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Durham Review (1897), 13 Mar 1902, p. 6

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(i? - - "'T" '.". aunt. "You told me to wink b," said the sitter. "and what I was trying to do." - Tribune. I nun: I did," agreed George. "Welt, I have helped you. I gave them to the m‘Mmmery society to halt ot the first sitting "You Beem to new had ono eye shut." Annie-well, "he 40! Whonever t.lto and friend» trite n 'rtruc'--Juuoi "(Iron-go.“ mill the yonm thin]. you :dd gnu wants“ to Ko as far as possible t" "I think I did." mgr-ml " A Woes', dt I"! bleak 001d. keep the human .3 it was ternat and Aliev--i wonder leaf is 1' Litth Girl-Oh, Captain Spnawli-r, a" put on your skates and show me tho funny ttgurus you can make. Captain t1.--.U.1 dear mum. Pm only a beginner. I can‘t make any “a. min. Each box n! Tampa contains a tun (iPm-riyniou n! all tomale diseases with dlr'ttion, in tttll tor treatment. Prime 8t n. trot. or 6 boxes tor " Sam cox-unly HEREIN on recv-lpt of prim. by the (‘mmdian agnntn. Parke A Parka “Higgins. Hamilton. Can- _.I,. " is Health, Not “'enlth, That Makes a Woman Attrttvtive. Dr. Duucan'e. I’vriodiv Blood Tablets, pin-79m pain and surtvring due to weaknosu ot the generative organs. These Tablets are not intruded to cure over-y nllment, but urn mado holely and wholly to tone up and Etnngthen tho ge-nernti-e organ» Dr. Duncan’s Tallinn are Ilw result of the nxlermu-r of a mccessrul phy. sician and specialist in female trow blen. The.s are alike bmwm-inl to the girl In towns. to Um married woman and to thaw or nmlurv yours who a'rn at tlt:. pétrioxt known us "Chang"; ot Life." V l Tourmaniino and Ulrorsatra were sailing on our Sturbou Lundsmen boast ot their haunted houses am! the weird spirits that dance in country graveyards at mid- night. But there‘s not a house, no matter how much and dismal Ind how tar luck iron: the public road it may tte. sitting, nor how many murders may have been committed within its walls years ago. that enn- Compare in supernatural terrors with the haunted ships with their crews of dead men that haunt the - trackless waves ot the ocean. And, there's not a ghost on land, no mat.. , ter how many graveyards he may» prowl around nor how many old manv i sions he may rattle chains in and: groan and disport himself, that can hold up his head tor one minute in: the presence of one ot the gristly.i grinning. matted, dank ghosts that.I ship its A. n. on a ghost ship. I There in an Mr of vagueness and i uni-unlit). muhow about the ocean that mnkm it naturally a more tit abiding place for ghosts than the; prosaic shore. The great ‘track- lens, unrathomeu, mysterious deep, with its co-nturies of nameless hor- rare still firmly locked in its silent hwom', is the proper place for ghosts. C And so it is no wonder that they who go down to the new in ship; be- _ have " firmly in spirits and spirit ; ships and roving hulks with crewsil of men dead m-nturizwz ng'one as they i ! b~lieve In timir own existence. , 1 Spectral ships Well Known. i t One of the spectral ships brst known E to lnndsmen gout-rally is the FlyingI I Dutchman. with which Captain Mar- , J trait made his runtlv'rd acquainted. .1 r The Flying Dutchman was trying to l] round the Horn some time in the, t early part or the seventeenth cent-1 c, Iii-y. The- ship was repeatedly Uri-;' ll ben back by (-rmtrnrli winds and tides i n until the tship'.,' cupzuiu. Vunderdeek.. , (1 cu, sworn it fi-urful with he would: " round it it it took till Judgment day. i u VunIlcrdi-ckvn won- tnkvn at his: " Word. and now for tin-no centuries, B he and hie worn crew have been bat-. t n thus: to round the capo. Sailors i" watch with fear and trembling when _ their ships are rounding the Horn,l afraid that every moment may bring ‘I it Into View the spectral Fixing Dutch-l ht man. n is b-lievml that every at», SH pearuuce of the Flying Dutchman;' ed will be follmvvl by death or mire-. lhi fortune to Sumo or thi- crow of the an ship that if'fN‘ the ghost Tvtrel. i ch Sees the Flying: Dutchman. ' or In the trrivato l'mrnnl “if the, In“. " (Sunni f 'ototsel, Whom days and night” are long and Percy Davis‘ Painkiller In It is your faithful triPnd. your parents' friend. Ex- internal use. At Cue Rink I tre Gi, ts, p is cpl-mini," m’or " sgwuks of httrrrelt always says "We how old Mics Sne- the spvz-ntennth cent- p was rnpeatodly dri- nntrur.x winds and tides 's cupmin. Vanderdeek- fI-urful oath he would took till Judgment day. “'4."th Vtwo suits Mint," - h“- wink natural Young wife. " make any fig md that's " -Chleatro a rboa rd bow, you ', cut al .- V- J-.. "van: "U" Mr Max-Hey was froathltten t" renal-lad Joakley. t " Frmrt-tritten P' said Gunman. '0 Yes: ho was Induced to back an unpopular theatrical show." It is an odious pluck to Visit. and the Repuruu- inclhi-luzllq who com.. pose it will always have a pleasant- l or utmosplmrv und time somewhere l Plum. yet it is but st'lvlnm that uny~ tum! will give up tho "abit, or as I " whole ristornt and institute anew order of things. i Thorn is hm mm Buy to produce :n lusting result. null that is to E “withhold your torrzuv" on eachund i "vt'l'Y otu'usion win-n Mum-or sharp I Words "rise lo the surface. ; Tlu, old nil-mgr, "It takes two to l lll‘lkl‘ " gnarl-NI," is invariably true, l and wlliin nilu m is an aggravating rm-ponso to Hit irritating rmnflrk. its offcv-t is im-viinhln. Cue: tmnp-l tntion to twpit,tiutr Hit unjust ac- rusullon is strong: but if it is ttrr. just it will i)‘ r.4;:r('lu'd more than if a quarrel resultml. in whichbolh [mule-s lost their humour. She who will inwardly determine to “withhold her tongue" from " "arareil remarks, from unkind Hug. geulivm, from hitter retort. from nagging. will begin a revolution in her own home. Do not wait for someone else to start the movement; have the Joy in your own soul that you have planted the need. ot happiness yourself. Do not be discounted if your efforts are not met half way. Ilo alt the way. it need be; “seek peace and pursue itt"--Philadetpto Ledger. v "'"o.o0-ttoooeoo.oo." The habit of "unmvoring back" is as reprehensible in grown people an in children, and should be suppressed by mory parser: anxious to lead a “mu-Duh]? and harmonious lilo. The "scrappy" lmnsvholdJn which much mmnhm- slrhen for the last word in the :Irglnlmnl. is most anx- ious to nuintuin an independent cunrsr ot action, is afraid lest he shall b0 impose"! upon. is not a happy Mount-hold. nor can it ever become such " unv. Down deep in solitude of thelortely Pvt'r-gltvdes the sailors any is a ghnslly pirate ship doomed to former cruise about in tin- muddy lungs and shallow grass-grown lakes. or the grvu: swamp. Three m-ntnrivs ago a human- vexing C'rt'W that raided the Span- ish main unpllirnzl n anor- vhnnt brig: off Cup? Inpr- ida ttted Hpmwlily rifled it of its rich cargo. Furious at the length of the chase uni the brave resist- ance of the gallant crew ot tlto ut"rchatttntuu, tin: pirate captain cruelly forturd moi-yous of theorew to wnlk tho plunk, with fiendish m.. gmmily lumping tho skipper'e wito to wntch thvir MW and that ot her brave huslmnl. I e""" tttm ONO 6999009”. suppose -rou, peat-d how HARMFUL HABIT 0F ANSWERING BACK. ul the urguumnt. is moot anx- maintain an independent r action. is afraid lest he mpnsml upon. is not a happy I ..--- _ ., - "m------ (1mg Invitation comes she feels hap- pier If she takes me money and burr herself a new book-8m Fran.. clsoo Chronicle. ding Iniltitiiih Lou%s--Attce has quit ghlm mutants. Ether-tgow queer! What reason t Nevertheless, trying to lift a maga- zine oft the press at the long end of a lover, thrtu, tlmusmnd mlles away, is a llttle morn 1littleult than tho uninitiated might imagine. But the pmtor ls now flying toward the home plate, and will sopn be on hand to rosume personal Margr- But we rather suspect like the sandatorm in when Jenst expected. Are you surprised? Bo is spring- whnn the rotrirts return. We hope you‘ll be as well pleased. Bathurst, St. Peter's. C. B. I cured a horse ota bad swelling. with MIN.\RD‘S LINIMENT. Dalhousle. ‘ - -.-- u..." 's"'""""""""-', I cured a. horse badly torn by a pitch fork, with MINARD‘S LIN1- MENT. _ I cured a. horse of the mange with MINARD'S LlNIMENT. .. CHRISTOPHER SAUNDERS. What Is this. world? A dream within a drttatn--as we grow older rash step is an awzlkrning. The youth awakens as Ito thinks from child- hood-the fullgrown man despises tho pursuits of youth as visionary~ the old man looks on manhood as a, fe‘verlsh dream. The grave the last sleep N-no; tt is the last and final awakening-tyu. Walter Scott. Weteom. as Sunshim‘ after storm is the relief when an obstinate. pitilcss rough has been drivr'n away by Al- len's Lung Balsam. No opium in it. The good effect lasts. Take a bot- tle home will! you 'this day. "So, then.” Jain the young wo. mam coldly. "it's annexation or iGiidU, is lt ?" Unsuccessful Diplomacy. "I offer you my love," said the young man, with bittrarntsme, "and you offer me your friendship and good wishes! No, Pulsatilla. there can be no such reciprocity as that between us two." To Keep Velvet smooth. A milllner's trick is to fasten a scrap ot velvet over the first finger ot the left hand, nap up, while hem- ming or otherwise at work on the wrong side of velvet. Tile two nape are then together, and there is no danger ot matting or dampening, or soilin the most delicate shades. - Good 'iddfUlelhit how many neglected children escape tho fate which seems inevitable, no one can look on the army of little ones who are born to squalor and are denied the simplest care without being imprpssed by the soundness of Miss Anthony's opinion. Recent stat- istics prove what common observa- tion trtrtrRtsts--that it ls among the well-to-do native Americans that the rate of child-births: has (inclined anor- mously, while the natural increase ot the population is chiefly among the improvident and shirtless, 'who brine children into tho world with- out the least sense of tryipotte1billty, for either presnnt or futurr. il Miss Susan B. Anthony does not i take the popular view of the census - l reports. Most people express disap- i pointment when the census shows a , gain in population ot less than ar t per cent. every ten years a,nd are ' Jubilant when the percentage ex- I ceede that; .They do not stop to in- I quire into the character of the in- ' creased number, but regard any ad- f ditions as evdence or progress. To Miss Anthony the population growth in deplorable. It means. in her opin- ion, the breaking down of wives with the care of an excessive number ot children, to whom they are unable to give the necessary attention. She rejoices over the evidence of a de-, crease of marriages in proportion to population, bat denies that it is mainly due to the refusal of young men to burden themselves with wives and children. The reason for the fewer marriages which she ot- tere is the increased intelligence of women. who prefer to live in some. moneure tor tltcmsclvne instead of wearing out their lives in the rear- ing of children. "What line world I ‘needsf' exclaims the veteran spin- ster, “is fewer children. and those better taken care of and better born and bred." While it is astonishing '-. mm”, _‘_. l . ..-- Hinard's Linlm-ent cures i] MinardU Liniment Cures Daadrutt on. h. w. CHASE'S - 0mm can: ... 25c The New I'hllnaophy. NW1“: she sayajrhgn p. wed- Allee’n Reform. bd passages, stop: tdiiitiiiiiti'i ;/ throat and autumn cure. tree 'iffgt and 'i7ia.e'i'i'.iiiiii . dealers, or r. . . no Module Co.. TM and an... From Srutt’s View. nu U005 I ll -"' is sent direct to the diseased parts babe Improved Blane; Heats ulcer}; elegn tre g1: Tfrosrus w. PAYNE. EDWA RD LINLIEF’. giving bridal We've come the desert, In her Burns, etc. TORONTO ---V -u .xvu“: llCl'o One day she appeared before him with a neatly written letter for a southern t'orrmpondent. He hastily looked lt over. "See here," he said. "you‘ve spelled sum 'u-u-tra-a-r,'" The young wane." looked at It a moment critically. and then her face "rA1tetelt u all} replied: "Ba I hi"; -iroii'i;ii'rGea. or me! I don't see how I came to leave out the 'tu' "-Youttt'a Commbn. awn-mess Loug-lhnwu Out A Washington man declares that the average stnnogrnpher will not learn to spell correctly until the millennium comes. in support of his opinionvhe rvlates his experience with a. young woman, whose spelling, an he describes it, had an " engaging oritrtmuitr," but who was so amiable and eyeu-tempered that he seldom founnd heart_to rebuke her. Minard’s Llnimeut for where. Diem git hi7: shuns at a he himself admitted was r able. "That's niCiiiritt, young ye want to be careful how to pttAl my (nr." _ . 7-.-"..,. um- unlru 'or a pair of shoes the clerk noticed noth- in unusual about his appearance. It WEI be apparent from what follows that Dlehi is possessed of a PP. l.r)iirrirtGr.ir' fine sense of humor. Said line to the obiiging clerk: “Gimme a pair o' button shoes." While the clerk was getting down the goat Dfehl unfastened his wood. en leg and prepared himself for the merry jest that was to follow. The clerk had some difficulty in getting 'the worn-out shoe off the hickory limb, and Diehi observed it, remark. i .' 'ti, bond yer bank. why don't yer?" "Kinder sticks. don't it T' said the lclerk, pleasantly. With that he bent ' his back so successfully that he cur-l l rial away show. foot. leg and nil, and, landed on his back into the bargain.! When the boot seller sat up and: saw what he had done he was over, whelmed with horror. 1 "Great trtrtgoodnrsi." ho trurptd, "I didn't m-m-mmn to do it." The genlnl Mr. Diem was purple in the face, while u negro porter who had stood by started on tho run tor! an ambulance. As soon as Diehi' could spare time from the holding‘ ot his sides. he remarked to the“ urestfniien clerk: I v". m mums "oouert [Pg that its owner ts able to walk with smrcely a pr'reepttrrre limp (‘oanm-ntly when he walkmi into u almesturo at Union Hill, N. J., yesterday and asked for " unh- " "LA-.. A l, . . Such an enrollent mnmber of [ ety is Diehl's wooden leg that owner h able to walk with a...” - e ‘...... _... SUV" " as Its mate. As a matter Diem rather prefers the woe to the other, for, as he says, ed out the wooden one myself a peach." Much to the "orro,.-or the in the Member Came Off. (New York Tribune.) John Dion]. ot Gutleubcrg. has " wooden ng. but the u toot receives just as good trn PULLED HIS PATRON’S LEO Monkey Brand cl everything, but won't au sun ' we 3.10 horse that travels tho furthest in a day. Humility isn't necessarily a virtue. The lowly onion would be just as rank if it grew on a tree. Lots of people pursue a literary career, but few succeed in eatching up with it. Many a. man who clalms to be Wed- ded to his art tean't prove it. In trying to kill time women or uncertain years mm a lot ot powder. It Isn't the 2.10 horse that travels tho furthest in a day. “__‘IIIA_ I .. Sweet he" Lam:- Drawn these he answer: simply C, .. Yes, Dodd's Kidney Pills cured me after all the doctors and hospital specialists had given me up. I couldn't walk and had to pa fed like in baby for tour months, but the pills Soon fixed me up and I have been all right ever since." He has also been in receipt ot not a. few letters from others who too have found Dodd's Kidney Pills a life-saving remedy when all else llilll failed. Several ot these, encouraged by ‘Mr. Brown's example, have written to the papers reporting their Cases, and all are very enthusiastic in th, h. praises ot the medicine. I But. our explanation ot all thew cases has been offered, and it serum to make them easily' understandable. The Kidney's are Nature's blood fil, ters. It the Kidneys are healthy all diseases will be extracted and Ph- pelled. Dodd's Kidney Pills cure tim Kidneys and time enable them lo throw tart sickness and to protect the body trom any and every ttetiuulc- or disease. "___'"- __'.. vvvu-u. HAUL}: the publication of the facts ot his case and Its cure he has been over- whelmed with letters of inquiry from all over the country, and to each or these he answers slmnlv' ooddu Kidney mu. no Acknow- ledged to be . Wonder Working tyyuete-arui Other eruculouu Cun- Brought. to blunt. _ Oshawa, Ont., Feb. Lu.-fpeciul.)--. lone effect of the Publication far and wide through the press of the mlracu- lotus cure ot a. case of Paralysis here 1n 0mm: has been to bring to the surface a great many similarly Won- dertul and well authenticated cures 'gd" same rerrneliy-Dodd'ts Kidney I. Mr. Brown, whose case has caused all the sensatlon, ls a modest, nuns- wming' mechanic, Employed in il1e Outlawa Malleable Iron Works. su/dd) the. publlcgtlon of the facts of hisl Many People sun Enquiring about Joseph Brow'n's Case. THEY CANNOT UNDERSTAND. Slde- Lights on Lire REDUCES EXPENSE u: Aluney Pills cure tho 1 than enable them to sickness and to protect m any and every ussuulu cleans and brightens 't wash clothes. It a rate that " real reason. the wooden leg he any "1 pm. matter or fact at the artificial good treatment sale every. the Salesman fvilyr. but you start of see! and ith, In n " And town in Canada to all 1331501 o,',t".iFt,! Suites and Turn. mu: 2ll: o and. manure. 600d comm _ Mon. For mum»- . CEO" TAILOIING co.. Tonostro. h"ri""r---dL.ic, Lady Agtmtsika/iiri" Ol In every village and town in C Suits and "veremmtss. The tl Canada Madam measure. " lion. For particular.» __ NEW LAID sees CROWN TAILUBINH co f'fllldi _ Vv,_.... _ n.“ I" “sat" lllwl‘ll‘ acts directly on the blood and mm ous' of the "stem, Send for testimuuinla Sworn to before me" iGii pret'ertrat,this 'dth day of In TUB§ STA-m or Omo,Crre or TOLEDO. l m Imus Comm: I . FRANK J. CHENEY makes oath that he insan- ior parlner ot thettrm of F. J. Ctussrnr & Co.. doing bruins-n: in the (‘lty of Toledo. County and mate aforesaidmpd that said tirm will pa y the sum of ONE m SURE“ DOLLAR?‘ for each and every "atw of ('ATARRH that our not, be cured by thc use of HALL's CArute." CURE. FRANK Al pun-run There in nothing more comforting than to feel when the wind blows trom the east that there in money in the purse and can] in the bin. If a man wants to win a woman‘s respect he must be firm; tthe will ca." him a. brute: but no matter, beauty has always smrvlly admit-Pd the beast. he Item nautic- ot lite are rvotl hall " J'Tytt'/tr. to the donut-ado uchequer as the rivoliuets. g It is a. blessed than; that a mm: finger “cannot sing tho old N1)!|gs,": but why, on why, must tsho tc'reatu an I obvious truth ? , F. J. CHENEY a; crLiiiiii, Sold 1); bragging, Mc. Hull's tinny Pills are the best. F5113 fhhtarrhCur, is taken mum's Linhuent relieves Neu- raisin. At present it In no PMtitttoratiott to state that their rooms are crowded with [max-essay; and tlwlr daughters, who are paying wormuus blackmail and are submitting rho-w- fully to operntfons which remind one of the tortures ot the Spanish in- mttsttion.-dteyno1ds' Newspaper. REA] Agents Wanted -. They occupy, us a ruin. flats tn aristocratic streets-4n Bplzrmin and Mttyttstr--rrlittstt are furninlwd sump- tuously and fitted up with curious and expensive electric machines. These people-mostly importers-- boast that, with the scientific meth- ods at their command, they can make any woman of M, or even older. appear as young and good looking as the average Well-presorwd wo- man ot 30, providing they submit themselves to tuck treatment tor six months or so. _ These praetitioners can only be consulted by very wealthy women, as the meanevt or them would scorn a. fee of less than fir:, mlincus tor advice and treatment. Six months' treatment usually was £500. Vau- ily te always ready to pay " large co. I M Ge-, --.b -va Nu Mum-m 1ttpmttiowtrr load- In found in more ruden- lnd on man runn- Hun Any other A In Amertea. There I: mum tor this. I We own Ind opera: own an) m-n-u Inf _ the mailman of our rholnv Beeriie. ttt on!" (lawdurwuymg totry thom I we m n- o ow unprec- .dtBttettottiirc. Inc an. Canto Postpaid] - u am--, . . - I their wares. l In consequence every possible means to enhance their own and their dtuttrtttertr' beauty is being employed by the female scion: ot "our old nobility." A walk through the wetrt end thoroughfares or a. glance at the advertisement coiumna of the seclety Journals will reveal that a. large number ot professional beauty doctors have come over trom the United States and France for the purpose ot replenishing their purses by adding to, or pretending, to add to, existing charms or by: restoring those that uri' faded and‘ gone. '59.!!91219r. Me The coming coronation festivitie- m being eagerly looked forward to by women or all use.» who move in what in known " the "imam set." It la anticipated that there will be a tremendous unux ot wealtlthnterieam' and "distinguish- ed foreigners," and members of our aristocracy Who are blessed with manageable daughters regard the forthcoming ceremony in tin, light ot a huge marriage tate in which. owing to the multitude of buyers, they hope to obtain high prices tor, " hwmom om 090900“ t COMPLEXIONS ran i HIE coit0lilAln0lil. “NWWWNMOOOO Mo - "w --. ""'"H “an. Honou- t ii,Etttii?,itiitieis. "“ “My hon-(UH lemon“, Inwlwklndn mum furnish: babel: ot vtWmtine Scum 'lll5 [on Ind lot of mum vecelnMu, mailer with our mt mmhmne‘ mu all ghoul Too-mm and Pea on and Brown. and Hyena. onlon seed at 60c. tt pound. Pte., all tor 200. In Can-dun rum l 10!"! A. SALZER SEED CO.. q " M. II. v. - --"-_._._ --.,._... nth-comm but... radish“, “CW1 ha... " un- chu... mm... ' OBSERVATIONS. store me and nubccrlbod in me 'dth day of December. A.O.. PR9i. A. W. GLEASON. Notary Publir. me moon and mug-ms surtaci,i, Bend for testimonials. free. m nret Oh. In!“ In MI: and. to the ordinary. ! '.: Valium. ”may for don-tic on. , ' " Tunas". EDDY’S 35° 5%}? nmnunnmo HBREWHRE tyt1irtirTeri'it1 . Toronto. Ont. and (lrg.m°ry All . " _L A - Canada to so" .99921 'rood, in Internal I‘un. In in- O F " Mn at; 1nd ,_rv.. - u: on“ tau-p10 the Mon-mi C... at. Mounts. (ML. MinuhueturiGuYiG no minimum I tG atTG IIIIVIIW. tor n. u G. “I. . m “I . Co., at 'h"l'N..httf P.' _ “an; to, the _ _ no mum-u- roll-hing rune. thr "hem. 'etclV "emu-d cloth lhlt "ltusns kiln-Hunt Ind all bright metal. without the lid of punt or powder If. the tt!ttttwekertrer', delight - clout. quick and handy: orire 25 mm ;|l.a0'~ euesm, drunk“. notion (Suleimgnx'enn and Wf,'irlgrilhte.ie.i “molt-ale by Munro-Ln. "ton, Dominion Dru. Co.. Hamilton. T Kin-eu- & Co.. Toronto. For usefyl mu -hg-aeii.2..Crd.' 4 -7. -- - Weyiirt 43001) Hour; use luau-u- Polishing Ically menu-d cloth mm d Ind all bright new]. without or powder . It's the honwkcm chum quick and handy: urin- alien. lumpy“. notion dee HORSEMEN. ATTENTION tVANt'Firt- welt mun-hm] Pour]! l, um. tive lo Irv.“ you" old: bar, brown urvhmmul ' lit.i.'lsitrtri New! 1.075 '0 1.100: bolt: lumen or both (old- inn and well bred: of hnt'klu'} makv-up. good mummy“ and mils: good knee and hook 'tcNoet: lam-clan: able lo Men in tour min- Ilosn‘Im. sound and righl mar-y war; Wm flood price for such n warn: In reply (in. El decor! n sud rive. >1? Angus, 'te “Glue ., Dang, Mlch. he V "v"... w “a runnruoo. hos An Diem) and runny other point- in l via Chicago and Northwestern Lil dom- every day durum Marc" and A {animate low run from other ‘snndn. Through Tourist Nerve” Reclining Chair Cnrs dull) from Final scenery. Quivko-t time. (‘n ior full wliculnru. B. H. Beam-x: Agent. 2 King urea! out. Toronto ' F"fhl' FARM FOR t8ALK ONE OF THE tltuset in the My". Penis-uh. a Winont. 10 miles {mu nmllton on two mil. wnyu. mm in “LII of which u in trett (no-u] Mas. Will be sold in one [and c dividid intolouof " to It mm tat null put chums. Thints Idocidod hot-n.1- Add“ ago-um Comm-mot. P. o. box Mt0, Win... Mo " cmmery rolls and tub try, buns. pouloen. honey. c apples and will pay “The“ r st_a_timt:awovei.. quick! you i ottbr in these lines. Geo. A. ' street. Gluing. PATENTS. CAVEATS. TRADE MAR“. etc. Homeor foreign f',',1',5'"P,i, and ex- l Eloiud. Booklet on {annul- roe. The Patent n-hnnce out! love- ment Pompom); Pythio. 1 Building. Toronto, Ont. ‘7 - Mm. Winstowy Soothing F .Ilel be used for Childrrn , soothes the child. whom thecum code and In the best rem-uh: rm I for Headache and all to“. Sure Cure .i.lmetrtri,prevenia%% mop. Huldneun. The ideal oombfor toilet up. Have used always used. (humming. economic-L Lunar: lifetime. Ladies tiw. (sent;- me. Sent prepaid on meet: u of price from Dr. White's Agency. " St. John BV. Montreal. DR. 1111rrE's ELECTRIC com: CABH FOR REAL ESTATE OR BUB! new. no matter where it in. Send trat lion Md cub price and S?) our ph- Ior " , intt on}: buyem. Patent 8t,tgt and Inn-b ment Company, Toronto. Cur, 'orolgtp_to tian Fraat Scott's Emulsion ofCod Liver Oil is the readiest cure for "can't eat," unless it comes of your ted no W0rk--you can't long be well and strong, without some sort of activity. Tho nulno has = this b'it'W, on It. I) "t take no other. r " . Jfgou have not lllkNl I, t o It, send for A m 7 , free sample. Its a- In“... 3 crmble taste will T . ‘7 c, tl!lieWe Wt9. - a DOWNS _ Chomluts. a; w' ' , H i Toronto. y a Soc. and, $1.00; all druggistl. 'ANTED BRICK STORE F REXTFWF: TaiaF corner “and in mum-Is. Am .'y to R. (rumors. London. Om. Stop over-work, if you cant but, whether you can or not, take Scott's Emulsion ofCod Liver Oil, to balance yourself with your work. You can't live on it-true-but, by it, you can. There's a limit, however., you'll pay for it. Then”: many causes of get- ting too thin; they all come under these two heads: over-. work and under-digestion. i ISSUE ,pririiii7li' '" 1““ '3‘; Fax, enough for your habit, 's" healthy; a. little more, or less, i. no great harm. Too fat, consult u doctor; too thin, persistently thin, no nutter what cause, take Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver is d! right, if you are too fiat and all wrong, if too thin already. 'rotiiriffiiiiii Thin -ff.?Pr299ysey.ie.Evruts, T0 BUSINESS (‘HANl‘ES mm. Banana tin-mum. outlwikd the bent remedy tor Dian-hum. '3 J""' 'e-Br' B.. , IIIIUI‘I .tfE.:t.ttjyrtertili.ilfi, Pu no noon. no JOINTS. NO seams. no LEAKS. Urs dun)" V hTGi' Til/ I w who»! tune. Call or 'iflflt . [LIL Bennett. Hun!!! t all. Torunw. Ont. PA TENTS. nun-urn Linc, Excit- Ilnrcnnd April. Pm. fromuother point. In tue, if" . Atrttetles a.» 9.33.13 _ BITTER u raw. (.6175; u “wen-yawn to A. IWh.“ Nich- "i “*0 Mres, l. ongioug mq Jrg.‘ lh C! e” r; Jiiid mu Tk SF .O-J' Spun than“ coming. " 844 lull tiriiid Let Fr; " -IVCI’ This was nu. In tl Which Wu Multan. double at at nli, days ax can“! u out or p d a to: Whom, , black u - a. m The wt his bow The” mm- In pecuhm Ilia int, Ilttlo t tho Rtr oomcs 1 0000. w up a H bunch l one Jul with n pods "I, one “'0! Ipon an mieqz.‘ " does Irtct WM). quit" 'M'rf so!) lv, " . ligh be t brim Th trim} Huh- crow swing it t Poli But it all to 1 three t pprora" qrl b, (”"1 ”tough as" [ mim: ‘.. Let Inch In " An mm! bow way. mum Pn‘lh tvlit CO!“ Iilthoul Riley m had col turban, l trimmed . very l me uat - nd um Elam- Lu. nnor t Oousoll tor of II "tsite :1 [or turd If you a Four lit .wor n. outing I trlmulvd toe mat ‘to tell away. [hater With dong_ Int 'tllo Into n " u an h h It du: simmer. Anl Tl tttt twe Ill " mus All mu IO "

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