West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 13 Feb 1902, p. 4

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JI It, tth Lizzie Binnie. Annie McGillivrny Violet Britton, Cassie Irennedy. .3rd--Jack Benton, Arthur Davis. 3rd. ?.r.--cJe.ye Edwards, Emma Bent- Gth chmn-iannie Benton. iiena Bin- nie. Laura Whitmore. Pt. 2 1r.--Winie Righy. Nina McFad.. den, Gertie Me (Yomb, George McInnis. Pt. 1~Jossie Beaton, Wiittid Nichol, George Amen. Pt. 2---Robert McGillivray Palaisv. Gertie McComh. Li, Known. Report of S. B. No. l. Glam-lg. Offering--- Of Great Interest in ' Millinery d: Mantles maamwtaaemmwwwswwWWW Average attendance-UO _ii,i. Shewell '" & Lenahan .Parlhment opens on the 13th inst. §w¥¥¥¥¥§¥¥¥¥¥¥§$¥¥¥$wfi%w£§§ Umlcrtaking attended to day or night at small profits. We deliver our goods in town or country. Call and see for' your 1incfit and save mOney. Merry Xmas and Happy New Year to all. to $18.00. Sideboards $7. 50 to $30 Parlor Suits $18 to $55 Iron and brass bcdsfrom $3.75. to 810 Diners, common chairs, bedsteads and wash- stands. Extension Tables St.oo $17.00. $15.00 $14.00 $13.00 5412.00 $10.50 We have a large stock of furniture on hand and will sell at reduced prices for the next four weeks Made by the best manufacturers. Best made brass bed (Sheurett d Annex F' 13TH. teacher, LIcGillivray. Noretta :Uomh. Lawrence Mr.. Bedroom Suits now at " " " $25-00 $14.00 $13.00 $12.50 $12 00 $10.00 89.50 "s'"-"'.'-'-'"-"----.------. vvv Mm mr-J-UG; " _ '.eGFiFe-.0AFirGG __ W" """t 'ir-tTar-cr-GCA; “AAAA.MAA--_--A PTrfr Being Lou East of 7 and 8 can. 2, old survey in the Township of Nni'nmnhy, containing 132 acres mnre or less. On the premises am a. first clan brick house containing 11 mums. wash-mum and pantry, new barn, 6t x 50, 20foot posts and old barn 50 x 30. Drive house, 32 x- 16. Stables underneath barn for 32 head of cattle and 7 horses. also silo feed room and turnip homo. Pig pan " x 22, 3 floors high and hen house 12x 16. 2 never-failing spring. and 3 well.. macros of timber, and Bret class fenc. u and in good cultivation with 15 acres of fall crop and fall plou hing well_nn. About. 3 milu from Klfi'dg and con- Will give pone-aim: March lot. Itm. Title slur. Appirto M. W. Immoar, _ NOV. I, not. - Prop. A large stock of Iancy Rock- ers. A big discount on Par lor Tables, Easels. Jardinere Stands, Hall Cabinets, Pic- tures and Musi c Racks. to $5.50. We sell the " Victor' the best made. Lounges from $4.50 to $7.50. Couches from $6.50 to $19.00. Guaranteed for IO yrs. The best bed spring made is the Cable Coil spring, will not sag or frame twist Mattresses from $2.50 Farm For Sale. (our!) am, an] The motion was put and carried Wm) Mr Allen, on whom motion the hast messengwr of council was dispensed with jumped to his feet to remonstrate against the unwarranted expense. He was Willing for his part to carry up his Mr McColman was not opposed to having a messenger but, fsweliously wnmrkod that he thought they could get one for 8200. Mr Brown urged that n, nwssengpr was necessary to sustain the dignity of the council. The clerk could nut pro- perly attend to his duties and run out after motions. etc. Simeon county paid th messenger 8400 per year. (Laughtev.) . Mr Goedon-The mover can furnish one as well as the couucd. Mr McCohnan opposed Mr Gordon’s amendment. but on motion of Mr Allen it was carried. Messrs Brown and Doyle moved that the roum-nl furnish a messenger boy for the June session. Mr McArthur said Mr Gordon's pro- posal to pay the money over In Dufrerin through the hands of Proton was like a gaelic saying which he quoted which meant that, it was like going to Wiatton by way of Toronm. Mr Watson laid the townships of Pro- tor, and Melaucthon had passed hy-luws with reference to the purrhme and "mimenunce of e road, and this coun- ty had agreed " [my half the cost. Thecost of two bridges was saved to the county by it. Another subject. for disscussion was a notice by Mr Watson to [my 8110 as the county's share of a road deviation on the county line between Proton and Melancthon, payment to he made to the county of Dutterin direct. Mr Gordon opposed this arguing that such action would be evidence that the county had purchased the road deviation and Its nmintetmnce would therefore fall on the county Mr. Shiite agreed with Mr Gordon in this yiow of the matter. Report of Roads 1nd Bridges was read by Mr Agnew. With reference to i an account. from Bruce county for half Cost of repairs to.l,ridge on county line. Mr Gordon suggested that a clause he added authorizing the warden to notify the Bruce county council that before any more work this nature is perform- ed the commissioner nearest the locality must he notified. Mr Harness made a, Statement with reference to the work in question which was done while he was away and while Mr. Ptmgle, his fellow- commissioner, was ill and unnhle to look after it. Reference was made by the warden. who was chairman of Roads and Bridges last ye r, to statements made by Bruce commissioners in which they threatened to pur Grey in for as much expense as possible and the report, was amended so as to anticipate such action, after which it was adopted. Quite N discussion resulted over this matter. Mr McArthur reported for committee re treasuver's sure-tries. that the county had two bonds from Me Parker of 850,000 (nu-h and another' band from Mr H Parke-r. Durham, and Mr R McKnight for. $50.00) which were considered ample. The report was adopted. Report of County pro erty recom- mended that the walls an: corridor. of the court house. be suitably cleaned; that unless the burners can be remedied incundesrent lighting he adopted ; that the old fence in front of the court house hetemovad and n new one built and the grounds tiared; also that several accounts. etc., he passed. This report read by Mr Gordon. chairman, was adopted without discussion. Clerk Rutherford reported with reter- ence to gaol supplies. the committee recommending that the tender of D R Duncan for roceries, D B McColl for bread, (i c, Erignell foe mm! and Geo A Sargeant for milk he accepted, being lowest in each case. The report was adopted. By-lawn were put through up ointing Rev das Ardill, Collegiate lpnstitule Trustee; Frank Abbott. Meaford High School Trustee ', and C A Fleming and It H Fortune. county auditors for 1902. A hy-lnw to erect Clarksburg into a police village was also passed. SATURDAY MORNING. It was expected that an hour would finish the business on Saturday. but due cussion (-rogped up on a. couple ot sub- jecta whic kept the members :unul twenty minutes after 12 The House of Refuge question also came up again when it, was decided to continue the committee. which was instrurted to get further information andasketch of building. with cost, of site, run. and report at June meeting. Council adjourned till Friday. FR I DA Y A FTERNOUN. Reports were made by the following committees: Fitmnre, Roads and Brid. gm, Education, Printing. Communic.t- tion and Memorials, and ab.o by the committee re good roads. of which Mr. McDonald is chairman. The reports Were all adopted without amendment. Messrs Preston, Harness, Schenk and McAthur were appointed a committee to report on the trauma": sureties. Rerorts were presented from Finance commit tee, County Property committee and report of special committee on the House of Refuge. The. tin,ursce commit- tee's report and the County Property committee's report were adopted luv the council. The remainder of Wednesday afternoon was spent. in discussing the report of the committee on the Home of Refuge. the council. judging from the speeches. being pretty equally divided. The cmnmittee rose at 6.30 asking leaveto sit, again. after which council adjourned till Thursday. THURSDAY MORNING. Council met at ten o’clock. and after the calling of the roll, council went into committee of the Whole to equalize the county assessment. Mr. Pringle in the chair. The council spent most of Thursday in threshing out the several asseamnents. Owen Sound was raised $250.000 and Derby $50,000. Durham, Markdale. Hanover and several other tu!1pscipiilities were also raised. 7 application from Prisoner's Aid Associ- ation, Toronto. for a. giant : application from the Poultry Association for a $30 grant; application of Douglas J. Mc- Donald to be appointed county student to the Ontario ,Ntt"tcy,lttyal_cplltyre l account. for "uildirik Hudson's Midge, $621.17; a number of accounts for in- specting bridges were presented and referred to the Road and Bridge com- mit ee. Continued from Iatrt, week. COUNTY COUNCIL. THE Hogs were steady. selling " 06 for choice on“ Ind 05.75 tor light: and am. Simep were steady at " to M.iio pot on. for export ewes. There is only a light demand for sheep at present. Lambs "a still strong and in good do mand. selling at $3.75 to " per out. Feeders and atockera were study. sell- ing at the prices which have been in force all week. Butchers' cattle were sailing at a slight advaune. The picked lots for butchering mud at. $44- to $4.65 per cwt. and picked lots tor exp It hrulluht from $4.76 to 84.90 par ewt. Choice butehora' cattle sold at 33.85 to 34.25:: per awn and common to tail one!I at " 85 to $3.85 per cwt. Export cattlo are selling well at yester. day's prices for the majority of the offer. ings and for mme particularly chuice " fpriucs the price shows an mlvauco of 100. not ewt From 84.30 to M.lio per ewt is the prevailing price, while as high us M.6o was paid for some of the cattle to-day. Medmm ones sold at $3.50 to $4.05 per ewt, The market receipts were til) loads. wuich Included 780 cattle. 472 sheep and lumlgs, 1.09.2 bugs and 9 calves. The trade at the Toronto Cattle Market this morning was better than it has been all week. There was only a light run. " thengh much heavier than yesterday, and the excellent demand resulted in a tstiffen- ine of prices for almost every kind of cat- tle. It was expected that there would be e heavy run of cattle this week. but the storm blocked the roads so much that the arrivals have been quite light, and no the demand for the cattle offered has been keen. There are several vessels in port " pro-ant and the demand is strenethened by the need for cargoes for them. These factors all combined to Btiffen the prices yesterday and to-day they were from Ge, to IN. higher than yesterday. Sheep are the only ones which are not in good de- mand at pronent tor export, though good I-ntchers’ sheep are still wanted. Good veal calves and export lambs are in good demand. TORONTO 'sWNFT,"ce" REVIEW Satisfactory remuneration will he paid to a. man desiring to takeiup.'the business. Former experience in Life Insurance not indispensable. Address communications to H. C. THOMAS, Supt. of Agencies. 6 King St. West, Toronto, Ont. HoBsBtmaH--Scorr--on 22nd Jany. by Rev. Mr.----.--?" David A. Hors. bum. youngest son of John Horshnrgh Holstein. to Miss Lizzie, daughter of Mr. John Scott. Meridian, Assn.. N. IV. T. formerly of Mt. Forest.. THE ROYAL VICTORIA Wants a. District Agent, for Durham. A by law In adopt as the official seal of the county, the arms of Earl Grey described in these columns some weeks ago. was also passed. Attvr singing the National Anthem Wurden McKinnon detlnred council atdjnm-ned till Monday. 23rd June. at 7 p, tu.-0. S. Advertiser. Mr Gordon had no doubt, hut Mr Benton for one would he glad of the protection afforded him by the by-law. All aucliuneers were not, iike him, for. any monnlwr of council could find by enquiry m, the treasttrev's otiice that some of them did not, pay their ters at all peomprly. The hy-law was passed in cmnmittee and tinrally passed by the council. It became operative from the date of the passing thereof. Mr Allen introduced n by-lnw requir- ing that auctioneers before conducting gale shall show their license and an» nounce the date of its issue; also that hawkers. peddUraand chapmen be re- quired to carry a license card where it can he Been by the public. A reward of 810 was offend by the hy-law for every person securing a conviction for this ot other by-laws in the behalf. Mr McDonald said it was an ii to old "uctiuneers like. Mr. Bun mhcrs to require them to pI-udu license before they began a sale lake the chair but declined, as he Wish- ed to speak. Mr Allen proposed Mr Agnew. whom he evidently wished to keep from talking :19: the time was short. Me Agnew took the chair. I Mr Agnew begun to expntiate on the rahheries which were perpetrated by peddlars. especially In spectacles but, was ruled out of order. Mr McDonald moved council into committee on the by-law, and war- asked lw the warden to Lambs..................... Dressed Ham. per ewt Hogs. Live weight..." Butter, from roll per lb Butter, Tub.............. Hides, per owl.......... Calfakim. per Ib......., Sheepskins............... Tallow rendered per ll) Lard, porlb.............. Beet, far cwt............ Wood....................... Tnrkeys................... Potntoes. per bag....... Shorts............... ...... Bram. ..................... Barley............ oats............... Flour......... . Oatmeal....... Wheat......... Peo............ DURHAM MARKE TS. Life Insurance h d hnik Lire Stock Market Toronto. MARRIED. was an indignity Mr. Baum!) and to produce their 60 1 00 110 12 12 8 Ott 10 00 5 00 6 00 l 60 2 oo 9.5 14 14 16, on 90 15 16 g 00 8,50 220 7o 09 lo 40 78 55 a. SPECIALIST EYE, EAR, THROAT & NOSE, I ---- EXCLUSIVELY. a mu be a the madam; Home. Durham. in. I",,', WM! o and: mum-nap. I. all , D. It. late assistant to the Nel london Ophthalmic Hospital, Pegg, and e Golden Squue None And Throat capital. a. EEECIALIST EYE, EAR, THROAT & NOSE. BARGLAY t NOBLE. CALL , See A. Gordon's Large and Complete stock ot Ladies', Gent's and Boys Watches, Fancy and Mantel clocks. Ladies' Long Guards. Chain Bracelets, Brooch- es, Links, Scarf Pins, Cuff Bat- tons, Flatware, Fancy Flatware. Silverware, Novelties Ladies’and Gent's plain audgem Rings. . Lwer Town, gummy Jaws WOOLLEN and RUBBER and C.. full lines of Horse Blankets. DR. GEO. S. BURT. CUTTERS. ROBES, . {RUGS This week we as: attention to our new line of A-ts6mAAsAeAAAANq)A.A9A--qg-u,= vester Drill with stéel wire conductors full £1310 of Maxwell Soods. Winter is approaching and those needing stoves should not fail to seeours. Also Clare makes. NEW IMPLEMENT AGENCY A . GORDON BARCLAY I Blllli. 'atte, ns rave/[org and see our fa.. mqus Syl- J ewellor anmw and Weekly Globe. ... 81.60 REVIEW and Hail and Empire . 81.7.7 REVIEW and Montreal Witnou 81.60 Raw-w tnd Emily Herald. . 81.75 Rirvmwaetd Sun "o.......... 31.75- Rar- and Tomato bully 3.0 an) an'sxcux & Srmmox Office over McLachlln‘u Store, in either Shorthand or Business sub jects. You cannot afford to go elsewherr for our methods and equipment are Ill' excelled. Winter term now Open Students admitted at my time. Cam logue free. th h. FLEMING, Pmmpw A course at this institution will raise you above the many who are endeavor ing to make a “ting by common muanx. - Spechl "tention given to Diana ol Women sud Childnn. Prepare to make a success of your future undertakings by taking a course " Mill MIN! ARTHUR GUN . HARDWARE Our Harness Department is worthy of inspection, as it contains all kinds of Light and Heavy Harness. Slci gh Bells, Whips, Horse Itlan- kets, Rugs, Robes and Cu t - ter Mats. We have a few more Skates at greatly reduced prices. No house is complete with- out one of our Meat Cut, ters. They will save the price they cost in three months. If your Storm Door does not work right, secure one of our Door Springs. Have you seen our stock of Carpet Sweepers. Every woman should examine them. We are in a position this week to offer you the great- est value in Kitchen and Platform Scales that was ever offered. HOURS: l OWEN SOUND. be our assortment of Carv- ing Setts, Fancy lamps. Lanterns, Coal Sifters. Tin and Copper Boilers, Stove Boards, Wash Boards and Tubs. . "BIO“! 13, 1002 5 gals. Coal Oil 90c . Black. o6'g'A'raS4'gre ' xxx tto 8to xxx xxx xxx xxx XXX XXX lo A.- 4 In. YOUNG WOMEN? Gn [Bi IN Won ch Twi) G Roll Wh New ll We MacF. PEB - u " Lowe HE SEL CHE JA BA H CA CO! C01

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