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Durham Review (1897), 6 Feb 1902, p. 1

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rga1ns [AND and ORGAN. ,w Navmand and W pus I them .eason. are J TOR DO! lb we; wawfl M... M lb INNON. MARKETS. Al TONE. 'ffiiil'i'iiriii.ih] 'owep , 30" 1902 Lower Tow n Ot -'--t-.. 12 " 8 oo 10oo 60 " 14 16 00 so JO o ta me d 5043 ly may pr wat and, see " llo " 7o Ma g; t on ODS " " 16 00 80 " 4o 20 oo 'st ces f p. m. Poultrv, (Yrysml Grit, Oyster Shell and Red Alhumen-At Parkev's. llampdml Soiree last week was quit e uncensful. Dmlmm choir were down in force and furnished excellent music as they always do. Splendid speeche- were made. by Messrs H. H. Miller. N. W. Callnphell and Geo. Binnie, and those who were there seemed to be very favorahly impwseeul. Hampden alwnysdicl do things well and we re- gret, mu- inahility to be present. MacFarlane'., Laxative Grip Tablets prevents the Grip-use them-EK ahox. annmxn THE 1vArtr"cN.s--Naturtlay night last tt number of the Band boys drove north the Owen Sound road to trteet their tmvnsnmn Mr. C. McKinnon and give hun " Serenade on his mturn with “Vudt-nship tumors. The idea was happily emu-owed and kindly and emwtirely carried out. This. and other congratulations are no doulc, July appreciated. but "Charlie's" hat is still tig enough fur him and he nun-es alarm. in his usual “my. AN OLD LAM) MAttri.-L,ust week one of the u-ry earliest of Egrnnont, pioneers. Mr. Andrew Swnnqtvon. of Holstein. passwd away at the age of 89 yrs. lle mun native of Selkirkshire. Scotland. and for nearly co years was a. resident of Egremont, and a leader of though: m the district for many years. The curly settlers of the "New Survey.” were oftt-n indebted to the hospitality of his luune away hack in the 50’s and the name as borne by him and his sons and nephews is one of the best known in the towwhip. His son John is at home and two other sons are in distant parts. two daughters also IIIerye him. Jan. Swanstun. prominent In municipal life. is a nephew. The funeral took place (in Friday last and was largely Swanstun life. is a place on attended. 1htr.NKENNT'.sri IN GttEY.--Frorn an unit-Lil “Bum-n Book," just issued by the 1trttnvio government there is record- ed, “mung; much other information re- gdl'tilllg the working of the Liquor lit'unw Act,--the number of Commit- ments for drunkenness in each of the years from 1876 to 1001 m every county of the provincc. In 1901 there were lu' commitments in Grey, the largest Since Ist'. when there was ll. Ten years before that. there was 23. A very striking and gratifying feature is the decreasing average. For the first ten years of this period the average annual commitments in Grey was 24.6, for the last, 10 years only 8.6. For the province during the first period the average. was tati2.9.durintt the last period am, so that Grev has improved more than the provmce in the past 20 years. In the matter of fines collected there are only 10 of the as Linnea districts that have collected more then B. Grey and about half of these include cities. We cannot. believe that our riding is less law-abidc in than the great. bulk of the province and this result must. be owing to more vigilant Inspection. Another Schedule gives the tavern and shop licenses issued since 1874. These show a con- stant decrease in almost every case. Grey descending from Mr, in 1874. to as Horse and Cattle Salts. 10 '.bs. for 25c At Parker's. . Ttse Hey. s. L. Toll. B. D., will punch in lhe Methodist church mt Sunday nun-mug and (tn-Hing. He. will also pveachthe Missionary sou-mun in Zion in the Mtetnoon at. 2.30. NOTICE.- The Durham Lodge ofiA. o. U. w. will hold it's next meeting on Tuesday evening the 11th, in”. As Mr. Hanbury, of Dundalk, Dep. District M. w. will he present, all the. memton are urgently requested to attend that meeting. See mu- Sumkvr’s supplies, all kinds. Darling's Drug Stun. A social evening and ten. under the auspices of Trinity Sunday School will he held in the Odd Fellow', Hall. on Friday next. Feb. 7th. A programme is being prepared. All are welcome. Admission 10 cents and S. S. children admitted free. Ten, served from ft to 7 In 1900. The Literary evening of the Y, P. S. C. E. occurs on Monday, Feb. lo, when Mr N. w. Campbell will lead in the discussions. Prieeville Presbyterians are having. "ue of their famous Suirees on \Vednes- l day evening of next week. By that! titne ponds will G good and n good; time assured. ' I Hover: LOT and STABLE for Sale. A snap for can. J. A. HUNTER Regular meeting of Public Library Board Friday evening. The Rev. Wray R. Smith. will preach the Sunday School Anniversary ser- mons in Mitchel on Sunday. Buy viyur Drug Stou- Golden B Parker's. VOL. XXIV. N0. 6 Idd itmml Locals on Page Butter Color. 10e a hottie- -At Ir School Books at. Darlins,r's Grey County Old Bovs had at ?trr) Ell NEVIS “IMP (Milll ant reunion in Toronto on Monday; . evening. The Globe says "Fully 250 ex-l -'--.. residentsnnd then friends were pres-l We may almost say, "nsusual" the em. and enjoyed the delightful {Concert of 1902 was a great success. and entertainment provided by the follow- manyJu-e quite willing to say "the bes‘ ing artists :--Mr. w. J. A. Carnahamlyet " The brethren of the local camp J. P,. Cameron, Adam Dockray. Migi have certainly reason to thank the con- Eva Uilray. J. T Park, of Dlindalk.lcert-loving public for the generous pat- Miss Florence Macpherson and Fred. l-ronnge extended to their concerts. but Race. In a short address Mr. J. w. ion the othet hand there is this to be Seymour Corley, who presided. in the (said that the camp, through energetic absence of the Honorary President, told (committees, always endeavors to get many interesting stories in connection Kthe best, that’s going with the feeling with different towns in Grey County. , that "Nothing's too good for Durham." After thy "ttttrtaituntmt re1t'tshpetttti, fheil only limitation in still further were served. followed by dancing." All g advancing in the concert line is the an- very nice no doubt. but we suggest the i tiquated Town Hall, which year by year old boys should he asked to come up in ipiovcs utterly inadequate to accountin- a boil}- and see the real thing--eome- Tdnte those attracted by h'rst-clasoe con- tinue next summer and Mayor McIntyre. l cert talent. The suggestion has been would doa graceful thing if he would l made --just to stimulate the town extend a mu m invitation to the Associ- i, fathers no doubt - that they build an ntion to visit Durham then. 'wp-to-date Town hall, and give the _ .--- 7 l "House warming" Concert to the Sons Honor Roll For Jany. 7, 1903 of Scotland in return for the big surplus , which may be expected t. Sr. Pt. Ii-lured Torry, Eva Wilson, Roy Calder. Agnes Ramage. Rex Mc- Gowan. Sr. Ir-mutha Downs, Pearl Burnet, George Canon, Annie Aljoe, Beatrice Wilson, Jr. II-Marion Currie. Irene Latimer, Hazel Guthrie. Brock Grant and Ida Harlmltlo (equ.,) Fred Falkingham and Archie Grey, (equ.) Jr. Pt. II (n)--Voddie Caldwell, Mary Wright. Catherine McDougal, Edna Limin, Mabel Grasby. Jr. Pt. II (lo-Nellie. Hepburn. Muck Saunders", Lanna Wttrrnuurton, Mary Billings. Ronald Guthrie and Wilfrid Calder (equ.) by. IH--Mtuy Ritchie. Edith Allan, Fanny Moran, C'larkson McCanl, Fred Well. - Jr. IH-John Nadiqer, Ella Eetor, Bessie Telford. Robbin Laidlaw, Charlie Dowling. -. Jr. IV~ Willie Farquharsom Everitt McKinnon, Aggie Camet on, Hazel Cald. well, Annie Daniel. 't I-marry Gordon, John Billings, Aggie Becker, Maggie Torry, Mable Latimer. Horse Salts, Sulphur. Saltpetre and all kinds 0f Horse and Cattle Medicines at lowest, price: at Datling's Drug Store. Pt. I leaving -Clata Aljoo. Violet Willis, Annie Petty, Minnie Orchard, Winnie Wallace, PUBLIC SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. Sr. Iv-Annie McKay, 1telleUrunets on. Arthur Knialey, Willie McKay, Grace Wilhs. Intermediate-c-Meri Whitmore. Syd- hey Holt and Marjorie Mekenme, (equ.) Jr. (a)---Clara Lawrence. Russell La- Velle. . Pt II Jr. leaving (A)--Chnrlie Law- re-m-e, Lizzie Scott, Susan McClocklin, l’vtw- Pcarnago, Vi Reynolds. Pt. li leaving (B) -_ Mable Hunt. Bertha Wilson, Alex. Mchnh, Geo. Reid, Duncan McKenzie. ANNI'AL MEETING. w The animal Int't‘lillg of the Durham cemetery con)- pany will be held on Monday 17th instant at. the Town Hall, Dut'ham. at H p. tn.. for the appointnwnt of Diets tops and General business. A Dated at, Durham the lth (lay of Fehmr. ary 1902. J. P. TELFURD, Sec. D. 0. C. Sulphur. 11 Ills. for 25c---At Par r's. No h'chRF.,--The common talk f; a day or an last week was the eati of small pox in Egremont. The whole cnse is explained in the minutes of the Egremont Board of Health which up- peurs elsewhere in this issue. The action of the local authorities was highly cotntuendahle. Jr. (b)--lds Livingston, James Bill- ings. in dineae,es " the Eye. Ear. Nose and Throat will attive by late train Atur. duy Feb. ft and remain over riltNst train Monday manning: Feb. 10. thu.. ing the interval he can be contttlted prnfmuilnmlly at his nmtIu-r’s residgnce Jan. 27 Th?,, protTsuiorurll George St. OPTICXAN Cosrr.No.--Mr. T. P. Smith, Elam. will he at the Middaugh Houie Wednesday, Feb. 12, for consultation on eye-examination 3 PAY Ur-ill parties indebted to the; undersignml are requested to "tttki- ! [lament by cash m' note, on or before; Feb. Sth. next. ,' i NoTrcR.--All parties indebted to the undersigned are requested to can; a nnce and settlethyir accounts by etssh or note.--C. MCARTHUR. / Carr's Cough Cure is fully guaranteed to cure colds-at MacFarlane'. Drug Store. . Dr. P Hm” Scum”. DEPARTMENT. it T. MORAN, t . Blaeksmitht. Park, Hamilton, sprcialist F the Eye, Ear. Nose and run-rive by late train Satur- iiititrt' , it" w,‘ TT"""",": A local company has been formed Nose andland, without allowing the grass to in Sat“Mg'row under their feet, have secured a till rtirstihartep, and taken options on over 10. Dur- 1000 acres ot land to the south of and ;-..mnltod {adjoining the town. They have resid/nee l placed then. stock on the market, and ',We believe it is being rapidly taken M 0......“ gup. DURHAM, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1902. The talent were all on hand. Mr. Jas. Fax was as clever as ever and his new repertoire of songs and costume shows that he is using as much discre- tion as ever in making his humor agree- able to the host taste. . Fax has imitat- ors a-plenty, but no equal. In addition to the humor of the thing. always rich, racy and innocent, there are profitable lessons in "It never worries me" and in "Distance lends enehiuttment to the view." Mr. Donald C. MacGregor, who ap- peared here in October last, has added to his reputation. Mr. MacGregor has all the charm ofa gentleman with a. rare musical gift and In his t-endition of Scottish Song is not surpassed and has seldom been equalled by any perform- Continued on Page 5. The doctor in his opening remarks ex- pntinted on the healthy growth being made by the order, and of the benefits derivable from membership therein, and pardonahly. on sodium occasion. extol- led the merits of the Scot. Never we think, under. the best con- ditions, was hotter order observed [had at this concert, under adverse conditions, and the compliment of Dr. Jamieson, M. P. P., Chairman, on this head was well merited. faith with those. who, by forethought, had secured a. seat. The plan filled up so rapidly that I days before the concert the sale of out- [ side tickets was stopped, but, even then j it was too late. for the demand for re- served seats, was more than the eonmnt- lee could meet. ltaving made the, mis- take of announcing two pl ices. BY stood management however. all the veserved, seat takers were accommodated. and as , many as syanding loam would give to the others, and the committee, with gen- _ uine regret, (not in a financial sense) had to refuse over 100. perhaps ‘10 anxious to hear the talent. This was absolutely necessary in order to keep' "Nothing Venture, Nothing Win31 isan 'd'e'y'eg,'g1igrt, applicable in thls case. oodless to say we wish the new Company every success in their search tor the gas or oil or both which may or may not add still furth- er to the prestige of our town as a een- tre of natural wealth. The company; whose chief promo- tors are Messrs W. A. Layton, Jas. A. Hunter, and R. J. S. Dewar approach- ed the Town Council on Monday even- ing asking for the privilege of laying piping in town, should the venture prove successful, and this no doubt will be granted. Drilling, we believe will begin be- fore February is out. Arrangements being already made to have experts with suitable machinery "break ground." ' a company for the pin-pose ot testing this locality as an oil producing field, orthat failing. to discover natural gas. The steps taken have not been made hap-hazafd. The opi lion of some vis- itor with technical knowledge of the topography of an oil district led to in- vestigation. Other experts were sec- ured by the enterprise ot a few our citizens and the conclusion has been reached that here or near here we ha ye another source of natural wealth a- waiting development. For weeks past it has been'known that an effort _\vas being made to Yaunch AND WW II [8 OIL .0 ' , ' 0 Red lh J f w We are get! Rose Tea. TI . j claim it to be ' ket, if so you ' of testing th, statement. i I This week we will give special bargains " 5 in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver- fy, ware, Spectacles, Eye Glasses and 'fl, Musical Instruments, etc., etc. d 5 Can you see as well as you should ? 'ni, If not, come in and let us show ', you our new way of fitting Spec- " '_. tacles and Eye Glasses. Eyes l. r tested free. i, We are expert Watch Makers, Jewelers, i Engravers and Opticians. R. B. l Keeler is the only watch maker in i the cynty with a watch factory I experience, Where you will tind an' im- mense STOCK cousistinir" in part of Dry Goods, Hardware, Groceries, Clothing, Boots, Rubbers, etc,, bought in the best markets and sold at the very closest prices. tlit REWARD nll l WATER THAT I CANNOT REPAIR For 10 cords of'3 ft. hard wood, and 10 cords 25 inch Hardwood. all green. Delivered at the Presbyterian church. Apply before Feb. 5. 1002, to It. MAC, FARLANE Jr. or W. CALDER. Parties wishing to club wsth us for may of the citydnilies or weqklies at our' present. low lattes should attend to it, before February 15th next. After that date there will have to he a small in- crease. Further announcements will be made. Meanwhile our rates are as before. All our work guaranteed to give satis- faction. All goods bought at Keeler's engraved free. Two " Jewelry Stores, TENDERS WANTED NEW JEWELRY STORE. DORHAM' & HESPELER ONT. l l 1(liil,ill I 80H, ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO (I llilli(lll RE -ULUB RATES EL E9198 Ili! Ill E fe., f. I Melee/mic: g ti.iitStlliiMllaill'illliBilli' "iiillilltilili5lMillNiiilMdlat $53322 iaiti, 3'1"!" iFitira £1.19: 'iillj)llr.tMli"illi".igig'SrlglgSiSi'ia, 131% #1151%1%1%1%1fifi1 i'ife,e/riijs-, 1ire"a=ttiaslsisi?ji' 'f""?"""""')'! iii _ As. fre/am/ 92' 'iiii'i Getting ready for spring good Roll Butter, Tallow, Lard, wanted Dried Apples and fowl. 3m, clan] your you)! this wk (1: Me price will to down a/ror Imus. AMES HOLDEN’S BOOTS. 1246 pairs to choose from. Buy good, tresh, clean groceries; none of those cheap trashy groceries handled at this store. The prices quoted below are for first class goods. ' sflaflflflawfiflmggmflaxmxxxxxxfifi A pair of good boots such as are made by the Ames Holden Co. would be a very nice Christmas present for your friend: made in all shapes and sizes at right prices. HINTS EVER £93 fir S0tif17)f5r 1 lb Lemon Peel ...... 1.1b Orange Peel. '..... 1lbCitronPeel........ 1 lb BhelledWalnttts . . . . 11b " Almond..., 61bsf'tneFigts...- 3lbsPrunes........... 31b package Dates.... 3 lbs Selected Raisins " Remember the place : ,', Groceries : : Giving Bargains in all departments. Al- though in the very coldest part of winter we are The Store is being filled up with cases on cases of NEW SPRING GOODS and we are clearing up all lines of winter goods to make room for the spring stock. If you want real bargains it is your own fault if you don't get them. Some of the departments where we want more room and where some special are to be picked up are ..--Men's Cloth- ing and Overcoats, Men's Heavy Top Shirts, Trunks and V alises, Fur Caperines and Caps, Men's Ties, Ladies Wrapperette Wrappers and Shirt Waists, Millinery, etc., etc. THE POPULAR CASH;STORE. THE POPULAR CASH STORE. Ars. fre/amy --"- XXXX CHAS RAHAGE. Pawn: urn l’uausnan. LAI DLAthrs Old Stand 'cl’ec/mm. 25 eta. 35 cts. 25 eta. 25 eta. 25 cts. 20 cts. 20 cts. 25 ca. 35 eta. ’5 cts. mt" 31E air yt i915; lil? Ae; " 11L

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