)IE ot " 3, 1902 ware. U rxwell -toves MENT caching needing not fail so Clare dt " ES, was NOBLE. 81108 LACK. " s Syl- steel K 112R and m k eta. by halves; No. 28077 oaded with w. Black. ta- leto. and 1 require Iothes lssort to 1ners M evels I Iotse vane iorse to for us t3sl Honor graduate of the Presbyterian LADIES' COLLEGE. Toronto, having taken the Musical Course at the Toronto Conservatory of Music, which is in affiliation with the above college. Pupils taken at her mother ’s residence, corner of Durham and Elgin Sts: MISS MARGARET c. GUN. s,, SCOTT. GRUGERIES TWEEDS d YARNS We [13k Insuecliun (ll 0m Iiilfl W. H. BEAN . a f-u--" Don't forget the Big 4, when you "ant it new pair of Shoes forthe spring. Lace Curtains 25e, 650. 750, We and $1.25» pair. Roller Window Shades. 35c. each. Heavy Twilled Sheeting 2yds wide, 27c. " yard. Tin Big Ill is,,, JC w e can give you Bargains. Lower Town Saladu Curio" Tea, Black, or mixed , 2am and We n W. JAKE KRE ' Our New The Best Quali' T" cheaper than ex"- Undertaking . PRoMr Y ATTENDED TO. Table Linen Gt inches wide, 2.50. ayd. .. be 68 " 0. Nhe. 0. Woutan's Straw Sunnis Mc. up to Floor Oil Cloth, l yd wide, 2& Table Oil Cloth. 15 in. wide 2iic. a yd. Jake Kress. FOR MacFarlane 3100. DRY GOODS, CROCKERY, OUTS & SHOES, &c., APRIL 3, 1902 HE SELLS CHEAP I l Of best quality. Srou,td 01'! Cake, financed and £1'nsooa’ â€our! Glover, Timothy and Other Grass Seeds Druggist & Booksellers, with us. first consideration prices. Quality is at lowest market " iumns, i ins are in (ltl)ft illeli yd. With HAIR GOODS, Ladies' and Gents' WIGS, TOUPEES, BANGS, WAVY and PLAIN FRONTS, SWITCHES of every description, etc. He can improve your personal appearance. Plain features and disfigured heads caused through the loss of hair made perfection. Thousands owe their fine looks to the skill of Prof. Dorenwend. Human hair ADORNS and PROTECTS the head. Don 't fail to see his new PATENT HAIR STRUCTURE, patented all over the world. KE" Private Apartments Secured at Hotel flntdnrsday evening Mth, inst" 1902, the home of Mr. Archibald Beaton was the scene of a happy even; attended by about 60 guests When Miss Jessie A., second eldest daughter. was united in marriage to_Mr. Colin F McIntyre. son of Mr. and Mrs. Angus Cl'il'll'l.,y,ft, of Bruce Co. Rev. Mr. Newton, pastor of the Durham Baptist Ichurch, performed the ceremony. rm,., V.co, “MA _ - - , , - Miss Janie, May Fallice acted as flower girl she being dressed in dotted muslin and carried the ring in a basket of fiowews. The bride was becomingly Eowned in white silk organdie trimmed with silk embroidered allover lace, and silk insertions, and the bridesmaid also wore a becoming dress of white organdie trimmed with valencines lace and insertion. Ther; is n Lure Demand by the Trade for this class of work. Om- wnrkera can depend upon it you after year. and " you iennzo with us (whole or spare time) we wilt keen vow swarmed with work as long as you do " satisfac- toriiv for m and return it promptly. We entrust our work- ers with large qunniitiu of valuable yarn. and u we give . . -_ ,____ -..- -"""'3. The bride was escorted down stairs by her father Mr Beacon, and placed in position by the groom who awaited, while the wedding march was being Bland by Miss Hazel MeGregor, of urham. Miss Maggie M. Beaten discharged the duties of bridesmaid, and Mr. D. J. Greer swod by the groom. " at anv ttme Mter you commenc,e. and have done an nmmmt of work M113! to the Purchase price. and with to df-tttttttttes. WP w"! take back machine and refund the llmnvmt mm for same, after deducting cost of our ex- rey", orttv. - - - - - - v "l: ir., WNW/rum to size. . "1w maria-m rum he operated by any one of a. ‘family. [ml at am- vines unv energetic family should be able to en 'utr, thnmvnlvnq rimtortartoly. and in time be a source of Ir-i-r-vt/rt rorvsrort. , "Hr vrrv. is lo 3nd out each machine to beginners with a cxnk’ or str'rrkirsr,rtrartial1y knitted, and remaining in thr rrrnchine ready to be continued. and aim enough yarn in krttt one pair of sample socks or stockings and a simple uni rnmnleie instruction Gu‘de. showing how the work Is to he dour. When the samples have been finished and nil-mm! to n: satisfactory, we send a. quantity of yttrtt. v-‘v’r? van in.†and return I'vewiso when finished. we pronm- char-Ens on all work one Way. and our workers pav rptr'ro rlmrucs. Tho work. as we have stated, is aimple and rpt-x'trrv. r'o'to. the machine having a capacity of ten thou- sand siiir‘hos a minute. We have many person. now in our "win" who ("an knit from twenty-five to thirty pairs or par-in or slnr‘k'm‘rs a day, and where the time of a. family ts devoted to the work, you can readily see that 815.00 tir Wm “0? week can he easily earned. “a: furnish our w'irkers all the material's. yam. etc.. free nrerl e"orythirtrr that is neccs‘n’w tor tho work. We In» f-'rn'~hinz the machines tttsly for the exclusive use if the†r‘ne'rlnq to lake employment with in. who must. in owl» to hocnme a mOmber. send Us this Contract Order Pawn rteortrr.tr ohrrreWtrrthrrm. and atlas: one Ga refer- ertep. and remtttttttro accordingly. to give us the necessary “mu-awn that the u'mniities of valuable yam we maysend from Hm to time will not be wasted o minppropmgod. 0' " “women: are mutual. and this confidence - he es- inhl'eiwd if we are to succeed. We manntee fair dealing and â€can" "when! for work. so do not ask us to deviate from our torrnq. van-we cannot make a distinction with one and not another: besides. we are doing an exteiisivn busi- nn". and ww-i he governed by business prim-in es. The manifav-i'u-M nrico of the machihe $115. and posi- tively will nhi ho mid to any otherrtm those who will agree _to do knittimz for us. . . T i More Honie Knrtters)hfanyte)d this to sandy the vorlismg for mart The large expor- British Columbia, l',rotterl r’nm'md ro 0"Wnt'rm of the 1 We wish to secure the services of families to do knitting for us in thcir names. uux' method is the same as adopted tn England. We are. the introducrts of this plan and the largest knitting concern In Canada. Amer long cxperienco, we have been/ able to produce an Atttomatie Machine by which all kinds of seamless knit- tln: in now done by our Family Machine, thereby enabling n;.;nn.,y or ordinary intpmm-nge_to qujckly learn. to hiontyt being mad ro_si.'mple, anymc or ordinary intelligence to quickly learn to do mi work from the Instruction Guido All we require is tha yul: use the muvh ne according to directions. The Machlni bein': made exrrmasly for this purpose, and the operation In 83mph. it cumm: passibly make a m‘smke in itts work. Tltr' great demand rmw Is for Bicycle Stockings. Wood mwx's 9.00119. and .‘|'(-tormen's Mittens, and as we are an lhh' to saplv the d"!““!id. have taken this method ot no NO CONNECTION WITH ANY OTHER COMPANY; Mach?!" '.t'n'rrsa 17 pounds. " “more W‘ my.†mm n sewing machine, just " tlura.'ila, and high" not“. PROP, DORENWEND Remember for Only 1 Day. First-class cut hair, especially grey and white hair, taken in exchange In; l'strr,o. emu-r! trade to the North-west Territories. tish. (‘.-1-.;mhla, and the British Colonies, furnishes an un- 'ter': “mind for our goods. ttred, with the combined co- 411an of the many nannies “a are employing, together " the Inr7,.? amount of knitting we are able to turn out, -r.'p'o we save rents. insurance. interest on capital, etc., A. P, m to ttnrrtttsli any manufacturers of this class of .'-i, an"! rpry have sale tor all the knitting we can have He will be at Middaugh House, Durham, Merntyrxr--Beaton. HYIENEAL. THURSQAY, APRIL rr. id/iriiuaETFiiot, m? ?0OllNC, Busm5§s X'qr finished bicycle stockings " $10.01) tun rate of 10e per pair; woodmen'a ."rpen'? mittens. lee a pair. All other COMING! :‘BALDNESS Ullucl "Iv ullcuuun U! n run In itU mums}: ts.'. .' 4:4,". - n - , -*'¢“.‘,.'T the GLASGOW WQOLLEN LG. is: i(ir: .r. ' 37 mum tm, 10393410; xii Ff,:,,'-".:-,' To Fiil Largo thhntrager-. tload Wages . IllIlliilll ~3‘eijj-‘zf. Easily Earned. . I I rk1i,j"ff,s',.. g " 4 , Mg}: it _.' " --'""-------.- wig-35;; W',," .3. We want a few more workers In this '5MI, iii I"? i, Ji":.) locality, at once, and in order to secure Bg,R?41. Bllt 3* your tm-operation without tho delay of rq)b),i,,,"')ili', a . it?iiii'eyr: correspondence, we herewith explain i:'i':'ri-jf'd'litiillgts tj'iii?i;i1'q our full plan In this advertisement. ix." ' 'itit ",re7rlt'!sli The work is simple, and he Machine . M Eii,ttjg Is easily operated, and with the aside, ‘ aa, W 51: requires no teacher. If you wish to t . ,1 lille John our staff of Workers let us hear from you Ell Illitgiiil. promptly with the Contract, order form, and re- IilElli MIBii, mlttanco, as a guarantee, and we will send ï¬g???" machine and outfit to begin work at onco. " Iliili To Work at Thelr Homes Under the Direction of The GLASGOW WUO‘LLEN CO Thin Hair, Discolored Hair, etc The bride was the recipient at a large number of valuable and suitable presents. The happy couple left at f Continued on page 4. Among' the guests from a distance were I The groom’s brother, Mr Arch. McIntyre and wife, two sister's Misses Maggie and Jennie McIntyre, Miss Me- Donald, Miss McRae, and Me. D. J. Greer, all from near Paisley. Miss M. McGillivray. Katioand Alex. Brown, Bentinek, Miss Hazel and Flora Me- Gregor, Alex. McArthur Mr McKenzie and Mr and Mrs John A. Graham, Durham, Mr. John Ellison and sister, of Watersville, Mr and Mrs M. K. Beaten, Flesherton. The night was spent in social pleas- ure. song. music, games and merry chat. Mr. Newton was jollv and chucked lull of fun, and is likely to get all the knot tieing around the Center from this oat. At the completion of the ceremony congratulations were showered, upon the happy couple, who were afterwurds escorted to the, artistically decorated dining-room, where a sumptous wed- ding repast was served, another follow- ing at midnight, and still another at break of day. , and wit? . .....3 _............................... ............ ......... doing the work. This is the beat offer eveemaitu for itiis benefit of Canadian! who want to work and make money " homo. Be sure to use this form when I enainir "ir/tr,.",.:,',,",; tanco for the machine and outfit, £11m: '.vou"ugusrtem/t, In and have signed by at least one good reference in the groper place. Tear oft and return to us. and also state here how 2:1ch tgnepai'gu f1% devote to the work: also ow you v15 0 6 f wee month . ht the work. y, 1y, or as you lend .n-uo... .n-o ..0.q.........-........ ............ Send your remittance by Express, Money Order, Regis- tered Letter, or Poat-ottiei, Money Order, and we will romptly forward machine. outfit, and simple mud. for going; tht york." Thiy is the beat offer ever made for the Nearest Express Office is For reference I name th County . . , , the Glasgow Woolen Co., 37 Melinda Bt., Toronto. Gent1tymcr-f ddéire to do the work as described in this advertisement. and enclose 815 to Day for one Automatic Knitting QL1P,,ei together all' THEN“. instructions, and eve t " nece‘sary or e war ' t e same to be sen tn me iir. Express, CHARGES PREPAID. t It is understood and agreed that any time after I have done an amount of Work equal to the purchase price, $15. and wish to discontinue, that the Gimow Woolen' Co. will take back the machine and outfit, and after deducting their expense, refund me the amount Paid to: same. Ottr 'tererenrrn--Esttrr" ronirnntes, Banks. or Toronto mm- Iu-ns Hullsâ€. If you wish to examine the machine and see the ma.- terial before undertaking the work, you can do so by sending: $3.00 as a guarankge of good faith, and to defray expense of shipping, and a will send everything to Your nearest express company, leaving a. balance of twelve dollars to pay the agent and 25 cents for the return charges on the money to us. We are so frequently and unnecessarily asked if one can learn to knit without a teacher. We Bar, Yes; it requires no teacher: any person ot ordinary Ontellixence who can read the Instruction Guide can learn to knit at once. --------0rtV 1roItBr----L- $5.00 Cash Contract Order Form,, We have, in as brief a. manner as possible. endeavored to show vou what our work is, and we simply say as to the machine. it is Just what we represent it to be, and will posi- lively do everything we claim for it, or refund the money. Earl) machine. securely packed with an outfit, in set up for work, tharovguy team}, and a sock or stocking partially knitted before boxing and shipping. Should you decide to ungage with us. it will be necessary to send us Cash Con- iruct Order Form, properly signed by you, and at least one good reference, together with the remittance. accordingly. upon receipt of which we will forward machine and oatttt ready to commence. Respectfully yours, references as to our honesty and Integrity. we must at you to do the same.1n order that we may know with whom ws, furs dealing. _ ...... o... .......... .... Sender or head of family tit possible) mustAn (ir',1uliltil Yrlill!-L58 to,, 37 Melinda Street. Toronto nune .... ......o-.. ...... h to hear from you r form. and re- V3321 Feb. 8r, 1902. ROBINSON ' CORBETT, DURHAM - and - wr.Prtgttgr; LATEST DESIGNS IN MARKERS, HEADSTONES & MONUMENTS. All work warranted. Orders taken by Messrs Barclay and Noble. Direct Importations from European, American and Canadian Quarries. CALDER BLOCK (Next Post Office.) Mlllll MARBLE ap"" x» i] (llllllllf Ilia. A Fair In 30 mates is at .... ...... .... the following person Col... on... 000000 n.0,; That we'll sell reliable Seeds as cheap as the cloeapest---Mangtu, Carrot, Sugar Beet. Turnip and other seeds. J N 0. A. DARLING, Druggist. fljlllljliil'8 DRUG "rl"ilillii ONTARIO ARC TORONTO 5'. i ' ï¬le UUnaaaE Prepare For The Pesky Moth. .Street , er W m F."; RallllMfl here: coma adjourned to meet It Hopeviu.’ on Sunni†Much 29th 1902. Blmw---Wriglst---'rut the Clerk notify interested pubic: that the council will meet in Hopeville on Much 29th at lo a m. fer the consideration of the upon of B. T. Wat. Township Engineer. on drain No. 17. i Corbett-iw-Thu the by-lun for Who appointment of ‘pnthmuters. fence viewers nnd pound keepers havingvbeen read the necessary mum-ct of times. be now signed and sealed. Wiaon--Wrieu--Tut the sum of ol oo be paid to It several persons working on the survey o drain No. 17 ac per the engineer's eertithmte, also tut the engineer be paid' $M.oo for work on survey end 040.00 for plans profile and tspecifications and $1.50 pant card. (bi notitieUron of parties interested in the drnin. . l Pride-sh-hi/it - ir ailleepie paid the sum of 87.00 for set-vim manor Pri.no~sha}l7r'b2'c"'§'."'iic'iivish be paid the sum of “(Moo for building bridge on 12.8. li:.eon. 6 div. 1 and ft, me tihtt--Wrsgut---Tut John McArthur Priceville be mud the sum of M.oo for servicu as abitruor in a dispute between the Township of Proton and It. J. Porter in the your 1900. relative to the price of gravel, Cottysw-suw-.-Toet Joseph Galleon harps-id 6ogyrtta for gravel div. ft. "rW"-Wiltrotr--Tlut McCullum and Prat» Owen Sound be mud the sum of 310.43 for supplies as per bill rendered, and M. World $10.48 for election supplies. Wilson- -Wrteht--TUt J. ll. McIntyre be paid $16.50 for printing auditors re- port, Wrigpt-rWihum---TUt the clerk pre- pare a. by-law for next meeting of Council for the purpose of granting a bonus of 20 cents por rod to help to build wire fences along the roads of the municipality such roads be subjects to the approval of the Council. . Wrhrui--Wiuon-.rut McCallum and Pratt Owen Sound be mud the sum of 310.43 for supplies as per bill rendered, and M. World $10.43 fnr "L-r,'-, -.~-»-»I=-~ Cortsptt--Shaw--Tut the sum of 815.00 granted last year on townliue Prot " and Melanctbon. be expended this year provid- ed Melnnctbon supplement. and for extras $2.00 being grant of 1901, and that Donald McCormack be paid 866 - go for building bridge on con. 18 lot 6 being grant of 1901. That comes like a thief in the night and ruins your rarest Furs and Woolen Clothing before you are aware of it. Protection is afforded those who use Camphor and Naptha Balls and Moth Killer for all Garments which are liable to destruction. Now is the sea- son that they get in their finest work and the time for you to use the best precau- tions. Vrieus--Wihsou--TUt John H. Rich- ardson he paid the sum of 81.50 for build- ing bridge on 12 S. R. North of Can. 16 and for extras $2.110 has... "M... 4 'dh-q urnluuge Act, constructed under drainage by-law No. 26 ol the Township of Proton. Wr1ght---WiIt- That the treasurer be paid the sum of £6.00 foe one valise and one day book be having purchased and mud for the sauna by order of Councnl. Corbett-- Wilson-.. That Wm. Good- Iollow be paid $4.oo for rep. road between Mr. Dugald McLellam-s and Mr Samuel Edger-tons $2.75 to he charged to div, 5 and 01.25 to div. 4. Wilson-Wright-That the treasurer receive the sum of $68.00 from Henry Laybourne of the Township of Melanc- thon, being the assesment on his property for digging drain under the municipa! Druinuge Act, constructed under drainage bylaw No. 26 of the Townshin of Pram- Proton Councnl met at Saturday March 10th Iuog council all present. the] Corbett, presiding. 3:3 lyotyt/......-....Cr.r..' 'orkera...Lr.r. Potatoes. per bag Bran.. B............., Shorts lhem, far Cm............ Fleur......... .'.....r..... Oanueal................... Wheat................,.... Peas........................ Barley..................... oats........................ Lambs..................... Dressed Hoo, per cwt Hogs, Live weight..... Butter, fresh roll per lb Batter, Tub.............. Ears....................... Hides, per cwt.......... Calfskin, per lb........ Sheepsknus............... Tallow rendered per ll, Lard, perlb.............. EJURHAM MARKETS. PROTON COUNCI L.................. 2 or, '.--....... 50 I met at Hopeville on 15th [902. Members ot an!" the Reeve. Jas. H. A: Gillespie be ai i ttuik's 0 trr At a 110 160 445 12 15 8 oo 10 00 " GO M 00 14 14 lo 50 olr19ol, loo 110 445 o 50 00 50 16 15 lo 76 55 38 o Intending Student: would em " beginning of term, on: noon than possible. sun and Equipment. The School is equipped for full Junior Leaving and luriwhuon work. under the tb.'lowtng Matt of Competent Mm for that Dement ' T1108. ALLAN, mm. " MORRISON. B. A., (Specialist). Am. mu .xxss LICK, B. A., Chaim Ind loam. , . . PM: can pa -- up. "'"tte, c. L631". BARRICTER. BOLICITOR IN .UPREFE C CUR? NOTARY Punuc. COUMICIIONER. m. OFri'rCE---Me1ntyre Blame. Company And print. Funds to Lana on lot-angel " lowest rates of More“. Vain-lion and. " 50011190an and mum Vulnuor. maott.--rn o. Sound. on Tut-alum Avril l, Mrs. Harry Wilson (nee he .v.ut.rrt.tytit,ttrm ..dtsutrbter of In B‘RRI’TER. SOLICITOR. l noun" PUILIC counnncul. ac. oMee----LoWEtt TOWN. DURN' . Collootlonl and Agency promptly “and“ to Willi. Doodn. Hot-cm“. new, Agreement- &e.eorroetly prop-mod. Estate- at 1T"irg0tic was look-d after and Executor: and Adm uls- truors’ Account: prepared and parked bun-nut. Court Basins“. Promo. of Will-. latte" of Ad. mlnmution cud Guudlmuhip Obtained. sear- chu made in Real-my Omee and Tm" nporud Collections of all kinds promptly attended fo _ OFFICE- - McKr-Izie‘s Old Stand Durham Durham School arristar, Jyeearv, Goa veganccr, tlee., etcâ€... Money to Loan at reasons ole rates and on terms to sun borrower. ARTHUR H. JACKSON OFFICE FIRsT DOOR EAST CF the Du nun Pharmacy c'our't, Block. Residence first dour west of the old Post office, Durham. a. P. TELFO RD. J. G BUPNN, (lilllll)llil) AAA AAA Jlllllll CAPITAL. Authorized CAPITAL. Paid up.... RESERVE FUND 'rtt DAVINUS BANS. os',etcst allowed on savings hank deposits of 81.00 and up- wards Prompt attention and - facilitr afforded custmuora living at distance. AGENTS in all principal pm Ontario. Quehi-c. Mmulnlm. l States and England. W. F. COWAN, President GEO. P. REID, Manager. c. A. FLEMING, Principal. Spring Term begins April lst. A general Banking business â€mum-led Drafts issued and collections made on all points. Dolmsiis rereived and inlet- est allowed at v-Izl'ren' rates. SAVINGS BA.N's _ Will give you an unequalled cppo ity of securing a thorough Show or Business Education. A trainjn either of our departments will 1 your services in demand. Full particulars can be had free addressing a post card to CONVEYANCER ' VALUATC‘R lunar-net Agent, RESIDENCE and orrddk%u um UPva Towxmumuu. Telephone Cenneetien Ne. " OWEN SOUND. own MONEY TO LOAN I SPRING TERM DE NTISTRY. Dr. T. cfif'irik L. D. s. G. LEFROY McCAUL. W, S. DAVIDSON. DURHAM AGENC Member Colluo Physician and lawn; Ontario. OFFICE IOU!!! tr-12 B. M. 2-4 u. n. NOTARY PUBLtC, COMMISSIO L; "dri'GiaGii'i'ir'ii, ;....‘ “I? head Office, Toronto Charge. Mederate Private Mongy to Loan DIED. J K ELLY, Agent. In unequalled cpportutr. fa thomugh Bhorthand luatiou. A training in departments will place " THE principal pom" .n Mountain. United (Over the Bank $279M Farms bow h and wk? NEE '2,01tu,oot. I.000.(IJO . WINK†by "