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Durham Review (1897), 20 Feb 1902, p. 1

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OOM 'rs J DI: (in Bar ht TONE. AND and ORGAN I Raymond and W ultiv ”NON. Ian rs are complet- k out for our ges of all kinds , here soon. rema- s say, np-to T Dre- dad fo. know here Lower Town t. See our Machines and that 3touse. T' nel lhou, W I 13. 1902 Tfads to go Kb "5' Cl , Seed t Mt om, ‘\ WEArtrrm,--The denth of Mr. Neil Mckechnie, near Pviceville: which we reported last week had a very sad sequel. It. turned ont that he had died by his own hand, having taken poison. Cor- onevGun was notified and at the m- quest held these facts were established. Tht. deceased left a note unsigned, stat- ing his intention. That there was some mental alienation was evident, for neighhms and others had noticed him some days previous, asking strange questions. A wile and 8 children are thus doubly aft1icted, and to them and his brother Angus. the hospitality of whose home he shared, we extend sin- cere sympathy. OCR GAS Co-.-upplietstions for Bhares in the. Durham Natural Gas and Oil Company have been freely made already. hut the company is determine ed to place none on the market till they hare something more to show and they are contident that will be soon. Preparations are in progress for laying the Diping necessary to convey the product. through the town, and drilling will begin at an early date. Every step is being taken carefully and when the stock list is opened local investors will have first chance. Over 1800 acres have, been secured in options and the company want some more still. They are naturally anxious to safe guard their enterprise and the expense they hare been at in providing that no others shall reap where they have sowed. We wish for them abundant success. Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil,25c. bottle for 18c. at The People's Store. TUE CONSERVATIVE Coyvrrs'rros.-- The Come: vative workers of South Grrv meet in the Town Hall here on ITedtusday next, in Annual Conven- tion. Prominence is given to the meet- ing ty having with them w. H. Hoyle. M. P. P., North Ontario, and Finlay McDiarmid, M. P. P., W. Elgin. The latter speaker will no doubt Rnd a text for some of his remarks in the alleged W. Elgin election frauds. No one can object to him doing this. If frauds were committed and dUhonorahte or dishonest deeds done the perpetratore should be exposed, and punished no matter who suffers. Above all thinge Keep the ballot box 'sacred ,' what the country should have us a fair expression of the public wilhnnd the man or the party who tampers with the evaeeeed will of the people, ie committing a crime. South Grey (and Durham in particuler) " a peculiarly fitting Pa to denounce such practices, on we hope some tried._ true and truety Conservative Will use in " place either before or uter Mr MeDiaritud's expo- mm and “(taint him with the facts in regard to t e tr. Grey ballot stoning. If frauds were committed in W. B1trin, crime was committed in 8. Grey, and surely no better place or time could be found tor using the South Grey expert. euro to points moral for the present and the. future among tho ranks of both parues. THE New RESTAURANT. - Monday evening last Mr. T. J. Jordan (Healy’s old stand) whose advertisement appears in another column had his formal open- ing. and the band very kindly marked the occasion by furnishing some fine music. Mr Jordan comes from Mt, Forest. is experienced. has ahumlance of energy and no little enterprise and we isespeak for him a share of the bus- iness of our growing town. Buy your Drugs at Darling's Drug Store. Prices right. SOCIAL EvENrNG.--The. Baptist. Union had a. very successful social evening on Monday last. M r. Allan Bell was chair. man and addresses were made by Rev. Mr. Newton and Mr. John Graham. Mrs. Newton who is an able soloist, appeared twice and the choir was well prepared. Miss Pearl Warner sang nicely and Miss Iza Campbell gave a pleasing recitation. At the clone re- freslnnents were served and all went home delighted. HONORS To McMmaatN.-When it be. came known in Mt. Forest a week ago Saturday that Mr McMullen had been made a senator, the mayor called a special meeting of council, which in turn called a public meeting for the evening. and grit and tory vied with each other in passing compliments and congratulations. and a fine address was prewnted which we fancy the new senator will value highly. Otm MAPLE T333. '1tu0.---lrttit, no the sum Mr. Jas. MeDonnid netted from one tree on " farm. Farmer: with bush land are in lurk there days. and old-timers think of the acres of splendid trees burned in log heaps-back in the Golden Butter 051m. 10e a hottie-At Parker's. mb your School Book. " Darling’s Drue Star e. VOL. XXIV. NO. 8 HOSE - . ' . Another stock of those Celebrated _ Ribbed Hose to hand, also Grey and Red Yarn. o. L. GRANT. ' q Din You GET AN ANNUAL? -Up to date we have sent out hundreds of our big Supplement, the Canadian Annual, given free to all subscribers for 1902. We have still a few left and if you are paid for 1902 and did not get one, please let us know. We have been careful in mailing and checking,but it isjnst possi- ble an omission may have occurred. Those who have not yet renewed should do so at once and get an Annual as our supply is limited and cannot be restock- ed. C. o. F. BANQUET. - Last Friday evening over 60 members ot this frater- nal body and a few guests sat down at a well spread feast m the Middaugh House. The banquet oyer and ttunter- ous compliments paid to Host Hahn and staff. Dr. Janiieaon, M. P. P.. was voted to the chair and about three hours were spent in a pleasant informal way. This part was loyalty opened and closed with "God Save the King" and in becween these there Were some bril. liants money Bro. ElliottJInirei-soll. H. C. R. for Ontario. and Bro. White, Brantford, High Secy., were present. and ench made nhle speeches showing the growth made St the order, it: pres- ent excellent stand ng and future pros- pertm They are certainly nhle expon- ents of their order. Rev. Mr. Smith and Mr. Calder also made excellent little armhes. No formal toast list was fol owed and no liquors were used. The company broke up shortly after one o'eioek many expmsing the opinion that it was the best fraternal banquet they had attended. , PROVINCIAL AvDIT.--Mr McEachern, l Toronto. a. duly qualified accountant, came to town last week and is now here for the purpose of making an examlna- tion of the accounts of Glenelg town-l ship. The audit is being conducted in) w. S. Dasuduon's office, and we trustg the result may be found satisfactory to i all parties. 3 Poultry, Crystal Grit, Oyster Shel and Rod Albumen ---At Parker's. PUT OFF THE TnAm.--A woman with n. little boy and girl travelling south- wards from Palmerston were victims of harsh treatment by at conductor the other day. She claimed to have spent her all in buying a ticket for herself and had none for the chtidven, both under 5 years. The conductor. to work on the mother's feelings, feigned to put the boy off, and she became hysterical and went off too. This was at Moorefteld. To add to the mothei.s horror she found her boy was not " and but for a pas- senger asking a hrakeman about the boy he might have been carried further. As it was he was put " some distance from the station, the train stopping to do so. The little girl commenced crying for her mother and she was put off friendless and alone at Drayton. Jhe conductot’s story is that the woman "would give him no satisfaction" and he thouzht she was a "beat." The heart "rugs" for that mother and lonely child, and we would fain hope there are few conductors who have so little of the milk of human kindness. See our Smoker’s supplies, all kinds. Darlingh, Drug Store. SICK mroPLE.--Mrs. J. A. Clarke is recovering from a severe illness; Mr. W. B Vollett has improved daring the week; Miss Amy Wright is passing through a sevare trouble; MISS Mary Watt is not improving; Mr. B. F. Warner is improving, and so is Mr. Buchan. We wish forall the blessing of restored health. COAL orL.--ur. Black has just receiv- ed another Car of Coal Oil. When ask- ed how he managed to sell to much Oils he said it was no trouble disposing of the quantity when he secured the right quality. 1 ' We omitted mentioning last. week that Mr Guthrie. had been to.Tornnto with his little son Ronald, who under. went n painful operation to his ear, and we are glad to know is just about well. A meeting for the purpose of organiz- ing the Durham Lacrosse Club for the season of 1902, will he held in the otflce of w. S. Davidson at 7.30, Thursday evening Feb. 20m, 1902. NEW Joanna Brrop..--Mr. W. Matth- ews is at work at his trade of cooper. in Mr. McIiurlane's wood-working shop, Upper Town. Messrs Joe Corhet and B. hwrence have rented the old McKenzie ShOeShop and intend to start " butchering busi- neM. FOUND. on street mpr REV!" oftiee, 2 can: salmon. Owner plea" call or we'Uttaveafeast. l 1, Priceville Presbyterian Soiree. Thurs. day. Feb. 20. Good roads. good pies, good program. good time. Go. wooD.-Buueribers who promised. or who can hringus wood. will oblige by bringing it now. Carr's Cough Cure is fully guaranteed to cure Coldts-at Maanrlane’a Drug Store. Horse and Cattle Baits, 101M. for 26e A t Parker's. DURHAM, THURSDAY, FEBRUARYW 20, 1902. ‘Feb. 15, 1902. Tender. will be recewed h the under. signed for the .reetion ol a game wood. shed at B. B. No. 10 Bentinck. Plans and tipecitkariom, to he seen at. George 'hsmirlrell's, Alberdoen. up to March Tth, mm Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ' B. Puthprhough J. McDonald }Trustees Dan McLean B. Jamieson J. A. Hunter w. Hunter Con Knapp F. Lenahan R. Kepkey l). Allan, 8k. J. H. Hunter. Sk. 14 shots 12 shots Majority for Allan 2 shots. On Monday last Skips Holt and Ire- land tried conclusions and the f rmer took 16 shots Winning by 10. Sartre day Skip: Wilden and A. P. Humor led their teams to battle and the more stood 14 to 10 in favor of Whalen. Mr. Arch Campbell, Port Arthur, came home last week to spend the rest, of the winter with friends at Bunessan and Durham. He was a. guest with Mr. John A, Black over Sunday. Mr. Davis Anderson came home Mon- day from California, in response to the telegram announcing his father's death. He has been away about 10 years and will see many changes round town. T. Cook C. McIn - Lauder Dr. Hut J. P. Hunter, Sk. T. G. m 10 shots It Majority for Holt 9 shots. Mr. and Mrs. Buchan and family have moved into Mr. T. Black’s residence in the renovated Dalglish building. We welcome our new neighbors and trust Mr, Buchan’s health may be speedily re- stored. M. Storey - Seizner - Keeler J. Rose P. McKechnie ' It. Dewar J. P. Telford, tik. J. Ireland/Sk. 18 shots " shots Majority for Ireland 1 shot. On Friday two further matches were played with this result t , D. Munro J. McCrankpn Rev. Mr. Boone, wife and three child- ren, came to Durham Monday to spend a. few days with Mrs. Boone's parents Mr. and Mn. 0. McDougall and take in the marriage of Miss B. McDougall to Mr Fiddis. of o. Sound. which takes place today. Wednesday. Best wnhes and much ip to the happy pair. Miss Hornell of Toronto and Mise Campbell. of Lucknow, accompanied by Miss Johnston, of Berlin, were the guests of Mrs John Cameron. Mr. Robert Anderson and Mrs. Atm. Anderson, of Stonewall, Man., cousins of Mr. Wm. Benton. visited Durham among other points last week. A boom is taking place in the mnks of the curlers of the town and than; have organized a. series of 2Sgnlm-s for the single rink championship some of which were played last week. The Intention Is to secure as many novices as possible and train them to the delights and in- tricacies of the "roarm' gem." The fol- lowing game-have been played t R. A. Kelly It. McFarlane A. McIntyre G. McKechnie F. Peel A. H. Jackson T. Whelan, Sk. W. Calder, S'k. 11 shots 18 shots Majority for Calder 7 shots. Misses Hazel and Flora McGregor. returned after a. lengthy stay in Ut- tawn, to Durham last week to remain here for some time, Capt. H. Coyne, of the Wellington Rifles, Mt. Forest, was in town on Wed- nesday of last week, and made. a. friend.. ly call on Lt. R. Torry. Mrs. Martin, accompanied by hee ais- ter-in-law, Mrs. Earnest Rowe. left re- cently, to visit friends in Beeton. Mrs. Jas. Renton, Egremont, after a two week's, visit at the old home near Dornoch. returned home on Saturday last. Mrs. McLean, Mrs Cameron, and Miss Rennie, left last week to take up resi- dence In Toronto, for a time. Capt. Snider. of No. 4Coy., war m town Tuesday. Mr. Wm. Turner. of Allan Park. Sun- dared with friends in town. Mr. John Messenger, of Hanover. visited at the home of Mr. Wm. Scarf. Misses Emma and Mary Dickie, Mt. FOR“. visited at Mrs. Gadd'a last week. Mrs. Benton. Sr.. of Egremont. visit- ed at her son William’s in town on Tuesday. Director G. Mekechnie and Book- Keeper Ehrhardt are in Toronto this week on Cement business. Mr. D. B. McFarlane left this morn- ing for Flint, Mich.. from which his sis- ter Mary, returned last week. Miss Jean Ledingham was married Wednesday to Mr. Frank Boyle, of Glenelg. Congratulations. Tenders Wanted. m .1!- PERSONAL IENTION. CURLING J. A. Hunter Con Knapp R. Kepkey J. B. Hunter. Bk. - Seizner J. Rose ' It. Dewar J. Irelaryi,'s'k. J, McCracken C. McIntyre Dr. Hutton T. G. Holt. Sk. ml 19 shots We are expert Watch Makers, Jewelers, Engravers and Opticians. R. B. Keeler is the only watch maker in the county with a watch factory experience, c $50 REWARD M A WATER THAT I GANNOT REPAIR This week we will give special bargains in Watches, Clocks, J ewelry, Silver- ware, Spectacles, Eye Glasses and Musical Instruments, etc., etc. Can you see as well as you should ? If not, come in and let us show you our new way of fitting Spec- tacles and Eye Glasses. Eyes tested free. STAR GROCERY 6 RESTAURANT. Yours for business We also carry a well assorted stock of GROCERIES, FANCY CHOCO- LATES, CREAMS, CAKES & BISCUITS. KEELERBS WE DELIVER GOODS TO ANY PART OF TOWN. NEW RESTAURANT Alll DUKE" If you want OYSTERS STEWED, FRIED, RAW, on IN BULK, OR A GOOD SQUARE LUNCH, CALL ON US. A. gr. dr. 3010': all at“. NEW JEWELRY STORE. BIG llllll(lllllil Ill Goo New]! I. J. MD“. ONTARIO ARCHIVE TORONTO (iitgitttt). E ii W” f. f 'frlehteth,tte. ' fiaammmmmmmmgmmaxi? w‘fififimfiwmm styw ##1## _iil HINTS THAT WELP! wring 'stems; your Jrowt thte at a: (to price will " (can "ree In“. Wanted Buy good, tresh, clean groceries ; none of those cheap trashy groceries handled at this store. The prices quoted below are for first class goods. A pair of good boots such" as are made by the Ames Holden Co. would be a very nice Christmas present for your friend: made in all shapes and sizes at right prices. 1 lb Lemon Peel .... .. 1 1borattgtsPeel....... 1 lbCitron Perl........ 1 ibBhelledWnInuta.... 1 lb ' Almond..., 61bsfine1i'igs.-.. 3lbs Prunes........... 31b package Dates..... " 3 lbs Selected Raisins...... .. : : Groceries : : " THE POPULAR CASH SPORE. AMES HOLDEN’S BOOTS. I246 pairs' to choose from. THE POPULAR CASH STORE. l‘ ood Roll Butter, Tallow, Lard, )ried Apples and fowl. bf testing the mainline-8' of mi statement. .. G. L. GRANT. - CHAS RAHAGE. Pun-n an Punt-In. .ltritthfeC,ia1Eih'irFakti:t?t,, -'t-h"r-j?. 'ed? I: IC:' 25 eta. .25 eta. 20 cu. 20 on. 25 ea. 35 on. 35 on. 25 on. _f~

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