West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 30 Jan 1902, p. 7

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VIRGINIA HOMEE t: for his inhuman” PTER YOU Al Inn-ta. resources: prodiidG.' M node of mlu’vation. prices, on. I, no V1365?” INtMh0t. goggle. _ _ --e__ -.._-. v- - I In the Sign. PM I. 10 mils from Amman on "to u Mingus of which I. in In“. tttey ’91?!ng in no _t'ayee' a I. ltd MN I. Toronto, Doubt "ttieiii iGrii; iGiii but. " pt [ITS l 62 tun! pent t [!,t,,l?ylte - --__ -m...l.V P-m.- - tolouo! " to to um te "it pm “this u decided baa-3d- All“ Carpenter. P. " box a. WI... m Falkland hr - MD“ ar an I. tho tart that it 7, “at by our own an assessment System. INTERESTING INFOR- TON REGARDING THE GGS, MED AIMEE, km AND CREAMERY lr, gm, WANTED. tte? *RQELYJWW Jam ply. for ono FARM FOR 'daLE-oNIt or m i in the 51..."- l’nliu-ln " Fort mm. ESTATE on nun. I. no matter where it is Stud cauh prim and not our plan [a it “you. Patent Exchange nil-nu. >lnpany. Tomrvo. Canada. 'HE M i Ith" {WARM Ire" AT ITI Into-c T.h IA'AAT'?. TRADE aeartirs HI'SIS rzss ('HASCISS. I to "is to HOOPS, so JOINTS, so suns. o Lens. diam Order of sea Friends my no "(in at. but tt I!!! brand In CO. Ter WI?! m. we N10 rout St Ont. Pa l' E NWS. W JI urea Colds, Oh. OS nation into It a mu af_insunm ' foreign muted 'a-a: )n patents free. Tho M "if,,",'.'"" tampon]. Pit“.- ' t. at8t emu! “Dianne. a... Mr every My, Mic- that it is Pmly Cano. " own 9009).. It. fee TS To JOIN, rraute. ”a A Mann”. Mt 0.1000! has. usually treet East You might nrr-man a mt is 'tot D adh- who w.- ske it " a lawyer a bill at “no. In ' Your t887 lowing My loath), N Asian Era-d a an axis“ Nance was: the following No. or M em hen. " ma the. ial Drama with An, J F1 pro- and the '0.- taft mm 816 I an; I 3.145 vm re Wt 15. 7 lo 364 513 no. There are 16. station! dlstrlblrted over the city, at which then are Briefly, the plan is this: For a woe-kly payment of ten centsnnedi- cal attendance for a family of two is furnished; for a family of trom three to five the fee in twenty cents a week, and the maximum charge is thirty cents. Prescriptions for 1errihers' only are filled at " atom: rate ot twenty cent-each. The concern which has been start- od In carry oat this scheme, is cap- ItnWtet at $250,000, and is backed by gen of experience and means. Dr. Josiah Strong. of the League for Social Service, is the Vice-Pre- sident. and bankers. ministers and insurance men compose the boarder directors. . 1ivdrvul attendance for ten cents a. wertk is what is offered to the poor of New York City by a com- pany which aims to combine money- !whiny: with philanthropy. If the plan is successful. a new on has garnet] for the poor of great git.. MEDICAL ATTENDANCE AT TEN CENTS A WEEK. It is proposed to after financial tur shmmm to one group of ten or fewyr schools In one locality in Ontario, and to one group in each ot the Pro. Part 2 of the plan is for tho pur- pose of giving object lessons ot the wins: or school gardens and nature “mill-n, at individual rural schools, as a part of general education. to bo begun by means ot a travelling Instructor, who would Visit and spend one-hall day per week with the chil- dren and teacher at each school ota group. for a term of three years, or until a considerable number of suit- ably trainvd and sjutliiuir-teiiciG, would be (unable to carry on such Work themselves at rural Ichools. Having respect to the well known sayings, “Seeing is believing" and, "Wo learn by going.” the plan which Sir WiJluni U. Mundonndd alters as only dealrnulu to carry out is pre- busted in. tour parttr--tttrce under the Division ot Nature Study, and the lulirlh under the Division of Domes- tic Lcouomy or Mount-hold Bctenec. Part l oi the Run is intended to give object lessons of improvements in uluuntiou from the consolidation or live, six or more small rural animals lulu One central graded achool, with u whom garden and manual training room aw part ot its equipment. it is proposed to otter rutantrial nu- sinlmlcu to one locality in Ontario and. ooo locality in each: ot tho Pro- Villcvs oi Quebec, New Brunswick, Noni Scotia and Prince Edward Is- lvnd, to induce tho people to any tlrrtab, and carry on object lea-l mm: of improvements in odwatiomi Wtbil school gardens and manual training, all under the control of the] rvguiarly-conatltuted educational authorities. I The Idea By Which Sir t is Actuated. "'evmMmmamerrmrmnvrrtqienrimem-mwmimmim,m, Prof. Jaa. W. Robertson, in a let... ter, thaw sets forth St: W. Mac- Akounlu’s plan of aiding rural schools: i TO IMPROVE OUR tu""'-"':"---:-:---',"')-'- "e'---------------------..-, '35 Tn "a-pr.- nu... , ,_.- _v‘-..c um. lull". All” can‘ cor ls being' restricted and contract- a: Ty, 2Wa' Pr', of photo-therapy. Experiments not. wed him that certain germ. could not live in wt. a. the. set about dorm“ a l t o! t power which eagle be B',l'2'gt', the human flesh without harm. or. pain. The problem was to eliminate the great heat which wales powerful rays of hilt. After you" of labor he devised a tube contain- lug a Quartz crystal lens which de- composes an electric light of great power. diverting the heat my! to a Jacket of cold water. and direct- ing the heatleee. aetinic rail. tttue, ultra-violet and violet. down through the tube upon the subject. This apparatus has been mechani- cally improved by Dr. Hopkins. so that, by means of a hanging l, bracket, the ray may be readily directed upon any part of thebody or the patient, stretched on acct. beneath it. ‘ Now tor the action of this merci-i tux surgery of tight. Suppose the pa- 1 tient to be suffering from lupue,l that cancer which destroys thel face, obliterating as dreadfully as! leprosy itself. every appearanceof, humanity. He is laid upon a cot} under the apparatus. The tube is] drawn down until " stops within an inch. of the ulcerated surface. There is a sizzling sound as the operator turns on the current; the sun-bright radiance glitters on, the wall and pours down through the quartz Jens upon the gnaw~l mt: cancer, and, invisibiy, the mir- acle is working. For an hour the! patient must lie there. The light; covert, a spot about an inch in diameter. When the hour is up that spot has paled a; little from the angry red around it. Next day another spot is treated; on the next still another. The treatment is daily; Could be undergone half a. dozen times a day It there were time, for the subject feels no sensa- tlon whatever. There is no physical or nervous strain. Presently a strange thing is seen to have hap- pened. About the edge, where the sour" has been most malignant, sound scar tissue begins to form. The can- Page Metal Ornamental Fence. lrryi,7ii'iti' my . sh ndsurprisin l h . t an t a. tra't"sNd"atJ': division 'kg/d l,%,d,', ttr, .3... Eitit:iti'tiuiltehli, " cu. ran annulus Fur.) think d it. and to“ sum“ W Ibo =Vfl'lllh'lutptliU,'u1't'l'lg%t'l mp1... . i ___ no ftef.r1T_rttttff_.39ftet"rme.thtt. I The fee of ten, or twenty, or thirty cents ls collected weekly at the subscriber's home. or, if pre- ferred, he may pay it monthly, or yearly in advance. A surprisingly large number of families make their yearly payments of, any, $10.40 for a family ot four, thus securing medical attendance for a' whole year for less than a brief illness would ordinarily coat. The constantly in attendance two phy- sicians, a matron and nurse and a pharmacist. In connection with each station there is a thoroughly equipped drug store. Physicians have been selected with an idea of avoiding every possibil- ity of its being charged that the medical attendance secured for ten cents a week is inferior to that which a family would get in the usual way. Patients are not, of course. compelled to attend the medical stations. A physician is constantly in attendance there.day and nifht, bat his co-worker treats at their homes patients who are not able to can at the station. It is proposed to offer to the Pro- vince of Ontario at the Ontario Ag- ricultural College at Guelph. (1) a residence building to accommodate not less than 100 female student! and teacher students. daughters of {armprs and others, and (2) class rooms. hitcimn laboratories and otlwr pqu'pment necessary for courses of instruction and training in Ihr mPstk: Economy or Household Bei. ence. m: men, wlzb take them with earnest' nexus and oheerfulness. Part 4 of the plan is intended to assist in providing courses ot in. struction and training in Domestic Economy or Household Science for young: women from country homes, in order that they may have oppor- tunities for acquiring practical and advanced eduonticn not less suitable mm helpful to them, than the pres- ent courses of the Ontario Agricultu- ral CollPgo are beneficial to young It is proposed to offer to the Pro. vince of Ontario at the Ontario Ag- ricultural Collr‘go at Guelph,, n gilt or a building including a Nature Study plant-growing house, and such equipmunt as may be required, in addition to what is there at present tor the accommodation of teachers while taking short courses in Nature Study tor rural schools. vine-es ot' Quebec. New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Is- huui, to enable the people to pro- vide school gardens. and to under- take and carry on obloet lessons and experiments with improvements in education, all under the control of the mgularlyronstituted e..ucational authorities. Part 3 of the plan has tor its ob. ject to assist in providing short courses of instruction and trnizzing for teachers for rural schools who desire to quality themselves in those newer subjects and methods of educat ion. stnces of the action of the light; the process is checked and the sore healed. When the" have found out what cancer is t ey may be able to determine why the Finseu ray acts upon it as it does. At present. they must be content with. the knowledge that a simple ray ot light has given results more wonderful than all the medi- cines; more radical than the tmite.- Elias Lisle in Buffalo Courier. 77.. -"'"'e_"eqi. a 4“va luUWI- It physicians knew this they would be near to the greatest medical dis- covery in history.' All they can tell is that tho abnormal cellular pro- cesses which produce cancer are in some mysterious manner corrected by “m .mw..6'.-., _. A. .. .. u - .. -- . -.._.. """""> prom-seen. One recent case ot mal- ignant sarcoma. of the breast was discharged from the laboratory in Brooklyn a» cured, several months ago, where the disease was ar- rested after it had almost complete- ly eaten away one breaat. There has since been no sign ot its return. In another case sarcoma or the tongue - "s'moker’s cancer"--- cured. There are so many instances when; lupus, the surface facial can- Cer, has been totally wiped out that they are hardly regarded as being worthy ot a place on the records. By what process does the ray achieve such results? Nobodv Imnwa t u-.. -.uuvu nuJ un- mDe work quite as wonderful. It works slower In these cases than in lupus, where the disease is on the ourlace, for tho my: have little pen- etratlng power; nevertheless there are complete cure. to its credit in cases beyond the hope of eradication by the knife. Before there is any ap- parent clause in the condition. the olfanelve odor from the sore ceases, and tho disappearance of pain soon follows. Then slowly, the healing Drown-anon n-.. --i---A, - on. Now and annual“ make. manly. pro-lug larval-d " ry nn I, only to be beaten has?” the de- stroylng and healing ray. The end a the battle In always the nine. The Input Chapman and in It. place u lound scar tissue. Not Intrequently I_?-trttyttind la resorted to to re- new that put of the lace, pro- vided no can-an- hnve been destroy- ed, to It. original appearance. In the malignant muM3ertr--tearetyma at the breast. add uthera, the roots Il which 119 deep-the Fin-sen my hat! e, S, a J_', tht YE my has as In any other place, when filled with the Splrlt. Jesus Christ of Nazareth-Waders, are wrought in the name of Jesus; not by repeating it as a charm. but by believing tn it as a divine revelation of you and 10. Be It 1tnot7n--Tho testimony which Peter would give before the Sanhedrln he would delight to pub- lish to all Israel. and thus exalt the name of Christ. He could preach wiU.1 as much freedom In a court-room 9. Be examhniCaned to account as criminals. The good detd-A gen- tle reminder that it was not for a crime that they had been placed In custody and were on trial.--mrtbat. Made whims-as cured or saved, an? gestlng a. spit-1mm as well as phys . alrrestoratkm. B. Peter tilled-Aeeording to the promise of his now glorified Master. --Mtut. x. Po', Mark xiii. 11. This em- powerlng pentecostal splrlt now dwelt tn the apostles and the others as an abiding gift to manifest him. self as each emergency demanded. .-Biruter. Ye rTs1ertr-ah, gave them the honor due to their offlce. T In, the midtst--They placed the prisoners In the centre of the Ban- hedrin, which sat in a tsemi-circle..- Binney. PoWer, name - Power is force, name la authority. By what magical power did you do thds. and what right had you to use such power? 7 l 4. Many belizyved-'u'ersecution did not prevent the truth from prevail. ing; but it developed courage and energy and made known to the world the noble qualities which Christian- ity had implanted, and caused the story ot the Saviour, His life, resur- rection. love, power and Messiahship to be proclaimed all over the land." Number . q IF wtur-"Come to be." .-It. V. The society of converts had been increased by nearly 2,000 since the day ot Perttecotrt.--Lutoby. G. Rulers. elders, 'rteribetr--'1?his was a. regular meeting of the Sanhedrlm 6. Animus . . 4F Craig-hair-Anna" had been deposed from the office of the high priest by the Romaine; andi Calaphas. his son-in-law, was made‘ high priest by them. But the Jews regarded Armas as "tteletruurtret11!yl their high priest. John xvlll. 18. John and Alextbnder--Who these were tel not known. but It is certain thatl they were men of influence. gunge implies actual vlo1ence.--Ate bott. In hold-A gort of "house of de- tention," for the Jews never punished by Imprisonment as the Romans did. Eventide-“Tide" means "time." The Jews had two evenings. One began at three o'clock and the other at six o'clock. Peter and John entered the temple courts at three o'clock, the hour of prayer, and the proceedings at this time had occupied three hours " THE EARL or ROsSLYN. ' Who Went Out to Break the Bank at Monte Curio and Came Back Brokm Commentary-ia. As they 'rpture-- Peter addressed one cortlon ot the ‘multitude while John spake to the other-Cook. That a great crowd had gathered is certain trom the large number of converts. V. 4. The Priearttr--Tttom, belonging to some of the twenty-tour courses amen. whom the temple services were di- vided. 1. Chron. xxiv. 1-19; II. Chron, xxlli. 8. These were the persons who had shown such hatred toward Christ from the beginning. Captain-Not a. mllltary officer, but one who had charge of the guard ot priests and Levites, who watched the temple at "rtrht.--LurnttU. Sudducees - Whose whole system was in danger by the preaching (if the resurrection of Christ; tor they believed not in the immortality ot the soul, nor in any future world. Came upon them-Bo wisely did God order that the apos- tles should first bear a full testimony to the truth in the temple. and then in the great council. to which they could have had no access, had they not been there as criminals. P,,. Being trrittved--"tgore troubled."1 It. V. The priests believed in the doc- ( trlne of the resurrection, but to have l it preached through Jesus broughtl His blood upon them, since they put Him to deaths I 3. Laid hands on them-The lan- INTERNATIONAL LESSON FEBRUARY 2, ISO? Sunday School. a --_,.-..-.. w depend upon haphazard dosing with patent medicines, 'relt-adminiftered, or the services ot none too-campy tent phytIclanl, upon whom they tormiri reiiod.-tr. Y.’ Herald. tt will be a God-end have heretofore been depend upon haphamx patent medicines, sell or the oer-vice. nf an stations are dlltrlbnted among the localitie- from, which the company Funk] naturally derive the greater part of It: Income; loealltlu peo- pled a. a rule by the poorer clauses. t% that a trip td one ot, the sta- tiono mean- no more effort than a Journey to one'e phyllclan'l. It itt char. that lf thle plan b carried out on the tineq projected and New which work I. now, being done, lit Iril be‘n.Godeend to those who The First Ptrmeeation.-Acta. r. 53.1 pognpelled to N0.V. T", They Cure of People Right In 'Your Midst Stands " 'rrofutattio Evidence of the Superior Medicinal Values of Wonderful Power Over se/iiitis"ljhiiiii- PRheWCAL SURVEY. Persecution is Satan's policy. By the title of the present lesson, the action taken against Peter and John is designated the first per- secution. While this is true in the Dense. intended, thy policy ot per- secuuon has tieen 'oniirddtiigtiin Teachimgs.-We should rejoice when we are persecuted for Jesus‘ Hakf‘. -Matt, v. 11-12, “There is com- fort and hope in persecution and opposition, since it shows that the truth has power, and is alive, and is making itself felt." A sleeping church awakens no opposition. 21. Because of the MIG - Should they punish the apostles. they feared the people would rise against them and give them trouble, for the peo- ple "glorified God for that which was done." 20. Cannot but spmuk--They could not obey their rulers and do right: neither can any person when rulers command what God forbids. Which we saw and heard (R. V.) --uoneeru- ing Jetrutr'Chriat. iuere may be some disorders or individual organs that are more painful and excite more sympathy trom friends, but diseases of the nervous system affect the mind as well as tho body, and bring discmmgvment, deqpondeney and gloom, They unfit men for business and women for the houseth cares devolving upon them. Such tgtrlietiona as paralysis, locomntor ataxia. epilepsy and even insanity itsrif are the common result of nervous exhaustion. Nervous headache, nervous dyspepsia, sieepietmnetm, muscular weakness. dizziness and irregularity of the bodily.functions are merely the warning symptoms which tell of the approach of those more serious dis- orders. . Time and time again Dr. Chase’s Nerve Food has proven to be the most effective creator of nerve force that medical science afford. It is not claimed that one box will cure serious and Chronic diseases. This mat food cure is not claimed to bee. miracle worker nor a cure-all. but “you the system is run down and the nerves exhausted it is certain to nodules beneficial results. It " bound to do so because. it is composed of the most potent nerve restorstivss that sre to be found in all usture's resin. You will search the medicinal world in will txt s more effective nerve restorstive and system with. than Dr. Chase's News Food. The evidences of your friends and ultimo" attest this fact. Dr. Ms Nerve Food, no out a. box. (t for ”.50; " " and“ or Edna-m he. A m. Mills- or all the ailments which attliot human klnd there are none so ol diseases or the nerves. There may be some disorder-'0! Individual organs that are more friends. but diseases of the nervous system affect the mind " well despolldencx and gloom. They unfit men tor [Illness and women for IO. Judge ye-God required them to speak; the council forbad them. Which ought they to obey? flee elm p. G-'.?.th 18. Cnlied "tttent-They were Ballad back into the council ttltatabor. the new religion. and this is the way the ungodly trtill endeavor to re- Wtf t1ttprPsrretsm oLChristianity. 16. Cannot dehfifZEver-y one knew that it was a genuine case of heal- Imp. i7. Threaten them-Thur is what they decided to do in. order to stop _ ,,,- -ei'ee-9e...r.F v. nu». nu» yuuln. as the priests and magistrates. yet having no want of natural good sense, or any ignorance ot what was the" the subject pt debate.-.-Dw dridge. With iretrua--. They knew, upon further recollection, that they had been His disciples. and from Him had received knowledge and czmrngxa. IG. Go tttride-Peter and John were required to leave the council cham- ber while the Sanhedrln discussed whpt ,hould be done. 1.8 Eoidttestr...mtit, speech wa’s a mentor miracle than that ot the lame man. Compare the Peter of this speech. and the Peter betore the resurrection. and tell what has Imp- pened. And John-Wo have no re- cord of any word spoken by John, yet his boldness ot speech, no less than Peter's, was observed by the council. ('Ilearned--Thes were not scholars skilled In Hebrew. literature. Itmorant-Unmiueated men, men in private stations of life, not public. . 14. Mtut.r...aftanding --No longer a helpless cripple. Coo-k. Could say noth- iIar--Nutttritr- against the fact, though they were 'unwilling to own the doctrine which it tended so strongly te?_prrtve. and will to an. Whom yo tmretttqd I from -.Att on imports. Whom God raised cord: Jute. guilt: to naught m'l was. power, arias-hm“ opinions. and lows: Vaulting the damned Saviour to n was heat at God's right Inns. of, Al f ' 11. Set at naught ot you builders allud ---Br your relecthn and crucifixion ot cm Jesus Christ, you have fulfilled one him of your mum prophecies (Psalm oxviii. sent. 22); and as one part is literally tul- ot II fitted, ye may rest ensured the other child, shall be. . prom: 12. tgalritiorr-ms is tho only atom. The in: blood and His the only am that Spirit can trtxve.-irltmt. Nfme- Name datio, stands for Jesus Christ Himself, and exist: there is in Him wisdom, power. love, and i divineness: Just as a man's name to jealou .8. note stands tor all a man is. and who _ has: his property, character, ability. Peter lntetrritruPirioubet. Among men-It ed in is n. salvation for htuntoit.sr.--hbbott. ing 1 We-tPhe apostles were not ‘defend- Him 1 as of themselves. but sturdy, truth- pocria tal, uncompromising witnesses to ished Jesns and the resurrection. 7 hopes Dr. Chase's Nerve Food ONTARIO ARCHIVE§ TORONTO $339532 ' He immediately placed the dishon- ored bill in the hands of Messrs. Bow. ser, Godfrey & Wailbridge for collec. tion, with instructions to them to enter suit. Action was commenced early in the week, and a writ issued against both R. B. Skinner and Thus. Dana. The following is the endorsemcnt on the writ inner]: The plaintitr'tr claim is against the defendants as the makers of a pro- misaory note for $5,513.34. dated at Ath, B. C., the first day of August. 1900, payable twelve months after date to the order ot the plaintiff at tho Bank of British North America, Victoria. B. th, with interest at the rate of '0 per bent. péi'EéBIx-Ef iii Mr. Nelson having cleared out his Interests in Atlln, left there tor Nome, where he mrned with varying success ever since. He returned to Vancouver the other day, having previously left the note with the Bank of British North America in Victoria for collection, only to be informed that tho none had not been pull. . Mr. Skinner Went to Atlin him- self and tor about a year worked a claim in that country on shares ‘wlthl the original owner. a Mr. Wil.. mun Nelson. Mr, Dunn was also ir... terested. A year ago last August Messrs. Skinner and Dunn thought so well of the claim that they purchased Nelson‘s interest. Messrs. Skinner and Dunn gave him their Joint and sev- eral note tor $5,513.34, dated at At- lln, B. c., the 1st day of August, 1900, and payable twelve mouthu alter date withI interest at six per cent. A bill of sale of the vendor's interest in the claim was made out, and the Vancouver investors be- came sole owners of what was sup- posed to be one ot the best mining claims in all Atllu. The mine was worked right alongrbut though tair prospects were obtained. all in all it was not the bononm it had been supposed to be. l About two years ago when the mining boom at Atlin was at In height, Robert B. Skinner and Thom Dunn, w the story goes. resolved to inth some money in we then sup- posed to be Eldorado. To-day they are defendants in a lawsuit tor nearly six thousand dodurs. [Vancouwr Prorinee.l That mining is not always tindirttr gold is apparent in a. lawsuit just started against two of the beet known citizens of Vancouver. IE Milf ilf , MINE Which Did Not Turn Out to be a Bonanza. God turns persecution to the ad- vnncement of Hit, cause. Christianity thrives under persecution. It has an inherent power that will not yield to threats or torture, but shines the clearer 11th the fires and pains of martyrdom. "The blood of tho mar- tyrs is the seed of the church." God is able to make the wrath of man to praise him. Hecun brim: to naught the plans of Satan. and He can har- ness his wicked designs against God's saints to accomplish the upbuiiding of HIE glorious kingdom. Persecution unavaillrur. Peter and John were not trained in the litera- ture ot the time and were only pri- vate eitieentr--"uniearneu and ignor- ant men"-hut by their boldness and earnestness they Impressed the Ban- hedrln with tho thought that they had been with Jesus. This persecution was authorized- The highest body in the church had instigated the action against Peter and John. They were brought before the Sanhedrln to answer charges of a moot unusual character. Some- thing must be done at once or the people would flock to the standard of Christianity. The case was a ser- ious one. and is around when prejudice and jealousy are mixed with it. “one who beg-an the persecution against Peter and John had been interest.. ed in crucifyioc Christ and keep- ing Him in the tomb. They hated Him became He uncovered their hy- pocrisy, and overturned their cher- ished traditions and blighted their hopes for a gorgeous temporal kingdom. The oocaolon of this persecution. After the pentecuetal baptism of power these two apostles went up to the temple for worship, and a lame man was healed utter Peter had said, “In, the name of Jesus Christ of Nag,- nreth rice up and walk." Iowo'd until tho and at ti... Slash was and. to toe] the cruel power exam and new; Jer-ut. ro- amed 'rtnt,'t, word- wore lthe onus of res oppoaition mutt himself by whom they had been sent. and Jon- toid the Phat-eo- ot Hi. time that they were "the children or them which killed the prophets." The ounce ot permution. The spirit of poi-lawman has its roun- dation In the hatred of truth that exists in the haturni human heart, came ot him-elf t tent. and ot HU t1: children a prophet..." The cam ' SKINNER’S INVESTMENT. '.Jti) v_‘._. nun-51.n- "WITH wlsert_pretudicas and David B. Wu rner, ot the mile-t ro- .ereieq which m My»; will befal- none so obstinate and none so dirticutt to can a. in. serious and chronic dim-en. This nut when the system In run down and In bound to do no became. Lt In composed " rain. 7 mo retool-“Ive and system be“: 'Y?ttrt meg thi- tnet. Dr. W. Jan-wry l'nlluren. Reports to R. G. Duo a Co., chow- llabltities ot oommcrulnl [Minted in three weeks of January $10,581.;81. against $8,420,159 last year. Full- urcs thin week numbered 301 In the United States against 306 last year. and 28 in Canada against " last year. l tiiidisirGiaiiikT.'..TC.C.' 63tlto coo Begmtat. not own ........... ti iii in om heJizlt. umierMniu....l. 600 to 000 Bradstreet's on Trade. Wholesale trade at Montreal this week has been stimulated by the steady cold weather and good sleigh.. lug. There is a steady market tor domestic goods and foreign goods are I keeping steady. Payments have been fair. There has been mane interrup- ( tion in wholesale business at Toron- !to this week, owl lg to the heavy I snowstorm. an. ..,.reet's reports Iehevw that trade at Hamilton this I week has been actite, notwithstand- lag the drquacks naturally to be expected as a result of the snow blockade. Travellers have been send- ing in good-sisal orders for spring goods, and the wholesale firm are already making all the shipments possible in order to make room tor goods which are constantly unit- lng for the ensuing season. At Wis- nipeg, according to reports to Bradstreet's, trade has been show- ing a steady development in the past week. he grain blockade is still a drawback to the expansion of business, but retailers are delight- ed with the general prospects tor business and are looking tor a larger demand tor general goods the coming spring than ever before. _domodiuttt,....". ..... ...._.. Stead He‘ll“. _... . o '_.".-................ luncheon”... _......... Shmnewm ”an. ........ hunk. Del-cw! ..'..... "rw.er. t*1tr,.ettetioent?tiestt than new do cows per mm. ... Bum-Imus. mun-d dochoioe....... '-. 1iotair.................. do ©ommott.,...... .. do cow... . ...... . ‘do bulb. ..... ..... ., Fte1e..ettoetrueo..e..e. C'heemr--Mnrket in: steady. We tttrote: Finest t4eptombers, 103-4 to Ile: seconds, 93-4 to MW. “flu-la hive bloc-k Marketa. London, Jan. L't-Cattio here are unchanged at from 12 to 18 1-20 per m., are“ weight ; refrigerator beet in 10 to 10141: per In l‘oronto hive swat Ink”: Export '.ttlo,ettoietr, we". .8 JO to do_medittm 'm.......... 850 tat ERgtr-Thp, market I. easier ; strict- ly fresh, 28c: held trash. 22c; cold storage; 200: “med. It? to 2Oe. Jun. 27.-Buttor--rteceipu, are mod- "rate, with good demand for choice quuiitier, We quote nelected dairy tube. " to 17 l-L'c ", ettoiee largo rolls, 16 to Irc: tiuest I-ltr. roller, 18 to MM: interior quulxt'u-s, It to 12 l-Zc ; creamer)? prints. 2t to 22c ; Holiday. 20 to 21¢. New York... ... ...... ...... - T Btu-8 ChCreaao... ... ...... ... ... " 5-8 781-8 Toledo.“ ... ...... ... ...... 863-4- 861-4 Duluth, No. 1 Nor... ... 73 3-4. " 1-4 Duluth. Nu. 1 hard... T63-4, - Toronto “botanic Dairy Marketa. turaw--waa, steady. 2 loads calling at $9 to $10 per load. heading Wheat Marketa. Following are the closing quota- tions at important emu-en to-day: Cub. May. New York... ... ...... ...... - T Bill-8 Har-wa" a little easier, 20 loads selling at $11 to $12.50 per loud for timothy and $8 to 89.GOperloaai tor clover. Marley-Wax steady, 8(1) Mathis column at " to Bh: per bowel. Oaoe--were a [reunion sander, 2.000 bushels awning at " to 162 pvt bushel. 'l‘orouw Funnel-r inn-km. Jan. Lt-4irata receipts were a in.- tle heavier on ttte street. market to- uuy, 5.400 Dual-chi offering. n'ricss were nouuL mead}. Whmrt---Was a made "rmer, coo Whale ot white selling an. TO to boa-u- per lmslml, and 300 bush» clar at zoo-e at 670 per bushel. Ryelwms eauer."uiojGiido sell- ing 'f Mc, per tunnel. And Internet by mum: on " tu8.86, the amount ot the can“ pro all“: note. trom 8th Nowmhnr 1901, until Judgment at 5 per cent pPr annual. In pout-wry note was duly pn- gentdjor payment, but “an: ci; INL Aug. 4-Prlnclml of th . rm- my note above ”and... ... ... ma {nun-t thou-non by coatmt Iron 1am Inch. 1901. until an August. ICOI. the due date at the at! not. at 6 per cent. per annum ... interact on the and an of 35.513.8t by mute man “In August. 1901. to due date ot mm note, om“ 8th Nm'embnr. 1901. at G " cent. per unum... ...... ... $5.713 98 $2513 " 12872 TI "

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