West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 6 Mar 1902, p. 1

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IKINNON. Lf,,":,",,"),:,"',, case on do in three sections STONE. right. See our ing Machines and Snow mdon. mers are complet Look out for our rriages of all kinds 1 be here soon. me it at Mic, :00, Wendel (a. my!) 3touae. ht to do mmething 'ours. A neglected "ions Consequence.' '"tnettucted. Font " my Itiends an til, 1JARY 27, 1902 et up ready to go ROOM. dviee PIANO and ORGAN " Raymond and W E YOU D RED 3 TEA? ens J iscomfon in your fo.ort for free ex- and. 'urnett. and less elation are cared foe as ne ik Co. Cultivators, Seed glam, Lower Town it“; ot copy A i' .. Vol. 1. No. 1 " of The Cleve. land \lmliml Journal, which is an atua'.v, "nation of two older Journals under " new name. Dr. Lauder is Anson ll . Editor of this high class Joum. " and we congratulate .. Ed." on the let amnion his talents are receiving (2) n. Tiss Bessie Hall, Rochester, for curt-vhf saints of daily papers showmg us tiw s-nthusmsm with which a repub- tic can welcome a brother of a European monarch. (3) To many friends for words of nppu-viuliun of the REVIEW and the Cut: Minn Annual. far too many to per- Mm-ni» :v-kxmwlt-dgeas WU would like. nu hum :.u Hum-r tlie Auspices of the S. (in-v 'urnicrs' Iustitute will take place on To day. March 11. 1902 in the Town "all. ’mrham. Prizes will he given as lnnl l tt' for Spring Wheat, Barley. nuts “as. and Potatoes. mulof course a “it! did opportunity is presented for exch, .ge of seed. Members having seed l min to dispose of should notify .hiecrt. ; i-y Binnie, Bunessan P. o., on or lwl 'e day of Show. . A o‘mm'r CtT.-Mr. Gilbert Mc- Keri, '0 has n scheme in view to im. ron- who of the leading roads to town. ghis is to secure from Messrs Wm. Smith and Thos. McGirr. sumciém land ' .r a roadway alongside of the ttett lilway track where it crosses their lurk" This [would save the hill both Ways -nd to rec mp the proprietors for tl loss of land. he proposes that the r. ndway over the hill could he re- turm to the farms flow which it was orin vlly taken. A huge number liv- ing 'tt the east. and south would.he plow- " to see Mr. McKechme’s scheme accounu-liwhed. for the road, at present mow direct than Lamhton Street, won! t w still further Improved. We cull anemiun to the new marble fitn, of Robinsun and Carbon whose :uln-Hiwmonl uppmn's or. this page. S [n-cinmus yr. thejtrsrooG' can be seen an The Y. P. S. of the Presbyterian church. will have n diwuseion on the Pruln'ritmn anstion. Monday evening ttext. in the ham-numb of the church win-n the fulluwing tupics will he dis- t-uz‘sml '. "The Cirrttpcnsation Questiuu" inn-mlm-Hl by Mr. N. p'. Campbell; The Town conned met Monday even- ing. They granted the Necessary permission to the Durham Natural Gas and thl C'o., to lay piping. Mr. w. B. Vulh-tt, was appointed TownClerk. Mr. c. lilvidge- gets the cVses.itort,hip. The mayor announced that a Emmi" manu- fumnring Co. were tn:akirts,r enquiries wtth u vww to settling In Durham. No 1loul,t much nthvr business “an transact. On Page 5 will be found the advertise- of the tsecond Annual Seed Fair con- ducted by energetic Farmers' Institute. ll takes place on March ll. Prizes are given as usual and a line "PW" tun- ity in thus presented for exchange of seed. If the roads are good there will Ire a large attendance- for a keen inter- est was taken in It last year. Tuesday, March ll. G. BINNIE. Secy. N ed WoMF.N's IssTrrtrTE.--Thts body will tum-x ti: complete organization and dis. cuss suitable topics in the Town Hall, Durham. at 1.30 p. In. on the day of the S-w-d Show. Tuesday, March ll. Far. ttsera' wives and daughters should come out in farce. The Conservative Convention on Wednesday wns well attended. The promise-(l speakers wete present and two ulhors and no doubt, the "other fellows" caught it. Wilson, of Luulse. is again President, A. 11. Jackson, Set'y. tin AcriNtr.vI.r.DoMEtrrs.-.Are due (I) to r. Ibis-.111} Jsyultr Ckveland. for a Watch for next, week's announce- ments of tne moving pictures In the Town Hall. on Friduv and Saturday, March 14 and 15. We learn With regret, that, Mr. Jas. Hasrie, Drmunre. died on Sunday last. Also Mr. Nelson Main. In-uther-in-law of Mr. Thos. Allan. Further notice next week. Everybody in buying Gold Soap at. The Big Store. , Several customers have discovered motley already. See the Sonth Window. ly Lovers: of good horeeflesh will read with interest the article on Mr. Jaw. A. Hunter's tine trotting horse. Page ii. i‘uml Prohihitiou", Mr. Alchilmld oroetttotn; Government Control, Mr. Hmmlgv; Provincial Prohibition, 1'..|n.u. Burner. A collection will he Mr. Thed A. Lewis, pmno tuner. ot Berlin. expert. to he in Durham about the lot. of April. White Pine and Tnr. for cough. and colds. 25e. battle for 18c. at The Pro pic’s Store, Upper Town. Monthly muting of Public Library Board to-nmrmw. Friday. evening. Slum-r Shoes are made for men only. The Big Ston- sells them. VOL. XXIV. NO. 10 " , III) allow l All are invited nhlv‘s show “mun. The n Inwhwss fur yeatas' in no they have acquired m) for straight, and hon- wetrtist Ilwir Inniness Durham and neighbor lutually satisfactory. The Second Annual 1- the Auspices of tho S. Institute wpl) ttykeplaee p the dat march" In. The years' in acquired and hon- isus, i mess tltt ne PIE SotuAL--The teacher and friendsi of Rocky Saugeen School intend having I " pie-ct/tl on Friday March 7th next: fo:. which careful preparation is being“ made. Admission 10cta. Ladies bringQg ing pies free. 1 3rd Sen-Arthur \Veir. Fred Ritchie, Ida Wilson. Dan McFadden 3rd Jr-Annie McGir-r, Stanley Me.. Nally, Murray Ritchie. William Wil- loughon. 2nd b'rn--E'mma Alioe. May Nichol. Robert 1Vhitmore, Joe Paterson. _ 2nd Jr-Agnes, McGirr, Florence Mc- Girr, Alex Aljoe. Winnie Smith. Pr2Sepr-Matnrie Weir, Willie Ats kinson. Lizzie Weir, Kntie Ritchie, James Crntchley. . Pt 2 Jr-Annie Atkinson, Jnmgs Mc- Girr, Clara Ritchie, Earnest MeGirr. 1stclator-Nasen Whitmore, M'iggie Ritchie, Willie Staples. Joe Staples. i Jr. Leaving Pt. II (B)---Muble Hunt, i Bertha Wilson, Binnie McGirr, Geo. i Reid. Alex. McCotuh. . i Jr. Leaving Pt. I-Charlie Farquhar- :50". Annie Petty, and Fh,venoe Saun. i ders. 14].. Murray Smith, Violet Wills, i Chesley Chisimt. I I’I'IH.1(‘ SvumiL DEVAItTMw.:iT. 1 Sr. Iv-Hull Cameron, Annie McKay, I Willie McKay. James McCioelclm, Jas. l liliiui. 4th Hut-Maggie McGirr, Wesley McNally. Williim Paterson. Bessie At- kinson. Intermediate --. Wiunifred McCaul, Ruth Moran. Jr. (h)-Rmmel Lavelle, Verna Fluker Jr. (B)-Murry Thorne, Ida Living- stone. Report. of S. S. No. 9 Glenelg. for Feb- wary. Jr. li' (Hy-Nollie Hepburn. Maggief Manlly. Mamr,ie Lauder, Jessie Currie. , Robbie Douglas. F Sr. I--Amrie. Booker. Merl Whitman, ! Harold Vollct. Rcy Fluker, Fred Laid-, Jr. II (A)--vmmio Caldwell, Mary \Vright :uul Lam-mm Pvel new. Laura MrKelviv. Mable McKelvie. Catherine Mgangal]. Sr. Pt. H-Agnes Runny, Fred Torry. James McLachlan, Nellie MC. Lean. Essie Noble. Sr. Ir-Annie Aljue. May Glass, Sadie Kress, and Foster Saunders, :wq.. "ell Error. Bratrit-n Wilson and Jnhn McLean. Jr. H-Ivete, Latimer. Brock Gram. Marion Currie. Grace Hunter, Maggie Moth-iv, and Norman Miller. mm.) aw, Jr. Iv-Hazel Caldwell, Everard Mc- Kinnnn, 1'hvistine Jackson, Keith Nrwton, Martha Lauwence, Sr. Illahlm-y Ritrltie. Edith Allan, Bertha Swirling. Fred Wells, Fred Smith. and Archie Davidson (may) Jr. HI-Ella Ector, Charlie howling. Effie Hunter, and Robbie Laidlaw, ael Bessie Telford, Nelson Bowling. HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. Jr. Leaving Pt. II (A)-Lyal Ireland. Peter Haulage, Lizzie Smut, Allie Black- burn. Jessie Fatquharson. A big package of Sugar fot 8.1.00, at, I N. G. a; J. McKechnie's. . i om. congratulations an) tendered to to Mr. Con. Krclleron his marriage to Miss Dally Peuigrvw. lusth of East, Nornmuhy. Buy a pair of Slater Shoes and he up todate. Theywear twice as long as anyother make, and are so comfort- able. New suitings at JncKechnie's, For good cheap Crockery. go to a. & J. Mckechme's. Miss Flmsie Limin left for Toronto on Monday mom‘mg, where she will meet hey .nunt, Miss Banks. and return with her. m her. home gn North Bay. She in- tends to rvumin for same- time. Mr. Mc Nevin. of Mt. Forest. was in town nvm- Sunday. and preached in Vurm-y. Ebenezer, and Allan Park, on account of the pastor, Mr. Pomeroy, be. ing ill at his home in Kincardiue. Miss Annie Bartlett, Toronto, for- merly resident. here, husheon visiting friends in Durham and vicinity for a couple ot .weks and contemplates re- mninlng for several months. Mu. Stover, of Buffalo. is visiting her hnrents. Mr. and Mrs, Jnn.F1rth. for a few weeks. Mr. Fueh was very ill last week. Mrs. Ernest Rowe came home last Friday, after spending a few Week. with friends in Benton. ' Mr. Joseph Firth. of Edge Hill, wa. visiting at, Mr. Jno. Firth's last weeU For so old a man he in hale and active. Mr. M. Flynn, of the Ayton Advance, was in town on Wednesday last. . Messrs Redford and Sparling were in Hanover, on Friday last. t , , ty'As, Honor Roll For Feb, 1902. PERSONAL MENTION. H, F. TYRLMAN. Teacher Tr Cj skf"/ _-_.- ihttlitt r4 INQUISITIVENESS r, iis frequently forgivable-as in the in- stance of your wanting to know all _ about the bread you eat. Ask us all 'the questions you like about the bread, eIcakes, pies, etc., We supply. We will Ebc only too pleased to answer them. . (We have nothing to conceal, every- - f thing to lay open to the inspection of sllegitimate inquirers. We brag about z,our bread-we have aright to-it’s t ' good all through every day in the year. THE BA Feb. 18, 1902 DURHAM I Mr. Colville was in his 55th your. lulled: 'nnd viqot'truts. Genial and kiml-lmwrtvd ‘tu a degree, he leaves nu: an L'llt‘llIVI flwhind him. His loss in the domestic] who]? is very great. and to friends andi Int-quainmnces his kindly sunle or wUdl {or inn rcnursc Will be sadly rmnumherml. l (Ay Insurance in the I. o. F', was pmvid-i ied by him for hm family. who little IlllmnghL so soon to lose their. ln-PaiLE \vinm-I. i l Having worked in several of the mills; l round ltere he is very widely knotvn.l {and no doubt his funeral which takes; Hum-e. Wetlnesday, to Hanover will be: ilargely attended. He leaves as chief; l mom-um 8, his wife. 3 sons and 3 daugh- l l ters to Whtll" We extend doe-pest I Direct Importations from European American and Canadian Quarries LATEST DESIGNS IN MXRKERS. HEADSTUNES & MONUMENTS CALDER BLCCK (Next Post Office., lit 'r'ccrcc, 35'iiit? " ; iiifsi'i': I' ..- - ‘7 W ,V\ r --- t f 'V x . '7..-.vuv-_7;7v - Is". '-" 351,11; F, " A / we.fi)ic. J. my; WHAT’S HE AFTER ? Mlllll MARBLE x. il GRAN!“ After receiving evidence from exnerls and others regarding the condition of the machine the verdict urthe Coroner', jury of which Mr. Jtm. Mekechuie was (-haimmn was that it was a case of acci- dental death, that nu blame could attach lo Mr. McGowan. and :trt-mnpanit-d by a tvcoturnetulation urging that: hand appliances be "ttached to enable the opet'alov lo lusct‘n speed while the umrhinv is tenmururily empty. sympathy. MI work warranted. Orders taken by f Messrs Barclay and Noble. TH DURHAM, THURSDAY. -iiiiiiiF,-iiTiriiii.iii." A desire for an inquest sprang up, and in response to it, (‘nruner Gun sunn- umned a jury. We have nm at this writing learned the verdict, hut it can only he .. artidentuldeath." If such Is the finding there is a measure of cum- fort in it, far no one can mnko provision against the unforeseen. The body was remuvml to McGowan's house close by, and the mournful news was through the town in a few mluuu-ua but who, except those siptilarlrsituated can tell the agony which must have borne in on the soul of wife and child- ren? Mr. Colyille was running the chopper and in some way, whim will likely never'he known. a plate. burst and a. fragment struck him in the abdomen. knocking him down and tearing away skin and flesh exposing the bowels. He rose to his tvet, but collapsed again and in a few minutes. the life of the strong man ehlled away. Monday morning hat was not unlike other Monday mornings around Mc- Gownn's mill, hut this one brought to Mr. Ga. Colville. death, to his family, the deepest and sincerest grief over the In“ of husband and father and to his town-men. gloom It the cruel snap to citizenship and reflection on the uncer- tainties of life. for how true it is 66 Man also knoweth not, his time." ROBINSON d COREETT, ll tuluusu """' u“) I“ ‘11:)cdl. I -- _ 7% A E ROWE K1 tl 1 o o ' T ‘ . "ii:'::, MR. Jlll. GIMME KILLED BY BURSTING MACHINERY. KER jillll()(llilllil DEAIH Proprietdrs - and - MT. FOREST ATE)! LOWER TOWN iim Biti)i_'itttx [ ‘51 Jackson's Bloék Butter and Eggs wanted, for which the highest prices will be paid. Jtish Class sands. i", These are among the mg; ducements we offer our custom- i (': ers. We keep the best and}; lead in low prices and goodié values in esrrytying usuallyi? kept in a first-ihss general/i store. 3% £aryo 8toeh, tgl REWARD M A WATCH THAT I CANNOT REPAIR All our work guaranteed to give satis- faction. All goods bought at Keeler's engraved free. This week we will give special bargains in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Siir9r- ware, Spectacles, Eye Glasses te Musical Instruments, etc., i . Can you see as well as you Shodld ? If not, come in and let us slow you our new way of fitting rec- tacles and Eye Glasses. _ yes tested free. 'i We are expert Watch Makers, Jewelers, Engravers and Opticians. R. B. Keeler is the only watch maker dm the county with a watch factory experience, 1902 --- ._.L. 1902 Two BIgJeweiry Sun-es, DURHAM & HESPELER ONT. I. l JORDAN, STAR GROCERY ' RESTAURANT. Give us a call WE DELIVER GOODS TO ANY PART OF TOWN. IKE Our stock of Groceries is completes and prices are right. " On Thursday afternoon and evening in. I C. $0.112: thw Juli. NEW RESTAURANT FOR DURHAI3 IT PAYS TO BUY AT we have BANANA'S, ORANGES & LEMONS. "il, PEOPLE’S STORE generator Mo video NEW JEWELRY STORE. l l KEElER I SON, BIG BARGAINS Ill MI CREAM I [out Prices, 3V A. McGABE UPP ER TOWN ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO a 1m ‘33! 32!! ghaeRstimtiiaeaaaaae EH: MI CREAM I [iifii'ti) Upper Town. $33: WEE V 1v rs Elk 71f 2-H: ti a 91:5 rite um rig g t c,'t,rsr,j' 'EF:. 91,- _"i' tf,. nit; figfifififififififififi% rm: VT. EEEEEEEEMEEEEEEEEEMEE5-25: b: GE fimflxfikm [ii FEDORAS from 'Ne. to $2.25 99 CHRISTIES from $1.75 to $2.50 A big lot of Glassware to choose from at Mt?. each. Come in and see our stock. IO piece Toilet Set in beautiful colors, regular price $6.oo 97 piece Dinner Set, in a very dainty pattern, lined with guilt regular value is $15.00, our price CROCKERY A WELL I9ItJlctm1tiiii ELAN 'X Fine Foot Fittings For - _ - Fastidious - 1fashionab1es MQJY’S 124%935 is scrupulous about his footwear, requiring brilliancy of leather quality of upper and sole to stand the routine of daily duty, having the unseen qualities of lining, insole and 00111110! which never fail. Consequently the SOVEREIGN and the KING El)“ shoes are his favorites. Name Stamped on Sole. Our Boot and Shoe Department is second to none in town The very latest freaks of fashion are always to be found here We have received our new HATS for MEN for the spring season and they are lines which will well repay your inspec- tion. The popularity of black in hats is more pronounced than it has been for along time. We have the newest, most correct styles and blocks in Fedoras and Christies, and of course we have colored hats, both soft and hard felt for those who prefer them. Remember the place piece Tea Set in a rich pattern, value at $5.00 our price THE POPULAR CASH STORE. Kahlil: d THE POPULAR CASH STORE. IlrSglliSligl illii1t'fliihTg As,, fre/am/ CROCKERY was '41 hank] $12.00 $4.50 $3.50 Viv/and We are genuine an a stock of Red Roae Tea. The putt!“ up of this Ten claim it to be the best Tea on the mar- ket if so you will have an opportunity of testing the truthfullness' of this statement. Red Rose Tea LAI DLAW'S Old Stand CHAS RAHAGE. Pun“ um Palms-n. E“; 'edt' calm/e, *- m 'e,Reehme. MET! our price ptr, v- " I: 3.; ll] I II Its III GRANT ARI) ,'/-" tid _ at}; 3.“: :Tr EU if Nt

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