West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 13 Mar 1902, p. 1

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TON E. ht. ultivators, Seed rs are complete k out for outr ges of all kinds e here soon. up ready to go OOM . NNCO N ded to. n 6, 1902 &. See our Machines and House. O Ww oT Lb ARAL S <n" ORGAN and W U on § t n ‘ } “Movmg Pwrgm-:s.â€""’l‘he Imperial Movin icture Co,. will a in Town flall, on Friday :md%mrdaylgs this week. They have a large and yarâ€" ied selection of views : Yacht races. Scmes in the Boer War, Funeral of President McKinley, Duke and Duchess scenes while in Canada, Cinderella, Mrs Carrie Nation wrecking saloons. Spanâ€" ish Bull Fight, Funeral ceremomes of the late Queen Victoria, The Man in the Moon. Trotting Races, Hockey Match etc. â€" Popular prices, plan at Datrling‘s. A â€" REMARKABLE _ CaRNTvVAL â€" Mr. Wm. Black, (hardware) kindly showed us four New Orleans‘ papers, exhibiting in a wealth of coloreé illustration the exuberance of the sunny south when it goes aâ€"sporting. We have heard and read of the * Mardi Gras Festival " beâ€" fore, but never imagined such gorgeous representations of things animate and inanimate as moved through the streets of the gay southern city, _ Call and see them for we can‘t begin to describe. geen) offers for Sale the following ariicles on TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 1905. 1 Working Mare, 1 Mare, rising 3 years old ; 1 Mare, rising 2 years old; 1 pair Spring Colts ; 5 good Horse Collars. FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, &c. Mr. John McKinnon, Lot 16, Con. 1, E. G. 1i., Glenelg, (near Rocky Sauâ€" geen) offers for Sale the following 18 Our space this week forbids an exâ€" tended reference to a very entertaining C. E. symposiam on Monday night. on various aspects of the temperance agiâ€" tation. â€" Messrs Jos. Burnet, A. Robertâ€" son. C. Ramage and N. W. Campbell spoke in turn. Rey. Mr. Farquharson as chairman added his quota. 4 (C:ws, supposed to be in calf; 1 Farrow Cow ; 1 Heifer, 2 years fold : 2 Yeariing Steers ; A number of Hens; 3 Sheep ; 2 Fall Pigs. Lumber Waggon; Top Buggy, with Pole â€"=»d Shaft ; Set of Bob Sleighs, Cutte~. Sulky Rake, Deering Binder, nearl, new ; Seed Drill, nearly new ; Mower ; Pea Harvester ; Fanning Mill, @:crolamy make, nearly new ; Straw wutter, Land Roller, Root Seufâ€" fler, |I~y Rack, Set of Iron Harrows C and S. set of Spring Tooth Harrows, 2 Wi!k: ison Plows No 3. Ser onuble Harness, Set Single Harâ€" ness, Plow Harness, Hames and Tugs of Lig h Double Harness new, Logging Tongs= «nd Chains, Stone Hook, Hay Knife, Whifflietrees and Neckâ€"Yoke, Grain COr«dle and Seythes, Xâ€"cut Saw, Pick and two Crow Bars, ‘Favorite‘ Daisy Churn, No. 3, Milk Cans ‘and Pans &s., a quantity of Hemlock Lumber, a quantity of Hay for CasH, Forks, li=kes, Shovels and other useâ€" fal Farm Articles. No Reserve. â€" Sale at One o‘clock Sharp. * Terms : All sums of $5 and under, Cash. Over that amount 11 months‘ eredit 1 approved joint notes, 8 per een:t Aiscount for Cash on Credit amounts. J. MeKINNOAN, H. MacKAY, Our large stock of New Spring Millinâ€" ery has just been opened out and this department is now ready for ei rly buyâ€" ers. Miss Rider, who is in charge of this department is a Milliner of large experience having been for the past seyen years with the leading Millinery firm in London. Mr. and Mrs. And. Mellyride intend starting next week for the West, near Calgary, there to go into the ranching business, _ We wish them success in their new home. A number of young and married people from town and Bunessan spent a very pleasant evening at Mr. Wm. Mountains, south of town last Wednesâ€" day night. Barox HuxTE®Rr cgors To INXDIANA,â€" Mr Jas. Hunter this week sold his Stalâ€" lion, Baron Hunter, to F. O, Stannard, Indiana, U. 8. A. We understand the price was $900. Mr. and Mrs. Alex McComb have been under the doctor‘s care for some time, but we hope the approach of spring will bring them both renewed yigor. Mr. HMunt, Dornock, got a call Saturâ€" day to go to his old home neat Holstein, to visit his brother, supposed to be dyâ€" ing. P The Town Council, as will be seen in another column, pays a graceful tribute to the late Clerk Anderscn. The Big Store ad. this week deals with 6 of the leading departments of the * Big Store. On page 8. VOL. XXIV. NO. 11 New Millinery at Ireland‘s. KINNOAN, Proprietor. Avcrrox Saue Or H. MacKAY, Auctioneer. A CLEyER REtoRTâ€"In a letter from a friend in Melrose, Idaho, (Mr. Jos. Stephenson) occurs a retort which is too good to let go. Travelling in a crowded car cne day, the soul ot our old friend waxed indignant at the profanity of a conductor, ;and as he swore by blank blank that he was the ‘son of a gun," "Josh" qauietly accosted bply «.«1‘-"'“"‘Jv dear sir, I am sorry for your birtb, but it appears to me you ought to go faster | through the world than ordinary haman beings." The rebuke in a crowded car brought forth a demonstration that made the swearer sing dumb. "A word j in season." } Tnux Latsk Jonux Moopy.â€"Word has been receiyed in town that Mr John Moody died on Feb,. 26th last at the age of 92. â€" He left a number of years ago to reside with his son, Alex, in 8. Dakota, and had greatly improved health,. _ Mr. Moody cut a very large figure in the early life of Durham both in a Municiâ€" pal and Military aspect. _ He was lieuâ€" tenant of the Jlocal company. at the time of the Fenian raids under Capt, Wm. A. Anderson, lately deceased, Later he held the positioa of Captain of tne Company, and served the town in the capacity of clerk, following, until frailty prevented his calling of Auctionâ€" eer. â€" His son is married to the eldest daughter (Annie) of Mr. and Mrs, Wim, Johnston, of this town. He had in his day been a great traye.ler and was a man of intelligence and force of characâ€" ter. "Moody‘s corner" is still a remindâ€" er. CrosEep TH® ScHnoor.â€"The 3 yvear old son of Mr, Geo. HOfikins died this Wedâ€" nesday morning. e had {:mt recoverâ€" ed from an atrack of diptheria and a aralysis occurring as an after effect,he Las been taken off. We sincerely symâ€" gachlze with the parents who have been aving a lot of trouble latelg. A secâ€" ond death is Miss Cuff, daughter of Mr. Geo, Cuff, who was around and well a few days ago. Diptheria is the cause here too, and it seems to haye run a rapid course. In view of tnese deaths, the trustees of Hutton Hill section have closed the school though no pupil has yet been affected. 1t is certainlfl time for the Bentinck Board of Healt to take action and see that the houses are properly quarantined. _ Dirpo NEar DurutH.â€"Last Saturâ€" _day Mr. John Turnbull nedr Dornoch, received the sad intelligence that his wife‘s sister Miss Jessie McDougall had died at her brother Archie‘s home, pre sumably on that day. Mr. Don. Camp bell, Swinton Park, brotherâ€"inâ€"law. of deceased was in town and got the news just as he was starting for home. The deceased has not been robust for 3 years: past and moved west about a year ago i in company with her brother (then reâ€" | centiy widowed) and in sister Maggie, The remains will be met at Ghatsworth l Monday or Tuesday and laid to rest in | the family burying ground. We ex-’ tend sympathy to friends and relatives. | Now at REst.â€"Sunday morning last | Miss Mary L. Watt breathed her last a.b' her residence, Lower T own, where for( 11 weeks, her mother and sisters and | brother Rubert have waited assiduously i upon her in a period of great tribulaâ€"| tion. The trouble was the disease, Sarâ€" | coma, a bone affection, which caused | her acute pain, and which for the last | few weeks made death a certainty.| She bore her illness with wonderful : fortitude buoyed up by Christian hope, | and the ministrations of loving friends. | Of a tender and loving disposition her j death at the threshold of young womanâ€" | hood is a severe blow to parents, brothâ€" ers and sisters, and other relatives, and ; all who knew her, (the writer as her old I teacher amcng others) will cherish fondâ€" ‘ :‘y her memory. â€" She was buried Tussâ€" ay, in Maplewood cemetrv. the first | of her family (excepting a child in inâ€"| fancy) to pass to the unseen world. l The services were conducted by Rev.l Mr. Newton in che Baptist Church, who | drew valuable lessons from the great‘ change. The church was crowded and whsn most had looked on the wasted | but once fair face the journey to the! graye began. s For good cheap (‘rucke}y. #0 to N. t M(.. Chas, Colville, of Chesley, attend G. & J. McKechnie‘s. . (/ _ ed his brother‘s funeral, last week. Buy a pair of Slater Sho€$ and be up . M.i y _O- H“mi!t“n, of near Lucknow, to date.. They wear twice as long as| is visicing her sister, Mrs. T, G. Holt. any other make, and &ré so comfort _ Miss Mary Collett, of Allan Park, is I able. visiting her cousin, Mrs. Jas. Redford. | ~**~ |â€" Postrox®n.â€"The Seed. Fair _ and:â€" Mrs. Chas. Urquhart and httle daugh- |$t. : Meeting of the Women‘s._ Instituie, is ter May,. of Beeton, are visiting at Mr.| wuctien | postponed to Tuesday, March%, Make T. R. Whelan‘s. The Liberals of Glenelg. are asked to megt in Township Convention in the Tp. Hall, on Monday March 17, to comâ€" plete organization and other business. Candidate Binnie will be present and one provincial speaker to present the issues of the day, There should be a large attendance. *3 A Pie Social is plaonedfor Friday evening of this week at Miss McCanâ€" nel‘s school No. 1, Normanby. to which we must regretfully give up an invitaâ€" tion. f Postrox®».â€"The Seed. Fair _ and Meeting of the Women‘s._ Institute, is postponed to Tuesday, March2%, Make a note of it. On Page 4, will be found & most interâ€" esting account of the great Student‘s gathering in Toronto from the pen of Rev, Mr. Farquharson. s New suitings at McKeclhnie‘s, & For good cheap Crotk@ry, go to N. G. & J. McKechnie‘s. M Purha __Â¥Mtr:â€"J16, _ Campbell, who completed C P PCO Oupre?s, dus _ DURHAM, THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1902. > HIS THNE IH: th in 0kkiee Trow t ~._. 207 â€"verrie" to his home in Swinton Park on Saturâ€" day. John, during his stay with us, proved himself a young man of characâ€" ter and ability, and we are sure whatâ€" ever avenues may open before him, he will giye a good account of himself. l Miss M. Rider, late of the firm of Smallman and Ingram, of London, arâ€" ’rived in town Monday to take chiaurge of the Millinery department of James } Ireland. Mrs, R. B. Irvine, of Grenfell, N. W. T., spent part of last week with her aunt, Mrs. Orckard. Her husband, well known in these parts, left in January, | accompanied by their third son, Robâ€" ertson, with the third contingent forj South Africa. pe es DURKAN MARBE CALDER BLCCK (Next Post Office.) Direct Importations from European, American and Canadian Quarries. LATEST DESIGNS INZMARKERS, HEADSTONES & MONUMENTS. All work warranted. Orders taken by Messrs Barclay and Noble. ROBINSON & CORBETT, DURHAM â€"and â€" MT. rFogr&;r; is good,bread, well made and properâ€" ly bakedâ€"the bread that is made by ROWE, The Baker. This is the perfect breadâ€"made of the best flour, leavened and seasoned just right, thoroughly kneaded and baked to perfection, it is easily digested and it builds health and strength for those who eat it. A. E. ROWE THE BAKER â€"â€" LOWER a‘OWN After that date to The property of the late Wm. A. Anderson, situated in Upper Town at once. â€" Price reasonable. Apply on or before March 3 to ® The Bést Cure For Dyspepsia ! Feb. 18, 1902. Rey. Jas,. Farquharson, Pilot Mound, brother of the Presbyterian pastor here is visiting friends in and near Chatham and may visit Durham before returning West. Mrs. Robt. Wright and children spent a few days with her cousin Miss Mary Ann Twamley at Mr. Robt, Twamley‘s near Crawford. Miss Nellie Elliott, of Chesley, attendâ€" ed the funeral of her uncle, Jas. Colville and was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Black, for a few days. Dr R. B. Culbertson left last week for : the Soo, Escanaba, and other points in j Michigan. He intends settling in the , Canadian North West. s I 6 f i l.. f H I.’ t A U 1 4 1 A H H ‘ m H I.1 l I.' has entered into the employment of Mr. H. Hunt, Merchant, Dornoch. Rev, Mr. Farquharson preaches for Rev. Mr. Reid, of Mt Forest, on Friâ€" day at his two appointments. Miss L. Rawn, from South Egremont, is visiting her sister Mrs. Horsburgh, who intends returning home with her for a few days. ¢ Mr. and Miss Shaw., of Lion‘s Head, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Mcâ€" Aulley, for a few weeks. Mr. Archie Campbell, Swinton Park,. House and {Lot for Sale & Cl Jas T. D. Axpersox, . A, HUxTER. It WORKS. & } & PRubbers Your feet will | - Rood ‘RubLera: cheapest in the y Sm(‘e( of Men‘s, ‘ f ’ g:l":legl,.fmm C e o + C. d i Te tale be. o dere n dedes Erdcded Cxdris aiys yuys #7C 195 P0 e _ @ 4. °. YE 7b ;Wy';wfi;;fi.g":g.f BÂ¥ 5. P 49 " 7. 9 C $ DLDF Naf N2A CA o PÂ¥X 4 $50 REWARD FOR A WATCH THAT I CANNOT REPARR We are expert Watch All our work guaranteed to give satisâ€" faction. All goods bought at Keeler‘s engraved free. This week we will give special bargains in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverâ€" ware, Spectacles, Eye Glasses and Musical Instruments, etc., etc. Can you see as well as you should ? If not#come in and let us show you our new way of fitting Specâ€" tacles and Eye Glasses. Eyes tested free. | WE DELIVER GOODS TO ANY 5 PART OF TOWN. STAR GROCERY & RESTAVRANT. K EEL Give us a call Our stock of Groceries is complete and prices are right. On Thursday afternoon and evening NEW RESTARRAIT â€" f=SRsszssecces Sessssmmmnn,s For Durham § flz.s. JTIretaneg . § we have BANANA‘S, ORANGES & LEMONS. the county with a watch factory experience, NEW JEWELRY STORE. BIG BARGAMNS AI ICE CRBAM ! I. J. IORDAN, ONTARIO ARCHIVEsS TORONTO . HKeaty‘s Oid Stand. ICE CREAM ! cR‘G is | ‘aqu | & ® E: C â€" w( Mss fl T B4f . > gpomconemesye 1t _nt 'Lt pamceme imesnest o s « o ‘ 5 e C s s. tm s on m hen ue fad anter prke io tov ces ie mine "NC TL 5m Un EmE LENTuURuGExrum" 7E m p ~ o M k EExssresrnie i s w h w o w n s fi%fi#fififlfl%fi#%#fi%%fi%%&sfiafi 522 W-; <2. B â€" 7”0.1’ echne. 3¢ _ I I | | | h 2 Fine Foot Fittings â€" i For T2 1 actornake 555 Fastidious â€" a ts Fashionables is A big lot of Glassware to choose from at 25¢. each, Come in and see our stock. 10 piece Toilet Set in heautiful colors, regular price $6.00 our price 97 piece Dinner Set, in a very dainty pattern, lined with guilt, regular value is $15.00, our price CROCKERY FEDORAS from _ 75c. to $2.25 CHRISTIES from $1.75 to $2.50 47 piece Tea Set in a rich pattern, value at $5.00 our price T aben Consequently the SOVEREIGN and shoes are his favorites. Name Stam is scrupulous about his footwear, requiring brilliancy of leather quality of upper and sole to stand the routine of daily duty, having the unseen qualities of lining, insole and counter which never fail, Remember the place Our Boot and Shoe Department is second The very latest freaks of fashion are alwavy We have received our new HATS f« season and they are lines which will v tion. The popularity of black in h than it has been for a long time., M correct styles and blocks in Fedoras course we have colored hats, both soft who prefer them. f WELL DRESSED MANX NA 17 THE POPULAR CASH STORE. THE POPULAR CASH STORE. CROCKERY as. _SFreland our new HATS for MENX for $12.00 $3.50 $4.50 LIGN and the KING EDWARD Name Stamped on Sole. ha s on it o t l h will well repay your inspecâ€" ck in hats is more pronounced €. We have the newest, most Fedoras and Christies, and of oth soft and hard felt for those LAIDLAW‘S Od:Stand is second to none in town. are always to be found here. CcHAS RaHaGE Prarxter axp» | oK echnic. Posumsnuee the spring Tt Jt is

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