West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 30 Jan 1902, p. 4

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['1 Being Lots East of 7 and 8 con. 2, old sun vey in the Township of Normanby. containing 132 acres more or less. On the premises thre a first class brick house, containing 11 moms. wash-room and pantry, new barn. trt x GO, 20foot posts and old barn 50 x 30. Drive house. St x- 16. Stables underneath barn for 32 head of cattle and 7 horses. also silo feed room and turnip home. Pig pen til x 22, 3 floors high and hen house 12x MI 2 never failing springs and 3 well. 30aeres of timber. and nut class hem"1 - and in good cultivation with 15 acres 1 at fall crop and an ploughing well o 3 About 3 mile. from Dun In: and can i Will give poo-union larch let. 193.; Title clear. Applyto M. W. Limit, I Yummy. Nov. I, 1901. - - wwvwm _ - - - - d 1eycteee..eeete - =tXt'etytert-rG.Gr'e-.cq Fo-im. - "'W _ - a7 . --_- ., ----- ------ ---_ ~‘LMMWW' T: ---------a-_==- Offering--- a Of Great Interest in f1ii1iuinery d, Mantles :4:- tt: _i, &unvett d ecena/mn gm”, on: 3: ir, M.$¢M$$$¢$$$$$$Memw 55¢ saot Shewell _,",:',.; & Lenahan ' ,1 fi__..fi 3;: '.itr 'l'tti""FFui $$°fi$$$$$$$$$$°fi$$9§ Farm For Sale. Sideboard maemards $7.50 to $ Parlor Suits $18 to 8 Diners, common chairs, ' oedsteads and wash- stands. $17.00 815.00 $14.00 $13 00 $12.00 present vogue. Here are the details: ets made in Germany, of Beaver, Curl a box semi and tight fitting back, fancy' an serge, lined, bishop and bell sleeves, coll plain, some Jackets finished with stra] stitching, others, collars, cuffs and around silk stitching; well finished, smart dre Black and colors all are going at a great: We have a large stock of furniture on hand and will scll at reduced prices for the next four weeks Made by the best manufacturers. YC'tir Ktension Tal to Si', 18.00 goods and are ot the latest styles that we have season. They have reached the time limit a be sold, 33 Landies‘ trimmed Ready-to-wear Hat styles, that were market at 82.50 to $7.50 each price and less, no two alike. Your choice of E and Walking Hats at 25 cents each, also 253 Fanc Feathers, Wings, Breasts, etc. All must be sold is your chance to buy a good Hat for little money, Our importunt millinery novelties, and trimmed hats must go at half price and less. These are high class goods and are ot the latest styles that we have had this season. They have reached the time limit and must he sold, 33 Landies‘ trimmed Ready-to-wear Hats. latest tt and b J. i. XfGrhacve CASH and ONE PRICE 50 JO th $13.00 JO $q $12.50 )0 .. $12-00 I0 '. $10.00 50 .. 559-50 nude brass bed For the Next 30 days tr, WOMENS JaCKETS J E rubles h s beds from .501 ',"lt $14. 00 $25-00 1 Dell sleeves. collars of velvet and nished with strappings and silk , cuffs and around bottom of coat rimmed Ready-to-wear Hats, latest ket at 82.50 to $7.50 each at half alike. Your choice of 35 Sailor 25 cents each, also 253 Fancv Birds. .00 55 ' My beat regards for my friends in EPrcton. and best wishes for the pros- {parity of the Township. I believe that my cauditaturc will he the Ctume of the council being more careful in how they do the Township business In future. Kindly accept my hearty thanks for you: vote and support at the last e- lectuon, when I was a. candidate for Reeve. I feel that under the cir cum- sunces and the mans that Were used to defeat me in some sections, and my friends being over coniident of my election. :was the cause of my defeat by a few voles. l, smart dressy garments in g at a great discount. Ladies and Gentlemen. CARD OF TH ANKS To Tar MUNICIPAL ELECI‘ORS TON TOWNSHIP. T, Curl and Freize cioths fancy and plain silk and A large stock of tancy Rock- ers. A big discount on Par lor Tables, Easels, Jardinere Stands, Hall Cabinets, Pic- tures and Musi c Racks. Couches from $6.50 to 3519.00. Coil spring, will not sag or frame twist Mattresses from $2.50 to $5.50. We sell the " Victor tt the best. made. . Lounges from $4.50 to Guaranteed for co yrs. The" best bed spring mad: is the Cable ti7.So. Yours fanthfully. J on" McAnnur. -- -'---.----, W TT TYrtrSrt "u77E7eT,'eTrTrt_1G1.1GW2'2't" of 35 Sailor Fancy Birds, Now oh' PRO. _ ‘4 V.'. ls),;,',,, v"), - -1 l_:-i',)',', Ev‘a' tij. We: tor 1901 was our 12000000 bushels, for 1900 it was slightly out 4.000.000. --Attstraliam, at a mass meeting cheer- ed for " Noble Loyal Canada." We always thought the Australians were good fellows. --.'rhe total wheat yield of the terr- The Holstein meeting was enthusiaé- tic and the membership in all is ahont I This new claimant for public atten- _ tion was only lrtunchyd at the recent meetings of the Farmer's Institute in Durham and Holstein. We have no doubt it will iustify its existence by ex- eellent work. which we will try to re- cord from timeto time. The otrteers elected are. Presrdent. Mrs T. McGirr. Durham; Vice Pres, Miss Minnie. Brown Holstein . Secr-Treas., Miss Kate Dixon. Dromore. Directors I Mrs W J Derby, Vickers l Mrs David McCrie, Durham. (Thisis all reported to us). Mrs Mathew Campbell visited at Mr T H Lawrenee's last week. Mr and Mrs Thos Wilson of Durham Sundayed with the Reav family. Miss Weir, ofG'enelg, visited triends around here last, week. Miss M IIewitt, of Welbeck, visited I at Mr Wm Legate's on Sunday lust. Mrs McCulluch is very sick at pres- vnt with rheumatism, bat under the skillful care of Dr A Gun We hope to hear of her speedy recovery. Mr and Mrs R P Legato. (hylon ‘ visited at Mr Wm Legate's recently. Miss Fanny Bailey of Hamilton has returned there, havinrspent a fort.- mght with her parents, Mr and Mrs! Thus Bailey. SOUTH GREY WOMEN'S INSTITUTE. 1901, before numbing (Wm-r hm Loni” 1 nawiy nppmumd Treasurer and th. Edge [my to Daniel Edge the sum ot In: curmnn (PXpHMIIlUtO and that Elm notify tbo Treasurer to that "tfrsei. ( The cunucil mlinanmJ tn Ltd. 0-2, Arrow-min: - McMillan - Thu!) Clerk be paid 620 on saiilry. Carried Davis-Arrow-h., That Jas Ii Treasure-r be authorized to recrivn final return of Collectors Rolls fur Arromsmith---yIctnrti., - That the lol.. lowing expenses in regard to Elizaln-th Woo be- paid r--g & J Hunter. slippers and stockings 31.25. railway fare to Own: Sound 90 ch, rmlway fare for Peter Ile, Imus and return 31.50. tclephuno 25 ch. Carried. Davts---McMitian--That Thus Regan“. be paid $1.4o for Re; ofdeedo! rum! from W G Cro lthh May 1895. Carried. Daru---5rtMiliau--.Tiua tho rceve and Peter McInnishe paid " each for eom. mittee work re the attendance on Eliza- beth Wise and her removal to Owen Sound. Carried. Mr.1lrllnn--Arrowmsnu,--riaat the pau- tion of J I' Falllce and 41 others to levy tax on Ill-g: be laid over till next meeting of enuncil for {urthor eonsultsrmtion. (Jar. Me 1filhtrr---Dsvis--Th tt mm] eommirsion era for 1902 be as follows ..--Wnrd 1. Tle lhtvU; Ward 2, J A McMillan : Ward 2}. 'leo E Arrowsffiah; Ward 4, Peter Ile. lnnis and the move to have nuperviuun over all bridges. Carried: nttvur-Me,Miliau.- , perms: for the year 1902 be paul. Carried. I By-Iaws Now. 418, 414 & 415 for the appointment of Auditory. mmubor of Board of Health and Assessor was intro- duced and read a tirtrt and second tune. Mcint,is--Arrowsunth -- That By. iuws I413. 414 & 415 uppomting member of Local board at Health and Medimxl Health 0ilieer. Auditors and Assess“: be tillmi up as tollows: - Joshua Dudds, L'ontd " New!!!) ; It '1' Edwnnh and John Mclnum. Auditors ; A Bell. Anses-nr and that same he "ow read a third tum, sign- n1 main: and engrmsed on by-law "omit.--. l Currlm. l Arrowunith - McMillan -- That, the I we“: and Mr Dunn be u comnnth-e to _ exatnitse as to the tiuCseiettey of um Thwa- ttter',, surety.., and report. ut next muslin; ottiuntui. Unwind. M:0hllan--3ieIt,uis - That the l‘t‘IMG and Mr Artvwt,mith be a couirnitren tn: Investigate the erreums.tanccs ol Adm I Flynn: This enuncil being untitiwl that “hr ia 111 dextituw c rcmustunuu mu! that they take such protrt'editnw an thtrv deem necessary and report a: next; meeting 1 oteouveil. (Janna-J. Arrowsuaitli-rrcrrs,---ri'hot Mr Winner. I "f Beutinck. he pm] iiidoci ammo! arm-eel ,1 on ro'mliue 0 “2 B IV, certitUd by A Mid. , diatom pathnmster. Carried. I .- ---........... unu- g.uuu unvns qurF, coun- oillnrs. Each member made nod subscri- bed to the declarations of qtmlttuutions and otsdtice and took their pants. The we“) In the chair. Minimum of later, meet. ine read and confirmed. Commuuietition. read " follows :--From John P Fullwes petition to levy Lax on dogs; from the clerk, account. lor election expense: ; t'ri.uu John McDonald, btt be appointed assessor. By-laws Now. 413, 414 t 415 for the The na-wly elected council for 1902 met January 13th " per statute. Members present. Thus. Mchddln euq. move. Peter McInnis, Geo E Arrowsmith. John A McMillan and Thos Davis Esq", coun- o Treasurer to that teiftsei. Car nucil adjournml to Feb 8th at GLENELG COUNCIL. 1r1CKERS THE DURHAM REVIEW 91.40 for Rtai.tstra/iLnl my“? G Croft dated '. Carried. " V r--That the clerk "otily retuml to Treasurer 3f S. BLACK. Clerk That ekeclmn ex- 2 amounting to $59 Hamilton has 'spent a fort.. Mr and Mrs ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO recvivo the In fur your ,ooio t t the I Lauder, U Eda», at lo clerk the Mt 1 The following pen picture of the iSux'imar has been handed us for publica- s- i lion. ll Was written, says [hi- t'iinpinr,.,r, “'1‘ by It Roman Governor: "\Ve do not to i twtiiumher 1'Vr't' to have read any person- I:11 tlesrxiption so perfect, beautiful and n i vivid as the lollowini,r of our Saviour by l, Ronni) ruler. it is so clear. and S I complete. that the artist can take "and : I produce his portrait without difrivulry. b' 1 At that period when His fume begun to i ’ spread in Judea. Publins, Lentulus, who I I I was then its govenor. wrote to the) ( Roman Hettate:-o There is here at the i ['l present time, It man of singular virtue. ! who is called Jesus Christ; the havlrar- I inns esteem him as a prophet, but. his sect adore him as a descendant. of the immortal gods. He restores the dead to life, and heals diseases by in word and i by his touch. He is of a. tall and grace- _ ful stature ', his aspect. is mild and venerable. His hair is of " color which cannot be described, falling in ringlets. below his ears. ond spreading over his shoulders with infinite grace. He wears it parted on the top of his head. after the manner of Nazarenes. His forehead is broad and smooth l his cheeks are ting- ed with a. lovely bloom. His nose and mouth are admirably regular. his beard bushy, and of the same color as his hair. descends an inch, and separated in the middle, it assumes the form of a. fork. His eyes are beautiful. sparkling. clear and vivid. He leptoves with ,mujesty, and his exhormtions are full of sweetness . whether he speaks orl - sets he does all with eloquence andl grsvity. m has never been seen to laugh, but has often beenum to weep. 1 He is very temperate, very modest, sud a: very wise. In s word. he Is s. mm. who a by his great beauty, and his divine perfection. surpsssos the children of -l At the close of the lmsinesa nwcting, auljourmmmt was made down stairs where Lily ladius had long tahles laden With choice delicacies, which Were pan-- taken of amid much enjoynhle sociality. Ptuce. pies and harmony within, the while the storm raged outside. On Tlteulljy (Wt-hing the ti. School celebration took place under milder weather conditions and "tuid c-qunl aluindance of iitsttlass provision which the youngsters enjoyed as only they can. lit-Versely at the close of this [vast adjournment was nmde up stairs when: a fine program of song and and other efforts was gone through with to the delight of old and young. There were 9deatus of mailman dur- ing the year. 3 withdrew to distant congregations, and " were added. C. L. Grant is secrolmy of the Sale lmth School .,Mrs. N. W. (Junipheli. set-y. of the Ladies' Aid ; Mist: Jean Ire- land, Secy. of the Endeavor Society: Mrs. A. D. Browning. hiecy. of the w. F. M. ts'.; Miss H. M. Smith. Sucv. of the (in-n. Mission Society ', t', Jlattiagv. Stacy. of the Congregation :Thon. Allan, Clerk of Session. Illl’lll ""'l'"'"'"ty,' any unwind» years. I Thu Ladies Aid Sm-n-ty has made " l creditable record having secured during I the your alrout $300 towards rheseaiirv,,r inf the church, and the Y. P. S. c. E. Ihas done equally well, tsonttulttttinw over 8200 In the same fund. The subscriptions received for the Century Fund, (both branches) total 82350.74 and when the third year puyuwnts art- in itbcre will he a comparatively small nmunnl, unprovided for. Messrs w. Calder, John Pitlcet, arid, C. Runmgc were Pe- appointed "Hump I gem of which Board T. McGirr is chair- man. W Calder is Treasurer (If the Building Fund. It. Machuvlane, Jr.. for the congregation. James Ireland. Fin. Secy.. The salary of the organist Miss B. McKenzie, wns increased by 315. Dyer $300 was contributed for tusssions, and $429 was sent to the _ Treasurer of the .. Century Fund. t Toronto. PEN PICTURE SPMEUH- The I-opnrls rend indicate) a healthy growth ‘trull departments severutl of them surpassing any pvevituvs years. was um- of C Local speakers and good music pro- vided. 19rornoret'tooii, is beam; tttpetl to go tuAylou. Meetings at. 1.30 and 7.30 p. m. Every farmer gm. The progmuuue at Droumre and Humweris the same. Mr. J, E. Orr. Fruitlaud talks mt Diseases of Fruit Trees and remedi‘es. and on "Latest ideas in controlling the codling moth." Mr. w. S. 'l‘mukins. (imnd View, N. B.. talks on Mistakes an Sheep Breeding and on "Benefits of Fat mem’ Institutes," At Ayton and Elmwood Mr. Ora, has practically the mum Mthjm-Ls. Mr. 'l‘utukms lakes .. Cultivation of the soil and Rotation at "roi",' " and .. Mistakes in Fanning." Meihlhauscn's Hall, Elonod, Monday. Feb. 10, The pmgrmnme at Droumre 1lunoyeris the same, Mr. d, E. More of them will he held as follows t At Russell Hall, Dromorc, _ V Thursday", Feb. o, 1902. Dnersum’s Hall, Aytgn._ -- - Friday Feb. 7. Teltord's Hall, Hanover, flllllllilir ©lllllli lllillllllil, Presbyterian Annual Meeting, Iron, says toe clipping, I wernm': "We do not i ' have read any person- perfect, beautiful and l OF THE SAVIOUB ng of our Saviour hy It is so clear and artist. can take 'and Sat "rday Feli. 8. sdttttttst,t,tfate, ti'aeigherggn te,thte, os ' ' In e en “It. autism: Jamal. Sq 0‘. I3. SPECIALIST EY EAR, THROAT & Nog 'a"il'lilUfdUl2y EXCLUSIVELY- Eh WUIbeutheW Home. Durham“:- Hnrn Veda-day of each nonhuman). M. all p. In. 'e and E. Orr. , Fruit 'Latest moth." 1902. 1902, 1902, Jate tssigtapt E Surney Jtoves i' GUTTERS, i ROSES, l.mmm_ RUGS (iiriiiiii" & NOBLE. CALL mbiNil0.irBmtr. See A Gordon's Large and Complete stock at Ladies', Gent's and Boys Watches, Fancy and ; Mantel clocks. Ladies' Long Guards. Chain Bracelets, Brooch- l es, Links, Scarf Pins, Gulf But- tons, Flatware, Fancy Flatware. Silverware, Novelties Ladies'and Gent's plain and gem Rings. 3 DRUGGIST ---. ___.- _..- M-.--, .r'--- ijvRrisc, t "te-oo-oo-oe-ear-ali' WOOLLEN and RcuirriiCaiG full lines of Horse Blankets. me- Town vester Drill with wire conductors lf,% '4. "a r _ .:! If” v .4 4'71"?! Illllrt"' r,r , , o " I 9- a " Ciiiiiiiiiill ‘15 V . .1 "a " I - r MI rr "u o I a h >1, "wk: ' LlRiElgll r 1Rm1rrMli111.i iG, -NmPNr_.N_'e'e'eee'- W This week we as our new line of '"u-'-'s.o-owsmr-os--o-. Winter is approaching and those needing stoves should not fail to seeours. Also Clare makes. 5:11 .61»! of ”lame/1 mm I NOBLE. A. GORDON NEW IMPLEMENT AGENCY 'ew 5Patte, ns Give to Horses and Cattle half a cupful to a small cupiul [win- a day. To young animals give two large tab1espoonfu1s twire a day. To Calves, Pigs and Sheep give a large talolcspotmfu', twicea day. In all cases give it sprinkled on Cut Feed, Bran, or Chopped Oat It will bciound of Great Benefit in Bringing Horses, Cattlc, Slit and Pigs into Prime Condition without the least injury to the Constitution. Compoundrd from Concentrated Flesh Fanning- Foods and Ingredients. A Condition Powder of First Class Merit, BRITISH HORSE i' it CATTLE SPICE _::), as; attention to and see our far It.ttltts Syl- 1ewetUry J ewelltar steel 6 ttr PACKAGE FOR 25 cu. DIRECTIONS f SOLO ,ONLY. BY a icii5Eg'EFc2'ij%ritrs% taria' 'G anxlw and Weekly Globe.... 8111). REVIEW and Hail and Empire . 81.75 REVIEW and Montreal Witness, 8U!) RM"? and Funny Herold. . 81.76. Rmuvsnd Bun "'.'....... 31.75- Rmnw and Toronto Duly Btar 8115' Minions & Omese ”or Men - tepeetat Attention than to mm of Women and Childm, ARTHUR tum A Good Tonic and Appetizer. You cannot afford to go els, for our methods and equipment excelled. Winter term now Students admitted at my time. loguc free. in either Shorthand or jects. A course at this institution will raise you above the many who are endeavor ing to make a living by common imam. Prepare to make a success of your future undertakings by taking a comm- YOUNG HRH ! HARDWARE Now is the time to get bar. gains in Horse Blankets. Have a look through our Harness Department and be convinced of our quanti- ty and Willem. s gals. Coal Oil 25c. autos cttislett says we haw the best Rat Traps in the market, as he set cm he bought from us one night and in the morning he found 16 Llats in it. See our Clothes \Vringers and Washing Machined They are cheaper than the cheap- at. HOURE Amos Chislett D Another Cobbler hand. -------- Qt. ixamine our stock of The class is supcrnl other Razors, thal reason we sell so In taraners' are fr, benefit of Iravin OWEN SOUND. (a not ttsc that oh snow shovel when get one so cheat). rices always tending down- wards ; quality always tending upwards t these an the reasons for the suc- cuss of our store, as success you will comprehend when you compare our prices and qualities with the prices and qualities you get clsc. where. We can and will please you. Drop in and sec. . BLACK . FLEMING, JANUARY 30, 1902 inn & Enemy. Malachi-or. Store !! lo 10 A. It. NORTtiE. 1; ( large shipment ‘s Outfits just m majori Ire findim at 'ck 0: Kat 2perior to that is to go elsewhere YOUNG WOMEN? m 1b Business sub MI Principa are un open Cata ll - JA Low ch HI Sf

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