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Durham Review (1897), 30 Jan 1902, p. 6

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" thats Blushing and stammering. but laughing In spite ot herself, the young Woman broke away, much to the great ('hinaman'u amusement. '"Are you married P' he ‘lkedo! a middle-aged man. One or the first of hi. victims was a handsom.) young woman In sculakin and diamonds. "Aro you rich P' asked Mr. Wu. 'lho young girl blushed and stum- mered something. "You wear diamonds and you have gold in your teeth," Mr. Wu pur- sued, regardless of her cabana"- Ment. "iou Inn-rt be rich. Where dit!. you get It?" The " Living Interrogation Point’s " Recent Visit to Kansas City. he Chinese Minister bears the reputation or being, since the death of his Illustrious countryman. Li Hung Chang, the greatest of living Interrogation points. He sustained that rvpui-zlioil yostvrday after.. noon. Surely none of tho many who have how guests of this commer- cial club ever asked so many ques- tions of so many pooplo in the same length or time. Nothing so funny has occurred here since Lieut. Hob- Ion. two years ago. kissed all com- ers. have how guests clnl duh ever ask tlons of so many I ]ongth ot time. 1 The " per. I got no mm from anything till I tried your MINARD'S HONEY BALSAM. Two bottles gave relief and six bottles made a. complete cure. I would heartily recommend it to any one urffvrinu from throat or III-m: troubln. J. F. VANBUt9KrRK. Frederietom Dear Sirs.-I was for seven years I sutfteturr from Bronchial trouble. and mm: be no hoarse tit times that I con-Id scarcely Np'mk above a. whis- per. I got no rplip! from anything on] ' 5-2.7! ---__----- _ Then he takes " heaping spoonful and swallows it with that sly wink! with which n Kontuoky colonel taken his whisky. He Minds a glass ot water to chase It and henves a huge sigh of qontene-New York Herald. "Hare a dirt sandwich with me l"' "No, thanks." _ "Whnt are you afraid ot-trandi In the stomach I"' Then he laughs us laugh and brings out new] soil. I This Is an amusing amt, and it amuse: no one more than its founderi Kris Kringln himself is not a more rotund nor more rollicking character than Dirt Enter Windsor. He is 50. He is bin. He has the Senator Billy Mason. build. Ho tflttt sit in a chair and twpedh, his thumbs on his stom- ach. which tin-y my in the piece de resistance in character. "Are you tho chief dirt eater l"' I "Yo, stir, i'm the chnp. I've ontoni my peck a hunilrml times over. Dirtl is good.“ " I low seventy-live me?!" 3-1;; who attend his lectures 5nd dirt. quarters. They are up at Eighteenth and Olive streets, in what was until recently the home of the Merchants” League Club. Here the chief apostle of dirt-eating. Mr. Windsor. has of- nees and a. lecture hall. He receives visitor-t- during the day, and every night he lectures to hie class. He has now seventy-{Ive men and women mi... n4A-~ . . . . u ,, --'_. “u...” m an I number or variety of month: old and flourishes like a green that Mr. Wu has can: bay tree. The cliieCdirt eater looks I tungue's and. He nakei happy and proapc-rous. The lesser dirt ' they lived. how long 1 enters have m ery day it keen hunger there, how they happ for their dirt, and tiny bring in their there. He caused yam] friemts. others not so young- t The dirt Filters have pretentious (wiring how old they , quartm‘u. They an up at Eighteenth they weren’t married. and Olive streets, in what was until I aim Min-n AB., - -- _.._.. w. -Wh.rtt%.' u. um angular diet la technically a Band. It comes trom the rim:- bottoms and is made up of many little particles of gran- ite, marble, quartz and Illnt well rounded with age. The chief dirt eat- er has the sand collected and startl- ked. and he distributes it among his lolluwers at :15 cents a Back. The no): In small. but it bums a good deal of sand. Bo that daily dirt mtlng‘ utter the St. Louis fashion coats chant 10 cents a week. , Dirt-eating in tA. Louis In an I INQUISITIVE MR. WU “a: mu eater is particular, though. what sort of dirt he eats. He would be no true epicurean it he Were not. This aninlp “r ms. snr-o.., Dirt mung In e'utr-whmt one II db child or an experienced dirt eat- or. At all other tunes it “hard and It must be learned. It is not can]: to fortrot that It is dirt. It ls not reas- mriug to think that the particles of dirt in the stomach might cause a. thousand tliseaam, now unknown be.. cause dirt has been kept out of the nominal; for hundreds and hundreds, of years. But after awhile the dirt eater develops his dirt appetite. He comes to relish his dirt an a girl loves her huge. He carries a ouch of it with him and whenever he is] seized by a teetlnat that he is getting] away from the animal plan upon which he was created. he steps into . corner and reg-ales himself with a knm lunch. Tho dirt eater ig mrlinnlnr _ .v.._ v". will. an when it down with a glau- of water, mucking ml lips and blink. lng his eye- " though no mane] o’er tickled the plate at man so do- lb_lous|y as dirt. h til William Wlndsor In tho head and spastic of a new and most peculiar community ot seventy-[Ive men and women In St. Louis, who believe that they Ihould eat. a certain summit of an every day. may: enter: take every day ii Spoon“! of dirt. Their leader he- llows that grit In neeeuary to - animal and that because mnnklnd will tye no _'e.', ta Inge {ood_l_le In _lubject ' moooooowmwowo 9909 tm SI. toms i DIRT-EAIERS. t"' 9“...“090000 N990.” Mr. iva pup; er embarrass- rich. Where It men cani a sack of thul eat his singular Into -rratrdirrL...'.', Magma" coptinhturert"...C.'. §toc_kholm ......... Berlin ......... ... Vienna ......... ... St. Petersburg Bunnoa Ayres . Hamburg ....... Naplt‘s ......... ..., Madrid ......... ... Amsterdam ...... nude _ "Does ran.. night ?" well "Oh, I: eat.. "How erll- out ?"-e , his Lang-Mex The_ Here I .v. “mm: as raised and the 'addl- ”tonal profits be devoted to educa- l’tion. but these petitions have not “been granted. Some ot the districts l complain that the pollce cannot keep lorder. the drunken men sleep In the Istreets and tall Into the eana1.--N. I Y. Journal of Commerce. I Great Clues. The following lines are from a table giving the illegitimate births in cerl cities in the world: . . _ City. Ponnlntl Purim} ........ Illegltlmate Births tn - "e""""" IIVI’, "LIVE petitioned to have the sale ot liquor stopped in that section. and sauna councils have asked that the prices of liquor be raised and the addi. tional profits be devoted to educa- tinn, hot flu“... __4.., _ C _ ' '-'t't"'"'"-ot-e4 Y-Z (wise head) has an other soap powders inaamu as a disinfectant. ++++++++++++++++++ '""6t? " - u - “N. “a aneu people where they lived. how long they had lived there, how they happened to move there. He caused young women and others not so young to color by im quiring how old they were, and why they weren’t man-ted. There was no Sign before the reception closed that his fund ot Interrogations had boon more than touched upon. - Kansas City Journal. Therd Ls {lumber or THE WORLD’S BABIES ttl 'Hes all right." Mrs plied, Coming. like 0. tr dr-tepee ot her hushm, 1m RUSSIA AND THE é lIOUOR QUESTION ..t. wuu, uuu remarked: "t am machin- terented in all movements in China." "An, which one In particular t" in- quired the minister scratching IO chin. with a quit-load took in his nar- row, keen eye; The young man couldn't mention one, and retired dis- counted. roan: married women are a great mark tor the minister. He did not 1 ttnet-rm.," "-v-=c --- thouém' "tG-Gait solid, and remarked terested in all may. “Yes. air." “Any olsildrmtr" "Four boys and two girls." “Which you “to the beat t" “Amulet. Which do you like better, boys or girl- t" "Ah, I have bat one, a boy." swat-ed Mr. Wu, diplomatically. .A young man who was Intrnd able giving the number Population. Per Ct ........ ......;.’,511,829 at ......... ...1,864,:at.e It ......... ...1,656.66?. 32 rg .........1,132,m7 24 s .'-..... 808,308 " ....... 0)... 699,489 " covered in Russia that splr. ' an agent ot the Govern- as readily bought as Spir- ' a private tsaloon-keeper, intoxicating effects are not seems to be amusement complaints that are 11 many village c'oun, Lat drunkenness Is ‘sual. This is particu- hnn----<- a. - Ulendenlng Introduced his " scrutinized her keenly, to the secretary of the club and inquired: tied to such a. “no wo- '; man wid Giirirtr%hased tto "gulf! make him-en Mrn. t" he It: the number ot in certain great has an advantage over inasmuch as it also acts 516,128 515,727 490,691 400,00o 467,236 893.500 2t?9,621 360,500 297,148 256,908 209,117 64,629 be no limit to the ty of the questlons I constantly at his asked people where dng they had lived happened to move Certain of the . the adoption by the Govern. e been not only , a reformatory many hare you P' tru_e wire," t: Gi, Ill. Births we! extracted '. c1tsrttlerting re. two girls." I the beat T' quyou like the you haunted. B..?:)?, Tie," 71 , ",i'J./r',rsi LIVE. rft!uf(:.iiiie.rq'! m FAC, T:i'r7: , turned upon 32 " 18 " 13 It - __._- - “I". ll “'0- ere-- In the room marked "Gamble.” I Down in the basement of the Cap- itol at Washington there is a row or committee rooms. over the doors or which are painted the names ot l the various chairmen. Senator Gam- ble,of North Dakota, while waiting for the Senate painter to prepare him a sign, printed the word “Gam- ble" on a large nheet or paper and pasted it on the door of his room. According to the New York World thin attracted ttttr'tstterntiU' of three New Mexican. who villted the Cap- ltol the other day. and the: prompt- ly numbed m. “Where is it W' the! asked a. 'rtenotrraptiir" whom they found at yr}: within. “Where'- what!" t "quired the Antoni-bed young- man. "Why. theJqont or the wheel ' What! the game. and how much it a. attack t" It wu Conn a... When the Flat-1E; showed the aged _ the chair with the Iin his lap. The C! i'forpiotten to remo, I both pictures were ion the same nlnfn on the same plate. When the old lads, after seeing the picture. grap- pled’ with hor aged companion, it looked for a while as It things were going her way, but he finally shook off her grip and escaped by way of tho oath lendimr fa “u _.. 802000!" for the TEETH tlie V "_--- ~nayv EIIU homes and the hired girl came out, sat down in the same chair, and the daughter took her picture 3.150. When the picture was developed It showed the aged father sitting in the Mn”. "‘61. u._ ". - - - _ The Perils of the K A girl In our town om and delights in takmg pl father was sitting on the the other day, and, having primed. she took a snap sently her father went house and the hirer] qr'o.t - V _,."."4. gut. “arming most beautiful crystals. It you try this experiment on a, clear day when there is little wind, you will be delighted with the result-Young America. Mlnard'a Liana; awn...” Known. however, that bubbles can be frozen. though this Is very easily dame. Blow. a bubble of moderate size and carry it to the door, or put " out of an open window on a winter day. Tho babble will freeze instant- ly, retaining- its shape. bat fan-minn- Many intending experiments can he made with snap bubbles blown from mixture of worm water. castlle soap and glue. It is not generally known. however, that bubbles can be frozen. though this In “a-.. _-s-ta, No Ronsmmhlv Man a neglected cold in a and Allen’n Lung Bah come the cold and s Mumption. Cough will C be 80mm as a new d And a your or two later he told Mr. Dryer that to rest and distract his mind he had formed the habit of counting,- the omnibuses he met in the space of 300 or 400 yards between his rosldence In Downing streot and the Noun-m of Commons, so as to see whether he could make an average or thorn, bnsod on a comparison ot the number that passed each day. "I remember one misty evening,, between 10 and 11 o'cloek, to have seen his remarkable :figure a few yards before me in St. James' Park. . . . Thinking it hardly safe for him. famous as he was, to be alone in so solitary a place), I overtook him and asked if I might walk by him, apologizing If I should be disturbing his thoughts. 'My wish,' he answered. with a touch of sadness, 'and my dit- iiculty is to avoid thinking. so I am glad to be disturbed.’ " E This cum-o of such a case ot over f twenty Years' standing la regarded ,' by our people here who know the 1 facts as little short ot a. miracle. Many Sometimes, Mr, latest book, Mr, activity ot his a on Mum Most p, Hunting ra u mnographer whom they at wprk within. "Where’- " tiihalred the astonished nan. "Why, thts.inirout or the I What‘s the game. and how I a stack P' It Will Iono time the stenographer could con- he dhapylnjed New Mexican- "I owe it ajrir'iod, Pills, which have done th_lr_ngs for me." He decided to try a treatment ot Dodd's Kidney Pills, and from the very first dose he began to lat.. prove. After he had used eight boxes ho was well enough to work, but ho kept on using the Pills till now- ho is well and strong. For years he could not walk a. quarter of a mile without assist- ance, but recently he walked eight miles without resting. He says: "1 owe it all to Dodd's Kidney Piluh whinh h....A "--, - - V__- -- up. "%re6S.t. [urn]! 01 Kidney Disease. and this reduced his strength to that ot a. more child. TN, pain he had to bear was very great, and always seemed to come on him worse just at the time that he had some important work to do. Ho had suffered in this way for over twenty years, sometimes bet.. ter, sometimes worse, but always sick and suffering, and constantly growing worse, till for the last two years he was unable to do any- thing. He decided to try a treatment ot human. t'iJkAi .m.., _ Lao Weedon,’ Que., Jan. 20.4m- oia0-Pierre Impaler is a. farmer who like - other husbandmnn has and! work which must be done in its season. Many of a farmer's dutles will not admit of a postpone- ment; they have to be attended to promptly, and poor Mona. Lua- ller. Ind not the strength to do the“ toilaome tasks. He had no children to help him on the farm, and an vigorous -and trained arms are necessary, he was feeling very: downcast on account of his lnabll-‘ ity and weakness. path lending-wt; Pierre hauler, of Lee Weeden, wee Indeed In an trtttortui"fti, muttt-- He Expreuee Mtn Thumb tor 'a Complete Beetorutlon to Health and strength. ----.. -.v ....u .nccuu; very owncast on account ot his inabll- I ' and weakness. He had one of the worst forms of Lidney Disease, and this reducedhis trength to that of a more child. he pain he had to bear was very pmf “In" "lint-n“ Mr-__---, * . " TO AVOID THINKING. Stricken and Helpless with Work to be Doms--Deprtved of the Power to Work. Frozen Soap (mm: mm _ HAS my TIME eople Don't Have to Do " Mr Gladstone Had. Ltnng on the front isGii, r, and, having the kodak took a snap shot. Pre- n the hired girl 5117111}? The girl kodaklst had Tpove. _ the A film, and tote Man expects to Pure 30m in a day. But time lung Balsam will over- lil and stave off con- Igh will cease and lungs a new dollar. of the Kodak. town owns a. kodak takmg pigtures. Her the Layout; 1heet.t.. try.t tormInsr i. Bryce tells us in his it. Gladstone felt the mind press too hardly Cures Diphtheria. theyefore {1123; ONTAW Bubbles. the inlay; into the wonder-nil TORONTO l 7 . Teeth an» " A Treschorous Wind hits you in the back and the next morning you have lumbago. Rub well and often with Perry Davis' Pain-killer. and you will be astonished to find out how, quickly nil soreness is banished. A teacher wishing to explain to a little girl the manner in which a lobster cast: his sine“ when he inns outgrown it, and. "What do you do when you have outgrown your clothes; you throw them aside, don't you P "Oh, no." replied the little one. "we let out the tucker To the queetiom "What are the last teeth that come to man F' the unexpected answu- was given In a school one day, "False teeth." u. a. muonyn unnaay school a small boy was asked the question. "Who was the first man l"" to which the child promptly replied, "General Washington! The teacher smiled, and said, "Did you ever hear of Adam ?" "Why. yes. I've heard of Adam; hat I didn’t know you were counting foreigners." A Tronchorous W A pretty little chlld belng asked by her governess where cotton grew. reptied--'Un trraarlpapa's ears." It." A little boy once ran away from the farmer who had kindly taken him from the workhouse. The Magis- trate mud to the boy, "Why did you run away?" "Well," said the boy, "it's like this. I stayed there and worked. When the old sow died we cut her up and ate her. Then a sheep died, and the sheep was salted, and we ate the sheep.. At last the farm. Ir',',' grandmother died uatu--1 hooked f) ‘v -- nil-V syn-Ill [things on the table that when the 'pudding came he hua a difficulty in getting down the big Mice that was put upon his plate. His grand- mother, however, seeing his ere turned again upon the tempting pudding dish, said: "Do you think, Johnny. You could take a little more at it t" Johnny looked doubtful tor a moment. but at last his lace lighted l up with a bright thought. "I think." he said. "if I might stand- up, I could hold one other slice." In a. Brookl_yn_Sunday school a That capital story-telle Macrae. in one ot his boo children and their ways, 1 little English boy who we: at his grandmother's on his and partook so treely of 4 J8.9a'Ay.atataeceruse Minard’s Llnlment Cures Cows. . ,u v-.. ...u.. "1511\- ' She-Welt, you must be much to Oler-exert yourself. Jack vember Smart Set. Ho-at was hard , from Itiyyrryr you last - ,__-.... rue wore 01 "an 150- . I heme," occupied with thoughts ofa rehearsal about to begin. i "or course." said the manager. I Later, Mr. Campapari. thinking a that he was to 'stop at one house ' and sing at another. and that din- ner for his colleagues and himself was a not unimportant affair. got his notebook from his pocket and telegraphed to the address of the “private house": Mr. H. MacK. Twomblcy: Have two chickens and two bot- tles of wine ready tor me to-mor- row at 5 o'clock. G. Campanari. The duty done, he felt better, and on tho arrival or the train, he alighted to find a carriage and n coachman and tootman in waiting. His colleagues departed in another direction, he alone was to stop at the "private house." As he bowled along the country road a dint pro- senthnent grew in Mr. Campanari's mind, a presentiment that grew to a well-defined horror during " din- nor of many courses. All the time he hoped that the telegram had mis- carried. After the coffee a waiter came in, carrying a tray, on it were two roast chickens and two bottles ot wine. For tho rest or the evening Mr. Twombley. delightedat tho mistake. introduced Mr. Cam- panuri to all tho pretty girls pre- sent at the musicale. explaining. "Thite is tho man who was afraid he would not get enough to mi." Tho singer's telegram. for two roast chickens and two bottles of wine. he has had framed as a sou- vonir.--Lesgie't, Weekly. Courteous to Cripple: mum-6's LinirneritEG',Ti Distemper. - - -'-i-.im. . Ion-w Alf Campanarl. "Mr. Hamilton may Twomb. leis." was the Inower. But no ex- planation was added that Mr. Ttrptntge, was 01 Vanderbilt. "Wilt they lend a carriage tor me from the house where I am to slug?" mouthed the baritone. as he tey, through 'he.tcoro of "La Bo- - fi-- -'""""'"9 lu- different to details. and Mt. Cam.. marl. the baritone. I. ecu-eel! an exception no this little experience ot Me would lean: to show. He wu- Omzed to ling at Madison. "But You at. not to stop at the hotel. but at a private house.” he we: told. Taro other musicians were engaged for the same evening. ' "What private house t" asked Mr. llulcal mut- tire ttotoriouairits capital story-teller, David 'W‘WWW Anliable Advice one or his books about as hard Work 'tit. ways, tells ot a y who went to dine J9AWAtayxrsta. Argtr.er, night. if "I. 'f careful not You do Four 9. don 't birthday, the good Garget In to keep asked Mr. --No- FHILS I ":3! a he One :2; I cum . paler Jd' ing a; _'i,'i_'i,,)"i Sic ut feedir :12 oats". We oler One Hundred Doiiars' Reward for any one of Catarrh that cannot. be cured by Hall's Camrrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. o. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the hut " veers and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and tittitteiartir" able to - out any obliga. lions mode by their firm. "igg t Tutux, Wholesale Drutaruts. " o. . WALDING. KINNAN & humus. Wholesale brunch", Toledo, o. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken lntemlly. oct- ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur- ftt, flue, 2222- .lli'i?ttiiitekiititi' fmse.l PMMF- per e. on. Mam, Funny Pun are we test. ( Min James-How do you llkr' Miss Folly, Mr. Seymour , Don't you think she is awfully plain t" l Mr. Besmour--s, yea. I do. She is 1 awfully nice. but without nxceptlonl the plnlnmt girl I've ovvr met, pus-4 anil- oanmny. qr coupw. "ah-PE--" l meran--grhe'6 very plaii--The London! King. I [,lllljtiii'i'iiiii'iiiiiiiis We oirerfhte ,- v - -- - VU1 It u a Net tint Ralzrr'p Venerable and thowcr seeds am found In mote gardrna and on man (lum- thnn any other A r» In Ammo; Therei- mum for min. " We own ind operate om an) arm " the produruon of our choke Ian-an. tn order to _'lt.'fl"r'ihg'd,td try them I we mu.- no 0 ow mama» m one: , For” Gum Postpaid] " ' " .---- . . _ Scott's Emulsion is more than food. It is a strong medicine. It rouses up dull children, puts new flesh on thin ones and red blood into pale ones. It makes children grow. Scott's Emulsion makes ordi, Sickly children need special feeding. They don't Heel their oats". Scott's Emulsion adds just the right richness to their diet. It is like grain to the horse. The child gets new appetite and strong digestion. !,t,?,f,?,,,lt!!t,i,ifjri. 20c THE tLAiihiiiiiii Wain Co, h Children are not alike either. One is rosy, bright-eyed, full of life and laughter, another is pale, weak and dull. The feed- ing again is responsible. Does your horse 'feel his oats"? Whatadikerence be. tween the grainded and the grass-fed horse! The . first strong and full of ginger, the second flabby, weak and tired out before he begins. The feeding makes the difference/ MD cow] upon me Blood and miiiGiG' iii; go ”as. 'itth',t,oiiifiii sent. free. 7 per a. a rugzisu. a Funny Pius are the LQ -rrirtrrilllllllir-T CHILD chfiiil'i"Tiiigiiig ISSUE NO. tr, 1902. __ v - Lai', 'v'r..." I “in“ not... Milo. , LHty.yejilajiiiiaWa' ' " urn than. “to“. M parlo- bum van-u... " ”In“! but um. 05 My human lower noun. In." no kind: mauve) roman! bushel- ot chm-mm; iowcn gas gag: (f.ttt,,',,?te,ir/ mm all About 1‘th and Pa 8lltrg 3mm Ind Spun. onion coed new. I pound. etc., all for 200. In Can-dun lumps. l ttttttt a. “HER SEED at.. Rt " Cmu. Wit Hows THIS ? “Mus-Mon. Almost. SCOTT & BOWNE, maom CANADA 50c and " all druggisls. This picture represents the Trade Mark of Scott's Emulsion and is on the wrapper of every bottle. Sand for free ample nary food do duty. EDDY’S ii' ts,'i1ii,'i, Inpynnrno rlbntwnnt 'At WEAK THEM - sill/tttiii/iii"":"")). Every In: to m. Trade. The Green Bay tells or a law who was about to furnish a bill costs. " hope," said his client. who l n baker. "that you will make It light " Potable." "Ah," said the lawyer, "you ml perhaps any that to the foreman t Four establishment. but that ls l ithO way I ”In: In" "-a.. its Ireonoinial TGGG'.? terttrt .thy can of JOHN J. km} Per!!!!!?......................, Year 1901 "'"""'............., Au Moreno over the previous i this you the misty expect: I number was “Joust. POULTRY, om}? 'Giniiii'icii" 8311153, WEE}, gm, WANTED. NEW up fitjji,- iiiiiiiriiriiiii mum. nuvmz been mun-(ed in a wry economical murmur. nu evidenced by tho fact that the cost of mannzv‘monl In. been exooodi ly low for runny years. There”: lull room for . few more (not cranium. Liberal remuneration given to the right men. For further Informal.- npply to William F. Mont-cue. Gmld Ro- goder. or W. F.(7amm...u (2...... ..__ . cordon or Frp7ar1Git..ii'.' Bamitioid OIL. where the In Mina rd'l a no least in in Int-elm 'f1rtaeteiat eon- dmon. bud: been mulled in . wry economic-Al an".-- .. “an - ' V.-- ~Ivu, vvnl‘l Witt buy outright or u on communion Camdenoo invited. 1896 1897 "(548 It99 I 89t l 88.”) 1891 I 8%' 18*? I888 Year. The sovietyi- n pun" Candi“ Mon. and has no connection whatever American society of a similar name. mu since its uranium“! in the you L... marvelous. [not At tho mun-c. 1'99 was” an, m " 18 A name. [at mama. into I. cum Con-cl] mum-g 02.000 of insurance was, the mull“ to my not more than the follow!“ can: L Idle-l Inmlner'u tom, "uaitr.......et on t h8tettf?tyiijitii.T..T.7.'.T.yCy. so. & Idte1tt.tuauiaiGiFiiiia'G to.......)..". I N P""t"to"dmi-ion..............,..irii TH]: COBY AFTER YOU ARE A MEMBER. AtmoleJoI-ono yen. on 83.0“ of Insur~ Once: “monthly nae-smut; a 1rr!r........w I 6qttartoeU'drt 'sat7asper Itutu'ter.......'. s on way I make lily Banal: Totat can. for on. m A few ample: ot rum: At Amount. " Tu. W Futon“! III-amen Order In boon-In. non maul“ every dar. punk-w In" owing to the not that ft is pmly (hu- an. ad “and by our own mph. WHAT IT 00818 To JOIN. hi aGiuiii, iiriirc You kin all that VII-[ink Ind-I. tolls. m. own-u. resources. pmducu. frum. ban-m. nod- of gy1ttvattoti, prion. do. by , will; use VIRGINIA PARKER. Aetnd I0c l tEygPgtetermitFriiiGit w boxzm. Far Canadian Order of Chosen Friends SOME INTERESTING INFOR- MATION REGARDING THE - 77-~_ -. --v -.qr_m- VI' 1" (not. In the N Poul-III... n F1,Atti,frL.hi,21iiiiii25iiiiiig mil. lltg?i,',',2tpgPtllih' of which In turn". 'y-tl-hers. W haul-nu pure! or dieidid halo loading At m to “It. pu- feet. 111e tdee. by” _A_dArms. IU-ia.- JGAiidrriaUib, -. . 'ii,iiiiriv,,riffi'ii-' Pig-d. “Miami: m. The? Pug-1:1 1 en ‘ommn ' " i 't'illllllt?fe,utt Ont. . y ' “I ATEm. CAVEAT 1RA rs P etc. Homem- aa,,' e',u,l,liuht.r,ttitr Cer. 108 nut. ESTATE on Bum. uumo-nm when tt 1-. Send donor! In: -. 'dtN'1itht1 indwr ”in? "n: I I . - mt Company. Tacoma. 'alyff. “a" D8213} tytcrotuwi--iFii or m APPROVED APPLtcartost y In. to m. 're.aad ea Bay tells of a lawyer about to {urnish a. bill ot Ltaiment Cure. Cold: ICE. 62 Front Street Eu! I‘oroqlo, Out. “a..." uuurtiit'iiWGU" GRAND RECORD: VIRGINIA HOMES. Alma-out System. Came-r" -- - 77376. 31:75, Wm". ITS PROGRESS, BUSINESS CHANCES. Amount of hum. - "_'"-... .uou (C For further union-Mio- F. Mont-(no. Grand Ro- mpbell. Grand Organizer. 'c the bond once I: loathed. tl,01n LN. Ptrfouf you of u Mott PA TENTS. Fer, "you mteht the foreman' of but that I: not Seee mm Monthly “can.” Dum Amrn'i natevcr with In} . none. In pro. ts'te,,r1striéit nu ........., Mtg 5907545.“! to make the No. of lamina. . . . . l7. . . . . "tt .... LII-i2 WI I [a]!!! Muse 18.333 20.197 9, ll, ttid Us . “in no .76 .92 11km- on: tl k thirty "cu-1h” “Sm-m r: The runn- “ to curr “IRS“ at by - In Dr. Joni"?! (or Social ddent. (l2.- luau-nu- “In”. I. fur-nix I. I‘m-k i poor or A Dan; wlm whim: w Mase) is h “V0911 n toe. Brletly, “any [my cal “mud MEI It bx GIRL-nu who'll: Md to h began Minn tor one-half " iron: nu, I Sump, for ttntil " ct ably lr:'.H '01:“ In- work um vsiuu q “mil-+3 - tt " "uuncip,, Ngumrl; whom In!” dvrt some I‘ll L than room It i, Elihu and 0 Vigici., “he " la um ot m p, into or one than can“) u DIM-sum [out]: n Uc [won mu m 'r9itts,rt, “Wu h"; may Prof. " tot. [My “unlu‘al Having Ml bore In qtttur tit time. t tion will or no dung-e pelted. 1 the ttek h dull) down t the wa the ("I In on Ade is Patient covers 61mm: up m little fr Next da “'0! "l 38. that that (we. lepton; human Under drawn n: Inc where menu e au the w all: I t, ache directs of the bailout] Now ’ar 1 unto stir- brow "r To aver lab 'Fer. aver It Ll plu ‘ld (In " in III

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