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Durham Review (1897), 20 Feb 1902, p. 5

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nation will raise ho are endeavor- r common means. D go elsewhere. kk. ters. Tttt Es. Stove rds and DUNS WHEN! It town any cord-nee with tt provide for u closets, kc. lil M, .1902 s. Ste Health chAY. Imp. se does "tttttit eat Cut save th, n te with ds , Skates 1 prices. m " amps, s'. Tin Bin semi( " Store ' ness sub- a it Tht igh " -""""'"- e are an w open . Cata "our use ¥ MacFarlane 81 Go. White Plan 2 W. H. BEAN Salada Ceylon Tea at Aw, 30c and 40c a lb. ' largesize...... ... ...... $1.00pr. Bed Comfm'ters 60 by 72 . . . . 1.50 ea. Woman's heavy shawls 1.35 to 4.00 ea. Woman's long sleeve under- . shoes.................... 1.35m. Woman's Cardigan Overshoes 1.2 5 pr. Misses ' ' .. 1.10 pr. Child's " " 1.00 pr. We have a full line of Sterling Bros. hand-made shoes for men, women and children. They cannot be beat. TWEEDS d YARNS t2R0(ERIEs vests..... ...... ...... .. Men's Cardigan Jackets. . . . . Woman's leather foxed felt We (gli luM'lilll gl illlf fill) Km: 9”...“ We can give you Bargains. --are' FEBRUARY M, 1902 JAKE KRESS LAXATIVE gRiPPE TABLETS Lower Town Durham . SCOTT. BABY’S COUCH CURE Under???“ PINDL BALSAM HE SELLS CHEAP tt GARR’S COUGH CURE FOR DRY GOODS, CROCKERY, DOTS & SHOES. &c., Jake Kress. Of best quality. The Best Qual:" cheaper than ex"- If taken in time, speedily check to that much dread- ed La Grippe--25c. a box. Come and see Ita. Specially prepared for the little folks, may be giv- en to the most delicate child-Safe, pleasant and effectual-ie. a bottle. More pleasant to ta and an excellent combi n ation for recent coughs and colds-asc. a bottle. Will stop the most stub. born of cougrs--For cro- nic coughs there is noth- ing better -Every bottle guaranteed-- 5oc. a bottle Druggist & Bookseller FURNITURE 3 PROM '"t Y ATTENDED TO. nukets, Gamers Block 25c ea. 1.00 ea. That stops and tricks will be made to eyado this law if passed. is very hke, lyiust as in many cases violations of the present law occur. but the general law abiding character of our paople will not be injured and we think it is certain as anything human can be, that 10 years of successful enforcement, even approximately stteeerotul. will so commend use” to all that a return to the present order of thing- would not be thought of. The so called luv-British Referendum will likely be bitterly attacked by politi- cal opponents and very likely divnsions in the Temperance forces over the measure Will be exhibited. -It the present rate of progress is maintained, says the Globe; Canada’s total trade will show the unprecedent- ed total of $416,000 000or $30,000,000 more than in 1901. It is certainly the growing time, and we wish some Sta- tistician, who has the time to spare, would make comparisons with the States when they had our population. However the whole summer is before us and we will revert to various features from time to time. The duty before all is to excercise moderation in dinemmion and be mlhng to admit she honesty of others who cannot see eye 60 eye with them. . The Grand Trunk Railway got, a bonus of $45,000 from the Tp. of Bentinck. Grey County. This debt. bore interest at 6 per cent and was payable in 20 years. The Tp. carried out its Mrtee-- ment to the letter, putting aside every year a certain sum as n sinkine fund to meet, the principal and accrued interest. At the trxoiration of 20 years the whole debt was wiped off. Did the Grand Trunk Rnilyny carry out its‘part of_t.he agreement? No. It was utibnlated in the ageeemont that Bentinck Tp. was to have a freight and passengr station at Hanover and Elmwood. ithin the last. year the Grand Trunk officials have broken the ngrgemenl IV havingjbe 10 Grmros-srrrvssr--.0n Feb. 5th at the residence of Mr. J. Graham. 146 James St" nonth Hamilton. hy the Rev. James Ska-e. Hillsdale. brother of the bride. Thomas Randall Gihoon. of lit-mum, New Ytarf. 2 2e,tt Oath. erine onus-st us ter o cargo Shem, an" Domoch. Ont. n. In. train going south pass ifGough Elmwood wlthout stopping. Mr. Hays. you haye broken your ngreemont with the Tp. of Beniinek, What have you to say to this impenchment.o--anter- This Act of course only prohibits selling in the province. I'rorision is made to secure it In medical pracbica, in mechanical arts. due., but it aims a blow at selling. at the treating system at. bar rooms. &c. The temperance people are put upon their mettle they must ahow by the October vote that they mean business, for If their interest will not bring them out to vote for a law, they would form no strength to the public opinion re. quired to enforce it. The unique Toto required is " more than one half of the vote polled at the preceding general elections.” This be. Eng accomplished and the opponent scoring less. the law is carried. To Illustrate :--Supposo the total vote at the general elections to be 400- 900, then there must be for the refer. mdum 200001 at least, even should itsopponentss have only 20 votes. Of course; 1! the opponents score any num- ber more than the “furs” the bill IS lost, Nearly all recognize that a sumptu- ary law is difierem from ordinary legis. latwe or municipal votes and this gave rise to the many suggestions We have nosed. Some held in horror Elle a.» of 50 p. c. not. pneslnga law however small the vote and to these and to all P emier Ross in effect. says " a majority will carry, but the country musI show an interest equal to that taken in parli- amentary elections it it mains to enjoy the majority privilege that rules there." All kinds of suggestions had been previously made as to what vote should he required ls bring it into force, Some said a majority, some 60 pet cent. seine two-thirdsr, some half of the eligible votes on the list and the shrewd premier has struck on a method never suggested, but which IS bound .to com- mend it to all moderate men, and the best eyidence of its fairness 15 found In that extreme men on both sides are not satisfied. the mmimun. This wénld be a dis- honest catch verdict, which no true friend of the cause would demre. There has been an unfortunate sug- gestion make by a temperance advocate. {we hope in jest) that 100000 temper- ance vosers would stay " home in the coming general eloctionl. and thus make asmallar total ; than in October poll their whole strength and reach The Act will be eruteted in the House, but will not. come into force until it re. ceives the sanc’ion of the people by a tote to be taken on the 14th of October next when they will vote "yes" or"no" on the question .. are you in favor of briugius,rinto farce [he Ontario Liquor Act of 1002." This is the referendum and if carried the restrictions contained in the het come into force in May 1904. Wednesday lust Premier G. W. Rose brought down to the House and to the country the expected Prohibition Bill on the lines of the Manuel»: Act with which most people are familiar. "If Illffllillilllll. MARRIED. ;A~"§* ".vr_r_2 ta BORN thgAttcm--In Durham. on Friday, Feb. " to Mr. and Mrs. F. t%areh, a son. RADBTmN.-In Fergus. on Monday W, Mr. Lou Flanagan and Mr W. Pur- ves turnlshed the programme. Lou's songs were much appreciated, as they deserved and also were the selecti'ms on the violin bv Mr. W. Purves accom- panied by Mr Sydney Willis. The proceeds amounted to $23. After the boxes had been sold and the young men assisted by their fair companions had demolished their contents The remainder of the programme Was carried out and the young men took their ladies home hoping there would soon be another box social. The recent attempt or offer of Hol- land to mediate has, by the chance it gave for a courteous refusal, strength- ened the British side and no nation now has the remotest intention of inter. fering. The pro-Boers in Britain seem to be less blatant than formerly also. The Irish leaders of course still vomit forth treason. Last F'riday night the annual Pie. Socinl was held at Allan Park: In spite of the cold weather and bad roads by eight o'eloek a large crowd were assembled in the school room. Mr Howard Tyreman was appomted chair- mana position he filled Very credit- ably. After n short Cd,','.??,',',?,", the boxes were sold by Mr bert Brigham, who acted as auctioneer. The desire to have the war over be fore the Coronation is deep. but not likely to be gratified, unless De Wet is speedily captured and possibly Steyn and Baths. The government is firm that complete surrender must take thit To show favors to rebels would e gross injustice to the loyalists. Arebel force in Cape Colony was defeated lately, the commandant kill.. ed and two rebels and 31 horses cap- tured without British loss. New Zealand has just sent its ninth contingent w Atriea, in all 5000 men. In the same proportion Canada would have sent 35000. If needed their pre- mier says they will send their twentieth. Three ot the Boer delegates in Europe took ship ior the United States a low days ago under assumed names. They were very anxious to have their going kept secret, but did not succeed. A company of mounted infantry. " not long out tt and therefore th unac- quainted with Boer methods," chased a solitary Boer up a Kopje last Wed- nesday and found themselves in a trap. They fought bravely, of ammo, but lost 50 men in killed and wounded be- fore they Cot under cover of the block houses. Stupidity ! Why should :hey be unacquainted with Boer methods? Perhaps the operations in Africa can hardly be dignified by that name now, but the number ol the forces still in the field and the expense to Britain are still large enough to arouse Interest. We give herewith some, rambling notes on the matter'. The army estimates in Britain Show a decrease of over £23,000 000 as com- pared with last yum; which glues to Show that an end is beins reached Bishop Hartzell hos been preaching with great 292! in both Dutch and English urging 'he boon-s to annit de- feat and rest their lunrcls on the brave defence they had made. He is an American Bishop and predicts reunion of the warring raCes. Britain is receiving noble help in a quiet way from the Germans of Natal, who have held large meetinge to pro- test against the "Horrible Libels" which the' German press in Europe have been making against Britain. They have been citing evidence to prove that some of the charges are "devilish lies" and condemn the "eonspiraey tt against the British whom they honored for their attitude in the war. They may well do so: what nation ever before fed and guard- ed the women and children of the enemy! De Wet, is Certainly the greatest per- sonality the war has produced. Over and 0\'cr again he has been surrounded eorraled, ambushed "eertain to be caught, " &e., bat every time escapes. and it is a unique feature ofthe war a present that Kitehener's every effort is to catch De Wet whusc success in escap- ing hos compelled even British admir- ation. His wife the other day said he would never surrender and she would sooner see him die than submit. to Mr. and Mrs. Radburn. (nee Mag- gie Watt,) q daughter. ALLAN PARK PI E-SOCIAL. THE WAR. THE DURHAM REVIEW chosen ivords. Miss Booth being overtaken by enr- Brise, thanked her friends and asked er uncle Mr. Wm. J. Wilson to reply tre her, wpich he did in a few well MISS EVA BOOTH, Dear Friend, It is with feelings of deep regret that we learn ot your depar- ture from our midst and we hope it may be of short duration. We can not let you leave us without showing you in some way our esteem and re- spect for you. You have always been among us and you will be greatly missed in church work, Sunday school and Christian Endeavour: you have none heartily and willingly what you could. We also wish to exprws our, appreciation ot the kind and taithtul; manner in which you have treated the , public in the descharge of your dutyi as Postmistress in the community of Boothville, your childhood home Wel all sympathize with you in your trouble, the bereavement which lately befel you by being deprived of your Irving mother to whose comfort in trouble you so faithfully devoted yourself. May her God be your God and whereever your lot may be cast on truth the good wishes of your Booth- ville friends follow you. Please! accept this ladies’ companion ass token l of the esteem in which you are held', among us. Signed on behalf of friends & neighbors, Mun WILSON. . t WILLIE Kixsmx. I Bootbville, Feb. 12, 1902. A few of the many friends and neighbors of Miss Eva Booth assembled at her home on Wednesday evening the 12th inst, previous to her depar- tare. After a few hours of social en- joyment an address and ft presenta tion of a beautiful la4itss'veompanion was made. The address was as follows: Bootlivillc, like many other places, has been stormed in so no one could get eitl er in or out ; it has been a hos- pital for many who were travelling. Some of those who were storm staid were ..--hfrs G. Lawrence, of' Glenelg, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wilson, of Sing- hampton, Mr. T. and MissS. Broughton and Mr. Jacob Parslow, of Proton, were compelled to stay over till the middle of the week. During the storm a little girl arriv- ed at the home of Mr. Wittem. All are well. We are pleased to welcome back again Mr. and Mrs James Marshall and family, they are comfortably get. tled in their own home again. Mr. Marshall has the Poet Offiee now and will undoubtedly give entire isatigrae. tion to every one. Mr. James MeCannel, of Culling- wood, who was visiting at Mr. D. Me- Cannel's returned home last Monday after a visit of about three weeks. We all enjoyed Mr. MeCannel's call very much. Messrs Tom and Wm. Wilson called ;Hetlth promoted a bill at $46.75 which in Vamey en route for Durham. T. lwn honored by treasurer according to wanted to see Mr. Little, the black ’Shtuto. smith of that place as he intends going t The lowing of Holstein bridge was de- West in the §pring. We are sorry to glen-ed until next union of council. lose Mr, Wilson as a_blacksmlth. but; Adjourned to "no. Fun.'25tl, to appoint he wants to make a trip to the West to ‘; pathmaatsrrs and other business. seek his fortune there. There will be l D ALLAN Clerk an opening here for a good blacksmith l ----------- _.fr_, __ ' . -- it is well known as a good stand. 7 JIr,l- . _ __ -- A - Miss Annie Campbell of Owen Sound, spent two weeks visiting her cousin Mrs J. McQueen. Mr. and Mrs J. McMillan and family of Swinton Park, visited the latter‘s Barents Mr. and Mrs. A. Clark. Mr. lark is not improving in health an we would like. Noble Wilson and Jno. Hill attend- ed Salem church Sunday evening and got home in good time. Mr. Joe Eecles was a. caller on W. J. Wilson last week and took a contract of building the stone work under his L. Mr. Ecclcs is a good builder and Mr. Wilsnn knows it as he has built the stonework under all his buildings. Mr. D. McCannel has bought another! horseman G. Haw, of Brownsville.' Horses are the rage around hero, no, trouble in selling a good horse fora, high flgare. 3 JNO. A. DARLING, Druggist Horse and Cattle Medicines in stock. Receipts carefully compounded at Popular Prices. ' GROUND OYSTER SHELL -- GRANULATED BONE and POULTR? FOOD of all kinds BOOTH VILLE. ONTARIO aRcrm/iEi TORONTO Allljliil'8 . RUG STOW A FULL LINE OF ALI, KINDS. T537. of this pine. I and on terms to suit In A young lad working was: of her. an} fl Ori'F'rcE-Me1tttyre Bloce. "there is no use dealing In chap goods nu, , Ito, longer: for it was " the Lumluh pio- g ------------------ social. and any: that than wu lots of i chap pies, but he bouttht tho best, or what' I. . PI TELFt no thought was the 1);“. at but he pnid CARRIOTCR. the handsome mm o 95 WW: but um . wu nothing " be bnpronod a' the right ooucnon " - om. I think he than d gin thank: on -gtger we. °.'""" being put on an right tuck. l 1(0an run T, Mr and Mrs Joe Hughen. of Wnllrerton. and her three than. Ruby, Jennie. and Addie Curio, Sundnyed a Mr R Outrio‘s of this plus. Mr and Mrs Robert Long visited " " sister's. In W Fulton'l. on Sand”. Mi" Stub Cum." who but been on- gaged at Mr Gxorgo Henry's of thin plies tor the put. two or three months, bu re- turned to her home. and some one is for- low. Mr Indy McGlllinry. of Clutsworth. "id I tlrirtg yiuit to his patents! homo. The recent atom" hive "etttrd unend- nnco at church nrviocs 3nd pray" meet- into. Our teecber. Miee McKenzie. has some- what of e enep this lees couple of weeke. half the time there being no ecbool u ell. and some deye two or three pupile being present. However I believe Mile Mekon. " Would rather be wecbing forty flee youngster-e than be clued up in her boarding boon. Mickleboro--Duraut - That foregoing report be adopted and order paswd for 81.00 sourch In Registry Offiee.--Carriea. MttFaduUn--Duraut - That aee't irons W. J. Petrie rev-additional chm-go for use of Hall for receiving returns of municipal elections be not entottained.-Carried. Mitslcieborotw,lt--Meradden..-TUt peti- tion presented by G. M. Reid and 28 omen for improving tith aideroud between 12th and 13th can: be left in Com: cate.-- Curried. Lust Wednesduy owning more could be ”on tho trail of man than over the slow baulrr. Some were thinking that there were Indian roaming the noighborbood. but but "sports I.) it In . white man's trucks. Com McFadden reported on Treasuner’n securities which were ssliatactsry. Cash for March 81.00. By-law No 149 for appointing an asses- sor wa- filled in with the nuns of Walter Haiti. " asses-or. paged the mus] rud- ings, Ae, MrJtmu MoEwborn left In: ‘l'uudny to visit his sister and other ftiondo in Tor- onto. Min Lizzie MoDoupll [In art-rived home. after npondina I couple of weeks with Durham friends. hyrtsddtn---hurntrro--rs" tho clerk notify pslhmuter in but l, con 11-12 and Isthmus.” in beat 8, con 1, to ap- pear at next union of canncil Ind give ”no" why lot 44. con 8, should not be changed to beat mush of Holstein aeeortt- ine to a petition and why lot 1 of 21 should not be changed to beat north of and lot According to owner's uquost --Carritsd. By-lnw No.1”to Authorize the P. S. Trash" ot U. S. S. No. 2, Egromont and NOMIBD] to borrow the sum of .1200 by w” of municipnl debentures for tho pur- puu of oreoling tt uchool bout. m Shid soc- ttott. Fund the: mmal readings, was signed. Sealed. ae. Morntrre---Mer'adden--That we and]- Iora' report. as now read, he received and adopted and mud auditors' rooeivo " each for their Services and mac M. B. Flynn print 200 copies of aid report_ieti. Two of the members of the Board of Heslgh prosentod a bill of $40.75 which Roads an nearly passable quil capaci- ally on than pun- that lie botwoon oer- taiu young men and thoir lady friends. Council met Feb proved. Qu Use Chesney's Horse and Cattle Spiee---Ae1tesuey's Heave P owder-Cheaney's Cough Powder, the best in the market. EGREIONT COUNCIL Unlock. lOtb. Minutes ap- IA RRI. TIN . . COUOITOR IN CUPRIUI C OUR? - we. COUUIOOIONIR. m. Company and pr”... fundomu on lam" n lav.“ - astqeqqt. Vol-nio- nudo My OOOM’OMO sad “and Vcluuor. ofBtNt----Lomat TOWN. DUIIHI. Gonna”. and than! promptly “and“ to Wub. Deeds. W“. Ina-L Among to. corned! pro . Bum. of deco-cod pop lot-100M char Ind Emuwl'l and “gun. 1rH?r.'..eetepe-teApa-ii any"... A general Banking business (“mum-hi Drafts issued and collections made " all points. Deposit. received and int.- est ullowod \t "um-om run. CAPITAL. Alllhoriz CAPITAL. Paid up. RESERVE FUND T AGENTS in all p Ontario. Quehpc. L States and England. SAVINGS BAittr yawn-on allowed on savingu bank deposits of 31.00 and ID- wards Prompt attention and "er facility "orirod rune-ur- living It distance. J KELLY, Agent. J. G HUTTON. truon' Leeann“ prom ad Pte, tsurGGU Court Bully.- PM of Wi Janna can]. mimic]: Ga Guudhuhip out-nod. gou- chu and. in may one. Bttd Title- - I have A large number of other prol orties in town and country und will u on trade. SMNDARD BANK (lf CANADA Collections of all kind: Frmn bo h promptly attended to and can] on Garnftutm, RUMYJJQ-JEIIL 151371?- hum. This tiny acres is a snap at price asked. 8rd Div. ot 8. con. i. W. G. R.. Ben- tinelt.--Ntueoitn Cameron's 50 new Sad lev. lot3.cqn.1. 919'“: (Hegel. OFFICEnMeKNIuo'o Old 3und Durham ,7 V _V "e--"'--.. u\-. M'IIIK P. o, in hands. of u Com 'tul . Fine y place and must g" to some one. MONEY TO LOAN It41-2 por- cent and up according to security and ton-Inc. INSURANCES COLLECTIONS and CONVEYANCING u we” as other Financial business carefully cucu- - F -__-r -. _. . u. "o. wannu‘ I splendid impmved Grm ('onveni'nt to Dutham. Very cheap. Jet tthen, tf. Bgntipck. nun- Louise I ( Hanover Conveyancer Be Ins a big list of Property for Sula. including the following: pot 28, Com s, W. G. It., Bentinck . D. McPHAIL. OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST Gr the Durnam Pharmacy (Tlldor's Block. Realdeuco flmt dour vat of the old Post. 0mm. Durum. ARTHUR H. JA CKSOU 3rd Div. of 7 and ist Div. of 8. con- w. G. stttineir.ieorn Gamer on: ICO arristcr, otar , Gan. voyanocr, cc. , to..... Money to Loan " reason- ate rues and on terms to sun borrower. RESIDENCE and orrtde -014 um {71"II TOWN. l)('BHAI. Tolophono Connection No. " Fortunes a. P. TELFORD. DURHAM AGENCY. NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, In, CONVEYANCEI, VALUATOR Insurance Agent, DARRIOTER. OOLIOITOR, mun" puny: sour-vac”. a Hohhot Coll... Phylum- aatd lino-II Dumb. OFFICI IOUIS '--NN. I. 2-4irm. Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. S. MONEY TO LOAN G. LEFBOY McCAUL. DENTISTRY. E l DAVIDSON. Head Office, Toronto, W. F. COWAN. President. GEO. P. REID, Flanagan m Ill ms ly Dwain H. H. Miller, Licensed Auctioneer t the County of Grey. : D. 'reptlMi., Hopeeille P. U C. IAIAGI bur-hum. S in all pl'llu'ipal palms m Ra.tehtsc, Vanlnhu. United Authorized Paid up. .. Private Money to Loan, 'dover the Bank . R., Bentinck a 2-4r.m 82400.00!) 1.000.000 . "00,000 if

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