nt l ri M 3.1

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