MI Forming be less Rflfl PICB nd Appetizer. VII/PIV/ EIHVA RE SioIOA... EMIN! oppers in a mun we sell 1l,lj'tllE IL] is institution will like any who are endeavor- ing by common meant. ford to go elsewhere, and equipment are III- itcr term now 'open.. "l at my time. Cata- , & Scum, SSUIIS l I' FAVA RE. BLACK. leanhlan'o M 'oal Oil is quality. 42ul(tiff,4fjr'i"" S O U N o. RY 23, 1902 al " GUN. M. D., or n reqniringuraw. Gl call on us as iv everv article DURHAM at ust received a tof W. BLACK hich is all war. “Mi, [Iventom‘ f Copper and duck. Dona re examining in M ILLS. YOUNG WOMEN! 2 success of your y taking a com): and Beau have {reg very meal. e. Sheep I‘EKS. st reliable lt' market. mud have twice twice onful Business sub- Oats od pair Clams, ne. D ill tell y THE F. is so Mies-- re they best. 1V1 m incipal. Mr: may " . " W11 White Flan nellette blankets, Salada Ceylon Tea at 25c, 30c and 40c a lb. shoes.................... 1.35pr. Woman's Cardigan Overshoes I. 25 pr. Misses .' $t 1.10 pr. Child's " ' ' 1.00 pr. We have a full line of Sterling Bros. hand-made shoes for men, women and children. They cannot be beat. Big 4 (' vests...... ...... ...... .. Men 's Cardigan Jackets. . . . . Woman‘s leather foxed felt W. H. BEAN largesizc...... .... ...... " Bed Comforters 60 by 72.... I. Woman's heavy shawls 1.35 to 4. Woman's long sleeve under- TWEEDS d YARNS GROCERIES S. SCOTT. We [18k IIISDBCIIUII 0| (llll Jill! JANUARY M, We can give you Bargains. MacFarlane 8100. JA KE KRESS ‘WMW --..' " our 3tems JGyiur. These will help, try ihem -OUR POULTRY SP ICE large packages 25c. --CRUSHED OYSTER ---GROUND BONE and ---Instant LOOSE KILLER. alre Lower Town Durham HE SELLS CHEAP I , anatomyge FOR DRY GOODS, CROCKERY, OOTS & SHOES, &c., lake Kress. ' Of best quality. This is the time of the year hens should be .a source of profit-are you doing what you can to help them show the bal- ance on the right side. One. EGG now is worth two in the summer. The Best Qual-' cheaper than ev"" Hens troubled with Ver, min cannot be expected to do well. Come and see Iles. Druggist & Booksellers Mlirl]lllll. g PROM ( i Y ATTENDED TO. tlhft Illttli SHELL. $1.00 pr. L50 ca. 04.00 ea. 25c ea 1.00 ea, 3 . electit ' I majo: ' has s, ' i good. ' able t t lserva ' ceedil inure ' ranks t The " Ttir, The following letter will explain it- gelf and the matter at it should be ottimt mores: to cattleman. Editor Review. Second Annual Announcement of the Ontario Provincial Auction Sales of Pare Bred Live Stock. which will be held in the city of Ottawa, Februaryl 12th, and in the city ot Guelph, Feb- I wary 26th. At each oi these sales a 1 number of first class animals will-be" offered. A considerable number have already been entered but none will becatalogued until each has been inspected, for each mast be of good quality. The breeding also mutt be beyond question, and for this reason it will pay farmers, Agricultural Assoei- ations, and Farmers-Clubs to buy their breeding stock at these, annual sales. Western ranchers and stoek growers will be well repaid if they attend at Ottawa and Guelph. I rcspectiully request you to read the rules and conditions governing each sale. At Guelph, sixty Shorthorn bulls will be offered, and about twenty females. A few yesy good Ileretords. Pulled Angus and Galloway's will algo be sold. Yorkshires. Tamworths, and Berkshires will be the only breeds of I pigs offered this year. Altogether the .quality and condition ot/tlie, animals ‘sold at Ottawa and Guelph will be better than last year. Every precau- tion will be taken to sateguard the interests ot both the buyers and sellers. In case a buyer, coming from a distant rrovince wishes to buy a cal-lord or more and does not get all he wants ta either of the sales, arrangements hare Mflllililll will“ (lllfll PURE HRH] [IVE (IM. ed 2,223 head, and cost in the East something over 830,000.a). Besndes these, a considerable number have recently been sent to tl:e North West Territories, and orders are now in hand for additional shipments to be made to the last mentioned Territory. In order to promote this trade. which has proved verv profitable In many districts in Eastern Canada, farmers shou‘d use first class Snorthorn bulls. By careful selection and wise treatment females sired by such bulls will prove excellent dairy cows. Trade in live stock between Eastern and Western Canada has been gr oving rapidly within the last few years. This increase oftrade has been promoted and in lactmnde possible, by the wise and generous treatment of the C. P. R. During the month at Decembcrand the first eight days in January, forty-six ears of grade and pure-bred cattle were shipped from Eastern Ca man to British Columbia. These cars contain- It is n noticeable fact that seven- tenths of the stock used for dairy pur- poses in Great Britain are Shorthorns and Shorthorn grades. Probably the most suitable dairy cow for the aver- age farmer is a Shorthorn-Airt'slsire, cross. Steers whose dams are strong grade Ayrshire cows if got by a Short- horn bull prove excellent feeders and verv desirable shipping cattle. As dairy animals: there are none, in the hands of the general farmer, that will excel the Shorthorn-Ayrshire cross. F W. Honsox. P. Westervelt, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. Persons not able to attend may, with perfects safety, forward orders to M r. Westeryelt. Last Wednesday there were nine con- tests for vacancies in the Dominion house and the Liberals won six of them. Interest all over the Dominion centred in w. York where Alch Campbell was pitted against a brother of the. late Hon. N. Clarke Wallace. At the last election Campbell was defeated by a majority of 820, but on this occasion has wiped out this and has 153 to the been completed whereby the officers of the Provincial Associations are able to assist him in procuring what he may Want. with little or no additional ex- pense to himself, other than the price ofthe animals. You are cordially in- v1ted to attend. I shall be pleased to meet you and render you any assis- tanCe that I am able. Catalogues of the stock may be obtained irom Mr. A. good. The victory is all tho more not- able seeing the riding has been Coq- servntive for 20 years. Campbell is ex- ceedingly popular. has large business interests in the riding. and in ability ranks high. The other contests Were St. James Div., Montreal, Brunet. Liberal, by 700; Kingston, Hon. Wm. Barty, Liberal by 723, West Hastings; E. Gus Porter. Conservative. 496 l West Durham,. Beith. Liberal, 21 I West Queens, P. Jil. I., Hon. Donald Farquhsroon, Liberal, 437 t L’Islet, Quebec. CAI-bounnu. Lib. ra]. by l; (Caron demands a recount Addington, Avery. Conservative, doo. Thin result .1101" the and experi- cues of ttre-elections going with the government which mjority is thus increased and the - of .31in unduly not lessened. lhgNhhl “MB In lt SIM. My dear Sir,-- WELT! Yours very truly, . y.' W. HonsoN Live Stock Commissioner. POLITICAL. Enclosed please find The Collingwood Bulletin of recent date has the following obituary of an early pioneer who has still numerous relatives in s. Grey t - _ A wetter of grief and loss wevaded the entire cotnmuiit v on Montan morning JN 0 A DAR] when it became known that Mrs. Dar-1 . . roch. widow af the laie Duncan Lhar-i fl rocks, had passed into rest. on the pre-t “ding .tWeIIiIIK- For nmuy tnonttrn . the wholesale manufacturing house of she had been in delicate health, and the. Telfer Bros. Tho for several yearn end had for Some time been drawing Mrs. Datroch had not taken a public vteitrly nearer. When it came it found part in any church or charitable work. her ready. With implicit trust in her et in the early days of her life in Col- Savior she was able fearlessly. to look Ti'i'l'dld/i' she was a most active worker. death in the face, and passed quietly a- She was at the tithe of her death the way surrounded by members of her oldest Presbyterian nitjollingwood,and family, to whom she several time collected money for the furnishing of sweetly said, "I am going 'iioiriy'l,t1i'i, tirst Presbyterian, church in town. Mrs. Dart-och was born in Bt-igtlen. lslay g a building which Mr. Darroch, helped to Scotland. She was married in Port, t erect. Indeed, of the earlier cittzenl Glasgow. a small village on the Ulydest there, are onlv three others, Dr. Steph- With her husband she came to America. i on. Charles MacDonnell and T. Long. in 185t. They remained for-tsour" time ', who ltved hete in 1854 still temain. The in Durham. and came to Collingwowd f funeral took place. an Wednesday after- in the titeit yeavhrtheir.residettc'e. in the: noon to the Presbyterian cemetery and New World. Here they lived happily: was largely attended. The. ceremony together. lteVttkthit'sotvo.wts and joys iwas conducted by the Rev. J. A. Crane- of life. together until Xmas morning l tone, B. A., pastor of the church. The 1892. when her husband was called a- _ family to whom she was devotedly at- way and left. her to finish her journey f tached and who tenderly Iored her in alone. _ Thew family consisted of tive; return. have the sympathy of a Wide sons and five daughters. or the (laugh-i circle of friends in their bereavement. tets. two preceetled their parents to the ‘ land beyond, one, Mrs, Lecour resides', _ - - _------------------ in Toronto. while Elizabeth and Laura! .-Ontariohag a cash surplus of 8435. still rennin at, home. Of the boys. two 'OOO. The receipts tor 1901 were 33.3.:7...:!‘:?:}'.hiatffnrttt‘..‘i‘:'.:$;:::= 8273000 'Treater than for 1900, while inent merchant. one of the principals of the eEpend.itare w.as only 8350a) larg- the tivut of Welter & Darmtsh. Dottgald er. Ontario r.estt In peace. The coun' is a tntm highly esteemed traveller with "Y mum not be In better hands THE LATE MRS. IIARRDL‘H. ir! n is»: y gg The Durham Review and Canadian Annual, One Year . HE TORONTO STARS portrait of King Edward VII. reaches the highest standard of lithography attainable on this continent. It shows His Majesty in otBeial uniform, with his decorations in their proper colors. As a piece of portraiture. it is the best q obtainable-better than s photograph. as w on paintings by - competent artists must be. The artistic value is heightened by e rich background, which increases in the print the effect of an oil paint. ing. The gold ot the uniform stands out upon the picture with striking richness. The picture is 18 inches by N inches. a convenient size for ham. ing. The paper is of the tttttttrt and heaviest quality. No expense has been spared in the work. According to the price charged for some other pictures ot King Edward which have been displayed in shop windows, this one is essily worth 81.00. 7 A copy of this picture was sent to His Majesty, and a letter reeelved from the Lord ChamberulrN office expresses ep- preeistien of its cleverness. and states that the pleture was seen by Hls Majesty. "l" HOSE who do not take it do not know |_l for themselves what all its readers say, Aa that it is the brightest and most up-to- Lt'i't1] date of Toronto's dailies. Its circula- tion is growing rapidly. Only one thing pre- vents still more rapid growth: the fact that people who do not see it do not know what they are missing. To make the acquaintance, there- fore, of thousands of new subscribers, THE STAR is giving away this beautiful portrait of KING EDWARD. The Toronto Star’s Portrait of King Edward OUR CLUBBING OFFERt-- The Toronto Daily Star, One Year The Star's Portrait-of the King DAILY STAR Toronto's Best Daily Everybody Says So! All for $2.20 THE TORONTO (SENT POBTPAID SECURE‘LY TUBED.) (SENT THROUGH THE MAM-8.) (REGU LAR PRICE $1.25.) THE, DURHAM REVIEW II III! MUN" I --Ontariuhas a cash surplus of $435. (OOO. The receipts tor 1901 were 8273000 greater than for 1900, while ‘ the expenditure was only 835000 larg- er. Ontario rests in peace. Thecoun- try could not be in better hands was largely attended. The ceremony was conducted by the Rev. J. A. Crunc- tone, B. A., pastor of the church. The family to whom she was devotedly at- tached and who tenderly Iored her in return, have the sympathy of a Wide circle cf friends in [heir bereavement. ONTARIO aRcrm/iiii TORONTO JNO. A. DARLING, Druggist Horse and Cattlg: Medicines-in stock. Receipts carefully compounded at Popular Prices. GROUND OYSTER SHELL - GRANULATED BONE and POULTRY FOOD of all kinds jlillljlli(il't [PM STORE /ag, A FULL LINE OF ALL KINDS. W2»! - Dunn-up" r." _.__ -___-r hen home. 18 x 50. with forum in it. Good brick house and orchard, nice spring creek, running pan the barn, Al- 00 15 acre! of fail when. -v Un the out" cm he had utter poun- Iion is given. Doc. 16th, 01. Will take pert cab and wane. Stil rennin on nA_ 1.-.“.-- -...L-. gun Anni. to NEW RAISINS AND CURRANTS- FRESH DATES, PRUNES. AND FIGS Kippered Herring, Sardines and best Fraser Salmon. Known as the George Rica farm. lots 8 and l of 9, Concepcion 6. Bentinck. This farm contnins 150 acre! of land with 14 acres of good hardwood hash, good bank barn with lean to it. 40 x " Good subligg. Rig an.f. “Pep non.g by imwossm CANDIES, NUTS, ORANG ES ETC., ETC. g Headquarters t. . f, For Lake f HERRING Tilsonburg Oatmeal, Milverton Flour, Chopped Wheat, Oats & Peas irWE ARE Use Chesney's Horse and Cattle Spice---A2hesuey's Heave, Powder-Chesney', Cough Powder, the best in the market. Q ---a GEORGE LAWRENCE ::fullliefllllll:: Everything Delivered. GEO. LAWRENCE, rrir"orTatriri"Gti Giiki I in†to We have them in 100 and 50 1b pkgs. $2.25 and $4.50 spectivsly. If you want a pkg now is the time to get it as future prospects are not rosy, FARM FOR SALE- : l (llliMllllllll : I I (Burnett. a i lot 10. con. It munch. m at Louise 1 P. O. In hands. of I Company. Fine ' place and must go to some "no. 8rd Div. of T and is: Div. of 8. con. i, w. G. R. ttetttttttttk.--6leoen Cunar- on's too I. m. 8rd Die. of 8.con. i, W. G. R.. Ben- tittu.-iteoim Cameron‘s M acres. 8rd DIV. lot T. 0011.1. E. G. I. Clonal; on (Sandman Bond convenient in Dui- 2l't, This tttty acres is a snap in price as _ . The Hanover Conveyanccr He has 3 big list of Property for Solo. including the following t gingham. 2, W, a. tt., munch o I have A large number of minor prop ertieo in town and country and will col or trade. MONEY TO LOAN .t41-2 (llllll)llll) BANK AA CANADA snd up'lcccrdln' to security and terms. INSURANCES COLLECTIONS and CONVEYANCING as well as other Finsnclsl business csrsfully stun- CAPITAL, Authorized... CAPITAL, Paid up. . . . . .. RESERVE FUND .'.. . . “RRICT... Cot-ICU". I" .UPRIUI COURT "WWW. OOH-1W". no. Comp-lay and print. Fund. to Lon on lortgqn u have". mm of union. Valuation mm by acompoumuld artful Vcluuwr. AGENTS in all pruu-ipul polllhl .n Ontario. Quebec. Manitoba. United States and Englnnd. W. F. comm. President. GEO. P. REID. lanager. noun" "It": carnage-n. ac. ottiee-----L0WER TOWN. DURH‘I. _iia'oi terms to sun borrower. 1WPrCB-Mitttre Burt. -- _ Fortunes A general Banking business truism-led Drafts issued and collection. mud. on all points. Deposits received And inor- est allowed at Put-rem nun. SAVINGS BARK .nboreet allowed on tunings bank deposits of $1.00 and up- warde Prompt attention end every facililv afforded cuetomere living " distance. J KELLY, Agent. OFFICE- - MoKr-Ixio‘s Old Stand Durham Collections of all kind: Fa rmn (mugh promptly attended to and cold J. G HUTTON. M. D., C. M Collection Ind Anoncy promptly "tended to Wills. beech. Korean", Loam, Autumonu incorrectly pnpcud. Buste- of demand por- laminated afar and Emuun'o and Admulc- tratore Account. trr-od and rum Sump.“ Court Ruling... Prom of Wil I. honor. of Ad- minstrltion cud (kahuna-hip obtained. ter- chu and. in my on“ tad Title- lemma D. Mor'HAtLPll ARTHUR H. JACKSON OFFICE FIRsT DOOR EAST OF the Dumun Plan-[nary Cnldor'ts Block. Itesndence first dour we“ of the old Post IMice, Durhuu. tieodid _ "tee, fut-oi aiGtiiAtito ttt ham. cry cheap. RESIDENCE and OFFICE --old Bunk arristor, otar , Gen. wyamr, ts, (la'.'.'.". lone, to Lou: a muons ale rates All Chute.- 3.42940:th DURHAM AGENCY. God to. NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, &c, CONVEYANCER. VALUATC‘R. Insurance Agent, a. P. TELFORD. lot-bot Con“. Play-bun and Sun-pom, Glade. OFFICE ROCKS 9-uq.m. 2--4 run. Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. S. G. LEFROY McCAUL. DENTISTRY. BARRIBTER. SOLICITORJ: MONEY TO LOAN UPPPK T'OWN,ttt'RiiAM. Telephone Connection No. 10 W. l DAVIDSON. m In In: llt mm H. H. Miller, Head Office, Toronto. Licensed Auctioneer f the County of Grey. . D. .OPHML, Hopeville P. U C. BAIAGE Durham. Privacy Money to Loan 11threr tha Bank 3.1004100 141004130 000,“!!!