West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 6 Feb 1902, p. 4

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(I and She would like heart. Send I Own-ll Diviner lean) who she is A good story mum- proving that some“ tellers who work for truth. A ynung mum palm-rs the following Young 'tttut-some wo yum. Would you kn She would like, to be , Offering--- Of Great Interest in Millinery & Mantles _'-;..,".'-)"-:"-,,,' Shewell ik Lenahan j'li.', &tewett d £ena/Ian mm)», the j: (555‘?a“$¢§fi§§¢$$§é$§A§ifiéififiéffiéié$fifié$$3%” 85%”? itis answer Undertaking attended to day or night at small profits. We deliver our goods in town or country. Call and see for your benefit and save money. Merry Xmas and Happy New Year to all. ld like io he ynur only sweet- Sond ten (ems in mumps to Iron and brass beds from 83.75. to $10 Diners, common chairs, bedsteads and wash- stands Extension Tables $5.00 $15.00 $14.00 $13.00 ti12.00 $10.51: Best made brass bed We have a 1arge stock of furniture on hand and will sell at reduced prices for the next four weeks Made by the best manufacturers. $17-00 ,.d'g',tt'e,, $14. 00 slory mum‘s from Missouri, that mmetiun-s the fortune bt? work for money tell the young tuautead in one of the w fulluwing advertisement: 'tn--9imte woman dearly loves nuld ynu know who she in? We have about 30 garments left; chiefly between lengths not three quarters nor yet can they be called "Short Jackets," fashion approves the styles, and which ever you choose may be reckoned as strictly within the present vogue. Here are the details t--Wotuen's Jack- ets made in Germany, of Beaver, Curl and Freize cloths box semi and tight fitting back, fancy and plain silk and serge, lined, bishop and bell sleeves. collars of Velvet and plain, some Jackets fiinished with strappings and silk stitching, others, collars, cuffs and around bottom of coat silk stitching: well finished, smart dressy garments in Black and colors all are going at a great discount. Our important millinery novelties, and trimmed hats must go at half price and less. These are high class goods and are ot the latest styles that we have had this season. They have reached the time limit and must be sold, 35 Landies' trimmed Ready-to-wear Hats, latest styles, that were market at 2.50 to $7.50 each at half price and less, no two alike. Your choice of 35 Sailor and Walking Hats at 25 cents each, also 253 Fancy Birds, Feathers, Wings, Breasts, etc. All must be sold. Now is your chance to buy a good Hat for little money. CASH and ONE PRICE address as below and He sent the stamps 'r--" Mother." WOMEN'S JaCKETS For the Next 30 days. " " " _ u " - evm v 1Trrtrryreeryrymet-GG-oFrA'T.i'vc.Tr- .,GT.G AT ._ir_h.rwV.. AVKQWRMAMMA - V _ ....~.‘, WNW (,/25,00 $13.00 $12.50 $12.00 $10.00 $9.50 What made the young notational! who nu seen cull " tho,corner on Sunday 19, and " look so duappointod on returning home. Don't "ll again Joe. till you no I". ah. In n he... We would like to know if it is the suc- cess of the logs that makes Sandy so happy Indy. Wedding bells this week; particula- nut week. News Jim Ryan, Jim Welsh. and Frank Haley returned home Tuesday from timbmug In Woodbridge. F's attractions! urn south jugs now. Miss Annie McRae spent with friends in Pricevilfe. MrM Witeou finislsed the ccutrnca lug drawing for Mr G Jones. M. it hustler. Mr Coi/C Alanyxlen passed tlmu our burg on Monday. Miss Kate McDumld returned home Monday alter spending several woe mth friends in Orangeville. 'ortock. A large stock of tancy Rock- ers. A big discount on Par lor Tables, Easels, Jardinere Stands, Hall Cabinets, Pic- tures and Musi c Racks. $150- 7 - Couches from Str, 50 to $19.00. Guaranteed for (0 yrs. The best bed spring made is the Cable Coil spring, will not sag or frame twist Mattresses from $2 50 to S 5, 50. We sell the " Victor , the best made. me_ges from $4.50 to IRISH LAKE l 1lerarlen t) 1yden passed throx few Weeks M. is a a“: Ime cm weeks ot h a; Bmith-Bharp-Tttat the ttre and light committee look after a water tank for the furniture factory and re- port at the next special meeting of itouneil.--Cmrried. b'harp--eryitlr- That George Bur-kins:- ham be notified that his services ape not required any longer " scavenger as he bu not performed his duriea.-Carrieu. _ Brown-McLachlan-That Mr, A. McLuchlnn and the Mavoe he a com- mittee to collect information re site for Town Hall and also whether, or not the council can legally sell and give a title for the present Town Hall and report at the non council meeting.-Carried Huntor-iLavhlt,.u - That Hugh “new be appointed tt [number of the Board of Health for the next three years. --Carr ied. JOHN MCKECHNIE, Chairman. Hunter-McLachlan-That the re- port. of the Finance cmmnittoe he av- cepted, and that cheques he issued for the several "uiouuts.---C'nrruvd. McKevhnie---hintith--That, tlu, Mayor, A. S. Humm- and J. H. Brown by a committee tr; pun-me such information as may he required regarding the pray- er of the petition of the natural gas and oil UO., Limited, and that the same be repmted to apt-mat meetings of the council.--')) son, -2...i, cords wood $3.75, Lantern, 75e,, 94.50; Wm. Calder for postage and stationery tor 1901 82 30, 2 cords of wood $3.50, $5.80 ; Geo. Bucking- ham, salary as scavenger to 31st of Jan. 1902 $33 33 ; Emerson H. Kinnco, 3 months' salary as fireman $2.50; John Kelly, salary as treasurer to Dee. 31st, 1901 885.00 ', John Kelly, postage and stationery for tax notice $7.98; John Kelly, collecting taxes for 1901 515.00: Geo. Meikle, three months salary as 2nd engineer to Jan. 31st, 1002 " 75 ; Hugh Maeliay, attending scarlet tever case. 10 days $7.50; Total 5518658 All of which is respect- tully submitted. i Members present _ Norman Meln- {tyre, Mayor ; Councillors I John Me.. 'Keehnie, Charter Smith. John H. ‘Brown, Alex MeLaehlan, Wm. Sharp, A. S. Hunter. REPORT or FINANCE COMMITTEE To the mayor and council of the cor poration of the town of Durham, GENTLEMEN : . . . Your committee have had nnder consideration the tollowing ac- coun's and recommend payment C-- C. McDougall, to glass putty and work $1.22; W. A. Anderson, 1 month's salary (Jannqry) $20 0piJas. David- Council met Feb. 3rd, regular month- ly meettng. Members present: N. McIntyre esq.. Mnycr. Mr. Gilbert McKechnie. Mr. Thou. G. Holt. Dr. Hutton, Medical Health Ofticer. Moved by Gilbert McKechnie. second- ed by Thus. G. Holt, that M this meet- ing was called by the chairman in the interest of the general health of the town as well as to take into considera- tion what further action should he taken regarding the reports in circula- tion that there has developed a (use of small-pox in the vicinity of the yillage of Yeovil in the township of Egremont. That this hoard do now adjourn to again meet at, the call of the chairman so soon "sthere is more authentic in- formation to lay before the board regarding the subject, matter animu- referred to.--Cartied. Council Chamber. January 29th 1902. The Board of Health met at the call of the Mayor'. WHAT Do You SAY y-At, the meet- ing of Council on Monday evening Messrs A. S. Hunter. A. McLachlan and the Mayor were appointed " committee to hring in a report as to the cost of repairing the Town Hall or of building a new one. The present. hall will do well enough(l) If it can he made com- fortable. (2) If it can be made about twice the capacity. (3) If it can he made a. thingof beauty. (4) If it can he made other than a. fire trap. (5) If it romports with the dignity of the town. (6) If it shows: corporate enterprise equal to private enterprise. (7) If the town is dead broke. (8) If we thave no faith in the future. The Annual banquet of the Canadian Order of Bun-stem will he held in the Middnugh House on Friday. February 14. Bro. Thus. White, High Set-y, and Bro. R. Elliott. H. I'. Ranger will be present. Admission al cts. . SURE FlNGERS.-~Mr. Ruhr. Wright who had the misfortune to get the points taken off u few of his fingers in the fartmy, is suffering a good deal with them in addition in thettnno.vauce of enforced idleness. Mr. J. S. Black, the veteran and efti- Cient, cletk of Glenelg Tow'nship giyes an account elsewhere in this issue of the good good work done hy Glenelg's fuur collectors and challenges compari- San. Ay OPERATION NRcEtmartr.--W. w. B. Voile”. we regret to learn is quite ill at iii-merit, and intends going to Totonto to secure expert medical advice as to some kidney trouble. One of our exchanges copied our article of two weeks ago on Graveyard Exposure. Cant have too much of a. good thing. but 6s worth copying. worth crediting " should he. the rule, Buy ynur Drugs at Darling'" Drug Store. Prices right. Mrs. Rcht. Cuff. one of the earliest pioneers of Bantim-k Township along the Durham Rum! is reported dead. We have no particulars at present. DURHAM BOARD OF HEALTH. TOWN COUNCIL bit.Y s'ell atm give a titlel, The nwlnhers were all present; the " ”HHULHI it IilllM, I Tywn 1.rull and r'.eeort l minutes of Tuesday were read and con- , """"""""-------s.d 1“ tneeting.-Carried tirtued. The report of: Andrew Grier. » zThtytGeorge Bur-king. schuol impecttzlr l" gut Grey,. lwasg -- -_ - - t --t-_, A, - ,7 -r ---- that his services 1an not 'resented. a. m t o a memorm_ to l lger " scavenger as he ['iiii'ii'i't rr.'t'ilh"v"1.1dgi. the appoint. 1 DR. GEO. s. BURT ed his duties -Carried. ment o , rm way connmssxou was PW. . . late mist: tt th . 1 -That the fire and ferred tn the Memorial? comn".tte°‘ Hospital, Er/uf, 2dW, 0133:“ng te , look after a water gmumeéa: tiT, fhe11gilatne,al,'tt,i,,tetd "dThratttospifar. mitare factor and are!) b un ' or ex rt , .e ca M' mg n special 1hll'lf 'ti referred to the Edmuon committee. It/iii',:????!,-',-?,-:-:, A'ga'itNei, I. I OmSound then. Will he a the UM Home nun-n. the , . ttrt. WM ' . A. Axnlasox. Clerk. Comm new! my I ' p... , of “h “m“m' . '- tttt THE DURHAM REVIEW w. A. Axmmsox. Secy. m "J%NerBPrri"At _ , _ .1" WWW- an “MW Tw.', , 14., 31.. gm” l' ff: ?Y s)!il?iifePr,iiiri'; The special ountnittee to strikn stand- ing cmnmiltoes presented their report. which was adopted And engrossed in the minutes. Judge (Tensor was present, and gave a personal invitation to tho council to nttend a meeting to he held in the counvilchamito for the formation of a Historical Society. and on motion the Judge's invitation was accepted. grant of $800 to purchase a stand of colors for the regiment. also for a grant of $500 to supplement the pay of the non-commissioned officers and men of the 81st Regiment while on duty ; an account of W. A. Anderson. nomina- ting ofJieer for division No. 3 $13.50 ; an account of Mackay & Sampson for $19.50 for servwes in commotion with the arbitration between Owen Sound and Sydonham; on account from Eu. phraam for $30.10. for refund of oxpen- i gesin the one of a lunatia ; a draft of; a memorial from the county eouneil m" Waterloo re railway crossing; a draft; of memorial from County of Kent. ; asking for an extension of tho time for i importation oift.nupur machinery ; draft 5 ofa liy-iaw to confirm in. detu:ttion on! townlinn of Proton & Melancthon ; several accounts for printing, repairs to I county buildings, ete. i At 7 o'eloek counml resumed when quite a number of decnxucnts were prcr- sented and read hy the clerk, and were by the warden referred to the various stamlnwz runnnitiees : (‘opy of the award of the ultimatum in the nutter of attaching a portion of the town of Owen Sound to the township of Syden- ham ; application ofJ. Ross Robertson for a grant to Sick Children',; Hospital, l Toronto ; a. petition from a number of the inhabitants of the village of Chula- burg to he erected into a police Village ; an account from the township of St. Vincent for a refund of an amount incurred in caring for a lunatic, $8920; a. similar account tram the township of Collingwood for expenses In connection with house of lunacy ;ennuel statement of Electoral District Agricultural Soe. iety of East Grey ', a letter from Jae. Gillespie in reference to his account for services as deputy returning officer In division No. 8 ; a. petition from a num- ber of rate payers of Duchem asking for a free-pedlere license for Hugh Mackey for 1902 ', application of Lt.-Col. I Campbell of the 3lst ttegipytrtt_fPtil A (special committee. comprised of Messrs, Allan, Pringle, McDonnld, Gordon, McDonald and Doyle, was appointed to strike the standing dum. uuttoes lnrthe year 190:5, after which the councxl adjourned tdl 7 o'eloek in the evening. Mr McKinnon addressed the council at some longth. after which he aub~ scribed his deelaration of offiee and commenced she duties of Warden by calling upon the clerk to read the minutes oflas: day of November session. 0n the first vote the election was decided, Mr. McKinnon having re- ceived ten votes, and Mr Watson six voles. Meson. Gordon and McCal- man, the mover and sounder of Mr Mekmnon, escorted the Warden elect to the chair of the councal, and formtlly Introduced him to the council. TORONTO The clerk took the clmir and inform. ed the Council of Me 1leLean's election; and then called for nominations for' the wardenship. There were only two nominations-CGS. McKinnon. Esq., of Duimm and Geo. Watson, EN., of Proton townslup. The, County Comm] uf the County of Grey met. In accordance with the provisions of tin: Municipal Act on Tuesday. 28th met. The members were all present. at 2 o‘clock. the statutory hour for meeting. The on'y change In the personnel of the council no Mr. Duncan McLean, who was elected by acclamauon m December last to fih the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. Riel, one of the representatives of Divssicn No. 2. Mrs. Ed. Radhurn. of Fergus. and Mr. Robert Wart, of Hepworth, came last week tosee their sister Mary, who is nick. Mrs. D. cohwidge. Sin. Egremout, re.- turned home Saturday last, afterspeud- ing n. month visiting her daughter, Mrs. C. Rmnngu, Durham, and relatives in Ceylon and Holland Centre. Mr. and Mrs Charles McAlister Mt. Forest, called on friends in t: the beginning of the week. Mr. Arthur McDonald and Miss Cassie were the guests of Hanover friends lately. Mrs. Dr. Ball of Hanover. are Mekeehnie. W EDNESDAY A NERNOON. COUNTY COUNCIL. and Miss Harriet Ball, the (guests of Mrs. John yr. of town BARGLAY & NOBLE. CALL See A. Uordon's Large and Complete stoek ot Ludies‘, Gent's and Boys Watches, Fancy and Mantel clocks, Ladies' Long Guards. Chain Bracelets, Brooch- es, Links, Scarf Pins, Cuff Bat- tons, Flatware, Fancy 14'latware, Silverware, Novelties Ladies' and Gent's plain and gem Rings. Lwer Town, yurney &oves WOOLLEN and RUBBER and full lines of Horse Blankets. ---e--q'q-e'ee- W CUTTERS. ROBES, RUGS This week we as'. attention to our new line of oNQrr_9e-0.a.6qrawqr-r.i-.q.-s vester Drill with steel wire conductors Winter is approaching and those needing stoves should not fail to seéours. Also Clare makes. $.79” r Ililiiitgaill, 'ik' ' , 1 ttEt A Bgitir?r'i?: tii Illllllllilllllllllll M new b"fr 1a lt ‘ , e .c Illli5 fii-'ti'(-/i'yz"iii' ', b . h #45 - " c.” i w l, ‘ I J Q ”’3'! r, ,' 'c??, “ugly; t, ., new“ _ LSlrll “Mm a Ni“ _,' . we: ', t '-. f _ NEW IMPLEMENT AGENCY A . GORDON a!!! defile of ”angel! Sands. BM” I HOME. BRITISH fl0Rfi.lfl, d; CATTLE i,'.':'":,),..]?])]',"',,",,', 'atte, n: 1ewettery and see our fa.. mous Syl- Jeweller 6 ttr PACKAGE FOR " cts. in... vvv\~lJ \nuur'.... .IJA' REVIEW and Mail and Empire ' $1.73 REVIEW and Montreal Witnvu $1.6“ Rtevmw and Emily Herald. . 31.7.3- Lurmwan4tyiiC.1.rr.y'."f.".' 31.7.3- Rlulw and Tmnto Daily Star 811! gnvmw ITd, Jyt.ekist glob. '/ A course at this institution will raise I you above the many who are endeavor '; lng_to make a litjng by common means. 'YOIIIG MIN! . YOUNG WOMEN? Office over MoLachlnn‘; Store __-_-_-s-. I “010mm - Special attention given to him of Women And cum-m. You cannot afford to go elsewhen for our methods and equipment are un excelled. Winter term now open Students admitted at my time. Catu logue free. th A. FLEMING, Principni in either Shorthand or Business sub jects. 7 7 ARTHUR GUN, M Prepare to make a success of your future undertakings by taking a course " HARDWARE Sed our Clothes Wringers and Washing Machines. They are cheaper than the cheap est. Have a look through Harness Department be convinced of our ql' ty and assortment. Now is the time to gut gains in Horse Blank Examine our stock of Razors. The class is superior to all other Razors, that is the reason we sell so many. Do not use that old broken snow shovel when you can gat one so cheap. Another large shipment of Cobbler's Outfits just to hand. The majority of farmers' are finding the benefit of having them. Amos Chislett says We have the best Rat Traps in the market, as he set one no bought from us one night and in the morning he found 16 R...< in it, HOURS OWEN SOUND. "rices always tending down- wards ; quality always tending upwards : thesc are the reasons for the sun cess of our store, as succc» you will comprehend when you compare our prices and qualities with the prices and qualities you get else- where. We can and will olease you. Drop in and 5 gals. Coal Oil FEBRUARY 6, 1902 PHYSICIAH & Bt-nano: . BLACK Wilma; qe, tt 81.60 ii,,., 1“ Wh a TW Cm li' chil W M hat M Sada lb. ll

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