'es ', Dnrlng the night several ot the Icga had bulgul out of thcir places itt the Map and rolled down to the road. IV. Am! underneath them, crushed 'ruto the snow. and of course, atone dead. was an elderly man, and near- by a. little walla-e ho had apparently get down while resting on, tty? pile. With that a quantity of blood gush- .ad trom his mouth. and he tell back Jn the rigor of fast approaching, death. There wn'a Just one last sob- bing cry. heard above the litany of ti,', comrades, 125 they knelt around m in the old habhaut fashion. "118.149, oh, Marie l" and he had gone. After a time he went on, "Keep away from that runway ', don't rent there; get away from the logs.†And then, In greatest excitement, "There! dust. when. I told you l on. he'r, killed, he’- killed', I know it. Mon Dieu, il est mnrt t" l Ttllllit MII. HEARS HIS GRY Clormnn Von-choc for .nets---rrNt- ody In . (In-dun Camp on Christ- mas KN.---'. vuton--areard1 â€or Lover Call-Father’s and Son’s Strange Dentin. Hull. Ore., Jan. 'ah-Believe" In what ls occult or the telepathic will perhaps and no dimculty in account- ing for the following occurrences In a Gatineau lumbering shanty. Ordin- cry mortals of conservative ideas tind it not easy to explain them. The facts are vouched tor by u. clergy- man. t . Just two days later the clerk of the shanty and one of the teamsters were in tho office awaiting their turn to “port to the local manager of their employers firm at River Des art, when they heard a voluble, trhowily dressed woman asking for the address ot the shanty where Joseph b'ingras was employed. Marie’s Vision at Night. Ber sleigh was outslde and she was ttutraeted until she could reach that place. Monsieur would not believe It. for truly, yes truly, she had been told 1n a. vision ot the night and in but own soul she felt that the was wanted "And me? My father, you must do grtrt this one thing tor me: Come to me here. Come for the Noel sure. Maybe you will see me never more if you come not now. I did wrong to leave you. to persuade you not to come with me as before. Bare, sure come for the Noel. Your affectionate no, "Joseph." 80 " was father and son. killed within a few hours ot each other. at tho rhino Spot. were lying in neighboring berths in the same shanty in tho stillness of death at tho Noel or Christmastide. Dying Lumberman Knows That His Father is Killed. " mirnt came on he tell Into a kind of stupor. From this he awakened in a high fever, talking about his father. Joseph Glugras, a. young French. Canadian, had just made some jest- inz reply when his foot slipped and the forty-Inch thirty-foot log and down upon his shoulder and rolled over him to the ground. His compan- lons can-led him to the shanty, where he was immediately put to bed and made as comfortable as possible. “I knew you would come, I was sure at It, father mine. You had bet- ter hurry; step along; come quick, my father," he kept culling. Perhaps It wan natural that on gun-mm: Day some of the Mile men should make their way to the pile, ot log-s, tho scene of the accident of the preceding day. But they were quite unprepurm! for what they {Quad were. ll EIWll The body was carried to the shanty and laid Pa the next bunk to that oc- cupied by Joseph Gingras’ body. In trying to learn tho man's identity the Iumhcrmen discovered in one of his pockets this letter, written by Joseph Gingrns: . Do-d Man at hog-Pile. A party of lumbermen were engag- ed in piling logs on Christmas eve. They made the piles unusually high. The tenmlters expoatuiated with the log rollers for doing so because ot the danger to the 1umtrermen, it their cant-hooks should slip while they were rolling the heavy logs to such an elevation. "My Dear Papa: All goes well sol tar, and new we are settled for the gutter near Cattish Lake. You must ow the puco-Just near the To- .nssine portage road, three or four miles north oi the lake. Bat yet I know not why I stay. unless it be to forgot all about Marie and her deviltrles. For the work I like not. and Israel ls not here, after all. No matter; the good God will not let mm escape tor what he has dorm to me with his lying tongue. Two, three days hrfore had tshe heard her Jose‘ph call to her and go to him Rho would. to leave him never note. no matter what people said any more. And the old man Gingrns he had lumen†mant- a. boy to her house on Chrtstnnvi day to tttll her to unki- haute and go to River Den art il she wanted to meet Joseph once more. And we lumbermen were compelled " tell her that the bodies of father lad son were even then on the sled at the door. " was at " o'clock on Christmas eve. when Marie was putting on her wraps In the hallway or her home to go to mmigm mass, that Ibo distinctly heard her lover all her has In agonizing tones. all. fan Med. from the head of the “In. It whack hour the m an. PNN " Iron in - m at to m. a In. "ryla- t","',',tt I. on: too .m- any nett In use up. In I... . MYSTERY. " s'id'it INFANT MORTALITY IN RUSSIA In I... Districts Beeches Figure of 501’" Cent. 9t. Potato“. Jan. 21.4w medl- cni reports presented to the local authorities try the doctors of the Zemstvos reveal an slewing state at things with regard to the infant mortality. It amen.“ that in many of the Governments the proportion of the children who die during the first year Is as high as 40 and even GO per cent. In isolated cases it is even higher. The reports ascribe this terrible mortality mainly to the ignorance of the peasants and to the fact that the mothers have frequent- ly to neglect their children in order to work in the fields. In support of this view, It may be pointed out that the death rate is considerably higher in summer than in winter in spite ot the severity of the climate. Another cause appears to be the growing practice of employing wet nurses. with the result that the nurses" own children have to be fed by artificial means. In this con- nection it is pointed out that the rate of infant mortality is much low- er among the Mohammedan poptrla- tion, where law obliges every mother to nurse her own children. In one. of the Governments, for example, the rate of infant mortality among the Mohammedan is only 140.4 per 1,000. but among the Christians 342.1. In July last Burckhardt and three companions, M. Spalingcr, a Swiss; G. kl Hujlgen, a Hollander, and v. Hogg, an Englishman, were bound up the Canton River to Shun Tack in a houseboat owned by Burckhardt. The Canton River houseboat Is at peculiar construction. It is much like one of the stern-wheel river steamers so familiar on the shal- low streams In America, but the wheel, instead ot being turned by man, and he (had a Jew minutes later from the wound. I got down into the cabin, and in a minute or two later I was struck in the right leg. The pirates had boarded our boat and the bullets were crying from ali directions. One of the pirates got upon the bow ot the boat and threw a bomb, that came rolling along the deck, the {use burning steadily. I picked it up from tho floor and hurled it through ty window, carrying the glass and the sash with it. Just out- side the window it exploded, and the side of the cabin was shattered with the force of the concussion. My two gaunds were too much for me, mm I ell. "As I lay on the floor one of my companions handed we a. revolver. and, I had the satisfaction of shoot.. ing two or the pirates as I lay there, though I was hit by another bul- let in tho left shoulder. Luckily the last bullet made only a Flight flesh wound Another bullet clipped " piece out of my scalp. My companions did good work with their rifles,and after about half an hour they euc- ceeded In driving our assailants on. Spallnger was shot through the left arm soon after tho fight began. The bullet barely missed the bone, but ho tied a. handkerchief about It and kept In the tight to tho last. The Chinese of the crew Jumped In- to the water. and most ot them clung to the paddles ot the wheel. Final Route of Pirates. "After the pirates had been driven on the crew reappeared, and with their help we turned the boat down the river and about daylight. aw. chored clo.e to a Chinese “about, and asked tor protection. Theerew ot tho vessel made no effort to pur- sue the pirates. The bodies or eight of the pirates were found in tho river wall. bullets to than from our rifles. e secured a launch from a. Chinese otNial that day am tnit we got to Canton. though we were ten hours oo the Journey. There we got the services of a, surgeon. I was two months In a hospital there, and than was out to a. bonito! at Yokohama. where I renal-ed about two month- Inora. ' THE BULLETS FLY THICK. a steam engine, is operated by a crew of coollies, who stand watches turning a series ot cranks arrang- od after the manner of a treadmill. For this work on Burckhardt's boat a crews of 18 Chinese were carried. They were in charge ot a boutmnn. who acted as cagtuln ot the craft. Besides there were several servants. .All went well until the second night of tho Journey, when the boat was about thirty miles above Canton and almost opposite san Young Kee. Burckhardt and his guests had re- tired soon after midnight, when .they were awakens-l by a, shot be- mug nrea. A bullet passed through the side ot the house and struck Burckhurdt in tho foot as he layin his hunk. An artery was cut and he bled proNsoN. All four men at 01100 seized their rifles, bat by that time bullets were ilyrng about the boat. Bearded by Pirates. "1 was fast losing strength trom the wound, and Iture " strip from a blanket and bound it up as best I could," said Burcklmrdt, in tellmg of the attack. “Before I had my foot bound " stink pot had been thrown on the roof ot the house, and it threatened to set tirc to our craft. I climbed up to where it was, trat' as I reached the place Imct the boat- man. The fumes from me thing were awful, but we succeeded in ex- tmgulshing it. While we were at that work a bullet struck the boat- BHINESE PIRATES FIGHT. Attack Made on Housebc-at on the Canton River. San Francisco, Cal., Jan. 20.-C.A. Burckhardt, the representative in Canton, China. of a. European silk house. tells a. thrilling story of ad- venture with Chinese pirates and has two severe wounds to show in verification of his tale. “The Chinese Government paid Mr. Spallnger and myself 810,000 emu. and also gave the other. of the party dRNBe hdenmlty. They also gave the widovyhgtrthe Chloe-e 1:0..th that it' te TY 9:223 'di; Ont-r10 Will Lose a, New Brunswick 1, Nova Scout; 2, and Prince Ed- ward Island 1--a'he Yukon to Nova Scotia.......... N. Brunswick ...... Quebec ...... ... ...... Ontario ... ...... ...: Manitoba ... ... ... Br. Columbia. ... ... HOUSE (lf NI MEMBERS. Ottawa, Jan. 15.-(Special) - The Census Department gave oat to-day the official figures of the census of 1901 for the whole Dominion. The total population is 5,369,686. The population of the provinces is as toi- lows; _ _ Total ...... ......4,833.289 5,369,666 The unit of representation Is there- fore 25,367. It is found by dividing 65, the number or representatives in Quebec, into the population of that province. (llflll lf WAHSHIP MAINE. Cliadron,Netr.,Jan.20.-News reached hero to-day trout Pine Ridge agency, South, Dakota, that a Spanish cap- tain, born in Cuba, who has been wovkingonarancunear tho agency, has confessed that he was the au- thor oi tho blowing up ot tho bat-, iieship Maine. Captain Manuel De Silva Bram. as the Cuban affirms his name to be, is said to have laid bare tho whole story. The confession states that Bram, because ot his Cuban birth, was forced to submit to tho atrocities ot Weyler, and that he protested to the Spanish authori- ties against his general. The protest was intercepted and he, together with two of the sergeants of his com- pany, was arrested. court- martialed, publicly disgraced and discharged from tho Spanish army. BENSIJS TllTllS lllillll 1lllll?ifl'L Parliamentary Representation Will be Affected. Yukon unorganized. Territories ...... ... British Columbia ........ .\orthwest ......... ......'.., Manitoba ......... ........... Ontario ......... ......... .... Quebec ......... ......... .... Atarrr Brunswick ......... Nova fktotia ......... ....t Prince Edward Island Yukon ...'...'. ......... ..... A Nebraska Man Said to Have Confessed. WANTED REVENGE 0N WEYLER. Tho losses are 6 members in On- tario, 1 in hew Brunswick, 2 tn Nora. Scotia, and 1 in Prince Ed- ward Island. Tho representation in the present Parliament Is 213, in other words, while 7 will be added after the redistribution. 10 will lune to be deducted, making a dif- fercncc ot 8 loss than at present. 'Iotal ......... c....'... ......... ........._’1() This shows that British Columbia will gain 1 member. Northwest 2, Manltohn 3, while 1 goes to the Yukon. In revenge he sought to get Wey- ler in trouble in connection with the war, which then was thought to be brewing between the United States and Spain. The confession states that at first he thought of blowing up some of the Spanish vessels since ho knew the location of all the mines in tho harbor, but thought that this would not cause as much stlr as though one of tho largo American battle-ships were blown up. He avers that he waited till a time when nearly all the officers and crew ot tho Maine should be on board. Tiud representation hy population will therefore stand as foliown: Members. Ho knew tho batteries that con- trolled the mines were closely guard- ed, but dressed in one ot his old cap- tain uniforms, with some old private’s clothes In a. grip, ho had no trouble in passing the guards. In a short time 'thereafter he touched the but- :00 .that sent the Maine to the bot.. onr. Instantly he changed his clothes and ta theexcitement escaped on board a schooner as a sailor and made Ma way to Matanzas; from thero to San "Domingo and thence to New Orleans. Celubratlon of King’s Coronation In} India. i London, Jan. 20.-Thty Allahabad correspamdent ot the Daily Mall says ho learns that a. gorgeous pageant is being prepared to be held on January 1, 1903, at Delhi, to cele- brate King Edward's coronation. Lord Our-tom, Viceroy of India, in ur- ranz'uu for the attendance of all the feudatory chiefs. There will be pre- sent a vast army of European and native troops, for whom " vast camp. covering miles, will be prepared. " is expected that the Prince of Wales wlll rqn'esen't the K113. - _ -- The function Is deatined to eclipse Vlceroy Lord Lytton's durhar when Queen Victoria was proclaimed Em- pr- or India. and to oatrtva1 In splendou- anything recorded. The Amour at Alumni-tan will be upco- Iany Invited. I Have 3 Representative. we A CURZON PAGEANT. 233'qu Allahabm'ls PEACE NEAR AT HAND? '1891. 109,078 , 450396 [ 321.263 1,488,535 2.144.321 152.506 98,173 32, 168 1901. 103.259 459.574 331. 120 1,648,898 2,182,942 254,947 ITT,2T2 158.941 ONTARIO ARCHIVES . TORONTO 27.167 25,546 10 '56 65 13 18 lRensrksble Om Reported Fro- . N- Haven, Conn. New Haven, Comm. Jan. Pi-Th" cancer can be successfully treated by means of the X-ruy has been denonv stated by Dr. C. E. Sinner. In this ‘clty. who has just cured Mr. b. 3- Msnvllle, alter a. course of trest- ment ot tire weeks’ mutton. The cancerous growth gas of three years. i and was not susceptible to the nuns! Itreatment. It was as large as two gordlnsry apples. eleven Inches wide and seven Inches deep. It had ar- rived at a stage where Mr. Manville's family physician thought he was cer- tain. to die in aiew weeks. The phy- sician suggested X-ray treatment. To-day a blemish on the left side ot his face and neck and only a skin- deep scar are all that remains to mark the cancer Twenty minutes every day the patient eat before the X-ray ma- chine. He states that the light rays pierced the growth with intense burning sensation, eating through and through. The growth diminished gradually, until at the end ot fire wteks the patient is declqred cured. Up to three weeks previous to the X-ray treatment he had not been able to sleep more than twenty min- utes a day, despite the tact that he took a spoonful and a halt ot laud- anum dafly. COURTSHIP FOLLOWS A JOKE Mites Mulock crime to chicngolust night from her home in the east {um went to the rI-sitignce or a diet- aut relative, Mrs. F. e. Osborne, 4.455 Grand boulevard., Dr. Hack- ney will not arrive until late this evening. His fiancee will meet him at the station and the two willgo to some Uhlczvgo rectory and there be married. While Miss Mulock has never met Dr. Hackney, she has been introduis ed to him' by letter through a mu- tual friend who was acquainted with both. One day last summer the friend said to Miss Mulock: bt 1 have a very dear friend, a doctor, in Kansas City, who has but lately lost his wife. All of his children are married, and he is extremely lonesome." ' T . in Choose; Husband in Jest. "Alt," said Miss Mulock. in antere jest. "that is the very man for my husband." MABHY lf Mif MEETING. "You ought to carrespond with each other," replied the friend. "I will introduce you by letter and then both of you can ell-ape your own course. Uorrtsptindenee with one you do nat know will be an in- novation at least, and I am sure Dr. Hackney will not object." Accordingly the Introduction was made and the e:ccrresIwimirarc'e was he- g'un. Entertaining letters and Pho- Ingraphs wore exchangmi and a proposal ot marriage finally came from Dr. Hackney. After u time he was accepted. Ha did "at want to leave his practice big enough to go to Middle-Lawn to be married. and so a compromise was made on Chicago. Miss Mulock said last, night: that sho did not know where she would he married, dime all ot tho arrange- ments would be made by Dr. Hack- ney. By wire he had in†her that he knew several clergyman in Chi- cago and would go to one oi them. He wilttellher some time this tore- tern'oun in a telegram when: the wedding is to fake place. . Chicago, .Jun. 21.--Two persons will be married in .Cyiauuto to-night who have never Jreen each other. They wilt not meet until an hour before the wedding, and the rom- ance which unites them grow out of " mere joke. Josepuine Mulock, of Middletown, N. Y., will be the bride. and Dr,An- drew Stewart Hackney, of Kansas City, hio., will be the groom. Miss Mulock is 3-1 years ot age and Dr. Hackney is a widower, GO years old. Pair Who Have Never Seen Each Other to Wed, ' Miss Mulock, Is one of ion children. All her brothers and sisters are ei.. ther married or dead. She lived with her mother until the aged woman died, and then Miss Mulock was loft Mame, mistress ot a large tortlyne. Relatives Meet. for Flux, Time. Neither Mrs. Disbarno, whose hus- band is proprietor (if the Wyoming hotel, and hitter, Mulock. who are third cousins, had seen each other until yesterday. Miss Muluck wrote to Mrs. Osbun'ne some time ago, asking her it she would be at immune 0.: the even- ing at Wednesday Jan. 1-3111. In this letter rifle mid hi; would be here that evening, and would probably be married the following day. Mrs. Os.. borne‘s answer was up. invitation 10 Mass Maine]: to remain at her house until she was married. . lll0i.ilillt [Nil [If Bjl '"iriie-GidiGdligrutuia will remain In Chicago for a few days, attrn. which they will leave far Kansas City. V, The King's Cheerful Words to Guards To-day. London, Jan. 20.--King Edward has given the royal endorsement to the belief current among the public that an early declaration of peace in South Africa. may be expected. "The war night now be regarded as ap- proaching its conclusion.†were the words used by His Majesty this mom. in; in addressing the officers of the Guards after reviewing a. draft of 1,SX20 ot the Grenadiers, Coldetreang and Boots Guards, who start tor South Africa. to-morrcw. The King's speech, otherwlse, Was not Important. He was accompanied by the Prince of Wales, the Duke of Conunght. the Duke of Cambridge and Lou! Roberta, surrounded by brilliant cuffs. A Itsrgstttsttterinq ot privileged guests viewed the function. X-RAYS CURE CANCER. New York. Jan. Pi-News eraser- Ions mistake in which a (area at Gov- ernment troops fought another body of hovernment soldiers. thinking it was comprised of Colombian revolu- tlonlsts, has been brought. to Colon. Colombia, in the Colombian warship General Hinton, cables the corre- spondent ot the Herald at that place. The mistake happened in the vicin- ity or 1sitouito, near Wo Hacha. and it resulted in 18 men being killed and 63 wounded. 7 Captain Merritt, ot the General Pinon. stays that that vessel landed 400 men in leullo to drive back the insurgents. The revolutionists re treated toward Rio Hacha. when the Government troops advanced. It was decided to divide the Uovernmenu force into two bodies in order to capture the rebels. One of these me; the rebels, and alter a sharp engage- ment the insurgents retreated. The other body of Government troops then came up, basing heard the fir- ing, and the mistake followed. Think- ing that it was opposed by rebels, catch lorce started firing. The tight; was kept up for four hours. when General Pounce discovered the mis- take and stopped the battle, winch had been evenly contested. Trouble Brewing for Venezuela. Willematad, Island at Curacoa, Jan. r1.--The Venezuelan revolutionary steamer Libertador (formerly the Ban Riga) was alghtcd Tuesday even- ing near Cape Codcra, east of La (inayra. lt is supposed that she landed arms there. Numbers ot in- bnrgcnts are la the field in that vicinity. , l t ' France Take. Action. Paris, Jan. 20.-'me French Gov- ernment this morning cabled to Car- acas, instructing tho French con- sul there to insist that M. Secrestat, who recently arrived at La Guayra on tho French line steamer St. Lau- rent, from Bordeaux, be allowed to and. - M. Secrestut when he reached La. Guayrn. was on his way to Cara.- cas, in order to protest there against the seizure ot the estates ot Gen- eral Mates. the revolutionary leader which had been legally leased to his (other, a. merchant of Bordeaux. Home: prevented trom landing by the Venezuelan authorities. Colombian Divisions Fought for Houra Will Double-Track From Chi- cago to Montreal. Chicago, Jan. 21.--Tue manage- ment oi the Grand Trunk has decided to have a double track all the way from Chicago to Montreal. A large portion of the system is now dou- ole-tracked. and the work will be prosecuted with, vigor in filling up the gaps, the largest of which are on the Grand Trunk Western. or tho 335 miles between Chicago and Port Huron, 161 are double-tracked, and work is being prosecuted on 78 miles between Durand and Battle Creek. The double track now in operation on the western and con- sists of 50 miles between Chicago and Sedley, Ind., and 8.1 miles between Port Huron and Durand. Thirty miles is being constructed between Still- well and Grangers. Iud.,, through South Bend. In the prosecution ot the work between: Durand and Battle Crock twelve new steel bridgeewtll be constructed. Tho greater portion ot tho Grand Trunk proper trom Port Huron to Montreal in already double-tracked. The officials have also decided to add materially to equipment, and eight new mammoth ferighfc engines have been received as a starter. EAGH MISTAKES m OTHER MAMMOTH FRElGHT ENGINES. (1llllllliillfll Ill llljlililll BATTLE. For . Body otsuvostronata--" Ile- Kllled and 68 Wounded--’l‘roubol Brewing for tre-u-trr'"""' Men. Busing†Too. . New Yorker Swapped “I. for Two Cows and Three Dogs. Mlddletown. N. Y., Jan. L5.-atra1ah Peters and Henry Masters, who tive on farms a. few miles from here, came to this clty Saturday, and hunt- ing up a justice ot the peace, asked him to draw! up a contract by which Mastera' wife might be transferred to Pete". The justice explained that he could not draft such " document, but Med for particular' as to the deal and Peters explalned. "It's this way, squire. My wire died two months ago and I'm tired ot llv.. ing Motte. Mrs. Masters Is a. mighty tine woman, and a. good housekeeper, and Masters don't really need her, 'cause he's trot a sister he can get to look after thing's for him. I made him an offer tor her several days ago, and this morning we came to term. I" to give him two cow: and thus coon dogs, and ain‘t worth Asked what Mrs. Masters ma about being traded off, her lord and mute:- wswered: "Why, nothin', at course. Wes. didn't ask her hmv the llked It, but he didn't kick when we told her that we nude a deal." Although (“appointed at not being able to, have a. paper drawn that would make the transfer t,tt,le binding. Peters and Mantel-l doc red at they you!!! mks the syn» on 53mm ind left. town togethoi- to could. the trade. , ' THE BHANU TRUNK. Mâ€: $43 if? 9:13: am PRICE OF A WIFE. 'ittifiii' #445,: _ .. _ A deepatch trom Bonny, Wm Africa. any: meaty-five important chiefs have been captured by the British at Ara. It is believed that the backbone of the uprising has been broken. _ Scotland Yard officials have been notified by the police of New You that a. large gang of swindle†are gradually making their way to Lon- don. arriving there in butcher, Sir manual Hicks-Beach. Glance!- lor of the Exchequer, has Informed the members of Parliament repre- senting Newcastle that the coal tax will not be altered in the coming budget. F The imports ot France in 1901 were valued at 4,711,548,000 francs. compared with t,6oT,8ou',000 francs in MAO, and the exports to- talled 4,186,105,000 francs, com- pared with i,10B,,699,000 francs m 1900. Tho Chicago & Eastern Ililnoil Railroad is preparing to instal n system of electric signals designed to prevent accident; The new de vice displays a signal in the cab ot the locomotive. Hls Excellmcy the Governor-Gen- eral has decigued to interfere in the case ot Frederick Lindsey. alias Bllutta, convicted of the murder of Mrs. Cralg at Sault Ste. Made, and the condemned man wlll accordingly be hanged on February Tth. The Secretary of the Imperial Ad- It In rumored that King Edward has decided to establish a permu- tteat bodyguard of a squadron of In- dian cavalry. which will be quarter- ed in London. Mr James Smart. Canadian Dep- uty Minister of the Interior, in securing otnees in London tor the purpose of making a display at! Snu- ada’o products, with u view to en- couraging entitrratitm. The Piano, commenting on King Edward'l speech [tom the throne, any. It (I pacific and calm as u should be, coming tron the lips of the head at an Immense Empire, whose trials are but temporary. Emperor William bu commissioned Prince Henry to meet the prominem. New York yachumen. and mute them to participate Int the Kiel regattas, Mullins June 26th. The Secretary ot the Imperial Ad- miralty, Admiral Von Tlrpitt. and tho chief of Emperor Wilham's por- mual military staff, Gram-a! Ton Women. are to accompany Admiral Prince Henry ot Prussm on the lat- tcr'a "lit to the United States. Fashion states that King Edward recently appeared In a trock coat with velvet outta. This has Induced hundred. ot London‘s well dressed men- to order coats of the same de- mrlptlon. The cuffs are three inches deep. and are turned up from Inside the sleeves. The London correspondcnt oflhe Leeds Dally News says the unitary authorities of India have taknu precautlonl against a pormtlsle up- rlslng ot tho native when“; dur- ing the winter. Manoeurres to thm end, the correspondent says. :m- now proceeding. Harvey Logan, who was arrvsted at Knoxville, Tenn. on n chrtrgt' of Having stolen bills ot the First NA- tlomnl Bank of Montana, ot this city. in Ma posseulon. and who made " desperate attempt to escape. is snld to be no other than "Kid" Curry, ot Northern Montana. A donate!» trom Ludington. Mich., any. the Pere Marquette steamer. No. 8, I: on the beach there. A " mile: an hour gale In blowing. Fee, which started in the west end station ot the old Royal Electric. Company. on Queen atrcet, Montreal, caused extensive damage to that and adjoining buildings. Cheater D. My has been elect- ed M Vioe-Proddent ot the Chautauqua; Assembly. t Menu. Lemon": & Martineau, ot Montreal, have been awarded an $80,000 contract for dredging by tho Government ot St. Pierre. Miquelon. Tho Britiatt sloop at war. Condor, lone overdno trom Victoria. has not yet arrived at Honolulu. Lord Strathconn. who attended tho funeral of the late Mr. Dom-ll. caught a cold on that occasion. and ll now slightly lndlspoaod. nix-ouwr-m I i WotYotIlllu. Mritg n '15. - election return! show that Mr. Leanna. Comet-nun. was closest! In Laval. Mr. B-eoet, the defeated candi- an. In St. Jung-3 Montreal, wlll de- mand a recount. Fire at tho Union Station in thi- cago destroyed the tlcket otttee and an Immense quantity ot railway ticketl. r l The Montreal Diocesan Theological College In. received a gift of 840.000 from In“ Elisa Duncan. The Russian Runner Minister, Dewct. mid In his report that the Emgtrus finances are in a pcrtemly sat factory condition. "Our mom‘- tary system." says tho Mimiritcr. "leaves with!“ to he desired. and our railroads continue to dew lop un- der good communal." The Vienna evenlng papers an- nounce that Russia is trying to or- gnnlu a commercial alliance Ballast the proposed German tar- ur. Auk-la. Italy. Denmark. Bwttz- erland. Garvin and Roumanla tire roprenented as helm; wilnng to co- operate In what would prove a vir- tual boycott tof Germany. The vacancy In tho management " the Canada. Permanent and Western Canada Mortgage Corporation, cre- nted by the death of Mr. Walter S. Lee, hill been tuied, tho first xit'P- preeldent. Mr. 1. Herbert Mason. hav- ing. at the unannoul request of the executive committee, consent“ to taunt the position. with the title of lung“: director. Lady Frances [Juliana acting on behalf of the WomaaN Local Gow‘rn- meat Society for the United Kinpiom an dtor a number of other wnmvn's umntxationi both political and erturtatiotgal but presented Lord Hal- - with a. mom-ml praying that an Govornmut'l new education bill. which VI! My be [nuanced In than“. provide for the and MIGI at man and women " local MtttrttaMttqt aasthgteittq. t ' el A 1tlki'iiitr?W.rri'fa WW {an n pickle famine. ia I! m ll op' an: or" h bl: lo Rho (rt-u h lath Biol lea new no an (nu tl m At lett um um an tor an. " d an) 'iii'] on " th Mt her I! tl we It!