loan any time. no they are ad- "new; to the pan. "Yesterday six mun rode out a few .11.. and they did not return. A cunning party was sent at, nttd they were all found dead. I do not. -'V .....~.v.u5. an we were in the midst of the Boers. Wo are still with the C. M. R., so Ire wNl protected. We are on- trenchvd. and to one side of the fort our camp is situated on a level plain. all surrounded by mount- ttt '10 the east is tho ttill Ma.. ha. through which is the pans to the Orange Free State. There in quite a lot of fighting going on "and up. We expect to meet the L... ---- A1,â€, -- Corp. D. H. Baird, of the 10th Hospital Field Corps. sends a re- W,', of the killing of six Canadians. . ritlng. ho says: 'On February 26th we left Durban for the lront, " there was considerable fighting going on. It is difficult to get water to drink, nnno to wash in. and it has to be Dolled. line first night in camp here was very excitimr. n- - - 7“__,__.,. IF, -v-.-- cavern-nu? In ttrt On Bnturulay Gen. 2'ura1t-Iut.rlhimylrir in Bottrh Africa. I received a cable-gram from Colonel g of ther military zeal. But tl Evans to this enact: â€Regiment ita', 'rltrpristtNt, trt".".uytinir the action and behaved very ereditahly. I 1Pe? trom which he Is'prnl Retrot loosen." I'dP. year- or an» my. .--. CABLE FRO.“ COL. EVANS. Hon. V. W. Borden has sent a ta " to Lord Dnndonnld's message of mun-day awning: "ThanO tor your SotNrr1ttulatiouc" I appreiate apiendid stand GGL dian Monntnl ititimr; how much I regret heavy looses. (Signed) Rob- erttr." London, April 7..--utrt Minto, Gov- ernment House. Ottawa, Ont.: "I have ten-graphed Kitchener hearty Congratulations to hoop: who did no well at Klein "arte River, Slut March. but I would like to acquaint tho Canadian Government how much The following message has been re- ceived by the Governor-General trom lord Roberts: MESSAGE LORI) ROBERTS There are two more wounded than were first reported. making the total list of casualties GT, made up as fol- lows: Killed, 11 "ort-eouttnitrtrioned ot- licrrs and Ins-n: wounded, 4 omeer. and 42 non-eommimrioned officers and .91). Several of the wounded were hit twice. showing: that the Boers main- tained a hot fire. April 6, at Charleston-H. R. G Agassiz, Torynto, dysentery. At Pretoria--. Private John Arthur Wilson, rnterie fever, London. Ont. Father, Edward Wilson, G22 Hamil- ton road, London. April G, nt F.1n.mitrrontein--prirnte Wm. Robinson, Halifax, onteric fever. Father, Thomas Robinson, 9 Doyle til-eel. Halifax. PTE. WM. ERNEST M‘PHERSON. Charlottetown. Next of kin. Mary Jane McPherson, Charlottetown. m. It. LIDYD, enlisted at Revel- utoke, B. C., in hand. Next of kin, R. Lloyd, Leamington, England. m. FRI-301mm K CHARLES WILD- MAN, Ham‘lton, in arm. Mrs. A. H. .Wilzlman. 91 Jackson street West, Hamilmn. his mother. PTE. MICHAEL MURPHY. I'etr'rboro', in scalp. Next of kin, Connor Mur- phy, 3;: Lewis street. Peterboro'. LANCE-CORP. JOHN CHAS. BOND, Toronto, grand vather, J. 1'. Bond, 26 D:ririnn s.rvot, Toronto. FTE. ALEA. FERGUSON. Toronto.. Father, n. A.‘l-‘erguson, 171 Madi- son ave-mun Toronto. PTE. HARRY E. BALLARD. former- . " R. c. It., in shoulder. sNesT 1 o? Inn, Mrs. S J. Ballard, Milford. Ont. ' PTE. CLARENCE K. liOlilSON, Lon- don, in thigh. Father, B. It. Rari- aon, 111 Howard memw, Windsor. PTE. P, A. t'TKK, Guelph, in thigh. Broth". Wm. P.vtw, Morley, Mich. PTE. JOHN MPYDKN KENDELL, London, Ont, Lamar, George KPH- , do". Cltathun, Out, _ PTE. FREDERICK ('OOI'ER, Toronto, 1 in thigh. Fatlurr, H. C. Coopvr,‘ 301 Dovrrrmn-t road. Toronto. J. W. MILLl-LV, London, Ont., in Jaw and leg. Father, John Milieu, Wind- ham Centre. WILLIAM STUKI'E. London, one, in thigh. Next or kin, Janna Stokes, Fmgnl. Cmt. JV. F. SMITH. Ottawa, in arm. For- merly ll. C. F. A. Next of kin. Fraabeth Smith. the Good Shel» beru'o, (int-bro. ' l amunnm “OI'NDED. l 'AltIliF'.rt-BFHtGT. A. M. DEWAR, Ban Chin), Nipisning. BERG? E. A. ML‘NHO, London, Ont., grazed Father, Jams, Munro, 610! J’rlncess :nvmuu-, London. EHOEINGSMIT}! J. A. MINCHIN. Guelph. Ont., in leg and head. Mother, Mrs. A. Minchin, Clyde, Ont. l'LAYTOS a. CUR-SON, Toronto, in forearm and hip. Father. P. H. Cor- lon. 1:01 (nrlton trtrrwt, Toronto. FRANCIS A. SMITH, Toronto, in cheat. Next of km, Mrs. Jam Smith, 66 Grenhlic- atreet. Toronto. DANGERUI‘SIA' WOL'NDED. EARRIEI; SlinuT. GEO. McKUGO, Rose-land, B. c., in left breast. Formerly Ytratheoua'q Horse. Mo- ther, Mm. John Haskell, Cutrtom- Noun, London, Out. J. A. WILKINSON, Guelph, Out, in face and rtght forearm. Mother, Catherine Wilkinson. Clyde. Ont. PIE. Mum Tl-LVMANT, formerly 2nd Battalion, M. C. Il., Moncton, N. B., In head. Father, James Tennant, Fredericton. N. B. SEVEKELY WOUNDED. I SIX OTHERS KILLED Ottawa, April 7.-.\ supplementary I'D! ot the casualties among the 2nd Canmian Mounted RUIN on March 31 w- reamed 10-day at Government non-e from Cape Town. The list is as Idlowa: . . In the final Rush at the Hart’s River Fight. PIP-TEEN wiiiiirijiij WERE CAPTURED DANHI‘ZRUI'SLY ILL Very egcitlpgras -rBro "et"ttrtett His Ccm-iulol. Corporal s. MCL. Howard. reported damn-ouch wounded, II a non of Mr. Stuart Howard. Mutant City Bar- veyor of Mantra], Itrorder to emit Howard Realm-ml Ills ,- ....,§.uuu. EMS returned to South Africa. but being unable to go up to the lighting line on nccmtnt or his recent when he did picket duty near Cape Tttwet and returned home In June hurt. Be PP.- onustpd with the third contin- gent in Toronto in December Inn. H- -,'-llll's- I LW. years of age 1nd was ho Halifax. His rather was a eha In the British army, and My mo Mrs. Agassiz, of London. l-Ing.. danfhter ot the late (Sonora! mun. When the Second Cane 119trtingent (the ("gunman Mon Rinmo was formal. he was a me, pt the Burford squadron of the ond Dragoons, and had previt been a member of A unmnnnr. I.._.-_ n!“ -- - ... “cum nomad Gnrnault Agas- siz, dangerously ill, had had rather a rough oxperiance in scrv'mg the Empire in South Africa. He is full or the military zeal. But this is not surprising. t"oyyriering the fighting stock tram whinl. n- “k -- ' i A story illustrating tho unassum- 1 lug naturc of Corporal Knin‘eley, of ithe Canadian Dragoons, who was l killed at Harts River, was in circu- Ilotion at the City Hall yesterday. l He enlisted in Toronto and was very Iwell lairwn here. but (lid not reside in tho city. When he Mas altered [the sr, and matchbox granted by i the city to, each ol the Toronto men lhe inquired the terms upon which the gilt was made, and, thinking that btcatvm his home was not here he had no right to them, declined them. Capt. Mllllgun a Good Shot. The career of Pte. Milligan an a. rifle shot was notable to tho very" moment he left Canada. During the} few days the regiment waited at Halifax he took part in a number ot competitions, In one he made 97 points with 8 feet of wind. and in another 98 paints on a still day, with the thermometer below zero and two feet ot snow on the ground. ills achievement! were highly pulled in letters written homo- by Lieut. F. F. Clarke at the time. . Private Anglia. Pte. Henry Roland Gnrnnult Agas- siz, dangerously ill, had had rather (It rough. experience in scrrim! the Corporal J. C. Bond is a son of Dr. J. P. Bond, of 20 Division street, and has had much uperivnce in the (-ampziign against the Boers. He first wmt to South Africa as a nwmber of C' Battery, {wound Canadian con- tingent. Afterwards he joined Howard's Scouts, and was pt'r"sront with tho "orpm. at the time of the ‘dcath of that gallant officer. For- merly he was a number ot the Q. o. R. ‘ Atcr. erg'm-Ion is 2t years otage, a son of Mr, n. A. Forguson. of Madi- son avenue, and a graduate or ttr Ontario ('oilegz- of i'liurmacy. He “as a member ot p, (Yunnan); 48thi Highlandrrs, "and holds the Marguer- r-ttc Cup tor rifle shouting. He went to South Africa with tho first do- tmhmmt of the last contingent. Frederick Cooper is a son ot Mr. Henry Cooper, ot the Dominion Cas- ket Company, for which company he worked previously to â€Misting for mrvioe in South Africa. He is 22 yearn old and was {or several years n 'h\nor.hA- _.. WV Mt _"' a. -w-I‘v uu IVE" A "irrumrrtaruus, that addmlvmig- ham-y to the grief felt by the mother was the receipt of a letter from Frank yesterday afternoon about the mum time that the casualty list was being published. It was dated March 1. at Newcastle. Natal, and related that soon after the arrival of the mntlngont it was n red by Gen. Lord Kitohnnor. , Toronto, April 8.-Clnyton S. Cor- son is 21 years old. as son ot Mr. P. H. Carson of P. H. Corson & Co.. per- fumers, Adelaide street west. and a nephew of Dr. McPherson. ot Carlton street. Just before leaving for Mouth Africa he boarded at 219 Jar- vis street. Formerly he was a stu- ident at the Dufferln School, after l which he became a shipper for Gar- slde & White, wholesale boot and shoe merchants. He is an all-round athlete. and holds a medal for run- ning, as well as a reputation for good work as centre scrlmmage in rugby. He was also a member of the Champion Dntterin Lacrosse Team and was extremely popular. Francis A. Smith is the youngest son of Me. J. K Smith, of the J. B. Smith Lumber (fompanv. and was a corporal in the GA}. Bodv Gum-dc. so you can imagine how exciting it is. On February 28th reports of the Boers’ advance came in, and great preparations were made for defence, digging. trenching, etc. I slept a few hours, but it was too exciting to sleep much. On March In Lord Kit- chener camp over to our camp and impacted us.“ "We had a double guard on last night, about 200 men. There are a few thousand soldiers about us. but there are also about 12,000 Boers, to, know 'what rompany they belonged fr. Kulaclcy'n Modesty. THE WoUNDKn. 'sprur'tt. ’He iii NIH. and was a i. 1lody, Guards, 7----_-..‘..,.. London, April Ith-Tho London limes in its second edition today publishes a doapntch from Klerks~ dorp, dated Wednesday. April 9th. announcing that acting President tttharttntriier and other members ot the Boer Government arrived here by train April 6th, and that messy:- were sent out, inviting President Steyn and Gen. Delarey to come in and meet than. While Boer Leaders Ito-act. It is Grasteu that the Ctnal decision or the burghers will be made: known ,_., -»r--- v, V†uncut IVuJ' to Klerkedorp. Southwestern Trans- vaal. where General Botha, the Transvaal commander-in-tvit, ar.. rived Monday. April T. It was ex- pected that General DeWet and De- laney would attend the conference to take place there. . It is understand that the Boer lead- ers are fully possessed ot the British peace terms. and that the confer- ence then assemblan was to enable the leaders to discuss these terms thoroughly. Pretoria, Wednesday, April o.-Pre. aide-m steyn. of the Orange Free State; Secretary of State Reita, of the Transvaal. and General Lucas Meyer, L'ommander-irweehier of the Orange Free State forces, passed through Kroonstad, Orange Free State, Sunday, April 6, on their way tn ' nun - - Mourning in Gait. Gait, April T.--Galt mourns for Ser- geant John Campbell Perry, one of the Canadians killed at Harts River 1 on March 81st. He wrote cheery let- ters home, the last being from Kitch- ener‘s Kop, and they were modest missives. There was not a word about his promotion as sergeant. The Rev. R. E. Knowles announced the sad news from Knox Church pulpit last night. The effect was one bf in.. tense sympathy throughout the con- gregation. Mr. Knowles referred most feedlngiy to the calamity. Honors to the (Juno-diam. London, April tk-Farther detalls which are published of the engage-l ment with Deiarey M Harts River in the Trancvaal, emphasize the fact that the chief honors of the fight, which was very severe, went to the Canadians. ' , --_"eie" -..q9v u u“: pre, indications are ftiitrlled, and 'lransvnalers agree to sax-rel the backbone of Boer reslstance be broken, and that the Free 5. Prs’ opposition will soon be t come. I The Hague, April 9.--h report is lcurrent in official circles to-day ithnt terms ot peace in South At. rica will be signed in a few days. It is impossible to verify the report on any definite authority. The Atrsrociatod Press understands that the peace negotiations are progressing satisfactorily, so far as the 'Iransvaalnrs are concerned. but the latest advices indicate that there is small probability of the Free Staters surrendering in a body. The negotiations, thus tar, have been mainly explanations of“ British intentions.. It has been made plain. to the leaders that their surrender will nut entail ban. ishment, and this has a potent in- fluence. The leading Transvaalers urge their allies to arrange peact terms. The inner circles of the War Office believe that if the present i-ullnnt:-.._ A - --.-- - An Ottawa Man Wounded. Ottawa, April B.--Pte. W. F.timilii, n-purted sevm'vly wouttuvd in the arm in the Hart’s River fight, is an old Ottawa boy, formerly an Ptn- ployee of the Citizen, and was a member of "D" Battery during its period ot 'rtitrrt'et, in South Africa. Kingston, April T.--sprgeon-Major Duff, with the Canadian Mounted Rifles in South Africa, wired his re- latives here that be and the Kings- ton members of the contingent were all well. . The Munitobu Men. Winnipeg, April 7.-C. R. Othen, of Brandon, wounded at Hurts River, was well known m the west. He I was Ysertreant-Mnlor of Brand Com- lpany, Manitoba Mounted Ititletr. He was not a day of! duty in South All-lea on amount of sickness. He was with Major Holland and IT men when Holland got the Victoria. Cross. omen w captured. The Boers rob. bed the tuf, and he knwkcd two down with his fists. .. Private Campbell. who was killed, was a farm hand from Reston dis-, trict. He was about 28 years of age, He was a. big, husky soldier. a man anxious to (millet. Campbell worked " a blacksmith at (mater. He was a member of the Brandon Lodge of, Oddtellowe. ' _ ' London, April T.--Most recent ad- tiem' from the front any that at the Harts River engagement the British troops were arranged in the form of a "emi-circle, the Canadian Rifles holding a point somewhat in ad- vance and across the front ot the Mimi-circle. The Boers were following up a bold attack on the Twenty- eighth Mounted Infantry. when they were met with a heavy lire from the Canadians, who poured volleys into them at a distance of 200 yards Private Exams, although mortally wounded, kept in the thick of the tight, and having fired all the ammn- ‘ nitlon in his bundolier broke his rifle. Private Evanm above mentioned, wna the son of Mr. James Evans. of Port Hope, and was 27 years old. A cabiegram was received by Major Wilson. of the Vice. yesterday from Quartermaster W,. Rodden, of the Canadian Mounted 1timer, containing the words, "All well." These are taken to moan that Major Rodden took part in the recent fight at Hurts River, and that he escaped without injury of any kind. Before going to the front he was paymasler of the Victoria. Rifles. in Montreal. a. a private in tho third contingent he “and In: nomination as Den- tenant ot the Second Regiment Cann- dian Artillery. Boon after his ennui- mant he was made a. corpora), and when leaving Montreal was acting sergeant in charge ot the first quota which lelt for Halifax. Mr. Howard was " very popular man about Lake St. Louil. He was a member ot the Royal St, Lawrence Yacht Club, and was a. good sailor. He could also pull a. good oar, and non. canoeist was In the championship class. He is 27 Fears of age. ' Private Evunl’ Brave Death. Kingston Men All wen. Major Itodnen Uni-armed i57ii'i'jiitity Artcriiihtty F TORONTO Kieth-corp. 4118 London the Free Stu-t- Illed. and the to, 'surrender, OVDI‘ will Lieut. Carvuthrus, of the Canadians. sprang to his feet, and, examining that he would not surrender, shot the foremost Boer with hip revolver at 3 distance of fifteen paces. The Canadians had no cover except the short grass. Lying prone upon the ground. they fired steadily and forced the Boers to seek the shelter of a screen of trees. Many of the Boers numbed these trees and tired down on the Canadians. The latter kept the enemy tit bay for two hours. When all but fifteen ot the Gann- du troop. were killed or wounded the Boer- ventnred another and: and captured the handful of univ- on. “out. Cal-rather! was the oak Britt-h of8uee who we,- not eel-Ion. ( London. April 9.--The correspond- ent of tho Standard at Klerksdorp. Transvaal Colony. has cabled a graphic account of the battle at Dornbalt Farm, March 31, in which the British lost three olflcora and 24 men kllled and had 16 ottieere and 131 men wounded, while the Boers had 137 men killed or wounded. A small force of Canadians and mounted infantry, the corretortdcnt 0115's, were opposed by sevenlold thelr number. Six hundred Boers charged, trontidentl, calling on them to in» render. The following cabie has been re- oeivnd by the Govr'rnor-Generul: 'tape Town-D-rows. ill. onterlc fever. Tth April, Pretoria, C Division, South African Constabulary. (1071). JamesArtllur Patterson. Please in- form father. Samuel Patterson. 318 Bertrrley street. 'Dornnto. (Signed) Casualty Drpartment." -.._ W... There is a certain amount of mys- tery about the "ttttth of Knisley and Day. The battle on Harts River took place on March 31. wherein: the two soldiers namoit urn reported kill- Ki April 2., yet in tho first despatch it was stated that "rclpaned men PP- port Knisley and Day killed." A: pos- sible explanation is that these men tell wounded into the hands of the Boers and died of their wounds on April 2. Ottawa, April 9.---Orticial eoniirma- tion of the news that Corporal Knis- ley and Private Day have been kill- ed was received to-riuy, It came in the form of u (-nblogrnm from the Casualty Department. reading: "Capt- Town. April '0.-_wrinst to my cable of April 6th. (lonernl Kitchener now reports Corporal Wm. A. Knlsley and Private Robert Day. 2nd Canadian Mounted Rifles. killed 2nd April, be, tween Boschbrilt and Klvrkmlorp." Chicago. April 8.--hmyor Carter H. Harrison to-dny forwarded to Paul Kruger, at The Hague, through Mou- tagu White, Fpu‘ial Boer envoy. an official invitation to Visit Chicago as the city’s guest. tooumpunying the invitation is a resolution of the City Council, provede-d by a long pre- amble expressing sympathy tor the Boer cause and do-ploring the long continuation of hostilities. The in- vitation and resolution are elegantly engrossed on w-llum and bound in seal. Rosemary “only: to Africa'? London, April 10.-vPhe Daily Chron- icle publishes a rumor this morning that Lord Rosebery is going to South Africa. to tstudy the situation there with a View of submitting his im- prvssinns and whim,- to King Ed- ward. 1iraatreinet, Cape Colony. April 9. --The trim! of Cmnmanuairt Kritzin- ger by a court martial on the charge of having committed tour murders, besides train wrecking and cruelty to prisoners, lasted two days. No evidence was obtained to connect the prisoner with the shooting of na- tives, and one scout who had been captured by Krltzinger testified that he was well treated, and that a [mos was granted him. The charge ot train wrecking was withdrawn, and he was acquitted without cross-ex- amination by counsel for the defence. Prefers Work to Fun. Ottawa, April '3.-ahaJor Williams. of the R. C. D., Toronto, lately of Winnipeg, who was here the other day, will go again to South Africa with the fourth contingent. Re had a place on the coronation contingent, but preferred active service to cere- monial. . . ' . Combine Move Failed. New York, April 0.--h London cable to the Times reports that the London Times' correspondent, who is with Gal. Kekewlch’s foree, says it had been arranged that Kekcwich’s and Gen. Walter Kitchener'a columns should co-operate in a surprise of De- larey’s main force, starting on the, night or March Slat. However,) Kitehener's column being prema- turely engaged, the conihination was spoiled. Kekewich carried out his part of the movement, but the Boers din- persed on hearing of Kitcheneru en-l gugement, and only a few capturesl were made. and his" party. hotel which hr, their use. awaiting a. reply Knlsley and Day Killed. . - _-_-v .""""'"". my) . VWII III and tiud them Just the thing for Ruby." Mrs. Ed. Jon... 5 Christie um}. mun. b",T'ici' ltte ..!.ed., Baby's Own Tq.ttioti In In A... n.-. . .- AL." ,7 a . . Th snail, iiarii a?" ... - 1"akt or'xriand." y or hbyuulnoth f " I lug-o. th',',') s'ltlir2, _s'iii'i.itttiRtt mundane ore t ran " It . H H. F ' Ora . n " ikr'ie't1. ')litl'ilr",1r'tt,'lfNet “3...: Loan Mrs. wan: Brown. I " I we - and may iilltg him an much In: Inviting Mr. Kruger. Krltzlnxcr's Trial. party -were oediiiJiG [AL I;,. J i in! the This: (or “by. Giard ia" A Ion-en (Do-Ion. “IO-Um. INâ€... been renelrvod f or "ren. Schnlkpurger Recrulllng on Thunder. _ Ottawa. April Britleh Gov. ernment has been asked to sen-J 'three transports to take the next ‘Canudlan contlngent to South Ar ricn. The first one is expected to arrive in three weeke. and leave during the first week In May. The other two will probably leave with. in a. week of each other. It le ex. pected that the tour reqrietMutueon. autumn: the coetlnzent will be called the Sed, 4th. 5th and 6th Battalionl. Cenedlen Mounted Itt. nu. Reel-lulu will we? eon- mence on Thanh: or the next 'beta-tian contingent. It bee been decided not to In my quote toe each recruiting centre. but to tek- ell the men often-In; who you“. the '"Rtir' millionthâ€. ,7.-- --"."" greatvst harmony prevails -""'" """ '"re"We 10 Ity,, thtsy' had fewer sick than any of 1hr others. With Col. Steele are Boyd and Swill. formerly of the Royal Canadian Regiment 2 Head, Ten- nant, Watts and James, of Furath.. (tom's Horse, and Hillinm. of the Can- adiar. Mounted Rifles. All are doing well, and Hilllnm has charge of the depot. Lient. Scurlh has arrived from the Yukon, and has charge of No. if! troop. He is a great tavorlte. Cor. Steele add, that he has " Kood lot or ml'll. from colonial corps in ad- dition to those from England, and the 'Pero f “a! In h--~- -- _. H Letter From Cot. Steele. Ottawa, April fi'.--hn uliinnr resul- im: in Ottawa hula received tt lrttrw from Licut.-Cui. Nam. Steelv, ultiw South African (‘onstalaulnnn dated Pratt-rm, March G, ingvhich the w: 'ttor. says. "We arc I'unmutr tairly well now. The division has at last got some good horses, and. nomina- to my, you know whence they came. {The horses we had worn uncle“. iontt-bo:iieU, ts"tab-rHed animals from 'Austrnliu. no stamina in them. The Vanadium! wore at prcaxtltz whon I last heard of them, and are Phu. pected to be a. fine body of men. it is to be hoped tiny will have an opportunity to do the work required of them. Canadians in the South African Constabulary are in luck‘ that they did not get into the north- em di\islon, for the climatic condi- tions are much that horses cannot' live." Col. Stevie tttrther any: that‘ hit! tdistriet is supposed to be the worst tor enteric, but, strange to any, they' had tower and: than any of ilu- n‘hn" “-an At . -.-- - Another "ututher Ferns. Btoemronieit, April 'i.--Gen. Kitch- t‘nnr has nitihorize:i Piet D" 1Yot, a brother of (In? wrll-known Boer Ken- eral. Christian De Wot, 10 raise au- other [number corp» in the Orange River Felony. Lord Resolver-y is Naples. meny, is joining hii,, rdkiliiitt" at the fromâ€. Londnn, April 8.--Th" Ylturticll T, l"- I graph 10-day published a. rt-porl that l Lord Itascbory was going to Slum: Africa at the rt-quest of King lar. ward. It was received With no cred- ence. It probably arose from the tnet l, that. Lord 1ityebtyr..v's son. Lord Dal- I A Letter From the Dead. E St. Thomas, Ont., April tich,eypy:/ Um comfort bags will by th" ladies of the W. U. t If. from s.. Thomas for the use of “In 2nd Canadian! Mounted Rifles ller’ nwulh'a ago was l one filled with article» supplll‘d by! Mrs. Hugh Murpheruon. [am it he: ran, Norman Macpherson, slipped all now with his address, and request- ing a line from whoever should ro-l ceire ie. A brief letter has been, received from Bertrand Day, one of. tho mpn who was killed in the action at Kh-lnhurt's River. I as Kruger'e son is still in the niii with tire Boer commando“. , Cologne, April &--Mr. Kruger. f through a representative, has al- Hnred n deputation of Wetetptttuian Lutheran workintrmen that he in now more than over convinced that the Witt' will have a happy ending for the Boertt. Their first condition ltiii romaine independence. for which they I will cede the Witwatersrand gold re- iriun. He says that. there in more I fighting on the Boer side now than i at the commencement of the war. Kruger’s Son sum Fightlng. Amsterdam. April tg.--Tltt, state- ment published in ICuroptt that the widest son of Mr. Kruger had taken the oath of allegiance to the British Government in the Transvaal is posi- tively denied by the Boer colony hero. The Caspar Kruger mentioned must. they say. be a man of that name who is an inhabitant of Ilutrtenburg, Will Not be l'ubllnhed. London, April t?.-Wr. Arthur Bal- tour, leader of the House of Com- mons, announced this afternoon that the Government. did not consider it :Idvisnble to publish the proceedings of the conrtmartial which ordered the execution ot Hancock and Mor- ant. the orricere of the Bushvvldt t'arbineere who were t'onvivtm, of murdering unarmed Boers. '1.“ wounded. He had oevaral flesh wounds. but refused to no to a. has. pita]. Some of we Boers wanted to Shoot him when he was taken prim oner. but they ultimately thought better of this. saying: "He is too brave a, man to die t lat way.", _ All the dead men and moat-ot the Wounded had several wounds. llosebery's Son to Fight. Jiiiii; “cm ENE" m" ' it" ""' “it?! think no 'gi,og'l'Wl'Nd ren {chip 'ethsra to bombs-a in 'tttboa" all 'U found Baby'o om, MM . not -- My: littr-,"riMrs wm Cede the Rand. at prr'svnt rl/l a Gen. l’luuur 1 0min: "on". London. April B.--Gvu. Plumvr Ill: Cape Town on Monday on lxmrd Um Iran-[nu Vienna, and is homnwnrd bound tor England on throe months' leave of nbsrnce. Gen. Prumor has been: on Maw an} ' wlthoul Interruption sitter the nutbl'eak of the Swath African war. Mo m originally entrusted With lb. 00th of the mall Rhodulln force. which made a amen or plucky an! Inn-occur!“ attempt. to Mlle" 'ttttr and “bum-sent to th- l'dlot tMt-tomi, with the Ioeat link of union-moral he In. con- new tattmmeeiitste. awry - n -._.._‘ . "I wanna In "uHrr- ing from a disease ot 1hr vymi, Mulch threatens to produce total hlimln an. The new: [a mid to ho nuthmtlr, and the amiction in not of "wont developmml, but has Iwcumo more pronounced. ,-'_ -'""""". I-IIIIII. London. April tt.--u news tirpapeit from l'returin an Mr, I Mr. Balfour, â€hawking at Ir 'ds. said that no t"qgotitttiotty “mm pm» venting with Gemurat Mum-nor. who was merely Pmiittttmg a omnivrnnrv- between tite Bore. lunch 1‘s. Mr. B'il-‘mxr amied that he did not know win-tho-i’ the loader: intended to orror term." of surrender. For [mum-If, hour. not sanguine in the mattrr, uni 0w unused his harm-on; not to he tum- (ulna. Great Britain was until prn- pared to w, M tar an wan vaunted a Near ago, but that was nhsuluta-ly the lust ward. It the Boom ndiwru'd in their demand tor irtdopemterwe they might u we" akandoti tio. Min of ne'trotiatiortq. (iovrrnmonl hm Sanguine. London, April o.- Mr. Waiter LAM, President ot the [maul 1lovrprtmont Board, and Ir. lirtaH Balfour. Pr- tiettt of the Board at Trade, made rpem'ttoe Ut-day, in which tho., m- Mvntcd that the Govertunrut dovs uni anticipate that [mu-0 “I†be tho Iqutuome of the nunsim: to Han floor lenders in the mli or Acting I’m-ai- dent h', of the Tutu»- "ml. The promo†Daily News. scouting the mace runwr. disvrwllts any iden of Govemtnrnt mum-d,» It mus.- "Nor In the situation in Swath Afrlm lxul for the Bonn. That the)" are moving towards ttttconditional our- matdcr, in qultn tho â€wrap. Th.3.em little doubt that the.t cuntml vast nlistrlx'tu in the Cap." Colony. Their "omnianu'tttttrt issue orxtets to the human», and rncviw pupphea. Th '1 move about nun-h as they pleat». an't London. April IO.-." is wtatodby gossip In cotmtwtiott wmh the PI" ported potetponetuent of the premen- tation of the Bndgl‘t to the “Dunn of t‘ommons that the indlapoaitmn ot Mir Mh-hacl Hicks-Bouch is dsplo- matic. and that pnucc is impeturnB, and that tho counmuwnt prmpact of relief to the osthmuvs has 0mm"- thinc to do with the postponvmenl. 30mm: to confirm theme Mnlompnts can be found. Mr Miohuu-l bs Mr- minly unwell. Ho I: suffering from n chm of the liver. although ma condition is not sermon. , 8.0511; nominally tim the Orange Free Santa. from unison-9 ot mu ' to erase enlistment will be mlw graphed 10 nll points. It will “LT"- forn be a. case ot "mst-come-ttrin- enlisted.†The rate of my will be tho same as the 2nd Mmulml Rifles. It in unadeulood that mum-what lighter llorsvs will bo tnkr-n, the Men helm; that with light mun and rmallvr horses grentc-r mummy can he secured. Tin-re is still " good deal of Speculation about the comm-unis of the tour new corps. " in said that Major Merritt and Major Cum- emn. now oat with Col. Evans, wilt molt be given n roglmrnl, but thr'y will not return to Canada. i Ottawa. April 8.-On the principle that good stuff ties in little room this smaller siwd mm in Canada, tho-m Milena“ Who have lwretotora climbed up into the â€rumor-e trees and cheered the boy. who have pr» Vlously Bone to the war and long-rd to be with them, are now to be git/mi their opportunity. A conference took place this afternoon between the Min- Mer of Militia, Gen. O'Graxtr-Bal.v, land Col. l’inuuit, Deputy Minister. at ‘whlch the minimum height ot mm: who are to be "united for thr fourth contingent wu fixed at tive (wt tour inchec. Recruiti it: will COMIUPDCF at all the natal points in Canada about the 18th inst. No particular quota Will be assign“! to any on. stir or locality. Thus. if Toronto ms; furnish GOO good men, who comply with tho conditions of spruce, they wilt be acrepteti. Daily reports of (\nlistmnnt will be sent by telegraph to headquarters, and as soon as tho 2.000 men have been "ulirstod onion Mb. Robert Beith. who mu her-n engaged by the Militia "r'partntent to arrange for the purchaua of honour for the contingent. stuns that 000 mount. will bo bought :n tho weart, 1,000 in Ontario and 4m) in Quebec. wotxt. It the Boom ’a.n'a‘..»EQ-'& " demand tor irtuopemtenve they _M well abandon tio. Min ot luau-In. “a. Mm.Wittl- Fiugiblxm. Shem»: Jhs. any. t--" My mu. baby nil 'l;Ji'llll'lii', m “a. I 'rtlit as. hai: Own mum IllliW, In?†to tiud t chm-g. they "ale in hi- m a four hours. I ulna" allay. heap III. Tubbu In do. home “In thin" -- a . ii,thi't'Eii,yi,it',','iil, " 3.?- can} any: a! I to now u a, sttua om, TM. a. . Itr'y2t and just Twain": fut -w_ “y. if" Lr,e,,.C',',',2CC,i':,lt'2,',,',,,, 1reeoeryteieeieaport,tsvth. ii'. ?ttdt'tt'stuittite tttii; " " In. 'ihiiie, " tdh,'t,tid Wg', "awv - an . t It4h' til, Ire,".. may .'l,"g1'A'f,ftt,l Stern um... Blind Snuller lien; Lhtthtesr Morse "iptoettattcaity Ill 'f 2tdl,at,' ML? , (in In "o-o.. . out In "with! with mu. it is a fts'ggg trouble. Mrs. . Sylvan “by. On. I.†_ y In... badly mug: with “J: u“ I marmjom m ar.--" new» (up-my te.t.oriit, any: that it", "i2'riUdiCiit' tuto, In sulfat- TI f.srriuGr. F, LV, Lax-ts A cold In“ 2 very It For .1 ham lumen] Cl the ottime . win-m than u Tin-p gallium trite“ “In new tat" new: aut Anne --oor tain I no. Kiln, alarm: tut-nun tow In the I tum ti loom Ll“ pf in nus hm: qua-i (m. III In " gm Inc-r and Min hex 90ml]! In t k): RIO! two" cloth mill . My 01 hr th ttr .ll‘ wk I pl um o t» urn hem _ '0 Fi:? Inn Ill“ b ma'a hum: Dom H " and nu It TU": " In