West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 20 Feb 1902, p. 4

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I“ Ennon or' REVIEW. Dear Sir.-- I have been in Pt'iceville at my own home for the past three weeks. and I wish to thank the people of Privville during the illness and death of my sister. Into glad to think that we hare so many hind and loving people in our village. I am also pleased to think they have here in the dilemma a young doctor, who is kind, thoughtful and clever. I have. also formed the acquaintance of our new Presbyterian minister. who indeed don't liar storms when it is necessary to visit the sick. I am real pleased that we have some kind loving people. who hare anion of the mill departments. and m there will be no more tiles. 1 hope to live to see the day that. our vil- lage will have a minute who will ho a "terror to on] doe" and In praise to than that do well.” Our village would then be complete. - _ . - 7,71"; m - - -----'--m--------- "----.-.---------r-r----- wawaw “mm Wsal -._--.--.. MA - --.------, __ --------------------- __, - - ww‘nvv .. » v'Vv in W'Ivvvvatvvvvvvv vv. - . 1vv 4, ;:J.MY..~MV’M"’,:W.â€"-~â€"-v~ Shewell _,; ik Lenahai. ' 5?;$$§t¢~fl°~$$$Â¥<flwflfi9k$$$°fi$$$$9fi$$°fi$$flfig my oF-r-ce-et-ttCelera/ye-rote-ate-rits-tSigel-ass-pet/is': 'vv Undertaking attended to day or night at small profits. We deliver our goods in town or country. Call and see for your Uct-clit and save money. Merry Xmas and Happy New Year to all. We have a huge stock of furniture on hand and will sell at reduced prices for the next four weeks Made by the best manufacturers. $17.00 s,),,";,",',',",',?': $14. 00 $15.00 .. $13.00 $14.00 it $12.50 $13.00 c. $12 00 $12.00 " t?10.00 $10.50 " $9.50 Diners, common chairs, bedsteads and wash- stan ds. Extension Tables $5.00 to $18.00. Sideboards $7.50 to $30 Parlor Suits $18 to St;:; Iron and brass bedsfrom CLOTHING (iii/ii-ri-_-',':, SALE (ii CARD OF' THANKS. Sest made (Shewett d (Lima/um 8 " large size Ulsters $5.50 for 4.00 All odd lines must go at a sacrifice. Now is your chance to buy a good suit or overcoat for little money. 20 10 13 The large sales reached during the past few months prove that shoppers appreciate the style, fit, quality and price of our clothing and ,',to make room for a large shipment of spring clothing arriving shortly, .ve will clear the balance of odd lines at a. great sacrifice. (M188) KAT: Mcxmuox. CASH and ONE PRICE Men's Serge Suits going t. Tweed " " Priceville, Fub. 6, 1902 " " BOYS SUITS AND ULSTERS: ti25.00 MEN'S SUITS l " u bed E355 " " ii " Being Lott, East of 7 and 8 con. 2, old suvey in the Township of Normanhy. mmtaining 132 acres inure tor. less. On the premises are a. first. class brick house cuntnining ll I'UUIHS. wash-ram") and pantry, new barn, 6t x 50, 20foot posts and old barn 50 x 30. Drive lmuse, 32 x- 16. Stables underneath barn for 32 head of cattle and 7 homes. also silo feed room and turnip house. Pig pan " x 22, 3 tioora high and hen house 12x 16. 2 never-failing springs and 3 wells. macres of timber. and first class fene. a and in good cultivation with 15 acres of (all cruv and fail plou hing well on. About 3 mile. from K,helg and Cott- Will give poo-onion March lot. In. rule quar. Apply to B. W. Lilian, Yancy. Nov, I, um. Prop. 'ortoch, A large stock of tancy Rock- urs. A big discount on Par lor Tables, Easels. Jardinere Stands, Hall Cabinets, Pic- tures and Musi c Racks. Guaranteed for ro yrs. The best bed spring made is the Cable Coil spring, will not sag or frame twist Mattresses from 32-50 to $5.50. We sell the " Victor' the best made. Lounges from $4.50 to t5'r.tio. . Couches from: $6.50 to $19.00. Farm For Sale. " " at $2.75 'Durham, an! 5.oo 7.50 2.50 if, We would like to know how George and Sandy got home from B's gate the night of the scotch concert. Good job that Sandy was strong or George would have overpowered him. We 'hear wedding bells ringing around our town. We believe that some of the ladies of Swamp College were out to Dundalk taking advantage of bargains last Saturday. Mr. Fred Runciman happened with what might have been a serious acci- dent the other day while going '0 Dromore. The Broncho became breechy, jumping over the top of the other horse and all went into the ditch. Fred had a large time getting them out. What we would like to know:-Mf' the young men of Dawson were found yet? We believe that someone found a blanket belonging to one ot the colts. Please return it to Boothyille to the owner. Wonder how the three young men made out that went northward last Mrnday night? We believe A. got the worst of it as he lost one of hjs mitts. Pretty Culd Art. Some of the Swamp College boa! took, in the party at Dan Robinson's last week and report a good time. Some of our young people took in Mr. Drumm‘s party lass, wpek and re- port having» good time, Mr. H. Ball giving excellent music while Billy didn't forget to put them through. The Salem Methodist church tea- meeting came off' last Monday evening having a small attendance on account of it being such a rough night. Dro- more choir was there, you all know they are good stuff The social held the following Wednesday evening was well attended. The storm has blocked most of the, roads around here. Mr and Mrs Mike Ryan, of Mildmay. were stormed in at his hrother's home on the 13 con for five days. Mike final- ly tackled the drifts and sent his wife and child home by rail via Harriston. A small shouting atfait took place on Friday last at. the home of Mr John Glasser. While his son Adam about 18 years of age was practising with a gun which he made himself, part of an ex- ploded shell flew backwards and struck him in the eye. splitting the eye ball, Dr Brown was Bent. for and dressed the wound and at present it is doing favor- ably. We lvavned however that, one of Norrnarrh.y's oldest pioneers had suc- "umhed to the inevitable in tho midst of the storm in his little shanty nn the 15, Con. of Nnrnmnby. The suhject. was Mr Michael Burns, who had attained a very old age and was living cal-ml tor. luv his daughter Mrs Waite. We me nut in pn'aesaion of Mr. Burns arttulriog- raphy, and consequently unable to write a long obituary item. however we hope that he is gnlw to a land where he Will enjoy eternal life in n mansion, in exchange fur his cabin nn earth, and where storms and trials are unknown. Once more Mr Editor we will send you " few items which have transpired since our last appearance. The weather has been tftse and the roads good. so much so that even the chronic kicker on weather' has been sati tied. however last Sunday appeared to change the preced- ing order of things, and as It was the day viz.. (" Candletnss' day ") prov- el'hiul among a great, many old rounny people, for the coming out of the bear. It was looked fol-Wurd to by some with Inurh anxiety, as it, Is suppoaed to <erve “sat foundation stone. whereon to pre- dict for the balance of the winter. I presume you know the story. Mr Ed. as also most of our readers do. Well if the hear possesses as much sense as they give hnn credit, tor he stayed in inst Sunday. Since writing last week's budget. the storm has raged cuminunlly and we found it impossible to get our budget, mailed. but; very little has transpired since then, and what has happened is known only to those who were m-tive participants at the deal. 2is'th, in our midst. Mr Janus Driscoll, of Whitewood, Ass.. N, w. T. is spending a. few days visiting his aunts and cousins here viz., Mrs. Hawkins and family and Mrs Doyle and family. Jim left, the paren- tal roof, 10 years ago whey buy a lad nf l7, and lie-is authority for the stale. ment. that they gave him 10 days to go and come on, we dont know how long it, took him to gt). hut it was 10 years before he came. In that, time he Went West and located in Assam. where he conducts a large ranch and judging from outward appearance has prosper- ed in the N. w. Success to all who venture. The lvr-Hw-(linu good roads have been utilize: to great aulvmnnge by many in lumlzngz saw logs, wood etc., to town, and by many others in pleasure drives sleigbinur parties and such like. Mr. John Snell": has bad 10 teams drawing lug;- steady from lus hush fan-m (m the 13th. to his saw mill in Neustadt, Mr Maurice Fob-y has nu hand suffi- cient of the smm- material to build a vmmnnuiuns kitchen to the rear of his ull'muly tine rmidvm-v. These togetlwx with prospects of Pat Furrbllvy's new lmrn and Pat Fiurgun's house, me in themselves sufficient, to insure a lively summer in the building line. Messrs 1lcGraw and Lynutt. black- tmils. of Durrhjun. spent, Sunday Jan. M r Juhn Diebel has hauled (war 3000 hnshvls of wheat from Neustudl, to Ay- tnn. for Noah Wenger. Thu Mans brothers have sutflivient, brick piled up which they hauled from “mist-uln- when" with to build a fine residence next, sunnner. Mr Thos. Casey with the aid of " few twighhm-s were not long In piling up 26000 bricks hunlml from Dow, put, of which Tout inn-nus vim-ting a dwelling that will gnu-(- llu- corner lot. Arrived too late for last week. Intended for not wool» SWINTON PARK. RURAL PLAIN. THE DURHAM REVIEW Bogis-Werre steady, selling at $6 per ttwt for choice ones and 85'75 pet cm for lights and fats. The market for hogs hu a wank tendency. Ltunbs---Were firmer, selling at " to 85 per ewt Veal Calves-Were steady. selling " " to 310 each. They are much in demand. Sheep-Were steady and in good de- mand. They will be wanted at. the pres- ent price for probably another week. Ex port ewes sold to-day at 83.50 to M.76 pet owt. Feeders and Stoeliers- Were steady. swing ut the prices of the early part of the wnek $3 to 64.50. Butchers' Cattte--Were telling wellat firm prices. Picked lots for export sold at 34.70 to 34.90 per ewt., choice can at 93.50 to $4.50 per ewt, and Common to fair ones at 83.35 to S3 Go per ttwt Export Cattle-Were in strong demand and sold wall at the firm prices which they have brought tsll this week. Choice ones sell at. $4Ao to $5.55 per cwt and medium ones at 83.5039 $4dirper. cwt. Live Stock Market Toronto. The receipts were heavier " the cattle market this morning than they were on Tuesday or Thur-day. but the good de- mand for all classes of cattle made the and. continue at the good price! which had been In force all week. There were 66 loads received. and those included 1.084 cattle. 973 sheep and lambs. 902 hogs and 20 culvea. There were advances in the prices of butchers' cattle and sheep to- day and the trading was slrong in all classes exc‘epthogs; _ Mrs Truax is very ill " present. Mrs. Pettigrow's second youngest daughter, Gertie, In very low. Sun Scott is raslung out logs to Berkley. He dont stop for every storm. but had to last week. 1Cr Cameron who has been butter-mak- er In the creamer; here for a number of years has been put out through In: tender helm: high. Still We are glad to learn be has seeurcW as gnu.) a position in the creamerv at Kenilworth. His. services are much sought after. . Honor graduate of the Presbyterian LAnms‘ COLLEGE. Toronto, having taken the Musical Course at the Toronto Conservatory of Music, which is in aimiatioti with the above college. Pupils taken at her mother's residence, corner of Durham and Elgin Sts. Intending Students should enter " beginning of term, or as soon after as possible. Staff and Equipment. The School is equipped for full Junior Leaving and Matriculation work, under the following Staff of Competent Teachers for that Department: T1108. ALLAN, Principal. MR. MORRISON, B. A., (Specialist), Asst. Prin MISS LICK, B. A., Classics and Modems. FEES: 31.00 per month The smallpox scare has (lied off with the exception of the ones who got vaccmsted. They slid remember it. lea is the princiyal in lustry ir. town now with the exception of the mill. Mr Jun Brown loruled two cars of stock Wednesday for Toronto. Wm . Johnston, Chairman MISS MARGARET ll. GUN. TORONTO Mr and Mrs John Morrow. of Eloa, Manitoba, al'cvisiting at Chas. Boyle's. Mr Il was formerly of Grand Valley. Mrs M. was tormerly Miss Nichol, of Glerutlg. Mr M. has purchased a threshing ot1tiit from the Sarnia com- puny. After the ten days storm we are able to crawl out of the snow banks and talk about all the people who got lost in their own tields. The latest is about two young. men, who started out to see their " gal tt a distance oi 9 miles, but they must have travelled 21J. After wandering through fields they called at the home of a kind Irishman who warmed them and fed their tired horse and sent them on their way rejoicing, but their trouble was not allover as the next man was roused from his peaceful sluniberst ' pilot them to the desired haven. And what then? Thats all we know. Hope they got home. Frank Boyle's new horse gets lots of cxerelse these times. After next week We will tell you more. Joe Sproule is the happy. papa ofa bouncing tine baby boy. Congratul- Lions Joe. wood.:............... Turkeys................... Potnteett, per bag....... Bram. ..................... Shorts..................... Flour......... ............. Uattueal................... Wheat................. ... Peas........................ Barley..................... Oats........................ Lamu..................... Dressed Hogs, per cwt Hogs, Live weight..... Butter, freeh roll per lb Butter, Tub.............. Hides, per cwt.......... Calfskinn, per lb........ Sheepskins............... Tallow rendered perlb Lard, porlb.............. Beer, far Ctrl............ Huv......... Durham School a‘ URHAM MARKETS. ..... ............. l 80 .................. y, 75 .................. 50 .................. 8 25 Hogs. per cwt 6 50 vs weight..." 5 so GLASCOTT Holstein. C. L. Grant, Secretary llo 500 160 50 25 14 14 16 00 12 on 12 10 00 i an at GO 1 00 1 lo 73 78 55 38 8 50 6 75 5 50 15 15 16 5 00 tt 00 40 ‘l SPECIALIST EYE, EAR, THROAT & NOSE. ----- EXCLUSIVELY. a Will be " the Kiddsugh Home. Durban. the I I",,'. WM: o nob mumma’. I. an p. In. Late assistant to the Royal London Ophthnlmic Reaping, England. and the Golden Squue Note and Throlt Hospitul. BARGLAY t NOBLE. See A, Gordon's Large and Complete stock at Ladies', Gent's and Boys Watches, Fancy and Mantel clocks. Ladies' Long Guards, Chain Bracelets. Brooch- es. Links. Scarf Pins, Cuff' But- tons, Flatware, Fancy Flatware, Silverware, Novelties. Ladies' and G'ent's plain and gem Rings. CALL Lw P. rr, P lown, WNW m Surety Jloves WOOLLEN and RUBBER and gfull lines of Horse Blankets. DR.'GEO. S. BURT. CUTTERS. ROSES, RUCS This week we as,', attention to our new line of W What-WM vester Drill with stéel wire conductors full £1310 of 970x100]! Sands. Winter is approaching and those needing stoves should not fail to seeours. Also Clare makes. NEW IMPLEMENT AGENCY A. GORDON (lllllfljlf I NOBlIE. W qfd'ara'Xrararaq fPa tte, ns Quit/[cry and see our far 'PPS Syl- Jeweller NoTrci-An parties In town .m- here,hy notified that in accordance with the houlth Act, they must provide fur the cleaning of their own closets. &c. until further notice. By order. Board of Health Evan McKnr. Imp. You cannot afford to go elsewhere for our methods and equipment are 1111 excelled. Winter term now 0pm) Students admitted at my time. Cain logue free. C. A. FLEMING, Principrti l’mmcus & Humans. Office over McLlchlln's Store in either Shorthand or Business St jects. A course " this institution will raise you above the many who are endeavor. mg to make a living by common means. Mill MIN! I R to In A.? HOURS: . 2 to 4 P.1 t 7 to 9 P, I If Speck] attention given t Women And (:htldnn ARTHUR GUN. M ipaMjiiii:iiil Our Harness Department is worthy of inspection, as it contains all kinds of Light and Heavy Harness. Sleigh Bells, Whips, Horse Illam See our assortment of Can'- ing Setts, Fancy Lamps, Lanterns, Coal Sifters. Tin and Copper Boilers, Stove Boards, Wash Boards and Tubs. We have a few more Skates at greatly reduced priccs. If your Storm Door does not work right, secure one of our Door Springs. No house is complete with- out one of our Meat Cut- ters. They will save the price they cost in three months. Have you seen our stock of Carpet Sweepers. Every woman should examine them. We are in a position this week to offer you the great- est value in Kitchen and Platform Scales that was ever offered. Irets, Rugs: Robes and Cu t ter Mats. FEBRUARY 20, 1902 WWW/7 , Iti(yw OWEN SO UN D. 5 gals. Coal Oil 900 . Black. XXX XXX xxx xxx xxx XXX XXX YOUNG WOMEN? to Dim of T, If; :7} WEE! GRDGE F M Cl “lens A--- .... PEBR JAK Lower CAI col ar HI Co I"

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