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Durham Review (1897), 30 Jan 1902, p. 8

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hi Mrk On the following Wednesday a. Congrer untiuual meeting was held in the church and the Financial appeals were audited up and hand in a very amislucwry condition. and this church WIN) all its draw backs and tr mbles as some thought 18 now about clear ofdebt. It be: an increasing congre- gutzun, that makes I good Attendance and cy-ryihing vet) agreeable and prosperous. The Rev. Mr Broad was the chairman, and on the platform with him those who ma lo speeches were : the Rev. Mr Camp. bell, of Dromore. the RM Mr Morrison, of Usdervillo, Mr George Bunnie. of Glen- elg, Mr Peter McGregor, of Dludalk, Dr. Perry, of Conn. Mr Burrow, of Conn, also Mrs Broad. who gave a description on the balm», of the people in India, which was mi] of very valuable information. The Eaplin Presbyterian church tea- meeting wus hold on Tuesday evening 14, and as usual was very largely attended. Every seal. was occupied, and standing room Was in demand. The ma. provided by the ladies' was all that could be desired. and every one spoke well ol it. The Cedarvule choir was here and gave excellent music. lu the evening a ten we: held and a concert which had been announced at the tirst tea-meeting. Alter the excellent tea. the church was fairly well filled, and a good time wee spent. by the people of the neighborhood. The sum of "o was realiz- ed at the two meetings. Mr W. B, Croekey a tailor from Dun. dell: has moved here and netted work in the shop lately need by Wm B. McDon- eld. Nothing very important this week, ex- cepting some visiting. Mrs Reid of Kilsyth formerly of Pro- tcn is visiting here among her friends. Mr Kenning has just returned from a low at]. stay abroad. A heavy now “can here and the roads were very heavy. Mr and Mrs Ridden hays had u week‘s vim with friends around Toronto. Mr Wm Lumen. from Durham, is In our town. Mr and In Gilbert McArtbur bu moved to Duluth. ion. We are informed that “we was quite a number ofapvlieatioms for both of these ottictm, but it is alleged they did not. get a chance to apply. They will know how to Vote next. Jammy. We no led to believe that the council were not unanimous In the above luminous. that there was some pull amongst them, with the above result. On Monday 13th the council for 1002 met for the tiret time ttt Scarlett: howl. It appears that Jumu Corbett the new elect hesitated in taking the necensory declaration of omee and seat, In! reason for so heritatine we are not able to state. without be was afraid of trouble In the court: by Ins opponents. However he took both, The treasurer was the next business, Mr James Russell treasurer. has an ap- pointment of travelling for an implement Co., and a new treasurer was to be appointed a: an assistant. for Mr Russell, so the ratepayers that Were present were asked to leave the room. The council [ml thedoor locked for about. lmo hours, but when Ut in again they were t dd that Mr George Watson the County Comms- nioner we: the Township Treasurer. Mr Watson lives in this Swmwn Park divis- Samuel Kinuell not the appointment of assessor at a salary of 880 this is $25 of a tame. A few year ago the assessing was done for 840 one half of what is now paying. Mr Kinnell belong: to :ho Swinton Park division, (This Week'a Budget.) HOPEVILLE. Our annual sale from 17th to 25th was such an unqualified success that we are induced to extend the time for another week to clear up. Everything advertised will be right here. If you were well pleased with the last sale you will be better pleas ed with this one. One word of advice: Don't wait until the last day ; be on time ; let the other fellow wait till the last day; early birds get the best goods. Its a difficult matter to publish the full list or any fair proportion of the many bargains we can offer you, we want you to call and look around, its no trouble to show goods. When ever we find any goods which have been in stock one year--we pull them down and place them on the BARGAIN COUNTER at a price that will be sure to move them. Then we put our money into brand new stock for the coming season. Don't forget to shop with a written Ll SI. It saves us both a lot of time. ----u-- The members of Salem Methodist church intend holding Aeir annual tea meeting on the 27th. _We are glad to see Mrs Ostrander able to be out again. Misses Smith and Paterson, are the guests of their uncle, Mr D McMillan. Well Mr. Editor, we wish to intro- duce to you our little burg, Dawson, Mr Guett and Mr IV Moody left for Algoma on Tuesday last Miss E. Hall is visiting on Beer St. at present. We are sorry to hear of Mrs C Haw being ill, One evening recently on returning from church, it was discovered there was a man missing, so four of our tkipd young gentlemen set oat to hunt for him. They did not find him, but it was noticed they had found a horse blanket belonging to one of the colts. We expect it will make quite an improvement on Swinton Park when they get Dawson brick piled up over there. A member of our voung people took in the Eeplin tea. meeting, and report a good time. Also a sleigh load took in the Sundav evening service, enjoying very much their drive. Mr and Mrs Cook have moved away. 'lf, r.onder how George likes keeping c . We are pleased to learn of our vicin- ity improving so much, as one family has six far costs. the remaining young gentleman will likely get a mum Wonder If W. was disappointed on Friday evening because M. wuuld'nt go to the dance. Ha! ha! We are glad to have in our midst Miss A Shell, of Bethel. Mr A thtrander has purchased a. farm. What does that mean George ? Miss Ruby Scarf in under the weather at present. Mr T. and Miss A. B. Blair also Miss Carney, spent Sunday with Miss M. F. Morton. Miss A, Wilkie, Toronto, is spending tt few weeks very pleasant. with parents and friends. Mr D. Wilkie gave the young folks of the vicinitv a hoe-down. after which all went homo. with than heart}: content. especially A. What we would lik: to know? If the youths from Dorucch were very tired on Saturday, and it they got home before breakfast? Wonder if walk- ing was all taken up going from the party on Saturday night? Try it agamif his all right, The people around here are taking the advantage of the sleighing and are busy hauling wood. The elders and members of the church held their congregational businens meet- ing on Tuesday from 2 o'clock till 4, after which tht, ladies served rerresutuents, Mr John Watson, north of town, is visiting his brothel at Welbeek. Miss C. McKechnie. Dornoch, took it, the hot time at Mr D. Wilkie’s on Friday night, and spent the remainder of the week with bar parents. Mins M. McLauchlau and Miss M. Morton spent. an evening very pleasant last Week With Mr and Mrs H. McKeclx- nib. Wouder how Jack liked the drive in the evening? Our pastor Mr Graham is on the sick list. Mrs Middleton is visiting friends near London. ROCKY SAUGEEN. DAWSON I” ! ‘H 'III-ll-NI?).. 2llllrhl' V _ WW}. . MMM, ’ 1MMlliMlll?! " W A rr "!.'i"!ij'ip'tii,tr, -0- ANOTHER SALE WEEK At 'r'EEE BIG STORE . Mr John A McMillen had usuccess ful wood bee on Mondnv of last week, and a hurricane time at night. The youth of the burg attended the party of the season at Clerk Black's, Pomona, on Wednesday evening. The Travcrston wood cutters have leit our burg Hope to see them back often. Mr Jim White was looking for pas- tare green last week. Mr James Putherbough is home again. He is looking hale-and hearty and we are glad to see him back. Mr Angus and Archie McCormack said a visit to friends to friends in wen Sound. Com. MacLean Went to Owen Sound last week to attend the County Council for theuirst time. ., Miss Amy L MacLean, from Dor- noch. visited the MacLean family last week. Messrs John S Black, Goderick Me Donald, and Edward Sullivan from Pomona were among the guegts who attended the Stone and Dourzhy wed- ding on Tuesday ot last week. Mr George Caswell was away viait. ing friends last week. He purchased a. fine horse. Mr W Reid is working at John Smith’s cutting wood. . Mrs Alex MaoCormack is ill. We hope she will soon recover. On Wed of this week at Pomona church bv the Rev Father Hauek, Annie McMillan, widow nt the late Michael McMillan, was united in the holy bonds of matrunony to Mr John McDonald ofb"hecdon, Bad Axe, Mich. Miss Annie MeViear filled the position l of bridesmaid, while Mr R McDonald chetrtully acted as groomsman Af-. ter the ceremony and congratulating, the large party climbed the grade to Mr John lieVicar’s brother-in-law of the bride. where a delicious break- fast awaited them with a beautiful toar-storied wedding cake, the bride's own make. The afternoon was spent very enjoyably and when night came the crowd grew larger. Words can’t express the merry time that was spent until the wee sma’ hears Mr and Mrs McDonald will visit friends in Toronto, Detroit, and other points, and then will settle in their new home in Sher- l don, Michigan. We heartily join in congratulations. _ Mr John Clark jr. was busy last Week teaming beaver bay to Hanover. Miss Katie MacNully, from Durum, is visiting the Putherbough family. Mr Duncan MaeG'iilivray went to Bruce last week. Married in St Bathezal church, Tor- onto, on the 14th inst., by the Rev. Father Brennan, Mr John J Black ot Seotehtown to Miss Mary McKenly. ot Orillia. Mr George Black of Toronto, and Miss Aggie Sullivan of Pomona, assisted the Bridal party through the trying moments. After doing justice to a fine. and tasteful spread, the young Couple depa.rted from their many friends. taking the train to Brantford to spend a week With Mr Black’s brothers in Onondaga and iriends in Guelph, arriving to their Seotehtown home on Saturday, where they Were met and Welcomed by their friends and neighbors. We join in wishing Mr and Mrs Black a happy and prosperous future, and that some more events of this kind will folio w right away quick. M ULL CORNER. SCOTCH TOWN. THE DURHAM REVIEW . P &taps m Joolwear ONTARIO ARCHIVES . TORONTO i 1 iiiiii)iitj, jijiiiij') titiiijiitiiiiiiiiqiigtiqiiilgiigiGigiliiiiGisalg W. Mr and Mn R J Eden were visiting Egremont friends lately. Mus Banks was the guest of the Lesson fumly on Sunday lust. Miss Lizzie Fee had the misfortune to get her ankle badly sprained. Hope she will boon be all right again. Mr and Mrs Thou Smith. and tron Wm of Portage LaPrairie. and Mr Wm Eden of Arthur, were visiting friends and relatives in these parts a couple of week: Bgo. Mr Jan Gadd his engaged with Mr T Petty for the summer months. Mr James Gadd was vii/sting the parental home on Saturday night and Sunday last. Mr and Mrs Wm Clark were visiting Egremont friends on Sunday lest. Parties wishing to club With us for my of the city dailies or weeklies at our prudent low rates should attend to it before 1t,',"g.Jr 15th next, After that date there wil have no he a small in- crease. Further tutnotltteetnenttg will bemnde. Meanwhile our rates are " before. (IC'," are so good at talking talk to mu. Go on now Ul‘Ol'tllH." The In truetor of you!” haul expected thi; to completely tloor lam: ho). 11c txlwcbed G'corui-'s was to cleave to the tLor and his [nngnu to the roof of his mouth. bb, expected him to look like thirty cents and to feel " good deal cheaper. but imagine the aston- tslunent of the pedagogue when Geordie looked him in the eye and in a piping voizc inluired. "How is Mrs ----(metur mg he Beacher’a wife.) The teacher look. ed qu' a: but au,iwered “Quite well thank you. f'tiow In the wee baby" ? Its do- mg nicely was responded. Without an iustaus's hesitation came Geordie'n next‘ qmoaion. "How many little pigse lmvel Jon" '? "'l‘hrce" mum-Iced the teacher Ml h ajaw dropped uud the lute look of Iri-I Umpll left his eye. "Why", said GL‘UNllel "“6 haw five", Again Geordie inbul‘rop; mod hint. 110w many alumnus have toal got"? Tun "master,, was tron-Pluto-ed and mid he did'nt Know. "Pa-how" ! mud Geodia "I know how many We now, tln l marley heu has tive, the white hen lat) Haven. tho blace heo has, nine, and ”no: grey luau has trites/tut." Hut Genrdm'm-on-i versationul trowers Imam: Lo hul hm), the] strain WIN [no great and In- s':,oppedl, right lime. l‘ha teacher looked at “""vl then told him to take ho seat. Thai scuutlaret enjoyed the trout and evenwouel Voned that Geordie had the best ot" It.‘ That method of pu sis'uuteut is ulmndon- l ed in this school. ' l An amusing story is being laid at the N N . . , expense of n. whom teacher in the south. 1“le ter Canada Camila? Uo., ern part ot the County of Grey. One day h em. Splendid ehoiee. Splendid value. it in mid just befon. school clood fur the SLEIGHS summer vacation, he noticed One of the tstualler boys talliity..r Thi,. W“ Ity. tto Massey-IGMs Bob Sleighs, strong, 3 means an unusual Hum. but this pal'iluu- . _ lur "Georl.," ILL-l spent too mucu uf his MAGNET CREAM SEP time In mum-mum: of hug. and Im- r0- »urccful ma-Lur thought lo sis-wise, a scheme by Much (Jeanna “mum be cured (“this habit tor all ttme. He, (,'ll1".iHi')Uuil INSURANCE tln, boy to his “Mk ond tuldres,otd him', Promptly-attended to. Fartners'Insuranee, thus 2 "WcllGeoruica,youlravr. iwwl tall; . lug. "Yes v-n'" came J1u/'i'0'/'i)'i"/'11cy.l.t couple at first class second hand answer. "Well" said the teaeitrar, ”mm-I l cheap. yon are so good at bulking talk to nun! Mrs Juhu Cameron of Boatineau ' Dakota, in visilum at. present at the home of Mr A C Bounu’n of we Corners. Mr Alex Bell visited hm daughter. Mrs MoUlocklin 01 Flesllenou, who is not nu» proving but very hale we Ire sorry to my. Mrs Thou Nichol and Mm W Ryan visited friends in town last. week. RE -L'LUB RATES T'aEEllliil jii""3Ii:iC9r SyiTORlliil VARNEY. BUNESSAN. $1.50a pr. Soc. a pr. 2 5c. a pr, Mc. a pr. BORN LmMate.--rtt Mt. Forest. on Jam. M, to Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Leslie. 3. Ion. WILLIAXSON.-In Durham. on Jan. 23. to Mr. and Mrs. J. Willitmson. a non. Feeders and "others-Were ftrmer. Heavy abort-keep feeder! sold at $3.50 to 04.40 per cwt. Envy stockors brought $8 to 83.50 per cwt. Sheep-Were, tolling " " to 08.25 per cwt for export own. The run WM light. we! Bll sold out only. , L_-The run wu short here ulna. Prices were firm " 98.60 to “.00 per ewt. Honk-Wu. study " "" for choice. 6.12} for light and " for ha. Butcher's tuttu--ikld well and were the preniling choc on the market. Piek.. od Iota brought " 25 to 04.50 choice one: 83.85 to 04.15 nnd common to flit on" $8 to 03.65 per cm. SHHVIN‘} \fACHINES. mus Sewing Wtehines and supplies. Live Stock Market Toronto. Trade was light on the Toronto Cattle Market to-dey, the roceipts being light. Value: were steady and everything In sold out only. Receipts were 88 leads. winch included 629 otrttltr, 286 shoop and lambs, troo hop and 16 calves. Export Cattle --Brero steady, soiling at 84.00 to 04.50 for medium. South of Middaugh House Ptlut rizm h CULTIVATING, Coulter l in); 3.".ls "o‘ Wilkinson Ploughs, number 1 to 20, and repairs of all kinds. Shares, Soleplaces, Etc. _ Not genuine unless the wn'ds 66 \V[L(I\H w Planer! (?otrPstsv"is as: ml each when. Wiiki'uon "hat rm 4ree! it that made in I was sections We invite your attention to the following lines of goods : (.ihi)e1tsi.ivjiL)e)r farmers) MAGNET CREAM SEPARBATQR est in t 1e market. FIRE INSURANCE CUTTERS Pmmptly attended to. Farmers’Insurancea specialty in best Matal S pciut y couple ot first class second hand Horse Powers for sal cheap. Cultivmux l n't ade Ear rows, Seafflers, Etc. Also Scotch Diamond Barrows. Oranges per Dozen ' . . . 3 Boxes Red Herring for.... .. 3 Cakes Toilet Soap tor.... IO prs. Men 's Tweed Pants. . . . .. IO yds. Pure Wool Worsted Panting, worth $1.25 at ON WHEELS "',fl',4iWf4 Massey-Harris Bob Sleighs, strong, serviceable and at fair prices: JOHN LIVINGSTONE A”. ”than" FIopt -thtt Candi; Caryiofge Co., of Brockville has "ussey-3tarris thnporium :I'Ilgrglls and_ Berlin muses oijIANO and ORGAN 5L9, I tt"t 1-11 vad Sao w Buggies trom Campbell of London. 'iseettazteous FEB. 6 A large stock of New RaiGGid Ui/ii' Tetrkere................... Pound. par btre....... Bum. _.................... Hid“. per ttwt.......... Cnlhkim, per lb........ Ste-tans............... Tcllow rendered per lb Shortl............... ...... Lard, perth.............. an Dressed Bogs. per cwt Hogs, Live weight..... ButtorJruh roll per lb Butter. Tub.............. Wheat..................... Burloy..................... oat......................... Flour......... ............. otutnerni................... Limb. DURHAM MARKETS. . MCKINNON. ' P" cm _....................... JANUARY 80" 1902 75c. a yd Lower Tow n Soc. a pr. 25c 12}; 5C Ito 150 " 12 3 00 10 00 825 750 Come and see l4 14 16 70 78 88 220 To no lo " 16 q f, Bo " 4o 50 oo l ' " 1n pr m; 10 TI h mm Midi th "If In H. W " Nttt " M “I Ill w, tht Mt " H um

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