West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 30 Jan 1902, p. 1

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i" was that the FEES. BANGS on, etc. [Pur‘is as: on three motions. Went for sail etc.. 'cess. Lower Town ND KY and ORGAN armond and W wend is: Mum If! DNESDAY we sgrii?* 33: 23, 1902 NON. mar ORE. ONE. oud Did made over 880 Figures give a poor idea of the lapse of time. She was a. Wile and mother be- fore Queen Victoria began to reign, yes, before Wm. IV. Such things as He- form Bill, Corn Laws, Penny postage came vears after her early wifehood. When the Queen was born she was a sprightly Irish maiden of 19. When Waterloo was fought and won she was old enough to rejoice. and before the name of Napoleon hm} spread terror over Europe, her voice was heard in childish prattle. but " Time rolls his ceaseleu course. The race ot yore. Who danced our infancy upon their knee, And told our marvelling boyhood le- gend’s store. How are they blotted from the things that be." The funeral on Friday was largely at- tended. and the Methodist church was crowded at the mortualy service. This was conducted by her pastor. Rev. me Smith who gave some interesting personal experiences and preached very appropriate r. The remains were in- terred in Trinity church cemetery be. side that of her husband. The sons are Thos.. (now deceased) Samuel. John, william,Wenry, James, George. all well known and living near here except James who is in Dakota. The daughters t Mrs. Hopkins, who dieu about 18 years ago, and Mrs. Wm. McFadden ot Egremont. 'l'he0'erttoyal bv death of a centenar- ian in an event so rare that it may well he taken notice of. Three score and ten year» is a standard old age lituit for sunu- thouiaruls of years, and though advancing years too often bring labor and sorrow, the wubject of our sketch was wonderfully fortunate in having her phystcal and mental faculties so well preserved that she was able to Walk abroad and look out upon life. among loying friends, long after many of her generation, her husband includ- ed, had gone the. way of all flesh. Mes. Lawrence was horn in County Wicklow, Ireland, away back in March 1801, at least. though some members ot het famlly think it was1800. and if so, she touched the 18th. saw the whole of the 19th and over a year of the 20th century. In 1826 she was married, and reared the most of her family on the old sod In 1815) they emigrated to this country and after living 2 years in Fer- guts, they moved to the wilds of County Grey. to South Glenelg. where, or near where. her lot has since been cast. Her husband died in 1866, so that she spent nearly as long in widowhood as she did a wife To this pair were born 7 sons and 2 daughters and their name and virility is reproduced in the abundant otrspving of the 3rd and Ith generations, who met on Friday to lay their Vetter- l ated ancestor in the grave. i Horse and Cattle Salts, 10 lbs. for 250 At Parker's. Poultry. Crystal Grit, Oyster Shell and Red Alhument--At ParkerU. THE CaRNtvAr.,---Thu the flret of the season. was quite a success. though the big race did not come off, the timidlty of several preventing them from facing our own Nat Swallow. The masquer- adern helped to brighten up the rink and in their own war furnished amuse ment. We hope the band boys may have a successful seison. Fax for Phun! Then heat. Phax on Jan. 30. Plan at MncPhruGne's drug store. far hudhnd. "Thebes! winter. 1 ever saw" was a ('mmuun remark. and now with the days lengthening we can stand thecold strenngening. and look over little February's head to spring-like weather in March. THE LATE MRS. JOHN LAWRENCE. THE \VEATHBR.~ The cold and the blizzard of Monday Inst. came as a disa, grumble break to the tine winter we " Mis, Sophia Rim-net II being initiated Into the mysteries of the Post Office here, the serious illness of Mrs. Smith necesqnnting the presence of her 'laugh- tee at. hmne. we. welcome Miss Burnet to town again. Maanrlane‘n Laxative Grip Tablets prevents the Grip-use them--2tic It box, Use Dr. Chesney’n Cough Powder for Four Horse. at Darling’s Drug Store. Hows]: LOT and STABLE for Sale. A snap for 8500. J. A. HUNTER A load ot Fpwovth Lenguers went with Revd. and Mrs. Smith to Zion last Sunday to take part in the amnua missionary service. SERVE Hm Rmu'r.-The engineer of the Harristnn Pork Factory has been convicted and given a. long sentence for inciting and instructing three boys to commit a burglary. - DaHing's Grip Tablets, " sure cute. f Harnrss Oil, the best, tie ahuartr--At, Golden Butter Color. 100 a bottle-At i' Parker t). Parker's. , Carr’s Couch Cure is fully marnntepd VOL. Ben Nevis Camp Annual Concert on Thursday January 30th .NO.5 Att Jan. 27 '02. PAY UP.-9ll parties indebted to the undersigned we requested to make net.. tlement by cash or note, on or before Feb. 8th. next. OPI‘ICIAN Cossmo.--Mr. T. P. Smith, Elam. will be at the Midduugh House Wednesday. Feb. 12, for consultation on eye-examination Fon BALE.--A good 2-yr. old colt, or will exchange for wood. Apply to War. LAIDLAW, Durham. For 10 cords of 3 ft. hard wood, and 10 cords 25 inch Hardwood. all green. Delivered at the Presbyterian chnrch. Apply before Feb. ti, 1902, to R. Mag. FARLANE Jr. or W. CALDER. . lteview. meanwhile a visit to their store will gratify lovers of good things in their line and every tick of the dozens of clocks all going seems to say business business, business. We welcome the new tttuit, and hope they may have a. creditable share in building up our good town and find fair renumemtion in do- ng so. lot,." Mr. Aljoe. as was announced some time ago. has bought. a. shop progeny just in front of Knapp's stable on Lambton tit. and has let the contract to Mr. Hugh McDonald. Sztltpetre, 3 lbs for 2hr-At Parker's NEW JEWELERY STORE. - R. B. Keeler & Son. practical watch-makers and npticuns. have opened up a large and varied assortment of clocks. watches. jewelry, spectacles &e. in we stand noon ied by thelnte W. A. Mac Fullnne. Rh. Keeler, Sr. has a large business in Hespeler and the Durham establishment, was formerly in Preston. Nex! week they_w_ill have an ad in we .7 - _"___ 7"" "‘.Y I.. Upper Town to Mr. Angus tiaUi.if, for " good sum. Mr. Cameron Rets passes- sinn on March 1st. Mr. Aljuo "mains 28 feet on the corner, and gives a road- way to Me. palm-run at the rear of the A most edifying Sight was behold in St. Mnrv’s R. C. church on Sunday last. when 200 men. both young and old went, forw-uxl in a body, and took the pledge at the hands of Very Rev. Dean O'Connell. This most commendable act, on the part of those neophytos of temperance, called forth the heartfelt praise and gratitude of tho Rev. Dean. We are certain that he will ask of God to Mess the good resolutions "f those men who set, such a strong example to the Pest, of the congregation. -Mt. Forest, Confed. Norrrcu---lf the party who on Satur- day night last Jan. 18th., took robe by mistake from cutter in shed at the roar of lh eslsyterian church will kindly leave the same without delay, at REVIEW Office, they will oblige and Save themselves further, trouble. PROPERTY CHANOE.--Mr. Rum. Al- joe has sold his residence property in 'r.-, fI“___A,, A I] A -- __ I .' Last Sunday Rev.‘ Mr. Farquhar- son preached and on Monday evening he delivered an excellent lecture on the .. Old Flag." tellingin an Interesting way the origin and gradual growth of the design on the. Unron Jack, and setting forth its spiritual relation. Those Pet"ov4 who head the lecture say that it was one of the most interesting talks they ever listened to. Heillustrn- ted it, throughout with small Cags in the hands of thelecturer. l The Harriston Tribune of recent date referring to the Anniversary services of Clifford Knox Church has the following kindly reference to the Presbyterian pastor here l CtutLiA.NA.-Two rinks of enthusiastic Owen Sound curler-4 came to Durham. last Wedneadtwy. and played at friendly game with two Durham rinks. The .. locals " mine out ahead by 3 pomts. and they intend tt equal or better this in o. Sound shortly. We are in receipt of a copy of the; Titne.-Democrat, Pawnee, o. T., U. ! s., with a tttttthed article about! threatened trouble among the Pawnee , Indians. We are unable to establish any local connection. f The revival meetings in the Methodist church are In Drogreu this week. Rev Mr. Farquharson and Rev. Mr. Newton are tn assist. for a. night each. The attendance and interest have been very good. No'rrct--All parties indebted to the undersigned are requested to call a. once and settle their accounts by cash or note.--C. McAm-mm. Sulphur. 11 lbs. for a5e-At Parker’s. The Board ot License Commissioners for S. Grey are the same as last year: P. Phelan. Dundalk l Thos. Pnehlman, Hanover ', Wm. Caldwell, Durham. TE NDERS WANTED ENGINEER. WANTED at once. Good wages to the right man. Apply at this omce. 2 Barr’s Cough Cure is fully guaranteed to cure colds-at MacF'aruneu Drug Store. T, MORAN. BlaeUmith, ttttttt a?” DURHAM, THURSDAY,HN6KRW Tells, or ought. totell correctly the date to which Von are pr id. Changes and additions have a- gain been made and we ask our friends to examine closely. The Peninsular Portland Cement company is not onlyan industrg of which the county justly feels pron , hutitia becoming oneot Ge principal business industries of the state. The plant at Cement City 1s a. model, and visitors from all over the world are attracted there through its rapidly growing repu- tation." The fondest business hopes of the stockholders have been realized. rnd the entire satisfaction of the 125 stockhold- ers present. who With their proxies represented the stock of the company. found expression in a. vote of thanks given with real heartiness to Secretary and General Manager W. If. Cowham and the board of directors. At a. meeting of the hoard of directors the former omcers were elected. l, Another important step was taken. in view of doubling the capacity of the plant. There is marl enough at the site of the plant to keep two factories, not- withstanding its present mammoth size, busy puking cement foe 200 years. The company hy reason of its improved plocess of making a. supei ior quality of cement finds " ready market for more cement than it could make at the rate of axy) barrels a day. With these fav- orahle trade conditions and the superb showing of the plant under the present management during the past year. c mfrc nting the stockholders, they readi 1y voted in favor of directing the board of directors to mature a plan for doub- ling the capacity of the present exten- sive cement works at Cement City. and report the plan to the stockholders. A large (portion of the stockholders ex- presse a willingness tr, double their amount of stock. 1 l factory lo run during the Eoldest weath. ier without shortening the output, while most factories thloughout the country have had to close down during the lwmter. Not since the plant was first ‘stm-ted has there been a shut-down for (a. minute. while the marl " this latest .system of cement-making has. day and lnighl. been dipped from its natural , .restins,rplace, and carried through the , inti irate process until it fell into bins in the form of commercial cement. all iwithout the. agency of hunmn hands, w. F. Cowham. gtmeralmanager, of :the plant, Wave. some interesting points of the business to the stockholders. IThe whole output lot the plant, ton last lyenr was sold )efore. August and the! travelling salesmen were then called in. I More than half of the output for. the] i Coming year is already contracted. The i reputation of the cement. though on I the market for scarcely a year, IS tirmly l established. Not asack of cement, to! my nothini.r of a carload. has ever been reieeted or returned. and not at cement [if], now due the company. remains!I lunpnid. The cement is much desired] l because of the greater proportion of! pend which can safely be mixed with it, i 1 in its ordinary use. I The good feeling of the stockholders on account of their gilt-edged invest- ment and because of the wise business administration of General Manager W. F. Unwhaun and the directors, wan indeed. n. I'enmrkahle feature of the meeting. The stockholders were not inclined to make changes. being more than satisfied with Mr. ()mvhmn's man- :Igement orafrairs. and they re-elected the hoard of directors entire. TIIE LITTLE YELLOW LABEL The stockholders were elated with knowing that they own a cement plant in which is installed the very latest improvements foe the process of making cement. The excellent physical condi- tion of the plant has permitted the ("noun-- 4.» __.--, ' . _. _ _ i lag is the article referred to above: 3 "The annual meeting of the stock- [holders of the Peninsular Portland 'Cement, company of Jackson was held lat the common council chamber here lyesterduy. Considerable time was tak- Ien up in hearing reports of otricevs, hut those reports, while matter of fact, showed such a happy condition of aft-nits from an invesitov's standpomt that the stockholders Were convinced, of what the directors had previous! observed. that the Peninsular Farthing Cement plant is without a peer in the whole country. l 5 Progress is being made here in epiteI I of the weather. The steel Structure of I i ths Powermouse is completed and is; 3' visible from the hill. The staking out I Iof the clay storage and wet grindingI i' buildings is being done and the 5th and i Itth rotarles are on the way. Blot-knmk- I Iing continues to go on in the machine! lshcp. MT. Gibson is around and esti- tt Inmtiug the iron requirements for theI- _ track and will tsuperintend preparations , I for tho building of the scow. Follow-I ing is the article leferred to aim“ . I - i The "Jackson Patriot" of Jan. 22. jcnntuinr a full account of the annual [meeting of the. shareholders of the Peninsular Portland Cement Company. fwhich we reproduce. It is certainly igratlfying to find that the demand for iauch cement as is turned out by the jprocess in vogue in Michigan and to be iduplicaced in Dutham, continues to in l‘creuse and it is still further gratitying 'Lo find our worthy President. Cowham iso well appreciated where he is best known. A (lllliPlllllm Tl] MB Mlllllhlll Doubling The Plant. tit . mm l .k', o i?,",':,',':, 1:3: Miss Paterson. of Fordwich. returned dricevs, but home last Friday, after spending a, '1' 9f fact, (couple of weeks with her sister Mrs, adition of, W Bean standpoint! . . . conv.ihcesih' Mr. Godfrey McTaggurt gaye us his iiiiiiii?i1tiiiti' call on Friday last, of tMutrtre , ontlan 'rememlnring the Review. Old Father eer m the, . . Tunnels not stealing much of a. march ' .-..'bc '0" him. JIcklon’l Block G-- UpporlTown. ::iu Come in and see the {way you can save money by fmak- ing your purchases here 7 ‘iWhere you will tind att', im- mense STOCK consisting: in part of Dry Goods, Hardware, Groceries, Clothing, Boots, Rubbers, etc., bought in the best markets and sold at the very closest prices. THE Mflun STORE . Mr. and Mms. Cameron and baby, Mrs. (W. Hopkins and two children, who have been visiting at Mr. James Oar- son's for a. few months, left last. week l foe their home in Manitoba. They went i by way of Indianapolis, to spend a. few (reeks with their Iii-other. Dr. J. H. |Uarson. of that city. Mr. Jas. Castell, for several years with Mr. B. F. Morluck is In town this week for a. few days renewing old acquaintances. He is in business for himself in " Manitoba town, and is an:- ceeding well as his many friends here anticipated. He returns to Fordwich where his parents are now and goes West again about Feb. 15. 1902 ---- -- The Misses Blyth of the Cbalsworth News were in town for a couple of days lust week and gave the REVIEW " fra. ternal call. Mrs. Jackson and her sister. Miss Armstrong, of Durham, were in town this week-Mt. Forest Confed. Miss Susie Brigham, of Allan Park, sundayed with Mlss Jessie Burnet. i The County Council on Tuesdny hut {elected our townsmnn Mr. C. McKin- inon. one of the Commiuionera for iDivision No 8 to the honornble position inf Warden of the County. We can- igratuiate Mr. McKinnon and the dis- trict he represents on this distinction. the firirt time we believe, it has ever been held by a representative from Durham. Mr.M'oliinnnn's work on the Road and Bridge committee of re- cent years has brought him into prominence and he received the,very decisive vote of 10 to 6 his opponent l being Mr. Geo. Watson of Diy. No. ts. l THIS SPACE BELONGS TO McKinnon For Warden. $7tememt"rr Mo plug: ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO l. lllfdlull, UPPER TOWN 0N FIRST BALLOT. . thmi;uraai,tiit'is , " _ E _ r r . . ' a - a: La r. l Me. . n; H. g v ' . .. I ' , a" 'li " ,0: _ rq ... "Mi ' - - w... ‘ " ii-liii.r.ltlMI" . W, " V. "iii: IlhlIBt F T __ _ 'M" ra ' aim . r, ir *r. I a rrr :- " , r'. F ., ‘4 A" x - -- 'e2mWill5NiNll,5iiffiNillflffillfN4filffNlMggg 3:435:33: __':,":;-.,'; HINTS THAT HELP! E 5751M ms " grin] Ginny your fowl thte at a: the price will to down "ree In“. Wanted Buy good, tresh, clean groceries; none of those cheap trashy groceries handled at this store. The prices quoted below are for first class goods. 3 lbsSolected Raisins...... ...... ...... ........ 25 cts. A pair of good boots such as are made by the Ames Holden Co. would be a very nice Christmas present for your friend: made in all shapes and sizes at right prices. _ri"llMilmllseiii%2"iE"iii" lfglgegggllgegllgllgllgllFilllXll8) i a As. 'retamet. g Getting ready for spring 1 lb Lemon Peel .... .. lyb Orange Peel. ...... 1 leitron Peel........ 1.1b &teIledWalttuss . . " 1 lb " Almond.... 6 lbs fine Pigs... ....... 3 lbs Prunes.... ....... 31b package Dates..... SAKS-5‘35 C, McGregor, 800. . Better than ever. " " Remember the place : : Groceries : : ‘I sM are to be picked up are :---Men's Cloth- ing and Overcoats, Men's Heavy Top Shirts, Trunks and Valises, Fur Caperines and Caps, Men's Ties, Ladies Wrapperette Wrappers and Shirt Waists, Millinery, etc., etc. The Store is being Jilled up with cases on cases of NEW SPRING GOODS and we are clearing up all lines of winter goods to make room for the spring stock. If you, want real bargains it is your own fault if you don't get them. Some of the departments where we want more room and where some special Giving Bargains in all departments. Al- though in the very coldest part of winter we are THE POPULAR CASH STORE. AMES K0LOEN'S BOOTS. 1346 pairs to choose from. THE POPULAR CASH STORE. good Roll Butter, Tallow, Lard, Dried Apples and fowl. Ars. fre/amy , fttGA'eeuiii." XXX! LAI DLAW'S Old Stand CHAS RAHAGE Pun-n no Punuamm. 'ti'2tf2at 'tiy2ir 'czec/mte. m 1.x- ',edllril.',seg:g-i, 'i,'yifi'riiip .... 25 eta. ......25etas. .... 20ets. '.... 20cm. .... 25eu. r,‘ an i333 EN: Pct? n r" PE 5.4:- Hf"- ii '1; 51t I?! ir 'air.

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