West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 6 Feb 1902, p. 5

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My! who, . .. 81.60 utpire . 8l.7iy Vim”. may d. . $1.75- , i." 1 "TS. NH ily Star I'RH Illia . V E31 YOUNG WOMEN! UND. "rltttnu. k ' tstore uc 6, 1902 on will raise 'e endeavor- mon means. elsewhere. went are un- siness sub " H " your l count open C ata EE W. H. BEAN Salada Ceylon Tea at 2 5c, 30c and '4oc a lb. TWEEDS d YARNS GROUERIES s. SCOTT, shoes.................... I Womatrs Cardigan Overshoes l Misses .. .. I Child's .' " L WE Q; luMla 0! (llll Blil We have a full line of Sterling Bros. hand-made shoes for men, women and children. They cannot be beat. White Plan nellc-tte blankets, largesizc...... .... ...... $r.oo pr, Bed Comforters 60 by 72.... 1.50 ea Woman's heavy shawls 1.35 to 4.00 ea Woman's long sleeve under- vests .... ...... ........ Men 's Cardigan Jackets. . . .. A'oman's leather foxed felt Big 4 a 3 JAKE KRESS t tsm.mw.m¢ We can give you Bargains. ---, Lower Town Durham MacFarlane t Go. The Best Quali"' cheaper than ew'" Undertaking PROMru Y ATTENDED TO. Jirlprjlittsisj.., FOR DRY GOODS, CROCKERY, OUTS & SHOES, &e., HE SELLS CHEAP tl FEBRUARY 6, 1902 LAXATIVE GRIPPE TABLETS Of best quality. BABY’S COUCH CORE PINOL BALSAM CARR’S DOUGH CURE Come and see Iles. If taken in time, speedily check to that much dread- ed La Grippe--25c. a box. Specially prepared for the little folks, may be giv- en to the most delicate child-Safe, pleasant and effectual-ee. a bottle. More pleasant to t r and an excellent combin- ation for recent coughs and colds-asc. a bottle. Druggist & Bookseller’ Will stop the ml-st stub.. born of coughs- For cro- nic coughs there is noth- ing better -Every bottle guaranteed-- Soc. a bottle FURNITURE (lhtl't illel 1.00 250 ea 10 5;"! pr pr pr pr ea '7 e! F l Buyers at car lots coming from West of Port Arthur, will be given the same rate as is rimmed on settlers effects One free pass will be allowed with each car of pure bred stock. All purchas- ere who buy a carioml for lime in Can- ada, and who have paid fall passenger fare from a starting point in Canada to either of the sales, will be refunded one half their h'rst class fare, or if such purchase." has travelled second class, " reduction will be made to one i, cent por mile. A claim for the refund 3 must hu "ecompanied by a rocoipt for-I the inrv paid and also the freight bill I covering the shipment of live stock. ; These urmngvmenvs have been com- pleted with the C. P. R and G. T. It. _ P. W. Honsox, ';,, Live Slack Commissioner. l he valley of Jehosaphat. tho vale of Kodrnn and the barren hills that. sur- pound the city. In the tar distance to the eastward we could see the Hiverl deLI and the Dead Sea. with manyi other points of great biblical interest." ; The illustrations which accompany the j article are of unusual merit. ' ENGINEER WANTED " once. Good wages to the right mun. Apply " this office. '2 Ira D. Mankey, in an interesting ar- ticle of Lis trip through Pnlvstinv. which nppvars in she February DELI)": ATUII. gives an entertaining desc, ipliun of the Holy Lmul Mun-saw it. A" to the Tower. of David he says t “Frm: the top we behold one of the grandest and most interesting sights to he wil- tleased "nywhere in the world. At, mn- feet lay the city, with its narrow streets its mouques. its domes, and temples; and beyond its massive) walls, We could see Gethsemane, Calvary and Olivet I These attending the Sales mus: purchase first-class tulld'ato, one way tickets to Ottawa or Guelph. and obtain certificates to that effect on standard eertitieutte, form. Ticket agents are supplied with standard eertitieates, and are instructed to issue them on application. Where persons have, to trawl over more than one railway to reach the place of sale they will re- quire to purchase tickets and obtain eertifieates as above from each railway. excl-pt stations on lines mentioned above. Reduced rates will be granted to parties who attend these Sales. over the C. P. ft tram Uealstations East of Fort William and from all points on the Northern and North Western Division ofthe G. T. It., L. E, & D. R. It., Erin and Huron It ., Central On- tario Ry , Kingston & 1,dif/Jie Ily.. Bay of Quinta Ry., & Navigation Co., H. C. It. in Canada, C. A. Ity., and the Ottawa and N. Y. Ry. i It will thus be seen that there will be not onlv a large number of animals to be disposed of bat that they will be all good representatives ofthe breeds, as every precaution will be taken to secure this ond. Buyers can attend the sales, with every eontidenee that they can there purchase what they require. and thev can look over the stock in the Bailding before the sale begins. and at any time until its close. The animals to be sold at Ottawa invlnde Shorthorns, Ayrshires, York. shire's. and Tamworths. At Guelph there will be only representatives of the Beef Hrecdsnnd swine Naturally Sliorthorns predominate in numbers and of these, theruarua greet manv excellent representatives. Such breed- ers as Hon. Jno. Dryden, T. E. Rob- son, Ilderton, A. W. Smith, Maple Lodge, lt Gibson, Defaware. A. Johnston, Greenwood, J. T. Gibson, Denfield, R. & S. Nicholson, Sylvan, W. G. Sanders, St. Thomas, A. & W. Whitlaw, Guelph, W. Smith, Colum- bus. E. Jeffs & Son, Bond Head, Jno. Bright, Myrtle, H. K. Fairbairu, Thedtord, W. G. Ormiston. Columbus, F G. Sibbald, Sutton West, A. Moore, Green wood, J. E. Meyer, Kossuth '. and fully seventy five other. breeders of Shorthorns. have stock entered. Among other breeds, J. G. Clark, Ottawa. and Hon. W. OWuns, Monte. bello have entered Ayrshires ; D. MeCrae, Guelph, Galloways and swine ; R. Reid & Co. Tamworths, Berkshires Ayrshires l Jno. A. Richardson. South March, Holsteins. I Asonlv a limited number of animals i will he sold at one!) Platte, and as en- ‘tries have been received toreonsidetu able more than tht' number required. an opportunity will be given to select onlv the very tmst. Animals will be Selected that are in the pink of condi- tion, and good individualsof the breed they represent. No nnwurthy animals will be accepted. Persons wishing to purchase can (in. pend upon being able tt choose from a lot ot stock of individual merit and [ good breeding. The names of a large number of prominent breeders is a guarantee of the quality of the stock offered. The Provincial Auction Sales which! were held at Guelph and Ottawa last' year' in February and March more than ’ realized the expeeuttions ofall interest- l ed. The sales this year will take] place during: the month of February. t A change. however, has been made in ! the order of the Sales. Thatat Ottawa, I will take plaee titat. February 12th, and the Guelph one, February 2ilth. I THE TOWER OF DAVID Illf OMAR“) MR jlWiilli 8M. BHEICDS REPRESENTED HEW I Fon BALE.--A good 2-yr. old colt, o l, will exchange for wood. Apply to War. i, 1410mm Durham, _ Staff and Equipment. 3 The School is equipped for full Junior Leaving i and Mtttrieulation Work. under the following Flatt I of Competent Teachers for that Department : I THOS.ALLAN, Principal. l MR. nonmsox. H. A., (Specialist), Am. Prin ', MISS LIFK. B. A., t'lassics uni Modern. 5 FElitl: $1.0) per month i Wm . Johnston, ('hairunu THE LITTLE YELLOW LABEL Tells, or ought to tell correctly the date to which Von are P" id. Changes and additions have a- gain been made and we ask our friends to exa mine elosel y. The price of the Review is 15 a yearin advance-tlr..!!:-,' if not so paid. The amount is small to subscribers-to the publish- er, many smalls count up fast. Thovoughhred Brrkshirs- ”our, Lnngj Bacon Type. bred by T, A. Cor, a prize winner at the Industrial and Buffulul Exhibitions in 1901. will he kept for tretsl vice at lot 26. can. 4, N. D. R. Bentinck. 2 Dam and Sire wore both pilze winners. ', Terms: 81.00. E Intending Students should enter " beginning of term, or " soon after as possible. A WAIT For: News. News, news, news!. his enough to give a man the blnes-mobody married and nobody dead, nobody broken an arm or a head. Nobody come to talk of the "crap," no one to run in for tak- ingd "horn" nobody bnl'iod and no- body born. Oh! foraraeket, a wit, a. fuss! Somebody come in and kick up a. muss; someone to stir up the peace-lad- en air, somebody name to give use scams. Somebody thumped within an such of his life, someone to run off with another man's wife; someone to come} in and pay up his dues; anything, any-) thing, just so it's news.-Ex. , , U. Ramage, based. for the Patou-tttst, of to-day was new-r Imm- thoroughly feminine, hav- ing made no concession "tin for the rainy days. Mrs Van mesl': lt-ttms on dress and gnu-sip in Paris. :15 well as those of live Arm. on the fashions of London m this "mgazimu are delight fully original and up to date and weli worth reading from mouth to month. The special Pans cottespontlent, " Thr DNineatoe recalls the prohevy of a, well-known Frau-hum" nu the subject. of vvolutiort of dress, that before many your! woman will tus wearingaltogethet' nmsouline attire. ()ne is unable- to ttndetsrnmd upon “but this thenry is dad Saw the King closed a very on: iorable meeting. The proceeds u- nmounted to $117.95, there being ovu- 82Uclear. "Urnnk and Plaid" was particularly good and her trcatumm of "Cain-c Herrin"justitied the many aluminum she has,. received from the Provincial p ees. In cmtumr with " cteel of real tish, whe- recalled vividly to 1t:3' what we had Been and heard ml the sweets of Edinlmwh and Leith. To the delight of the highlander- pine-ht. she sang a gaehc song as an encuw, an catching Was it that. an enthusiastic Pricevilleite Joined in the chm-us, but we were quite shoeked to see Mr. C. C. McFadden, certainly an enthusiastic higisiander, turning the leaves ofa hunk while the song proceeded. WOMAN WILL REMAIN WOMAN. Mrs. (hulls-Hail». Wt' ate HM has sung in Durhuu "eiore. Ihmugh it, must have {mt-n lsrforo she ”nun-d the pro- vincinl ti',ttuiutirut she nnw anjoys. Though p‘minly sufittrittg from a cold, (her vnivv in runveruatiun twin-g Mimi.) she sang wit h an»! effectiveness. and good (ante, lu-r sew-ml selections. The Durham School et. in the pruvim-r. In oetohet. last, we sand that his "iine mmssummg manner. splendid voie. and good Instr m solem- inns and rertmu0i,r has rustle him very highly lhmmhl oi" and our opinion is unclmngml. Ile ii indeml hath brilliant, and farviuittirus. BOAR FOR SERVICE. ROBIRT errnx. Prop. Allan Park. P o uni inn 'unhnued from Page I 1“??? o.» -__. c. L. Grant, tiet'retary Proprietor THE DURHAM REVIEW Choice ho.- to-du told at " per ort ; light In, and m hop at 95.75 not at. Butcher cattle was qnntably unchanged, and choice stuff Wag strong at " to 4 50. There u In change in sheep Bud has": ', good lambs are wanted " $3.75 to 849 T. Tune in an active demand for good veal calyos. Quotodzfrom tit to $10. Hon are weak a. tho decline yester- My. anontn. We had another rather Iight run at the Wrstern cattle market today . {he tom! receipt- amonntod to 68 cars. including 934 cattle. 500 sherp and lambs. 1.1oo hogs. two dozen calves. and a dozen milch Good to choice export eattln sold quick- ly at from 4.h In fig per ll-., an eighth more was [mid for Some choiee lots, and til was touched. COS" 'i?"t"i' i... v . an bunk.” M w a. Flour......... ............. Oatmeal................... When..................... Peat........................ linrloy..................... Oata........................ Lnuolm..................... Dressed Hogs. porn" Hogs, Live weight..." Butter, fresh roll per lb Butter, Tub.............. Eggs..............'......... Hides, per cwt.......... Calfskins, per lb... ..._ Sluepskms............... Tallow rendered per ll, Lard. parlb.............. Beet, wtreqrt............ Wood,..........-....... 'Iltwlrttrs........,.......... 2 URHAM MARKETS. Live Stock Market ...... ............. a "U I................... 2 75 _................... 5o Hogs. porn" 7 50 he Weigh”... li (In ONTARIO ARCHIVE§ TORONTO JNO. A. DARLING, Druggist Horse and Cattle Medicines in stock. compounded at Pooular Prices GROUND OYSTER SHELL -- GRANULATEI) BONE and POULTRY FOOD of all kinds A FULL LINE OF ALI, KINDS jlilljllill'8 {PM} STORE 500 (m l 00 1 lo l 90 2 75 70 78 50 2.5 14 14 16 (in 12 or? lit I' no oo 7o 1 n0 4O 16 lo 73 78 65 88 l5 15 'wri 'cel, is] '0. Ts, 1% raj All the straw can be had Mler pout-s sion is [iv-n, Doc. 15th, 01. Will take part cab and lmlunce cam remain on pinto. For further [articular-apply to Known as the George Rips farm. lots S and .5 of 9, C'oncesqion 6. Berninck. This farm (-omnins 1.30.10”:- of land with 14 301-05 of gum! hardwund hush. good hank barn with lean bo ll. 40 x GG, Good stamina. pig and sheep nun. fine hen house, 18 x 50, with furnace in it. Good brick house and orchard, nice spring creek, running put the barn, al. so 15 Acres of fall wheat. d-wav-oar' Tilsonburg Oatmeal, Milverton Flour, Chopped Wheat, Oats & Peas FRESH DATES. PRUNES. AND FIuE Kippered Herring, Sardines and best Fraser Salmon. CANDIES, NUTS, ORANGES ETC., ETC. '. I 1lflllllfllllllll : : NEW RAISINS AND CURRANTS. (mu _ - " Use Chesttey's Horse and Cattle Spice-ie-ye Heave Powder-Chesney', Cough Powder, the best in the market. GEORGE LAWRENCE FARM F0 We are sold out of 50 lb. pkgs. of Lake Her- ring, but on a repeat order have secured a few 100 1b. pkgs. These are worth $4.50 and our guarantee goes with each pkg. Jil?row in your dtard, val/aw, Jtutter d 4bs, we take them. everything Delivered. GEO. LAWRENCE ::f'lllilfltflflllll: Receipts carefully Com Kim. f2urrtett. R SALE. aARRIBTER. IOLICITOR IN .UPREUI COURT - PunLIc. countoolouln, no. Money to Loan at reasons ole rues and on terms to suit borrower. OFF'rCE-Meitttyre mocr. uonrnv PHIL“: connuucnn, a: ott1Ce----L0WER IOWN. DURHAM Company and prune Fund- lougngn n low." uto- of nun OFFICE- .. McKr-ulo'n Old Stand Durham Collections of all kinda! Frmar bmqh promptly uttmultd to .r. and sold] CnHoctimu and Nancy Wills. Deeds. “arrange! kc.cormctl_v prep-red. E mun looked “(at and 12:1 {abort chountgyropnro ARTHUR H. JACKSON ()FFH‘E FIRST DOOR EAST CF the Durnnm Phu'mu-y ('nldor'l Block. Residence first door was; of the old Post Ottice, Durham. SAVINGS [Alt mat-rut allowed on innings hank deposits of 81.“) and up- wards Prompt. attention nud - facility "orfod cuotumoru living gt distance. J. il HUTTON. A general Banking luminou- lrunoncud Drafts issued and collections and. " all points. Deposit. received and ities est allowed at I‘m-ram at“. a. P. TELFO RD. D. McPHAIL - ----e-. -- vi a" 'IVIIGII nu (iarnfmxn Road cottVentettt bo Dun hum. This tirty acres is u snap an prio asked. [Fortunes my 313mm may; 8rd Div. ot 8. con. 1, W. G. R.. Ben- tittek.--Na1eolm Cameron 's 50 acres. Irr,d., Dl‘v. lot 1. 9911.1, E. G, R. Giepelg I have " largo muulm- tr, erues m town and country on trade. (llllilBil) BANK (lf CANADA CAPITAL. Authorized (‘AI’ITAJ.. Paid up.... RESERVE FUND . wt AGENTS in all principal I"".'."'. m Ontario. Quebec. Manual”. t nited States and England. AI. MONEY TO LOAN ut41-2 pCI' cent nnd up according to La/iT; ar terms. INSURANCES COLLECTIONS and CONVEYANCING " well as other Finsncisl business caretully anon- --w -e-- - .v- w- .... ”vllull " " splendid inquvved farm (-ullveninrt. to Dutham. l ery cheap. Iatt 13. con, t6. Bentinek. m ar Louie P. O. In hands. of " Company. Finv place and must go to some one. The Hanover Conveyance: He has a. big list of Property for Sal». including the following: '9-rlt. I. , " RESIDENCE and OFFICE on t KO NOTARY weuc. COUMISSIONEI a“, CONVEVANCEI. VALUATOR Insurance Agent. MON EY TO LOAN Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. S. DURHAM AGENCY, J,efy.t?,.con. 2, yr, G. It., Bentinek u Mel-her C arristcr, Jretar , 8011' 19035116015 (tte., 'iii,.'.'.'.'. G. LEFROY MCCAUL. 3rd who” and ist Div. of 8, con Iff ...°. "ttttttir.- Nalcom Gamer BARRISTER. SOLICITOR‘ DE 1:43 TISTRY. W, l DAVIDSON. aIULNCf. and OFFICE-tru En; I'P'll. TOWN. lH'hHAl. Telephone Connection No. 10 Head Office, Toronto, Charge: Ctseodtezmt W. F. COWAN. President. GEO. P. REID. Hammer. my BB mm: V hslililt H0 H. Miller, Ontario. ()F‘FICI IOU-S 9--t2n. I. It " Linn-ed Auctioneer f the County of Grey. D. .CPHAIL, ancvilio P. ll C. IAIAGB Dun-hum. '0“... Physician And “not“. Private Money to Loan ‘(l III'IVIW runll to 1.0.! on you uto- of “an“. V'nluntion “on. um mum! Valuntor. J KELLY, Agent. numb”: of olltotrt" :(01'cr the Bank and will “I! :ate 32,000,011) 1.000.0(1) 000,tttltt

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