West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 30 Jan 1902, p. 5

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cash Forming s institution will take ny who are endeavor- ng hy common means ml to go elsewhere. nd equipment are tor. er term now open. at my time. Cata- FIN. M. D., ARY 30, I MARE w(/ I, /. 's, ' SOUND. liven I Mam nd or Business sub MING l Empiré- , LWunes-n thIn a LACK Daili Star G lobe lent 3f O a»? to]! m YOUNG WOMEN! ppetizer. .7}. F , , i.' . 3“ 'tsr/rj,' ' ’ _ii? it. . I "15,233? m _ I".)' ' . Ikit mo! Stan. our and mi. KM mm 31.7; am 11.75- 31.75 me] pa D it your 1 course a TWEEDS ilil YARNS GRUGERIES W. H. BE AN) S. SCOTT. llt Bi lll8ttl'g 0| (llll HHS Big4 a Woman Misses Child 's White Flannellette blankets, We have a full line of Sterling Bros. hand-made shoes for men, women and children. They cannot be beat. Salada Ceylon Tea at 25c. AOC and we i jake Kress. Iargesize...... .... ...... $r.oopr, Bed Comforters 60 by 72 . . . . 1.50 ea Woman's heavy shawls 1.35 to 4.00 ea, Woman's long sleeve under- lb We can give you Bargains. -___ JAKE KREBS MacFarlane tl Go. Lower Town Durham Undertaking PROMn Y ATTENDED TO. JANUARY 30, FOR 1da Ceylon Tea at 250, 30c and 40c LAXATIVE GRIPPE TABLETS BABY'S COUCH CORE HE SELLS CHEAP I I DRY GOODS, CROCKERY, 301‘s & SHOES, &c., PINUL BALSAM Ot' best quality. CARR’S COUCH CURE The Best Quali cheaper than ev' s Cardigan Overshoes I Come and see ttts. If taken in time, speedily check to that much dread- ed La Grippe---25c. a box. Specially prepared for the little folks, may be giv- en to the most delicate child-Safe, pleasant and effectual-asc. a bottle. More pleasant to take and an excellent combin- ation for recent coughs and colds-asc. a bottle. Will stop the most stub- born of coughs-For cro~ nic coughs there is noth- ing better -Every bottle guaranteed-- soc. a bottle Druggist & Booksellers .sswmm . FURNITURE (Mft lllgt W 1.10 pr 1.00 pr 35 pr 25 pr Sir Wm. McDonald. the wealthyMon- treal millionaire is planning generous things With part of his great wealth. No less than the improvement of educa. tion 'tt the rural schools of Ontario. We are accustomed to hear so often of our excellent school system that the. announcement surprises us. but his idea it seems is to introduce technical education that will have a hearing in the practical life the bulk of the pupils will lead. A despatch says t Prof. Robertson has forwarded to the Govern~ meat the details of the scheme of Sir Wm. McDonald for the improvement of education in the rural schools of Out- ario. toward which Sir William is prepared to give generous aid. The intention is to consolidate five or six rural schools at convenient points, changing them into one graded school, with a school garden and a manual training room as part of the uipment. One experiment will be 'd,',Qel'l'll at Sir William’s expense in each of the, provinces, and a thorough teat given to 1 the idea. i First Friday of every month is fixed for the regular uteetings. ed Maine-res. Notwithstanding Cisvnul'ugzng snppnrl given to recent lectures it Was decided to number by n populat lecturer i Feb. 21 next. The uppmnunen; of Liluuritut was lefc in the hands of a committee, and the nppmnhnrnt of hook and library committee was deferred till another meeting. l "Moved by C. Rarnage. seconded hy C Mc \tthur, that the Board of Durham Pul lic Library at this the first meetinst since the death of the late President. Dr. Gun, take the opportunity of re- cording their sense of the loss sustained by his removal. One of the moat active of its promoters at its institution 28 years Ago, ho showed ever since u sing- ular tidelity to all its interests. He was secretary for the first 12 years of its life and President for the last 15 you”, and he nmde of there positions no ormv mental sineeure. A proof of his devo- tion is shown in the fact, that during his presidency he watt Abacus only four tinwsnt recorded meetings. But his mere 'attendance, is no measure of his work. His soleand unselfUh aim was 1 :oudvance the moral and intellectual life of the community. and whether in selecting hooks and magazines. plan-: ning for lectures, evening classes &c., i he ever had nefore him the itnportance of guiding "right the intellectual. steps of the young, and for this purpose much of his time. and thought Wen-i gladlv given. The. extentofrhls lilumrv I and the success it has attained are. in no 7 small measure due to the 25 you.“ oi i faithful service given to it hy Dr. Guu. I While we deplore his loss We know, it is slllilll in cctrsparitsort with that of! sustained by his family and to them We l extend all sympathy and ammo tin-m 1 his memory will long be an inspilitlinn I to those who welt-associated With him i In his public liti,vcs. t'arwied 1lttitltll1J1ls- l iy." i, road and its sentiments and purpose endorse-d by the Annual meeting. The address is given below. Resolution of (c'ondolence and apprec- iation an the late Dr. Gun, for. many year-u President, and moving spirit of Dun-[nun Public, Library. Passed by Bum-d of Directors. “Nov. IG, 1901 and endorsed by Annual Meeting Jan. 21. 1902: ' The death of the late President Dr. ir'tttt was brought before the meeting, The xesnlunun passed by the directors "t their meeting on Nov. 13th, last was The question of moving the Reading Room to " location emier rem-had by the class intended to he 1reneiitted, was mtmduced and discussed t also the [nupriety of asking the ctutttvil for a giant. A tvrutttittee consisting of President, Secretary. ()mnplu-ll. Irwin. and resident (-lergymnn were :uppulmed to wait on the council. The adjourned Annual Meeting of this body was held on Friday evening last. The attendance was n,yt large. the bulk of ita'108 members seemlng to he ttatisfied to allow It! interests to lie wholly with the managing hoard. The election of officers took place,and these are as follows: Pre,sident-.'I'teos. Allan. Vice Pres-T. Moran. Treas.- Jno. Kelly, ts'etwetart-Chast. Ranmge. Directors..--?;. w. Campbell. C Mc- Arthur. Inn. A. Graham, Wtu, Irwin. Wm. Wells, Jos. Bowel, A. SN. Hun- ter. It. J. S. Dewar, J. L. Browne, and “widen! clergyman. The m-w Hoard then metnml trunsutl' A NEW EDUCATIONAL MOVE. DIRECTORS MEET. Mllil Mlllilt, , HY” have about the Whereas ll. has plvused an all wi...e Providence to cuter our ranks and take from us our loved and ”Mammal breth- ten Ueorge Noble of L. U. L. No 632tuul Samuel Orchard of L. O. i, No. 680. 13eit resolved 11m: though huwing in humble suluuissnon lo His will which is always for the how. We feel Durham Dis. has lost, brethren whose unswetV- ing love and loyalty to the order is worthy of our emulation. friends and companions. T loved by all true and worthy cutizens. Resolved that, we sincerely condule with the family and friends of the de- ceasml in the sad lmieavement. which t has pleased [)iyinn Providence to amid. them with and commend them for cnuwlntiun tn Him. who hath said that. he puileth our teats in His bottle. nut, arm: a sparrow falleth to the ground without His notice and that, all things mu k together for good to thou who love (incl. At the annual meeritt District L. o. L. the full tion oi vonrloleuce Was ndopred. Signed in hehalf of the Durham Dul- trict L. U. L. The Durham Review and Canadian Annual, One Year The Star's Portrait of the King OUR CLUBBING OFFERt-- The Toronto Daily Star, One Year i.is V ir ‘;rorth 81.00. V 7 Mr“, W m WV "e"""""". -- mm m A copy of this picture was sent' to His Majesty, and a letter received from the Lord Chamberlain's office expresses ap- preciation of It. cleverness, and states that the picture was seen by His Majesty. HE TORONTO STARS portrait of King Edward VI l. reaches the highest standard of lithography attainable on thic continent. It shows His Majesty in ottieial uniform, with hir decorations in their proper colors. As a piece of portraiture. it is the best q obtainable-better than a photograph. as all oil paintings by competent artists mint be. The artistic value is heightened by a rich background. which increases in the print the effect of an oil paint- ing. The gold ot the uniform stands out upon the picture with striking richness. The picture is 18 inches by N inches. a convenient size for fram- ing. The paper is of the tirtoe and heaviest quality. No expense has been spend in the work. According to the price charged for some other pictures am Edward which hare been di-phyed in shop windows. this one is P annual Inn-Ling of Durham L. o. L. the follwving resolu- vonrloleuce Was “wanimously I , HOSE who do not take it do not know (_,,,-,],::,,,] for themselves what all its readers say, Ak that it is the brightest and most up-to- "fe".,. date of Toronto's dailies. Its circula- tion is growing rapidly. Only one thing pre- vents still more rapid growth: the fact that people who do not see it do not know what they are missing. To make the acquaintance, there- fore, of thousands of new subscribers, THE STAR is giving away this beautiful portrait of KING EDWARD. All [for $2.20 DAILY STAR Toronto's Best Daily Everybody Says Sol JAE. EDEN. D. M. Wu. RITCHIE. P. D. M. CONUOLENCE. The Toronto Star's intuit of King Edward THE TORONTO (SENT POSTPAID SECURELY TUBED.) (SENT THROUGH THE Mms.) (REGULAR PRICE $1.25.) THE DURHAM . REVIEW IN NHL? COLORS Never. use hot water. Make the hath short, cool and frequent. Determine by expvrirttent, whether you can stand cold water. If you feel invigorated it ie beneficial . one "my use u-pid water, hut never hot. One should bathe twice a day at least for mere cleanliness saws Prof. Anthony Barker in an article on HomePttvsictU Culture for Women in the February Delineator. The morn- ing bath "my ennui-t, of nqueezinga large sponge: filled with cold water once on the upper part of the chest and once on the back of the neck while standing in a tub. [hen rub vigorously with a coon-0 towed. After exercising Another hath Ihould be taken. However, do not neglect the exercise if you cannot. take the bathe. It i! better to exercise and go without bnth than to bath and not exorcise. THE HEALTHY WAY TO BATHE. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO JNO. A. DARLING, Druggist Horse and Cattle Medicines in stock. Receipts carefully compounded at Popular Prices. GROUND OYSTER SHELL ---GRANULATED BONE and POULTRY FOOD of all kinds , P" lu 'H MALE jillljlli(l'8 RUG STORE A FULL LINE OF ALI, KINDS. hen house. ftNiiii, -iarhTaiiC"il"i'l." Good brick house and orchard. niee spring week, running put the bun. " oo 16 new of an wheat. All tuatraw an uhmumpo-u. don it ulna. Dee. 16th, 01. Will take put each and lid-nee an remain on place. For furtlm Micah" apply to Cor. In". This farm contains 150 new of land with 14 mm of good hsrdwood hush. good bank bun with Inn to It. 40 x M. Good Inkling, Pitt and sheep non. tine hen hill-eilsxw, with fauna in it. a“-.. - L----~ - . - - Known as the George Rica farm. lots 8 and i of 9. Concession 6. Bentinck. (PR NEW RAISINS AND CURRANTS FRESH DATES, PRUNES. AND FIGS Kippered Herring, Sardines and best Fraser Salmon. i Headquarters ' f For Lake CANDIES, NUTS, ORANG ES ETC., ETC. Tilsonburg Oatmeal, Milverton Flour, Chopped Wheat, Oats & Peas Use Chesney's Horse and Cattle spice-----'" y Heave Powder-Chesney':: Cough Powder, the best in 'the market. _ -, I) s'wv. -- GEORGE LAWRENCE FARM FOR SALE. ::fllllllfl & FEED: everything Delivered. GEO. LAWRENCE HERRING APE We ', : alillllllEl ', : N 9,: a. P. TELFO RD. “RRICTUR. ooucnon M .UPRIII 00007 areratermtocat. “I”... no. orrrrrcst-aeudtG it“; I Commny and print. Fund- toi-G" on Me. n lav.“ mo! "can“. annation I and. by Acommhltll‘ - Yunnan mitMr-----LOWEtt 2OWN. DUNN]. wii2t"l,ttt, a: Laney urging)!” “handed to . 3. 0mm. _ Wonk &e.ese?rroettr new. Emu“. of deco-pd r- Ion-loom ,liti','i,'ii'tltr'?,etiii and stint?“- tnwn' Leeann ma. um no can": 33mg: I'.rt%t? of TW. I..." .354. mun, nume- PM of mm. 1666;3'15'. mimtion uni 0:1"de Ohm-0d. gou- chu mud. in may on“ and Title. mortal on. . arrictcr, our , eon. vo'gamr, to" 5a"... In? to Loan " muon- ole an: an on Help; to tFit borrower. 8rd Div. of? ind m DIV. of a. con. W. G. "tineir.--iteom Cunar- on’s 300 8rd Div. ot 8. con. 1. W.0. R.. Ben- tittttk.ieolnt Cumeron‘s so acres. Log Mt, Con. 2, W. tr. It., Mnunck a gt,' did impam'ed fan-m conveniottt, to ul ham. Very cheap. Lot 18. con. t6. Relaunch. mar Louise P. o, in hands. of u “mummy. Fine place and mum go to same “no. 8rd Div. lot T. con.1. E. G. It, menu. on (Sarah-tum Rand convenient m Dm- ham. This tiny ttCt'ett is u snap at prim asked. OFFICE- - McKr .teiq'. Old Stand Durham The Hanover Conveyanccr He ha. a big list of Property for Sula. including the following: I have A large numlm- of other prop Hues in town and country and will 'sil at trade. (Eduction: of all thh Frms bou 7 7;. promptly attended to A and mold MONEY TO LOAN ata 1-2 per cent and up according to new“, and tor-mu. CAPITA 1.. Aulhuriu-d. . . . . . .s‘lelMll) CAPITAL. Paidup. ......... 1,000.0“) RESERVE FUND ". ...r 60(le AGENTS in all prtucipal point: m Ontario. Quebec, Manitoba. United fttates and England. A general Banking lmsinon tritium-00d Drafts issued and collection. undo on all points. “Op-mill roceived und inter. out allowed " "nu-rem nun. SAVINGS 3.115 with» allowed " Iuvingo hank deposit, of '1.00 and up- ward. Prompt. attention And - facility "ordid cuoumaoru living n ditstanee. J KELLY, Agent. ARATHUR,H- JACKSON J. G HUTTON. 11.13., C. H Fortunes l I the Durant; l’buruucy C'aldov's. Block. Residence first door wont of the old Post 0mm. Durhun. D. McPHAIL. noun! To Lam non n" ru-uc 9--t9q.m. '2--4rtm. RESIDENCE. and oFFtcE-old Ian-k urn-n Tuwmmrnuu. Tolophono Cannons“! No. 10 “CONVEVANCER, VALUATcn. fnsuranco Agent. DURHAM AGENCY. G. LEFROY McCAUL. E l DAVIDSON. Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. 'fi. BA Rm: TERI lit-bot Colby. Play-uh... and Sun..- OIMO. OFFICI IOI'IIS FFICE b‘leT DOOR EAST GF DENTISTRY. NOTARY PUBLIC, CoMMiSeoiOh'Cft, &c m u: m: 1, mm H. H. Miller, Head Office, Toronto. W. F. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID, [unseen Licensed Auctioneer f the County of Grey. D. IOPHAIL. Hopcvillo P. It C. IAIAGB “Urbain. Private Mgney to Loan . comma-can, ' souclron, tour the Bank

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