INNON. outset to 'urnett, TONE. OW up mums in Drew ' AND and ORGAN ' Ravmnnd and W YOU l RED TEA? 6, 1902 u, Faddon. Miss Aggie uni Wm Ram. .ed Ea moat enjoy- ads and neighbors 50. Meetings of be several, being ,nd. Joan. Lower Town H it at lays and in Search no! w (lano- done by -hie, and ms clov- " to the by Mrs tSt Ltt W tum. "ied mar- Wm )ns lon tho 1tl nd m " of Not ice. is also given to keep the streets elem of waggons. buggies and sleighs. and that the riding of bicycles on the sidewalks. or playing or pitching of bull or lm is strictly forbidden on any R’l'l‘t’t in the town of Durham. to wnttw. hut hhiarter theA/Gliii; trome rumon in ..c.h.arge of said animals or tbe nwnerl Will be prosecuted accord- ing to law. _ to n the 33in run limit M: .le excuses have been made by the O'an-s thpt ph_ey ms} let t_he cattle out Any infraction WI" be strictly dealt With. of mu oft Y. S. No. I, NortsAMv,v.--The pie social held in this section on Friday evening last was quite successful, the prom "tls $16.70. exceedinmanything yet made En this line. Reeve Morice was chair-nan. and pies told well. A glee clubn-ndered some fine selections, and the 4,104 by Miss Jean Brown were taisthv' appreciated. Miss Brown and Mr. Jas. Watson appeared in attractive duetts. while the recitations by the Misses Cornish were as popular as ever. Exuiient instrumental music was ren- deled by Mr. John Movice on the violin and .1: ins Maud Thompson on the mouth organ and a line solo by Mr. Geo. Alex. amle; brought down the house. The rvri: ions and flag drill_ by the pupils hm: , it? rareful preparation on the part. of l . teacher Miss. 31A'annel, who luu- we been 'tratititstl at the sucross MASSEY HARRIS MAcmst--Theve was a large delivery of machines made to the farmers lust. Wednesday through their local agent, J. Livingstone, and the town had a lmsy nppenrance with farmers from all parts who were in after their "sachinea. This no doubt speaks well for Musey Harris goods when so early in the Mason there are an many sold and delivered. We understand they Wept? all well used, and were well pleased with Hm DUST MAKE meEn CHmegE.--Thit, is the burden of a circular received from the Montreal Produce Merchants; Association which shows the injurious effects of placing such goods on the market before old and good full grass cheese have been (lispueed of. Stable fed milk it is recommended to use in careful butter making for the supply of domestic sources or for the feeding of stock. appe, SAFETY IhrtsT.--is the consideration which has moved our town fathers to block the way for teams over Lamliton St. bridge until the spring fveshet has gone by. The question of a. new bridge is right "up to us " and we hope that when the question of material is con- sidered. the claims of cement may be accepted even should the cost oeet iron be slighly "xeeeded. Nee The Big Store Windows this week. for Ladies’ Shaw's and Silk waist ends. The Annual Spring Millinery opening at Mr. S. F. Morlock's takes place on Wednesday and Thursday March 26 and 27, and following days. Miss Sweet. is again in charge and the oreparations and the goods bespeak the most attrac- tive. opening ever held in the store. Ln'ma Ttttgrits.-) lest made by Mr. Gill). Mekechnie the other day shows that so of the trees from his residence to the bridge. (on cut. side only) are a- live. This is fairly good. and we trust to see active drums made in a month or so to replace all dead 000%. Some cxcntement was amused the other day when it was reported that a case of small-pox was in town. Inveui- gation and later developments showed it to be only an) ordinary can: of chicken Mr. Jas. Patton has sold his Clydes- dale Stallion Jasper and purchased a 3-yr. Clydesdale. . Iarrd Roberts " from Baden and MacDonald, of Exter, im- porters of Clydesdale and Shire stock. Secure your ticket at nnce for the Concert on Friday evening in aid of the poor, hut it is no poor concert. A new library is being selected for the Methodist S. B. and in place soon and ready for distribution. Garden. Field, and Flower seeds-AO Fresh and reliable at. Darling’s Drug Store. New Millinery at IreUnd's. Builder, Hardware, at. claw The Big Store. Buy Four Seeds at Darling's Drug More. VOL. XXIV.‘ NO. 12 -. I Vtt' "e and Warning are horuhy given .ri'. rties keeping cattle or horses in AI n of Durham that all such .19 are forbidden, to be allowed to By Order, and they Wu'Pe all well used, fore well pleased with the MICeti of theh machines. otice and Warning. hole srge Many time In thdijwG N. MCINTYRE, Mayor. at. clove prices, at --Mr. Fielding- made his budget speech on Monday, and the showing is a most satisfactory one. The estimat- ed revenue 15 $56, 800,000 ', expenditure $51,000,000. Therefore a surplus of $5,800,000. Addition todebt for the current year about $li,000,000, though the capital expenditure had been 87,695,0m and certain special expen- ditures brought this up to over $11,000,000. The preleut year was deemed inopportuné for tariff changes and none are made To prevent an undue optimism we notice the Mail and Empire figures on a. defieiemw of $8 450,000, a diference from the Globe‘s surplnsof only about 14 mill- ions!! It agrees however with' the Globe as to the Increase of the debt and we leave the problem with our readers. Very suddenly last Wednesday mopn- ing Premier Ross was plunged into the gloom of widowhood by the death. after 2t hours illness, of his loving and beloved wife. Of late she has been much in evidence as the wise and judi- cious wife. companion and attendant of her brilliant husband. who learned to lean on her ministrations to no small extent. The Legislature adjourned at its fl rst session. after warm words of eulogy and sympathy from Hon. J. M. Gibson and Mr. Whitney. and for some days messages of condolence from far and near were numerous. The funeral was one of the lillgPSl ever seen in Tor- onm. :In.l flovul offerings. and cenuine Rem-:4 bespoke the depth of human sor- row and sympathy. The premier OCCU- pied his seat in the house daring the brief prorogntion services of Monday last and received lender marks of sympathy from both sides of the House. at, work last week putting up the walls round the already erected iron frame- work of the Power House. The steel Muses. beams, etc., for the rotary building are on the ground and the workmen to place them were. to begin this week unless the return'of snow and fNNL bus prevented. All along the line ties are delivered‘ and before the cranking of the frogs isi heard there will be a hum of industry round .. Cement town," unparalled in; Durham's history. I Gonzo TEN YrrArts.--A Seed ~FairlI Thursday, March 27.-Antrus Black has been conducted under the auspices [Lots 33x 34, (Jon 3, N. D. R.. Glenelg, of the Farmers' Institute. Of East York, ( offers farm stock and implemets for for 10 yeat's. and If!“ year 6000 bushels l, sale. No reseIVe, as proprietor ls mov- of seed grain changed hands. This ing to town. 11mos.,7pereent. per tut, means a great deal for improved grain Hugh MacKay, Auctioneer. growing in the locality. non't Forget; ._ m--....---- -tCC1CTr""CtC"C" S. G rev Seed Fair. next Tuesday in l -----au-----r-cac-2---u=--=-crcca-au.=rcr=:: Durham Town Hall. Also meeting of I Blllllllll lllllllll F s-pe- Women's Institute. I The advent. of Spring, or at least spring like weather, shows itself in in. creased activity in and around the Cenwnt Works. Some fitty men were CHARITY CoyceRt---Fridtty evening next a first class entertainment of local talent is to he held in the Town Hall, the proceeds of which are to go towards nsststing the deserving poor of the town. We hope the efforts of the workers will be crowned with success. Mt. Forest has had a committee of businessmen on,the look out. for new indushies fora year past and though they have as yet not succeeded they have continued the committee in Mice for another year. Mr. Jas. Ireland is "grim to the trontl with full and up-to-date millinery lup_i plies and visitors to his show room: will be gtwitied at the iarge and elegant dis- ( play made by Miss Rider. Mr. Ireland ( gives this department. of tus husinessi the closest attention and confidently in- ! vines inspection. i PUBLIC LIBRARY.-) Special mung of the Board will he held on Iondiiy evening. Patties having l.itt ' out should be ready to return br. ril b as the Directors have in mWr the preparation of a new catalogues, Sugar Bargains, in Barrel Loy. this week only at The Big Store,’ We bought " Car load, and have “OM40 barrels for Sale at, wsuesourriG. PotrrvoNrtn.-rThe Seed 2t, and Meeting of the women's Inst ie, is postponed to Tuesday. March 25.} Make a note of at. l Buy " pair of Slater Shoes uni he up to date. They Wear twice as Ynsr as any other make, and are so canton able. , Carpets and Lace Curtains in now ," selling for house cleaning. - The; Big Store Stuck. .. ' The Presbyterian S. B.' Q lately added to its library a fine st- Pon of new books, 1 A Junior Jmue class has heel in the Methodist B. B., and it the tuition of Mr. Will Glass. t The Big Stone- trims wall wlsrth't of charge. ,2 F, . . DEATH OF MRS. G. W. ROSS. 3 BMW AT THE CEMENT WORKS. .‘-.- 'maned under iThe Best Cure For Dyspepsia! 'te I o "y'tthfr, THE BAKER - LOWER TOWN . DIED. MCKINNCN-in Glenelg. near Burmese san, on Tuesday. Mar. 18, Donald Mc- Kinnon. aged 87 yen-s. BaADLEr-In ngremont, on the 6th inst, Miss Martha Bradley, aged 48 years. ALLAN-N Holstein, on.the 6th inst, Mary, eldest daughtér of David Allan aged 32 years. ROBINSON .Z& CORPBETIt, __,' DURHAM - and - MT. 1:382:22: "r, LATEST DESIGNS IN:MARKERS, HEADSTONES & MONUMENTS. All work warranted. Orders taken by Messrs Barclay and Noble. Feb. Direct Importations from European, American and Canadian Quarries. CALDER BLOCK (Next'Post Office.) DURHAM Mlillf ‘77 x) I (2llllll WORKS. ; Sale Register. FRIDAY MARCH 21.-At Lot 30. Con. 5, Norman by, \Vm. Calder. Proprietor, Jas. Carson will sell by public Auction, farm Stock and implements. Terms t 810 and under cash, 6 mos. credit, 6 p. c. per annum discount. No reserve. DURHAM, THURSDAY, osrAiierTiiir, 1902. ,l GOES TO FonEsT.-Mr, Fred Ryan spent two days in the branch of the Standard Bank here last week. and on Tuesday last left for Forest to enter on similar duties. Fred will be. missed in town and at public entertainments, where he was ever ready to oblige with his musical talent. We Wish him much suceess in his new ‘sphere and career. is good bread, well made and proper- ly baked --the bread that is made by ROWE, The Baker. This is the perfect bread-made of the best flour, leavened and seasoned just right, thoroughly kneaded and baked to perfection, it is easily digested and it builds health and strength for those who eat it. A. F. ROWE. Mr. Arch McKinnon is visiting at the parental home this week and leaves tor Port Arthur in a few days. His spring trip as a traveller takes him as far as the 1huntie coast. LieutAJol. J. B. McLean. who is re- covering from his recent. severe illness, is not expected back from Atlantic city until about the middle of April. --tNohe, i, Miss Jessie Lockie. of Hunover, spent. (Friday with Miss Hughes. Mr. Angus Cameron lett for Dakota, on Tuesday March 11th, also Mr Alex. McIntosh and Jno. McDougall from Muloch for Mntv'tohn. Mr. John Campbell, Swimon Park. recently of the REVIEW staff. left last week for Duluth. where he intends to remain for a time. Mr and Miss Tmynor. from near Walkerton. visited their cousin. Mrs. Arthur McClocklin. on Monday. Miss Georgia McRae has secured a. good position in a millinery establish- ment in Gravenhmst. M rs. Arch. MacFarlane, of Fiction, has been a. guest. with relatives here for the last two weeks. NEW iiiiiiiiiiii 18, 1902. m1 neeuuy parted," as witness the ehpenditure ot good "coin of the realm" for trashy, worthless. most times hurtful, so-called "spectacles" and "eye-glasses," huvked on the streets or sold by "Cheap Johns." It's "penny wise, pound foolish" to get eyesight nidem anywhere else but at a com- petent, conscientious optieitut's. Snve your eyes, save your money. bydealing at Keeler's. $50 REWARD M l WATCH THAT I CANNOT REPAIR "A Fool And His Money I. J. MRI)â€, STAR GROCERY & RESTAURANT. Give us a call WE DELIVER GOODS TO ANY PART OF TOWN. Our stock of Groceries is complete and prices are right. On Thursday afternoon and evening v r/’7ace~gm:5\/ of'; , "'i"',/'irtl.,((,' -ciii'irci'i"ti'fjC"ih, "is), § il _j'i:iii-i)'), 4 , l _ Tn yi"si) I "‘ ss' §: 1 I * il) l sr,'r, ;._(-A a ‘ :covvmoJr ly-e. I . a in we have BANANAS, ORANGES & LEMONS. ICE CREAM I 1 fangâ€: all 8tend. ONTARIO ARCHIVE TORONTO 1tgittio. il"';::::',,:,, ICE CREAM! ht Durham a8snirrnsanaroiasigirsrxagssaaaagg, 33mg mï¬ï¬ï¬wmï¬ï¬wwï¬mï¬wm 'fx'/r.illii' iti. fe., s. d f. ft7edt'eese. ti'i'i'ij' l, 'i,lPimeaiiEiiiiEiiii"ii"iiiiiti; 33333. f - . """""'T"""- motto and are determined that excellence acterize every part of this business. Price, Style, Quality and Wethod found excellent. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY er-s 'ad/ad-. Ar- 'tem-ttor tho plug. cACse,f 26tt, ana/ 377/ PATTERN HATS, BONNETS and Millinery Novelties. We have taken the word "Excellence" in. Ireland far. 'retiuut GROCKERY LAIDLAW'S OldIStlnd CHAS RAH\GE. Puma: an l’vnusnu tue '01 eehnie. price It YF ilili '3’?