It', £31 "John. dear. hadn't ymx berm drink- [ng' wlwn you mmn‘ in last night l'" "That's like a woman. Just be- cause 111ml wine little difficulty In getting in, because I couldn't pro- nounce a few words, because I took at my clothes In the drawing-room and won» my silk hat to bed, why rush on to tho concluakm that I had been drinklng." ' Ttere h no such â€Hug 34 a harmless cough. Tho tertihlo goes from bad to wvrs" IIHIE‘HS clwrkrs,1. Allen's Lang Btugttutt cures the worst ot colds. It allays '.ntlatnuiavion and clears the air passages. One day he was awn State Librarian. who asaed nttm. his health. “William." mid tho ttously, "I am not we". tor Unix: I was when than I now am." think you cared tor 'tts"--) were so nice to m. Bhe-Bat I make it a point to be nice to evrry man, no matter how stupid be Is. A certain Chief Justice of the " prune Court in one ot the Western States was noted for the dislnclina- tion to admit that ho was ill, us well as for his roundabout method ot ex. pension. Minard'e Liniment Cures Garget In Down. No; You Crotttot Sell "Any old Ihing" rntrroly by advertising. Many lininmnts art~ advertised. Only on". Duty Davis Painkiller, has stood tho test of sixty yum-s. Than! it is mr‘ro popular than over. 25 and Joe. LIH'HIN'. M mm M. CrIlariuy intrlduvml tt to tho Parisiuns “'0 hmr that all dam gu‘a- way lwfuru the: "ali-absorb- lug pursuit, the polka, which em- brnces in its qualities the intimacy of th" wnltz with the vivaclty of tho Irish Jig." With boeotnine gravity the Illustrtttme London News re- ported the first drawing-room polka danced at Alnmck's, and fulluwed this up on May 11th, ISM. with! n descrip- tion of tho five figures, adding that those who wished to shine should dance the whole. noun Jose! " not the I The In». tho feet dance its girl was own hon. meet joy "eps. Tl The weekly home paper. theonly new. - probohly pnbllehed lathe town or village [or removed Iron 3 large city. l- the most clone†rend end thorome reqected whim- tlon to be found anywhere. It carries creoter weight. he; larger iatht- me with) the erlthO old fo‘lee who hove been brought up to await its weekly coming ever elnce they can remember. It: coming ll indeed one of the weekly events. and it you through the hands of the hon-e- hold in their regular order of pre- cedence. The reading of its columns never becomes perfunctory. The head of the household gets it first. of course, turl retiring into the chim- ney corner of a winter evening, or some cosy nook on the porch of a lummer twilight, he commences at the top of the first column, his fore- finger perhaps marking each para- graph; and reading through it,. taken up the next and the next. until he has digestmi all the newa and the edi- torial opinions. Bat he is not yet through. for the advertisement: in their turn also command his atten- tion. A generation ago the country Wei-Hy was regarded with actual Veneration throughout tho land. and its influence was paramount everywhere outside of cities. Now- adays its sphere has become much eirt'umscritrmi, but there are still many oectionn where its influence“ supreme. In these the weight ohm tselvvrtismrmtnt in its columns is still arrnter than any presented to nclty clientele through the paper that happens; nt tho moment to be their favorite. The great essential difference he. tween ti; patron of the country weekly nn" the inhabitant of the city. as for me their respective Ity) titudeu toward newspapers Is con-i eerned. iv that the former la intense-1 Ir eoneervntive and the latter is‘ luc't the reverse. Let the mlddle‘ Clnssrm-thr, most snilefnetory fromi every pn‘nt of View for the ad. vnrt'ccor- Maul-Ni the rotrrirtt,ntives, 5 The ctru':irytuar_'s' conwrvnthm had?! him to mien? " new thing very. very] slowly. and to relinquish an old’ In "Bygnn John Cullvit ot_tho polka A Dance That Mus Invented by a Peasant Girl. In “Bygnne Dances," in Cttstrcil'a, John Culln-it thus recounts the origin 1810,1111 One ounce of Sunlight Soap is worth more than REDUCES Two ounces of impure soap. EXPENSE TIE WEEKLY PAPER’S SPHERE. ITS UTILITY FOR ADVERTISING. m-r It Remains a Valuable Medium in Many Districts. ll Aahforthtr6stntpmBar. Ryan â€and apply with,mmmoéam ,ndatru1-qu'f"1ir""r"s'1u""gtsh'"e ORIGIN OF THE POLKA. Jumping: at Couetusiorcn 9W n Merely "er Policy. certainly had reason to on cared tor tttP-rot, were ' mid thm Judge. can- cm not well, hat I am bet. wnaj when I was worse How He Fell. was approached by thn I dancing "out of hvr xtt'ruirorizing Crom the Pr heart song, tune and ' uid on a Sunday after- initz, and an artist, one who spied her, made 1m saw. Tim peoplq ot rpted tho dance and ‘nlkn. half step. In 1835 sprmd M. Crvll, inns w Summit SOAP“ I why oourtéously nn 'plt ,tuml dance tor 0.. Take in evi- ‘lu'miun peasant [in repeat!“ this and much more on the same line to the muuristrate. Ile also inzu; m "l the court!!!†as a side mm 120 wrnzn poetry. but only did that win-n movie", by tlw spirit. The m igiistvuti, gate] him if he had any- thing original about him. and tho pummel said he had. He explained that while he was sitting asleep be- tore the borough hall he had a dream, and before being arraigned had made notes ot It. He handed it to the court, and this Is what the court read: Last night I dreamed of a land so fair, ' Where the rivers were Pllsner beer, Where fountains ot rickeys shot up In the air, H i t And everything else was queer. Wide brooks of gin fines on every hand, Great lakes of cold Rhine wine, And pumps spouting cocktails to beat the bind l . For tho thirsty ones standing in line. The country people are on the whole In a. very prosperous condi- tion. If you have an article that an- penls to than: and is adapted to their needs and uses, they are in the inure majority in a position to be able to buy it. In this raspvct they are much better off, man tor mnn. than thnlr blty prototypes. The strenuous lite of a mutt-opens haven the middle chases scnroply ablo to Induleo in much morn than their ntreemdtitve.--Printersp Ink. *+++++++++++++++++-s ooeeeel1' A polzcrmun passing the Queen's Borough Hall in Long island City found a man asleep in the gutter there. He took him to the station and lutrr the man was arraiguwi charged with being drunk. He said his name was John Smith, and that his home was '"cuawltere." Ilia occupation mu; "Jack of all tradvs.†He insisted that he 1litl not belong; to the union, and for that reason could not get Work at nits trade. It you have once made a founda- tion. resting upon the favor ot the middle classes In the country. .7011 can safely rear an eddlee of "skr acraplzng" proportions. Would you have that some sense of securlty It Your patronage were ot the city popu- latlon? And another fact which tips the scales still more for the former is this: In the city people live much more for thenwelvetr--thMr inter- course with friends and neighbors is vary construlued and restricted. In tho country people are thrown very much more upon their own resources, noighborlluess is unconstrained and natural. People wo very much more out ot their way for each other. Hence. It they know of a good thing which will scrvn a neighbor, they will do Hrs much to have him ad- opt It. ?f.""eot"ooe-eoe-oa, For the permanent adoption ot a. new article which has Intrinsic merit what course would " be wiser to pursue? A campaign In the country would involve much time-uutd "time," they any. “Ls money." In the city, on tho other hand. returns and rtk sults would probably he very rapid, but notwithstanding the merit of the article would they be permanent emgugh tr? build a, future upon?, meat upon what he ia using to-chy. and to-morrow will already nad him relinquishing the latter. These are ogre-me cases. ot course. u'Discilarged," said the court. thing equally deliberately. He in not quick to try experiments and ho must have a. reason for doing Mt. It" this holds good use in the cage of a. pew claimant for his favor. On the other hand, the city man is al- IPP? on the Ioo)rqut for an hum-9'9- BIBULOUS POET’S ROMEO DREAM. t tw , .rr . a; ‘ "WWW". Eeresss;t Fd MEN' x wr tW" 153; ' _ K, - Hr: v 'wt l crt'rcT, " t: Mu p C' , v: J.- “M‘H‘I' "It a my enough telling." m the tetdtruytt pug-wet. "I know them a 802000“ room mm tit, A little girl trom a. crowded tene- malt house was dellghtedly telling a trlend In the College Settlement about her new teacher. "She's just a, perfect lady, that's what she la," said the ohlld. "Huh! How do you harshe- a, variant lady P' questioned her tte. "You're known her only two Pumpkins are an ingredient in a patent medicine thmt is guaranteed to cure a variety of ailments tieah is heir to, bat the world is increas- iig in inhabitants who do not be- lie" all they hear. Parsley will assist good digestion, like cheese and nuts, bat a. quantity in excess of ordinary capacity has 3.: be consumed. Therein lies the Ito. Cabbage, in Holland, is regarded as something of a blood purifier, but the authority is vague. In Ger- many its efficacy is purely sauer- kraut. KIWI answer. "1 know she's a perfect lady begun; the make- me‘ be] polite all the time.†Cucumbers, aside from sunbeam emitting properties known to read- crs of functions paragraphs, con- tain an acid that is helpful in cases of dyspepsia. Spinaaéh has medieinai' properties and qualities equal to the moatin- dtgo m“? pills ever made. Asparagus is efficacious in kidnéy ailments to an extent that is not yet. perhaps, thoroughly appreci- uted. Ordinary lima beans, some one has said. are good to allay thirst, but the same can be said, with eaual truth, of a pitcher of water. Partmips, it is now contended by scientists. possess almost the same virtues that are claimed tor ear- saparilla. Beets are fattening, even a mod- erately learned man will explain, because of lhe sugar they contain. Onions aris also-a tonic for the nenes, bat people will be forever prejudiced. because of their odor. -Dandelidna purify the [hood he generally are declared to tone up thy system. Potatoes should be eschewed by those who "have a horror ot get- ting fat," as that is one penalty of gating- them. Waterciem, is'a "good, all-around" breuie-ort (or the system. Celery is an Lnrnosrieared nerve tonic, and is more and more used in, medical prescription. Tomatoes rouse torpid liver and do the work, ordinarily, ot a doc- to_r’s prescription. Lettiwe tua a soothing. quieting effect upon the nerves and " an infoytriia _ remedy. Dear Birtr,--d cannot speak too strongly of the c-Xceljencc of MIN- ARDS LINIMENT. It is THE rem- edy in my hnusvlmld tor burns, sprains, (‘L(:., and we would not be without it. When washing greasy dishes or pots and pans, Lever’s Dry Soap (a powder), will remove the grease with the greateat ease. When a mum is in the soup. of Course he gets hot. It'e enough to tuairix, his blood boil. Immediately two men trom the back or the court arose, and began to move toward the judge‘s stand. Once they stopped to look at each other, and than, coming slowly tor- ward, laid down their pistols and their dollars. As they turned their backs the Judge Bah]: Upon this another lawyer arose and laid down a Colt‘s revolver and a. dollar bill helm-e the Judge, who repeated his former observation. The process went an until nineteen pistols of all kinds and sizes and shapes lay upon the stand, together with $19 by their side. The Judge laughed as he complimented the nineteen de- linquents upon being men at business, but added that the man he had seen with the pistol had not yet came up, and, glancing at the tar side ot the court, he continued: "rll give him one minute to ac- cept my proposition, and it he falls, I'll hand him over to tho sheriff." "This mdn With the black whisk.. ers is the one that I originally saw." -.New England Magazine. “Gentlemen,†said the haze, when the doom, were closed. “I have Just seen a. pistol on a man in this room. and I cannot reconcile it with my sense ot duty to let such a. viola.- tion at the law pass unnoticed. I ought, perhaps, to go before the grand Jury and indict him, but it that man will walk up to this stand and lay his pistol and! a line of " down here, I will let him oft this time." The judge paused and a lawyer sitting Just before him got up. slip- ped his hand into his hip pocket, drew out a. neat ivory-handled six shoot- er, and laid it wich " down upon the stand. ’roduots of the (Burden That Are Better Than Medicine. “This is all right," said the Judge, "but you are not tho ma I saw titts the pistol.", 7 “WWW Georgia. has a Itlflncent law ta-‘ bidding m cltlmuto - pinto!- on pain of forfeiting the weapon- aud payhg a. tine ot .50. or being imprisoned tor thirty days. Short- ly alter the passage ot’thla enact- ment Judge Lester was holding court. in a. little town, when and? denly be suspended the trial of a case by ordering the merit! to lock the doors ot the courthouse. ( e00+t0oeooooooooooooeoeoo i. iii iii Vii W: i BLACK iiiiismsl It is truly a wonderful medicino, Benson Worth Talking About. VALUE OF VEGETABLES JOHN A. MACDONALD, Publisher Arnprior Chronicle. Ills ow" Free Will. (What io Eat.) ONTARIO ARCHIVES . TORONTO 802000!" fer tlm TEETH tlie There are a number ot Counterfeit. Dominion of Canada. two dollar bills In circulation here, and the public is warned to look out tor them. The bill ocunterfelted is a new issue of tho one that has a fishing scene on the face. It looks like a wood cut, and the back is very poor. The words "Domittiott'of Gamma“ on the hoe, look as though the ink had run. "Yem sir. I am wiping my eye- glasses." "Do you- know what you are using?" “Yes. I am using a new two-doi- lar bill. I never use anything but a new bill for that purpose." "Bat isn’t it rather expensive y' "It would be, perhaps, if I took a new bill every time I wiped my glasses and threw it away after- wards; but it is just as good to spend when I am ‘done with it. I don't do it for show, or to make a display of eccentricity; hut I have found that there is nothing quite so good as " perfectly new bank note for cleaning glasses. It cleans them per- fectly. and never scratches the sur- faee ot the glass. Make a note ot it. ' The other man did so. and in turn has passed the recipe on to his friends. It may be anew idea, to many persons who wear spectacles. The observant man who is always aware ot what is going on about him, and always alert to gather use- ful information, recently had an in- teresting experience in a Chicago hotel, says the Yowth'te Companion. His attention Was drawn to an old man, a. stranger. who sat next to him at the table. “Excuse me," said the observant man, "bat do you know what you are doing '?" . The Population of China. It will surprise most people to dis- cover that the population ot China is greater than that of Russia, Great Britain, Germany, France, Japan and the United States combined, and that Clitna has a population carrill, at bearing arms of almost 100,000,» DOO. In those other elements which go to make up a nation’s potential strength, such as vitality, endur- ance, indifference to discomfort, ah- illty to subsist an the smallest ra- tiotm and to thrive amid unsanitary surroundings, the Chinese are un- matched.-.)- No. 28 ot the New York Central'n "Fcout. Track Svries." No. 28 of the "Four Track Series†will be sent Iron, irrstp:tid, to any address. on receipt rd rive cents in pustng'e, by George H. Daniels, Gen- eral Passenger Agent, New York Central. Grand Central Station, New York. , Millard's Llniment "I think it will be charming- when it is finished," said the Eug- Iishwoman.-Exchange. They have halted the visiting Eng- lishwoman what she thought of.\ow York. tn express my gratitude to God tor my marvellous cure. Dodd’s Kidney Pills are the greatest medicine In the world, especially tor those ot my age. "I could scarcely move bland or toot I was so dizzy. a.nd violent pains would shoot through my whole sys- tem, but now thanks to 'Dodd’s Kid- ney Pills I feel well and smart." This case and its cure has cream] quite a sensation and Mrs. Maxwell's full and frank statement of the mat- ter, has been the subject at a great deal of comment. Dodd's Kidney Pills seem to be an infallible cure for Diseases OT Wo- men as well as for Rheumatism, Dia- betes, Bright's Disease and all Kid- ney disorders. t greatest pull: with a dizzlneae and headaches that made her very ili. She was passing- through what In always a, orltlcal period in every woman's life and her troubles were consid- erably Increased hy this. Indeed her “to was toe a time ity great' danger. (the me she used Dudd'e Kidney Pills with the most remarkable re- sults. being almost instantly re- lleved and In a very short: time com- pletely cured and restored to good health. She he very grateiul. and In her getter she says: "I cannot find words A Very loan-dag Statement by "I Elon- Ladr--Btti, "t" Found. I’M:- noon for all Fem-lo Weuknell and Wanta Every Woman In Canada to Know it. Blow. Out†Jan. 13.--Wpecia0. - Mu. Maxwell, of this place, nu writ- ten for publication " very strong- latter In which she claims that Dodd‘s Elana: Pills have cured her ot Fe- male Weakness after we had tried almost everything else. This good lady. accordllg to her trtatemdat, suffered tor a. long time mthLHdnsy- tumble, endurlng th? ttra. Maxwell Tells How Much Pain and Suffering may he Remedied. lrt WEAK Jlrllll0lllll EVERYWHERE. Mmard’s Liniment Cures Colds, etc. Mlmrd's Liniment Cures Distemper Spectacle Still in sum: Quo. A Counterfeit. Cures Diphtheria Wipers. my: ,, my»; _ryra, '..' P. PATENTS, (‘AVEATS TRADE MARKS, etc. Home or foreign procured and ex- ttee,",; Booklet on patents free. The Patent ‘xchante and Investment Company, Pythian Building, Toronto. Ont. w I 1M106 or if'filui mm ot pains and penalties against her, nothing would induce him to lother share his coronation. She was not permitted to be present in West- minster Abbey at an. Ropulsed from all the entrances, she returned to Her house, to die within three wenks of a. violent fever. brought on by months of fearful excitcuwnt. The strained cord tmuppi"i. The brave heart was broken at last. Caroline of Brunswick is tho lust, and moat remarkable, instance or the maul-owned English queens. Though George IV. had been forced from pop- ular indignation to give up tlxobill Sophia. Dorothea. or Zell, cannot be reckoned among the seven, because she was never called Queen of Eng- land at all. While George L was be- ing crowned and anomtcd, tutii--. borod, the. Lady of Ahlden WM pm- ing In her long, monotonous capciv- ity. short, and tor another more may have lurked. even in his masterful hand. a sense ot the "fitness of things" which may have caused him to wink from publicly crowning no many ladies in such. very rapid DUC- cesslon. At any rate, the Uclovcd Jane Seymour. the despised Anne of eleven. we girlish Catherine Howard and the wary Gather-me Parr were never consecrated in public as queen consorta of England. Henriatta. Maria, wire of Charles L, refused to be crowned. She was young, she was pretty, bile was a. French princess and a bigoted Roman Catho- lic and she declined to take part in a state function which would com- pol her to partake of the sacrament guarding to Ilium-ch ot l-Lngl;md rues. King Henry V111. took care that Anne Boleyn should be crOWued WILD extreme magnificence. He desired to show the world how much he loved her and how very much: he defied the Bishop of Rome. The tour wives who succeeded her were never crowued at all. For one thing. money ran spent so much. money in conquering was and in trying to conquer Boot- land that he could not afford the ex- pence ot a coronation tor m- girl bride. and we had to do without the agenda? of the pageant. “00000006000000.0000“ England hu had nanny roynl men queen. in their own right- end queen- by virtue at marriage with the reign- ing novel-em. but " in not generally known tint men ot the women who are known in hitter] no queen- were not no in tact. They - received officially the insignia. ot a monarch, the crown. The tirat was [urgent of France. the young. plain, amiable second wife ot Edward, 1. He had His [mama are vastly up: Woodonwu-o an]: l he ale by all ttmt on. an!“ tf5i'a'-t 1C0iijir "'et (tviytlt,' \da 3 2 tlil)lffl'jjl!flllt 'l2lllliii, z ' ‘ ty \\~ ‘ . l.-, 1'U mum 'iiti'irt? V ", Btgfnuagmߠ"2ttta"& Hows THIS {IND gums or mm; (t In: CANADIAN R ll B Mttt PA I ENTS. no vastly mqtee%e to the ordinary ( Woodonwu-o "this for donate an. I llil)ljltffrfi0 l'll5lilyllhlte RP FRUIT FARM FOR BALE-0NE or TH! tiettMt In the Nin :1. Peninsula. " Winona, to mile. from tli'llhg on two mit. WIYI. [macro-Ila all.†of wind: is in that. mostly pendant. Will be cold in one pound or divided into 1otaot 15 to an were. te out pur- chmle. Think a decided bargain MM"- gzn-mn Ont-pounce. P. 0. box I“. Who-- You learn all shout, Virginia. lands. will. waver. cum-up. resouroom products. tram. ban-lee, mode of 'r"shuAv'pAoru'ih'y, ctr... by reading the VIRGINIA FAR ER. Send It: for three months' unbocription to box 29l, Far, mcr Co., Emporia. VA. A FEW MORE GOOD MEN WANTED have you a paying occupation for an winter! We will put you in u wu- to make good wagen: we employ both on salary and commission; handsome 0mm tttrnished the; our side-line helps our alum“: splendidly; write and fat terms and parthuiirs. (‘huo Brothers fompnny. Nurtkrvmen, Colborne. Ont.; established " years. CASH FOR REAL ESTATE OR BUSI- nesl. no matter where it in. Send dear-r35- tion and cash price and E', our plan for tt _ inc out: buyers. Patent xehunge and Invest ment Company, Toronto. Canaan. Scott's Emulsion fixes all kinds. It does the work both inside and out. It makes soft bones hard, thin blood red, weak lungs strong, hollow places full. Only the best ma- terials are used in the patching and the patches don't show through the new glow of health. No one has to wait his turn. You can do it yourself-you Never thought of such a sign for a medicine did you? Well, it's a good sign for Scott's Emulsion. The body has to be repaired like other things and Scott's Emulsion is the medicine that does it. These poor bodies wear out from worry, from over-work, from disease. They get thin and weak. Some of the new ones are not well made-and all of the old ones are racked from long usage. ISSUE NO. d, 1902. We will pay you 9 cents per pound for Plucked Turkeys, large or smalllou. We buy all kind. ofl’oultry. We pay freight and send check or money order u soon as we receive the l’oultrv. TURKEYS WANTED SAMUEL L. LEWIS a. co., Commiulou Merchants. London, Ont. VIRGINIA HOMES. Bl'SINESS (‘H ANCES. Neatly Thi, picture npremll the Trade Mark of Scotty Emulsion and is on tho wrapper of every bottle. Sand tot In: ample- and the bottle. SCOTT & BOWNE, TORONTO CANADA Soc. and " all druggists. NO JOINTS. NO SEARS. NO LEAKs. Mlitiis tith " WAS Among all is. imposed and devotec -ets one: u winch I on whlch tl their pawn deer-ing ot It require -tions. of “we a w mml‘nl I tt hu tnket â€IS 80le radical cha In it u, Int be 2 “ts tmt,.: one. I on at low cl general. tV have ndop out charm by qulto A Iodorn ed of tl brand. mp] qrild. littl" Inn and M com! and thttes the C wave-a very " In elm Donald fneo. “Ill kN'p t top of the hair. whirl nie Womill "aturom h aiminhrhinir woman haw which lends “a Pair do Aiarmirt th man I hair i WIN-“s Itcrifiml ICU-Knot mettt . Iettr'ral ' Innin- w I have I “till tw In?! they '1" an tyoithvrerr. One than 011.;qu Wtrsiti nu u tal In!" Ingl We " throw ph w l Ilia. foul: (on â€In. rout â€mu who“ “.2 the f mm: of UM Sal. I and t by lL 11mm of t call: Ital. at t of men l haw all _ . true r1 which ha lent new try. But tul it"! WIN him clnl ed: no tutu out com been mt 'avr- of and cult Some [acts rel come thr stations. any of city hm the sen â€(:01qu com-u»: Icenunm " the $attt elah mom-d qtateuurm' “in mum â€new w h Wachin sad India “I of a! an In " THE "" Wu u axon u PW m "N an lid n m