West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 13 Mar 1902, p. 8

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+ Pepper and salt dusters, Alma and Willard Blakeston ; _ parlor lamp, Mr George and _ Miss Tena Ferguron ; parlor rocking chair, Mr and Mrs John Hardy ; parlor rocking chair, Mr Rotâ€" ert Parslow and family ; garlor rockâ€" ing chair, Mr and Mra G W Parslow ; sewing machine and parlor suite, Mr and Mrs Walter Broughton ; _ one dolâ€" lar bill, MrG H Parslow _ five dollaw bill, Mr Richard Parslow ; _ pair ef towels, Mre T Parslow ; fruit dish, Mr Sam Lawrence ; alburm, Miss Tena McKenzie; _ linen table cloth, Miss Jenuie Parrott, Collingwood ; _ parlor Jamp, Mr and Mrs John Parslow and Robert Parslow ; lamp and half doz silver spoons, James and Miss Hannah Copeland ; _ hanging lamp, Misses Mary and Martha Gilson ; half doz silyer knives and forks, Mr and Mrs Blakestong; â€" clock, Mr Thomas Broughâ€" ton; _ chenille table cloth, Walter Broughton ; â€" alarm clock, Mr Neil Meâ€" Kenzie; berry sett, Mrs Skelton ; china tea sett, Mr and Mrs Thomas Copeland ; â€" fruit sett, Messrs John and Alex McCannel ; fruit dish, Mr and Mrs Thomas MceConley ; paalor lamp, Grandpa and Grandma Broughton ; white bed spread, Mr William Bell ; shaving sett, Miss Flora McKenzie ; white bed spread and toilat sett, Miss J Haw; lace curtains, Mr Thomas and Miss E. Wilson ; pair of pillow shams, Mrs Donald Ferguson; pair of linen towels, Misses E and K Lawrence. A few of tha friends speut a yery enâ€" joyable eyening at Mr Sam Batchelor‘s last week. â€" Mr Sandy MceDonald furâ€" The home of Mr Walter Broughton, last Wednesday the 5th was the sceene of a very large gathering of friends, the oceasion beirg the marrage of their daughter, Miss Sara, to Mr Jacob Parsâ€" low, both of this place. At five o‘clock these two were brought face to face with the Rev Mr Matheson, who very soon made them man and wife. After all hed wished them joy and happiness, they all sat down to a bountiful table, The bride was the recipient of many beautifi ul presents. as follows : (On Tuesday of last week the people of this community had to undergo the sad trial of witnessing another of the early settlers of the part laid to rest in the person ot Mr James Hastie at the age of almost 74 years. . Mr Hastie was born on April 22nd 1828, died March 2nd 1902. He was born in Dum{jrieshire, Seotland, and emigrated to Canada with his father‘s family in the sammer of 1831 and settled in the Tow nshi;; of North Dumfries, Waterloo County, 7 miles west ot Galt. In the year 1850 he took for his partner in lite Miss Agnes Wells, who predecessâ€" ed him one year. 37 years ago he removed with his family to Egremont Township and settled on the Hastie homestead, lot 13, con 18, which has been his home ever since. His health had not been the best for the past tew years, but ten days betore his death he was taken worse and gradually sank away. In religion he was a staunch Presbyterian and on coming to Egremont he united with the congreâ€" gation of Amos Church, of which he was one of the oldest members. He always took a warm interest in church having filled the position of elder for several years. He also took a particâ€" ular interest in the musical part of the service and for many years led the Psalmody of the church. In politics he was a warm supporter of the liberal cause and in the contest of the 70‘s and 80‘s took an active part in organization work. Heleaves behind him a family of 7. 4 sons and 3 daughters viz. Jas at Fort Frances, Rainy River, Wm in South Proton, Rev John at Belgrave, Huron Co., and Walter on the homeâ€" stead, Mrs S Kinnell, Proton, Mrs R Renwick, Dromore and Mrs G Cuashnie, Mt Forest. His funeral, which took place from the resldence of his sonâ€"inâ€" law Mr R Renwick on Tuesday afterâ€" noon was largely attended. _ His pasâ€" tor Revy D L Campbell conducted the services at the house and graye‘ The family have the sympathvy of this whole community. The fine weather during the past week has almost ruined cur llolfhlng and many are wishing it would last a while longer as they have some work to do yet, but that would be the case if the snow would continue coming till June. Wecannot say but what we haye had a fine winter with the excepâ€" tion of a two week‘s storm which gave our Mail carrier a few days rest. Mr John Wilson sr. was visiting friends in Markdale vicinity last week, On Thursday eveningâ€"of this week the Dromore branch of the Bible Socieâ€" ty will hold their annual meeting in Amos Church. Suitable addresses will be given and music by the choir. All are weleome. Miss E Wi‘son, teacher at Swinton Park, spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents here. We notice a mouse colored horse visited the east end of our town lately. We wonder why ? We are pleased to say that there is nofurther spreading of that dreaded disease the smalipox on the12th Egreâ€" mont. Thetwo cases at the home of Mr Grotts were but slights ones. Dr Sneath went down one day last week and gave them tkeir libervy after hayâ€" ing them confined for over two weeks since they were able to be out. Mr R Tavylor, who is clerking in Mr J Waddell‘s store, Holstein, paid his mother a yvisit last Sunday. SWINTON PARK nighed the music well, aad Alex put them through the performance. They tripped the light fantastic till the wee sma‘ hours in the morning. We believe that Mr Donald Ferguson caught a racoon by the tail and drove it home. Donald can tame anything. The Royal Arch Meeting will take place on the 19th of March at Kinnel‘s Lodge. Visiting brothers are welcome. Mr William Harrison has returned home from his work at Flesherton. We would like to know who sent Tom and James the valentines. enad es firg kn ue e in mtenenit soemandaind â€"Prince Henry,. now being carried throughthe States on the crest of a wave of popular enthusiasm, last week spent 38 minutes in Canada viewing Niagara. P SFs or" s se i ie aie se sys stye oie es ce es ce tiye ciye ie tige iike oys sys ts os ce oys sys aiys oys cihs ces oys sys ces sys xh s oys oo ops p A ho uie whe uin ce se uho oge ofe afe ofc ofe afe uje of: abe afte uh ake ue afe uie uge uie ahe alie afe afe aie afe she uie oo ode ole ol afe Dont fail to look over our Stock of Goods. One Lady remarked that our Spring Goods are the nicest she had ever seen in town. Carpets & House Furnishings Â¥ Cheap Sugar FLOOR OILS, LINQLEUMS, STAIR OILS, LACE CURTAINS, CURTAIN POLES. Pretty Axminster CARPETS in Dark Red, very fashionâ€" able at $1.00 yd. Several lines of cheaper Carpets from 15e yd up to 5oc yd. Big Drop in price. Call and leave your order for a BARRELL, We expect car will arrive about 15th or 17th. Tiis is always the best season to buy SUGARâ€"just before the demand increasesâ€"one word to the wise is sufficient. $ WALI, PAPER &â€" DRESS GOODSâ€"â€" _ â€"Four new members are to be addâ€" ed to the Legislature, making 98 in all. The new members will all come from New Ontario, â€" which already has three.. The pieâ€"social at the Rocky School House on Friday evening last was a success. â€" Considering the condition of the roads the attendancée was exceedâ€" ingly good. _ About 830 o«‘clock the meeting was aalled to order by Mr. D. McLean, who ably filled the chair. Afâ€" ter a few opening remarks, the vnies were auctioned off, the prices ranging from sixty cents to one dollar. _A short but interesting program was tnen given the songs by Mr. J. A. Hunter and Mr. Ed, McLauchlan being heartily applaudâ€" ed, The meeting was brought to a,close by the sInging of the National Aut'ixcm Proceeds, 25.00 62 C o0 .73{; drore Our opening was a Grand Success. We had our goods nicely arranged on the counters with a neat card on each showing the name and prices of each. We did not press any sales, simply did our best to show the people who came in just what we had for sgale. We never do press a Sale. We want you to please Yourseliâ€"Not us. Then if you donut like what you buy you may alâ€" ways get back your money if you wart it. Building prospects are good for Spring. Manufacturers are very busy and Hardware will be higher. We have all our‘s bought and can protect you for a while. Call in and let us figure on your Bill of Hardware. ROCKY SAUGEEN. . _A KAunter. THE DURKHAM REVIEW B9 TORONTO An error crept into our last report of the Calles and McTaggart wedding, which should say that Rtey Mr Morrison of Cedarville performed the marriage, not the Rey Mr Broad as reported. Mr Morrison was the old pastor and an old friend of both parties. _ We are alâ€" ways readv to correct errors. Another wedding, Mr Jacob Parslow of this neighborhood to Miss Broughâ€" ton. on 5th inst, They bave moved on to their farnr in Artemesia. _ Weex. pect the north correspondent has a re. port of this happy union. Aunother wedding coming. Miss Ida Gilks has gone south. Miss Glenester, of Toronto, Has reâ€" turned home aftera month‘s visat. Fine weather here now. HOPEVILLE A pleasant and soctiuble evening was spent at the residence of Mr and Mrs David Hamilton on Wednesday the 5th The occasion being a farewell party to Mr Jas Hamilton and Mrs H Vollett (nee Katy) on their leaving â€"{or their kome in | Dakou after an extended visit to frien‘s 1 and relatives here, Thetime was pleasâ€" Our large stock of Canada Carriage Co‘s Cutters are complete ly sold out and pleasing everyone. Look out for our two car loads of Buggies, Surrey$ & Carriages of all kinds coming from the same company and will be here soon. Now for our Masseyâ€"Harris Plows, Harrows, Cultivators, Seed Drills, Binders, Mowers and Rakes all set up ready to go to work and can be seen at our SHOW ROOM. It pays to buy the best and our prices are right. See our Steel Rollers, Cream Separators, Washing Machines and Wringers. * Querything for farmers / We invite your attention to the following lines of goods : CULTIVATING, Coulter & i};);, D â€"i‘ls an Caltivauss ___â€"_n Spade Har Wilkinson Ploughs, number 1 to 20, and repairs of all kinds. Shares, Soleplates, Etc. Not genuine unless the words * Wiusixsox Puovex COIPA.NY is cast on each piese. Wilkinson Fam»us 4:s«! Rolier made in t iree sections. 3s!1. Dâ€"hertv, Thomas and Berlin maxkes of PIANO and ORGAN SEWING MACHINES. A large stock of New Raymond and W ams Sewing Machines and supplies. C. McKINNON. The importance of selection of tastefal furniture and wall paper is of the first consideration. _ Our wall papers give you an opportunity to have art at home with the least possible expense. These wall coverings are an education and an inspiratiqn to cleas, harmonious living., The whole career of the child is influ«» } enced by the speech, manners and surâ€" ] roundings of its earlier years. I South ~° Midiaugh House scoTCH TOWN. Mr R J Biack bad a bee hauling sawâ€"logs to Priceyille for a couple of days last week. Mr Dan Melnnis who has been dealâ€" ing in the timber business, :s home at present. Mr C C McFayden of the Avenue, Agent, spent a couple of nights, in the penitentiary here resently and was let oct on bail on Monday morning. Mr Norman Campbeil in company with tis cousin, Miss Julia MeEachern visited friends in our burg, and attendâ€" ed service at the Centre on Sunday. We predict that No 4 Co. 8Ist Batt, will go strong to Niagara this summer, as Mr V McDonald has already teen drilling some of the burg‘s best men. We would like to know what the present was that Angus Joseph got gent to hirn from Mich, Mr Jas White from Pinnacle Hill neighborhood called on old friends here on Sunday and Monday last. Jake and Mark, pedlats, spent Sunâ€" davy in our town. Who was the young lady that raised one of the school windows recently and gave Sandy B, a loving hand wave. Louis Pollack has joined the matriâ€" monial umon and the fair sex of the whole country is likely to feel bad. At Macfarlane‘s The many who bave been under the weather in our burg, we are pleased to mention are improving The Influence of Surroundings. . _ ON WHEELS, ‘1itham and Snow 31. 233 +3 F1 ¢rins, Buggies trom Campbel!l of London. Caltivau s n Spade Har rows, Secuffiers, Etec. Also Seotch Diamond Harrows. lasseyâ€"Harris Show Parmeors‘. Pire Insurance promptly attended to. JOHN LIVINGSTONE. Wail Paper Parlors North Egremont. 00771 West of the Vjiddaugh House. | o "Auld l".n( S’M" slosed §‘ most Qnioy. able rennion of friends and neighbors numbering _ over bo. Meetings of this kind, as expressed by several, being altogether too few. The beauty and exâ€" cellence of the many flowering house plants was freely commented upon, whil« the excellence of the refreshments was demonstrated by the way in which they disappeared. antly passed in games and plays and in the art of terpsichore. _ The Scotch reel! given mercly as an exhibition how daneâ€" ing used to and still ought to be done by Mesers Jas Hamilton, Sam Ritchie, and Mrs G Wilson and Mrs J Baird was clesâ€" erly and correctly executed and elicited warm sapplanse. Speeches expressive of be pleasure afforded in meeting together at Mr and Mrs Hamilton‘s and enjoyiny their hospitality and kinduess, also words of parting and well wishes ‘tor the deparâ€" tmg guests were made by Meesrs Wm Lawrence, Jno Allan. Jno Leawrence, W m McFadder in sympathy with a mowuon voicing the foregoing sentiments of the andience, which was moved by Wm Ram age. seconded by And Henry and carried unanimously. MrWm Hunter acted as chairman and added his quota to the entertainment. Solos were sung by Mrs Jno Morice, Misses MeFadden, Miss Aggie Hunter, Jas Hawmilton and Wm Ramage. ~ MARCH 6, 1002 We have it at 25¢, 30c, 40c, 50c, and 60c, a pound. HAVE YOU TRIED RED ROSE TEA ? .(/.?urneit. Lower Town $ b F ¢/ «OM and â€" side w du« the hig Sp» wh 9W don 81 W the af t when the sidered, 1 awccepled be slighly SaArer which h: block the en WOs and the n nil 31 The . at Mr, Wedne 1J VINC Gilb, Me that 30 0 to the bri lix t« case of s1 other da pox Jâ€"yi, C3 Baden porters gation at it to be o S() N Concert and read dale pootr 1« M1 Gardeq Fresh a Store. _ Methodi Store me by Doxt the bur M Mi tP iA Bua onl new ht w t Cly Mor Th id An V W W

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