West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 6 Mar 1902, p. 5

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‘What drive. ION A Ids ii to. OI one to to al = , CD F E1 u. H r "ihiiiiiiiG" with the above college. Pupils taken at her mother's residence, comer of Durham and Elgin Sta, Honor graduate of the Presbyterian LAmrs' COLLEGE. Toronto, having taken the Musical Course at the Toronto Conservatory of Mnsicl which, is in MISS MARGARET G. GUN. th $COTT. O - _ ._ GRUGERIES W. H. BE AN Chil We have a full line of Sterling Bros. hand-made shoes for men, women and children. They cannot be beat. Salada Ceylon Tea at 25c, 30c and 40c Bed Comforters 60 by 72 Woman's heavy shawls I IN White Flan I TWEEDS tlil YARNS Pit a M tlf ' a. Ii i MacFarlane $1 Go. let " We can give you Bargains. om a om an --.. _ mmn JAKE KRESS Lower Town Durham The Best Quali" T cheaper than ev"" Undertaking PROMe. Y ATTENDED To Jylpr_lir.ts.is,r. FOR W8 [1% "MENU! (if 0111 THIS DRY GOODS, CROCKERY. ')OTS S: SHOES, Sue., HE SELLS CHEAP l I MARCH 6, 1902 Of' best quality. e size SALE 01mm PAPER Cardigan Overshoes Come andsce Its Druggist & Bookseller n trimmed free of cos the paper-we need the ch oice - every roll room-first come first FURNITURE to move. You need it so low it cannot fail We are putting up athe of our present stock room lots and marking we must clear out some SPRING PAP ERS for our stock of NEW In order to r. sleeve under Jacke foxed felt camera Wk rake room to 4.00 ea I.oo 1.00 ea. 1.50 ea 250 ea IO 00 pr. pr. pr. pr. , A bright “MIC girl arriyed at. the ilxomo of Mr ll I Corbett last week, iwhieh tl T chums to be his dearest i treasure but will be more ornamental l than otherwise for a few years yon. lI they inte-ul t , Both are brig] ,and they will b Ihput of S. S. No 9 Egremont, for thruary. Report hased on emeiency, d.portnsent, and attendance. 4th class-Woe -Hiscock, Frank Merchant, Walter Smith. 3111 rinse Sr-Rocky Hamilton. Annie Reid, Ethel Horshurgh. Part 2 Jr-Nettie Hamilton, Nettie ngerg. Mag M qteh, _ - _ lu, ciasm-htsrt1e Whyte, Ferd Ham- llton, Clarence Ross. 3rd class Jr-Nellie Reid. Ruby Rogers Maud Eeeles. _ 2nd class Hr-Mildred Christie, Edna Hamilton. Nnrhum Horshurgb. C 2nd class Jr-Lulu Hamilton. Jennie Myth, éqnie ngup. --- - 7 Part 2 tsen-Hair" Eakett. Hugh Reid. Alex Smith. TIM- denm mte amongst. horses has: been uxcmimzly largo the last. conpie of months. Maseru McIntosh and D A Smxthlmth In“ valuable animals. tlw one belongmg to Mr McIntosh being kill- od by J {nil’ng Bren. the other one from the after eff-em of distemper. Miss ENE” C:;:'mybeH of Aberdeen. Miss Lily Wade spent part of last week the guest of Durham friends. Messrs J Scott and D Hay of Chutn- worsh. were as their respective homeo. aver Sunday. Both have good simu- tions In the sister village. Mr H Hunt was in Mt Forest par. of last week waiting on a sick brother who is yen low at prosenn. BORN MILLIGAX~In Dominick. on Feb. 27th. to Me. and Mrs. John Milligan a Mon. Hrss---uuro steady, sailing at M per own for chaos; one: and 55.75 per ewt for light»: and‘fans. Calves each Shep and Lambs-Worr: dead], H.”- ine at 83.50 to 53.75 per cm for export awe: and ()4 to " per cwt for lambs. Calves were) steady, selling at " to Sh» bx mierg and “when --. Worn shady hl‘uiir': at 83.50 to $4.5o per cm. for short. keop feeders and " to $3.50 per ttwt for llanvv smokers. 0 , cattle were both a triths stronger than .ve-terday. Other came were steady and featureless. Sheep md lambs and how, won-- all steady. .. The market receives wore 7o loads, which includnd 1,148 crutlo. 308 nhoep and lamb», 1.460 hogs and 30 calves. Export Cisttls--.Wero a little firmer, sellmr, at 64.80 per out. for mudium cattle. Butehern' Cttt.tU-.Were also firmer, selling at 34.40 to $4.553 per cwt '.or picked Iota ma $33.65 tu 84Ao per owt for chic-n. One",' common to fair (was mid at 33 a,» Wade. but le prim: mawwou to maintain themselves at. yeswrday'a figures, and even to [nuke slight. advances in scum itvtaners Export mule and butchers Trade was " uhmxc steady ti.rwre., at the Toronto Cattle Market this mnrninq The bad weather rather" dotub.rted the I frDURHAM MARKETS. mm; common to fair ones sold 3.13 l par cm. Freda” and Hackers --.. Wera Wheat..................... Barley..................... oat'........................ Lnmbs..................... Braised Hogs, per cw! Hogs, Live weight..... Butter, fresh roll per lb Butter, Tub.............. Hido, per ttwt.......... Calfskim, per lb........ Shtseptduns............... Tallow rendered per lb Lard, perils........,.,... mv........................ Flour......... R............ Oatmeal....... ............ Live Stock Market Toronto. Dornoch. .............. 50 .............. 8 25 tir, per cwt tl 50 weight..... 5 00 who“ of Aberdeen. tor at the mama for E. E. lows, Teacher. 2 " 70 78 L ; 14 14 16 00 1000 600 50 1 00 1 lo 675 a " " " " oo 40 16 15 I think our Tp. council is somewhat too economical for the sake ot a few dollars to give their printing to a man of a neighboring township whose paper the Egremont people never see. The REVIEW never failed to print the whole of the meetings very promptly and es- pecially " election times gave every detail and correct i1gures J. Caldergave a lively upset to two young ladies on their way home from Ceylon, bat being near home the horse made, for the stable door where he is often tied, W. Albert Haw visited at Mr. Vint H l 's last week. _ -__ The many friends ot Mrs F. Me, Leod are pleased to hear of her being oat at danger and hopes she will soon be well, Alex McFaydgn and Peter McDon- ald had a few hard games of checkers lately. Peter being at home played well. Mr. L. Taylor, of Collingwood, gave A. Clark’s a call last week. Mr. W. J. Wilson is slightly under the weather for Some days. We hope t0 soon see him around again. "Ku. .' "W" m” '"?.""d"y: . . ! Norman McIntyre and sister Dorothy Miss Flprence Mekeehnie IS hank-13mm.“ Melrtrrie up: visiting friend,, in from Springhank for a few weeks' ICUuaty B, me this week. and euioyme holidays. Hermany friends will be the volnturtot had roads capaciullv when pleased to see her happy face again. when returning lmmewarriu, an he had to Mrs D. McFarlane spent part of last have his homo-n a few union from hume. week in the city and enjoyed herself; The Social held in the methodist church immensely. . I on 'l‘hurmlny last was mm m well attended Miss Florence Mekeehnie is home tpom Springhank for a few weeks' holidays. Hermany friends will be pleased to see her happy face again. Mr. and Mrs D. McCamncl had a few of their friends spend an evening with them last week. Mrs N. Wilson and son Tom were in Mt. Forest last Thursday. Will Kinsman, A Nelson, M Mc- Fnydvn and n great. many more lrmn he, l', attended the Piieeville Soiree. Mae says he was at the station twice that. night and that it was an evening well spent. Mr. and Mrs J. G. Marshall gave an evering's enjoyment to their friends lately. We will assuredly not, all) our best, un- ls-ss "V' cry mightily and constantly to God fordelive/ancd, and if we do, we shall nut cry in vain.-Mottt,veal Witness Are there mm at least ilveltuudvdd (hammnd godly tttell and women in this land who would he Willing to adopt lis-zekinh's plan ct dealing with this awful ettetuy I" And would not that spit-u of t'iu'Ittsst player hid the nest pussihlc PtvPua'aruut fur the men and wumun to bore, or in- thtence others to vot,e--trtt the right, sulo. when thv ballot, decides this mu- menmus question? Hum“: why '. "rhis [Lind gust!) nut out hut, by [mayo-rand fasting." Them-mm: of the liqucr tt'afiic can be expelled trmu the hum-I " our national life only on [he same terms. u'ehasu. failed be.. cause. like the disciples, we have Hust- "d too much to um- um: strvnth. and have 1tm1etv,uiuated thar of the. enemy. On one occasion, the disciples f-Lilod to cure r. denumi;u-. Christ told the!” the 11-min“ why '. This kind gust!) nut out Prayer has been the mighty bummer that has broken to pivces many " power- ful lyrzmy in the worm. It, has been a cun.~uming fire that has burnt to ashes many a strong fortress of evil. lt has been a sharp "word that has cut to pieces many it buieoua monster: of wrung. Huslbis power been used in the long war with the liquor' tt'tuflc? Yes, and in so far as It has been used, with tremendous effect. lieu it, been used to the fullest possible extent. ? No. And that Is exactly our weakness in this tight, Great and pr-rmazwn‘ victr, ids luv“ rm- tninly been won in lbw long past-hut how ? What has been the mi,qht'est \Vvapon used to gum those. new: ies ? Prayer did mnn- to deliver Hezekiah and the people tur Judah than all other, fumes put together. Alulwlm will say that it mum): do rum-o to 'it'CtltC' the 111- umphant JUCCQ‘SS of pvoltiltition than all other forces put, together. W'hatistlw Lest way to 'rp.C'ut'e the "thttive pmhihllinn ot' the liquor trut- 61?? Just, now, that is (“mainly a burn- ing question in this land. It, is not the first time m human history that than have been in drum-ate struggles with qi,srantivevil. Al Mung the my»: this, 1,yt"etutytittwth-vmulsriyeosvn. Great and purumwu-n‘ victrt ies haw rm- lninly new“ wan in the lung pus-[mm]! A t. (I. I. l MI, (lll(lflIlfl1 Mllllll()ll. BOOTHVII. m, that spirit of t'iu'Itest pest possilsle Irrepzu‘nnun l wumvu to bore, m- in- to nun-on the right, ballot, decides this In” TILE THE Danna}: 9i ton 'l‘hurmlnv last was not m well mended jeleaned. new window-blinds, and the (as-it would be only tor the bad roads. floors scrubbed. All it requires is a I Thu progrmnma was a good one. Carpet an'd a few ensy chairs to make a Again we are mmmdcd that here we parlor ofit. TM" is some Q’C'UI'HKG' [bane no Continua! place of Int-ode, tor in ment for the 'tttent. mldibvon to wird appeared in last week's Mr Nelson Main has paesod away " Beview .we feel it mr duty to say more ter long suffering from cancer. . ft-,",),'.','),'.""?, pine (133th all tthe l"', Douvulal‘ We “.6 ii9nr.h' to rerort that Wm gains a: to "il")," ti}: 'd',",,',",',,;'.,,." a'i"t1'h2,v,tlk,C: section torema,n has ttot 10 ' an ER rant Tran: tho Nnnnrn' m...A.........._ Mr. Currie W,'ts' a l' mug man who Wm widely kn nvn tl-mwshI-nt the Conutv of Grey, he bring :uuungi‘. those of his prol- ieayiotr, teacher that. stood lmh in tire est-Huntiuu of the lumlxc wlwevar hm service was exnmiunm-d, for by his kind manner of Pxprec-isn he always Wo:, the attention of lll'i pupils. :r-wseqannlly Alicea»: Wan the result ol his lull ‘n whene- ever he was engagvd m. public .clmol teacher. He was wuperintettdont ot the Sabl'ath school All tlioPtobyusrian church for ffvo voara nu office which he filled welland while able to when! his plus nu seldom "ttnttt. The funeral on Wodnuday. the Mth Feb. wu mthout alumina the lug“: ever “on In Price- vino. showing the "up.“ he was bold in; by all chain of mph. \ l mum: time in our graveyard in this town, but, such was the one an Wedue-dav ot last week. {me latter we mil make refer- ence to, (mt/her on.) The Sacrament of the Lord's supper will he dakpwused in the Presbyterian church in Eugllsh on Sunday March we thu, and in Gaelic on the following Sabbath. Both services at II, in tho morning each day. Merchnnu and our business men are beginning to open out spring and nummer gnuds as the prosent weather indicate: an early sprung. Wu sew Lint Barber Mc. Pbuil has put up an elegant Sign Ill front ol " shop. We heard that Bob McMeekiu renzml Alex. MeArthur's farm at the pond above PriceviHo and that he will be moving there in a tew weeks. . unveiling. Thaw who were compiaiuiuur of acne-my of Water will have enough and to spare nun, alum our sawmill in [own will now tind the lwusetit ol tlkthaw as the water in the nu“ pond was very low. Mr. Mchod has .1 largo quantity oi fir-c leltus logs in the mill yard which he bought during the but. Izuuple of months. He Is also well patronized by a good share of custom work. The weathor can: a deeidad change dunug the wrek, and a large qutututy of lu, mow has disappwared by the line thaw, and roads an: in a bad condition for The Women's Institute will meet in TOWN HALL on same date at 1.30 p. m. for organization and discussion of suitable topics. Ladies are Cordi _11y Invited. ll GEO BINNIE ll MS. HUM, Plus. -._._ . , ef. or OPEN TO ALL The above Society will hold a SPRING SEED FAIR change of Seed in the TOWN HALL, DURHAM, TC 1902, when prizes will be given for the following: classes SEED 'iliii1AjCEt, JNO. A} DARLING, Druggist PitiCEyiLLE EARLY, ANY VARIETY--- LATE, ANY VARIETY - SPRING WHEAT - GOOSE WIIEAR - BARLEY, SIX ROWED-- TWO-ROWED 1tARIJiY--. OATS, WHITE - OATS, BLACK - PEAS, WHITE SMALL- PEAS, BLUE - SOUTH GREY FARMERS’ INSTITUTE ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO THE NEW BABY WOMEN'S ENSTBTUTE jlllijliil'8 RUG STORE POTATOES 2181': GRAIN Rsvnzw and Woekly Globe.... OLG). REVIEW amt Mail and Empin . 81.76. l ll e are entry to relort that Wm l Walker, section lorvnwi has got 10 (davs rest from the general roadmaster l which he did,not deserve. It seems he l Was at the top end of' the ywd working 'and «in hearing the morningtrain cum- ( ins: says "come (m Tom, we will get our “new out" and went in before the car passed, and pal led tout immediawly arm-r. and Mr Itoatintasier beingnn that train, and thinking that Walker had; bin-n sitting in the sactirnn house all '1 morning gave him lOdays rest. This; man will surely get. paid in his own 1 coir. swme day. Now it goes to showl that Walker could not have lowered much time when they can lay him off his section for davs to help some other gar unfortunate. who has not the back no tlmt Bill has. Never mind Bill Em are not alone. Bow do you like it nker? l Mr Jno orehrd has bought a new tread power to run his choppor and straw-tttttter, Mr McKinnon has sunk a well on his new propertv where he intends build- ling a dwelling Ill the spring. You should see the station, a. gener- al chaining up has taken place, walls kyleomjned, woodwork oiled. windows I Tim Sous of Svonuml of whi 11h. WM tb [number headed Hm ptot'ertr' n {ran his ‘lnle rb-ldonce. Snuthliue. Ammonia. ttUU ithau the Sublmlh sch. children pained in ;at Prieevilla. When tsh' that out)“ get limo the church (whats the body had been taken) had us:-1nhled,tlm pastor Rev. Mr Matheauu punched the tameml sermon from the wards of the main] " and 37 I vane " Mark the ptwteet Mun Ft ete., I making suitaI-ie routarks thorn“: couveru- ing the departed one. fcr [us was a young man wlyrtse character was alwau worthy I of imitating and he died in his Mta year. The funeral which we refer to was a dunezhter of Mr Malcolm Burma“. at one} tune a resident of Glenelg Centre. butl m.w of Burk!ey. She was a young girl] of fifteen years or" ngu and only at {ow drtss i tisli, and another tuner-d on this Monday I ntteruoon March 3rd. the infant. daughter] of Mr. and Mrs. Neil McLPuu, of Proton; Stauo"n, died at Mr. John McPh-il's Gun-g olg. Mu. McLean's father, on Sntlxrduyl night, Mun-h Hm Ist., med 3 months. : Ist $2.00 Needs Pure Drugs, Hygienic N u r sin g Bottles, the best toilet preparations. You 'll find all these at Dar- ling‘s Drug Store, all the goods we sell are pure, carefully made, the right thing for the purpose, if you hwe a prescripton to fill this is the, place to bring it. 1.00 2.00 2.00 'r,8 00 00 oo oo for the sale and ex- IESDAY, MARCH 11, of Spring Seed: 2nd tr 1.00 oo oo oo oo 00 oo oo BARRISTER. OOLICITOR IN .UPREUI COURT N074” PUBLIC. COUUIIIIONIR. m arristor, otar , Gon- veyanccr, to., 'iii,?'.'.". Hon? to Loan at reasons ole rates an on terms to suit borrowed 0FFicE--atcstvre Bloce. Horuycrcri"t GaGiai of made " I Compountmd - ~13!er PUBLIC ennui-cur. J, omee---LoWEtt 1OWN. DURHA- Cn'loctionl and Annoy prumptly ”and"! Wills. “coda. Hort"... Loam, Ammo &e. ('m'rocfly prep-rad. Eat-m of dMMd tr suns Lmlud um and Exoculmr'l and Admit, (rum-3' Account- proptrou "Miran-d Sum); Court Busing-u. Pronto of qru s, lotion of A un'nntnlion Bud (insulin-hip ()bhi-rd. [on (than and. in lulu-my um“ and Titlo I‘ll-I1 Colleetiow, of all kinda promptly (“fended fo OFFICEnMokr-uio'l Old Stand Durham ARTHUR H. JACKSON _ I the Du mun I'utyoc.v-iriidii,"'s, Mock. Reade-um that dew we“ of the old Post Ottice, Durham. fAF'rrrt - - -. "es “um-aw u: mnor p ler ties in towtt and country And will ior trade. savings bank wards Pr" facility “You distance. J. G HUTTON. SAVINGS BAtt.h A general Banking business transacted Drafts issued and collection. undo " all points. Hop-nix- received and inter. est snowed nt I-urron' mm. AGENTS in all prmrm Ontario. Quebec, Mum“ States and England. CAP] TAI cu Pl TA 1 Rummv (llllllBll) BANK AA CANADA Com iiGri Titirpri nu T on GaratrGd 11513 hum. This fifty am asked. I have ulvrrve nu 3rd Div. ot 8. con. t, W. s. It.. Ben unckslalcolm Cameron's 50 "res. 8rd Div, lot 7. cont. E. G. R. Glenelg on Gamflraxit Road convenient to Dul- huh. 'Phi.. “03-..”, . INSURANCES COLLECT" CONVEYANCING " we” Financial basil-Ion careful lFortu .riiiiii. m.,m..,n.h.,., MONEY To LOAN at! and up according to terms. RESIDENCE. and OFFICE 4',“ Ban mm"; 'rowmmrnlul Tolephono Commotion No. 10 CONVEYANCEH , VALUATC‘R Insurance Agent. Lot Mt, con. M. Bonanck. mar Louise P. O, In hands. of a Umnpany. Fine place and must go to some who. He has 1 big list of Property for Sale including the following: Lot 28. Con. s, W. G. R., “attack a splendid improved farm convenient, It Dun ham. Very cheap. -- L9t 18. con. t6. Benunck. In If Yul-i»- 8ed Die. of 7 ind m Div. "o-r" tr, on: W. G. 'ntitteir.-aaiioiii Caner ont ICO MONEY TO LOAN DURHAM AGENCY, E S. DAVIDSON. BARRISTER. SOLICITOR‘ [other College Phylum-I u Ontario. OFFICI IOL‘RS $-12 s. m. , -4 DE NTI STRY ',, McPHAIL the Du nun}, NOTARY PUBLIC . LEFROY McCAUL a u now." nun of nun-L vkiGtiGl" s Coma-owns and artful Van-tor. ITAL. Authorized heC Hanover Clara.- Mcdezate Head Office W. F. COWAN, President GEO. P. REID, Manager. a 535.9. mien-cu IHOWOd on bank depOaiN of $1.001nd up Prompt attention and ova-y ,trordai customer: living at m u um ly mm H. H. Miller, - TELFO RD,, Licensed Auctioneer f the County of Urey. : D. ICPHAIL. llnpovillo P. ty C. RAIAGE Durham. Private Mung, to FIRST pom: EAST J K ELLY, A gent. Fl . HOLT L. ill LOAN “4 1-2 y acres is a snip at e number of ll COMM COLLECTIONS and a, Leta-u, Ammo-OI Est-lo. of (located trrp- ocutur'n and Ad-mia- nu and ran“ hurl-rut. ofLWil I. honor. of Ad- '(Over the Bunk ‘. Toronto. "tr......iott,oot. ""-...... 1,100,000 ., ... .... ”(JUAN r!Tttu'pat points m Munich. Uuited OHIO lo " well no other carefully lttcm and largo... ' 1-2 POI' cent security and 4p.m 7" I I co h and cold, ”KI-0d. jam»- mm rayon.“ NER, " l " her. ”my LI $n. price to sit

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