West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 6 Mar 1902, p. 8

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if. t LE iiriiriFreasi6eeiriN3s4iMMratiMiieiMauaisstaiNtsqsdasitts. F"'""..":,.,.:"-"'""'"",.:""'"'""':""""" t ta, Jiksr Jinn? , 't"t"b9rtt+tretr66tqtr,t"trtqtr,tretrt, oias Table Spoons, Tea Spoons, Separate Knives and Forks, Butcher Knives, Pocket Knives. Our Hard- ' ware Department will be overflowing with Spring Goods shbrtly. Builders should‘not forget to bring in their bills and get our figures. Instead of spending, all their advertising money in signs and samples and newspapers, the makers of Gold 80sz have decided to distribute 14,000 pieces of money, ranging from ten cent pieces to 8 5.00 gold pieces among :1 e people who use Gold Soap this year. The way these fourteen thousand coins are being distributed is this-they are being put right into the soap itself, and will be uncovered as the cake wears away. Remember that you are getting full value in the soap itself, so you are not risking anything, and if you find any money in the bar of soup you buy, it is simply a gift from Gold Soap. Of course every cake of Gold Soap dosn't contain money-in fact there are a great many more that don't than that do--but 14,000 of the bars sold this year will contain a present from Gold Soap anywhere from 10 cents to $5.00. Tell your friends about Gold Soap you buy. YOU BUY IT ONLY AT There are H.000 pieces of Money being put into cakes oi GOLD SOAP that are sold this year (1902). READ THIS; A Gift to the People New Lot arrived this week, ranging in price from is perfect. This is a new idea for Durham. We do it in order to show our cus- M? tomers the very nicest goods on the 9 market, arranged in display on our (lllll, counters with price of each Dress tilt Length marked in plain figures. a i,ii'iaiii'i'5ii Don't forget this opening. Come in (in iii Lg; and see the goods and speak for the "ill' it" Dress End you like best. Then go away and tell your friends about our handsome stock. Plain colors the proper things. Greys predominate again this year. In Muslims and pretty Waist Ends our stock Dress Goods Opening tla, 5731? Thursday, Friday & Saturday Doz. Knives Valises and Telescopes-all sizes and prices. :TRUNKS: Wall Paper New patterns at 5c. a roll. Large Range, Gilt Papers at me. a roll. Very pretty assortment all through. ALL PAPER TRIMMED FREE. 're, St.26 worth $1175. $2.50 to $7.00. r. pf. funk): 'r: I Doz. Forks, good material for C 3tuztter. KNIVES 84 FIRKS iM? re ii2 .f i) 'l d _. " Li & ". a! 8iiiiiiiiit" tiiiiiiii"i',iS Mr, Geo. Withers htis purchaseda thoroughbred animal from Mr. trohn Campbell at an advanced price. Geo. did not want him to fail much so he took him home on the stone boat. V“... um. uu nu auvauUW HW- UBU. . . . e Februar ' 21st did trot want him to fail I:11uch so he l wg.ytrl'i,f, $33533“ to Mr Enid took him home on the stone boat. t Magma". of Montana. ' Miss L Ander It was. with deep rvg‘mt to t,his com- ‘ son assisted the bride. _e)ftt,1' the knot munity to learn on Monday, Feb. 24, S was tied, the crowd drove back to Mr that dumb had captured another vm- i Willium Anderson 's where alums: Pt- tim in _tlyrthrson ot Mr. Donald Currie, ‘joyahle evening. was spent. I hey In- suuth Lint; Gleuelg. Mr. Currie was 1 tend leaving for Montana on the fourth Mr. George Martin is going to brick his house next summer. Things are looking up around S. P. John from the north line )8 lost when he goes to Boothville now. Have patience John. Mr. liqgh McLean has purchased a fine horse for the sum of 8112. The fair ones may look out next summer. What do you think Hugh ? We wonder how Bootbvinc truscces are coming on about the new school. We, hear there is trouble about it. Mr. Sam Kinnell has started to assess. Sam ira good economical man and will do it right. We are sorry that We were misled about Mr. Fred Runeiman's broncho. We did not mean' to say anything wrong about it, but there is many a good horse breechy. my friend Tom has one thrt jumps out of the stable. Miss Bertha Hardy has arrived home from Toronto. We welcome her back to S. P. Also Miss Tena Ferguson, of Swamp College, is visiting the parent- al home. We believe that Dawson would like to send Swinton boys a cap, bat we are sure that Dawson caps would not fit a man. The Dromore choir on their way to and ham Pritcville soiree, passed thro' here. with ideal weather prevail- ing. The circumstances calls to mind the poet 's lines: "We were a gallant company, Riding o'er land and sailing o'er sea Oh! but we. went merrily. We fouled the river and clomb the high hill, Never our steeds for a momom stood still. ,, etc. _ A phrenologist passed thro' our ter- ritory "octets/fret-ing to tell for 25e to 8250, all the whims, talents, and fancies that you happen to be heir to. Those who cared to know, or for curi- osity probably, employed him. All Were assured that, "I tell you it pays" maybe it does, bat he failed to say whom. the subject or himself, he im- plied the subject of course. The re- 'wption if true or rather salutation he got from the man from the city, in which the latter attempted to prove his parentage, tbo' warm, could scarcely JC called elegant. Another of a different sort passed thro', who wished help to buy a ticket for home. He had been informed we were all kind hearted people, by the neigh- bors preceding, which makes us all feel an everlasting debt ofgratitude to them We are kind, but It tempts us to vow, by the nominee of the reform convention we, will not be caught a- gain This ll days soft spell in the month of Feb. has never before been known to the oldest inhabitant. All our roads are spoiled. The weather and the looks ofthings in general, are quite in keeping with our opening sen- tence at the time of writing. Sew-ml from here took in the Con. Convention We have not heard how they got on. Some were home early anyway and kept good hours. Mr Wm Belleontemplates selling his iarms and stock, and living retired, it he can tind a customer. Mr Jas Eccles and Sons have been looking at them with a view ofpt1rehatsing. Mr Falconer of Monoroad, recently paid a visit to his daughters, Jos. and J. H. Moore. and returned two weeks ago. Mrs Falconer has since arrived tor a short May. ' Miss Martha Hornsby is we are sorry to say, very low at present, little hope being entertained by kind friends of her ultimate recovery. I Mrs Fred Hareravo with her son Jimmie returned last week from a visit to friends in Walkerton. One of our well known citizens st- tempted to Ford, and to find out for himself the value of the deposits of I marl to be found at the bottom" of what is vulgariy known as Wilder's lake. This has been a favorite resort for bathing, but thus early in the‘season beats the record. The flrtst time he assayed the hole in the ice was rather small to admit-of his arms, but the next time we are told, he went plump over the head. So Stockholders in the N .' P. C. Co., may now restassured as to the value of their shares as Jim- mie can personally testify tothe quality of the stuff to be had at the bottom. He being of the light and buoyant hearted variety speedily rose to the surface. Kind friends offered assis- tance in the way of dry clothing but Jimmie eoarteoasly declined, and took the journey of 4 miles in his water logged condition rather risky to the constitution perhaps, but then he is of the right and gritty kind. We are pleaSed to know that the event terminated so happily, as we can ill; afFord Jimmie in this locality. i Who said Spring? _ The figgt at the new while our only mun has soon the am crow and later gtill the hm robin. The shepherd tending his flrgt lambs, and the good house wife in gathering in the am --- ----i 9+ SWINTON PARK lord: Emma”. THE D0331! REVIEW ik3ttii4a5 Married in Markdale. Feb. - Miss Nellie Anderson and Mr Frank Haley. They intend to settle down in Owen Sound. We join in wishing them a long and successful lite together. Miss Kate. McKinnon, of Oranqeyille, is spending a few weeks vacation with her parents, Mr and Mrs John McKin- non. . Mr Duncan McRae has rented Mr D MeArthar's farm, south line, and in- tends leaving the Lake. We will be sorry to lose our neighbor, but wish him every success. Mrs Alex Benton. of Ceylon, is the guest of Mrs Malcom Campbell this week. -, Mrs D Mellae, who bad a scwre at- tack of sciatic is able to be around a- gain. Mr and Mm J McQuarric, of Scotch Town paid a flying visit to the Lake, Saturday last. Mr Sandy Campbell left for Sudbury Tuesday. Miss Mary McDonald is spending a few week's holidays with her aunt. Mrs A McKinnon. Snow for sale in our burg, since Feb- ruary 's big snow storm. "li1t.T:y, hr the spring. hat we are anxious to know ; - If Willow Grove has any valentines this winter. How did A MeL get, along on the 14th of Egremont a week ago Sun- dar. Did Dan get thvealvers homeall right. Who sent A the valentine. How does Jack like his valentines. Miss Sadie, U Ferguson intends going to the city next week. She will be greatly missed, especially by Finlay. employment Fi. the spring Mr Arch Ferguson. Jr., left for Wood- bridge Tuesday, where he has secured Mr Arch McMillan accompanied by Miss Hattie Herd, visited at Mr D For- guson 's one evening latelv. Mr W McCarmack visited friends in Balsam Va'ley Sunday evening last. On Tuesday evening of last week some of the youth ard beauty of Maple Park and Balsam Valley, assembled at the home of Mr Donald MeCannel, of Boothville. All seemed well pleased with a good evening's enjoyment, hut sorry that Mr McCannel was called a- way from home on business matters. A sleigbload of youth and beauty from Top Cliff including Chas McKin- non and the McDonald family, sp"nt a pleasant evening at Mr A Forgusons last week. Miss Ellen McCormack was {ht-guest of Miss Lydia Ferguson one evening lately. Mr Archie Campbell accompanied by his sister Ethel. visited at Mr D Fergu- tron's, Sunday last. Mr Wm Frook is busy hawling wood to Mt Forest. Mr J E Ferguson is busy hauling saw-logs to Richardsdn 's mill. Mr Arch Ferguson and the Me- Cormack Bros. finished the contract of building the bridge over the Saugcen river known as Stewart's bridge. It is a credit to the contractors. Any thing A takes in hand to do is done right. Mr Finlay Clark visited in the Park lately. Success F. Everybody is taking advantage of the fine weather and good roads. Miss B. Kinnell is home from Dune dalk where she has been book-keeping for some time. We hear that Mr. H. Ateheison, of Browriville has rented his tum to Mr. Robt Kinnell. We understand that the old gentleman is going out West. Wonder if A. P. learned the mason- inga; New England as We see him home now? . Miss A. McDonald, ofHh1ndalk, was visiting nroung our burg recently. Call again. The payer meeting held here was well attended, but were disappointed when the good man did not come. G. W. Lane has the timber out for his barn. Neil McFaydcn has the con- tract. N. is a hustler. tmtragtod In public school who: in BtrintoqhrE for nearly two was. wanton m: tor ',"Xu",i', ”on. when shout nun-f. d to assign on account of poor he. th. While here he took a ft? interest in Christian Endeavours, Sunday ochool work, winning a noble character in the hearts of mony warm friends. Hts memory will long remain in the boom of his young pupils " well u a large tgt ot triends in and around Swinton " . Mr. Hugh McLean has 'purchased a fintryoune horse. Success Hugh. The Arch meeting of L. di. No. 1136 nus postponed on account of bad roads. The formers around here took ad- vnmage at the fine weather and ship- ped their fat cattle and bags to Brown. Dear Editor-lt you will allow as space in your paper we will introduce to you this little place Orange Hill. It is . mile or so east of Brownsville and as roads are bad news is scarce. Mrs. D. McFarlane visited friends in Toronto for a few days last week. TORONTO IRISH LAKE ORANGE HILL Maple Park. Lyn-ewe. W P. “warm, J. IraiipoiliJ, J50. Weir. Jim. McDonald. Jae. Hume's, By-Law No. IGI to appoint Pathwa- ters passed the usual readings. and the following names wen Inserted in tho .By - Law :---J. Kerr. W. Brvnus. W. Mornco, J. McIlvride. W. Brown, tr. Garvey, J. Troy. J. W. Walis. D. Halli- dar, L. Gray, W. Hunt, F. Gnsuy. E. Johnston, W. Bird J. Shalp. W. T. Orchard. J. T. Reid. J. R. Smi'h, Chan. Hunt, In Raquna. Sharp. W. Halliday, R McDouuld. P. McIntyre. B. E. Row- land. D. Steam”. Juu. Bolton. It. Keith, W. Evans. Thou. Aldeorn, J. D. Porter, A. MeNair, P. Lowrey. G. Bolton. J. Me. Lachlao, H. Donne. w. Reeves. J. A. Lamont, A, Murdoak. D. Buchanan. J. Loversage. J. Hunter. A. Mchbem. A. Kinsley. J. Spicer. J. Isles. W. J. Hunter, I G, M. Reid. W. Horsbuagh, J. McArthur. I. Bubb.G Snell. J. Manny. P. Coufu, A. Run. Thou. Bunswn. J. Swanson. A. McGIHivny. A. Dyee, W. Geddes, Thu. Keith, "ts. Henderson, W. J. Philip, Thus. Weir. H. Scbeuk. Alf Hans. Juo Campbell,.Jas. Isaac. It. Renwick, H. Han. G. Sacortt, Jcrs. Mathews. W.l Bun-n, W. Moore, Jas Guides. Ting“: Knox, N. _Wisraru. G. Lawrence.“ Joo.i McFadden-- Mctntyrs-- That the ac- count ot M. B. Flynn for 022.46 for mint- ing and assessor}; supplies be paid-Car- tied. McIntyre-Durant-That M. B. Flynn be awarded the balance at the Tp. print- ing {or 945110.”; We lowest tender among five offieets.- Carried. Durant---1heklurrcugh---1'hat we were examine Oth, sideroud between cons. 6-7 and report at next meeting on acct-um of a petition wesented by Mr Doupe and 84 oruets.-Carried. .1a"ickleitorou'li-Mciutyre---Thnt coun- oil grunt $25.00 toward: gravelljug at. lots 19-2: cons 15-16 and that the Com, in tlar division supplement that ttmottnt.-- Mcintyre--MeFudden- --That the Lead» of Royal Grafton for building the bridge in Iio!stein, fut 0250 be accepted for 11min structure And both lidenuws. all complete. Abutment" um. Included in this comma, - Carrimi. Li wk eborotu,rh-- Merutrrw-. That the, manor of changing lot 3 of 8con. l, to; Beat 8 be Jen over Lil! next momma and‘ that JUtluuaster be uotiiied in Best "-l Carried. McFadden - McIntyre - That c.l Drawn) be paid 75 ets, for can: for use» l sur's book, and said case Io be returned! to the clerk with the Roll each "ar,-': C,rricd. Durant - Mtekleborouo - That the clerk be paid 85.00 cost of registration and puulislung Hy-luw No. 150 re school (“hues lotui.---carried. - We would like to know if Morris found the missing mit, and what made Tihitelook so ha py driving east on Saturday, and 'fell',, horse was any the Wur§e of being su'long attached to the wagon-wrath mined Mr Fits Morris, of Woodbridge, vis- ited his cousin. Mr Morris Connor, last week. of March. We wish them every suc- cess in their new home. Mr J Doil. of Paris, spent a few days with his cousin, Mr Jim Haley. Bell. Dmertv. Thomas and Berlin makes of PIANO and ORGAN SEWING MACHINES. A large stock of New Raymond and W mus Sewing Machines and supplies. C. McK I N NON. We invite your attention to the following lines of goods : Wilkingpn J'loughs, number Querything for farmers J fWrser-Airrri, &tott, CULTIVATING. Conlter & 5:33: Drils an Cultiviuwr‘: -- n _Spad_e Hay Our large stock of Canada Carriage Co’s Cutters are complete 1y sold out and pleasing everyone. Look out for our two car loads of Buggies, Surreys & Carriages of all kinds coming from the same company and will be here soon. Now for our Masse'y-Harris Plows, Harrows, Cultivators, Seed Drills, Binders, Mowers and Rakes all set up ready to go to work and can be seen at our SHOW ROOM. It pays to buy the best and our prices are right. See our Steel Rollers, Cream Separators, Washing Machines and Wringers. S oath of Middaugh Rouse mgncil met Feb. 25th. Minutes lul- 1 to 20, and repairs of all kinds. Shares, Soleplates, Etc. Not genuine unless the wards " mewsox Puma" CotgehHv"ig cast (In each nine. Wilkinson Famous weal Roller made in t'tree sections. CJaltiv-r,, n Spade Hat rows, stsuffierts, Ete. Also Scotch Diamond Barrows. CIP, t't “trim EGREMONT COUNCIL. (s','eA'irs Jarnwn’ Tire Juarez“ from)!!! artteaded to. JOHN LIVINGSTONE. tRoom Wm of WHEELS, 3'1 vtharn and Snow Buggies from Campbell of London. for prirs i ' "aid-Car, J t Pathmls- : ' I, and the l ' d in “so: t vans. W. irovm. Ir.) D. Halai- I rugby, E. f o ‘. W, T.I ' irh, Chan. 1 ' Hallidny, E. Itow.. it. Keith, J. Porter, n. J. Me. ms, J. A. Juan. J. t chem. A. .Hunwr. t ' l chrtlmr. l ' '. Cont“. mstou. A. 65. Thu. . Philip, ans. Jun Nick, H. ' ewe, W.," ' .s,Tit'ru. i ' cu. Jul»: vlpotty,i, ' ditbhowu," ' _ (i We have it at E Mc, t 300, . t 400, g 5Qc, ' and E Me, ' a pound. Retolvnd that A. Mitch.“ be paid 40 cts express charges on use-”ark supplies. Councillor‘s fees no "Canned. Memuldeu- Muutyro--- Thu We adv journ to meet on Tuesday. March 18th, and will receive applications for street. commission" in lioisuin.--Carried. Mentvre-- Mieklehorougio--- That the clerk be authorized to have a By-an prepared for next meeting of council to repeal By-Luw No, 118 reapacling aid to wire teuces ---Carried. MeIntyre-- Mitslrleborouait - That the reove be appointed to meet the reeye of Arthur ma equnlize expenditure for past year on Ea't and Arthur Lowuline mm ”pint at next meeting of Copuril.--Ciur. no . Durant-Mer-re-Tut lot 43 con. 8, be restored to its Otigiual road But on can. fi,--. Carried Jill. McMeekeu. W. R. “Miami. T, Both- well, H. McKinuon. (A: 'tstud-Us Iona. HAVE YOU TRIED RED ROSE TEA? tjturnett. PM Lower Town D. ALLAN. an Ts' ti?) M. Colt tal Pole Cum neat Strut fier, and Pick I)“; " Ree unit Far: M hi kt FM " re: Ml fe 0N rel“ i ll " I of tl th a: in a mud no?! Mo To, thi, t66'er mm uni mun m as d ied SM .’ " lull the ira Aim "orl thr "XI fir: M In"! “’m u~ I epy dog 'N MI lio; l m pri Mt “I oy St tat lo

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